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Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning

Date: 09-02-2014 Time: 1.5 hrs. Marks: 50

Q1. Attempt any three [12]

a) Explain the difference between heat pump and refrigerator.

b) What is the difference between simple and practical aqua ammonia

vapour absorption system. Also write down its COP.
c) What are the different types of Refrigeration systems? Explain any 1 non-conventional type.

Q2. Attempt any two [16]


b) Explain with neat sketch compound multistage vapour compression refrigeration system. Give its
c) Explain subcooling and superheating in VCRS with their effects.

Q3. Attempt any three [12]

a) State classification of refrigerants with examples.
b) Describe four important refrigerant properties considered while selection of refrigerant.
c) Draw neat sketch of evaporative condenser. State the principle of operation.
d) Explain with a neat sketch hermetically sealed compressor.
Q4. Attempt any two [10]
a) What is ‘Green House Effect’ and ‘Ozone Layer Depletion’? List two refrigerants having high
b) Which type of equipment (VCRS components and refrigerant) you will select in the following
i. Domestic Refrigerator
ii. Ice plant
iii. Cold Storage
iv. Water Cooler
c) Explain with a neat sketch the working of a thermostatic expansion valve.

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