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International Journal of Education and Social Science Vol. 4 No.

3; March 2017

Strengths Needs and Resilience among Foster Care Youth: A Measurement Model

Darron Garner, PhD.

Assistant Adjunct Professor
Prairie View A & M University
Prairie View, Texas 77446
United States of America
Jackson de Carvalho, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Division of Social Work, Behavioral & Political Science
Prairie View A&M University
United States of America

Recent research studies indicate that strengths possessed by underprivileged youth may mediate
the impact potentiated by adverse life circumstances on deleterious developmental outcomes in
Foster Care (Smokowski, Reynolds, & Bezruczko, 2000). As such, this study proposed to explore
the processes by which strengths may act as mechanisms of psychiatric improvement by
delineating the influences of strengths upon developmental outcomes (Gillham, Reivich, & Shatte,
2002). This paper also identifies the main predicting factors of strength based services for youth
in foster care. Effective treatment in foster care formative years often leads to positive
contributions made by youth who overcome disadvantage and mature into generative adults,
while society must devote human and financial resources to assist and remediate youth who
remain limited by adverse circumstances. This paper determines whether pairs of correlations
differed significantly at the alpha level of .05, by using a t-test for differences between strength
and needs dependently sampled correlations.

Keywords: Strengths, needs, correlations, regression and research

1. Introduction
According to de Carvalho and Schumacker (2013), research has helped to identify how symptoms, deficits, needs
and strengths impact the human experience across development. Recent investigations indicate that strengths,
both those possessed by the individual, and those present in her/his environment, exert short and long-term
protective effect that buffers the impact of needs. Findings of a longitudinal research study conducted by Mason
and Windle (2002) help legitimate the emerging popularity, among providers and consumers, of strengths-based
interventions for youth. Strengths based interventions are derived from the system of care philosophy, a treatment
model that aims to utilize individual and environmental resources in therapeutic processes.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2014) suggested that utilizing strengths in treatment
promotes positive outcomes and that strengths-based interventions may be more effective than traditional, deficit-
based services. Nonetheless, questions remain regarding the clinical utility of strengths. This paper proposes that
answers to these questions can be approached by delineating the pattern of relationships between strengths and
needs across time in an at-risk youth population. The excess of one half-million youth in foster care across the
United States represents a group at high risk for undesirable outcomes. Thus, this study examines the longitudinal
pattern of correlations obtained between strengths and needs in a sample of 100 foster care youth receiving
System of Care services. Strengths and needs each were measured at specific and aggregate levels with the Child
and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) Assessment (Gillham, et al., 2002).
For the purposes of this study, strengths will be defined as positive attributes belonging to the child, his/her
family, or his/her community that promote the child’s wellbeing and healthy development (Epstein, 1999).
©Research Institute for Progression of Knowledge
In contrast, needs will be defined as negative elements exhibited by the child, his/her family, or his/her
community that place the child at risk for maladjustment and undesirable outcomes (Compas, Hinden, &
Gerhardt, 1995). Recent research indicates that the strengths possessed by disadvantaged youth, especially if
identified and cultivated, may mediate the deleterious developmental impacts potentiated by adverse life
circumstances (Smokowski, Reynolds, & Bezruczko, 2000).
Subsequently, the study aimed to better understand the processes by which strengths may act as mechanisms of
clinical improvement by delineating the influences of strengths upon developmental outcomes (Gillham, Reivich,
& Shatte, 2002). Twenty percent of children and adolescents around the world endure mental health problems, but
most are underserved or receive services not appropriate for their conditions (DeAngelis, 2004; Lyons, Howard,
O’Mahoney, & Lish (1997). Perhaps most in need of quality services are the 550,000 children and adolescents in
foster care (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2003).
The study tested the suitability of the community and strengths-based model for the system of care targeting the
identification of factors to be used in the prevention of negative outcomes for juveniles. This was accomplished
by testing the following research question: What is the relationship between adversity, and resilience among at
risk juveniles in the areas of child behavioral / emotional needs and strengths?
The statistical hypotheses for the study were:
Hypothesis 1: There is a statistically significant relationship between strengths and needs
Hypothesis 2: There is a statistically significant relationship between strengths and resiliency
Hypothesis 3: There is a statistically significant relationship between needs and resiliency
2. Method
This quantitative quase-experimental research study was conducted through the Mental Health Services Program
(MHSP) at Garner & Associates. The MHSP works in collaboration with the State of Texas System of Care
(STSC) Program to plan and evaluate foster care services for thousands of wards of the state across Texas. Wards
are referred for services by the private foster care provider when there is a concern about placement stability. The
STSC program provides strengths based clinical services to youth and family members across settings that include
the family’s home, residential treatment centers, and foster homes statewide. The study included 100 foster care
youth receiving System of Care services. Strengths and Needs in Foster Care Youth each were measured at
specific and aggregate levels with the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) Assessment.
The sample was randomly selected and data were collected in the spring of 2016. Data for this study contained no
identifiable personal information from any of the respondents. Secondary data was used to generate a subset data
file, targeting a systematic random sampling of n=100. Subsequently, the data collected was entered into the
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and used to assess strengths, limitations and academic propensities
of high school students. The minimum ratio of valid cases to independent variables for multiple regression is 5 to
1. With 100 valid cases and 15 independent variables, the ratio for this analysis is over 5 to 1, which exceeds the
preferred ratio of 20 to 1 requirement (Cohen, 1969; Creswell, 2003; Olejnik, & Algina, 2000).
An acceptable sample size with a confidence level of .05 decreases the likelihood of committing a type I error
(Rom˜ao, Delgado & Costa, 2010) commonly known as a false positive (Rubin & Babbie, 2006). On the other
hand, a sufficiently large sample size with an alpha of .05 increases the statistical power and decreases the
chances of a type II error, which is failing to reject the null hypothesis when in fact there is a difference (Rubin &
Babbie, 2006; Rosenthal, 2001). Prior to data collection a research proposal application was submitted to the
Institutional Review Board (IRB) and approval was granted.
3. Instrumentation
Study participants were given a questionnaire packet including the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths
(CANS) survey and relevant demographic items. The CANS-MH is a 45-item measure that is designed to
integrate psychometric and clinimetric approaches to assessment by combining technical precision and clinical
utility. The CANS can be completed in a matter of minutes, yet its design affords a comprehensive snapshot of the
youth’s functioning across several contexts (Dumont & Provost, 1999; Gillham, et al., 2002). Recent research
suggests that the CANS is a viable choice for these purposes, with evidence for its inter-rater reliability, and
predictive validity in particular, having recently been reported (Anderson, Lyons, Giles, Price, & Estles, 2003;
Lyons, et al., 2004; Lyons et al., 2001). Further, the CANS possesses concurrent validity with the widely used
Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS; Hodges, 1997).
International Journal of Education and Social Science Vol. 4 No. 3; March 2017
Moderately high Pearson’s r correlations obtained between ratings on the CANS and CAFAS indicate mutual
validation of the measures, while not suggesting that they are mere duplicates (Dilley, Weiner, Lyons, &
Martinovich, 2005; Lyons, et al., 2004; Rautkis, Hdalio & Lyons, 2001). The CANS possesses relatively greater
ease-of-use and accessibility, which may also be reasons the IL-DCFS implements it over the CAFAS. A final
reason the CANS is used by the SOC program and that it is an appropriate measure for the variables of interest in
the present study is its developmental sensitivity. Because what is considered ‘normal development’ changes with
age, rating CANS items necessitates attention to the youth’s environmental circumstances and developmental
4. Data analysis
Multiple regression analysis and other statistical tests were performed to analyze the data using the Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) data analysis software. Scores on every CANS item and domain were
averaged within youth and then across the sample. Aggregate strengths comprised mean scores on all strength-
related items and aggregate means comprised mean scores on all non-strength, or need-related items.
Additionally, multiple regression analyses were run for each set of variables hypothesized to test whether a
significant relationship existed between Strength / Needs (and it subscales) and resilience of at risk youth.
In an effort to avoid Type I or Type II error, multiple regression design requires that the dependent variable be
metric and the independent variables be metric or dichotomous. Furthermore, the most frequently cited
assumptions in the statistical literature were tested, including, a) normal distribution of continuous variables, b) no
multicollinearity, c) linearity between independent and dependent variables, d) homoscedasticity and reliability of
all variables. Any statistical indices concerning the model that were not robust or violated regression assumptions
were statistically transformed to meet statistical regression guidelines. Subsequently, scores from the CANS and
the demographic survey were used to analyze all variables.
The parametric test, stepwise multiple regression and ANOVA analyses were used to determine if any
relationships or differences existed between variables of interest. Thus, stepwise multiple regression analysis was
used to identify the subset of independent variables with the strongest correlations to the dependent variable and
test the study research question (Bracey, 2003; Creswell, 2003; Gravetter & Wallnau, 2005; Kirkpatrick &
Feeney, 2007). The standard alpha of 0.05 was used to determine if there is a significant relationship between the
independent variables, strengths / needs and dependent variable, resilience.
5. Results
To answer the research question, regarding the relationship between needs and strengths factors, and resilience
among low a, separate ANOVA and Regression analysis were run for each set of variables hypothesized to test
whether a significant relationship existed between strengths / needs (and it subscales) and resilience of at risk
juveniles. Next, stepwise regression and ANOVA analyses were run to determine if any relationships or
differences existed between variables of interest. The main goal, however, was to answer the study research
question by producing a predictive model that is parsimonious and accurate while excluding variables that did not
contribute to explain variances in the dependent variable.
The measurement model was tested using stepwise to look into the correlation matrix, select variables with the
largest Pearson correlation and enter them consecutively into the regression equation as strongest predictors of the
dependent variable, resilience (GPA). The following latent variables were entered into the model to test if they
were statistically significant contributors to the multiple regression equation. The Pearson correlation and
descriptive statistics of the variables in the model are shown in Table 1.

©Research Institute for Progression of Knowledge
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics
Mean Deviation N
RESILIENCY_LOG .6464 .16708 97
CHILDRISKBEHAVIOR 4.7423 3.67502 97
CHILDSTRNGTHS 22.1959 6.00805 97
CCULTURE .5670 1.33000 97
SSUCIDERISKMODULE 2.4124 1.28089 97
VVIOLENCEMODULE 3.8660 1.53859 97
RRUNWAY 8.0928 2.52109 97
JJUVENALJUSTICE 9.0309 2.07893 97
FFIRESETTING 8.0103 .97355 97
TTRAUMA 7.7938 3.32584 97
SSUBSTANCEUSE 6.3711 1.49527 97
SSCHOOL 5.7010 2.80314 97
FFAMILYCARETAKER 7.3505 3.43099 97
The initial model (Table 1) hypothesized that Resilience is predicted by the variables listed in Table 1. However,
this initial model, did not have acceptable model fit statistics. Although, regression correlations between most of
the independent and dependent variables were statistically significant (p < .05), only five independent variables
CHILDRISKBEHAVIOR, SCHOOL) satisfied the statistical criteria for entry into the regression model. The
independent variable, SCHOOL had the largest correlation (.73) in relation with the dependent variable,
Resilience. CHILDRISKBEHAVIOR had the second largest correlation (.70). Other variables in the initial model
did not have sufficient statistical indices to be included in the multiple regression analysis (Carver & Nash, 2006).
See Table 2.
Table 2. Variables Entered/Removed
Model Variables Entered Method
1 Stepwise (Criteria: Probability-of-F-to-enter <=
.050, Probability-of-F-to-remove >= .100).
2 Stepwise (Criteria: Probability-of-F-to-enter <=
.050, Probability-of-F-to-remove >= .100).
3 Stepwise (Criteria: Probability-of-F-to-enter <=
.050, Probability-of-F-to-remove >= .100).
4 Stepwise (Criteria: Probability-of-F-to-enter <=
.050, Probability-of-F-to-remove >= .100).
5 Stepwise (Criteria: Probability-of-F-to-enter <=
.050, Probability-of-F-to-remove >= .100).
The model summary statistics indicating the 'goodness of fit' of the model is projected in Table 3. This table
showed the multiple correlation coefficients R, the R-squared (R2) and the Adjusted R-Squared (R2) version of
this coefficient, which can range from 0 to 1 and indicate the 'goodness of fit' of the model.

International Journal of Education and Social Science Vol. 4 No. 3; March 2017
Table 3. Model Summary
Std. Error Change Statistics
R Adjusted of the R Square F Sig. F Durbin-
Model R Square R Square Estimate Change Change df1 df2 Change Watson
1 .627a .393 .386 .13091 .393 61.381 1 95 .000
2 .658 .433 .421 .12710 .041 6.775 1 94 .011
3 .687c .472 .455 .12339 .038 6.744 1 93 .011
4 .709d .503 .481 .12038 .031 5.708 1 92 .019
5 .730e .533 .508 .11724 .031 5.981 1 91 .016 2.225

Results revealed that the model containing the five variables, (EMOTIONALBEHAVIORRISKS, RUNWAY,
respondent’s resilience. Applying Cohen's criteria for effect size, the relationship between Resilience Factors and
the five independent variables was characterized as very strong (Multiple R = .73). The multiple regression square
value was .53 and its adjusted square was .58. The model showed that about 50% of the total variation in the
resilience factors of the respondents to be accounted for by a linear combination of the five independent variables
in the model summary (Rosenthal, 2001).
Additionally, the Durbin-Watson statistics suggest that values of test results should range from 1.5 to 2.5. Since
Durbin-Watson results shown on Table 3 are 2.22 it is safe to conclude there is no issue of multicollinearity. The
absence of multicollinearity suggests that another requirement for multiple regression analysis is satisfied, which
increases validity of the multiple regression results. ANOVA tested the statistical significance of the model as
results of displayed in table 4. indicate that the linear combination of the variables,
CHILDRISKBEHAVIOR and SCHOOL had a statistically significant relationship with resilience (F (1) = 61.381,
p < 0.01) as hypothesized.
Table 4. ANOVA
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 1.052 1 1.052 61.381 .000b
Residual 1.628 95 .017
Total 2.680 96
2 Regression 1.161 2 .581 35.944 .000c
Residual 1.519 94 .016
Total 2.680 96
3 Regression 1.264 3 .421 27.675 .000d
Residual 1.416 93 .015
Total 2.680 96
4 Regression 1.347 4 .337 23.234 .000e
Residual 1.333 92 .014
Total 2.680 96
5 Regression 1.429 5 .286 20.790 .000f
Residual 1.251 91 .014
Total 2.680 96

The strength of F-values and the p-values been far from (p< 0.05) indicated correlation exists among the five
independent variables in the model, which together, they explain 53% of the variance of the dependent variable,
Resilience as shown in Table 4.
Table 5. shows the beta weights (sometimes called regression coefficients) and the statistical significance
associated with the beta weights. The regression coefficients table include un-standardized regression weight (β),
standard error of estimate (SEβ), the standardized coefficient, the t-ratio, tolerance values, VIF values and level at
which the t-value is statistically significant. The estimated regression coefficients represent levels of the predicted
changes in the dependent variable by each of the independent variable in the model.
©Research Institute for Progression of Knowledge
Table 5. Coefficients

Unstandardiz dized 95.0%
ed Coeffic Confidence Collinearity
Coefficients ients Interval for B Correlations Statistics
Std. Lower Upper Zero- Toler
Model B Error Beta t Sig. Bound Bound order Partial Part ance VIF
1 (Constant) .390 .035 11.014 .000 .319 .460
.043 .006 .627 7.835 .000 .032 .054 .627 .627 .627 1.000
2 (Constant) .293 .051 5.800 .000 .193 .393
.041 .005 .594 7.555 .000 .030 .052 .627 .615 .587 .975 1.026
RRUNWAY .014 .005 .205 2.603 .011 .003 .024 .299 .259 .202 .975 1.026
3 (Constant) .578 .120 4.808 .000 .339 .817
.041 .005 .587 7.683 .000 .030 .051 .627 .623 .579 .974 1.027
RRUNWAY .020 .006 .297 3.529 .001 .009 .031 .299 .344 .266 .800 1.250
GGRESSIVEBEHA -.033 .013 -.216 -2.597 .011 -.058 -.008 -.070 -.260 -.196 .820 1.220
4 (Constant) .540 .118 4.560 .000 .305 .775
.047 .006 .685 8.051 .000 .036 .059 .627 .643 .592 .747 1.339
RRUNWAY .025 .006 .373 4.232 .000 .013 .036 .299 .404 .311 .698 1.433
GGRESSIVEBEHA -.032 .012 -.213 -2.619 .010 -.057 -.008 -.070 -.263 -.193 .819 1.220
-.010 .004 -.221 -2.389 .019 -.018 -.002 .239 -.242 -.176 .634 1.578
5 (Constant) .546 .115 4.736 .000 .317 .776
.045 .006 .652 7.772 .000 .034 .057 .627 .632 .557 .728 1.373
RRUNWAY .024 .006 .365 4.254 .000 .013 .035 .299 .407 .305 .697 1.435
GGRESSIVEBEHA -.037 .012 -.242 -3.022 .003 -.061 -.013 -.070 -.302 -.216 .801 1.248
-.012 .004 -.267 -2.905 .005 -.020 -.004 .239 -.291 -.208 .607 1.649
SSCHOOL .012 .005 .193 2.446 .016 .002 .021 .323 .248 .175 .820 1.219
a. Dependent Variable: RESILIENCY_LOG

For the independent variable EMOTIONALBEHAVIORRISKS, results indicated a standardized beta weights of
.652, a standard error of .006, and a T-value equal to .652 that was statistically significant at the p < .05 level of
significance. Regression analysis results further indicated the independent variable, RUNWAY had a
standardized beta weight of .365 a standard error of .006, and a T-value equal to 4.254 that was statistically
significant at the p < .05 level of significance.
For the independent variable SEXUALLYAGGRESSIVEBEHAVIOR, results indicated a standardized structure
coefficient of -.242, a standard error of .012 and T-value equal to -3.022 that was negative and statistically
significant at the p < .05 level of significance. Furthermore, the independent variable CHILDRISKBEHAVIOR,
had a structure coefficient of -.267a standard error of .004, and a T-value equal to -2.905 that was statistically
significant at the p < .05 level of significance. Lastly, the independent variable, SCHOOL results indicated a
standardized beta weights of .193, a standard error of .005, and a T-value equal to 2.446 that was statistically
significant at the p < .05 level of significance.
International Journal of Education and Social Science Vol. 4 No. 3; March 2017
The independent variables EMOTIONALBEHAVIORRISKS and RUNWAY had the highest structure coefficient
indicating they were the main predictors of resilience. The other independent variables
premiums associated with resilience. At any rate, all the correlations between, the independent variables and the
dependent variable were statistically significant. Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis that the slope associated
with the independent variables in the model is equal to zero (b = 0) and conclude that there is a statistically
significant relationship between the independent variables in the model and resilience as hypothesized.
Implications for Practice
The study findings help legitimate the emerging popularity, among providers and consumers, of strengths-based
interventions for youth. Strengths based interventions are derived from the system of care philosophy, a treatment
model that aims to utilize individual and environmental resources in therapeutic processes. Preliminary research
suggests that utilizing strengths in treatment promotes positive outcomes and that strengths-based interventions
may be more effective than traditional, deficit-based services. Nonetheless, questions remain regarding the
clinical utility of strengths. This paper suggests that answers to these questions can be approached by delineating
the pattern of relationships between strengths and needs among at risk youth population.
The excess of one half-million youth in foster care across the United States represents a group at high risk for
undesirable outcomes. Thus, the findings of this study indicate the importance of embracing research-supported
treatment services for foster care youth by providing timely and developmentally appropriate services of sufficient
intensity and duration to build resilient youth. This requires actively coordinating health, mental health, and
educational programs so that assessments are shared a comprehensive yet individualized treatment plan is
developed for every youth. And, consistent with a risk and resilience approach, it requires services that reduce
identified risk factors and promote protection in the least restrictive environment with the least amount of burden
of the foster family.
To change the outcomes for foster care youth, a combination of both early intervention and research studies with
high research rigor is needed. Despite the use of mental health services by the foster care system, the application
of evidence-based treatment is very low, with most of the focus on treatment of sexual abuse (U.S. Public Health
Service, 2000). Little attention is given to the deleterious effects of neglect, and neglected children in foster care
often receive no mental health treatment. There is an urgent need to close the gap between research and practice
in providing evidence-based services to foster care youth. This include providing adequate and appropriate
education and training to foster parents; recognizing and managing the range of health and mental health problems
related to child maltreatment; and creating innovative, more effective prevention and treatment services.

©Research Institute for Progression of Knowledge

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