Animal Testing

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Animal testing is basically making use of animals in experiments carried out for the betterment of
human lives. These animal experiments are carried out by universities, pharmaceutical companies and
even by students and researchers at medical schools. These animals are either bred specifically for
carrying out experiments or are caught from their wild habitat and locked up in cages. There are some
animal testing pros that motivate scientists to carry out experiments on these animals.

What are benefits of animal testing?

Animal testing helps in finding ways to help save lives of animals and humans by testing life saving drugs
and processes. A few animals tend to react the same way like humans in response to certain diseases
and allergies. This helps the scientists find a cure for certain diseases by studying these animals. Open
heart surgeries, coronary bypass surgery and heart transplantation are some of the procedures that
came into existence by carrying out experimentation on dogs. Insulin for diabetes, life saving antibiotics,
etc. have been made by experimenting on animals. Contagious diseases like small pox, measles, chicken
pox, rubella, polio, rabies, mumps, etc. were brought into control due to vaccines made by carrying out
experiments on animals.

Treatment for scarlet fever, tuberculosis, complex surgical procedures for humans were tested OK for
humans through animal testing. Tests for vaccines for diseases like AIDS is being carried out on animals.
The common animals used for these tests include rats, mice, rabbits, monkeys, dogs, goats, horses, etc.
Chimpanzees share about 90% of their genetic make up with humans. These animals have similar
reactions and somewhat similar inner organs to humans that help in determining the effects of drugs
and procedures on humans. Many transplantation operations were first carried out on animals, that
helped determine and save lives for humans.

Animals are not only tested for making lives of humans better, but for the betterment of animals
themselves as well. People often overlook the fact, that may breakthroughs in veterinary medicine has
occurred due to animal testing. Animal surgeries, animal antibiotics, etc. have all come into existence,
due to animal testing. Thus, animal testing pros prove it is very vital in saving not only the lives of
humans, but those of animals as well.

Animal testing helps in figuring out the safety of drugs on humans, before scientists begin the human
trail. You don't want people getting adverse reactions to these drugs and adding more woes to their
misery. The animal trials help minimize the chances of human death during clinical trials, saving
pharmaceutical and medical organizations millions of dollars in compensation. Also, animals, like mice
and rabbits, reproduce very quickly. This gives the researchers a chance to see the effects of the
experiments on the progeny too. Now, let us see some of the arguments against animal testing.

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