The Explanation of Poster Which Talks About Descriptive Text

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Why do you develop this material? Why is it important? What skill do you want to develop? What
are your objective?
Based on the syllabus of Junior High School at the eight grade, the students have to acquire the
speaking skill in some types of monologue text. One of them is descriptive text. According to
Fulwiler (2002:34), “descriptive text is a text that describes a person, place, or thing”. It is to create
a verbal image so that readers can see what you see, hear what you hear, and taste, smell and feel
what you taste, smell and feel. In addition, Depdiknas (2006) states that the objective of teaching
speaking of descriptive text is the students are able to express meaning in simple short monologue
in descriptive form based on the generic structures and language features of the text. According to
Hammond (1992:4), there are two generic structures of this text, they are identification and
description, meanwhile the language features of a descriptive text are the use of simple present
tense, adjective clause and etc. The interested in speaking for students is still very low. The
problems are, first, the students are not able to express their ideas fluently. The students could not
optimally describe things, person and places, in detail because they do not have any ideas when
they are asked to describe them. Another problem that the researcher found in teaching learning
process; the students did not understand well about the components of descriptive text. Most of
them got problem in using language features of descriptive text. The language features of a
descriptive text are the basis on the use of tense and grammar. Most of the students were reluctant
and ashamed to speak English in teaching learning English process because they were afraid of
making mistakes. It seemed that they had no motivation and confidence to take apart in the
conversation although perhaps they wanted to speak. In order to solve all the problems above, the
research found the best material development. The research gives the speaking material that relates
to students’ real life, such as describing people in interesting way.

II. Target Audience

Student in Jenior High School grade VIII will be the one who is using this material. The students
in grade VIII is approximately in 13-14 years old and they are considered as a group of teenagers
who have not got so much experience in learning English but they love to talk about specific things
which close to teenagers’ life, like friends. The students could not optimally describe it in detail
because they are lack of vocabularies and the students did not understand well about the
components of descriptive text. So, they had no motivation and confidence to take apart in the
conversation although perhaps they wanted to speak.
III. Learning Material
Activity 1 :
How Does Your Bestfriend Look Like?

Match the picture to the paragraph based on the features that appear on each person in this picture!
Activity 2 :
Describe your bestfriend in the class (work in pairs) based on the vocabularies in the poster.
Level of difficulty
Creating or developing material that the teeangers like will make the teenagers easily increase their
skill in speaking and solve the problems, such as lack of vocabularies, low motivation and
confidence in taking a part of conversation.

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