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Effect of antibiotics in the environment on microbial populations

Article  in  Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology · July 2010

DOI: 10.1007/s00253-010-2649-5 · Source: PubMed


197 875

2 authors:

Chang Ding Jianzhong He

Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung National University of Singapore


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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 87:925–941
DOI 10.1007/s00253-010-2649-5


Effect of antibiotics in the environment

on microbial populations
Chang Ding & Jianzhong He

Received: 2 February 2010 / Revised: 24 April 2010 / Accepted: 25 April 2010 / Published online: 28 May 2010
# Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract Antibiotics act as an ecological factor in the Introduction

environment that could potentially affect microbial com-
munities. The effects include phylogenetic structure alter- Antibiotics are either naturally occurring or man-made
ation, resistance expansion, and ecological function chemicals that can be divided into different classes such as
disturbance in the micro-ecosystem. Numerous studies have ß-lactams, quinolones, tetracyclines, macrolides, and sulfo-
detected changes of microbial community structure upon namides (Kümmerer 2009a) (Table 1). The main source of
addition of antibiotics in soil and water environment. antibiotics in the environment is anthropogenic input from
However, the causal relationship between antibiotic input wastewater discharge, manure disposal, and aquaculture
and resistance expansion is still under debate, with evidence (Kümmerer 2009a), as is supported by the correlation of
either supporting or declining the contribution of antibiotics human activity with the occurrence of antibiotics in the
on alteration of antibiotic resistance. Effects of antibiotics on natural habitat (Yang and Carlson 2003). Once antibiotics
ecological functions have also been discovered, including enter the ecosystems, they can be treated as an ecological
nitrogen transformation, methanogenesis, and sulfate reduc- factor, driving the evolution of the community structure
tion. In the latter part, this review discusses in detail on factors (Aminov and Mackie 2007). Accordingly, the change of
that influence antibiotic effects on microbial communities in community structure influences the ecological function of
soil and aquatic environment, including concentration of soil and water ecosystems such as biomass production and
antibiotics, exposure time, added substrates, as well as nutrient transformation (Thiele-Bruhn and Beck 2005;
combined effects of multiple antibiotics. In all, recent research Kotzerke et al. 2008). Indirect effects from the antibiotic
progress offer an outline of effects of antibiotics in the natural disturbance to the micro-ecosystem are largely unknown,
environment. However, questions raised in this review need and it is expected that such disturbance might have
further investigation in order to provide a comprehensive risk significant and long-term effects on the rate and stability
assessment on the consequence of anthropogenic antibiotic of ecosystem functioning (Perry et al. 1989). Therefore, this
input. review summarizes current knowledge of the effects of
antibiotics on microbial community in natural habitat.
Keywords Antibiotics . Resistance gene . Though the inhibition effects of antibiotics on microbes
Microbial community . Soil . Aquatic environment have been reported in the reviews by Halling-Sørensen et
al. (1998) and Thiele-Bruhn (2003), those studies primarily
focus on eukaryotic organisms, pure cultures, or on general
effects like growth inhibition and acute toxicity on
microbial community. In order to provide an update on
C. Ding : J. He (*) current knowledge of antibiotic effects, this review empha-
Division of Environmental Science and Engineering, sizes on how antibiotics alter the microbial community
National University of Singapore,
structure, inhibit or promote ecological functions, and affect
Block E2-02-13, 1 Engineering Drive 3,
Singapore 117576, Singapore the magnification of resistance, mainly in the context of the
e-mail: [email protected] natural environment. Antibiotic concentrations, exposure
926 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 87:925–941

Table 1 Summary of antibiotics spectrum and mode of action (Halling-Sørensen 2001; Kahn and Line 2005; Beers 2006)

Antibiotic class Example Gram-positive Gram-negative Bactericidal action Bacteriostatic action Mode of actiona

Aminoglycosides Kanamycin X X A
β-lactams Amoxicillin X (X) X B
Glycopeptides Vancomycin X X B
Macrolides Erythromycin X X A
Polypeptides Bacitracin X (X) X B
Colistin X X C
Polymyxin B X X C
Quinolones Ciprofloxacin (X) X X D
Oxolinic acid
Sulfonamides Sulfachloropyridazine X X X E
Tetracyclines Chlortetracycline X X X A
Others Chloramphenicol X X X A
Clindamycin X (X) X A
Lincomycin X (X) X A
Novobiocin X (X) X D
Antibiotic mode of action: A inhibition of protein synthesis, B inhibition of cell wall synthesis, C impairment of cell membrane function, D inhibition of
DNA synthesis and replication, E inhibition of folinic acid and consequently DNA synthesis

time, substrate, and multiple antibiotics are also discussed Effects of antibiotics on soil microbial community structure
in detail on their influences on microbial communities in
the natural habitat. Microbial community structure can change upon exposure
to antibiotics. The inherent reason is that antibiotics in
Effects of antibiotics on microbes in soil general, even those designed to be broad-spectrum drugs,
have their selective effects on various groups of microbes.
Soil plays a vital role in ecosystems, serving as the Here, the group of microbes could be as broad as fungi or
primary nutrient base and habitat for plants and organisms, bacteria (Mohamed et al. 2005), and as narrow as a single
and functioning as a giant bioreactor for degrading genus (Yang et al. 2009) or species (Moenne-Loccoz et al.
pollutants and facilitating nutrient transformation. Inevi- 2001). As a result, the selective antibiotic effects alter the
tably, soil is a hot spot for antibiotics to affect indigenous relative abundance of microbial species, and subsequently
microbes since it receives a large portion of excreted interfere with the interactions among different species.
antibiotics through application of manure and sewage Table 2 gives a comprehensive summary of studies on
sludge as fertilizers (Thiele-Bruhn 2003). Also, the antibiotic effects on microbial communities.
usually higher density of microbes in the soil environment A number of studies were conducted to investigate the
encourages genetic exchanges, which could enhance the phylogenetic structures of soil microbial communities
development of microbial resistance in the presence of under antibiotic pressure by molecular fingerprinting
antibiotics (Murray 1997). techniques, such as denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
Table 2 Antibiotic effects on microbial community in natural environment

Antibiotic Concentrationa Parameter tested Effectb Unaffected Experimental Time length Detection method Reference
mg/kg parameter condition

Amoxicillin 10∼100 Resistance Increased Resistance Soil (applied with 18 days CFU count, Binh et al. 2007
transferability transferability in manure before) Exogenous isolation
(number of soil that was never amended with of plasmids, DGGE
transconjugants with applied with manure
amoxicillin resistance) manure before
Bacteria DGGE profile Altered
Ciprofloxacin 0.43∼5 mg/L Colonization resistance Decreased, Colonization Chemostat inoculated 41 days CFU count in agar Carman et al.
influent to Salmonella especially for 0.43 resistance at from human fecal plates 2004
kedougou mg/L 0.1 mg/L influent microflora, with
Salmonella in
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 87:925–941

0.2∼2 mg/L Pyrene mineralization Decreased Marine sediment with 11 weeks Radiorespirometry Naslund et al.
rate significantly ciprofloxacin in the measuring CO2 2008
overlying water production
Microbial community Altered significantly 7 weeks T-RFLP
0.2∼200 mg/L Biomass, PLFA Increased with Salt marsh sediment 30 days PLFA Córdova-Kreylos
richness, sulfate ciprofloxacin with ciprofloxacin in and
reducer and Gram- concentrations the overlying water Scow 2007
negative bacteria
Indicators of Decreased
starvation stress:
17 cy/precursor
and saturated/
biomarker ratios
Lincomycin 0.05∼500 T-RFLP profile (16S Altered significantly Percentage of Soils with both high Not mentioned CFU count, T-RFLP, Čermák et al.
rRNA genes) antibiotic and low pH (>10 days) 2008
T-RFLP profile Altered significantly producers in soil
(lincomycin resistance with lower pH,
gene homologues) numbers of
Percentage of Decreased cultivated bacteria
actinomycetes among significantly and their resistance
total microbes in both soils
Percentage of antibiotic Decreased Soil with higher pH
producers among significantly
Natamycin 50∼200 mg/L Bacterial community Altered significantly Bulk soil and 7 days Culturable cell Mohamed et al.
structure (from rhizosphere soil counting/bacterial 2005
ribosomal intergenic suspensions on agar community
spacer analysis) medium fingerprinting by
Ratio of fungi/bacteria Decreased ribosomal intergenic
CFUs significantly spacer analysis
Table 2 (continued)

Antibiotic Concentrationa Parameter tested Effectb Unaffected Experimental Time length Detection method Reference
mg/kg parameter condition

Oxolinic acid 9 g/kg of feed Microbial community Unique strains were Water and sediment in Not mentioned Bacteria isolation and Tendencia and
given once a isolated only in shrimp pond sensitivity test de la Pena 2001
week in shrimp pond with oxolinic
pond acid feed
Percentage of antibiotic- Highest in pond
resistant isolates with oxolinic acid
Oxytetracycline 10 Bacteria/Actinomyces Decreased by Fungi CFUs, acidic Wheat rhizosphere 5∼30 days CFU count in agar Yang et al. 2009
CFUs 22.2%/31.7%, phosphatase/ soil plates, enzyme
respectively dehydrogenase/ activity assay
Alkaline phosphatase Decreased by 41.3% urease activity
>20 µg/L Selection rate of Increased Mesocosms 56 days Quantitative real time Knapp et al. 2008
resistance gene containingpristine PCR (qPCR)
250 µg/L Ratio of total Increased surface water
tetracycline resistance
gene to 16s rRNA
0.81∼0.93 Substrate-induced Decreased by 10% Soil basal Pristine topsoil 24∼48 h SIR/iron(III) reduction Thiele-Bruhn and
respiration respiration/ amended with activity assay Beck 2005
5.5∼7.35 Iron(III) reduction Decreased by 10% dehydrogenase milled maize straw 7 days
activity activity or glucose
100∼1000 Ratio of fungi/bacteria Increased 14 days Fumigation-extracted
significantly microbial C and
Streptomycin 400 mg/L Ammonia oxidation Inhibited by 75% Activated sludge 2∼4 h Nitrifying activity Tomlinso et al.
calculated from 1966
nitrite and nitrate
Sulfachloropyridazine 115 PICT Increased Soil amended with 7 days PICT Schmitt et
significantly fresh pig slurry al. 2005
100 PICT Soil amended with
alfalfa meal
Sulfadiazine 1 PICT Increased by a factor Hotspot soil 5∼15 weeks PICT Brandt et al. 2009
of 2∼5
10∼100 Increased by a factor Bulk soil
of 1.5∼3.5
10∼100 Ratio of AOA/AOB Increase notably Soil amended with 61 days qPCR targeting AOA/ Schauss et al.
pig manure AOB ammonia- 2009
oxidizing genes
10∼100 Ratio of fungi/bacteria Increased in some G−/G+bacteria ratio Soil amended with 61 days PLFA Hammesfahr et al.
PLFA cases and Shannon– pig manure 2008
Bacteria/β- Eight/three/five Wiener index 32 days DGGE
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 87:925–941
Table 2 (continued)

Antibiotic Concentrationa Parameter tested Effectb Unaffected Experimental Time length Detection method Reference
mg/kg parameter condition

proteobacteria/ bands changed, based on PLFA

pseudomonads DGGE respectively
10∼100 Sulfadiazine-resistant Increased Silt loam and a loamy 32∼61 days Culturable bacteria Heuer and Smalla
bacteria counts significantly sand mixed with counting (MPNs) 2007
Sulfadiazine resistance Increased manure containing qPCR
gene (sul1) frequency significantly sulfadiazine
10 Ammonia oxidization Decreased Soil basal Soil amended with 32 days Microbial activity Kotzerke et al.
activity respiration manure assay 2008
100 Soil basal respiration Decreased
Ammonia oxidization Decreased
Denitrification Decreased slightly
1∼50 Bacteria DGGE profile Shifts in band Bacteria DGGE Soil amended with 48 days DGGE Zielezny et al.
intensity profile/soil basal glucose 2006
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 87:925–941

Diversity (Shannon– Decreased at first respiration in

Wiener index) then recovered unamended soil
after 48 days
Soil basal respiration Decreased Soil respiratory
significantly activity assay
>0.15 (introduced Sulfadiazine resistance Influenced Soil amended with 175 days qPCR Heuer et al. 2008
by sulfadiazine gene (sul2) frequency significantly manure containing
residue in sulfadiazine
1∼100 Ratio of sul2 to 16 S Increased by Soil amended with 61 days qPCR Heuer et al. 2009
rRNA gene copies 1∼2 log units manure
Sulfamethoxazole 20∼500 PICT Increased by a factor PICT when Soil amended with 1∼5 weeks PLFA/PICT Demoling et al.
of 2 antibiotic is <1 manure from alfalfa 2009
Ratio of fungi/bacteria Increased or antibiotic-treated
PLFA pigs
500 PICT Increased by a factor Unamended soil
of 2
Sulfapyridine 0.05∼1.17 Substrate-induced Decreased by 10% Soil basal Pristine topsoil 24∼48 h SIR/iron(III) reduction Thiele-Bruhn and
respiration respiration/ amended with assay Beck 2005
0.003∼1.14 Iron(III) reduction Decreased by 10% dehydrogenase milled maize straw 7 days
activity activity or glucose
100∼1000 Ratio of fungi/bacteria Increased 14 days Fumigation-extracted
significantly microbial C and
Tetracycline 5∼500 Ratio of G+/G− PLFA Decreased Tetracycline Soil with or without 8 weeks PLFA, qPCR Hund-Rinke et al.
Ratio of fungi/bacteria Increased resistance gene pig manure (rich in 2004
PLFA copies tetracycline
resistance gene)
0.003∼0.1 Tetracycline-resistant CFUs increased Soil spread with pig 8 months CFU count Sengeløv et al.
bacteria after spread of manure containing 2003
manure but tetracycline
declined to control
Table 2 (continued)

Antibiotic Concentrationa Parameter tested Effectb Unaffected Experimental Time length Detection method Reference
mg/kg parameter condition

level later
Tylosin 2000 Diversity of microbial Decreased as seen Fungi growth Sandy soil 2 months Colony morphology, Westergaard et al.
community (number on days 15 and 22, DGGE, sole carbon 2001
of bands on DGGE but return to source utilization
profiles) control level on
day 33
Microbial community Altered
structure (DGGE band
Percentage of tylosin Increased from less
resistant CFUs than 1% to above
2000 Substrate-induced Increased Diversity of Soil amended with 60 days Colony morphology, Müller et al. 2002
respiration microbial substrates DGGE, sole carbon
community source utilization
50∼1500 PICT Initially increased, Soil with or without 95 days PICT Demoling and
then decreased alfalfa Bååth 2008
after 25 days, and
return to control
level after 95 days
>50 Bacteria growth rate Decreased, with 2 days
IC50 of 960 mg/kg

If not indicated otherwise
Compared with control treatment without antibiotic, if not indicated otherwise
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 87:925–941
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 87:925–941 931

(DGGE) and terminal restriction fragment length polymor- fungi/bacteria ratio in soil upon exposure to various
phism (T-RFLP). Antibiotics studied include amoxicillin antibiotics (Thiele-Bruhn 2005; Hammesfahr et al. 2008;
(Binh et al. 2007), lincomycin (Čermák et al. 2008), Demoling et al. 2009; Yang et al. 2009), since the ratio is
natamycin (Mohamed et al. 2005), and sulfadiazine tightly linked with the function of soil ecosystem (Poly-
(Zielezny et al. 2006; Hammesfahr et al. 2008). Most often, anskaya et al. 1995; Bailey et al. 2002; Bååth and Anderson
after treatment of soil with antibiotics, microbial commu- 2003). The antibacterial sulfadiazine (at concentrations of
nity fingerprinting techniques revealed emergence and 10∼100 mg/kg) increased the fungi/bacteria ratio in
disappearance of signals representing different microbial manured soils, due to both a reduction in bacteria biomass
species. Even though some cases showed identical band and a stimulated growth of fungi cells at the beginning of
patterns among treatments, intensities of the signals still incubation (Hammesfahr et al. 2008). However, the effect
varied significantly (Hammesfahr et al. 2008). Notably, of antibiotic is not as significant as an application of
effects on microbial population are dependent on the manure, which increased the fungi/bacteria ratio by at least
original soil properties (Čermák et al. 2008), microbial 40% compared with the control soil. Other antibacterials,
groups (Hammesfahr et al. 2008), and the dose of anti- such as sulfapyridine/oxytetracycline (Thiele-Bruhn and
biotics added (Zielezny et al. 2006). In Hammesfahr et al.'s Beck 2005), and sulfamethoxazole (Demoling et al. 2009)
(2008) study on sulfadiazine effects, changes in DGGE could also increase fungi/bacteria ratio as expected. It is
profiles of pseudomonads and β-proteobacteria were less noteworthy that antimicrobial agents may act on non-target
pronounced than bacteria, possibly due to the intrinsic organisms as a result of the indistinct boundary of their
resistance of the strains in these two groups. Additionally, effective groups. Antibacterial oxytetracycline and penicil-
another report showed that 10∼50 mg/kg sulfadiazine lin, when combined together, reduced the lengths of active
exerted much stronger influence on DGGE band pattern hyphae of fungi in forest soils (Colinas et al. 1994).
intensities, though 1 mg/kg sulfadiazine only evoked Meanwhile, fungicides like natamycin and captan also exert
minimal effects on soil communities (Zielezny et al. 2006). antibacterial effects. Natamycin, which is commonly used
The above-mentioned studies suggest that the commu- to control fungal growth on agar media, showed significant
nity composition changes caused by antibiotics often last inhibition on bacteria, both in cell numbers and community
throughout the experimental periods. However, as a general diversity, although the effective concentration is higher than
community parameter, diversity of the community may that for fungus (200 versus 50∼100 mg/L) (Mohamed et al.
recover during the antibiotic incubation after as short as 2005). Captan, as a fungicide, reduced more than 50% of
15 days, even though the composition of the community active bacteria at 25 mg/kg (Colinas et al. 1994) and
remains altered (Westergaard et al. 2001). Similarly, another inhibited both bacteria and fungi at 400 mg/kg (Lin and
study showed that the diversity of soil decreased signifi- Brookes 1999). The bactericide bronopol, while exhibiting
cantly at the beginning of the experiment with 1∼10 mg/kg effects in increasing fungi/bacteria ratio, also showed
sulfadiazine, however, later the community diversity recov- antifungal activity in soil at a concentration of 200 mg/kg
ered to the same level as the control soil after 48-day (Lin and Brookes 1999). The antibacterial tylosin has no
incubation (Zielezny et al. 2006). This phenomenon reflects apparent effects on soil fungi population, but rather
the soil's ability to recover from antibiotic disturbance, and indirectly influences their biomass by changing bacterial
is important since the diversity is highly correlated with the populations. In tylosin-treated soils, fungi biomass was
ecological functions of soil (Müller et al. 2002). found to increase continuously during the first 2 weeks,
Due to the complexity of signals acquired from the possibly due to competition displacement since bacterial
community fingerprinting techniques, statistical analysis colony forming units were greatly reduced during this
(e.g., cluster analysis or principal component analysis) is period. The amplification of fungi biomass might also apply
often applied to show the differences of microbial commu- to other antibacterial agents that exert strong suppression on
nity at various stages. However, no detailed information on bacteria while having rather small effects on fungi. Given
the affected species can be retrieved from the results, unless that agricultural plants are often susceptible to pathogenic
specific bands are sequenced after DGGE analysis, which is fungi (Rossman 2009), the increase in fungi abundance in
both time-consuming and inaccurate due to the limitation of soil may threaten the yield and quality of agriculture
DGGE (Müller et al. 2002). As such, DNA microarray products. Although antibiotics with antifungal activity have
might be better suited to investigate phylogenetic changes been extensively studied on their effects on plant diseases
under antibiotic pressure (Fan et al. 2009). caused by fungi in agriculture (Worthington 1988), little is
Additionally, the ratios of bacteria/fungi and Gram- known about the impact of antibiotic contamination on the
positive/Gram-negative bacteria (G+/G−) are two most possible occurrence of plant diseases in the agricultural soil.
often used indicators to tell changes in microbial commu- G+and G− bacteria react differently to quite a number of
nity structure. Many studies have been performed on the antibiotics due to their distinct cell wall structure (Table 2).
932 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 87:925–941

For example, the broadband antibiotic sulfadiazine did not facilitated the spread of bacteria resistance, probably due to
affect G+/G− ratio significantly (Hammesfahr et al. 2008), horizontal gene transfer. Heuer and Smalla (2007) also
while tetracycline decreased the G+/G− ratio because the showed that manure from antibiotic-free sources plus
bacteria resistant to tetracycline are more likely to be Gram- sulfadiazine synergistically increased sulfadiazine-resistant
negative (Schnabel and Jones 1999; Hund-Rinke et al. bacteria count in soil after 2 months. The same research
2004). group later found that the abundance of sulfadiazine
resistance gene copies also increased during the same
Effects of antibiotics on antimicrobial resistance in soil incubation period (Heuer et al. 2009). They inferred that
horizontal gene transfer might have occurred between
Development of antibiotic-resistant microbes as well as manure bacteria and indigenous soil bacteria, resulting in
resistance genes are attracting increasing attention because an increase of resistance in soil.
of their impending influence on the effectiveness of In an attempt to elucidate the dynamics of sulfonamide
clinically applied antibiotics. It is crucial to study the resistance genes in manured soil, Heuer et al. (2008)
casual linkage between the release of antibiotics and modified the mathematic model by including the positive
proliferation of antibiotic resistance in order to provide a selection of resistance gene caused by antibiotics, apart
basis for decision makers in controlling the usage of from the cost of sulfadiazine resistance genes and horizon-
antibiotics (Ghosh and LaPara 2007). tal gene transfer. The modeling agrees well with the
The changes in community tolerance after exposure to a frequency of developed resistance gene copies with various
certain pollutant can be measured by pollution-induced concentrations of sulfadiazine, and shows a selective effect
community tolerance (PICT) (Blanck 2002; Boivin et al. of sulfadiazine at 0.15 mg/kg.
2002). PICT changes under antibiotic treatment not only In contrast, in some other studies, antibiotics do not
reflect shifts in microbial community structure, but also seem to pose significant effects on the amplification of
imply the amplification of antibiotic resistance within the resistance in soil microbes, especially when applied with
community. Sulfonamides are one group of the frequent manure. In a report of Sengeløv et al. (2003), pig manure
targets of PICT studies in soil because of their wide usage slurry containing residual antibiotics (primarily tetracy-
in livestock (Thiele-Bruhn 2003) and their persistence in clines and lincomycin) was spread onto soil to mimic
liquid manures and soil (Sukul and Spiteller 2006). Several disposal of manure onto soil surface. Although the
studies found substantial PICT increase after the soil was resistance among soil bacteria increased temporarily, it
treated with sulfonamides, e.g., sulfadiazine (Brandt et al. returned to preapplication levels within 5 months. The
2009), sulfamethoxazole (Demoling et al. 2009) or sulfa- temporary increase in resistant bacteria was attributed to the
chloropyridazine (Schmitt et al. 2005). In addition to the input of resistant intestinal bacteria with limited survival
sulfonamide class, another bacteriostatic antibiotic—tylosin potential in the soil environment. Similarly, in another
belonging to the macrolide class, could also invoke study aiming at tracking resistance gene, the addition of
temporary PICT increase in tylosin-polluted soil (Demoling tetracycline to the samples had no effect on the establish-
and Bååth 2008), however, PICT values returned to pre- ment of resistance genes (Hund-Rinke et al. 2004). During
pollution levels after tylosin disappeared in the soil. Rather the incubation period, the amount of resistance genes even
than selection for resistant microbes, the increase of PICT decreased, possibly because the initial high amount of
may also be due to the adaptation of existing organisms. resistance genes was introduced by the application of
Therefore, PICT is only an indirect way to study bacteria manure rich in tetracycline-resistant genes. These exotic
resistance, and it is often combined with other methods (e. resistance genes could have masked the effect of antibiotics
g., phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA)) to indicate on resistance which existed but were not adequate to show
concurrent structural changes in microbial communities. up in the limited testing period. It is not known yet whether
Increases in resistant microbes and resistance genes are the discrepancy in the results of Sengeløv et al. (2003) and
more direct evidence for the expansion of resistance, and Heuer et al. (2009) is due to differences in mobility of
they have been widely observed in both soil and water tetracycline and sulfadiazine resistance genes or differences
environment (Kümmerer 2004; Patterson et al. 2007; Malik in the incubation time (365 versus 61 days). After all, the
et al. 2008; Zhang et al. 2009). In a study of archived soil contribution of horizontal gene transfer and the presence of
spanning from 1940 to 2008 in the Netherlands, all 18 antibiotics to resistance expansion in soil after manure
tested antibiotic resistance genes have significantly in- application still need further study.
creased since 1940, especially tetracycline resistance genes In all, resistance expansion in the natural environment is
(Knapp et al. 2010). Ghosh and LaPara (2007) suggested a complex process controlled by multiple factors, while
that the use of chlortetracycline at sub-therapeutic concen- antibiotic input is only one of the many reasons for the
trations together with excessive use of animal manure resistance development. Example from the swine industry
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 87:925–941 933

indicates that even a total ban of antibiotics could not solve declined from 41.3% to 80.8% with 10 ∼ 30 mg/kg
the problem of resistance expansion and the antibiotic oxytetracycline in soil, while the other three soil enzymes
resistance in fecal coliform still exists (Cromwell 2002). In tested (acidic phosphatase, dehydrogenase, and urease)
the same study, researchers found that factors such as pig were not affected (Yang et al. 2009). Thiele-Bruhn and
age, housing system, and moving stress had as much or Beck (2005) reported that basal respiration and dehydroge-
even more effect on resistance than the presence of nase activity in soil were not significantly affected by either
antibiotics in the diet. sulfapyridine or oxytetracycline regardless of the dosages
of antibiotics. The authors explained the results in the
Effects of antibiotics on ecological functions of soil following possible reasons: (1) a low sensitivity of the
detection methods for the two soil parameters; (2) selective
As early as in the 1980s, Macri et al. (1988) has predicted effects of the antibiotics that were not indicated by the
the potential impacts of antibiotics on ecological services of microbial activities measured with the two methods; (3)
microbes. At similar time, Fedler and Day (1985) found shifts in the microbial community structure that compen-
that chlortetracycline (18 mg/L) inhibited methane produc- sated for effects on single species; (4) the bacteriostatic but
tion under mesophilic conditions. However, till now, not bactericidal properties of sulfapyridine and oxytetracy-
knowledge in this field is still limited. Two studies on cline, which means that they inhibit the bacteria growth but
sulfadiazine (Kotzerke et al. 2008; Schauss et al. 2009) are not kill them. In another study (Thiele-Bruhn 2005), dose-
currently the only set of investigations on antibiotic effects related inhibition of microbial iron(III) reduction were
on soil nitrification/denitrification processes. Sulfadiazine found in seven out of nine antibiotics investigated (three
at 10∼100 mg/kg reduced manure's growth stimulation sulfonamides, five tetracyclines, and benzimidazole). So
effect on ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) notably, while far, studies on microbial activity parameters in soil are
ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) was affected to a lesser restricted in the group of bacteriostatic antibiotics that often
extent and even exhibited growth with sulfadiazine at require additional substrate to magnify their effects, while
100 mg/kg (Schauss et al. 2009). The observed stronger bactericidal antibiotics are still vague in their effects in soil
resistance of AOA than AOB towards sulfadiazine might be microbial functions.
due to the differences in archaeal and bacterial cell walls In summary, previous studies show that antibiotics affect
and membranes. In a soil sample with higher AOA/AOB microbial ecological functions. From the existing results,
ratio (73:1), ammonia oxidation recovered during days 32 soil ecosystems show their resilience and may alleviate the
to 61. While in the other soil sample with an AOA/AOB effects of antibiotics with the help of redundant functional
ratio of 7:1, this activity was inhibited throughout the groups and recovery of resistant microbes. However, most
experiment. By model calculation, the authors evaluated investigations have been conducted on bacteriostatic anti-
the contribution of AOA activity to ammonia oxidation in biotics, and soil services other than nitrogen transformation
the soil with higher AOA/AOB ratio. Results showed that have not been touched much.
AOAs contribution increased from 50% to 70% under the
sulfadiazine stress, indicating the functional redundancy Effects of antibiotics on aquatic microbial community
between AOA and AOB. In all, the soil ecosystem seems to
have a mechanism to buffer the antibiotic stress and recover Despite of the vast extent of aquatic ecosystems and the
from the inhibition of certain sensitive microbes by frequent occurrence of antibiotics in surface waters
substituting their functions with less sensitive but function- (Watkinson et al. 2009), studies on effects of antibiotics
ally redundant groups. Apart from the nitrification process, in the water body are less compared to studies on soil
Kotzerke et al. (2008) also studied sulfadiazine’s effects on environment. This is probably due to the following reasons.
denitrification process in soil. With sulfadiazine at 10–
100 mg/kg, denitrification rate in both soil samples
(manured or non-manured before) was significantly re- 1. Antibiotic effects in water are less pronounced than
duced, and the effects were measureable after only 1-day those in soil because of relatively lower concentra-
exposure. tions, probably caused by dilutions (especially in
Previous studies also reported antibiotics effects on dynamic water bodies), aerobic/anaerobic biotrans-
microbial activities and enzymes in soil. Soil biomass formation, and adsorption by sediment or biofilm.
production and soil respiration rate could be affected by The values detected in the aquatic environment are
various antibiotics, such as ciprofloxacin (Naslund et al. often in the nanogram and lower microgram per liter
2008), sulfadiazine (Zielezny et al. 2006; Kotzerke range (Kümmerer 2009b), while the values could go
et al. 2008) and tylosin (Müller et al. 2002; Demoling and up to milligram per kilogram range in soil (Thiele-
Bååth 2008). The soil enzyme alkaline phosphatase Bruhn 2003).
934 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 87:925–941

2. Aquatic microbes are often not localized, and are nitrification process in surface water (Klaver and Matthews
present in much lower density than those in soil, 1994). However, in some cases, when a complex mixture of
adding to the difficulty in detection and comparison of bacteria is exposed to antibiotics, increased nitrification
microbial community structure. activity can be observed, the reason of which is not yet
3. Studies on resistance development often focus on the clear (Halling-Sørensen 2001; Alexy et al. 2001). In another
influence of resistant bacteria and resistance gene brought interesting study conducted on sequencing batch reactors
by wastewater rather than on the antibiotics present in the (SBRs), although no apparent changes were observed for
water body, since effluent from sewage treatment plant is nitrogen or phosphorus removal upon continuous exposure
one of the major sources of resistance and antibiotics in to trace amount of erythromycin (100 µg/L), microbial
the aquatic ecosystems (Kümmerer 2009a). community structures shifted significantly as analyzed by
high-density microarrays (Phylo-Chip) (Fan et al. 2009).
However, the study of antibiotic effects in aquatic environ- This implies that the functional redundancy within the SBR
ment is of significance. Less pronounced effects at lower system may make up for the loss of sensitive bacteria under
concentration and shorter exposure time do not necessarily antibiotic pressure. Moreover, methanogenesis has been
mean weaker impacts on the aquatic ecosystems than on the reported to respond to antibiotics such as sulfamethoxazole
soil environment. Compared with soil, the water environment and ofloxacin, which caused a mild inhibition to methano-
has a more direct and intimate contact with human life due to gens in an anaerobic digestion process (Fountoulakis et al.
the wide usage of water and the continuity of the water body 2004). Ofloxacin was further studied on its extent and type
that may transport antibiotic/resistance to every corner of the of impact on the kinetics of methanogenesis and aceto-
world, posing threat to public health and ecosystems. Also, genesis (the two key steps in anaerobic digestion), and once
evidence has shown that even in sub-inhibitory level concen- more, mild inhibition to both processes were found
trations, antibiotics may still exert their impact on microbial (Fountoulakis et al. 2008).
community (e.g., by influencing transcription in microbes) Primarily due to aquaculture usage, antibiotics in sediments
(Davies et al. 2006), and long-term effects of exposure to low sometimes could raise up to several hundred milligrams per
concentrations of antibiotics are still largely unknown. kilogram (Thiele-Bruhn 2003). As a result, antibiotic effects
Currently, limited information is available on whether the are found in sediment overlay water environment, such as
presence of antibiotics in the natural habitats could cause the reduction of bacteria numbers, resistance expansion and
expansion of resistance in water body (Kümmerer 2009a), effects on ecological functions. Based on PLFA analysis,
though antibiotic-resistant bacteria and their resistance genes ciprofloxacin, as a broad-spectrum antibiotic, favored sulfate-
are often detected in aquatic ecosystems as well as reducing bacteria and Gram-negative bacteria in salt marsh
wastewater and drinking water (Esiobu et al. 2002; Schwartz sediment (Córdova-Kreylos and Scow 2007), while it
et al. 2003; Biyela et al. 2004). Tendencia and de la Pena affected both the diversity of bacteria community and the
(2001) found that antibiotic resistance was associated with degradation of the PAH pyrene in another study (Naslund et
historical and current use of antimicrobial, which was found al. 2008). These two cases showed consistency in discovering
to be highest in the shrimp pond currently using oxolinic similar ciprofloxacin inhibition concentration (∼200 µg/L) in
acid in feed. Another study showed an increase in the sediment overlay water. However, sulfate reduction rate
tetracycline resistance genes abundance (compared to 16S was found to reduce to 10% of that in control tank 7 days
rRNA genes) at low-level oxytetracycline exposure in after oxytetracycline, oxolinic acid, or flumequine was added
aquatic systems (Knapp et al. 2008). Therefore, antibiotic into the artificial marine fish farm sediment, and the effects
input deserves equal attention as resistance input for their lasted for at least 29 days (Hansen et al. 1992).
effects on resistance amplification in aquatic environment.
The changes in ecological functions of aquatic environ- Factors that influence antibiotic effects
ment caused by antibiotics have been investigated in several
studies. Nitrogen transformation process has been studied Both the inherent chemical properties of antibiotics and the
since 1960s (Tomlinso et al. 1966), in which streptomycin at environmental parameters could influence the actual effects
400 mg/L was required to achieve 75% inhibition of of antibiotics on microbial community. A deeper under-
ammonia oxidation in activated sludge in 2∼4 h. In contrast, standing of these factors will add to our knowledge on how
ampicillin (0–250 mg/L), benzylpenicillin (0–250 mg/L), to predict and control these antibiotic effects.
novobiocin (0–150 mg/L), oxytetracycline (0–250 mg/L),
and chloramphenicol (0–50 mg/L) showed no effect on Concentration
either biomass or nitrate production in a stabilized nitrifying
sludge within 80 h (Gomez et al. 1996). It has also been The fate of antibiotics in soil and aquatic sediments mainly
shown that antibiotics such as oxytetracycline inhibit depends on sorption, transportation, and transformation
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 87:925–941 935

(Tolls 2001; Thiele-Bruhn 2003). Accordingly, the effects dilution effects are not significant, antibiotic concentrations
of antibiotics are influenced by their actual concentrations may go up to a level comparable to those in the experiments.
in soil that could get direct contact with microbes On the other hand, even at low concentrations, some studies
(bioavailable concentration). The actual concentration in still suggest antibiotic effects on microbes. This is supported
soil and aqueous phase is a function of time, stability or by the observation that sulfapyridine and oxytetracycline
persistence of the antibiotic, soil properties (such as soil exert a temporary selective pressure on soil microorganisms
pH, soil organic matter, and soil minerals), and microbial even at environmentally relevant concentrations (0.003–
activity (Thiele-Bruhn 2003). Sorption of antibiotics in soil 7.35 mg/kg) (Thiele-Bruhn and Beck 2005). Furthermore,
is tightly related to soil pH (Gu and Karthikeyan 2005; certain gene transcriptions which are not necessarily associ-
Basakcilardan-Kabakci et al. 2007). Also, environmental ated with stress responses could also be affected by
pH influences the charge of antibiotics presented in soil or structurally diverse antibiotics in sub-inhibitory concentra-
water (Kümmerer 2009a), which in turn affects their tions (Davies et al. 2006). In all, antibiotics may play roles
stability (Skinner et al. 1993; Aksu and Tunc 2005). Both other than as growth inhibitors, especially in the low
effects (sorption and charge of antibiotics) determine the concentration levels mentioned above (Little et al. 2008).
bioavailable concentration of antibiotics. In the study of
Čermák et al. (2008), two forest soils differing in pH, Exposure time
humic acid and clay content were investigated for linco-
mycin effects without addition of any substrate. Usually, It is natural to perceive that exposure time can be prolonged in
soil with higher clay content possesses higher sorption order to allow a latent effect to become detectable. Thiele-
ability towards antibiotics, resulting in lower antibiotic Bruhn (2003) summarized the inhibition rate and time
effects (Figueroa et al. 2004; Hu and Coats 2009). required for various antibiotics at specific concentrations
However, results showed that the bacterial community of the towards organisms in the habitat. In two soil samples (sandy
high-clay-content soil was more affected by lincomycin than soil and loamy soil), Thiele-Bruhn and Beck (2005) initially
the other soil with lower pH and higher content of humic tried to detect substrate-induced respiration (SIR) change in
acids. Therefore, pH and humic acid content could play a soil within 4 h by applying sulfapyridine or oxytetracycline,
more important role in diminishing the antibiotic effect (e.g., but the SIR was not influenced even at a concentration of
by inactivation of antibiotics). This is supported by the studies 1,000 mg/kg. Subsequently, the incubation time was
of Wang et al. (2009) and Gu and Karthikeyan (2008), which extended to 24 and 48 h, respectively. Strong inhibition
addressed the importance of pH and humic substance on the effects were observed in a clear dose-related manner for the
mobility of antibiotics in soil, respectively. In the study of sandy soil after 24-h incubation, while these were only seen
Wang et al., pH-dependent sorption was observed for after 48-h incubation for the loamy soil. Both results suggest
lincomycin, and as the solution pH increased, lincomycin that short-term tests may be not suitable for bacteriostatic
sorption decreased, corresponding well with the results of antibiotics such as sulfonamide and tetracycline.
Čermák et al. In another study carried out by Tappe et al. However, long-term studies frequently detect recovery of
(2008), the relationship between pH and susceptibility of the community biomass and return of certain microbes that
bacteria towards sulfonamides fits well with model predic- were initially inhibited. Demoling et al. (2009) employed
tion, a strong support for the significance of pH in the PLFA and PICT analysis to evaluate the effects of
antibiotic effects on microorganisms. Moreover, a number of sulfamethoxazole on soil microbes, which demonstrated
studies showed that sorption may lead to the reduction an initial decrease in bacterial growth rates and a gradual
(Thiele-Bruhn 2005; Córdova-Kreylos and Scow 2007; amplification of more tolerant species as reflected by PICT
Kotzerke et al. 2008) or even disappearance (Hund-Rinke increase. Similarly, in Kotzerke et al. (2008), microbial
et al. 2004) of antibiotic effects on microbial communities. activity recovered at day 32 when high concentration of
Most of the antibiotics studies exhibit a dose-dependent sulfadiazine was fed. The recovery ability of the microbes
relationship with their effects on microbial communities against antibiotics was also observed on specific microbes
(Mohamed et al. 2005; Naslund et al. 2008; Brandt et al. rather than on whole community scale. Return of specific
2009; Demoling et al. 2009). Halling-Sørensen et al. (1998) microorganisms after antibiotic treatment was also observed
came up with a comprehensive table listing effective/lethal in mouse gut microbiota. Using PCR-DGGE technique,
concentrations of different antibiotics and their target Yap et al. (2008) found that sequences closely related to
organisms, based on acute toxicity test. However, many of Clostridium leptum and Clostridium coccoides from mouse
the tested concentrations of antibiotics are unlikely to be intestine initially disappeared from the DGGE profiles at
found in the environment. As an exception, in a river water day 1 but recovered at days 2 and 3 post-treatment with
body near the effluent of sewage treatment plant (Larsson et vancomycin. This study of antibiotic effect on mammal
al. 2007) or manured soils (Demoling et al. 2009) where microflora sheds light on the effects of antibiotic on
936 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 87:925–941

environmental microbes, suggesting that not only does the Hence, the persistency of antibiotic effects varies, possibly
overall function of microbial communities tend to recover according to the type of antibiotic used and also specific
after antibiotic treatment, specific groups may also reappear testing environment. Such information needs to be collected
in the microbial profiles. Nevertheless, Westergaard et al. and summarized to provide a more accurate estimation on
(2001) found that the diversity of soil microbial community the aftermath of antibiotic input into the environment.
returned to control level at day 15 after treatment by
tylosin, but the community composition remained changed. Substrate
The resilience and robustness of the micro-ecosystem under
antibiotic pressure continue to be an interesting topic, and it Apart from extended exposure time, adding substrate is
is still under debate whether diversity contributes to the another way to amplify antibiotic effects, especially on
stability of the system (Little et al. 2008). bacteriostatic antibiotics. Substrates such as glucose, root
Till date, all of the studies regarding antibiotic effect on exudate and manure slurry are reported to enhance
natural habitats are based on a single application of antibiotic effects on microbial community (de Oliveira et
antibiotics. However, it is an over-simplification of the real al. 1995; Herron et al. 1998; Schmitt et al. 2005; Thiele-
environment, where the input of antibiotics could be in a Bruhn and Beck 2005; Zielezny et al. 2006). Noteworthy,
single pulse, multiple pulses, or even in a continuous mode. when using substrate to amplify effects of antibiotics, one
It would be interesting to see how the measured parameters should bear in mind that: (1) substrate may distort the
differ if the antibiotics are applied in various modes. It is microbial community structure because of stimulation of
possible that an already adapted microbial population will specific microbial groups as is in rhizosphere (Perry et al.
not be influenced by other antibiotics after several 1989); (2) root exudate may contain antibacterial substan-
applications. Another suggestion is keeping the antibiotics ces (El-Mahmood and Doughari 2008; Jeyachandran et al.
at a constant level throughout the experiment. This constant 2009; Puglisi et al. 2009), and also manure slurry resistance
but low level of antibiotics may cause unexpected and has to be taken into consideration on disturbance of
prominent effects in the community structure of soil or antibiotic effects. Schmitt et al. (2005) and Heuer and
aquatic environment. This approach could be applied to Smalla (2007) showed that manure stimulated PICT
study the long-term effects of low antibiotic concentration, increase in soil when treated with sulfachloropyridazine
the impact of which is latent in the short-term treatment. and sulfadiazine, respectively. However, manure may bring
However, it is worth to point out that some detection in resistant bacteria and resistance genes (Binh et al. 2008),
methods on microbial community change (e.g., PICT) may and may change soil properties as well. Therefore, without
not be favorable for long-term incubation experiments further investigations, it would be difficult to separate the
(Demoling et al. 2009). This is because PICT measures effects of nutrients within manure and the introduced
the status of community tolerance at the time point of resistance. Regarding this issue, Hammesfahr et al. (2008)
sampling, and ideally no exposure towards the pollutants compared the DGGE pattern of pure manure with those of
should be imposed during the detection period in order to the soil samples and found that manure populations did not
avoid further increase of community tolerance. become major components of the soil community. Instead,
An interesting issue regarding antibiotics exposure time manure rather indirectly influenced soil microbial community
is that, as is known, short-term exposure causes significant structure, e.g., by growth stimulation or genetic exchange as
changes in community structure (especially in the presence discussed in the study of Heuer et al. (2008). Interestingly,
of substrate), but it is crucial to find out whether long-term some antibiotics may even serve as carbon sources to some
or even irreversible alteration to the microbial population of the bacteria (Dantas et al. 2008). This may explain
will take place after short-term exposure to antibiotics, substantial increases in microbial biomass observed in salt
since antibiotics are often not persistent in natural habitat marsh sediments after adding ciprofloxacin as the only
due to adsorption or transformation. Clinical evidence has carbon source (Córdova-Kreylos and Scow 2007).
shown that short-term antibiotic administration can cause The substrate effect resulted from plants is significant.
long-term alterations in microbiota (Lofmark et al. 2006). The high input of organic materials from plant roots and
In field studies, persistence or further increase of antibiotic root exudates (Vogt et al. 1982) not only promotes the
effects is often observed even after quick declination of growth of microbes in the rhizosphere, but also modifies
antibiotic amounts in soil, such as sulfonamides (Kotzerke the antibiotic impact to soil microbes. Mohamed et al.
et al. 2008). However, studies also show that the effects on (2005) demonstrated that natamycin concentrations varying
microbial community tend to be attenuated and soil from 50 to 100 mg/L were sufficient to control fungal
parameters tend to rebound to normal level when the growth in soil suspension from bulk soils. However, for the
antibiotic like tetracycline or tylosin disappear from soil rhizosphere soil, natamycin concentrations up to 200 mg/L
(Rysz and Alvarez 2004; Demoling and Bååth 2008). were required to control fungi growth. Using artificial root
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 87:925–941 937

exudate as substrate amendment, Brandt et al. (2009) found paradoxical but rationalized phenomenon is observed, in
enhanced community tolerance at sulfadiazine of 1 mg/kg which under the suppressive antibiotic combination (doxy-
in rhizosphere soil, while this effect was only observed at cycline–ciprofloxacin), a diminished selection for the
sulfadiazine of 10∼100 mg/kg in bulk soil. Hence, resistant mutant was found in comparison with doxycycline
rhizosphere may be the key sites for proliferation of alone. Thus, in particular cases, coexistence of more than
resistant bacteria. However, as a biologically complex one antibiotic in the community is possible to even
microhabitat with the presence of both beneficial and decrease the overall resistance of the whole population
deleterious microorganisms as well as the plant hosts, it is because of the removal of the suppression effect and
difficult to pinpoint the mechanisms behind this enhance- selection for the resistant group.
ment of resistance. Antibacterial activity in plant root
exudates also has to be considered and tackled. In
summary, more studies are needed, especially on rhizo- Summary
sphere of agricultural plants that are in proximity with
human habitat and are thus more probable to be exposed to This review summarizes recent findings on the antibiotic
antibiotics. effects to microbial community in the context of natural
habitat. To assess the antibiotic effects in depth, important
Multiple antibiotics parameters (e.g., concentration, exposure time, addition of
substrates) are also discussed. The following are important
There are a number of studies on the combined activity by conclusions and recommendations worth to be tackled in
multiple antibiotics on bacteria strains under laboratory the future study:
conditions (Dutta et al. 2009; Ganiere and Denuault 2009;
Hames et al. 2009; Pietschmann et al. 2009; Tabak et al. 1. Phylogenetic analyses have revealed various changes
2009). Till now, there are few reports on the combined in microbial community structure caused by anti-
effects of several antibiotics on microbial community in biotics; however, results are often explained statisti-
field study, although environmental compartments like cally, offering no exact meaning for each change in
surface water (Halling-Sørensen et al. 1998; Christian et the community profiles. If those changes could be
al. 2003; Liu et al. 2009), sewage (Liu et al. 2009; located at finer levels (e.g., using microarray analy-
Watkinson et al. 2009) and sediment (Bjorklund et al. sis), more information may be obtained on the
1991; Tang et al. 2009) have all been reported to harbor structure alteration as well as subtle interactions
multiple antibiotics simultaneously. Considering the various between functional groups.
types of combined effects of antibiotics (Keith et al. 2005; 2. Up to now, there have been no reports on PICT or other
Yeh et al. 2006), it is expected that the coexistence of two parameter changes in microbial communities influenced
or even more antibiotics in soil or aquatic environment will by antibiotics belonging to the bactericidal group, such as
present a different effect from when they are acting alone. β-lactam antibiotics. Indeed, the most often studied
A study conducted by Christensen et al. (2006) is bacteriostatic antibiotics are widely used in agriculture
currently the only case on effects of antibiotic combination and veterinary medicine. However, in human medicine, ß-
in environment. They observed synergistic effects with the lactams are the most frequently used antibiotics, which
combination of erythromycin and oxytetracycline on account for about 50–70% of total antibiotic in use
activated sludge microorganisms, while additive effects (Kümmerer 2009a). The peak concentrations of β-
were found with the combination of flumequine and lactams has been reported at lower micrograms per liter
oxolinic acid. Surprisingly, combination of salinomycin level in hospital effluent (Kümmerer 2001; Watkinson et
(antibiotic) and citric acid even changed the targeted group al. 2009) and wastewater treatment plant (WWTP)
of salinomycin by demonstrating bactericidal activity on effluent (Watkinson et al. 2009), and at higher nano-
Gram-negative bacteria in addition to the conventional grams per liter level in environmental waters (Watkinson
target on Gram-positive bacteria (Ogita et al. 2009). et al. 2009). Though β-lactams are rapidly degraded
Another interesting phenomenon is that resistance to one through hydrolysis and decarboxylation in laboratory
of the antibiotics could actually have the opposite effect in conditions (Längin et al. 2009), their concentrations in
suppressive multidrug treatments (Chait et al. 2007). In WWTP effluent are still high compared with other
such cases, although resistance would indeed diminish the classes of antibiotics due to the much higher influent
inhibition imposed by one of the antibiotics, it may also concentrations (Watkinson et al. 2009). Therefore, the ß-
remove the suppression among the antibiotics, rendering lactam class should not be ignored, especially in their
the combined treatment more effective against the resistant effects on resistance expansion at low concentrations in
mutant than against the wild type. Therefore, a seemingly the environment.
938 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2010) 87:925–941

3. The existing results give contradictory conclusions on the Bailey VL, Smith JL, Bolton H (2002) Fungal-to-bacterial ratios in
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and experimental procedures. The presence of antibiotics is Water Environ Res 79:2551–2556
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significance because of the wide coverage of water body (2009) Increased pollution-induced bacterial community toler-
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studying their nitrogen/phosphorus removal abilities. tance of human fecal microflora growing in chemostats. Regul
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