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A. Cambodia
 Cambodia is one of the most beautiful countries in Southeast Asia.
 It is also known as Kâmpŭchéa. It was the center of the Khmer (Cambodian) kingdom of
Angkor, a great empire that dominated Southeast Asia for 600 years
 Art music is highly influenced by ancient forms as well as Hindu forms.
 Cambodian court music is roughly similar to that of Java, Indonesia. They feature choruses
with large orchestras based on struck keys and gongs.
 The Pinpeat is a Cambodian musical ensemble or an orchestra that usually accompanies
ceremonial music of the royal courts and temples.
 The Pinpeat instruments
1. SAMPHOR - a double-headed drum played with hands (membranophone)
2. ONEAT – xylophones (idiophone)
3. CHHING – finger cymbals (idiophone)
4. SKORTHOM - two big drums similar to Japanese (membranophone)
5. KONGVONG - gong circles (idiophone)
B. Indonesia
 Indonesia is an archipelago in Southeast Asia comprising approximately 17,500 islands.
 the world's fourth most populous country and is the fourth biggest nation of the world.
 two basic kinds of Indonesian music scale:
a. Slendro – five (5) equidistant tones in octave
b. Peloq – heptatonic (7) tone scale with semi tone
 Irama – is an Indonesian term for tempo
 Gamelan orchestra is the most popular form of music in Indonesia. There are many types of
Gamelan but the famous Javanese and Balinese Gamelan are the most famous.
 Vocal music is used as ornamentation of the Gamelan.
 Pesindhen is a female soloist singer who sings with a Gamelan
 Gerong refers to the unison male chorus that sings with the gamelan.
 Karawitan is the term for every kind of gamelan music in Java.
C. Myanmar
 Myanmar was known as Burma until 1989.
 The Hsaing Waing is Myanmar’s traditional folk music ensemble
 Myanmar’s musical instruments are categorized into 2 types, the loud sounding and soft
sounding. The loud sounding instruments are performed in open-air ensembles at
ceremonies and festivals. Most of the Hsaing Waing instruments belong to the loud sounding
 The Hsaing Waing instruments
1. hne (a double reed pipe)
2. chauk lon pat (a set of 8 tuned drums)
3. maung hsaing (larger bronze gongs in a rectangular frame)
4. pat waing (a set of 21 drums in a circle)
5. siand wa (bell and clapper)
 saung gauk the national instrument of (13-string angular harp with soft sound) Myanmar, the
pattala (Burmese xylophone)
 The body of the saung gauk is made of padauk, the famous Myanmar mahogany, the flat bar
is made of cutch wood, it is covered with the leather of a female deer and the strings are
made of silk.
 Mahagita - an extensive collection of classical songs
D. Myanmar
 Malaysia may be categorized into two types:
1. Classical and Folk music emerged during the pre-colonial period and still exists in the
form of vocal, dance, and theatrical music.
2. Syncretic or Acculturated music developed during the post-Portuguese period (16th
 Musical ensembles and types of performances in Malaysia:
1. Agung and Kulintang - This is a gong-based musical ensemble commonly used in
funerals and weddings in East Malaysia.
2. Kertok - This is a musical ensemble from the Malay Peninsula that consists of
xylophones played swiftly and rhythmically in traditional Malay functions.
3. Dikir Barat - It is performed by singing in groups and often in a competitive manner.
4. Silat Melayu - This is a form of martial art that is similar to t’ai chi. It originated in the
Malay Peninsula since the Christian Era and is a mixture of martial arts, dance, and music
usually accompanied by gongs, drums, and Indian oboes.
E. Thailand
 Formerly known as Siam
 the country is also called “Muang Thai,” which means “Land of the Free.”
 Thailand has three primary instrumental ensembles:
1. Piphat - It is a mid-sized orchestra that is performed in either outdoor style with hard
mallets or indoor style with padded mallets.
2. Khrueang Sai – It is an orchestra that combines some of the percussion and wind
instruments of the Piphat with an expanded string section.
3. Mahori – This ensemble is traditionally played by women in the courts of Central Thailand
and Cambodia. Usually accompanied by the so sam sai ( 3 stringed fiddle).
F. Laos
 Wat Pha That Luang, Vientiane is one of its famous landmarks.
 The Lao orchestra can be divided into two categories:
1. Sep Nyai - This is similar to the Piphat of Thailand with instruments that are strictly
percussive but also integrates the use of an oboe.
2. Sep Noi – it incorporates the use of several Khene which is a large bamboo mouth organ
and is the most popular folk music instrument of Laos.
 Mor lam – traditional music of Laos and is largely based around the khene.
G. Vietnam
 Vietnamese music (nhạc Việt Nam) refers to the ethnic music that originated from the "Kinh"
people of Vietnam.
 Categories of Vietnamese Music:
1. Imperial court music - The most popular of this kind is the Nha nhac that was popularly
performed during the Tran Dynasty to the Nguyen Dynasty. This form of classical music is
also performed in honour of the gods and scholars in temples.
2. Folk music - This category is extremely diverse because it includes music performed
both indoors and outdoors.
3. Religious and Ceremonial music – This is music performed in religious rituals or at
H. Singapore
 Through the years, the music industry in Singapore grew having Western influenced
performances by the Singapore Symphony Orchestra as well as ethnic music
performances mainly by the Singapore Chinese Orchestra.

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