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Color in Healing

The word chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or disk and signifies one of seven basic energy centers
in the body. Each of these centers correlates to major nerve ganglia branching forth from the
spinal column. In addition the chakras also correlate to levels of consciousness, archetypal
elements, developmental stages of life, colors, sounds, body functions, and much, much more.
Below is a brief description of each chakra.
Chakra Seven: violet, white or gold Thought, LOCATION: top of the head in the center of the skull
Universal identity, oriented to self-knowledge BODY GOVERNANCE: pineal glandPLANET: in
The Crown Chakra ancient times it was associated with Saturn, in
ELEMENT: it is all is cosmic modern times it is the Sun
MANTRA: “aum”, “ee” (as in bee) REALM: kingdom = source
SACRAMENT: sacrament of Extreme Unction SENSE: it is the seat of the Ketheric Body
(anointing of the sick) SPIN: spins to the right

Chakra Six: indigo or yellow Light, Archetypal LOCATION: one finger width above the bridge of
identity, oriented to self-reflection the nose at the center of the forehead
The Brow Chakra BODY GOVERNANCE: pituitary gland, skeletal
ELEMENT: all the elements, however the main element system, pineal gland, nervous system, and other
is spiritual glands
MUSICAL NOTE: the musical note is A PLANET: the planet Jupiter in ancient times and
MANTRA: “aum, om or mmm” the planet Mercury in modern times
SACRAMENT: marriage SPIN: spins to the right

Chakra Five: blue Sound, Creative identity, oriented LOCATION: in the throat below the Adams apple
to self-expression PLANET: the planet Mars in ancient time and is
The Throat Chakra connected to the Moon in modern times
ELEMENT: ether REALM: angelic
SACRAMENT: Priesthood SENSE: sense is hearing
BODY GOVERNANCE: thyroid , bronchial/vocal SPIN: spins to the right
functions, lungs, alimentary canal, lymph, and

Chakra Four: green or pink Air, Social identity, BODY GOVERNANCE: the thymus, heart, blood,
oriented to self-acceptance circulatory system, glands, and lungs
The Heart Chakra PLANET: connected to the sun in ancient times,
ELEMENT: air now it is connected to the planet of Venus
MUSICAL NOTE: musical note is F REALM: human kingdom
MANTRA: “yam or A” (as in ahhh) SENSE: sense of touch
SACRAMENT: Eucharist SPIN: spins to the right
LOCATION: at the breast bone in the middle of the chest

Chakra Three: yellow Fire, Ego identity, oriented to SACRAMENT: Confirmation

self-definition LOCATION: about 2 inches above the navel
The Solar Plexis Chakra REALM: animal kingdom
ELEMENT: fire SENSE: sense is sight
MUSICAL NOTE: musical note is: E SPIN: pendulum spins left for positive power

Chakra Two: orange Water, Emotional identity, LOCATION: about 2-3 inches below the navel and
oriented to self-gratification in the center of the body
The Sacral Chakra BODY GOVERNANCE: spleen in men/uterus in
ELEMENT: water women
MUSICAL NOTE: musical note is D REALM: plant kingdom
MANTRA: “Vamor O” (as in the word home) SENSE: sense of taste
SACRAMENT: Matrimony (union) SPIN: spins to the right in women, to the left in men

Chakra One: red Earth, Physical identity, oriented to LOCATION: located at the base of the spine
self-preservation BODY GOVERNANCE: the adrenal gland
The Base Chakra PLANET: ruled by the Moon in ancient history
ELEMENT: earth and by Saturn in modern day times
MUSICAL NOTE: musical note is C REALM: mineral kingdom
MANTRA: “lam” or “e” (as in the word fed) SENSE: sense of smell
SACRAMENT: Baptism SPIN: a healthy base chakra spins clockwise

~Smith, Cynthia. “Sacred Centers.” 13 Sept. 2004

~The Soul Element: Chakras 13 Sept. 2004

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