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LinkedIn Pages

Enterprise Playbook
How the world’s largest enterprises
make the most of their LinkedIn Page

With 8
Why Enterprises are on LinkedIn

of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute
content and achieve growth objectives
Source: 2018 Content Marketing Institute Benchmark Report

With a new suite of features and tools, it’s easier than ever for enterprises to leverage LinkedIn Pages to
engage members and drive business impact. Whether you’re in Human Resources and manage a team to
advance your talent brand, or in Social Media and manage a team to promote your corporate brand, this
playbook will give you insights and guidance from industry-leaders on how to:

Administer your Pages across Strategize Showcase Pages to

multiple geographies and functions highlight your brand portfolio

Develop a sophisticated content Develop your employees into

marketing strategy brand advocates

To curate this guidance, we interviewed marketing leaders of large, complex Enterprises that have best-in-
class LinkedIn Pages and Showcase Pages, including Microsoft, Oracle, and Adobe. We even consulted
our own internal experts at LinkedIn.

Gabriela Head Layla Revis Lauren Friedman

Michael Ni
Director, Social & Blog Head of Head of Brand Social
Social Media Manager
Ecosystem Social Media Media & Communications

Kavita Makdani Eric Jaffe

Audience Evangelism Senior Manager
Manager Employee Communications
LinkedIn Pages Enterprise

Checklist for success

If you’re a Page administrator, here are some key elements
you’ll want to consider to set your Page up for success.

Organizing internally Managing Showcase Pages

Decide who will get access to your Create Showcase Pages around major product
main Page. Consider 1-2 reps from your categories. Do not make one for each of your
corporate brand, talent brand, analytics team, products, services or regions.
external agency, and key regions.
Grant access to your Showcase Pages.
Train your Page Admins. Create a LinkedIn This often goes to corporate social teams or
Page admin playbook, with examples of product marketing managers.
best-in-class posts.
Create a social media intake form. Use this to
Set up a centralized communication streamline content requests for all Pages.
channel. Slack, Teams, and Sharepoint are
good tools.
Turning your employees into advocates
Sync regularly. Align monthly with your regional
teams on localization and campaigns. Align Encourage employees to re-share your posts
weekly with your social leads on cross-platform with their network. Coming April 2019, you
social strategy. can prompt employees to like, comment, or
re-share on your behalf.

Strategizing your content Promote your employees’ best LinkedIn

articles. Use Content Suggestions to find
Post to your Page daily. This will help you and share the best articles authored by
establish a trusted voice. your employees.
Plan a week in advance, but schedule 24-48 Ask your execs to @mention your Page.
hours before launch. Use a central posting This offers critical exposure for your Page.
platforms like Hootsuite or Sprinklr.
Try LinkedIn Elevate. Every enterprise needs
Use Content Suggestions. This tool reveals a formal employee advocacy program.
what’s trending with your target audience.

Share your brand’s best @mentions. You can

find these under the Activity tab.

Leverage your Communities panel hashtags.

Update these weekly and interact with the feeds.

Respond to member comments. Do so

in a timely manner using mobile admin.
Organizing internally
Setting your teams up for success internally is fundamental to making the most of your LinkedIn Page.
Here are our best tips for how to administer your Page across multiple geographies and functions.

Main Page Admin access Regional Page Admin access

• Limit LinkedIn Page access. Restrict access • Limit regional access. Similar to your main
to a tight group of well-trained team leads. For Page, consider limiting admin access to one
instance, on Microsoft’s brand team, only two of to two leads per region.
the four members have
admin access. • Train your admins. Prior to granting regional
access, set expectations and train admins on
• Consider granting Talent or Analytics access. best practices. More on that below.
For instance, Microsoft grants access to its talent
brand team to drive talent acquisition, and
• Localize content. Have each regional lead
Adobe gives it to its in-house analytics team produce localized content. Microsoft even
to capture key metrics. asks leads in Australia, Canada and the U.K.
to localize their U.S.-based English content,
• Consider granting agency access. Many so that the spelling, grammar and topics are
Enterprises leverage an external agency to more resonant.
help with the scheduling and community
management of their LinkedIn Page.

Tip: If your organization is going through a merger or acquisition, contact your Customer Success
Manager for help with migrating followers and re-branding your LinkedIn Page.

Training & support

Training and supporting your Admins is important, and it doesn’t always require a ton of resources.
Consider these ideas from Microsoft, Oracle and Adobe:

Create a new admin playbook. To quickly equip Centralize your communication. To increase
new admins with best practices, create a playbook your team’s organization and efficiency, create
that outlines your voice and tone, brand guidelines, a dedicated channel for all of your LinkedIn
legal considerations, KPIs and strong examples of conversations to live, as well as a centralized
how you want your brand to show up on LinkedIn. repository for all of your creative
assets. Your inbox will shrink
Institute regular check-ins. To ensure you’re and cross-functional
extending best practices globally, align monthly partners will thank you.
with regional leads on localization best practices
and the content pipeline. To ensure you’re not
operating in a silo, align bi-weekly with your other
social media leads on cross-platform strategy and
platform-specific messaging.
Strategizing your content
Below you’ll find Microsoft, Oracle, Adobe, and LinkedIn’s best posting practices, grouped by how
frequently we recommend you use each tactic.

• Post daily. Establish a trusted, • Add hashtags that are top-of-mind for
consistent voice with your audience your organization to your posts.
by posting 1-2 times per day.
• Respond to comments and questions
• Schedule posts 24-48 hours before from Page followers. Have a team and
launch by using central posting process in place. You can now reply on
Every platforms like Hootsuite or Sprinklr. the mobile app.
day • Leverage the Content Suggestions • Consider an agency for your scheduling
tool to discover topics and articles and community management, so you
trending with your target audiences, can focus more on strategy.
based on location, industry, job
function, and seniority.

• Build out your social calendar a • Update and engage with your
week in advance, but leave room for Communities hashtags.
flexibility for last-minute changes. Not only can you track the
number of members following
• Share your best @mentions. To
authentically showcase your brand,
your hashtags, you can also Every
click into the feed and interact
share your best @mentions from
with members. week
supportive customers, employees,
or executives.

• Analyze competitors’ strategies. • Consider paid add-ons, such as these

Your peers can be a great source popular options favored by enterprises to
of inspiration. Make a point to complement their organic content:
regularly review and reflect on your
-- Pair LinkedIn Sponsored Content with
top competitors’ LinkedIn strategy.
our Matched Audience feature to reach
Every a proven target audience.
• Review your Page analytics.
month To grow followers and optimize -- Pair with Website Retargeting, Contact
content, do a monthly deep- Targeting, or Lookalike Targeting.
dive to un-cover strengths and -- Boost your most popular updates to a
opportunities. wider, targeted audience.
On LinkedIn, we see enterprises leveraging
Pages in multiple ways. Whether it’s amplifying
the employee voice to enhance talent brand, or
sharing behind-the-scenes stories to influence

brand perception, these tactics all ladder up to
common objectives. You’ll find the best examples
of each on the following pages.

Build brand love

Associate your brand with feel-good
content and humanizing stories about
your employees and customers.

Showcase innovation
Build thought leadership by highlighting
your brand’s technology.

Enhance talent brand

Attract top talent by showing off
your culture and values.
Best-in-class examples

Enhance talent brand

Amazon Follow
We asked employees to share their Amazon resumes with us in three lines or
Amazon asked their employees to describe
less. Tom has been with Amazon for over 20 years. What’s next? their roles in three lines or less, and drew in
quality employee engagement.
Image reads:
“Started as temporary hourly associate when Amazon was a small startup
selling books. Led Amazon Fresh for two years, expanding internationally.
Became VP of Customer Service. My Amazon Resume: Tom Weiland” What made the post so effective
Leveraged employee voices.
Employees are credible voices within
their professional communities and can
authentically promote your talent brand.
Spotlighted employees.
Employees were given a chance to share
their career journey, and members were
inspired to apply.

6,652 Likes • 165 Comments See the post

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Toyota North America Follow

Background 161,795 followers

Toyota shot a low-cost video on a mobile phone ‘Tis the season of giving! We’re spreading holiday cheer and donating the
gifts from our annual Holiday Gift Drive to four of our community partners
of their employees volunteering at the company’s
in North Texas (Boys & Girls Club of Collin County, Children’s Health Plano,
annual Holiday Gift Drive. Community Partners of Dallas, and Hope’s Door). Thank you to our team
members at HQ for coming together and bringing joy to 1,500 children this
holiday season. Go behind the scenes on our Instagram story:

What made the post so effective

Behind-the-scenes look.
By sharing a peek at what employees do when
they’re not in front of a computer, Toyota revealed
the emphasis they place on teamwork, altruism,
and joy in the workplace.
Use of video.
Video is highly effective at showing off your talent
brand. It also has far more potential to “go viral.” Google’s Brain Team: What does it do?
LinkedIn data shows that video is 5x more likely
other media types to spark a conversation.
442 Likes • 16 Comments • 15,923 Views

See the post Like Comment Share

Best-in-class examples

Showcase innovation
Google Follow
In this post, Google’s Artificial Intelligence
“We need more people studying these sorts of fields and more people being
excited about them because that’s how we make progress and solve a lot of lead promotes technology that helps predict
problems in society.” Catch up with Google AI lead Jeff Dean to learn how the dangerous weather events like earthquakes
team’s using artificial intelligence to build systems that can predict flooding
and earthquake aftershocks—and for a story about space rays:
and floods.

What made the post so effective

Taps into a global conversation.
With climate change frequently in the news,
Google joined the conversation by showcasing
how their technology can potentially mitigate a
global concern.
Leverages executive credibility.
By highlighting favorable press coverage of
top execs, Google demonstrated external
validation of their ideas in the AI space.
Google’s Brain Team: What does it do?
See the post
10,506 Likes • 154 Comments

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Background Proctor & Gamble Follow

P&G used a video to walk members through their 1mo

futuristic “Life Lab” activation at CES 2019. This is your exclusive sneak peek into the #PGLifeLab. Beginning tomorrow
come experience it all at #CES. Get the scoop at:

What made the post so effective

Moves the brand into the future.
P&G is a brand with a long and rich history, and
with this video, the company invited the world
inside their high-tech CES experience to show
how the brand has modernized.
Provided real value to their community.
Most people don’t get the opportunity to attend
CES in person, so P&G virtually brought the
CES experience to their followers. 1,192 Likes • 34 Comments • 65,158 Views

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Best-in-class examples

Build brand love

Best Buy Follow
5mo Background
He’s repaired copy machines, installed sound systems in movie theaters and Best Buy featured a story about Donald Grabski,
even cooked in the U.S. Air Force. But Donald Grabski’s current job is one of
a 76 year-old Air Force veteran, former DJ and
his all-time favorites.
chef who came out of retirement to work at Best
Buy because of his passion for the brand.

What made the post so effective

Differentiated the brand.
By highlighting their employees’ unique stories
and the communities they foster, we see that Best
Buy is not just a place to buy new tech gadgets;
it’s a place that cares about it’s employees.
Told a unique human interest story.
At 76, Best Buy Associate Loves Spinning Stories and
Delighting Customers By focusing on a senior citizen employee, Best Buy spotlighted a niche community.
404 Likes • 14 Comments
See the post
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Accenture’s CEO Pierre Nanterme passed away Accenture Follow
after being with the company for over 35 years. 1mo

Their LinkedIn Page released a short but powerful We mourn the passing of former chairman and CEO Pierre Nanterme, who
did indeed join forces to make this world better. We will miss his leadership,
post in remembrance. friendship and inspiration.

What made the post so effective

Compassion for humanity.
“What’s the point of great technology if it’s not
making the world a better place?” The quote
from Nanterme, a long-time leader of Accenture,
positions the brand as one that cares about
people above all else.
Tragedy is a shared experience.
9,530 Likes • 970 Comments
Rather than backing away from a sad story,
Accenture created an emotional moment in an Like Comment Share

eloquent way, unifying members in remembering

its esteemed leader and brand.
See the post
Best-in-class examples

Build brand love

With this two-minute video, Microsoft shifted
the perception of gaming and showed how it
can be an uplifting, educational, and social-
building tool for children with limited mobility
Microsoft Follow and their families and friends.

Meet the gamers who remind us that when everybody plays, we all win. #SuperBowl What made the post so effective
Relied on real people to do the storytelling.
Sharing a real person’s journey with your brand,
in their own words, creates a memorable and
emotional connection to your brand.
Approached a sensitive topic with openness.
Microsoft featured young gamers with limited
mobility front and center, and showcased their
journey in a truthful yet empowering light.
Authentically connected their brand
3,696 Likes • 153 Comments • 479,481 Views
to doing good.
Microsoft has been able to help those with
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limited mobility, through their innovation, make
gaming more accessible. When aligning your
brand to a cause, make sure it’s relevant to your
brand story and portfolio.

See the post

Managing Showcase Pages
Showcase Pages are an extension of your brand. They are a
unique way to highlight the different products or services
and business units or initiatives within your company. Here
are our best tips for managing these valuable assets.

Limit access to subject-matter experts.

Showcase Pages are most often owned by corporate
social media teams, but can also be owned by vertical-focused
sales and product marketing managers who are equipped
with product messaging best practices.

Do audience research on existing Pages.

Prior to creating new Showcase Pages, Oracle and Adobe conduct
audience research to ensure they’re not fragmenting their existing
communities and losing out on brand consistency.

Create Showcase Pages around major product categories.

Rather than create a Showcase Page for each product, Microsoft
has eight Showcase Pages that cover 170 products and services,
including Dynamics 365, Cloud, Visual Studio, Developers,
Government, SQL Server, CityNext, and Health.

Do not use a Showcase Page to feature a specific country

or region.
The best approach is to post geographically-targeted content on
your main LinkedIn Page.

Standardize content requests.

To prioritize content requests for each Showcase Page, the
Microsoft social media team leverages a weekly intake form
to capture cross-functional requests.
Turning your employees
into advocates
To drive trusted and authentic brand perception at scale, consider your organization’s most valued asset:
your employees. Here are our best tips for engaging employees through your Page.

LinkedIn data shows that
employees typically have
10x the number of connections
as a Page has followers.

Encourage employees to share your content.

Starting April 2019, you can adjust the Notify Employees setting on any post to
prompt employees to like, comment on, and share your Page posts. This can be
done from either desktop or mobile.

Re-share your employees’ best LinkedIn articles.

Through Content Suggestions, you can discover articles authored by your employees
and re-share the best ones to demonstrate the caliber of your organization.

Ask your executive team to @mention your Page.

To drive press and broader engagement, ask your top executives to mention
your Page in their posts.

Leverage LinkedIn Elevate to unlock the full power of your

employees’ networks.
Elevate is a full-suite employee advocacy platform that connects organizations
and employees to achieve branding, sales, and hiring goals. Elevate makes it
intuitive and easy for admins to share quality content with their community,
raise visibility with a broader audience, and measure progress with
unparalleled insights. Learn more.
About LinkedIn
LinkedIn operates the world’s largest professional network on the
Internet with more than 600 million members in over 200 countries
and territories. This represents the largest group anywhere of
influential, affluent, and educated people.

Relationships Matter
With LinkedIn Marketing Solutions, brands build relationships
with the world’s professionals by using accurate targeting to deliver
relevant content and communications. As today’s connected
professionals seek out ideas and insights from the people and brands
they trust, marketers use LinkedIn to target advertising and publish
relevant content in a professional context. Brands extend reach
through the social sharing that occurs naturally on LinkedIn.

To learn more about how to optimize your enterprise’s LinkedIn Page,


Learn more

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