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Open CALL for Artists in Residence

Applications due before May 15 2019

In the framework of
Artists in Architecture. Re-Activating Modern European Houses

A European Year of Cultural Heritage project, co-funded by the Creative

Europe programme of the European Union
1. Artists in Architecture. Re-Activating Modern European Houses
The Centre for Fine Arts Brussels (BOZAR), the University of Naples-Frederic II and the Mies
van der Rohe Foundation in Barcelona launch a call for artists to participate in a series of
residencies in a selection of modern houses across Europe.
The project was launched in the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018,
and it aims to cross-fertilize collaborations between artists, architects, heritage
professionals, students and the general public.
The project attempts to provide answers to the following research question: How can
artists contribute to unlocking diverse issues related to the preservation, adaptation and
(re)activation of European architectural heritage?

Artist residencies will be organized as a means to galvanise the tangible and intangible
heritage values of European domestic architecture.

A series of houses in Italy, Belgium, Spain and Romania have been selected and will host
contemporary artists to reflect and work in situ.

The heritage sites chosen for the project are:

- private houses

- architecturally significant

- not usually open to the public

- witnesses of European 20th century history through the cultural figures who used to
live in there.
1. Your role as an artist in this project

Following the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018’s key phrase “where the past meets
the future” the main objective is to create an intergenerational and interdisciplinary
dialogue to define a contemporary vision based on the tangible and intangible heritage
values of these houses.

The work you will create will have to express a particular relationship with the house and
its heritage challenges and will find the power to “re-activate” a historical modern house.

Your proposal will also need to take into consideration the public as part of a dynamic for a
developing public awareness: your role is also to arouse curiosity about these houses with a
fresh perspective.

The outcome of the residency thus consists in 1 object, text, video, installation, etc.
susceptible of being presented to the public both in the house itself as well as at another
nearby location. In situ interventions are possible to the extent that they are reversible
and/or produced in dialogue with the current owners of each house.

The outcome of the residencies will also be visible in the three partners’ institutions (BOZAR
Brussels, the University of Naples-Frederic II and the Mies van der Rohe Foundation in
Barcelona), including in the form of an exhibition wall in the venues as well as on the
partners’ communication channels. Audio-visual material will be used to document the
project and the evolution of the residencies.

2. An intergenerational and interdisciplinary project

You will be in close contact with architecture students, providing an important work of
analysis and historical research on each house selected for the residencies. The documents
will be transmitted to each artist, after identification of a sensitive heritage-related issue.

The project promotes interdisciplinarity by connecting contemporary art, architecture,

history, conservation, as a means to involve the general public more closely into issues that
are normally discussed within strictly professional circles.
3. Houses selected for the residencies
- Van Der Meeren House
 Architect: Willy Van Der Meeren
 Built for: Willy Van Der Meeren (architect)
 Location: Tervuren, Belgium
 1950s (construction)
- Strebelle House (Verrewinkel studio-garden)
 Architect: André Jacqmain
 Built for: Olivier Strebelle (sculptor)
 Location: Uccle (Brussels), Belgium
 1950s (construction)
- Fiorelli House
 Restored classical Pompeiian model
 Built for: Giuseppe Fiorelli (archaeologist)
 Location: Pompei, Italy
 1920s (restoration)
- LeWitt House
 Artist: Sol LeWitt
 Built for: Sol LeWitt (artist) & Carol LeWitt
 Location: Praiano, Italy
 1970-2000 (interventions)
- Iancu House
 Architect: Marcel Iancu
 Built for: Marcel Iancu (architect and visual artist)
 Location: Bucharest, Romania
 1935 (construction)
- Vilaró House
 Architect: Sixte Illescas
 Location: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
 1928-1930 (construction)
N.B: Changes to this list are possible.

1. Criteria to apply:

You are:

 an artist (visual artist, architect, filmmaker, writer, performer, etc.).

 residing in a country of the EU.

 interested in works of art related to the fields of architecture, conservation,

and urban planning.

 willing to travel abroad for a residency.

1. The residency for the artist includes:

 accommodation for a period of max. 2 weeks in one of the houses selected in either
Italy, Spain, Belgium or Romania. The artist will either sleep in the house or in an
accommodation nearby, depending on the house.
 reimbursement of travel costs to the residency.
 a small budget for living expenses, production costs and artistic fees will be granted
for each artist in residence.
 reimbursement of the artist's personal insurance for his stay in the house.

 Open call: April 3 – May 15 2019
 Jury deliberation:
o First round: selection by the project partners

o Second round: allocation of an artist to a house based on a jury per house consisting
of the organizer, a heritage expert, and the current inhabitant

 Deadline for the publication of the final selection of the artists: June 10 2019
 Period of the residency: 2 weeks between June 15 and September 30 2019
depending on the house you are selected for

Please send us the following three documents in a single PDF to
[email protected]:
- your detailed CV (1 A4)
- your portfolio
- your motivation to be part of this project and your personal ranking of the six selected
residencies (1 A4)

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