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NEW D ELHI-110016

Name : Mr. RANBIR SINGH Collected : 5/5/2019 7:30:00AM

Received : 5/5/2019 7:32:54AM
Lab No. : 146446132 Age: 58 Years Gender: Male Reported : 6/5/2019 12:26:06PM
A/c Status : P Ref By : CGHS Report Status : Final

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval


Hb F <1.00 % <1.50

Peak 2 6.60 % <9.60

Hb Adult 84.50 % 83.24 - 90.79

Hb A2 2.30 % 1.50 - 3.50

Others (Non Specific) 5.10 % <10.00

Hemoglobin 9.50 g/dL 13.00 - 17.00

RBC Count 5.26 mill/mm3 4.50 - 5.50

Packed Cell Volume (PCV) 39.70 % 40.00 - 50.00

MCV 75.50 fL 80.00 - 100.00

MCH 18.10 pg 27.00 - 32.00

RDW 19.70 % 11.50 - 14.50

Suggestive Interpretation
Normal Hb chromatographic pattern
NB: HbA2 may be suppressed in concomitant Iron Deficiency.

PatientReportSCSuperPanel.HBELECTRO_SC (Version: 7)

*146446132* Page 1 of 4

NEW D ELHI-110016

Name : Mr. RANBIR SINGH Collected : 5/5/2019 7:30:00AM

Received : 5/5/2019 7:32:54AM
Lab No. : 146446132 Age: 58 Years Gender: Male Reported : 6/5/2019 12:26:06PM
A/c Status : P Ref By : CGHS Report Status : Final

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval


*Test results released pertain to the specimen submitted .*All test results are dependent on the quality of the sample received by the Laboratory .
*Laboratory investigations are only a tool to facilitate in arriving at a diagnosis and should be clinically correlated by the Referring Physician .*Sample
repeats are accepted on request of Referring Physician within 7 days post reporting.*Report delivery may be delayed due to unforeseen
circumstances. Inconvenience is regretted.*Certain tests may require further testing at additional cost for derivation of exact value. Kindly submit
request within 72 hours post reporting.*Test results may show interlaboratory variations .*The Courts/Forum at Delhi shall have exclusive
jurisdiction in all disputes/claims concerning the test(s) & or results of test(s).*Test results are not valid for medico legal purposes. * Contact
customer care Tel No. +91-11-39885050 for all queries related to test results.
(#) Sample drawn from outside source.

PatientReportSCSuperPanel.HBELECTRO_SC (Version: 7)

*146446132* Page 2 of 4

NEW D ELHI-110016

Name : Mr. RANBIR SINGH Collected : 5/5/2019 7:30:00AM

Received : 5/5/2019 7:32:54AM
Lab No. : 146446132 Age: 58 Years Gender: Male Reported : 6/5/2019 12:26:06PM
A/c Status : P Ref By : CGHS Report Status : Final

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval

FERRITIN, SERUM 7.70 ng/mL 22.00 - 322.00

Note: Increase in serum ferritin due to inflammatory conditions (Acute phase response) can mask a
diagnostically low result

Serum ferritin appears to be in equilibrium with tissue ferritin and is a good indicator of storage iron in normal
subjects and in most disorders. In patients with some hepatocellular diseases, malignancies and
inflammatory diseases, serum ferritin is a disproportionately high estimate of storage iron because serum
ferritin is an acute phase reactant. In such disorders iron deficiency anemia may exist with a normal serum
ferritin concentration. In the presence of inflammation, persons with low serum ferritin are likely to respond to
iron therapy.

Increased Levels
· Iron overload - Hemochromatosis, Thalassemia & Sideroblastic anemia
· Malignant conditions - Acute myeloblastic & Lymphoblastic leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease & Breast
· Inflammatory diseases - Pulmonary infections, Osteomyelitis, Chronic UTI, Rheumatoid arthritis,
SLE, burns
· Acute & Chronic hepatocellular disease

Decreased Levels
Iron deficiency anemia



Iron 13.00 µg/dL 65.00 - 175.00

Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) 433.00 µg/dL 250.00 - 425.00

Transferrin Saturation 3.00 % 20.00 - 50.00

Iron is an essential trace mineral element which forms an important component of hemoglobin,
metallocompounds and Vitamin A. Deficiency of iron, leads to microcytic hypochromic anemia. The toxic
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NEW D ELHI-110016

Name : Mr. RANBIR SINGH Collected : 5/5/2019 7:30:00AM

Received : 5/5/2019 7:32:54AM
Lab No. : 146446132 Age: 58 Years Gender: Male Reported : 6/5/2019 12:26:06PM
A/c Status : P Ref By : CGHS Report Status : Final

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval

effects of iron are deposition of iron in various organs of the body and hemochromatosis.
Total Iron Binding capacity (TIBC) is a direct measure of the protein Transferrin which transports iron from
the gut to storage sites in the bone marrow. In iron deficiency anemia, serum iron is reduced and TIBC
Transferrin Saturation occurs in Idiopathic hemochromatosis and Transfusional hemosiderosis where no
unsaturated iron binding capacity is available for iron mobilization. Similar condition is seen in congenital
deficiency of Transferrin.

Dr Anil Arora Dr Himangshu Mazumdar Dr Nimmi Kansal

MD, Pathology MD, Biochemistry MD, Biochemistry
HOD Hematology & Consultant Biochemist National Head - Clinical Chemistry &
Immunohematology NRL - Dr Lal PathLabs Ltd Biochemical Genetics
NRL - Dr Lal PathLabs Ltd NRL - Dr Lal PathLabs Ltd

-------------------------------End of report --------------------------------


*Test results released pertain to the specimen submitted .*All test results are dependent on the quality of the sample received by the Laboratory .
*Laboratory investigations are only a tool to facilitate in arriving at a diagnosis and should be clinically correlated by the Referring Physician .*Sample
repeats are accepted on request of Referring Physician within 7 days post reporting.*Report delivery may be delayed due to unforeseen
circumstances. Inconvenience is regretted.*Certain tests may require further testing at additional cost for derivation of exact value. Kindly submit
request within 72 hours post reporting.*Test results may show interlaboratory variations .*The Courts/Forum at Delhi shall have exclusive
jurisdiction in all disputes/claims concerning the test(s) & or results of test(s).*Test results are not valid for medico legal purposes. * Contact
customer care Tel No. +91-11-39885050 for all queries related to test results.
(#) Sample drawn from outside source.

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