Short Story Mat Jenin

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Short Story-Mat Jenin Village by The Sea

Mat Jenin was hired to bring down the fruits from the coconut tree - bring down coconuts. The

other alternative was to hire a trained monkey - a short tailed monkey called "Beruk". Anyway

Beruk lost out to Mat Jenin. Mat Jenin the skillful man won the contract.

So he climbed one and pick up the coconut meant for harvesting and threw them down one

by one. Then another tree. Then another tree. And another tree. Pretty soon there was quite

a big pile of coconuts. He looked at the pile and felt quite proud of himself.

After a moment's rest he went up another tree.

There was a really nice breeze. Really pleasant. Ahhhhh really pleasant. You would just love

to lie down and sleep and perhaps dream the day off.

So here was our Mat Jenin. Up on top of a tall coconut tree with the breeze and all. He was

very proud of himself. And he started to do some mental calculations.

He could get quite a bit of money for this job. He had been thinking of improving himself. Now,

with this money he was going to get he could really start something - a small project but that

could be a start to bigger things. He could start with buying eggs. Chicken eggs. How about a

hundred chicken eggs for a start?

He would get to these eggs to hatch. He was sure he could learn how to do this as he had

been watching one old man doing just this at the edge of the village. Yes, he could.

Maybe not all would survive. Let's say eighty would. He could sell these when the chicks were

much bigger. He could. He had seen the chickens being sold at the bigger village market.

With that money from the sale of the chicken, he could buy a goat!! No, a pair of goats!!! One

male and the other female. Yes, he could use the plot where he had reared the chickens to

rear goats instead. A pair. It would not be long when the she-goat would get pregnant and...

there would be more goats!! And more goats. The grassland near the edge of the village

should be more than adequate to support a hindred goats.

He could sell the goats. Sell half of it and buy cows. That would be a brilliant idea. Cows can

give much more milk than goats. More meat. More money.

Hhhhmmm he would need land for that many cows. Must buy land.

Let's start with the northern part of the village. The land would be much cheaper there. then

he could extend himself to the... the east! And next the west!!

Ahhhhhh he could walk around the village one fine day and when people asked him to whom

all the goats and the cows and the land belong to, he would spread his hands out proudly and

say, "They are all mine. They all belong to Mat Jenin who used to ne an odd-job man."

He was on top of a coconut tree.

He spread his hands while he was at the top of a very tall coconut tree.

He fell.

He fell way down below.

There were no goats. There were no cows. Not even chickens or eggs. Only hard ground.

He died. Without the cows. Without the goats. Without the chickens. No egg either. His head

cracked open as an egg would from that height. Very messy.

Now, that was not a good time to daydream. No, it was not.

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