Rice Blast Resistance by SA Pathway by Catangui, Llamson, Pontejos, Trinidad

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Enhanced Resistance of Oryza sativa to

Magnaporthe grisea via Overexpression of

OsWRKY45 Allele Regulated by Benzothiadiazole-
Induced Salicylic Acid Signaling Pathway
Lisette Catangui, Justine Paul Llamson, Allen Melvin Pontejos and Glen Paulo Trinidad
Bicol University – College of Engineering, lisette.catangui, justinepaul.llamson, allenmelvin.pontejos,
[email protected]

Abstract – Magnaporthe grisae as one of the most serious

and widespread infectious diseases of cultivated rice METHODS
decreases the rice production. The researchers analyzed Researches gathered related studies in order to modify
the pathway for the naturally occurring defense Salicylic the pathway for the defense SA and to increase the resistance
Acid (SA) in order to lessen the effect of the fungus to the to the fungus M. Griae.
plant. Benzothiadiazole, a plant activator, enhances the Plants in general, are able to muster kind of reserve
defense response by acting on the SA signaling pathway. defense system against different kinds of attacks, ie. Fungus.
The transcription factor improves the disease resistance Plants responds to diseases by activating various immune
in the rice plant by genetic manipulation. Overexpression responses.
of WRKY45 also enhances the resistance to the fungus. Seed treatment is one of the method in counter the
Our study revealed that the modification of the pathway disease. It refers to the application of fungicide, insecticide,
of SA via overexpressing OsWRKY45 by increasing BTH or a combination of both, to seeds so as to disinfect and
dosage can increase the resistance to the said fungus. disinfect them from seed-borne or soil-borne pathogenic
organisms and storage insects. The different types of seed
Index Terms – Benzothiadiazole, Magnaporthe grisae, treatment are seed disinfection, seed disinfestation, and seed
Overexpression, Salicylic acid protection. Foliar feeding is a technique of feeding plants by
INTRODUCTION applying liquid fertilizer directly to their leaves
Gene Overexpression may be in the cell where the gene
Rice (Oryza sativa) is the most widely consumed staple food is originally located or in other expression systems. The
for a large part of the world’s population and well-known fundamental principle is to add regulatory elements to the
species for plant research. To overcome the increasing upstream of the target gene through artificial construction, so
demand of rice production, high-yielding rice lines that are that genes can be transcribed and translated efficiently under
tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses are being developed controlled conditions. The experiment processes for gene
over the years. Rice blast disease, caused by the fungus overexpression are as follows: (1) obtain target gene, (2)
Magnaporthe grisae, is one of the most serious and construction of Expression Vector (3) cell transfection, (4)
widespread infectious diseases of cultivated rice, and cell collection (5) characterization of mRNA expression
continuously threaten rice production worldwide. level, and (6) characterization of protein expression level.
Recent advances in research on plant–pathogen
interactions have provided insights into the mechanisms of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
plants’ defenses against potential pathogens. One approach is The researchers have reviewed some of the recent advances
to modify the defense Salicylic Acid (SA) signaling pathway in the studies on the SA pathway in rice, with particular focus
by transgenic manipulation of the genes encoding defense- on potential practical applications of the signalling
related signaling molecules such as protein kinases and components. The SA pathway in rice branches into OsNPR1
transcription factors (TFs). and OsWRKY45-dependent pathways. Experimental results
Specifically, this paper aims to discuss the mechanism showed that overexpression of OsWRKY45 confers high
how benzothiadiazole, a chemical defense inducers (plant resistance to blast and blight diseases in rice. The
activator) activates and induces disease resistance OsWRKY45 pathway is the potential target for genetic
mechanism of rice plant (Oryza sativa) to blast disease caused manipulation of rice in order to develop a broad-spectrum
by fungus Magnaporthe grisae via overexpression of disease resistance. In this section, the fundamental
OsWRKY45 allele, a key transcription factor in the SA knowledge necessary in understanding the topic and recent
signaling pathway. advances in this study are discussed.
I. Overview of rice plant systematic resistance to pathogens such that the growth is affected negatively [3]. Moreover, the
results highlight the potential of BTH as an effective activator
The cell wall is the primary barrier protecting the rice
to make the SA pathway most dominant during the attack of
plants from pathogen invasion. Fungus, specifically
Magnaporthe grisea, penetrates the cell wall after they induce
rice synthesis of Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), a major form of IV. The transcription factor OsWRKY45 role in plant
auxin in most plants that promote disease symptoms. disease resistance
Pathogens also secrete their own IAA, which induces the
Transcription factors generally control the multiple
host’s gene expression. The host then encodes proteins that
genes that drive the defence response and modulation of key
loosen the cell wall [1]. After the first local infection, a series
TFs will lead to wide range of expressional changes.
of signalling pathways responsible for the defences are
Therefore, the key TFs are suitable targets for genetic
enabled with the aid of plant activators. The resistance
manipulation to improve the disease resistance of rice plants.
mechanisms of the plant innate immune system can be
Takatsuji et al. characterized the BTH responsive genes and
implemented through the following major pathways:
identified the key TFs involved in the BTH-induced disease
Salicylic acid (SA) pathway; Jasmonic (JA) pathway and;
resistance in the rice plant. Gene encodings, 4 WRKY-types
Ethlyene (ET) pathway. In this plant, SA pathway is
were identified. Blast resistance tests showed that the key TFs
associated with resistance to biotrophic pathogens while JA
that expressed the OsWRKY45 cDNA exhibited greatly
and ET pathways are generally for combating necrotrophic
enhanced resistance to fungus. Also, blast tests on
pathogens. However, the relationship between these
OsWRKY45 knockdown reduced the blast resistance
pathways are mutually antagonistic with corresponding
induced by parabenzole and tiadinil.
trade-offs of respective resistances. For instance, activating
the pathway to inhibit the growth of a biotrophic pathogen V. Antagonistic crosstalk of abscisic acid (ABA) pathway in
negates the resistance of the plant to other necrotrophic Magnaporthe grisea interaction
pathogen. As a result, activation of defences against a
The major problem in the proposed defence response
particular pathogen increases the susceptibility against other
acting on the SA pathway is that it does not respond
types of pathogens [2].
effectively after the Magnaporthe grisea infection. Jiang et al
II. Salicylic acid (SA) signaling pathway in rice examined the possibility that the chemical ABA is derived
from the fungus. Hormone analysis showed that substantial
In the systemic acquired resistance of rice, the proposed
amount of ABA in the culture filtrates. This indicates that the
defence-signaling pathway mediated by SA pathway plays an
ABA was secreted in the culture medium. The ABA has been
effective role in the natural defence system of the plant
shown to antagonize the SA signaling pathway. As a result,
against the attack of pathogens. Recent studies revealed that
the disease susceptibility of the plant is enhanced. Increased
the SA pathway interacts with the transcription factors (TFs)
in ABA concentration, suppresses the SA-induced
that activate the target defence genes [3]. As shown in Figure
transcriptional up-regulation OsNPR1 and OsWRKY45
1, the SA pathway is branched into the transcription factors
dependent sub-pathways.
OsNPR1 and OsWRKY45 dependent sub-pathways. Because
of the mutual antagonism, while OsNPR1 increases the VI. Overexpression of OsWRKY45 allele to enhance
defence and resistance of the plant, the JA and ET pathways resistance to blast disease
are suppressed. Also the some cellular activities such as
Overexpression of WRKY45 in rice enhances rice
photosynthesis are down-regulated, because the resource
allocations are playing a role in the defence mechanism. resistance to M. grisea by strengthening the SA pathway. To
Moreover, the WRKY45 generally promotes the major further validate the antagonistic interaction of ABA with the
rice SA pathway and to determine the point at which ABA
disease resistance of the plant [4].
acted in the SA signaling pathway, Jiang et al. tested the
III. Benzothiadiazole (BTH) as a plant activator inducing effects of ABA application on the blast resistance of the
the SA pathway transgenic lines overexpressing WRKY45. The plant
seedlings were pre-treated with ABA for 24 hours by foliar
The plant activator BTH is effective on protecting many
spraying and then inoculated with compatible blast fungus
plant species from pathogen colonization. This chemical does
(race 007.0). ABA application resulted in only a minor
not have direct effect on the pathogen but it activates and
reduction in the blast resistance in the two transgenic rice
enhances the defence response of the plant by acting on the
lines overexpressing WRKY45 but did not restore blast
SA signalling pathway. In Figure 1, BTH signals and induces
susceptibility comparable with that of control wild-type
the SA pathway to mediate after the pathogen local infection.
plants. These results indicate that the negative impact of ABA
High dosage of BTH constitutively activates the defence
on the SA-mediated defence signaling leading to the down-
genes including the up-regulations of other defences called
regulation of WRKY45 was partially suppressed by
direct defence. In contrast, low dosage of BTH plants defence
WRKY45 overexpression.
mechanism is activated effectively after the pathogen
infection; and the plant become primed for defence responses

To evaluate the degree of blast resistance of OsWRKY45 resistance to the fungus Magnaporthe grisae. BTH as an
overexpressing rice plants, Takatsuji et al. compared them effective activator, protects many plant species by acting on
with several blast-resistant rice varieties. A blast-resistance the SA signalling pathway. Transcription factor
test conducted with a compatible race indicated that rice OsWRKY45, which are suitable for genetic manipulations,
plants became more blast resistant. Moreover, OsWRKY45 greatly enhanced the resistance to fungus. To counteract the
overexpressing rice plants were also resistant to blast caused secretion of fungus with Abscisic Acid once the plant was
by fungus Magnaporthe grisea. BTH also induces resistance infected, the dosage of BTH should be increased whilst
to bacterial leaf blight disease in rice plants. The researchers overexpression of OsWRKY45 allele enhances the resistance
also tested the leaf blight resistance of OsWRKY45 to blast disease.
overexpressing rice plants and found that these plants were
highly resistant to the disease. These results suggest that
WRKY45 confers broad-spectrum resistance to rice, and they RECOMMENDATION
are consistent with the notion that OsWRKY45 is a key The favourable traits of OsWRKY45 overexpression render
regulator of BTH-induced defense responses. a promising target for gene manipulation to develop a broad-
CONCLUSION spectrum disease resistance. However, some studies showed
that overexpression of OsWRKY45 driven by the promoter
ubiquitin results to growth retardation. This cannot be
From the analysis of the written articles and journals, we can neglected. Therefore, a realistic optimization approach is
conclude that the modification of one of the defense against essential to lower transgene expression and establishes a
potential pathogens, Salicylic Acid (SA) via overexpressing more stable primed state. That is, to increase the rice plant’s
OsWRKY45 by increasing BTH dosage can increase the resistance to pathogens without compromising the resource
allocation for growth. Although OsWRKY45 is a powerful
tool against rice blast pathogens, a well-control use of
OsWRKY45 is still a challenge. Further researches are
encouraged that is not only applicable to rice but also to other
important crops.

This work will not be possible without the help and support
of the others. We would like to extend our gratitude to Engr.
Raymond Barajas for introducing Biotechnology to us and
allowing us to explore this field to create and modify some of
the essential metabolic pathways within our interests.

[1] Takatsuji, Hiroshi. 2014. “Development of disease-resistant rice using

regulatory components of induced disease resiatance”
[2] Bockhaven, JV et al. 2013. “Towards establishing broad-spectrum
disease resistance in plnats: silicon leads the way: Journal of
Experimentaal Botany, pp. 1281-1293
[3] Jiang et al. 2010. “Review: Salicylic Acid Signaling Pathway in Rice
and the potential Applications of its Regulators”. JARQ 44, pp217-223
[4] Tao, Zeng et al. 2009. “A Pair of Allelic WRKY Genes Play Opposite
Roles in Rice-Bacteria Interaction”, Vol.151, pp. 936-948. American
Society of Plant Biologists,

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