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Ned Lamont


June 19, 2019

The Hon. Leader Themis Klarides

House Minority Caucus
Legislative Office Building, Suite 4200

Dear Minority Leader Klarides,

Thank you for your letter dated May 28, 2019, in reference to the proposed Valley Fire School in Beacon Falls.

I strongly share your support for our frontline first responders. Ensuring that our volunteer and professional fire,
police, and EMS personnel have access to the highest quality training and state-of-the-art equipment is a top
priority for my administration. As elected officials, it is our responsibility to never forget the tireless and
sometimes thankless work that these brave women and men do on behalf of our state and local communities every

To that end, my administration has committed to hire and train the next generation of Connecticut State Police by
funding and setting a goal of standing up 100 new troopers in the next two years. Working closely with the
Legislature, we were able to pass, and I have signed into law, bipartisan legislation that will provide workers’
compensation benefits to first responders suffering from PTSD. Additionally, the recently approved budget
maintains funding for operational expenses of regional fire schools at prior year levels. These measures are
indicative of my support for public safety and first responders.

I understand that this proposal has been discussed for several years. Unfortunately, our fiscal challenges, which
you have consistently acknowledged, require us to reexamine our prioritization of bond funds. Additionally,
proposals such as Prioritize Progress would further put projects such as this one at risk. To this end, I have tasked
the Office of Policy and Management with a complete review and prioritization of all eligible projects – including
the Valley Fire School. At this time we are unable to support this new project.

However, I have instructed my administration to work closely with state and local officials, and leadership from the
first responder community to identify ways in which the state can be helpful to address immediate priorities and
needs for access to existing fire training facilities to better meet the needs of the Valley.

Additionally, proposals such as Prioritize Progress, it is worthy projects like this one that would be at risk should
that type of borrowing

As always, my door is open.


860-566-4840  [email protected]  @GovNedLamont
Ned Lamont

Ned Lamont

860-566-4840  [email protected]  @GovNedLamont

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