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MD 3, 4 and 5 One- and two-way-flows, ten stalls wide

MD 3, MD 4 and MD 5 One- and two-way-flows, ten stalls wide

118 Car park designers’ handbook

. Can be accommodated on sites down to 24.000 m in width.
. Can be extended in length almost infinitely.
. MD 3 has a one-way traffic flow throughout.
. Good recirculation capabilities.

. Their static efficiency is not high and reduces as the layouts increase
in length. This is due to the internal bins containing fewer stalls than
the outer bins.
. The ramps are narrow.
. MD 4 and 5 incorporate two-way traffic flows for the vertical vehicle


. The high proportion of access-ways to stalls for the internal bins
makes for a reduced static efficiency when compared with long
MD 1 and 2 layouts. However, when the major dimension is six
bins or less, the static capacities can be similar and when only three
bins in width, they can be superior.
. MD 3 is based upon a minimum width (24.000 m) SLD 3 layout,

side extended. The ramps are below the recommended minimum

dimension and the half-level-parking element can cause fire escape
problems for pedestrians.
. MD 4 is a minimum (24.000 m) SLD 6 layout, side extended. Fire

escape problems are the same as for MD 3.

. MD 5 is a VCM option, similar to MD 4, but the parking decks

sloping at 5% solve the problem of escape for pedestrians.

. Being wider than MD 6 to 11, these three layouts contain more

stalls for any given length and hence, have an improved static
. Each internal bin contains only 12 stalls at an area per stall of

31.200 m2 . Compare this with a similar length of MD 1 parking

deck at 18.720 m2 per car space and it can be readily appreciated
that the more bins that an MD 3, 4 or 5 layout contains, the less
statically efficient it will become.

Static efficiency
. As drawn, with 52 stalls per deck, the area per car space for MD 3, 4
and 5 layouts is 28.800 m2 .
. When each deck contains 100 stalls, the area per car space increases

to 30.000 m2 .

Other layouts
. Apart from an MD 2 layout, there are no other types with similar
minimum dimensions that can have both traffic flows located at the
same end.

Circulation layouts 119

MD 6, 7 and 8 One- and two-way-flows eight stalls wide (VCM type)

MD 6, MD 7 and MD 8 One- and two-way-flows, eight stalls wide

120 Car park designers’ handbook

. Can be constructed down to 19.200 m in width.
. Can be extended in length almost infinitely.
. The ramps are, nominally, 4.400 m in width.
. Good recirculation capability.

. Lifts and stairs located on the long, flat side project beyond the
notional building width.

. Static efficiency reduces with an increase in the number of bins. On
long layouts an MD 1 layout will be more economical to construct,
but this advantage becomes less as the building reduces in size.
. All three types are based upon minimum dimension VCM modules

that are joined at their ends, either in pairs (MD 8) or with a

common central aisle.
. MD 8 can be extended from the centre, thereby locating the vertical

circulation elements at each end.

. MD 6 and 7 can be extended on either side depending upon the

preferred location for the inflow and outflow routes.

. All of the decks incorporate a 5% parking slope and drainage fall to

one side that is constructed flat.

Static efficiency
. An MD 6 as drawn, with 32 stalls per deck, has an area per car space
of 28.080 m2 and when each deck contains 100 stalls the area per car
space increases to 34.320 m2 .
. An MD 7 as drawn, with 32 stalls per deck, has an area per car space

of 28.680 m2 and when each deck contains 100 stalls the area per car
space increases to 34.520 m2 .
. An MD 8 as drawn, with 40 stalls per deck, has an area per car space

of 30.000 m2 and when each deck contains 100 stalls the area per car
space increases to 34.320 m2 .
. None of these layouts can be deemed, Good, and can only be justified

when there is no other option available.

Other layouts
. Apart from an MD 1, there are no other layout types with similar
minimum dimensions that can incorporate vertical traffic circulation
routes at each end.

Circulation layouts 121

MD 9, 10 and 11 One- and two-way-flows eight stalls wide (split-level type)

MD 9 and MD 10 One- and two-way-flows, eight stalls wide (split-level type)

MD 11 One- and two-way-flows, eight stalls wide (split-level type)

122 Car park designers’ handbook

. Can be constructed down to 19.200 m in width.
. Can be extended in length almost infinitely.
. The ramps are, nominally, 4.400 m in width.

. Lifts and stairs located on the long flat sides will project beyond the
notional building width.

. These are an alternative to the MD 6, 7 and 8 layouts. They have the
same dynamic and static qualities and layout flexibility. The basic
difference being that the split levels for these three types create
escape problems for pedestrians.
. If pedestrian ramps are required for cross-bin access, then the

internal stalls located at the split-levels will be lost. This will render
the layout even more uneconomic and statically inefficient.

Static efficiency
. An MD 9 or 10 as drawn, with 32 stalls per deck, has an area per car
space of 28.080 m2 and when each deck contains104 stalls the area
per car space increases to 31.680 m2 .
. An MD 11 as drawn, with 40 stalls per deck, has an area per car space

of 30.000 m2 and when each deck contains 104 stalls the area per car
space increases to 31.680 m2 .
. None of these layouts can be deemed, Good, and can only be justified

when there is no other option available.

Other layouts
. MD 6, 7 and 8, solve the pedestrian escape problems.

Circulation layouts 123

Fig. 7.9 A circular car park/access ramp

124 Car park designers’ handbook

7.11 Circular sloping Two-way-flow is the only practical circulation pattern for a car park
decks (CSDs) layout based upon a hollow circle or ellipse. One-way-flow layouts
consisting of two interconnected rings in a ‘figure of eight’ pattern
have been proposed but are not considered to be practical and as
such have not been featured.
Stand-alone circular car parks (as seen in Fig. 7.9) can only be
justified, realistically, on architectural grounds. The constant turning,
the ‘follow my leader’ inflow and outflow route, the inability to see
any reasonable distance ahead and the lack of a rapid outflow route
render them less popular with motorists than other circulation types
that are available to designers. Effective security surveillance is also
rendered more difficult when the parking is on a constant curve.
The smallest practical diameter with cars parked only on the outside
of the aisle is about 34.000 m and can accommodate some 30 spaces for
every 3608 of rotation. Static efficiency is, Poor, being about 28 m2 per
space, but such layouts can be justified when stalls are added to the
outside of a two-way-flow circular ramp that would have been there
in any case (see Fig. 7.10). As the diameter increases, static efficiency
improves and above 50.000 m it becomes quite good, but then the
hole in the middle also gets larger and generally becomes wasted site
When the overall diameter reaches 65.000 m, the central hole
becomes large enough to contain another circular car park. Both can
then become one-way traffic flows. However, the circulation pattern
requires all traffic to drive up to the top parking level in order to join
the outflow route. The awkward circulation, coupled with the large
diameter required, renders this an impractical proposition for the UK
and, as such, it has not been featured.
Almost any site capable of incorporating a circular car park could
also contain a rectangular layout that would be more user friendly
and have improved static and dynamic characteristics.
When located underground, circular layouts can be fully justified on
engineering grounds where the drum shape is an ideal form to resist
compressive forces exerted by the surrounding ground and the central
void is available for pedestrian access and mechanical ventilation.

Circulation layouts 125

CSD 1 Circular parking deck with two-way-flow

CSD 1 Circular parking deck with two-way-flow

126 Car park designers’ handbook

. All of the stalls are passed on the inflow route.
. The cylindrical shape is well suited to resist compression forces

imposed by the ground when used in underground facilities.

. Good static efficiency for the larger diameter facilities.
. The sloping decks provide an unmistakable indication of the direc-

tion of traffic flow, the inflow route is upwards and the outflow
route is downwards (reversed in underground facilities).

. All of the stalls are passed on the main outflow route.
. No natural recirculation capability.
. The need to turn constantly and the inability to see well ahead is an

unpopular feature of the design.

. The circular layout renders CCTV supervision less effective than one

with straight traffic aisles.

. On anything other than a circular site, it is difficult to justify this
layout above ground for reasons other than architectural. As the
diameter increases so does the wasted site area created by the hole
in the middle.
. It can be justified when it also doubles up as a spiral ramp providing

access to a high-level parking area (with parking on one or more

sides), but, even so, care has to be taken to ensure that the dynamic
capacity of the two-way-flow aisle is not exceeded.
. The circular layout makes security supervision more difficult. Staff

cannot see as far as when the aisles are straight and CCTV cameras
will be required more frequently.

Static efficiency
. The number of stalls varies, dependent upon the diameter. At the
smallest practical diameter of 40.000 m the area per vehicle space
requirement is 26.400 m2 but at a diameter of 60.000 m the area per
vehicle space requirement reduces to 22 m2 approximately: this can
be deemed, Good, but then the hole in the middle gets larger and
becomes wasted site space

Other layouts
. There is no alternative layout that embodies a circular shape, but on
any site larger than, say, 32 m2 , a rectangular car park would produce
a more economical and efficient layout.

Circulation layouts 127

Fig. 7.10 A HER layout

128 Car park designers’ handbook

7.12 Half external When semi-circular ramps are used, the connection with a flat parking
ramps (HERs) aisle at each deck level reduces the sense of unease developed by some
drivers when they rotate through 3608 or more. Consequently, HER
ramp systems are quite popular with the parking public. In rectangular
formats they behave in the same manner as the internal ramping in
SLD- or VCM-type layouts. Although shown with linked ramps,
they can be separated and located on any wall face to best suit the
highway access requirements.
When leaving a right-turning ramp and entering a traffic aisle, drivers
need to be aware of traffic approaching from the left. The presence
of passengers, obstructing sideways vision, could well render this a
little awkward. When turning to the left, drivers can observe traffic
approaching from the right, without front-seat passengers obstructing
the view. There are no absolutes in this consideration and often the
direction of circulation is pre-determined by other factors, such as
exiting the facility without crossing the path of entering traffic.
When compared to car parks with internal ramps, the extra cost of
a half external ramp structure can be offset, to some extent, by the
reduction in stalls used to complete the circulation route. When used
in small parking facilities they can be uneconomic and site-area
consuming but, as the static capacity of the car park increases, this
factor becomes less significant and their enhanced dynamic efficiency
becomes an increasingly important factor. Often, the shape of the site
enables HER ramps to be introduced without affecting the area avail-
able for parking.
The lowest levels on any outflow circulation route tend to become
congested first, since traffic from the upper levels is incremental as it
passes through the lower floors on its way out of the building. When
the anticipated flow rate exceeds, about, 1300 vehicles per hour, a
second ramp system or a fully external ramp access should be
In arriving at a decision between the ramp types, it should be
appreciated that the geometry of HER ramps enables motorists to re-
circulate, rapidly, throughout all of the parking levels. However,
being combined in part with the parking decks, their dynamic capacity
will be a little less than that for ER-type ramps.

Circulation layouts 129

HER 1 Half spiral with one-way-flow

HER 1 Half spiral with one-way-flow

130 Car park designers’ handbook

. Both flow routes can be rapid or extended.
. The flow routes can be located side-by-side, as shown, or separated.
. Good recirculation capability.
. When located at the side of an aisle, eight stall spaces are required to

complete the circulation route.

. When located at the end of an aisle, only four extra stall spaces are

required to complete the circulation route (see HER 4).

. Parking decks are clear of ramp obstructions.

. Both inflow and outflow routes combine with the aisle traffic at each
parking level. This is not normally a serious matter.
. Semi-circular ramps are more expensive to construct than straight

ramps but in a large-capacity car park the extra cost per car space
can be nominal.

. The spiral format, be it semi-circular or elliptical, renders this a more
æsthetically pleasing shape than straight ramps.
. Measured on the centre-line, the going is 32.200 m, producing a

continuous gradient of 8.7% for a storey height of 2.800 m.

. A variable message sign system, located at the head of an inflow ramp

at the approach to each parking deck, will considerably improve

dynamic efficiency by eliminating the need to search, needlessly,
any particular floor.

Other layouts
. Either of the other featured HER-type ramps work just as well. It is
more a matter of choice rather than any other factor.

Circulation layouts 131

HER 2 and 3 Straight ramps with one-way-flow

HER 2 Straight ramps with one-way-flow (side located)

HER 3 Straight ramps with one-way-flow (side located) (version of HER 2)

132 Car park designers’ handbook

. The flow routes can be rapid or extended.
. The flow routes can be joined or separated.
. Good recirculation capability.
. When located at the side of an aisle, eight stall spaces are required to

complete the circulation route.

. When located at the end of an aisle, only four extra stall spaces are

required to complete the circulation route (see HER 4).

. Parking decks are clear of obstructions.

. The inflow and outflow routes combine with the aisle traffic at each
parking level.

. On plan, both sets of ramps appear similar. The difference being that
those for HER 3 raise half a storey height, and are similar to those
used in an SLD 2 layout, while those for HER 4 split the storey
height into three, thereby reducing the sloping elements to 10%,
. A variable message sign system, located at the head of an inflow ramp

at the approach to each parking deck, will considerably improve

dynamic efficiency by eliminating the need to search, needlessly,
any particular floor.
. Suitable for all usage categories where the dynamic capacity of the

‘combined’ section of the aisle is not exceeded (about 1100 vehicles

per hour), they are mainly seen in large-capacity ‘staff ’ and ‘airport’
types buildings.

Other layouts
. Either of the other featured ‘half external’ type ramps work as well. It
is more a matter of choice rather than any other factor.

Circulation layouts 133

HER 4 Straight ramps with one-way-flow, end located

HER 4 Straight ramps with one-way-flow (end located)

134 Car park designers’ handbook

. Rapid, clear, access to and from all levels.
. The flow routes can be joined or separated.
. Good recirculation capability.
. The two-lane end access-way enables the inflow and outflow routes to

behave with the dynamic efficiency of a fully external ramp layout.

. Parking decks are clear of obstructions.
. The end access-way can be reduced to two stalls in width for suitable


. Down-flowing traffic on the ramps, turning left, can be in confronta-
tion with out-flowing and circulating traffic on the parking decks,
turning right.

. Although a straight, three-slope ramp system has been shown, any of
the other HER ramp series can be adapted equally as well.
. A variable message sign system, located at the head of an inflow ramp

at the approach to each parking deck, will considerably improve

dynamic efficiency by eliminating the need to search, needlessly,
any particular floor.
. As shown, the ramp slopes are 10% approximately.
. Suitable for all usage categories where the dynamic capacity of the

‘combined’ section of the aisle is not exceeded (about 1100 vehicles

per hour), they are mainly seen in large-capacity ‘staff ’ and ‘airport’
types buildings.
. Provided that the traffic flow around the end is light, it might be

acceptable to reduce the width of the access-way. It is only a

matter of line painting.
. Eight more stalls per deck can be introduced along the end access-

way (similar to HER 5).

Other layouts
. Either of the other featured HER-type ramps works as well on the
building ends, it is more a matter of choice rather than any other

Circulation layouts 135

HER 5 Straight ramps with one-way-flow, end located

HER 5 Straight ramps with one-way-flow, end located

136 Car park designers’ handbook

. Rapid access to and from all levels.
. The flow routes can be joined or separated.
. Good recirculation capability.
. The two-lane access-way enables the inflow and outflow routes to

behave almost with the dynamic efficiency of a fully external ramp

. The end access-way can be reduced to two stalls in width for suitable


. Down-flowing traffic on the ramps, turning left, can be in confronta-
tion with out-flowing and circulating traffic on the parking decks,
turning right.

. Although a straight, three-slope ramp system has been shown, any of
the other HER ramp series can be adapted equally as well.
. A variable message sign system, located at the head of an inflow ramp

at the approach to each parking deck, will considerably improve

dynamic efficiency by eliminating the need to search, needlessly,
any particular floor.
. As shown, the ramp slopes are 10% approximately.
. Suitable for all usage categories where the dynamic capacity of the

‘combined’ section of the aisle is not exceeded (about 1100 vehicles

per hour), they are mainly seen in large-capacity ‘staff ’ and ‘airport’
types buildings.

Other layouts
. Either of the other featured HER-type ramps works as well on the
building ends, it is more a matter of choice rather than any other
. A comparison with an HER 4 layout shows that, within the same

plan envelope, six more stalls can be accommodated on each level;

pedestrians have unobstructed access to all parts of the decks and
there is a 40 m reduction in the total length of perimeter walling
required on each deck level. Also, the flow routes are shorter, free
of parking stalls and, hence, will be more efficient.

Circulation layouts 137

Fig. 7.11 A pair of external ramps

138 Car park designers’ handbook

7.13 External ramps External ramps (ERs) function independently of the car parks they
(ERs) serve and their only contact is the access-ways into and out of the
parking decks.
They are used mainly in large-capacity facilities and a single-ramp
system can cope with 1500 stalls, approximately, for Cats 1 and 2
layouts, 2000 for Cat. 4 and as many as 5000 stalls in Cat. 3 layouts.
The capacity of ramps that conform to the ‘recommendations’ can be
assessed as 1500 vehicle movements per hour.
Although the one-way-flow ramps have been shown linked, they can
be separated and located on any elevation to best suit the site require-
As with circular car parks, circular ramp systems are less popular
with the public than straight ramps, due, quite possibly, to the fact
that designers have tended to underestimate the minimum diameter
needed to create an acceptable driving environment. The fact that
vehicles can turn more tightly than the diameters recommended for
good practice does not mean that drivers are prepared to accept the
The recommended minimum diameters are for general acceptance by
the public, not just for the vehicles that they drive.

Circulation layouts 139

ER 1 Full circular with a two-way traffic flow

ER 1 Full circular ramp with two-way-flow

140 Car park designers’ handbook

. Both flow routes are contained in a single structure, which could

prove beneficial in site utilisation and construction costs.

. Four stall spaces per deck are required to complete the circulation

. The vertical circulation routes are unobstructed by other traffic,

except when joining or leaving the ramp system, resulting in a

dynamic capacity on the ramps of 1480 vehicles per hour.

. Traffic exiting the deck must cross the path of ramp traffic climbing to
an upper level.
. The ability to observe approaching traffic on the opposite lane is

limited by the ramp curvature.

. They are not a popular format with the parking public at the best of

times and rapidly become more unpopular if the diameter reduces

below the ‘preferred’ minimum.

. Unless appearance or site utilisation considerations are pre-eminent,
there is no advantage in choosing this format over other external
ramp types.
. Providing that traffic drives on the ‘correct’ side of the aisle and the

lanes are of an adequate width, a lane-dividing kerb is not considered

to be an essential feature: double yellow lines should suffice.
. A variable message sign system, located at the head of the inflow

ramp at the approach to each parking deck, will considerably

improve dynamic efficiency by eliminating the need to search, need-
lessly, any particular floor.
. Suitable for all car park usage categories where the collective capacity

of the exiting traffic at the lowest level is not exceeded.

. The capacity of the exit barriers and external road system requires

careful consideration if traffic is not to ‘back up’ within the car park.

Other layouts
. An ER 2 ramp system is a logical option and projects less distance
from the parking deck.

Circulation layouts 141

ER 2 Full circular ramps each with a one-way traffic flow

ER 2 Full circular ramps each with one-way-flow

142 Car park designers’ handbook

. Both flow routes can be conjoined or separated. They can be posi-

tioned at any convenient location around the car park.

. Four stall spaces per deck are required to complete the circulation

. The vertical circulation routes are unobstructed by other traffic,

except when joining or leaving the ramp system, resulting in a

dynamic capacity on the ramps of 1480 vehicles per hour.

. They are not a popular format with the parking public at the best of
times and rapidly become more unpopular if the diameter reduces
below the preferred minimum.

. Unless appearance or site utilisation considerations are pre-eminent,
there is no advantage in choosing this format over rectangular exter-
nal ramp types.
. A variable message sign system, located at the head of the inflow

ramp at the approach to each parking deck, will considerably

improve dynamic efficiency by eliminating the need to search, need-
lessly, any particular floor.
. Suitable for all car park usage categories where the collective capacity

of the exiting traffic at the lowest level is not exceeded.

. The capacity of the exit barriers and external road system requires

careful consideration if traffic is not to back up within the car park.

Other layouts
. An ER 1 ramp system is a logical option but the crossover condition
at the exit from each floor level renders it less efficient, dynamically.

Circulation layouts 143

ER 3 Straight ramps with a one-way traffic flow

ER 3 Straight ramps with one-way-flow

144 Car park designers’ handbook

. Both flow routes can be conjoined or separated. They can be posi-

tioned at any convenient location around the car park.

. Four stall spaces per deck are required to complete the circulation

. The vertical circulation routes are unobstructed by other traffic,

except when joining or leaving the ramp system, resulting in a

dynamic capacity on the ramps of about 1500 vehicles per hour.

. The projection from the side of the car park is some 10.000 m greater
than for a similar HER-type ramping system.

. Shown with split levels for demonstration purposes, it is equally
adaptable to the other systems featured in the HER series.
. A variable message sign system, located at the head of the inflow

ramp at the approach to each parking deck, will considerably

improve dynamic efficiency by eliminating the need to search, need-
lessly, any particular floor.
. Suitable for all car park usage categories where the collective capacity

of the exiting traffic at the lowest level is not exceeded.

. The capacity of the exit barriers and external road system requires

careful consideration if traffic is not to back up within the car park.

Other layouts
. Layouts utilising three-ramp or VCM-type systems could be used to
similar effect.

Circulation layouts 145

ER 4 Storey height, straight ramps

ER 4 Storey height, straight ramps

146 Car park designers’ handbook

. Four stall spaces per deck are required to complete the circulation

. The vertical circulation routes are unobstructed by other traffic,

except when joining or leaving the ramp system, resulting in a

dynamic capacity on the ramps of 1480 vehicles per hour.
. The ramps can be combined on one side of the car park and that

could save some 5.000 m in overall width requirements, but this

will involve opposite direction traffic crossing paths.

. For each level climbed or descended, the ‘going’, at 8.5%, is 14 stall
widths per 2.900 m storey height. The length of the site, therefore, will
dictate the number of parking levels.

. A variable message sign system, located at the head of the inflow
ramp at the approach to each parking deck, will considerably
improve dynamic efficiency by eliminating the need to search, need-
lessly, any particular floor.
. The projection from the side of the building can vary but the turning

dimension onto the parking deck must be considered.

. Suitable for all car park usage categories where the collective capacity

of the exiting traffic at the lowest level is not exceeded.

. The capacity of the exit barriers and external road system requires

careful consideration if traffic is not to back up within the car park.

Other layouts
. There are no other external ramp systems that project as little from
the sides of a building.

Circulation layouts 147

ER 5 Stadium-shaped interlocking ramps

ER 5 Stadium-shaped interlocking ramps

148 Car park designers’ handbook

. The system is intended for use when a single-storey height of 5.400 m,

or greater, is required. One of the flow routes can then be inserted

between the other. This effects a reduction in the plan area when
compared with other external ramp layouts where the flow routes
are constructed side by side.
. The straight ramp element of the layout is less daunting to motorists

than similarly dimensioned circular ramp systems.

. The entry and exit locations are not very flexible and could cause
problems. To locate them side by side could involve increasing the
site width, locally, at ground level.
. Locating the entry and exit control barriers at the first parking level

may well be the best solution for large-capacity car parks.

. The main purpose of this ramp system is to gain access to a car park
located above a commercial or retail operation where an increased
storey height is required.
. Ramp width dimensions as little as 16.000 m between kerbs have been

noted without any apparent reduction in popularity but, generally,

the wider the better.
. It can be used to gain access to all of the parking decks, but it is to be

remembered that with normal storey heights only alternate parking

levels can be accessed on the way up.
. Suitable for all parking categories but another ramping system

should be adopted where more than one level of parking occurs.

. Within the body of the parking area, a vertical circulation system that

visits each level in turn will be preferable.

. An option is to carry on straight up but change to an HER system

above the first parking deck level. The overall dimensions for the
ER 5 and the two HER ramps would need to be compatible for
the best structural efficiency.

Other layouts
. There are no other layouts that can operate to as high a standard
within the plan area of this system.

Circulation layouts 149

ER 6 Circular interlocking ramps

ER 6 Circular interlocking ramps

150 Car park designers’ handbook

. An alternative to ER 5, this system is also intended for use when a

storey height of 5.400 m, or greater, is required. One of the flow

routes can then be inserted between the other, thereby effecting a
reduction in the plan area when compared with other, side-by-side,
circular ramp layouts.

. The entry and exit locations are not very flexible and could cause
problems. To locate them side by side could involve increasing the
site width, locally, at ground level.
. For large-capacity car parks, where a number of entry and exit

control barriers may be required, Locating them at the head of the

ramps, in the body of the car park may well be the only solution.

. It operates in a similar fashion to an ER 5 ramp system and performs
the same function.
. If the site widths are restricted then a stadium-shaped ramp could

provide a better solution, but otherwise the choice of which ramp

system to adopt is mainly one of client choice based upon visual
. Measured on the ramp centre-line, a slope of 8.5%, for a 5.600 m-

storey height produces a required going of 64.800 m. The minimum

overall ramp diameter, therefore, will need to be in the order of
25.000 m.

Alternative layouts
. There are no other circular ramp layouts that can operate to as high a
standard within the plan area of this system.

Circulation layouts 151

Fig. 8.1 Birmingham airport

8 Stairs and lifts

8.1 Discussion The location of vertical services for pedestrians can have a significant
bearing upon the choice of vehicle circulation layout. If located at the
end of a building, flat-end vehicle access-ways, also capable of being
used by pedestrians, are preferable to ramps or steps between split
levels. When the vertical access is located along the building flanks,
flat external deck layouts are preferable to those incorporating sloping
Unless otherwise agreed with the local Fire Officer, when used as fire
escapes the number and location of stairs should comply with the
requirements of Approved Document B of the Building Regulations.
Although not specifically referred to in Table 3 of that document,
they are normally classed as Purpose Group 7 (storage and other
non-residential) for intermediate decks, or Purpose Group 2–7 (plant
room or rooftop plant for top, exposed decks). Where the top deck is
roofed over this last requirement is not applicable. Extracts from the
relevant clauses are shown in Section 8.2.
The choice of whether to introduce lifts is one that has to be consid-
ered frequently. For Cats 1 and 3 use lifts and/or a pedestrian ramp will
be desirable even for a single suspended parking deck. For Cat. 2 or 4
use, with two suspended parking floors, lifts are not essential provided
that they are not required for transporting trolleys, luggage, disabled
drivers or carers with prams. For three or more suspended parking
decks, lifts are recommended for all car park categories. The number
and capacity of the lifts will vary dependent upon the parking category
and capacity.

8.2 Vertical and 8.2.1 Stairs, widths of flights

horizontal escape The Building Regulations provide basic rules for determining flight
widths. Approved Document B states that ‘in the absence of other
information on the likely number of occupants, guidance is given in
Table 1’. For car parks the factor given is two persons per parking
Use of this guidance tends to result in an overly conservative estimate
on the building occupancy at any one time for the following reasons:
. Vehicle occupancy in urban areas at peak periods has consistently
been observed to be an average of no more than 1.4 persons per
. Most of the time, parked cars are not occupied and so create no
requirement for pedestrian fire escapes.
There are three basic occasions when car occupants and pedestrians
will require access to a fire escape:
. When the vehicle enters the car park and is being driven around to
find a parking space.
. When pedestrians are walking to and from the deck exit location.
. When the vehicle is being driven out of the car park.
In addition there will be occasions when the car park staff will be
present, but their numbers are so small, relatively, that they can be

Stairs and lifts 153

The maximum occupancy will relate to the peak traffic flows, both in
and out. This information is usually available from the Traffic Assess-
ment that would normally accompany the planning application for a
new-build car park. In the absence of such information, an assessment
of the peak-hour traffic flow can be taken as 65 to 70% of the total
capacity, i.e. for a 1000 space car park the peak flow over a one-hour
period will be between 650 to 700 vehicles.
It is reasonable to assume a maximum parking period of five minutes
for an efficiently designed layout (see Section 6.5) and another five
minutes for pedestrians to exit the building: a total time of ten minutes.
The only people to exceed this time will be staff members and those very
few who are waiting in the vehicle for others to return. Using the
example of 700 vph, a ten-minute period results in 117 vehicles.
Using, also, the Building Regulation figure of two persons per vehicle,
the maximum total number of people present within the building
over any ten-minute period will be 234.
In the event of a fire, when entering escape stairs without lobbies, it is
possible for one flight of stairs, on any particular level, to be put out of

Fig. 8.2 Escape stairways

154 Car park designers’ handbook

action and this must be taken into account when calculating stair and
door opening widths. When lobbies are introduced all of the stair
cores can be counted. Stairs without lobbies are easier to enter, espe-
cially for disabled pedestrians, they take up less room but an extra
stair core is required.
From Table 7 of Approved Document B, it can be seen that, with three
suspended levels and three escape stairs without lobbies, stair flight
widths of 1000 mm will be adequate. For the main pedestrian stair
core, where there could be regular two-way pedestrian movements, a
flight width of 1200 mm is recommended. Landings must be of a
width no less than the flights they serve (see Fig. 8.2).

8.2.2 Vertical escape

Stair widths (source: B1, ‘Vertical escape’, Table 7)
levels 1000 mm 1100 mm 1200 mm 1300 mm 1400 mm 1500 mm 1600 mm 1700 mm 1800 mm
1 150 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360
2 190 260 285 310 335 360 385 410 435
3 230 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510
4 270 340 375 410 445 480 515 550 585
5 310 380 420 460 500 540 580 620 660
6 350 420 465 510 555 600 645 690 735
7 390 460 510 560 610 660 710 760 810
8 430 500 555 610 665 720 775 830 885
9 570 540 600 660 720 780 840 900 960
10 510 580 645 710 775 840 905 970 1035

As an alternative to using the above table, the capacity of stairs

1100 mm wide or wider (for simultaneous evacuation) can be derived
from the formula:
P þ 15n  15
P ¼ 200W þ 50ðw  0:3Þðn  1Þ; or W ¼
50 þ 50n
where P is the number of people that can be served; W is the width of
the stairway, in metres; and N is the number of storeys served.
1 Separate calculations should be made for stairs/flights serving
basement storeys and those serving upper storeys.
2 The population, P, should be divided by the number of stairs

8.2.3 Horizontal escape

Widths of escape routes (Source: B1, Table 5)
Maximum number of persons Minimum width
50 750 mm
110 850 mm
220 1050 mm
More than 220 5 mm per person
1 Widths less than 1050 mm should not be interpolated.
2 5 mm/person does not apply to openings serving less than 220

8.3 Escape distances Approved Document B specifies maximum pedestrian escape distances
. Intermediate decks – 25 m to an available escape in one direction only
or 45 m to available escapes in two or more directions.

Stairs and lifts 155

Fig. 8.3 Pedestrian ramp
layout between split-level

. Top, exposed decks – 60 m to an available escape in one direction

only or 100 m to available escapes in two or more directions.
When measuring escape distances, it is not acceptable for the route to
pass between parked cars unless a dedicated path is provided no less
than the width of the escape door. The door widths can be determined
from the rules provided in the Building Regulations. It is to be appre-
ciated that the doors on each level only need to contend with the
number of vehicles occurring on the deck they serve.
Where an escape route encounters a split level between adjacent
parking decks, a ramp and/or steps may be required (see Fig. 8.3).
Ramps or stairs forming part of an escape route should comply with
Approved Document Part M, Access and Facilities for Disabled People.
The final exit from the building should be to the open air. Ideally,
the escape stairs should be located around the perimeter of the
building. Should they be located internally then a fire-protected corridor
must be provided that leads directly to the perimeter and the open air.

8.4 Lift sizing Lift manufacturers usually provide a service for determining the
number and sizing of lifts required for any particular building. For
preliminary estimating purposes, however, a ‘rule of thumb’ method
can be used for assessing the required lift capacity.
For Cat. 1 parking located on a single level directly over a super-
market, 33-person lifts that can contain four shopping trolleys,
double stacked, will produce an effective solution. Each supermarket
chain has its own special requirements, but for preliminary design
purposes, where the end user has not yet been chosen and where the
whole of the parking is above ground, the lift capacity can be estimated
at the rate of one 33-person lift for every 800 m2 of retail shopping area.

156 Car park designers’ handbook

The total parking capacity and ratio of suspended level to surface
parking will affect the lift requirement. Total parking capacity can be
estimated at the rate of one parking space to every 8 m2 of retail
shopping area and the lift requirement can be reduced proportionally
to the ratio of suspended level to surface-level parking.
Where more than one upper parking level is involved, double trolley
stacking is less effective than single trolley stacking, using 21-person
lifts that are capable of containing two shopping trolleys each, side
by side. The complete lift cycle will take longer when compared with
single-level parking and will vary dependent upon the number of
parking levels to be served, but for preliminary design purposes they
can be estimated at the rate of one 21-person lift for every 300 m2 of
retail shopping area.
Other Cats 1 and 2 parking, not requiring shopping trolleys, can be
estimated using a lift space per person ratio of one for every 15 parking
stalls on the suspended levels. For a 600-place facility with five sus-
pended levels, 33 spaces will be required, say, three lifts of 13-person,
or four lifts of 8-person capacity.
Category 3 parking can vary dramatically, from light use where one
lift space per 25 ‘served’ vehicle spaces can be adequate for much of the
time, interspersed with periods of extreme activity when motorists drive
to an airport to pick up, say, some 400 passengers arriving on the
weekly ‘Jumbo’ flight from a far-off place. The lift capacities can be
assessed in a manner similar to that shown for supermarket use. How-
ever, a minimum of 25 trolley spaces should be provided for each major
passenger aircraft arrival per hour, similar to the one described above.
In airport-type situations, when it is known that future developments
will occur, such as the Airbus A380 capable of carrying more than
700 people, it is preferable to over-provide the lift services rather
than under-provide.
Category 4 parking, unless there is information to the contrary, can
be treated in a similar fashion to Cat. 2. Although the arrival and
departure times are more intense, there will be less luggage, prams and
trolleys, and more people will use the stairs if the lift capacity is over
Unless the car park is very small, two lifts should be considered as the
minimum in order to contend with a breakdown or maintenance ‘down
time’ on one of them.
Lift doors must be of a minimum width that will enable disabled
persons in wheelchairs and double-width prams to enter.
Worked example for a Cat. 1 – 1000-space facility on four suspended
deck levels, (200 spaces per floor) with the main entry/exit at ground
level. The Traffic Assessment estimates an a.m. peak of 692 vph and a
p.m. peak of 606 vph.
Ground-level parking will be the most popular (usual scenario from
observations), followed in reducing popularity by the upper levels.
Assume 4  17-person lifts operating as duplex units, in two stair/lift
towers and serving alternate floor levels, i.e. G, 1 and 3 on one side and
G, 2 and 4 on the other. The storey height is 2.8 m. (Note that the
practical lift capacity has been reduced to 14 persons.)
Each complete cycle for a pair of lifts averages 14  2:8 ¼ 39:2 m
travel distance
Lift speed ¼ 1.6 m/sec
Time to open and close doors ¼ 10 secs
Time to load/unload passengers ¼ 10 secs
Note that at peak times each lift will stop three times per cycle.

Stairs and lifts 157

The total journey time for each complete cycle, per pair, will be:
Travel time 39.2/1.6 ¼ 25 secs
Door time 6  10 ¼ 60 secs
Passenger movements 6  10 ¼ 60 secs
Total time 145 secs
Lift capacity per pair ¼ 14 persons  2  3600=145 ¼ 694 persons
per hour.
Two banks of lifts, therefore, provide a total capacity of 1388 persons
per hour.
With an average of two persons per vehicle, the Approved Document
requirement is 692  2 ¼ 1384. At the more realistic figure of 1.4 persons
per vehicle, the requirement will be reduced to 969 persons, implying that
the lift facility will be operating well within its capacity. If occasional
short periods of extended waiting time can be tolerated, 4  13 person
lifts can also provide an adequate capacity. It should be appreciated,
however, that maintenance and breakdowns will occasionally reduce
the number to three and 17-person lifts can better cope when such a
situation occurs.
It should be noted that calculations can only produce generalisations
and the answers should not be considered to be precise figures.

158 Car park designers’ handbook

Fig. 9.1 Disabled parking stalls

9 Disabled drivers and carers

9.1 Discussion Although the necessary number of stalls and their dimensions are well
documented, little comment has been made about the disposition of
stalls for disabled drivers within a car park. The required provision
for general public parking is up to 6% of capacity. This figure varies
dependent upon the use for which the car park is intended, but many
local authorities now insist on 6% regardless of the car park’s function.
Some car parks have stalls spread around in ‘ones and twos’ on a
number of deck levels, wherever there has been an extra width stall
available. This is a cynical solution to the ‘requirements’. It ignores
the special mobility problems of disabled people and is at odds with
current Disability Discrimination Act recommendations. There is
also a need to consider parking provision for ‘disabled’ vehicles up to
2.6 m high. It is acceptable to provide external parking bays but if
that is not possible the ground parking level will have to be used. The
interior should be so designed that the increased headroom occurs
only locally and the vehicles can exit the facility without having to
drive through the whole of the ground parking level. It is unreasonable
to have to increase all of the ground-floor headroom just for a few
parking bays.
The requirements for pedestrian ramps are based upon places of
work and residence wherein disabled persons can spend many hours
per day. In such cases it is important that all consideration should be
given to minimise the problems of getting around. However, in car
parks, the only people remaining more than five minutes after parking
their vehicle are employees, the very few waiting for the driver to return
and those with criminal intent. The others will have left to go about
their legitimate business.
The design criteria for dealing with persons with disabilities within
car parks are provided in BS 8300: 2001. The recommendations, how-
ever, do not adequately distinguish between different parking functions,
e.g. a hospital car park may well need to increase its provision for
disabled drivers as would areas with a high percentage of elderly
residents. Their location can also reduce the use, i.e. when constructed
on a steep hillside (see Fig. 3.11, Hillside Car Parks) or if ample on-
street parking is available for blue badge holders in the car park’s
immediate vicinity. It is to be hoped that, eventually, car parks will
be recognised as a separate building type in this respect and treated

9.2 Stall locations When endeavouring to provide stalls for the disabled, designers should
be aware of the following problems:
. When located on floors other than the one that leads directly to the
main exit point, wheelchair users must use the lifts. In the event of
an electrical failure or mechanical breakdown they will either be
constrained to the floor on which they have parked, and have to
drive back out, or be unable to return to their vehicle.
. Lift doors must be wide enough to accept wheelchairs and carers with
double-width prams (800 mm is adequate for wheelchair users but
1000 mm could be required to contend with some of the prams).

Disabled drivers and carers 161

. Locating disabled driver stalls at random throughout the building
means that drivers must be prepared to search the entire parking
area even though there may be standard width spaces available on
the lower levels. By the time that they have reached the farthest
level, stalls on the lower levels may have become available and they
must start all over again.
. Supervision of randomly located stalls is made more difficult and,
hence, their misuse by other drivers becomes easier.
. Occasionally it is prudent to adopt a pragmatic approach and accept
that a smaller number of spaces will be made available on the most
popular level (say 2 to 3% of the static capacity) and have another
block of ‘overflow’ stalls that satisfy the regulations located in a
less popular location. Effective supervision will be simplified and
the fewer empty stalls to be seen at the entry level will reduce the
annoyance of those who are queuing to enter.
. Provided that problems of power failure, lift occupancy, extended
supervision and vehicle travel distances can be accepted, stalls may
be located on any level as long as they are in close proximity to a
lift core. They should be located proportionate to deck capacity
but, in any case, not less than four in a block. If possible, an indicator
system that informs drivers of the parking status on other levels will
improve circulation efficiency.

9.3 Stall dimensions Stalls are, typically, 3.600 m in width with a crosshatched lane 1.200 m
wide at the ends, continued along the face of the parking block. They
can also be 2.400 m in width provided that a 1.200 m crosshatched
area is located between every pair of stalls; it assumes that drivers
will not use adjacent bays at the same time. This results in savings of
an extra standard width stall for every four 3.600 m-wide ‘disabled’
stalls. It should be appreciated that the stall-end crosshatching remains
part of the traffic aisle and is not additional to it. Stalls for carers, or
mother and child, can be shown in a similar manner to the 2.400 m-
wide disabled driver parking stalls but showing a different legend. In
this case, however, the crosshatched end lane can be omitted (see
Fig. 9.2).

Fig. 9.2 Two types of

disabled parking bays

162 Car park designers’ handbook

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