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February 14, 2019 VI – J.

LAUREL 5:50 – 6:40 AM

THURSDAY VI – M. ROXAS 7:30 – 8:20 AM
VI – E. AGUINALDO 9:40 – 10:30 AM
VI – C. GARCIA 11:20 – 12:10 PM

At the end of the lesson, 100% of the pupils are expected to achieve 90%
proficiency to:
A. Know the guide to create a slide template
B. Manage slide by editing text, images, duplicating and reordering them
C. Apply a theme for consistence formatting and styles


A. Topic: Hands On PowerPoint
B. Materials: Computer unit/s, MS Office Software
C. Reference: Curriculum and Instruction (Technology and Livelihood
Education pg. 72-74

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Opening prayer, greetings
2. Checking of attendance and/or assignment
3. Drill: Give the other Animation Effects and preview in the class.
Answer Key:
_ Float
_ Wheel
_ Shape
_ Swivel
_ Zoom

4. Review: Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on your mini
1. The selected object will fly into a position from the bottom of the side?
a. Random bars b. Bounce c. Fly in d. Wipe
2. Text or object comes into view from behind bars?
a. Bounce b. Random bars c. Fade d. Fly in
3. This will cause object to become lighter or fade in?
a. Fade b. Fly in c. Random bars d. Wipe
4. This is the motion effect that can be used to create an effect between slide
changes and sounds?
a. Layout b. Transitions c.special Effect d. visual style
5. The selected object will drop from the top of the slide and will bounce into
a position?
a. Random bars b. Wipe c. Bounce d. Fade
Key to Correction:
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. C

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation:
Show a Two Video Presentations about Creating a best PowerPoint
Presentation to inspire students.

2. Establishing the purpose of the lesson

a. What are the different slide format themes and style in PowerPoint?
b. How to create a slide template?
c. How to Manage slide presentation and change it?

3. Word Enrichment:
Duplicate Slide – The best way to create another copy of a slide.
Title Slide – It is the First slide in the slide deck appears in the PowerPoint
workspace when that presentations opened.
Tab – Group Tools and Features together based on their purpose.

4. Learning Experiences:
4.1 Introduce a PowerPoint Presentation
a) Guide on how to Create a PowerPoint Presentation
a. Open a New PowerPoint presentation
b. Add New Slide or Duplicate Slide: Comparison
c. Edit the Title Slide
o Step 1 – Go to the Insert tab.
o Step 2 – Select WordArt.
o Step 3 – Select any of the WordArt styles that moves you.
o Step 4 – Type in the title
o Step 5 – Hover your cursor on the outside rim of the WordArt field.
o Step 6 – Click and drag to move the title to the top of the slide.

d. Add a Picture.
o Step 1 – Click on the Insert tab.
o The Insert tab has some pretty familiar looking icons.
o Ask students “Can you tell me which icon will let you add
a picture from your computer to your presentation?”
o Step 2 – Click on Picture
o Step 3 – Use the dialog box to locate the image you want to add.
o Step 4 – Double click on the image you like.
o Step 5 – Resize picture using the handles in the corner so it only
takes up the left side of the slide.

 Teacher’s Tip: Some students get stuck on which way to drag the cursor
to resize. Make sure students know to drag towards the center of the
image to make it smaller and away from the center to make it larger.
 Optional: Give students a moment to play with the picture styles.

e. Add a Text Box.

o Step 1 – Click on Text Box.

 Nothing changes! But if we move our cursor over the slide, it has
changed from a pointy arrow to a thin cross.

o Step 2 – Click and drag to create a text box just below your
o Step 3 - The Drawing Tools tabs that appear when you are editing
text boxes. These give you more creative formatting options for
text on slides.

f. Template Themes
 We have put together the basics of a presentation, but it’s kind a boring.
 You can use Slide Design to spice up your presentation.

o Step 1 – Click on the Design tab.

o Step 2 – However on different themes in the themes group.
o You can preview the changes on your active slide.
o Step 3 – Click on the More button to see all the Slide Design
o Step 4 – Click on a design to apply it to your presentation.
o Step 5 – Start your presentation from the beginning.
o Step 6 – Hit Enter several times to get to the middle of your
o Step 7– Press Escape to leave the presentation.
o Step 8 – Click on from Current Slide in the Start Slide Show group.

 Teacher’s Tip: Ask students to scroll through their presentation to see

how the design impacted all the slides.

C. Culminating Activities
1. Generalization
Students Learn to create a presentation adding Title and Contents and
Show in the Class.

Activity: Divide the class into three Groups and Make a Questions
Group 1 “Types of Microsoft Software”
Group 2 “Mathematics”
Group 3 “Different Kinds of Colors”

2. Assessment
Directions: Read the statement. Write True or False
_______1. The User Can Edit the Title Slide?
_______2. In Add Picture in Step 3, You can Use the dialog box to locate the
image you want to add?
_______3. In Template Themes in Step 3 it needs to Click on the Less button to
see all the Slide Design themes?
_______4. In Template Themes in Step 6 – Hit Enter several times to get to the
middle of your presentation?
________5. In Template Themes in Step 2 – However on different themes in the
themes group. You can preview the changes on your active slide?

Key to Corrections:
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True

D. Assignment
Follow-up Assignment
1 Make a PowerPoint Presentation about Computer Software add all
what you learn today.
Advance Assignment
2. Research how to balance and organize design elements in

Prepared by: Checked by:

________________________ ___________________________
Ma. Teresa A. Lopez Mrs. Mary Ann E. Mendoza
Student-teacher Cooperating Teacher

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