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By Kanza Jamil
Psychology student at University of Karachi (2017)

Source: PakistanToday

Shakrukh Jatoi, is a murderer. He was convicted at nineteen years of age as a murderer

by Anti-Terrorism Court in 2013, a murderer who is still living a more luxurious life than
you and I. On the eventful night of 25th December 2012, Shahrukh Jatoi tried to harass
a young girl returning home from her sister’s valima with her brother and then, he
murdered the brother for not letting him harass the girl in peace.
The twenty year old victim of Shahrukh Jatoi’s murderous privilege was the only son of
Deputy Superintendent of Police Aurangzeb Khan and Ambreen Aurangzeb, a bright
Media science student at Greenwich University, Shahzeb Khan, who came to Pakistan
to attend his sister’s wedding but had the misfortune of crossing paths with Shahrukh
Jatui and his friends who took a fancy to Shahzeb’s sister, tried to sexually assault her
and then murdered Shahzeb for objecting to their hideous actions.
Source: In memory Of Shahzeb Khan

For more information on Shahzeb case, check out my article in the link below.

Shahrukh Jatoi is the son of a feudal landlord Sikandar Jatoi, and this factor alone,
belonging to one of most influential feudal families in Pakistan, who have connections
to people in all of the powerful positions, enables this murdered to get away with any
and every crime, including sexual, murder, illegal possession of weapons, fleeing
country on false documents and lying on the stand about his age. This dangerously
privileged boy was convicted of all this and still the case has been on for six years
because all the crimes in the world and their practical conviction are enough to make
the son of this influential landlord of this to serve time in jail or pay for his crimes.
Apparently, he has too much money to be bothered by petty little things like being held
responsible for his action.
Source: Samaa TV

Sikandar Jatoi is a rags to riches contractor and he is really famous in the construction
industry for his impeccable talent of squeezing money out of different departments of
government. Shahrukh Jatoi's father Sikandar Jatoi, who owns a cement factory and TV
station as well as a real estate business in United Arab Emirates, almost always
manages to get most of his projects to go way over the budget initially planned and he
also almost always find a way to make a deadly point regardless of how bad things go,
“Nothing is impossible in Pakistan of you are rich enough and cruel enough.”
Mr. Jatoi is one the most important members of board of directors at Zeal Pak Cement
Factory Ltd and he was also one the business tycoon involved in a case related to
alleged corruption in the Pakistan Steel Mills in November of 2016 but like just his son,
Sikandar Jatoi is marvelous at never getting caught and smoothly escaping justice even
when caught. He also owns a large of companies which he managed acquired through
suspicious deals with the government of Pakistan. He owns cement companies, sugar
mills, real estate projects, agricultural lands, food export business and many other
enterprises along with a lot of bent cops and justice services in thee country or so it


So when the only son of such an amazing father, Sharukh Jatoi finally managed to
commit a murder at nineteen years of age, in front of twenty two eye witnesses,
everyone, I’m sure along with Sikander Jatoi, was baffled at how immature did he have
to be to commit a crime so stupidly! Did he learn nothing about the mastery of
committing crimes and never getting caught for it by his father? It was such an obvious
disappointment. But fear not my fellow human, the father criminal, was there for the
rescue! First thing he did after being informed about his son’s reckless cruelty on the
night of 25th December, 2012, When DSP Aurangzeb Khan and Ambreen Aurangzeb
lost their only son, was find his son some nice and pretty false documentation to escape
the country to Dubai and the beautiful safety it offered against the accountability of his
own crimes in Pakistan.
Source: Geo TV

On the other hand the devastated family of the murdered young man, Shahzeb Khan,
was having a heartbreakingly hard time trying to register the FIR against this
murderously privileged son of a dangerously influential feudal landlord of Sindh, for the
murder committed. There was unnecessary delay due to the horrendous political
pressure and after everything when they finally managed to register the FIR 519 under
murder case 302 at the Darakhshan Police Station against the son of this powerfully
political man, Shahrukh Jatoi along with Siraj Talpur and their partners in crime Sajjad
Talpur and Ghulam Murtaza Lashari who aided Sharukh in committing the murder of
Aurangzeb Khan and Ambreen Aurangzeb’s Twenty year old son, the investigation was
still suspiciously slow And by the time things moved anywhere resembling do justice,
the powerful feudal family had fled to Dubai on false documentation.

Source: Pakistan Today

This horrific evasion of justice in the country lead thousands of people to sympathize
with Shahruk’s devastated family, enough to leave the safety of their home to stand
strong and stand united against this disgraceful evasion of justice by the Jatoi Family.
Several protests were held, and several social workers came out to arrange the demand
for justice for the murdered boy’s family. They used all the social platforms at their
disposal including Twitter and Facebook to spread word about the case. Imran Khan's
PTI party also arranged several protests against the disgustingly popular acceptance of
feudalism in Sindh. All the effort and courage in the way of justice finally managed to
shake system of constant injustice and corruption and lead Chief Justice of Pakistan to
take suo moto notice of the case on 1st January 2013. IG police issued Red Warrant for
the arrest of Sharukh Jatoi on 5th of January of the same year.
After arresting Sharukh’s friends who aided in Shahzeb’s murder on 7th January, police
kept them on remand until 17th January, when Shahrukh was brought back from his
refuge in Dubai and sent to jail on 18th January, 2013. The trials begun on 26th

Source: Samaa TV

Sources close to the Jatois claims that the Jatoi family and their associates were
attempting to paint this issue of first degree murder as an anti-Sindhi controversy so that
they could cloak themselves in the security of the raw emotions of otherwise decent but
sadly misinformed on this subject, rural people of Sindh. The truth however, was
definitely not be considered as an anti-Sindhi uprising but a simple case of the murder
of an innocent, unarmed young man by the sadistic son of this powerful feudal landlord
who unfortunately happens to be born in Sindh and happens have a lot of friends and
property in interior Sindh. But regardless of the truth, the ethnicity card, actually gave
the guilty party, something to play with in the name of thousands of good Sindhi people.
The true nature of the crime however, never did involve ethnicity in the case. The fight
was simply between a powerful murderer against the murdered ordinary boy. The fight
was all in all, true and raw, feudal versus citizen, it was injustice vs justice for Pakistani

Source: The News International

The police was nowhere nearly as efficient as it was supposed to be for being the
protector of the nation but I guess it's not exactly practical to have expected that the
police would have sincerely carried out their job in a place as corrupt at this place where
decent people are more afraid of police than they are of criminals.
On 18th January, 2013 Shahrukh was finally brought back from his refuge in Dubai and
sent to jail. The trials for Shahzeb murder case begun on 26th January and first claim
Jatoi’s expensive lawyers made was for him to be under eighteen years of age and
therefore demanded for him to be transferred to Juvenile to be tried as a minor, which
later turned out to be an utter and complete lie, as it was proved by Ossification test
results with the aid of teeth samples, on 7th February, 2013 that Shahrukh Jatoi was, in
fact, an adult and was actually born on Nov 27, 1993 at a private hospital in Jamshed
Town. So he was forced to be tried as an adult, after all at Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC)
as nineteen year old murderer.
source: The Express Tribune

Now regarding the fact that Jatoi basically lied on the stand and there were actually
twenty two witnesses to his ugly crime and Shahzeb’s sister also testified the events of
the night, ATC finally awarded death penalty to Jatoi and Siraj Talpur on 7th June,
2013, for Shahzeb Khan’s sadistic murder and Siraj Talpur’s younger brother Sajjad Ali
Talpur and his servant Ghulam Murtaza Lashari were sentenced a life in prison. The
nation rejoiced at the final serving of justice, that is until Shahrukh Jatoi came out of the
court with his death sentence and a huge smile on his face, holding the two fingers up
for the sign of V for victory.

Source: UrduNews

A few months later, it was obvious why Shahrukh was so happy on the he was
sentenced to death, it was because he knew, even then, that his daddy was simply too
rich and powerful for him to die like that. on 29th September 2013, He was for some
reason, pardoned by Shahzeb’s parents, and the copy of an agreement stating that
Aurangzeb Khan and Ambreen Aurangzeb have not accepted the blood-money but
have forgiven the murdered of their only son, was submitted in the court. Ambreen
Aurangzeb, mother of the murdered boy stated to the media, “We cannot spend our
entire lives in fear, we took the decision considering the circumstances.” however
Sharukh’s brother, Ashraf Jatoi boasted to the media with gleeful pride that “Shahzeb’s
family forgave (Shahrukh Jatoi) in the name of Allah. They didn’t take any cash”
Despite the pardon, the death penalty was still upheld on the basis of the added
charges of terrorism to the case, but soon enough, the death penalty was also
disregarded and retrial of the case was ordered in a sessions court after Jatoi's lawyer
argued that terrorism charges needs to be dropped because the Shahrukh Jatoi was a
juvenile at the time of the offence, which I’m he claimed on the basis of another claim
about the Ossification test results in 2013, being contaminated or false somehow. So
now, the retrials were held at Sindh High Court which revoked the punishments
previously awarded to reopen the case on 28th November 2017, It also issued the
release orders for Shahrukh Jatoi, Siraj Talpur and Sajjad Talpur with submission of
surety bonds of a million rupees, for both of them. Jatoi was also granted bail for
possession of arms with submission of the surety bond of one lac rupees. In January
2018, Supreme court nullifies the orders of Sindh high court and orders another retrial
which is still in progress with the upcoming hearing on 5th November 2018.

Source: Unknown
The supreme court actually took notice because of the appearances of multiple rumors
reporting the several sightings of the murderer boy travelling out of the country on
fraudulent documents, the record form the jail authorities were summoned by the court,
but jail authorities refused to produce Sharukh Jatoi while claiming that he’s still there.
On 27th October, 2018, The chief justice of Pakistan paid a surprise visit to Landhi jail
to get an overview of the prison facilities and other issues, was outraged at VIP
treatment of the criminal, Shahruk Jatoi by the police, who was apparently found
lavishing B-class facilities in a jail cell. Chief Justice of Pakistan Mian Saqib Nisar
ordered his immediate transferred to death cell.
Once before, in 2015, Shahrukh Jatoi was captured in a video by the during a
programme name “Exposed” where appeared to be enjoying full services of a television,
gaming console, air conditioner among other facilities in his death cell in an utter and
baffling violation of jail rules and procedures.

Source: In memory Of Shahzeb Khan

The citizens of Pakistan are smart and determined in their fight for justice. And now with
better access to more information comes greater ability to critically think against the
biased system and raise their voice against feudalism, VIP culture and everything that’s
wrong. So basically, what I’m saying is, because the case isn’t over yet, it means there’s
still hope.

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