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Codex: Tau v1.

Faction specific rules for Tau Empire
Based upon Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40k



The Tau Empire is a young faction, specializing in ranged warfare and mobility. Though
not very adept in melee (with the standard troop option having only WS2), their ranged
weapons are the most powerful in the game. They also have a knack for mobility, offsetting
their poor melee abilities with close ranged ferocity. They also have interesting technology
allowing for some unique units. They do not contain psykers in their ranks, however, so
miss out on the psychic phase altogether, and have few defenses against psychic powers.

Wargear – Infantry

Wargear – Battlesuits

Battlesuit models have limited hardpoints, as specified in their Army List entries. No
battlesuit may exceed its respective number of tangible weapons or support systems, but
may exceed this limit for Hard-Wired systems.
Weapons Points Support Systems Points
Airbursting Frag Projector 20 Advanced Stabilization System 10
Burst Cannon 8/12 Advanced Targeting System 10
Cyclic Ion Blaster 15 Blacksun Filter 3
Flamer 4/6 C&C Node 10
Fusion Blaster 12/18 Drone Controller 0
Plasma Rifle 12/18 Multi Tracker 5
Missile Pod 12/18 Positional Relay 15
Shield Generator 15
Target Lock 5
Targeting Array 10
Vectored Retrothrusters 10

Twin-Linked Weapons: When two of the same weapon are mounted on a battlesuit,
it counts as a single, twin-linked weapon of that kind, NOT as two of the weapon. The
points costs are listed above as single weapon/TL weapon. Each weapon occupies a hard-

Special Issue (*): These weapons and systems are only usable by characters as des-
ignated in the Army List entries.

Hard-Wired Systems: These are examples of equipment contained within the suit,
or exist in the form of a pilot enhancement, and as thus do not need to be represented on
the model.

Advanced Stabilization System: During the Movement Phase, the suit may choose to
use the Slow and Purposeful rule (as outlined in the main rules) for the remainder of the
turn. If one model in a squad chooses this, all must do so.
Airbursting Fragmentation Projector: A recent addition to the Tau arsenal, once
functioning only as a prototype weapon for commanders. This weapon ignores cover, and
has the following profile:
Range S AP Type
G18” 4 -1 Assault 1
Blacksun Filter: The user may double the distance rolled for determining how far
they can see when fighting at night. Only the user gains this benefit, and cannot make this
roll for their whole squad.
Bonding Knife: something.

Army List


Commander (XV8)

Leader of a Tau cadre, the commander is essential to any successful campaign.

Points WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Shas’o 75+ 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 10 3+
Shas’el 50+ 3 4 5 4 3 3 3 9 3+

Type: Jump Infantry (Jetpack).

Equipment: The Commander is equipped with an XV8 battlesuit. It may select any
battlesuit weapons, support systems, and wargear from the armory, including special
issue systems.


Independent Character: Unless accompanied by a bodyguard team, the Com-

mander is an independent character as per the UE rules. It maintains this status even
if accompanied by drones.

Bodyguard: The Commander may be joined by a bodyguard retinue (see below).

If so, the whole squad counts as a single HQ choice.

XV8 Battlesuit: This equipment grants the Commander the Acute Senses and
Deep Strike special rules. See the rulebook entry for more.

XV8 Bodyguard Team

Bodyguards are Shas’vre who have shown extensive loyalty to their sept and
commander and have thus been tasked with defending especially revered commanders.

Points WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Shas’vre 35 3 3 5 4 2 3 2 8 3+
Team: A team consists of 1-2 Shas’vre. There can only be 1 team per Commander,
and they may not be taken independently.

Type: Jump Infantry (Jetpack).

Equipment: Each Shas’vre is equipped with an XV8 battlesuit. It may select any
battlesuit weapons, support systems, and wargear from the armory, including special
issue systems, up to a maximum of 100 points.


XV8 Battlesuit: This equipment grants the Commander the Acute Senses and
Deep Strike special rules. See the rulebook entry for more.

Commander (XV85)

Armed with the experimental XV85 enforcer suit, this Commander has shown
expertise in combat and piloting skill and has been granted access to prototype equip-

Points WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Shas’o 75 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 10 3+
Shas’el 50 3 4 5 4 3 3 3 9 3+

Type: Jump Infantry (Jetpack).

Equipment: The Commander is equipped with an XV8 battlesuit. It may select any
battlesuit weapons, support systems, and wargear from the armory, including special
issue systems.


Independent Character: Unless accompanied by a bodyguard team, the Com-

mander is an independent character as per the UE rules. It maintains this status even
if accompanied by drones.

Bodyguard: The Commander may be joined by a bodyguard retinue (see below).

If so, the whole squad counts as a single HQ choice.

XV8 Battlesuit: This equipment grants the Commander the Acute Senses and
Deep Strike special rules. See the rulebook entry for more.

Armed with the experimental XV85 enforcer suit, this Commander has shown
expertise in combat and piloting skill and has been granted access to prototype equip-

Points WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Shas’o 75 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 10 3+
Shas’el 50 3 4 5 4 3 3 3 9 3+

Type: Jump Infantry (Jetpack).

Equipment: The Commander is equipped with an XV8 battlesuit. It may select any
battlesuit weapons, support systems, and wargear from the armory, including special
issue systems.


Independent Character: Unless accompanied by a bodyguard team, the Com-

mander is an independent character as per the UE rules. It maintains this status even
if accompanied by drones.

Bodyguard: The Commander may be joined by a bodyguard retinue (see below).

If so, the whole squad counts as a single HQ choice.

XV8 Battlesuit: This equipment grants the Commander the Acute Senses and
Deep Strike special rules. See the rulebook entry for more.


Armed with the experimental XV85 enforcer suit, this Commander has shown
expertise in combat and piloting skill and has been granted access to prototype equip-

Points WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Shas’o 75 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 10 3+
Shas’el 50 3 4 5 4 3 3 3 9 3+

Type: Jump Infantry (Jetpack).

Equipment: The Commander is equipped with an XV8 battlesuit. It may select any
battlesuit weapons, support systems, and wargear from the armory, including special
issue systems.

Independent Character: Unless accompanied by a bodyguard team, the Com-

mander is an independent character as per the UE rules. It maintains this status even
if accompanied by drones.

Bodyguard: The Commander may be joined by a bodyguard retinue (see below).

If so, the whole squad counts as a single HQ choice.

XV8 Battlesuit: This equipment grants the Commander the Acute Senses and
Deep Strike special rules. See the rulebook entry for more.



Armed with the experimental XV95 Ghostkeel stealth suit, this Commander has
shown expertise in combat and piloting skill and has been granted access to prototype

Points WS BS S Front Side Rear I A

Ghostkeel Battlesuit 110 2 3 6 12 11 11 4 2
OR Points WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Ghostkeel Battlesuit 110 2 3 6 6 5 3 2 8 3+
MV5 Stealth Drone ? 2 2 4 4 1 4 1 6 4+

Type: Vehicle (Walker)./Monstrous Creature. Crew: One Fire Caste Pilot

Equipment: The model is equipped with an XV95 Ghostkeel battlesuit, which con-
tains an integrated stealth field generator. The suit is armed with a fusion collider
and twin-linked flamers. It is always equipped with a drone controller. It may select
up to two additional battlesuit support systems.

Options: The Ghostkeel may exchange the fusion collider for a cyclic ion raker at
+5 points. It may exchange the twin-linked flamers for twin-linked burst cannons at
+8 points for the pair or twin-linked fusion blasters at +12 points for the pair.


XV95 Battlesuit: This equipment grants the Ghostkeel the Acute Senses and
Deep Strike special rules. See the rulebook entry for more.
Electrowarfare Suite: The XV95 Battlesuit is incredibly difficult to target,
making it ideal for infiltration missions. The battlesuit may deploy using the Infiltra-
tors special rule, regardless of whether or not the mission permits it.

Stealth Drones: The XV95 must be joined by two MV5 stealth drones at no
extra points cost. They are also protected by the stealth field generator. In addition,
enemies targeting the unit fire at BS-1 OR halve their spotting distance OR can be
forced to re-roll the spotting distance.
Faction Traits

Harsh Conditions: Forged on a storm world or a planet that experiences incredibly

long spells of darkness, the army has learned to fight well in low-light conditions. All sept
infantry (fire warriors, ethereals, fireblades, pathfinders, spotters) gain acute senses at +1
point per model, and all battlesuits and vehicles automatically equip hard-wired blacksun
filters at a reduced +2 points per model. No model may refuse these upgrades.

Loyal To The Empire: As loyalist veterans of the Vior’la sept, this army observed
O’Shovah’s betrayal firsthand and fought against their fellow Fire Caste members in (what-
ever war). They have been known to deter from their commands to pursue Farsight Enclave
forces. This sept has the Preferred Enemy special rule when fighting Farsight Enclaves.

Name WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Shas’o 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 10 3+
Shas’el 3 4 5 4 3 3 3 9 3+
Crisis Bodyguard 3 3 5 4 2 3 2 8 3+
Ethereal 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 10 -
FW Honor Guard 2 4 3 3 1 2 1 7 4+
Fireblade 3 5 3 3 2 3 2 9 4+
Aun’va 1 3 2 3(5) 4 1 1 10 4++∗
Guard 4 4 3(5) 3(5) 2 3 3 10 4++∗
O’shovah 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 10 3+/4++
Shadowsun 4 5 4 3 3 4 4 10 3+/4++
Crisis Shas’vre 3 3 5 4 2 3 2 8 3+
Crisis Shas’ui 2 3 5 4 2 2 2 8 3+
Stealth Shas’vre 3 3 4 3 1 3 2 8 3+
Stealth Shas’ui 2 3 4 3 1 2 2 8 3+
Firesight Marksman 2 4 3 3 2 2 1 8 4+
FW Veteran Shas’ui 2 4 3 3 1 2 1 8 4+
FW Shas’ui 2 3 3 3 1 2 2 8 4+
FW Shas’la 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 7 4+
Kroot 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 7 6+
Shaper 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 8 6+
Gun Drone 2 2 3 3 1 4 1 7 4+
Shield Drone 2 2 3 X 1 4 1 X X/4++
Marker Drone 2 3 3 3 1 4 1 X 4+
Pathfinder Shas’ui 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 8 5+
Pathfinder Shas’la 2 3 3 3 1 2 2 7 5+
Vespid Stingwing 3 3 3 4 1 5 1 6 5+
Strain Leader 3 3 3 4 1 5 1 9 5+
Broadside Shas’vre 3 3 5 4 2 3 2 8 2+
Broadside Shas’ui 2 3 5 4 2 2 2 8 2+
Spotter 2 4 3 3 2 2 1 8 4+
Sniper Drone 2 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 4+
Name F S R W BS
Devilfish 12 11 10 1 3
Piranha 11 10 10 1 3
Hammerhead 13 12 10 1 4
Sky Ray 13 12 10 1 3
Tetra 10 10 10 1 3
Sentry Turret 12 12 12 1 2
Name Type Range S AP Notes
Airbursting Frag Projector A1 G18 4 6 Large Blast, Ignores Cover
Burst Cannon A3 18 5 5
Cyclic Ion Blaster A5 18 3 4 Wound rolls of 6: AP1 (Ion/Rending?)
Flamer A1 T 4 5 Ignores Cover
Ion Cannon H3 60 7 3
Kroot Rifle R1 24 4 6 +1A
Markerlight H1 36 - - see Markerlights
Missile Pod A2 36 7 4
Plasma Rifle R1 24 6 2
Pulse Rifle R1 30 5 5
Pulse Carbine∗ A2 18 5 5 Pinning / Stun / Hit & Run?
Photon Grenade Launcher A1 18 - - -1 to BS∗
Pulse Blaster A2? 12 5 4 Shotgun
Pulse Pistol P1 12 5 5
Fusion Blaster A1 12 8 1 Melta
Railgun H1 72 10 1
Railgun (submunition) H1 72 6 4 Large Blast
Rail Rifle H1 36 6 3 Pinning...(Rending?)
Seeker Missile H1 - 8 3 see Armory
Smart Missile System H4 24 5 5 no LOS, Ignores Cover, Twin-Linked
Neutron Blaster A1 12 5 3
ForgeWorld+ Weapons Type Range S AP Notes
Long Barrel Burst Cannon A3 36 5 5
Heavy Burst Cannon H3 36 6 4
Dual Missile Pods A4 36 7 4
Fusion Cannon H1 24 8 1 Blast, Melta
Plasma Cannon H2 48 7 2
Double-Barrel Plasma Rifle A2 24 6 2
Ion Rifle 6E R1 30 7 4 Ion
Heavy Rail Rifle 6E H1 60 8 1
Heavy Rail Rifle 8E H2 60 8 1
Other Weapons Type Range S AP Notes
Heavy Flamer H1 T 5 4 Ignores Cover, Exp
Long Barrel Fusion Blaster A1 24? 8 1 Melta∗
Dual Pulse Rifle R1 30 5 5 Twin-Linked
High Output Burst Cannon A4 18 5 5 Exp
High Yield Missile Pod H4 36 7 4
Ion Cannon (Overcharge) HD6 60 8? 3 Exp
Heavy Burst Cannon (HH) H6 36 5 5
Ranger Pulse Rifle A1 30? 5 5

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