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Cognizable Bailable By what

Offence Punishment or non- or non- court
cognizable bailable triable

Imprisonment for
3 months, or fine Any
447 IPC Criminal trespass Cognizable Bailable
of 500 rupees, or Magistrate

Imprisonment for
one year, or fine Any
448 IPC House-trespass Cognizable Bailable
of 1,000 rupees, Magistrate
or both

House-trespass in order Imprisonment for

to the commission of life, or rigorous Non- Court of
449 IPC
an offence punishable imprisonment for bailable Session
with death 10 years and fine

House-trespass in order
to the commission of
Imprisonment for Non- Court of
450 IPC an offence punishable Cognizable
10 years and fine. bailable Session
with imprisonment for

House-trespass in order
to the commission of Imprisonment for Any
451 IPC Cognizable Bailable
an offence punishable 2 years and fine. Magistrate
with imprisonment.

Imprisonment for Non- Any

If the offence is theft Cognizable
7 years and fine bailable Magistrate
House-trespass, having
made preparation for Imprisonment for Non- Any
452 IPC Cognizable
causing hurt, assault, 7 years and fine bailable Magistrate

Lurking house-trespass Imprisonment for Non- Any

453 IPC Cognizable
or house-breaking 2 years and fine bailable Magistrate

Lurking house-trespass
or house-breaking in
order to the Imprisonment for Non- Any
454 IPC Cognizable
commission of an 3 years and fine bailable Magistrate
offence punishable with

Imprisonment for Non-
If the offence be theft Cognizable of the first
10 years and fine bailable

Lurking house-trespass
or house-breaking after Magistrate
Imprisonment for Non-
455 IPC preparation made for Cognizable of the first
10 years and fine bailable
causing hurt, assault, class

Lurking house-trespass
Imprisonment for Non- Any
456 IPC or house-breaking by Cognizable
3 years and fine bailable Magistrate

Lurking house-trespass
or house-breaking by Imprisonment for Non-
457 IPC Cognizable of the first
night in order to the 5 years and fine bailable
commission of an
offence punishable with

Imprisonment for Non-
If the offence is theft Cognizable of the first
14 years and fine. bailable

Lurking house-trespass
or house-breaking by Magistrate
Imprisonment for Non-
458 IPC night, after preparation Cognizable of the first
14 years and fine bailable
made for causing hurt, class

Grievous hurt caused Imprisonment for

whilst committing life, or Non- Court of
459 IPC Cognizable
lurking house-trespass imprisonment for bailable Session
or house breaking 10 years and fine

Death or grievous hurt

Imprisonment for
caused by one of
life, or Non- Court of
460 IPC several persons jointly Cognizable
imprisonment for bailable Session
concerned in house-
10 years and fine
breaking by night, etc

Dishonestly breaking
open or unfastening Imprisonment for
Non- Any
461 IPC any closed receptacle 2 years, or fine, or Cognizable
bailable Magistrate
containing or supposed both
to contain property

Being entrusted with

any closed receptacle Imprisonment for
462 IPC containing or supposed 3 years, or fine, or Cognizable Bailable
to contain any both
property, and
fraudulently opening
the same

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