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speakers and lots of the usual

MORAGA friendly banter. Past-President

Ron Mucovich had a big grin on
his face the whole time. We could
ROTARY just imagine his joy watching the
meeting roll by. Greeter/Invocator
and new Treasurer, Rich Render
NEWSLETTER wished us a Happy Fourth of July
and recited sayings from a few
July 2, 2019 Past-Presidents of our great
• Harry Truman
Next Celebration: July 9, 2019 • Ronald Reagan
Evening Meeting: Moraga • Barack Obama
Country Club, 6pm Each saying focused on our
fearless, confident and happy
Program: John Fenolio, Boy Scouts American people. Rich then led us
of America in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Greeter/Invocator: Roger Gregory
Evie informed us that Rotarians
Upcoming Programs:
July 16 – Debbie & Brian: Hamburg keep up with events and said, “We
July 23 – Bob Fritzky; Moraga Fund will help you. For example, today
July 30 – Canine Companions is UFO Day and July is Ice Cream
Aug 6 -- TBD month.” Co-President Debbie then
*Aug 13 – David Scott; Scottish Vets delivered Dove Bar Ice Cream
* Dinner Meeting at 6PM
treats to all. What a pleasant start
to the meeting!
This was the very first meeting for
Guests today were our speakers,
the Dynamic Duo, Co-Presidents
Paula Boyd and Yan Bennis of
Evie Michon and Debbie Koo.
the Putnam Clubhouse in
Evie led off by opening the
meeting with the traditional ringing Concord, Honorary Moraga
of the Moraga Rotary Bell and Rotarian, Bill Eames and
later Debbie closed the meeting returning Moraga Rotarian, Fran
with a spirited pounding of the
gavel. Meanwhile, it was a great
Bill Eames presented Co-
meeting with good friends, good
President Evie Michon with a nice
food (thank you Espy), great
BIG glass of Guiness to launch the
new Rotary year. Evie was very pocket after buying that “beer for
appreciative and that glass Evie.”
emptied very quickly - after which,
Evie began to speak in Gaelic. Co-President, Debbie Koo gave
(No, just kidding on the Gaelic.) $5 HB’s because she is happy
today is here. She told us she
~ Happy Bucks and Happy attended Camp Venture on the St.
Fines~ Mary’s College campus this past
Ex-Treasurer, Lad Lynch had $10 week.
HB’s. He said, “Just because I’m
Happy!” Dianne Wilson had $10 HB’s for
a recent trip to Tahoe with the
Past President, Ron Mucovich family. She said, “The temperature
had $5 HB’s because his son and was 60 degrees and the water
family are visiting this week from was freezing but we all had a
the Chicago area. really good time.”

Gary Irwin paid a fine because Evie auctioned the Fine-Free-Hat

June 25th was his anniversary and for July. The bidding was spirited
he fined himself for a spelling error with lots of banter between the
in last week’s newsletter. (This bidders - Rich Render, Gary
month’s editor hopes that doesn’t Irwin and Lad Lynch bid viciously
catch on…) but in spite of all that talk the Hat
went for a bargain basement price
Debbie Roessler had $5 Happies of $35 to Rich Render.
because she overdosed on culture
during June (art museum, opera ~ Club Business ~
“Carmen” and the theater for Co-President Evie reminded us
“Hamilton.” I believe she is going that Cliff Dochterman’s
to ease off on culture this month. Luncheon/Party celebrating his 60
years of Rotary service is coming
Frank May paid a fine because he up quickly on July 27th.
and Linda went out of the state to
Las Vegas to visit family. The Debbie Roessler announced
Wheel of Misfortune was AWOL there would be a brief meeting
so Frank tossed out $10. after the regular club meeting to
discuss elements and tasks
Bill Eames had $2 HB’s which he associated with Cliff’s Party. She
said was all he had left in his invited anyone who might be
interested to stay and take part
~ Program ~ medications. When new members
Debbie Roessler introduced come, they are asked, “What are
today’s speakers, Paula Boyd your strengths?” Most respond, “I
and Yan Bennis of the Putnam have no strengths.” And Yan says,
Clubhouse in Concord. Paula told “Then we go to work and find the
us how the Clubhouse helps strengths they don’t know they
people suffering from mental have. We help them use and
illness by giving them “safe, develop those strengths and they
accepting place to spend the day - start to feel better about
where valuable work can be done themselves.”
among their peers with similar
issues.” Please be sure to check They have employment programs,
out the Putnam Clubhouse education support, hospitality and
website at outreach units. They help with housing which is a very big issue
Also see the copy of the brochure here in the state of California.
(attached – last 2 pages) which
the speakers handed out at There are social programs:
today’s meeting. • Wednesday is Friends Day.
• There is a band.
Paula herself has suffered for • They do karaoke
years with mental issues which • They go on outings to
caused her to be hospitalized for a movies, swimming, hiking,
time, led her to attempt suicide tours of zoos, etc.
and resulted in multiple diagnosis • They celebrate individual
ranging from ADHD, to SAD, to accomplishments and
bipolar. She finds peace in birthdays
meaningful work in outreach and • They celebrate holidays.
fund-raising. Yan Bennis has been
with the clubhouse for 11 years. The cost is zero to the members.
Yan told us these clubhouses are Putnam Clubhouse raises money
a global phenomenon. There are from a gala on November 10th of
330 clubhouses across 33 each year. It is called “Dancing
countries. with the Stars” and last year they
raised $250,000. They get some
Those who attend are called funding from the county and some
“Members” not patients or clients. from John Muir Hospital. Costs run
No reference is made to the about $5,000 per person per year
individual’s diagnosis. There is no which is much better than the
pushing of any treatment plan or
typical cost of a hospital stay of $12,000
to $14,000 per day.

Criteria for membership is a diagnosis of

schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder,
bipolar or major depression and the
prospective member must be over 18
years of age.

In answer to questions, Yan said the

club was named after Herb Putnam,
who donated $50,000 to start the club in
Concord in 2008.

The club is located in Suite 230, at 3024

Left to Right = Evie Michon, Paula Boyd, Yan Bennis
Willow Pass Road, Concord, 94519 just and Debbie Koo
a 20minute walk from the BART station.
They invited us to come out for a tour
and stay for lunch to see what they do.
There are about 900 members with 40
to 50 at the facility on any day.

The common element in the name of the

facilities around the world is
“Clubhouse.” Each club then selects
other naming to go with “Clubhouse.”
Thus, the Concord one is called
“Putnam Clubhouse.” In Marin County
there is a similar facility named the
“Empowerment Clubhouse.”

This was a great topic and it generated

a lot of interest with the audience.
The winning raffle number was held by
Gary Irwin, but Gary was unable to find
the green, lucky marble and had to
settle for $10. (The green marble would
have been worth $59.)
~ Greeter/Invocator Sign-up List ~

7/16/19 Kevin Reneau

7/23/19 Angelo Costanza
7/30/19 Herb Wehmeyer
8/06/19 Bob Fritzky
8/13/19 Ron Mucovich
8/20/19 Linda May
8/27/19 Roger Gregory
9/03/19 Frank May
9/10/19 Open
9/17/19 Fran Rathjen


Co-Presidents Evie Michon & Debbie Koo
President Elect Brian South
Past President Ron Mucovich
Secretary Kevin Reneau
Treasurer Rich Render
Club Administrator Debbie Roessler
Foundation Chair John Erickson
Youth & Community Service Chair Tony Schoemehl
Public Relations Chair Gary Irwin
Fundraising Chair Frank May
International Service Chair Dianne Wilson
Membership Chair Brian South
Director at Large MarySue Erickson
Director at Large Linda May
Advisor to the Board John Erickson
Advisor to the Board Jim Campbell
Advisor to the Board Cliff Dochterman

District Governor 5160 Tina Akins

President, Rotary International Mark Maloney

Newsletter Editor – Roger Gregory

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