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 First historical ruling dynasty of Deccan

 Controlled Magadha
 Saved Deccan from foreign invaders Kingdom

 Peace and Stability

 Geographical area – 2nd position

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Initial transmitters of Aryan ideals

and institutions

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 Archaeological

 Literary

 Inscriptions

 Coins

 Indian and Foreign writers

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Sanchi (MP)

Kanheri Amaravathi
(Maharashtra) (AP)


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Naneghat Inscription of Naganika
Satakarni conquered
 Western Malwa
 Anupa
 Vidarbha

 Sacrifices – Asvamedha and Rajasuya

 Titles – ‘Dakshinapathi’ & ‘Aprathi hatah chakra’

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Hathigumpha and Guntupalli Inscriptions

 Kharavela
 Army reached Kannebena and threatened Mushikanagara
 Satakarni I vs Kharavela
 Fight for the possession of Godavari and Krishna rivers

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Nashik Inscriptions
 Gautama Balasri
 Areas conquered by Gautamiputra Satakarni
 Satavahana Inscriptions @ Pulomavi
 Language – Prakrit
 Script - Brahmi

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AP / Telangana History-Satavahanas

Coins and Literature

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 Metal Coins – Copper, Lead, Tin

 Outstanding Discovery – coins related to Simukha

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 Coins have legend “ Siri Chimukha Sata” at the top

 Coins @ Peddabankur – Punch marked silver

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 Walled town @ Dhulikota

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 Coins of Simukha @ Kotilingala strengthens the claim of
Telangana as original home of Satavahanas

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 Paithan or Prathisthanapura (ancient capital city) 
Coins – Portrait of king Satakarni

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 Gajalaxmi type lead coins of Satakarni

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 Satakarni restruck the silver coinage of Nahapana

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 Matsya and Vayu Puranas  Susraman was killed by

 Puranas – List of Satavahana kings

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 Katha Saritsagara (based on Brihathkatha of Gunadhaya) 
Satavahana society

 Society and Religion – Gargi Samhita Saptasati (Hala),

Kamasutra (Vatsayana)

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 Buddhist works – Jatakas, Pitakas, Mahavasthu and

 Jain Literature  Prathisthana as capital of early

Satavahana kings

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 Foreign works – Indica & Periplus of Erythrean sea

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AP / Telangana History-Satavahanas

L 3 – Simukha (Founder)

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Early Satavahanas - Simukha
 Founder

 Other names – Srimukha, Sisuka, Sindhuka

 Coins @ Kotilingala – “Siri Chimukha Sata”

 Naneghat Inscription – “Srimukha Satavahana Sirimata”

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 Invaded western deccan (Clash with “Rathikas”)

 Matrimonial alliance with Rathikas

 Simukha’s son Satakarni married Naganika

(daughter of Maharathi Tranakayiro)

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 Dharanikota near Amaravati in Guntur district was the
first capital of Simukha, but later he shifted his capital to
Pratishtana (Paithan in Aurangabad district).

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 Ruled for 23 yrs and died in 198 BC

 In the early years of his rule he patronised Jainism

 Later moved to Brahmanism

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AP / Telangana History-Satavahanas

L 4 – Origin, Varna and Capital

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 APPSC AEE, Groups; TSPSC Groups Study Material:

 Bit Banks based on Previous Papers:

 Queries:
 Aitreya Brahmana – 1st time mentioned about the
people of Andhra
 Megasthanese “Indica” and 13th Major Rock Edict
of Ashoka also mentioned about the people of Andhra

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 Aitreya Brahmana – 1st time mentioned about the people of Andhra
 Megasthanese “Indica” and 13th Major Rock Edict of Ashoka also mentioned about
the people of Andhra

There were many theories related to Satavahana’s origin, place, Varna and Capital:

 Pratisthanapuram – P.T.Srinivasa Iyengar  P T Srinu
 Vidarbha – V V Mirashi  Meera shampoo
 Kannada – Suktankar  Kannada Sudhakar : Andhra and Satavahanas were
different and Satavahanas were servants of Andhra
 Andhra – Gutty Venkata Rao, K.Gopalachari, A.Smith, Barzes and Barnet 

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 According to Nasik Inscription of Gautami Balasri – Satavahanas belonged to

Brahmana Varna
 Satavahanas were not Kshatriyas according to title “Kshatriya Darpamana Mardana”
(the man who suppressed the vanity of the Kshatriyas ) of Gautamiputra Satakarni


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 According to Matsya Purana there were 30 Satavahana Rulers


 Mentioned in Nasik inscription

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 Satavahana’s administration had close affinity with Mauryan administration
 There were 4 important ministers to advise the king. They were known as Amatyas.
1. Vishwa Amatya
2. Raja Amatya
3. Maha Amatya
4. Mahatalwara Amatya

Vishwa Amatya

Raja Amatya

Maha - Mahatalwara


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 There were many officials who helped the king in administration
1. Hiranikudu - Treasurer (Guardian of the revenue which was in the form coins)
2. Bhandarikudu - Treasurer (Guardian of the revenue which was in the form of kind)
3. Prathihara - Gurdian of fort
4. Nibandanakara - Writer of revenue records
5. Parindavaras - Spiles
6. Duta - Ambassador
7. Rajjagahaka - Land surveyor & tax collector
8. Aksha patala - Record office
9. Katakam - Cantonment

 Satavahana kingdom was was divided into Aharas. Aharas was divided into Vishayas. Vishaya
was divided into villages.

Aharas Vishayas Villages

 The head of the Ahara was Kumaramatya.

 The head of the Vishaya was Vishayapati.

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 Group of Villages were called Gulma.
 At village level government official was Mahakaryaka.
 There was a Nigama Sabha for town administration.
 Megastanese’s Indica & Bhattiprolu inscription mentioned about the Nigama Sabha
 King’s personal land was known as Rajakhankheta.
 The Subordinate / Samanta kingdom were known as Janapadas. Eg- Anupa, Rushika etc.
 According to Myakadoni inscription the special offeciers at border areas were known as
 They had the powers of subordinate king or feudatory chief.


 Chaturvarna system was existed during the period of Satavahanas.

 Majority of the people followed Buddhism.
Hence, there was less impact of Chaturvarna system on the society.
 Brahmins were given the highest positions
 There was a joint family system in the society
 Dhimika visited Amaravati stupa along with his family & presented Poornakumbham to the
stupa. It expresses the joint family system.
 Women were given the top importance
 Naganika, Gautami Balasri participated in administration.
 There were many women poetess.For example – Revathi, Madhavi, Anulaxmi
 Women were given religious freedom
 They had property right.
 Gautami Balasri gave donations to Buddhist Viharas at Bhadrayana Konda.
 Hala mentioned that women, used to take intoxigating drinks.
 There was a patriachial society & hereditary was also a patriarchial.


 The main income to the kingdom was land revenue.

That’s why Satavahanas gave top importance to agriculture
 They established a technical team called Odayantrika to develop agricultural tools.
 It created some agricultural tools like
1. Udagayantram - plough furrow
2. Ghati yantram – wheel to pull water from the well
3. Garika – A machine to separate seeds from raw cotton.
 Rajjagahaka used to collect tax.
 Generally the land revenue was 1/6 th of the crop. It was called Deyameya or Bhaga.

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 The tax on artisans was called kurukara
 There were 18 / Ashtadasa varnas artisans.
eg - Halaka - farmer
Kolika - weaver
Kularika - Potterer
Kamara - Iron worker
Gandhika - Perfume maker
Veja - Doctor
Vassakara - Basket maker
Shilavadhika - Sculptor
Tilapiiisaka - Oilman
Vadhika - Carpener
 Foreign trade was developed espically with Rome.
 Foreign traders or long going traders were known as Sardahas.
 Domestic trade was also developed
 Domestic traders formed into unions called Nibhaya or Nikaya or Nigama.
 The meetings of these unions were known as Goshti. Its president was known as Setty.
 Money lending business was also developed. Money lenders used to collect 12% interest.
 The important port was Barukacha / Broach (Gujarat)
 They struck maximum number if lead coins


 Vedic, Jain & Buddhist religions were flourished.

Vedic religion

 Satavahana kings followed cedic religions whereas queens followed Buddhism.

 Worship of Shivalingas became famous.
 The oldest shivalinga of Satavahana period was found at Gudimallam (Chittor)

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 Simukha initially followed Jainism

 The first Jain monk in A.p. was kondakunda charya.
 He wrote ‘Samayasaram’

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 Queens, traders & common people followed Buddhism.

 The first Buddhist monk in A.P. was Mahadeva Bhikshu. He introduced chaityakavadam.

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Art and architecture

 It was developed due to Buddhism. Buddhist stupas, Viharas & Chaityas were built.


 Constructions on the remains of Buddha were called as stupas.

stupas were 3 types.

1. Uddesika stupas – They were built to express their devotion to Buddha.

2. Datugarbha stupas – They were built on the remains of Buddha. Asoka built 84000
Datugarba stupas
3. Paribhojaka stupas – They were built on the articles used by the Buddhist monks.

 Amaravathi stupa was a famous stupa in the worl which belongs to Satavahana period

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 It was a resting palce of Buddhist monks.

 Usually it was built in a square shape.


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 It wa a prayer hall of the Buddhist monks.
 Usually it was built in rectangle shape.
 The oldest chaitya in A.P. was Guntupalli. (wet Godavari)


 If the stupa, Vihara, Chaitya & an educational institution situated at one place it is called
Aramam. For eg. Nandaluru in Cuddapah.


 Number 9 & 10 of Ajanta caves belonged to Satavahanas.

 Shaddanta Jataka katha or shveta Gajajataka story was inscribed on the walls of cave No. 10

Telugu Language

 Telugu language was existd during the period of Satavahanas.

 The first telugu word ‘Nagabu’ was found in an inscription at Amravati.
 Hala mentioned about 40 telugu word in his Gatha saptasati like Atta, Potta, Andam etc.


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 Prakrit was the official language of the Satavahanas.
 It was also the inscription language.

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 Ikshavakus were also known as sriparvatiyulu.
 Ikshavakus capital was Vijayapuri
 There were the following theories regarding the origin of the Ikshavakus.
1. North India - Rapson & Bular
2. Kannada - Ogel
3. Tamil - K.Gopala chari
4. Andhra - Caldwel
 Ikshavakus name came from the worls Ikshu which means Sugarcane.


 According to Puranas were 7 rulers.

 However, according to the Ikshavakus inscriptions there were only 4 rulers.

Sri Shantamula

 He dethroned Pulomavi- III of Satavahanas & established Ikshavakus dynasty at Vijayapuri.

 He gave Rentala, Dechepalli & Keshanapalli inscriptions in which he mentioned about his
family members.
 He donated crores of gold coins & lakhs of plough furrows & cows & land for the
development of agriculture.
 That’s why he was given the titles of Mahadanapati & Satasahasrahalaka.


 He was known as ‘Asoka of South’

 Buddhism was developed in South India during his period.
 He strengthened his kingdom through matrimonial alliances.
 His chief queen was Bhatti Mahadevi
 He became a staunch follower of Buddhism.
 During his period, Upasika Bodisri propogated Budhism on a large scale.
 She built Buddhist Viharas & chaityas at Nagarjunakonda, Pushpagiri, Gantasala etc.
 She gave Upasika Buddhisri inscription.
 She sent Buddhist monks to Kashmir, Tibet to spread Buddhism.
 She was the daughter of Revanta of Amravathi, a rich person.

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 He gave the following inscription
1. Alluri inscription
2. Uppugunduru inscription
3. Nagarjuna konda inscription
4. Amravati inscription
5. Jaggayyapeta inscription

Ehuvala Shantamula

 For the first time he gave the Sanskrit inscription in South India
 His first Sanskrit inscription was Nagarjunakonda inscription
 For the first time he built the hindu temples.
 He built the temples at Nagarjunakonda.
1. Pushpabhadra Narayana Swamy remple
2. Kartikeya temple
3. Nandikeshwara temple
4. Navagraha temple
5. Hariti temple
 Women used to offer bangles to Harits deity for children
 During his period, Abhira king Sakasena built Ashtabhuja Narayana Swamy temple at
Nagarjuna konda.

Rudrapurusha data

 He was the last ruler of Ikshavakus

 Ikshavakus kingdom was declined due to the attacks of early Pallavan rulers like
Simhavarma & Siva Skanda Varma
 Simhavarma gave Manchikallu inscription.
 Attacks were mentioined in these inscriptions.

Ikshavaku’s cultural contribution

 Nagarjunakonda was flounished as a great learning centre

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 It emerged as a vital trading point
 Amravathi architecture was also developed during this period
 The famous Mandata Sculpture was found at Jaggayyapeta. It depicits the characteristics
of the king.

 For the first time Ikshavakus started the traditions of

1. Writing years on the inscriptions.
2. Writing names of sculptures on the buildings
3. Writing inscripitions in Sanskrit.
4. Virugal (Installing the idols of heroes)

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 There emerged 62 religions in the 6 th century B.C. in India
 Out of these 62 religions only Buddhism & Jainism were flourished.
 Main causes for the emergence of 62 religions were
1. Brahmanical domination
2. Impact of Upanishads
3. Invention of iron
4. Money lending business


Founder - Siddhartha / Gautama Buddha

Father’s name - Siddodhana
Mother’s name - Mayadevi
Wife - Yasodhara
Son - Rahul
Birth place - Lumbini (563 B.C.)
Place of enlightment - BodhGaya (At the age of 35)

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Place of death - Kushinagara (483 B.C.)
Clan - Sakya

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 Siddhartha’s horse rider was chennaketh & horse was Kanthaka

 Siddhartha saw 4 incidents & decided to gind the real happiness

1. An old person
2. A diseased person
3. A dead body
4. A begger / A monk

 He left home at the age of 29. It was called Mahabhinishkramana

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 He met two gurus – Alarakama & Rudraka  observed Meditation

 Later he met 5 brahimns & observed meditations. But he left them.

 He visited Uruvela where he was served by Sujatha

 He converted Angulimala, a robberer into Buddhism.

 His Preaching was called as Arya Satyas.
1. The world is filled with sarrows
2. The main cause for the sorrows is desire
3. To conquer sorrows one should conquer desires
4. To conquer desires one should follow Ashtangikamarga

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Right speech
Physical contol Right action
Right means of livelihood

Right exertion
Mental control Right mindedness
Right meditation
Intellectual Right resolution
(Prajna) Right point of view

 He died at Kushinagara at the age of 80 after eating the pork given by chanda

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 Preached his gospel to princes and peasants
 Period of 45 yrs toured Eastern India
 Before death @ Pavapuri – Chanda – bad mushrooms
& pork

 Buddha’s preachings were collected in 3 baskets. Later they were compiled into 3 books called
1. Sutta pitaka
2. Vinaya pitaka
3. Abhidama pitika

Buddhism in A.P.

I Advent of Buddhism in A.P.

1. Sutta nipatam - Bhavari Propogated Buddhism in A.P.
2. Huang tsang - Buddha Vajrayana preachings @ Dhanyakatakam
it was heard by Dasamalla
3. Paramartha - Mahakashyapa deepani spreaded Buddhism in A.P.

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II Patronisers of Buddhism in A.P.
1. Ashoka - He gave Rajula Mandagiri & Erragudi inscriptions in A.P. & patronized
Buddhism. In Erragudi inscription, Ashoka asked the teachers to inculcate Dharma
in the minds of the students.
2. Satavahanas - Kanha, GPS, Yajnasri etc.
3. Ikshavakus - Virapurusha data & Upasika Bodisree
4. Vishnu - Govinda varma’s Kunduns wife Bhattarika Mahadevi built a
vihara at Indrapalapuram. He gave Penakapara village to this Vihara.

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III Buddhist Monks
1. Mahadeva Bhikshu
 1st Buddhist monk in A.P.
 Attended the IInd Buddhist council at Vaishali.
 Followed Mahasanghika sect
 Introduced a new tradition called Chaityakavadam which means worshipping the signs
of Buddha’s life incidents like lotus, horse, papal tree, weeel & stupa.

 Chaityakavadam became famous in the following regions with different names

I. Purva Sailulu - Amravati
II. Apara Sailulu - Nagarjunakonda
III. Uttara Sailulu - Jaggayyapeta
IV. Rajagirika - guntupalli
V. Siddharthika - Guntupalli

2. Buddhagosha
 Theravada / Hinayana Buddhist
 Wrote Vasuddhimagga (A treatise on Hinayanism), Chullamagga (it mentioned
about the construction of Viharas)
 Brought Hinayana books to Nagarjunakonda from Srilanka

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3. Dignaga
 Wrote Pramana Samuchchayam (A treatise on Metaphysics)
4. Bhava Viveka
 Introduced ‘Swatantra siddhantika’ a new tradition.
5. Budhapalita
 Wrote Madyamikavruti
6. Acharya Nagarjuna
 Titles – “Indian Einstein”, “Martin Luther of India”
 Contemporary of Yajnasri Satakarni
 He attended the 4th Buddhist council
 Later Mahayanam was splitted into
1. Yogachara - Introduced by Aryasunga & Vasubandu
2. Vijnanavada- introduced by Mytreyanatha

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7. Aryadeva
 Wrote satashastra
8. Vasubandu
 Wrote a commentary on Satashastra
 Wrote Abhidamakosa
9. Siddha Nagarjuna
 Spreaded Vajrayanam
10. Padma Sambhawa
 Spreaded kalachakrayanam in Tibet
11. Dharma Kiriti
 Last Buddhist scholar in A.P.
 He was called as Kanth of India
 He wrote Pramana kirtika & Nyayabindu

IV Place of Buddhism

Nagarjunakonda – Guntur

 Border area of Guntur & Nalgonda districts

 Buddhist & Vedic religion buildings are found here
 Present Sriparvata & Vijayapuri are combinely known as Nagarjunakonda

Amaravathi – Guntur

 Earlier names - Dharani kota / Dhanya katakam

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 Vasireddy Venkatadrinaidu named it as Amaravati in the beginning of the 19 th
 Col Callin Mackinzie discovered this stupa in 1797

Bhattiprolu – Guntur

 Earlier name - Pratipalapuram

 Bhattiprolu stupa was the oldest stupa in South India
 The oldest stupa in India was Pipravaha

Ghantasala (Krishna)

 Named after Buddha’s horse Kantaka.

Jaggayyapeta (Krishna)

 Headquater of Uttarasailulu
 Mandata sculpture was found here.

Guntupalli (West Godavari)

 Oldest Chaitya in A.P.

 It is compared with Barabara caves of Mauryans

Bavikonda (Vizag)

 Situated on the sea shore

 Hinayana place.

Thotla konda (Vsp)

 Hinayana place

Sankaram (Vsp)

 Buddha’s life stories were engraved on the walls of the cave.

Salihundam (Srikakulam)

 Vajrayanam, Kalachakrayanams were developed in Salihundam

Nelakondapalli (Khammam)

 Biggest stupa in South India.

 Biggest stupa in India  Sanchi stupa

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Phanigiri (Nalgonda)

 Life incidents of Buddha were engraved on a single stone.


 It was the largest Aramam (Stupa + Vihara + Chaitaya + educational instution)


Founder - Rishabanatha (1 st Tirthankara)

Historial founder - Parsvanatha (23 rd Tirthankara)

Real founder - Vardamana Mahavihara (24 th Tiirthan kara)

Vardamana mahavira

Founder - Siddhartha
Mother - Trisala (lichchavi princess)
Wife - Yasodha
Daughter - Priyadarsini / Annoja (husband – Jamali)
Place of Birth - Kundagrama (540 B.C.)
Place of Death - Pavapuri ( At Hasti pala’s home)
Clan - jnatrika

Personal details of Real – Vardhamana


Titles- Mahavira,Jina, Birth540BC-

Jitendrita, Nigrantha kundaligrama

Wife – Yasoda
Mother- Trisala
Daughter – Annoja
Father - Siddhartha
Son-in-law - Jamali

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 Jain theory was called Triratnas
Mnemonic - KFC
1. Right Faith
2. Right Knowlwdge
3. Right Conduct

 There were 5 principles in right conduct

1. Satya (Truth)
2. Ahimsa (non-violence)
3. Aparigraha (Not possessing the property of others)
4. Asteya (Non stealing)
5. Brahmacharaya (Celibacy) – It was added by Mahavira

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Split in Jainsim

1. Digambaras - founded by Badrabahu  nude

2. Svetambaras - found by Stulabadra wear white clothes

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Digambaras Swethambaras

After death of Mahavira – severe famine led to great exodus of Jain

Monk from ganga valley to deccan
Migration led to great Schism
•Digambaras – followers of Bhadrabahu @ south
>> retention of rule of nudity
•Swetambaras – Sthulabadra @ north >> wear white garments

Jain Councils

 1st council held at Pataliputra under the presidency of Badrabahu & stulabhadra.
 Stulabhadra compiled 12 Angamas which were rejected by Badrabahau.
 Thus Jainism was splitted into Digambras & Svetambaras.
 IInd jain council was held at Vallabhi which was conducted by Maitrikas to compile Jain
 It was headed by Devardagani
 Jain literature was composed in Ardhamagadhi language.
 Salakapurusha theory, shyadvada belong to Jainism.

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• Pataliputra @ Sthulabahu
• 12 angas replaced lost 14 purvas
First • Accepted by Swetambaras

• Vallabhi @ Devaradhi Kshamasramana

• Collect sacred texts and write them

Second systematically
• Compilation of 12 angas and 12 upangas

Jainism in A.P.

 According to Chamundaraya Jainism was spread in Asmaka kingom (AP + Karnataka) during
the period of Rishabanatha. Asmaka capital was Bodhan.
 According to Haribadra’s Avasyaka sutra vardamana mahavira later Jainism spreaded in A.P .
 Badrabahu sent some jain monks to A.P . to spread Digambara Jainism.


1. Samprati

 Grand son of Asoka

 Known as ‘Jain Ashoka’
 Built a Jain Basadi at Vaddayana konda.

2. Satavahanas

 Simukha patronized Jainism. However he followed vedic religion.

3. Chalukyas of Vengi

 Kubja Vishnu vardana’s wife Ayyanna Mahadevi built Nedumbi Basadi at Bezawada.

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 Vishnu Vardhana – III donated Mushinikonda village to Nedumbi Basadi
 Vimaladitya followed Jainism.

4. Rashtrakutas

 Vishnuvardhana – III built Jain Basadis at Danavulapadu near Jammalamadugu.

5. Early kakatiyas

 Early kakatityas patroised Jainism

III Jain Monks

1. Kondakundacharya
 First jain monk in A.P .
 Born at konakondla in Anantapur in 41 B.C. (He died in 45 A.D.)
 Wrote 84 books in Prakrit
 Important among them were
1. Samayasara
2. Pravachanasara
3. Panchastikayasara
 These 3 books were combinely known as Prabrutatraya / Trayasara
 Jain theory Shyadvada was preached by him
 Condemned Abedavada of Diwakara.
 Preached Anekantavada.
 Founded a sect called Saraswathi Gachcham or Vakra Gachcham

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2. Ugraditya
 Wrote ‘Kalyanakaraka’ (it was treatise on medicine)

Jain Poets

1. Pampa
 Flourished in the court of Arikesari-II of Vemulawada Chalukyas.
 Pampa translated Mahabharata into Kannada
 Wrote Adipurana & mentioned about the Panchakalyana of Rishibanatha.

2. Jeen vallabha
 Brother of Pampa
 Built chakriswari Jinalaya at Karkyalagutta in karimnagar

3. Somadeva Suri
 Title - shyadvada chala simha
 Wrote
1. Yukti chintamani
2. Sannavai Prakarana
3. Yasodhara maharaju charita.

4. Padma kavi
 Wrote Jinedra purana

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V Place of Jainism


 Birth place of kondakundacharya

 It is one of the ancient Jain piligrim place in India


 Gomateesvara statue is situated

 It is older than the Gomateeshvara statue of Sravana Belgola


 Patronized by Rastrakutas


1. Arikesari Jinalaya of Repaka

2. Chakriswari Jinalaya of Karkyalagutta
3. Baddega / subhasradra Jinalaya of Vemulawada
4. Sanigaram Jinalaya of Yuddamalla

Jain Tirthas

1. Ramatirtha (Vizianagaram)
2. Bikkavolu (E.G.)
3. Kolanupaka (Nalgonda)

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Causes for the decline of Buddhism & Jainism:

1. Buddha was declared as the 9th avatara of Vishnu

2. Lack of Patronisation of kings
3. Shankara charaya’s Advaitha & Kumarila Bhatta’s purva mimasa degraded the position
of Buddhism & Jainism.
4. Pysical attacks on Buddhism & Jainism.
5. Entry of women into sanghas.
6. Unethical activites in sangham.
7. Splits in Buddhism & Jainism

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 These were the following theories about the origin of eastern chalukyas.
1. North India - Nandampudi inscription
2. Maharashtra -Durgaprasad Dikshit
3. Karnataka - D.C. sarkar

 Pulakesi- II, the greatest kings of Chalukyas of Badami defeated Mahendra

varman & occupied Vengi region (The region between Godavari & Krishna)

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 Pulakesi- II sent his brother Kubjavishnuvardhana to rule vengi region.

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 In 624, Kubja Vishnuvardana declared independence in Vengi.

 Thus, the rule of Vengi / eastern chalukyas was started.



 Titles – Makaradwaja, Vishamasiddhi

 Declared independence in 624 A.D.

 Recognized by Chalukyas of Badami in 631 A.D.
 Ruled entire A.P. except some parts of Rayalaseema

 Gave Chejarala inscription.

 Also gave

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1. Chipurapalli inscription
2. Kopparam inscription
3. Timmapuram inscription

 He was a devotee of Vishnu.

 Bezawada got its name from his wife Bezza Mahadevi

 His wife Ayyana Mahadevi was a follower of Jainism.
 She built Nedumbi Basadi at Bezawada.
 Huangtsang visited Andhra during his period.


 Gave Vippala inscription (written fully in Telugu  first telugu inscription)

 Shifted capital from Pitapuram to Vengi
 Founded Ghatikas, educational institutions.

Indra bhattaraka

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 Ruled only for 7 days
 Gave kondanagur inscription

Vishnuvardana- II

 Gave Reyuru inscription

Kokili Vikramaditya

 Established an independent kingdom at yelamanchili.

 He was ousted by Vishnuvaradana-III


 Title - Kavipandita kamadhenu

 Gave Mushinikonda inscription.

Vijayaditya – I

 Conflict with Rashtrakutas was started from his period.


 He was defeated by Dhruva, a Rashtrakuta king.

 Dhruva married Sheela Mahadevi, the daughter of Vishnuvardana-IV

Vijayaditya – II

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 Titles – Narendra Mrugaraju, Chalukyarama, Vikramadhavali

 Defeated Amoghavarsha, the rashtrakuta king.

 Fought 108 battles & built temples at every battle place with his name
Narendrashwara temples. ( Previous question)

 Bezawada became famous as Vijayawada on his name.

Gunaga Vijayaditya

 Also known as Vijayaditya – III

 Greatest king of chalukyas of Vengi
 Great proficient in mathematics.
 Titles
1. Vallabha
2. Vira makaradwaja
3. Ranaranga
4. Tripura Martya Maheshwara
5. Dakshinapati
6. Parachakraraju

( Mnemonic:- V.V.R TDP party)

 Defeated rashtrakuta king Krishna – II.

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 Defeated kalinga king Devendravarma & got elephants from him
 His 4 brahmin army generals were
1. Panduranga
2. Vinayadi shrama
3. Kadiyaraju
4. Vijayaditya
 Panduranga suppressed the Boya tribe & converted them into Aryan culture.
 Pandurangapuram was built on his name on the banks of Pulicat lake.

 Panduranga gave the famous Addanki inscription. It was the first telugu poetic

 Gunaga Vijayaditya gave 9 inscriptions.

 Important were
1. Satuluri inscription
2. Dharmavaram inscription
3. Kandukuri inscription

Chalukya Bheema

 According to Mallappadeva’s Pithapuram inscription, he fought 360 battles.

 Gandarva Vidya Praveena Challava flourished in his court
 He gave Attili village to Challava. ( Previous Question)
 Challava’s father Mallappa was a great Musician.
 Chalukya Bheema built Pancharamas

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1. Draksharamam - Draksharamam (E.G.)
2. Komaramam - Samarlakota (E.G.)
3. Somaraman - Gunipudi-Bhimavaram (W.G.)
4. Ksheeraramam - Palakollu (W.G.)
5. Amararamamam - Amaravati (Guntur)
 Built Bhimeshwara temples at Draksharamam & Bheemavaram.
 Gave Machilipatnam inscription.
 His inscription writer Vamana got the title Kavivrushaba.
 Chalukya Bheema’s son Vijayaditya – IV got the title Kollabhiganda.


 Title – Rajamahendra
 Wife – Chamekamba
 Capital Vengi was destroyed due to fratricidal war during his period.
 Hence, he built a city called Rajamahendravaram & shifted his capital to

Yuddamalla – II

 Gave Bezawada inscription.

 Bezawada was developed during his period.
 He built Karthikeya / Kumara Swamy temple at Bezawada.


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 Expert in giving training to elephants.
 Gave Maliyampudi increption
 Built jain basadis or temples at Kaluchembur village.


 Gave Magallu inscription


 Patronized Jainism
 Carved a cave for his guru Trikalayogi Siddhanti at Ramatirtha

 Kingdom was divided into Nadus/Vishayas. There were 30 Nadus. Nadu was divided
into Vishayas. Vishaya was divided into villages.

Nadus/Vishayas. Vishayas. Villages

 The important officer at village was Rattodi.

 1/6 th of crop was collected as tax.
 It was called as Koram


 Chaturvarna system was existed.

 Brahmins were a schism in Brahmins
1. Vaidika - They chant vedic mantras
2. Niyogis - They join in government & military jobs.
 Kshatriyas confined to ruling.
 Vysyas were known as komatis.
 They fromed into unions called Nakarams

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 They were different Nakarams like
Nanadesi, Ubhayanadesi , Pekkandru

 There was the largest population of sudras in A.P.

 Reddy, Kamma, Kapu communities got strengthened during this period.
 Later they ruled Andhra.
eg,- Kakatiyas, Reddy rulers etc.


 Buddhism was totally declined during this period.

 Jainism was followed only by rich people.
 Vedic religion was flourished.
 Saivism became more famous.

 Saivism was splitted into 3 sects

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1. Kapalikka
2. Kalamukha
3. Pasupata

 3 Shakti peethas became famous

1. Manikyaba - Draksharamam
2. Bramaramba - Srisailam
3. Jogulamba - Alampuram (Mahaboobnagar)
 Sangameshwara temple was built on the confluence of Krishna & Tungabhadra.

 Navabrahma temples were built at Alampuram in Mahaboobnagar district.

Vesara architucture

 The mixture of Dravidian / Vimana architecture & Buddhist free carving architecture
is called vesara architecture.
 It belongs to chalukyas of Badami.
 It was introduced in A.P. by Vengi chalukyas.

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 The growth of telugu language & literature can be seen in the following two stages.
I. Pre-Nannayya period
(Before 11th century A.D.)
II. Post Nannayya period
(Since 11th century A.D.)

Pre-Nannayya period

 In Pre-Nannayya period, telugu language was found in inscription

 Telugu language was existed in 2nd century B.C. during the period of Satavahanas.
 Telugu was derived from Dravidian language.

 The first telugu word was ‘Nagabu’

 Hala’s Gathasaptasati also mentioned many telugu words.
 The first telugu inscription was written in prose from.
 The first telugu inscription was Kalamella inscription (prose from)
 It was given in 575 A.D. by Renati Cholaking Dhanunjaya / Erikalmuttu in Erragudipadu of

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 The fully available first telugu inscription was Erragudipadu inscription. It was given by
Punyakumara, the son of Dhanunjaya.

 He also gave Potladuri-Malepadu inscription.

 Kubjavishnuvardana gave Chejarla inscription which mentioned some telugu words.
 Jayasimha vallabha gave vipparla inscription.
 The first telugu poetic form of inscription was Addanki inscription which was given by
 Telugu Sisa poetic inscription were kandukuri & Dharmavaram inscription which were given by
Gunaga Bijayaditya.
 Telugu Madyakkara inscription was Bezawada inscription which was given by Yuddamalla-II
 Telugu Kanda poetic inscription were
1. Gangdhar inscription given by Jinavallabha
2. Arumbaka inscription given by Badavudu

Nannayya & Post Nannayya period

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 Telugu language was developed during the period of vengi Chalukyas.
 Vengi Chalukyas gave the status of official language to telugu.
 He wrote Andhra Shabda Chintamani in which he mentioned about the telugu grammer &
he gave perfect shape to telugu language.
 That’s why he was given the titles Shabdashasana, Vaganushasana.
 Vamana Bhatta Bhanudu wrote Mnemonic: 2SVK

1. Kanakalekha Kalyanam
2. Shabda Chaandrika
3. Shabda Ratnakaram
4. Vema Bhupala Charita

 Bammera Potana wrote Mnemonic: BAVa

1. Bhogini dandakam
2. Virabhadra Vijayam
3. Andhra Mahabhagavata

 Bukkaraya-I’s contemporary Nachana Somana wrote Uttara Harivassham.

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 Bukkaraya-I gave Penchikaladinne agrahara to Nachana Somana.
 Saluva Narsimharaya’s contemporary Pillalamarri Pine Veerabhadradu wrote.
1. Srungara Shakuntala
2. Jaiminibharata

 Rajanathadindima wrote Saluvabhyudayam.

 Saluva Narsimharaya’s contemporary Annamayya wrote 32000 Kirtans on Lord
 Annamaiah’s wife Timmakka wrote Rukmini Kalyanam & Subhadra Kalyanam.
 Nandi Mallayya & Ganta Singanna wrote Varahapurana & dedicated it to Narasanayaka,
the father of Sri Krishnadevaraya (SKDR)
 SKDR period was known as golden age for telugu language.
 He wrote Amuktamalyada / Vishuchitiyam. It’s script was written by SKDR’s daughter
 Mohanangi wrote Marichi Parinayam.
 Ashtadiggajas were flourished in the court of SKDR.
1) Allasani Peddana - Manucharita
2) Nandi Timmana - Parijata Apaharana

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3) Durjati - Srikala hasteshvara Mahatya.
4) Tenali Ramakrishna - Panduranga Mahatya Ghatikachala Mahatya
5) Pingali Suranna - Kalapoornodaya
6) Ayyalaraja Ramabhadrudu- Ramabyudayam
7) Madayyagari - Rajasekhara Charita
8) Bhattu Murthy - Vasucharitha

 Ibrahim Quli Qutbshah patronized telugu poets & got the title Malkibharama

His court was flourished by

1. Addanki Gangadhar pakhyanam - Tapati Samvarno
2. Kandukuri - Rudrakavu
 He compared Ibrahim Quli Qutbshah with lord shiva.
 Ibrahim gave Rantachintala agrahara to K.Rudrakavi.
 Saranga Tammaiah wrote Vyjayantivilasam during the period of Mohammad Quli Qutbshab.
 During the period of Abdullah Qutbshah Kshetrayya wrote Muvvapadalu.
 During the period of Hasan Tanishah Kancherla Gopanna / Bhakt Ramadass wrote
1. Dasaradhi sataka
2. Kirtans on Rama.
 Telugu became official language of A.P. in 1966.

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 Magallu inscription of Danarnava for the first time mentioned about the kakatiyas.
 Vinukonda vallabha charya’s Kridabhiramam mentioned about the kakati deity.
 It also mentioned about the Orugallu city as it was famous for the artists.
 Ganapatideva’s sister Mylamba gave Bayyaram tank inscription in which she mentioned
that Kakatiyas got their name from Kakatipura which was ruled by Vennadu / Gundyana.
 Kakatiya’s rule in Andhra was known as golden age for sudras.

Betharaju – I

 Subordinate ruler of western chalukyas.

 Declared Independence & ruled from Hanamkonda.
 Gave sanigaram inscription.

Prolaraju- I

 Title – Arigaja kesari

 Also gave sanigaram inscription.
 Kesamudra, jagatkesari samudra tanks were built by him

Betaraju – II

 Title – Vikramachakri
 Gave Kazipeta inscriptions.
 His general Vaijjiasechi occupied Karimnagar.


 According to Bodaraju’s Draksharamam inscription,he was killed by Bodaraju.

Rudradeva / Prataparudra – I

 Western chalukyas control over kakatiyas was ended during his period.
 He gave Hanmakonda & Ganapamba Ganapavaram inscriptions.
 Hanamkonda inscription was written by Achitendra.

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 Rudradeva built Rudreshwara or 1000 pillars temple at Hanamkonda

 Particularly built Orugallu & partially shifted his capital to Orugallu. Capital was
fully shifted by Ganapatideva.
 Married Padmavati & on the eve of it, he dug Rudrasamudra Tank.
 Wrote Nitisara in Sanskrit.
 Got the title Vidya Bhushana.
 Supported Nalagamaraju at the battle of Palnadu in 1182. ( Previous Question)

Ganapatideva (1199-1262)

 Ruled for the longest period of 63 years.

 Yadava king Jaitugi killed Ganapati deva’s father Mahadeva & took Ganapatideva
to Devagiri with him.
 Thus, there was a political turmoil in kakatiya kingdom.
 Mahadeva’s general Recharla Rudra saved the kakatiya kingdom from this
political turmoil.
 Later, Ganapatideva was released & he was coronated.
 Developed Motupalli port(Prakasam Dt).

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 Gave protection to foreign traders through Abhayashasanam which was

implemented by Siddaiahdeva.
 Married Pinachodi daughters Nooramba & Peramba.
 His brother-in-law was Jayapasenani. He was appointed as the head of

 Jayapasenani wrote Nrutya ratnavali, Gita ratnavali & Vadyaratnavali in Sanskrit.

 Recharla Rudra built the famous Palempeta - Ramappagudi. It belongs to Ekasila.

 Recharla Rudra gave Chebrolu inscription.

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 Ganapatideva completely built the Orugallu.

 Ramappa, Pakala, Laknavaram tanks were built by him.

 His two daughters were

1. Rudramamba
2. Ganamamba

Rudramadevi / Rudramamba (1262-1289)

 Her title – Rudra Maharaju

 Italy / Venice traveler Marcopolo visited kakatiya Kingdom during her period.

 She gave Bidarkota & Malkapuram inscriptions

 According to Ambadeva’s Chandupatla inscriptions, she was killed by Ambadeva.

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Pratapa Rudra – II (1289-1323)

 Grand son of the Rudramadevi.

 Strengthened Nayaka system which was introduced by Ganapathideva.
 There were 77 Nayakas during his period.
 Majority of Nayakas belonged to Padmanayaka community.
 A painter Machaladevi was flourished in his court.
Sammakka & Sarakka fought against his army.
 During this period the Delhi sultan was Giazuddin Tughlaq.


 Chaturvarna system was existed

 Brahmins were given the top position.
 Kshatriyas lost their importance.
 Vyshyas were known as Komatis.
 Sudras were raised to ruling class.
 That’s why Kakatiyas period was known as golden age for sudras.
 Sudras financially became strong.
 Dharmasagara inscription mentioned about ‘Jalakaranda’ , a musical instrument.
 Kayesta community became famous writers / record keepers.
 Village was under the control of Ayyagaras. (12 members group)

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 Kakatiyas gave more importance to the development of agriculture.

 That’s why many tanks were dug. For example Pakala, Ramappa, Laknavaram,
Rudrasamudra tank, Jagat Kesari tank etc.
 Tax was collected either in the form of cash or kind.
 Tax in kind was called Puttukoluchulu
 Tax in cash was called Puttipahundi
 Tax on prostitutes was known as Ganachari. It was also imposed on beggers.
 Tax on cattle rearing was called Pullari.
 Gold coins with high value – Madu,Gadyanam
 Coins with low value – Kasu,Ruka, Podduga
 Important port was Motupalli.


 Saivism was mainly followed

 Saivism was splitted into 3 sects

 The headquarters of the above 3 sects was Srisailam.

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 The headquarter of the kapilika was Bhairavakonda (Nellore).

 Ganapatideva followed Pasupata sect.
 Ganapathideva’s guru Vishevshwara shambu founded Golake mathas which
acted as an educational institution as well as propagator of saivism.
 Basava founded vira saivism. He encouraged physical attacks on non-saivates.
 It was the first social reform religion in India
 It encouraged woman education, widow remarriages & condemned child
 Virasaiva gurus were known as Jangamas
 Virasaiva books were known as Agamas.
 Virasaiva followers were known as lingayats.
 Pandita traya Sripandit, Mallikarjuna & Sivalenkamanchana started a new sect
called ‘Aradhya saiva’
 Ramanujacharya founded Sri vaishnava sect.
 Brahmanaidu started a new sect called ‘Vira Vaishnava sect’. It was also a social
reform religion.
 There emerged differences between salivates & vaishnavates in A.P.
 Ganapatideva’s contemporary Tikkana condemned the differences between
Saivates & vaishnavavates and said that the forms of Siva & Vishnu are same.

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 He started a new sect called Harihara Aradhana in which both Siva & Vishnu
were worshipped.


 The official language of the Kakatiyas was Sanskrit.

 However, they also gave importance to telugu.

 The important telugu books written during this period were-

1. Ranganath Ramayana - Gona Buddha Reddy
2. Bhaskara Ramayana - Bhaskara
3. Markendeya Purana - Marana
4. Basava Purna - Palkuriki Somantha
5. Pandita radhya charita - Palkuriki Somantha

 The important Sanskrit books written during this period were

1. Nitisara - Rudradeva
2. Sakala Nitisara - Maditi Singanna
3. Nitisara Muktavali - Baddena
4. Sumati Sataka - Baddena
5. Prataparudra - Vidhyanatha
6. Purusharthasara - Shiva Devaiah
7. Kridabhi Ramam - Vinukonda Vallabha Charya

Art & Architecture

 Recharla Rudra built Ramappagudi at Palempet.

 The dancing forms which were mentioned in Nrityaratnavalli were engraved on
the walls of this temple.

 This temple belongs Ekasila form (one stone)

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 Rudradeva built 1000 pillars temple at Hanmakonda. It is also Ekasila. That’s

why Warangal is known as Ekasilanagaram.
 Ganapathi deva built Swayambu temple at Orugallu.
 Jain Padmakshi temple at Hanamkonda was converted into saiva temple by

Palnadu battle (1182)

 It was fought between Nalagama raju & Malidevaraju.

 Nalagamaraju’s Prime minister was Aravilli Nagamma.
 Malideva raju’s P.M. was Brahmanaidu.
 Malideva raju ruled from Macharla.
 Brahmanaidu built Chennakesava temple at Macharla for dalits.

 Malidevaraju’s general Balachandra fought at Karampudi (Palnadu battle) &


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 Malidevaraju was also killed.

 Brahmanaidu moved to Guttikonda where he died.
 His followers were emerged into different social communities for eg.
1. Velama / Padmanayaka
2. Maladasari

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 There were 3 dynasties in Post Kakatiya period.

Musunuri dynasty
 There were Muslim invasions on Andhra desa after the end of Kakatiya rule.
 75 kings were united under the leadership of Prolaya Nayaka to resist the Muslim
 It was mentioned in Kaluvacheru inscription of Anatalli (Reddy queen)


 Prolayanayaka ousted the Muslims & occupied Godavari & Krishna doab region.
 Founded Masunuri dynasty & ruled from Rekhapalli. He got the title Andhra
 He gave vilasa inscription.
 Succeeded by Kapayanayaka.
 Titles – Andhra Suratrana / Sultan & Andhra Desadeeshwara

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 They ruled in Eastern part of Telangana.

 Founder was signamanayaka . His capital was Hanumaganti.

 Anavotanayaka shifted the capital from Hanumaganti to Rachakonda.
 Kumara singha Bhupala conquered Kalyani fort & got the title Kalayani bhupati.

 Singabhupala-II wrote Sangita Sudhakara

 It was a commentary on Sangitaratnakaram which was written by Saurjadara.
 Singabhupala – II got the title Sarvajna
 Also wrote – Rasarnava Sudhakara, Ratna Panchalika
 Dharmanaidu gave Sayampeta inscription.

Reddy dynasty
 Founder was Prolaya Vemareddy.

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1) Prolaya vemareddy
 Capital was Addanki
 Built steps for Patalaganga in Srisailam.

 Court was adorned by Errana.

 Errana translated the half of the Aranya parva of Mahabharata into Telugu.
 Gave Manchella inscription

2) Anapotareddy
 Shifted the capital from Addanki to Kondaveeti.

3) Anavemareddy
 Title – Pratistana Kritistamba
 Celebrated Vasanta Utsav every year & got the title Vasantaraya.
 Built Champudigudi or Siromantapa at Srisailam
 A poet Trilochanacharaya was flourished in his court.

4) Kumaragiri vemareddy
 He also celebrated Vasanta Utsavas every year & got the title Karpura
 Wrote Vasantarajeeyam.
 A dancer Lakumadevi was flourished in his court.

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 His brother-in-law Kataya Vemareddy founded independent Reddy kingdom at


Kataya Vemareddy

 Wrote Kumaragiri rajeeyam.

 He was killed by Ferozshah Bahmani at the battle of Attili.
 His third son was Vemana
 C.P. Brown researched on Vemana.
 Vemana’s Ataveladi style poems were collected by C.P. Brown.

5) Pedakomati Vemareddy
 Great poet, title sarvajna.
 Wrote Sangeeta Chintamani, Sahitya Chintamani, Srungara deepika.
 His court poet & education officer Srinatha wrote....
1. Srungara Naishada
2. Hara Vilasam
3. Kasikhandam
4. Palnati charita
5. Bhimeshwarapuranam
6. ShivaratriMahatyam
 Srinatha defeated Dindimabhattu at Mutyalasala competition in Vijayanagara which
was conducted by Devaraya – II of Sangama dynasty.
 Impresses by this Devaraya – II performed Kanakabhishekam to Srinatha & gave him
the title Kavisarvabhauma.
 Vamana bhatta Bhanudu wrote.
1. Kanakalekha Kalyanam
2. Shabda Chandrika
3. Shabda Ratnakaram
4. Vema Bhupala Charita
 Bammera Potana wrote
1. Bhogini dandakam
2. Virabhadra Vijayam
3. Andhra Mahabhagavata

6) Rachavema reddy
 Cruel king
 Collected delivery / maternity tax.
 He was killed by Savaram Ellaiah, a civilian.

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 There was a tradition called Ranamkudupu which means having dinner with the blood &
flesh of the enemies.
 There was another tradition called Brusapatam which means jumping from the hill of
 People used to offer their body limbs to the Champudi temple.

 Vira Saivisam became famous.

 Goderayas were appointed to spread saivism.

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 Vijayanagara empire was founded by Harihararaya – I, Bukkaraya – I in 1336.

 They were the subordinate rulers of Hoysalas of Dwara Samudra at Kampili.

 Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq (MBT) attacked Kampili & captured Harihara & Bukkaraya.
 They were sent to Delhi where they were converted into Islam religion.
 Later they were sent to Kampili as subordinate rulers of MBT.
 On 18th April 1336, Harihara- I & Bukkaraya-I were reconverted into Hinduism with the
help of Vidyaranya Swamy of Sringeri & they declared the independence at Virupakasha
temple in Hampi.

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 Initially Harihara – I ruled from Anegondi. Later it was shifted to Vijayanagara.

 There were 4 dynasties of Vijayanagara

Sangama dynasty

 It was named after the Harihara-I & Bukka- I’s father Sangama of Mangalanilaya.

Harihara – I

 First Sangama ruler.

 Capital was Anegondi
 During his period, Hasan Gangu founded Bahmani kingdom at Gulbarga in 1347.

Bukkaraya – I

 Completed the construction of Vijayanagara & shifted the capital to Vijayanagara.

 His son Kumara Kampana occupied Madurai. Kumara Kampan’s wife Gangadevi wrote
Madhura vijyam in Sanskrit on this conquest. Her gurus were Agastya & Vidyanatha
 Sent an envoy mission to Ming dynasty of China.
 Gave protection to Jains at Srirangapatnam.
 He patronized Nachana Somana.
 Nachana somana wrote Uttara harivamsa.
 Gave Penchikaladinne village to Nachana Somana.


 Titles - Rajavalmiki & Rajavyas

 Guru - Shavana chari
 Minister – Sayana (brother of Vidyaranya Swamy)
 His general Madhava conquered Goa & got the title Bhuvanaikavira.
 Sayana & Madhava wrote commentaries on Vedas

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 His another minister Iruguppa Dandanatha built Ganigitti Jain temple.

 Iruguppa Dandanatha wrote Navaratnamala.

 Harihara-II was the first Vijayanagara ruler to attack Srilanka.


 Defeated by Ferozshah Bahmani at the battle of Mudgal. It was fought for the sanctity
of Neha, a daughter of goldsmith.
 Gave his daughter in marriage to feroz.
 On the eve of it he gave Bankapur as dowry to feroz.
 Built a dam on Tungabadhra river.

 Italy traveler Nicoloconti visited his court.


 Title – Gajabetakara
 Greatest king of Sangama dynasty.

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 Nicoloconti spent maximum time in his court

 In 1443, Abdul Razzaq visited his court as the ambassador of Khusro, Persian king.

 Abdul Razzaq highlighted the system of prostitution.

Saluva Dynasty

 Saluvas were Telugu people.

Saluva Narsimharaya

 His general was Narsimharaya

 He recruited Arabs in his Cavalry.
 Saluva Narsimharaya’s contemporary Pillalamarri Pina Veerabhadradu wrote.
1. Srangara Shakuntala
2. Jaiminibharata
 Rajanathadindima wrote Saluvabhyudayam.
 Saluva Narsimharaya’s contemporary Annamayya wrote 32000 Kirtans on Lord


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 Annamaiah’s wife Timmakka wrote Rukmini Kalyanam & Subhadra Kalyanam.

 He was succeeded by his son Immadi Narsimha.
 Immadi Narsimha also became a drug addict.
 Hence, general Narasanayaka imprisoned him in Bidarkota.
 Later, Narasanayaka’s elder son Vira Narasanayaka’s elder son Vira Narsimha killed
Immadi Narsimha & founded tuluva dynasty. It was called Second Usurpation.

Tuluva dynasty

 They belonged to Tuluvanadu near Mysore.

Vira Narsimha (1505-09)

 Good relations with Portuguese.

 During his period, Nandi Mallaiah & Ganta Singanna wrote Varahapurana & dedicated
it to Narasanayaka.
 Died accidently while attacking Ummattur.

Sri Krishna Devaraya – SKDR (1509-30)

 Greatest king of vijayanagara empire.

 His titles –
1. Yavanarajya stapanacharya
2. Andhra bhoja
3. Dakshinapadaswamy
4. Sahitya Samaranga Sarvabhouma,
5. Gajapati Gajakuta pakavena.
 Throne on 8th Aug, 1509, great warrior.
 Ashtadiggajas were flourished in the court of SKDR.

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1. Allasani Peddana - Manucharita

2. Nandi Timmana - Parijata Apaharana
3. Durjati - Srikala hasteshvara Mahatya.
4. Tenali Ramakrishna - Panduranga Mahatya
5. Pingali Suranna - Kalapoornodaya
6. Ayyalaraja Ramabhadrudu - Ramabyudayam
7. Madayyagari Mallanna - Rajasekhara Charita
8. Bhattu Murthy/Ramaraja - Vasucharita
 SRDR’s guru was Tatacharyulu / Vyasaraya.
 He wrote
1. Jambavati Parinayam
2. Usha Parinayam
3. Amukta Malyada / Vishnu Chitiyam
 Amuktamalyada was dedicated to Sri Venkateswara temple.
 SKDR’s court Musician Lakminatha wrote Sangita Surayodaya.
 SKDR’s wives Chinnadevi & Tirumala devi idols were installed in Tirumala.

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 Tirumalambika wrote Varadimbika parinayam.

 SKDR built Hazara temple

 Krishna Swamy temple & vithoba Swamy temple at Hampi

 Padmamahal / Lotus Mahal was built at Hampi in Indo – Arabic style.

 Gifted a Diamond necklace to varaha Narasimha Swamy temple of Simhachalam.
 Gifted a land to LaxmiNarasimha temple at mangalagiri . It has highest peak in A.P.
 He built Purandardas Muth.
 His P.M. was Timmarasu / Appaji

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 Later due to the conspiracy of Atchutaraya Timmarasu was blined.

 Portuguese travelers Barboji & Domingo Paes visited SKDR court.

Atchuta Raya

 His general was Aliya ramaraya.

 He was coroneted at Tirupati & Srikalahasti.
 Nuniz visited his court.
 The next important king was Sadasivaraya.
 He used to follow divide & rule policy in the matters of Bahmani kings against
 The forces were led by Ibrahim Quli Qutbshah.

Tallikota / Rakshasatangadi / Bannihatti battle(1565 JAN-26)

 It was fought at Tallikota village which was situated in between Krishna & Malivahari
 Aliyaramaraya was killed by Hussaini Nizam shah of Ahmednagar.
 This battle was mentioned in Robert Sewel’s ‘The forgotten empire’.
 Nilakanta Shastry called it as Rakshastangadi battle.
 H.K. Shastry called it as Bannihatti battle.
 Sadasivaraya fled to Penukonda after this battle alongwith Tirumalaraya, the brother
of Aliyaramaraya.

Aravidu dynasty


 He founded Aravidu- Araviti dynasty at Penukonda.

Venkatapatiraya-II (1584-1614)

 Greatest king of Aravidu dynasty.

 He ruled for the longest period.
 He shifted the capital from Penukonda to Chandragiri
 He organized literary competations at Venkatapati Vilasam.

Venkatapatiraya – III

 Gave Madras to British Francis Day in 1639.

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Sriranga – III

 Last king of Aravidhu dynasty.

 He was defeated by Bijapur army.


 Chaturvarna system was existed.

 Brahmins were given the top position.
 Sati, Child marriages, dowry system etc existed .
 Polygamy was also existed.
 Prostitution was socialized.
 Aliyaramaraya gave tax exemption to barbers at the request of Kandoja.
 Currency was called Pardavos.
 Portuguese currency Pesado was also used in Vijayanagara.
 Revenue department was called Athavane.
 Important gold coin was fanom.

 Vaishnavism was flourished.
 Their worshipping deity was Virupaksha.
 Their religious guru was Kasivilasa Kriyasakti.

 Nachana Somana wrote Uttara Harivamsa.
 Molla wrote Molla Ramayana & dedicated it to Lord Rama.

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 The following some other dynasties ruled in A.P. in between

Renati Cholas

 Capital - Pedacheppali
 Founder - Dhanunjaya varma
 Greatest king - Kamara choda
 Dhanunjay gave first telugu inscription called Kalamalla inscription in 575 A.D.

Vemulawada Chalukyas

 Capital - Nindurubohan
Founder - Vinayaditya Yuddamalla
Greatest king - Immari Arikesari / Arikesari-II
Pampa flourished in his court.

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Mudigonda Chalukyas

Capital - Mudigonda

Founder - Kokkiraju

Greatest king - Kusumayodha

They were eliminated by Recharla Rudra of Kakatiyas.

Velanadu Chodas

Capital - Chandavolu

Founder - Gonka - I

Greatest king - Gonka - II

Mallikarjuna Pandit visited his court.

Nellore Chodas

Capital - Vikramasimhauram
Founder - Manumasiddhi-I

Last ruler - Manumasiddhi-II

Tikkana flourished in this court.

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Bahmani kingdom

 Bhamani kingdom was founded by Hasan Gangu in 1347 at Gulbarga.

 His original name was Abdul Mazafar Allahuddin Bahman Shah.
 Greatest king was Ferozshah Bahumani
 Encouraged the study of astronomy.
 Built an observatory at Daulatabad.
 Built Ferozabad on the banks of river Bhima.

 Fought Mudgal battle with Devaraya-I

 Sufi Saint Gesu Daraj was his contemporary.
 He was succeeded by Ahmedshah.
 Ahmed shah shifted the capital from Gulbarga to Bidar.

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 Humayun, the king was known as Zalim due to his cruel nature.
 Gave a title Malik-e-Tujjur to Mohd Gawan.

Mohd Gawan
 Mohammad-III appointed Mohd Gawan as his P.M.
 He was considered as the greatest P.M. of Bahmanis.
 He was executed due to some conspiracies.
 Later Mohammad-III also died.
 It led to the decision of Bahmani Kingdom into 5 small kingdoms.


Founder - Fatehullah Imad shah

Dynasty - Imad shahi

It was annexed into Mughal empire by Akbar in 1574.


Founder - Malik Ahmed

Dynasty - Nizamashahi

 Chand Bibi was a great ruler.

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 Contemporary of Akbar.
 Her P.M. cum general Malik Ambar introduced guerilla warfare in India.
 Ahmednagar was annexed into Mughal empire by Shahjahan in 1633.


Founder - Yusuf Adilshah

Dynasty - Adilshahi

 Ibrahim Adilshah was a great ruler.

 Known as Ablababa
 Title was Jagatguru
 Wrote Kitab-e-Nauras
 Built Nauraspur city
 Bijapur was annexed into Mughal empire by Aurangazeb in 1686.


Founder - Amir Ali Baridshah

Dynasty - Baridshahi

Bidar was merged with Bijapur.

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Founder - Sultan Quil Qutubshah

Dynasty - Qutbshahi
 Golconda was annexed into Mughal empire by Auragzeb in 1687.

Qutbshahis (1512-1687)

 They ruled for 175 years

 They were shia Muslims.

Sultan Quli Qutbshah (1512-43)

Belonged Hamdam region in South Iran.

 Clan was Kurukunel

 Served as a personal bodyguard to Mohammad-III of Bhmains.
 Later became the Tarafdar of Telangana.

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 After the death of Mohammad-III he declared independence & made Golconda as his
 Built 2 minars Masjid in Golconda.
 He was killed by Mohd Hamdani due to the conspiracy of his 3rd son Jamshid Quli

Jamshid QuliQutbshah (1543-50)

 He was a rigid ruler.

 His brother Ibrahim Quli Qutb shah revolted against him which was suppressed.

Ibrahim Quli Qutbshsh

 Took asylum in Vijayanagara kingdom with the help of Aliyaramaraya.

 Met many Telugu poets in Vijayanagara & influenced by them.
 In 1550, Jamsheed died.
 His minor son suban was declared as ruler. His mother Bilkis Jaman took the
administrative control.

Ibrahim Quli Qutb Shah (1550-80)

 Organized literary / musical competitions at Ashiqana, Patronized Telugu poets &

got the title Malkibharama.
 His court was flourished by

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1. Addanki Gangadhar - Tapati Samvarno pakhyanam

2. Kandukuri Rugrakavi - 1. Sugriva Vijayam
2. Nirnkusopakhyanam

 He compared Ibrahim Quli Qutbshah with lord shiva.

 Ibrahim gave Rentachintala agrahara to K. Rudrakavi.

3 . Ponneganti Telaganarya - Yayati charita.

 Urdu was developed. That’s why he was known as Urdu chajar

 Deccani urdu was started during his period.
 His Constructions:
1. Boundary wall of Gonconda fort
2. Ibrahimbagh
3. Phoolbagh
4. Ibrahimpatnam
5. Ibhimpatnam tank
6. Purana pool
 His son-in-law Hussain shah dug the famous Hussain sagar.
 He married Bhagiradhi & named Golconda as Bhagiradhapuram

Mohammad Quli Qutbshah (1580-1612)

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 Greatest king of Qutbshahis.

 Great poet & a writer.
 His pen name was Manil
 His poems were collected in Quliat Quli.
 Married Bhagyamati.
 He built Hyderabad in 1591.

 According to Thevnut there were large number of Gardens in Hyderabad.

 That’s why Hyderabad was also known as Bhagyanagar.
 Plague was out broken in 1593-94.
 It was eradicated successfully in Hyderabad.
 On the eve of it the famous Charminar was built in 1594.
 Hyderabad city development plan was personally designed by Mohd Quliqutbshah.
 During his period Saranga Tammaiah wrote Vyjayanti Vilasam.
 He built
1. Dadmahal , Gagan Mahal, Dar-ul-Shifa

Sultan Mohammad Qutbshah (1612-26)

 He was the son-in-law of Md Quli Qutbshah.

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 Macca Masjid construction was started during his period. It was completed by

 He built Khairatabad Masjid.

 French diamond Merchant Travernier visited Hyderabad & described about the
construction of Macca Masjid. He said the famous Kohinoor diamond was found at
Kalluru in Krishna delta
 During his period Mohd Momin wrote Risala Mikdariya on weights &

Abdullah Qutbshah (1626-72)

 He became ruler at the age of 12.

 His protector was Hayat Bakshi Begum
 During his period, Shahjahan attacked Golconda.
 He entered into a peace treaty with Shahjahn.
 He gave the famous Kohinoor diamond to Shahjahan.

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 Kshetraiah wrote Muvvapadalu during his period.

Hasan Tanishah (1672-87)

 His guru Sharaju kattal gave him the title Tanishah.

 During his period, Kancherla Gopanna / Bhakt Ramdas was a Tahsildar of

 Kancherla Gopanna built Sriram temple are Bhadrachalam with revenue collected
from the Palvancha.
 Imprisoned in Golconda fort.
 Later he was released.
 Palvancha & Sankaragiri villages were given to Bhadrachalam for its maintenance.
 Hasan Tanishah’s P.M. was Madanna & general was Akkanna.
 Akkanna & Madanna played vital role in forming a coalition of Golconda, Bijapur
& Shivaji against Aurangzed.
 Both were killed in 1686.
 Aurangzeb personally led the army to Golconda.
 One of the Hasam Tanishah’s general Abdullah Bani conspired with Aurangzeb &
opened the east gate of the Golconda fort.
 Qutbshahis army was defeated.
 Hasan Tanishah was captured & sent to Daulatabad as captive.
 On 3rd October 1687, Golconda was annexed into Mughal empire.

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 Europeans used to trade with India mainly for spices and silk.
 Europeans used the following 3 land routes for this trade.
1. Europe  Constantinople (present Turkey’s Istambul)  Central Asia  India.
2. Europe  Meditarranean sea  West Asia  Central Asia  India.
3. Europe  Meditarranean sea  Africa  Red sea  West Asia  Central Asia
 India.

 Amoung these three routes first one was the most important land route.
 In 1453, Turkey ruler Mohammad-II occupied constantinople and imposed restrictions
on European traders.

 Hence, Europeans decided to discover a direct sea route to India.

 The first person in Europe to encourage navigation was Henry (Portugal – spain King).

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 Henry crossed the Gibraltar strait, reached Morocco and safely returned to spain.
 Henry established many naval tranining centres. That’s why Henry was given the title
‘The Navigator’.

 Barthelomew Diaz tired to discover a sea route to India. He reached southern trip of
Africa. But he could not continue his voyage due to bad weather. Hence he decided to
go back.

 While returning Barthelomew Diaz named the southern trip of Africa as ‘Cape of
 Later , Portugal- Africian ruler John-II named this cape of storm as ‘Cape of Goodhope’

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 Columbus started from Spain to discover a sea route to India. However, he was
misdirected in Atlantic Ocean and reached Carribian island. He named these islands as
West Indies.

 Vasco-da-gama started from Lisbon to discover a sea route to India.

 He reached cape of Good hope and took the help of a trader Abdul Majid and reached
Calicut (present Kozicode) on 17 th May , 1498.

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 Vasco-da-gama came to Calicut with 3 ships

1. Sao Cabriel - Vascodagama
2. Sao Rafael - Paulo dagama
3. Caravel Berrio - Nicalau Colho.
 Calicut ruler Zamorin (it’s a dynasty name) welcomed Vascodagama and helped him in
purchasing spices.

 Vascodagama took these spices and sold them in Europe. He got 60 times profit.
 He came back to India for the second time in 1502. But, this time zamorin rejected
permission to vascodagama.
 Then, Vascodagama declared war against Zamorin and occupied Calicut. Later he
occupied Kochi and settled in Kochi. Finally he died in Kochi in 1524.

Order of advent of the Europeans

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1. Portugese
2. Dutch (Netherlands / Holland)
3. Danes (Denmark)
4. British
5. French

Order of the European Companies establishment

1. Portugese - 1498
2. British - 1600
3. Dutch - 1602
4. Danes - 1616
5. French - 1664

Struggle for domination :

 There was the struggle for domination among the five Europeans in which finally British
emerged victorious.
 British suppressed Portugese and French and ousted Dutch and Danes from India as
1. In 1661 , there was a marriage between Portuguese princess Catherine
Briganza and British prince Charles-II. On the eve of it Portuguese gave
Bombay / st David to British as dowry . It led to cordial relations between
British and Portugues. Finally Portuguese settled in Goa, Daman and Diu . (In
1961 , Indian government got Goa, Daman and Diu from Portugese).


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2. In 1759 , British governor Robert Clive defeated the Dutch at the battle of
Chinsura or Bidder (West Bengal). With this Dutch left India and moved to


3. In 1760, British general Eyrecourt defeated French general Count-de-Lally at

the battle of Wandiwash. With this battle French lost their domination in
India and confined to Pondicherry. Pondicherry means four regions. They are
1. Pondicherry(TN)
2. Karaikal (TN)
3. Yanam (AP)
4. Mahe (Ker)

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In 1845 , British Governor General Hardinge-I purchased the places of Danes (serampore and
Trancobar) for Rs. 120 lakhs. With this Danes left India.

Conquest of India

After getting success in domination struggle British started conquering India as follow :

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1. Carnatic (1763)
2. Bengal (1764)
3. Mysore (1799)
4. Maratha (1818)
5. Sindh (1843)
6. Punjab (1849)
7. Avadh (1856)

Advent of Europeans to Andhra

 Europeans used to establish their first factory at Machilipatnam in Andhra.
 Dutch were the first European to establish a factory at Machilipatnam. Later
British , French and Portugese founded their factories ar Machilipatnam.


 Dutch first factory was established at Machilipatnam in 1605.

 Its permission was given by Mohammad Quli Qutbshah.
 Dutch established their second factory at Pulicat in 1610

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 Dutch’s other factories were Bhimili, Jagannayakapuram , Gollapalem , Narasapur.

 Dutch headquarter was Pulicat till 1690.
 In 1690 , Dutch headquarter was shifted from Pulicat to Nagapatnam.

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 In 1759 , Dutch were defeated by British at the Battle of Chinsura. With this Dutch
evacuated all their factories in India and moved to Indonesia.


 British first factory was built at Machilipatnam in 1611 . It was built by Hippon (He
came by ‘Globe’ ship)
 Its permissions was given by Mohammad Quli Qutbshah
 Second factory was built at Pulicat in 1621.

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 Other factories were Armagaon, NizamPatnam & Narsapur.

 In Andhra, initially British faced the resistence from the Dutch.
 Hence , British decided to built a new factory outside Andhra.
 Its responsibility was given to Francis Day , a British officer.

 He visited so many places in the eastern coast of India.

 Damerla Brothers (Venkatadri and Ayyappa) met Francis Day and persuaded him
to built Bristish factory at Madras.

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 In 1639 , Chandragiri ruler Venkatapatiraya-III gave madras to British Francis Day.

 In 1639-40 , Francis Day built St.George fort at Madras.

 Damerla Brother’s father name was Chennappa. Chennappapatanam / Chenna

patnam was developed near Madras on his name . Later both were Merged.

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 In 1641 , Madras became the headquarter of the British.

 In 1684 , Madras was declared as presidency.

 In 1687-88, Madras became the first Municipality in India.


 French first factory in Andhra was built at Machilipatnam in 1669 by Macara.

 Its permission was given by Abdullah Qutub shah.

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 In 1673, Arcot ruler Sher khan Lodi gave Valikondapuram to French officers
Francois Martin & Bellangir-de-Lespinay.

 French first governor in India was Francois Martin. He developed Pondicherry.

 In 1760, British general Eyrecoot defeated French general Count-de-lally at the
Battle of Wandiwash. With this, French lost their power in India and Confined to


 Portugese factory was built at Machilipatnam in 1670.

 They did not give importance to east coast trade.

I Domination Struggle between British and French

 The battles fought between British and French in India were known as Anglo-
Carnatic wars.
 3 Anglo-Carnatic wars were fought.

First Anglo-Carnatic War (1746-48)

 First Anglo-Carnatic war was started due to Austrian war of Succession.

 It did not show any impact on Andhra.

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 It was ended with the treaty of Aix-la-Chapalle.

Second Anglo-Carnatic War (1749-54)

 In 1748, after the death of Nizamulmulk, Nazir jung became the nawab of
 However Nazir jung was opposed by Mujafarjung.
 During the same period, Carnatic nawab Anwaruddin was opposed by Chanda
 Mujafarjung and Chanda Saheb were supported by French governor Dupleix.
 The alliance of Dupleix, Mujafarjung and Chanda Saheb declared a war against
 In 1749, Anwaruddin was killed at the battle of Ambur.

Third Anglo carnatic war (1756-63)

 It was started due to ‘Seven years war’ in Europe.

 French recalled Gadahau and sent Count-de-lally as French governor to India.
 The following battles were fought during third Anglo-carnatic war period.

1756 – Tumnapalem battle

 It was fought between Jafar Ali and French officers Bussy.

 Here Bussy was supported by Vizianagara Zamindar Vijayaramaraju.
 In the same year , a treaty of Charmahal was signed between Salabatjung and
Bussy. Accordingly French Bussy was given key position in Hyderabad.

1757 – (January 24) – Bobbili battle

 Vijayaramaraju killed Bobiili Rangarao in this battle

 Later Bobbili Rangarao’s brother-in-law Thandra Paparayudu killed
Vijayaramaraju & got the title Tiger of Bobbili.

1758 (Dec 7) – Chandurthi battle

 British Col.Ford defeated the French Col.Cornplan in this battle.

 Co.Ford was the ally of Ananda Gajapati, the Vizianagara Zimindar.
 It was a small battle but gave a great victory to Brirish.
 It laid the foundation for the establishment of British rule over Andhra.
 French declined after this battle.

1759 – Konduru battle

 Ananda Gajapati defeated Jagapati raju in this battle.

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 British occupied Machilipatnam from the French in the month of April.

 At the same time, French admiral Diluchi was defeated by British Pocock in Bay of
 After hearing the news of French loses, Hyderabad Nawab Salabat Jung withdrew
his support to French and ordered them to evacuate northern circars.
 Salabat Jung extended his support to British & gave them the following regions.
1. Machilipatnam
2. Nizampatnam
3. vakalMannar
4. A part of Kondapalli

1760 – Battle of Wandiwash

 British Eyrecoot defeated French count-de-lally in this battle.

 Later , French lost their power in India

1763 – Treaty of Paris

 ‘Seven year war’ was ended with this treaty. Accordingly third Anglo-carnatic war
was also ended.
 French were confined to Pondicherry.

II Conquest of Andhra
 After suppressing the french, British conquered Andhra as follows.

1759 – Salabat Jung gave the following region to British.

1. Machilipatnam
2. Nizampatnam
3. VakalMannar
4. A part of Kondapalli

1766 – British got Northren Circars

 Its farman was issued by Mughal emperor Shah Alam-II

 This farman was received by Robert clive.
 Northern Circars were handed over to British by Nizam Ali (Hyderabad)
 Mediator was Kandregula Jogipanthulu.
 Many controversies were raised while handing over of this region to British.

1788 – British got Guntur

 Guntur was ruled by Basalat Jung.

 He died in 1782.

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 Later Nizam Ali gave Guntur to British. In return he got 7 lakh rupees.

1749 (July 10) Battle of Padmanabham

 British defeated China Vijayaramaraju in this battle.

 Later his minor son Narayana babu was appointed as zamindar of Vizianagaram.
 George Russel was appointed as a special officer in Vizianagaram forts

1800 – British got caded Territory (Dattata Mandalam)

 Lord Wellesley introduced subsidiary Alliance system in 1798.

 The first princely state in India to sign this treaty was Hyderabad (Nizam Ali,
 Instead of giving annual amount every year Nizam Ali decided to give some
territories to British.
 In 1800 , Nizam Ali ceded cuddapah , Kurnool, Anantapur and Bellary to British.
That’why these 4 regions were known as Ceded Territory.
 In 1928, Gadicharla Harisarvottamrao named this ceded Territory /
Dattatamandalam as Rayalaseema after the name of Sri Krishna Devaraya at
Nandayala Andhra Mahasabha.
 Then Nandyala Andhra Mahasabha president was S.Radhakrishnan.

1802 – British got Nellore & Chittoor

 Nellore & Chittoor were under the rule of Carnatic nawab Azamuddaulah.
 However, he was not having any control over these two regions.
 That’why local zamindars used to commit atrocities on the people.
 Hence, British Governor General Lord Wellesley annexed Nellore and Chittoor on
the pretext that protecting the local people from atrocities of zimindar.
 In the same year, Lord Wellesley merged the Andhra region with the Madras
Presidency state. Thus telugu speaking Andhra people gone under the domination
of tamil speaking people.

III British administration

a) General Administration
b) Revenue Administration
c) Judicial Administration

a) General administration
 British divided the costal region into 5 districts.
1. Ganjam

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2. Visakhapatnam
3. Godavari
4. Krishna
5. Nellore
 Ceded Territory had been continued as one district till 1808 its headquarters was
 Ceded Territory district was divided into 4 divisions for administrative purpose.
1. Cuddapah
2. Kambcoastal Andhra
3. Ham
4. Adhoni
5. Harsanahalli
 Ceded Territory was splitted into many districts
1808 - Cuddapah, Bellary
1858 - Kurnool
1882 - Anantapur
1911 - Chittoor
 In 1794, Collector system was introduced in the costal region.
 In 1800, Sir Thomas Munroe was appointed as collector in ceded Territory.

b) Revenue administration
i) Coastal Andhra
ii) Ceded Territory

Revenue administration in coastal Andhra

 Land was divided into two categories
1) Haveli – under the control of British
2) Zamindari – under Zamindars.
 Zamindar used to collect tax from the peasants & it was sent to British.
 The share of tax which had been sent to British was called Peshkash.
 Initially British used to give lands to zamindars through auction system.
 In 1793, Governor General Lord Cornwallis introduced Permanent Revenue
Settlement Act. Accordingly auction system was abolished & British fixed a
specific tax amount.
 This act was implemented in Andhra in 1802.
 Mahalwari system was existed in Nellore. According to this system village
headmen collect the tax & send it to British.

Revenue administration in cededed Territory / Rayalaseema

 Polygars system was existed in Rayalaseema.
 Polygars were suppressd by Sir Thomus Munroe
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 He introduced Ryotwari system in Rayalaseema. Earlier he introduced ryotwari

system in Baramahal in 1792.
 In 1840’s Kurnool Polygar Uyyalavada Narsimha Reddy revolted against the
British and looted the British treasury at Kovela kuntla.
 Later he was hanged by Korken/Colt.

c) Judicial administration
 British established courts at Taluka and district levels.
 Madras High court was founded in 1862.
 Andhra was under the limits of Madras High court.
 Court was divided into civil court & Criminal court.
 British introduced the following codes in India
1859 - Civil Procedure code
1860 - Indian Penal code
1861 - Criminal Procedure code

IV Impact of British administration

a) Impact on agriculture
b) Impact on artisans
c) Impact on Society

a) Impact on agriculture
 British used our agriculture sector for their commercial purpose.
 They introduced Tinkathiya system for this purpose.
 According to this system every farmer had to produce indigo on 3/20th of his
 Indigo ryots were looted by the British.
 Many famines were occurred due to commercilisation of Indian agriculture.
 Gajula Laxmi Narasusetty published articles regarding these famines in his paper
‘The Crescent’.
 He also founded an organistion called ‘Chennapatnam Swadeshi sangam’ in

b) Impact on artisans
 Many industries were established in Britain during the period of Industrialisation.
 The products of these industries were dumped into the Indian Market in the
name of ‘Free Trade Policy’.
 The products of our artisans lost their demand due to british products.
 Thus our artisans were ruined.
 The following places were famous for some products during that period.

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eg :

1. Srikakulam - Muslin
2. Machilipatnam - Dying clothes
3. Nellore - towels
4. Eluru - Carpets
5. Kurnool - Blankets
6. Tuni - Long cloths
7. Peddapuram,
Adoni, Bellary - Silk clothes

 All these places lost their importance due to British’s free trade policy.

c) Impact on the Society

 Western education was first imparted by Christian Missionaries in Andhra
 The first Christian Missionary in Andhra was London Missionary society. It was
founded in 1805 at Jammalamadugu in Cuddapah.
 The first school in Andhra was Church Missionary or Revarend Noble School.
It was founded in 1813 at Machilipatnam by Church Missionary society.
 According to 1813 Act British government ordered British East India Company to
release one lakh rupee for the development of Indian education. But it was
released in 1830’s
 There two groups were formed to the utilize this amount.
 One group was called Orientals who wanted to introduce ancient Indian
 The other group was called Anglacis who wanted to introduce Modern education
in English medium.
 Anglacis leader Lord Macaulay strongly recommended the GG Wellesley to
introduce English medium.
 Thus, GG Wellesley introduced English medium in 1835
 British followed ‘Downward filteration theory’ in India on education system.
According to it they give importance only to higher education.
 During the regime of British the following educational institutions were founded
in Andhra.

1841 - Central collegiate institute – Madras

1843 - Revarend Noble school – Machilipatnam

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1857 - Madras University

1873 - Rajahmundry Modern Government college
1878 - Visakhapatanam Hindu / Mrs.AVN college
1879 - Berhampur Kallikota college
1910 - Bandar National college
1926 - Andhra University was first founded at Vijayawada

Later it was shifted to Visakhapatanam .

Its first VC was Kattamanchili Ramalinga Reddy (C.R.Reddy) He wrote famous
Musalamma Maranam.
 Gajuala Laxmi Narsu Setty founded Madras Native Association in 1852 which was
the first social organization in south India.
 The first railway lane in Andhra was built in 1862 in between Puttur and
 British brought the following acts to eliminate the misbeliefs among the people.

1802 - Anti Infanticide Act (GG Wellesley)

1829 - Anti Sati Act (William Bentick)
1843 - Anti Slavery Act (Ellenborough)
1845 - Anti Human Sacrifice Act (Hardinge-I)
1850 - Caste Disability Act (Dalhouise)
1856 - Widow Remarriage Act (Dalhousie)
1872 - Brahma Act (Anti Child Marriage Act)
1891 - Age of Consent Act (Lards downe)
1929 - Sharadha Act (Irwin) (Anti Child Marriage Act)

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Important British Officers

Sir Thomas Munroe

 Born at Glasgow in 1761

 Came to India in 1782 as a Military Officer.
 Participated in Second and Third Anglo-Mysore wars.
 Appointed as sub collector in Baramahal in 1792. (1792-98) During this period he
introduced rythwari system for the first time in Baramahal.
Then Baramahal collector in Rayalaseema in between 1800-07.
 Suppressed Polygars and introduced rythwari system in Rayalaseema
 In 1807, he returned to Britian
 In 1814, he came back to India as the Chairman of the Judicial administrative
 In 1818, he assisted GG Lord Hastings in suppressing Pindaris.
 In between 1820-27, he served as the government of Madras.
 He had special affection on Rayalaseema.
 That’swhy he used to visit Rayalaseema frequently and tried to solve their
problems immediately.
 Finally he died of cholera at Pattikonda near Kurnool in 1827. He was buried at

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Sir Arthur Cotton

 British engineer
 Served as superindent of engineer in Visakhapatanam
 Built Dawaleswaram/Godavari Dam in 1852.
 1.5 lakh Pounds were spent for the construction of this dam.
 Veenam Veeranna played a vital role in the construction of this dam.
 Arthur cotton also gave plan for the construction of Krishna dam.
 In between 1850-55 Krishna dam was built by Captain ohr.

Charles Philip Brown

 British revenue officer

 Served as a collector of Cuddapah
 Learned telugu from Kodandarama pantulu.
 Influenced by telugu language

 He wrote telugu to English dictionaries.

 Collected the poems of Vemana.

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 Researched on Vemana.
 Vemana’s poem style is called ‘Ataveladi’
 C.P. Brown calld telugu as ‘Italian of the East’.

Col. Colin Mackenzie

 Surveyor
 Discovered Amaravathi stupa in 1797.
 Amaravathi stupa was built during the period of Satavahanas.

Benziman Schulz

 Christian religious preacher.

 Translated bible from Hebrew to telugu
 His translated telugu bible was printed at Haley in Germany. Thus the first book
published in telugu was bible.

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 The 1857 revolt was started from Meerut on 10th May.

 The Mutineers reached Delhi, killed Simon Ripley (The British resident officer) and declared
Bahadurshah-II (Mughal Emperor) as their leader. He was given the title Shahenshah-e-
Hindustan. (Indian Emperor)
 Bahadursha-II wrote letters to Indian Princely states for help. However, Majority of princely
states extended their support to British.

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 The immediate cause for the revolt was greased cartridges made up Cow and Pig fat.
 The cartridges were used in Enfield guns.

 The first person to reject these cartridges was Mangal Pandey (Barackpore regiment).
 He revolted against the British in the month of March, 1857.
 Later Mangal Panday & Jandari Ishwari Panday were hanged.
 In the month of April, some 90 sepoys in meerut regiment rejected to use these cartridges.
 Immediately they were arrested and 85 sepoys were given 10 years rigorous imprisonment.

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 On 8th May, some women scolded the sepoys who came for patrolling in ‘Meerut fair’ for
not reacting the imprisonment of 85 sepoys.
 Then Sepoys decided to organize a revolt against British.
 On 10th May, Sepoys declared a revolt against British & imprisoned 85 sepoys were
 Thus, revolt started from Meerut.

Places of Revolt

1) Delhi
Mutineer - Bakht Khan
Suppressor - Hudson
 Initially Nicolson came to Delhi to suppress the revolt. But he was killed by the revolters.
 Later Hudson suppressed the revolt
 Hudson brutally killed Bahadursha’s wife Zeenat Mahal and his sons except Jeevan Bakht.
 Bahadurshah-II and Jeevan Bakht were sent to Rangoon (Burma/Myanmar).

 In 1862, Bahadurshah-II died in Rangoon/Myanmar.

2) Kanpur
Revolter - Nana Saheb
(Original name – Dhondu Pandit. He was the adopted son of
Peshva Bajarao – II)

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Suppressor - Campbell.

 He was supported by his two trusted generals Tantia Topi and Azeemullah.
 Became unpopular after the Massacre of 400 Britishers in Allahabad palace.
 British got killing desire to suppress this revolt after this Massacre.
 British sent General Campbell as Commander – in – Chief of India.
 Campbell ruthless suppressed the revolt with the help of Gorkha regiment.
 Nanasaheb escaped to Nepal.
 Tantia Topi moved to Central India and fought from his friend Mansingh’s house.

 However Mansingh cheated his friend Tantia Topi and informed the British .
 Immediately British arrested Tantia Topi & he was hunged .
3) Lucknow (Capital of Avadh)
Revolter - Begum Hazrat Mahal.
Suppressor - Campbell.
 He declared her infant son Bilzis Khader as the ruler of Avadh and proclaimed a revolt
against British.
 British general Henry Lawrance was killed in Avadh.
 Later Inglis, Havlock, Neil etc came to Avadh to suppress the revolt. But they failed.
 Finally Campbell suppressed the revolt.
 He killed 1,50,000 people in Kanpur & Lucknow.
4) Jhancy (UP)
Revolter - Laxmi Bhai

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Suppressor - Gen.Hugrose.
 Laxmi Bhai was the wife / widow of Sri Gangadhar Rao.
 Laxmi Bhai occupied Gwalior with the help of Afghan Pathans and guerilla forces sent
by Tantia Topi.
 Later Laxmi Bhai was killed
 Gangadhar rao’s adopted son was Damodhar rao.
5) Arrah / Jagadishpur (Bihar)
Revolter - Kunwar Singh
Suppressor - Taylor & Eyre.
 He was the zamindar of Arrah.
 He was removed from the Zamindari post. Hence, he organized the revolt.
 He was killed by Taylor & Eyre.
 Later his brother Amarsingh became Zamindar of Arrah.
6) Faizabad (UP)
Revolter - Maulvi Ahmadullah
Suppressor - Jagannath Singh
 Mouli Ahmadullah came from Chennai & organized a revolt in Faizabad.
 But he was suppresses by Jagannath singh was rewarded with 50000/- rupee by British.

Outcome of the revolt

1. According to 1858 Government of India Act British East Company rule was
abolished in India. India was declared as part and parcel of British empire. It was
declared by Lord Canning at Allahabad Darbar
2. Council of India was formed with 15 members at London to rule India.
3. In India, Governor General designation was changed as GG Cum Viceroy.

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4. British thought that Muslims were the responsible for this revolt. That’s why British
introduced anti Muslim policies.
5. British decided not to involve in the social traditions of India.
6. British army was reorganized in India.
7. Unity among the intellectuals.

Impact on Andhra

1. Parlakimidi
 It was situated in Ganjam district. At present it is situated in Gajapati district of
 Savara tribe lives in Parlakimidi
 Radha Krishna Dandasena organized a revolt in Parlakimidi
 He was suppressed and hanged by Captain Wilson Nolt.
2. Errannagudem / Godavari Agency
Revolter - Korukonda Subba Reddy
Suppressor - Shankar swamy (Buttaigudem Munsab)
3. Cuddapah
Revolter - Shaik Peer Saheb
 He decleared Jihad (Holy war) against British.
 He was arrested.
4. Visakhapatnam
 Revolters demanded to name Visakhapatnam as Mohammad Patnam.
5. Jaggayyapeta
 Revolters looted the Treasury at Jaggayyapeta.

Impact on Hyderabad

 There was anti British feeling in Hyderabad much before the beginning of 1857
 The following are the main causes for the anti british feeling.

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1. 1800 - The Hyderabad people for the first time showed their discontent
when Nizam Ali gave Rayalaseema/Ceded Territory to British.
2. 1839 - Wahabi Movement . It was organized by Mubari Zuddaulah.
3. 1853 - Giving of Berar, Rayachur and Osmanabad to British according to
Berar treaty was opposed and condemned by the people condemned by
the people of Hyderabad.
 At the time of beginning of 1857 revolt on 10th may at Meerut the Hyderabad
Nawab was Nasiruddaulah. Within a week he died & he was succeeded by Afzal
 Afzal Uddaulah extended his support to Britih at the suggestion of his diwan/Prime
minister Salarjung-I (Mir Turab Ali Khan).

Aurangabad revolt (1857 June)

 It was organized by Mir Fida Ali. He was assisted by Amir Khan.

 Capt Abbat suppressed this revolt. Fida Ali was hanged.

Attack on British residency Office in Hyderabad (17 th July 1857)

 It was attacked by Turabaj Khan to release Chida Khan.

 However, it was repulsed by Davidson

Peshva ramarao Conspiracy (1862)

 He conspired against Hyderabad and British.

 But, his conspiracies were failed.
 Later he escaped to Agra. Finally he was caught at Kanpur.

Other revolts in Hyderabad.

1. Sholapur - Raja Venkatappa Naik

2. Chanda - Bapurao, Venkatarao
3. Nanded - Rangarao Pagi, Dilip Singh (Kaulas Zamindars)
4. Ajanta - Bhils

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5. Adilabad - RamjiGond
6. Nirmal - Rohilla Pithuri
7. Golconda - Chinta Bhupati, Sanyasi Bhupat

Benefits to Hyderabad after the revolt

1. Afzal Uddaulah was given the title Star of India

2. Mir Turab Ali Khan was given the title Salarjung (Commander of the battle)
3. Rayachur, Osmanabad was returned to Hyderabad. Later Berar was also given back.
4. 50 Lakh debt was abolished
5. After the revolt Hyderabad was considered as fully independent kingdom.

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 There were so many blindfold practices in India in the beginning of the 19th century like
Sati, Idol worship, Child marriages etc.
 The Movements which had been organized against these social oddities / blindfold
practices were known as socio-cultural awakening movements.

Rajaram Mohan Roy was the first person to organize movements against these practices

 Later Devendhranath Tagore, Keshav Chandrasen, Ishwar Chandra Vidya sagar,

Dayananda Saraswati etc organized socio-cultural awakening movements.
 In Andhra, Kandukuri Veerasa Lingam organized these movements on a large scale.

 That’s why, the period between his birth and death (1848-1919) is called socio-cultural
awakening period in Andhra.

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Cause for the awareness among the Andhra People

1. Western education
 It was first provided by Christian Missionaries.
 First Christian Missionary was London Missionary society (1805, Jammalamadugu in
 First School in Andhra was Reverend Noble – Church Missionary School. (1843,

2. News Paper
 The first news paper in Telugu was Satyadata. It was published by Bellary Christian
Missionary to propagate Christianity.
 Tatvabodini was published by Madras Veda Samaj for the propagation of Hinduism.
 The other newspapers were
1. Hindu Reformer - Butchaiah Pantulu
2. Janana - Rayasam Venkata Sivudu
3. Andhra Prakasika - AP Parthasarathi Naidu
 It was the first Political weekly in Andhra
4. Krishna - Konda Venkatappaiah Patrika (1902)

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 Its first editor was Dasu Narayana

 Its second editor was Mutnuri Krishna rao.
Kalpalatha - Achanta Sankyamam
 During that period, Kokkonda Venkataratnam, a hindu fundamentalist published
Andhra Bhasha Sanjeevini paper in which he used to encourage blind fold practices like
sati & child marriages.

3. Organisations
a) Madras Native Association
b) Madras Mahajana Sabha
c) Brahma Samaj
d) Theosophical Society

1) Madras Native Organization

 It was founded by Gajula Laxmi Narasu settee in 1852.

 It used to demand reforms from the British

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2) Madras Mahajan Sabha

 It was founded by G.Subramanaya Iyer , P.Ananda Charyulu, Rangayya Naidu, Veera
Raghava Chary in 1884 at Madras.

3) Brahma Samaj
 It was founded by Rajaram Mohan Roy in 1828 at Calcutta.
 The Main objectives of Brahma Samaj were
1. Monotheism

2. No idol worship
 Its branch was established at Rajahmundry in 1878.
 K. Veeresalingam, Raghupati Venkataratnam Naidu, Desiraju Peda bapaiah joined in
Brahma Samaj & spreader its objectives.
These three reforms were known as “Trinity of Brahma Samaj” in Andhra.

4) Theosophical Society
 It was founded by H.P . Blavatsky, & H.S. Olcot at Newyork in 1875.

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 Later it was shifted to Adayar, Madras.

 Important member Annie Besant, an Irish woman encouraged widow re marriages,

woman education and condemned child marriages and caste discrimination.
 She founded a National college / BT (Besant Theosophical) college at Madanapalli and
Benaras Hindu school at Benaras.

 Later Madan Mohan Malavya converted this school as Boneras Hindu University
 She published New India & Common Weal.
 Her adopted son Jiddu Krishna Murthy wrote ‘At the feet of the Master’.

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5) Dams
 Godavari dam was built in between 1847-52 & Krishna dam was built in between 1850-
 Irrigation facilities were provided through these dams.
 Hence, there was huge production.
 It led to the development of trade.
 Thus, Krishna – Godavari region became very rich.

 The people of this region provided higher education to their children.

 Thus there was awareness in this region.

6) British trade
 The important places of British in the eastern costal were Calcutta & Madras.

 There was frequent trade between these two places.

 Hence, Andhra people were imbibed by western idea very quickly.

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7) Dramas

 Dharmavarapu Krishnamacharyulu was the first person in Andhra to show the social
problems to the people through dramas.
 Nazar was a great Burra katha artist.

 Adibatla Narayana Dasu is considered as Harikantha Pitamaha Awakening

 The Socio culture awakening in Andhra has been divided into three periods.
1. Pre Veerasalingam Period (Before 1848)
2. Veerasalingam Period (1848-1919)
3. Post Veerasalingam Period (After 1919)

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Pre Verasalingam Period

1. Mamidi Venkayya
 Condemned Brahamanical domination.
 Performed Upanayana to his children.

2. Enugula Veeraswamy
 Worked as a translator in Madras court.
 Condemned idol worship.
 Founded Hindu literary society.
 Encouraged women education.
 Komaleshwara Srinivasa Pillai gave 10000 rupees to him for the development of women
 He wrote Kasiyatra charita.

3. Gajula Laxmi Narasu Setty

 The first person from Andhra to participate in Indian national movement.
 Fight against vetti ( free Labour )
 Published ‘the crescent’
 Founded chennapatnam Swadeshi Sangam (Madras Native Association)

4. Swamineni Muddhu Narasimham

 Wrote Hitasuchini
 Condemned caste discrimination

5. Venkataramana shastry / Anantarama shastry

 He founded Nellore Harijan Sangam for dalits.

6. Venkataramana charyulu / Rangacharyulu

 Encouraged widow remarriages in Visakhapatnam
 Wrote a book called “Widow remarriages”.

7. Atmuri Laxmi narsimham

 The first guru of Veeresalingam.
 Condemned bramanical domination.
 Performed a yajna and got the name somayajulu.

II Veerasalingam Period (1848-1919)

 This period is called Socio-cultural awakening in Andhra.

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Kandukuri Veeresalingam (16th April 848-27 May 1919)

Titles :

1. Father of social reform movement in Andhra.

2. Father of cultural renaissance in Andhra.
3. Andhra Vaitalikudu
4. Gadya Tikkana
5. Gadya vajmaya brahma
6. Yuga karta
7. Vidyasagar of south India (It was given by M.G. Renade)
8. Rao Bahadur

News papers

1) Vivekavardhini - 1874
2) Hasyasanjeevini - 1876
3) Satihitabodini - 1883
4) Satya Samvardini - 1891
5) Telugu Janana - 1904

 Kokkonda Venkataratnam propagated fundamentalism through his paper Andhra

bhasha sanjeevini. Veeresalinga condemned them through his articles which were
published in Umaranga nayakulu’s Purushartha Pradhayini paper. Not satisfying with
this Veeresalingam founded his own paper Vivekavardhini.
 Then Kokkanda Venkataratnam founded Hasyavardini against Vivekaverdini.
 Veerasalingam condemned it & founded Hasya Sanjeevini against Andhrabhasha

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1. Rajasekhara Charita (1st telugu novel)

2. Satyavati charita
3. Esuchristu charita
4. Victoria Maharani charita
5. Autobiography – Veeresalingam
6. Brahma Vivaham
7. Satyaraju Purvadesayatralu
(it was written on the basis of Jonatham Swift’s Galiver travels)

Translations (from Sanskrit to telugu)

1. AbhignaShakuntalam (Kalidasa’s)
2. MalaviKagnimitram (Kalidasa’s)
3. Ratnavalli (Harshavardhana’s)
4. Panchatantra (Vishnu sharma’s)

Establishments / Organisation

1874 - Dowlaiswaram girls school (1st girls school in Andhra. Its first principle was Malladi
Achchanna shastry)

1878 - Social reform Society, Brahma Samaj / Prathana samaj branch are Rajahmundry.

1880 - Widow remarriages association at Rajahmundry.

1881 - II nd girls school at Innispeta, Rajhmundry

1897 - Madras widow orphanage

1905 - Hitakarini Samajam at Rajahmundry. It was founded to maintain all his

organizations. Gave his entire property worth of rupees 50,000 to this organization.

List of Veeresalingam :

 Born to K. Subbarayadu & Purnamma at Rajahmindry on 16th April, 1848.

 After the death of his father he was brought up by Venkataratnam (Paternal uncle)
 Learned Sanskrit from Doosi Somayajulu.
 Influenced by Brahma Samaj &Keshav Chandra Sen.
 Married Bapamma/Rajayalaxmi in 1860.
 Appointed as Headmaster of Korangi government school in 1872.
 Joined in this school as headmaster on New moon day (Amavasya).
 Appointed as Telugu lecturer in Rajahmundry government college.
 In between 1899-1904, he worked as a Telugu pandit in Madras Presidency college.
 In 1910, his wife Rajalaxmi died.

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 He died on 27th May, 1919 at Komarraju Laxmana Rao’s house called Vedanivas in

Veemrasalingam’s contribution Fight against blind told practices

 Condemned all blindfold practices

 That’s why he joined Korangi government school on new moon day.
 He planted a banana tree in the back yard of his house.

Fight against Corruption

 He highlighted the Lord Wallace’s corrupt particles through his paper Vivekavardhini

Fight against prostitution

 During that period prostitution was socialized. It had special recognition in the villages.
 There was lot of popularity for Nach/Bhogamelas (Recording dance)
 He condemned them through his paper Vivekavardini

Fight against caste discrimination

 He used to say that there should be equality in the society.

 In 1906, he renounced his sacred thread.
 He performed an inter caste marriage between Sarojini Devi & Govindaraju Naidu.

Women Empowerment

 Encouraged women education

 He performed the first widow remarriage in Andhra on 11th Dec,1881 are Rajahmundry.
 Bride for this marriage was sitamma (Gauramma)
Bridegroom for this marriage was Gokulapati Sriramulu.
 Financial assistance for this marriage was given by Pyda Ramakrishnaiah (Kakinada
 II nd widow remarriage was held at Rajahmundry on 15th Dec,1881.
Bride - Ratnamma
Bridegroom - Racharla Ramachandraiah
 In 1893, British government gave Rao Bahadur title to Veeresalingam.
 In 1898, M.G. Renade gave him the title Vidyasagar of South India

Contribution to Telugu literature

 He translated many Sanskrit books into Telugu

 For the first time, he wrote autobiography in Telugu.

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Raghupati Venkataratnam Naidu

Titles :-

1. Brahmarshi
2. Kulapati
3. Abhinava Socratis
4. Knighthood/Sir

Papers :-

1. Brahma Prakasika
2. Fellow worker
3. People’s friend

Books :-

1. Social reform

Organisation :

1. Social Purity Association (1891-Bandar)

 He was influenced by the member of Brahma samaj Dinanath Benerjee and Gangadhar
mukharji in Bengal.
 Also influenced by Dr Miller the principle of Madras Christian college.
 Completed his BA, Ma, LLB in Madras Christen college.
 Worked as lecturer in Machilipatnam’s Noble college
 Served as principle of Mahaboob college in Secundrabad and Pithapuram Raja college in
 Served as Vice Chancellor of Madras University (1919-22).
 For the first time he moved a resolution for the establishment of Andhra University for the
telugu people. Later it was founded in 1926 first at Vijayawada.
 Condemned Bhogamelas (Recording dances) through his social purity Association.
 Founded Brahma Mandir at Kakinada.
 Condemned idol worship.

Desiraju Pedabapaiah

News paper : 1. Voice of Truth

(Voice of India was founded by Dadabai Nauroji at London)


1. Youngmen’s Prayer Union

2. Temperance social purity Association.

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 Born in a Niyogi Brahmin family at Machilipatnam.

 Fight for the upliftment of woman.

Gurajada Appa Rao

Title :-

1. Navyandra / Navayuga Andhra Vaitalikudu

2. Bhava Kavita Vaitalikudu

Books :-

1. Kanyashulkam
2. Mutyala Saralu
3. Puttadibomma Poornamma.
4. Diddubatu
5. Visakha Chalukyula chrita
6. Pusapati Gajapatulu charita
7. Kalinga charita
 Born at Rayavaram in Visakhapatnam district.
 Flourished in the court of Vizianagaram Zamindar Ananda Gajapati.
 Condemned idol worship, child marriages and caste discrimination.
 Kanyashulkam drama was first staged at Vizianagaram in 1893.

Jayanti Ramayya

Paper :

1. Andhra Sahitya Parishat Patrika

Book :

1. Suryaraya Andhrabhasha Nizhantuvu (Pithapuram Zamindar Raja Surya Rao

gave financial assistance to write this book)


1. Andhra Sahitya Parishat

 He discovered devulapalli & Bezawada inscriptions.

Vavilla Ramaswamy

 He designed a telugu type writer called ‘Great Primer’

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Post Veeresalingam Period (After 1919)

Chilkamarti Laxmi Narasimham

Titles :

1. Blind bard of Andhra

2. Kavisekhara
3. Andhra Scot
4. Andhra Milton
5. Local Shakespeare (Given by Veereslingam)
(Andhra Shakespeare is Panuganti Laxminarasinga Rao)

Papers :-

1. Deshamath (weekly)
2. Manohara (Monthly)

Books :-

1. Hemalatha
2. Ahalyabhai
3. Ramachandra vijayam
4. Karpura Manjari
5. Krishnaveni
6. Saundary tilakam
7. Gayopakhyanam (drama)
8. Navvulagani
9. Sita Parinayam (drama)
10. Draupati Parinayam (drama)
 Condemned caste discrimination.

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 Also participated in the freedom struggle.

 In 1907, he translated the Bipin Chandra Pal’s Rajahmundry speech in telugu.
 He wrote famous song
“Bharata Khandambu chakkani pasiyavu….”

Unnava Laxmi Narayana

Book : Malapalli (novel)

Organisations :

1. Widow Orphanage at Guntur

2. Sri Sharadaniketan at Bradipeta.
 Condemned caste discrimination.
 Encouraged widow remarriages & women education.
 In 1938, Goodavalli Ramabrahmam produced a movie Malapilla on the basis Malapalli

Konda venkatappaiah

Title : Desabhakta

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Paper : Krishnapatrika

Books : Andhrodyamam
Srusti Vicharam
Autobiography – Venkatappayya.

 Condemned caste discrination.

Komarraju Laxmana Rao

Title :-

1. Father of research of Andhra history.

2. Father of library movement.

Books :

1. Hinduyugam
2. Mohammadiya yugam
3. Vijnana Sarwaswam
4. Shivaji history

Organisation :-

1. Sri Krishna devaraya Andhra Bhasha Nilayam 1901 – Hyd.

2. Rajarajanarendra AndhraBhasha Nilayam – 1904
3. Andhra Samvardini 1905 – Secunderabad
4. Vignana Chandrika Madali Published the famous book ‘Andhrula Charita’ in1910.
5. He wrote articles in Tilak’s Kesari & Maratha news paper.

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Gidigu Rammurthy


1. Father of Vernacular language movement

2. Kaizar-e-Hind

News Paper :

1. Telugu

Books :

1. Gadya Chintamani
2. Balakaviisharanyam
3. Vyasa Manjari
4. A Memorandum on Modern telugu.
 Born at Parvatalapeta, Parlakimidi.
 Fight for the upliftment of Savara tribe.
 Designed a script for the savara language.
 Prepared dictionaries from telugu to savara & Savara to telugu.

Tripuraneni Ramaswamy Chowdhary

Title : Kaviraju

Books : Khooni

 He was an atheist
 Condemned yagas, Yajnas & Castes.
 Also participated in national movment.
 His following song became very famous..
“Veeragandam Techinamu Veerulevaro telupudi”

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 CHATURVARNA SYSTEM WAS INTRODUCED BY Aryans in India in the later Vedic period
 For the first time Chaturvarna system was mentioned in Purushukta, the 10th Mandala
 of Rig-Veda.

 According to it
Brahmana was born from the mouth of Brahma
Kshatriya was born from the shoulders of Brahma.
Vyshya was born from the foot of Brahma.
 Sudras have to serve the above 3 Varnas.
 Panchama caste was created from Sudras and they were treated as untouchables.
 In the beginning of the 19th century some dalit leaders started fighting for the rights of


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 The dalit movements were organized in the following region.

1) Gujarat :
1. Karsandas Mulji published Satya Prakash

2) Maharastra
1. Balashastry Jambekar published Darpan
2. Tadoba Panduranga Tarkad founded Paramahamsa Mandali.
3. Gopala Hari Deshmukh (title – Lokahitavadi)
4. Jyotibha Phule
(title - Mahatma, book – Gulamgiri, Org – Satyashodakasmaj)
5. B.R. Ambedkar
Titles :-
1. Messahger of dalits
2. Modern Manu

Papers :-

1. Moknayak,
2. Bahiskrit Bharat

Books :-

1. The evils of caste

2. The problem of rupee.

Organation :-

1. All India Depressed class Association.

2. Bahiskrit Hitakarini Sabha}

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3) Andhra
1. Madiri Bhagyareddy varma
2. Jala Rangaswamy

4) Tamilnadu
1. E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker (Title : Periyar)

5) Kerala
1. Sri Narayana garu
(book : Jatimimasa)
he belongs to Ezhuva caste
2. TK Madhavan, Keshava Menon – Organised Vaikom Satyagraha
3. K. Kelappan - Organised Guruvayur movement.

Dalit Movements in Andhra

 The Dalit movement in Andhra may be divided into 5 stages.

1st Stage (1906-32)

 Dalit leaders fought for their rights

1. Madiri Bhagya Reddy Varma:

 Born in Hyderabad in 1888. In 1906, he founded Jaganmita Mandali.
 In 1911, he founded Manyasangam which later came to be know as Adihindu Social
Services League.
 In 1917, Guduru Ramachandra Rao organized a panchama meet at ezawada.
 In this meet, Bhagyareddy varms used the words Adi Andhra & Adi Hindu for
 In 1930, All India Adi Hindu meet was held at Lucknow under presidency of Bhagaya
reddy varma.
 In this meet, B.R. Ambedkar was chosen unanimously as the only leader of dalits (for
Round Table conferences)

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2. Jala Ranga Swamy

Titles :
1. Adi Andhra Mahatma
2. Seva durandra

News Paper

1. Jai bheem
2. Veera Bharati

Books :

1. Nimna Jatula charita

Organisation :

1. Laxmi ITI (Ramachandrapuram,E.G.)

 Founded many schools for dalits with the help of his wife Mangamma.
 Built hostels for dalits.

Undru Tataiah

 Fought for the upliftment of dalits at Amalapuram

 Founded a dalit school at Ponnamanda in Konaseema.
 Brought teachers from Burma.
 Founded Andhra credit Association with the help of Talari Gopal Rao.

Bojja Appala Swamy

 He established a dalit school at Kandipappu in West Godavari.

M.L. Adaiah

 He founded ‘Society Reform Association’

Vemula Kurmaiah

 He founded many hostels for dalits.

IInd Stage (1932-56)

 INC, Communist Party & B.R. Ambedkar fought for the upliftment of dalits during this

INC (Congress Party)

 It founded Harijan Sevak Sangh.

 Gandhiji called the dalits as Harijans (Children of God)

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 Started a paper called Harijan & founded All India Depressed Class Association.
 Organized a temple entry movement at Siddhantam village in Krishna district in 1933.

Communist Party :

 It founded ‘coolie Sangh’ & tried to uplift the dalit labour & workers.

B.R Ambedkar

Titles :

1. Messanger of dalit
2. Father if Indian Constitution
3. Modern Manu
4. Baba Saheb

Papers :

1. Mook Nayak
2. Bahishkrit Bharat

Books :

1. The evils of Caste

2. The problem of rupee

Organisation :

1. All India depressed class federation.

 He mainly faught against untouchability.
 He founded Independent Indian Labour party for the Polotical rights of dalits.
 He renounced Hinduism & adopted Buddhism mainly for equality.
 He died in December 1956.

Third Stage (1956-69)

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 Indian Government and communist party tried to uplift the dalits during this period.
 Indian Government gave importance to Land reforms & Communists party demanded
for tenancy reforms.

Fourth Stage (1969-85)

 Naxalite movement was started in North coastal region in 1969.

 Dalits expended their support to naxalites.
 During this period, they attacked Land lords & occupied the lands.
 However in 1985, naxalites declared that Land distribution is the important goal of the
naxalite movement. Hence, they neglected the dalit problems after 1985.
 In the same year (1985) there were many attacks on dalits in Andhra Pradesh. For
examples – Karamchedu incident.

Fifth Stage (Since 1985)

 Dalit leader decided to fight for their rights under their own leadership.
 Krishna Madiga, Katti Padmarao, Jupudi Prabhakar etc have been fighting for the
upliftment of dalits.
 In 1989, India Government brought the famous prevention of SC, ST Atrocities Act.

Dalit News papers :

1. Adi Andhra - Didla Pullaiah

2. Nava Jeevan - Undru Subbarao
3. Jeevana Jyothi - Malli Venkataratnam.

Dalit Poets

1. Gurram Jashuva
 The first dalit poet in telugu
 He wrote
1. Frdousi , Christu Charita
2. Mumtajmahal, Gabbilam
3. Kandishikulam , Nagarjuna sagar.

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Bhoyi Beemanna

 Great rationalist & humanist.

 Asked his followers to call each other as “Mama”
 He wrote
1. Paleru Nundi Padmasri Daka (Auto biography)
2. Gudiselu Kalipotunnai (He condemned caste discrimination)
3. Manavuni Maro Majili
4. Pilli Shatakam.

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 The Aryan culture was spreaded to South India by Agastya.

 Later , Aryan Brahmins dominated the Dravid region (South India)

 In the beginning of the 20th century, there was a survey in the Dravid region.
 According to this survey there was 3 % Brahmins in Madras Presidency. However, more
than 90% government jobs were hold by Brahmins.
 That’s why, non Brahmins organized meet in 1916 at Madras to discuss the upliftment
of the non-brahimins. They dedicated to establish an organization.
 Accordingly, South India peoples Association/Liberal federation was found on 20th
November 1916.
 P. Tagaraya Setty, Mudaliar, T.M. Nayar Played vital role in its establishment.
 In February 1917 it started a paper called ‘Justice’.
 In 1917 July, ‘Justice party’ was founded for the upliftement of non Brahmins.
 It was the first political party in India which was founded against the Brahmins.
 Its first meet was held at Coimbatore.
 Its first meet in Andhra was held at Bikkavolu.
 It sent a committee to London to request the british to take steps for the upliftment of
 Immediately British responded positively mainly to suppress Home Rule Movement in
 According to 1919 Act elections were held in 1920.

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 In 1920’s elections Justice Party won 63 seats and formed the government in Madras
Presidency under the leadership of Subbarayulu Settiyar.
 He introduced many reforms.
 But, he resigned in 1921 due to his ill health.
 P. Ramarayaningar / Rajara maniyam became the chief minister. He also introduced
many reforms which were not successful.
 In 1921 lections Justice Party won only 44 seats. Against Ramarayaningar became chief
 In 1926 elections Justice Party could manage to win only 21 seats. Hence, it lost the
 It supported C. Subbarayan as chief minister.
 In 1929, E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker(EVR) organized self respect movement and earned
the Brahmins.

 He rejected Ramayana & Mahabharata & called them as Vidhutulai news papers.
 In 1937 elections INC won & C. Rajaji became the chief minister of Madras Presidency
 In 1938, EVR organized anti Hindi & anti-Hindu movement.
 In 1938, he demanded a separate country for the Dravidians in Salem meet/
 In 1940, he released a map and named the Dravida country as Dravidanadu.
 In 1940, he supported Jinnah’s Pakistan demand.
 In 1941, Jinnaha supported the Dravidanadu demand and named it as Dravidistan.

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 In 1941 EVR temporarily discontinued his Dravidanadu Movement.

 In 1941, he abolished Justice party & founded a new party called Dravida Kazhagam.
 It spearded Tamil nationality.
 Even after the Indian’s independence Tamils demanded the separate country.
 In 1949, there was a split in Dravida Kazhagam . Annadurai founded DMK from Dravida

 After Chinese aggression in 1962 Tamils withdrew their separate country demand.
 Thus self respect movement was ended.
 After Annadurai’s death Karunanidhi became DMK Chief. However, M.G.Ramachandran
opposed him

 It led to schism in DMK in 1972.

 MGR founded All India Anna DMK in 1972.

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 National movement was started with the establishment of INC (Indian National
Congress) in 1885 by Allan Octavian Hume.
 The National movement inbetween 1885 and 1947 may be seen as follows

1. 1885-1905  Moderate period

2. 1905-1911  Vandemataram Movement

3. 1916-17  Home Rule Movement.

4. 1920-22  Non cooperation Movement

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5. 1923-26  Swaraj party

6. 1928  Simon Goback Movement

7. 1930-34  Civil Disobediance Movement

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8. 1937-39  INC Governement

9. 1942  Quit India Movement.

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Moderate Period (1885-1905)

 The first person in Andhra to spread National feelings was Gajula Laxmi Narasusetty.
 In between 1885 and 1905 there was no active participation Andhra people in the
national movement.
 First INC session was held at Bombay inbetween 28th -31 st December 1885. Its
president was W.C. Benerjee.
 72 members participated in this session.
 P. Anandacharayulu, Rangaiah Naidu, Keshav Pillai etc participated in this session.
 2nd INC session was held at Calcutta under presidency of Dadabhai Navroji.

 Out of 408, 21 members from Andhra participated in the this session.

 In 1891, INC session was held at Nagpur Ananda charyulu became its president. He was
the first telugu person to became INC president.
 In 1892, Krishna District Congress committee was founded. Its first meet was held at
Guntur conducted by Ramaswamy Gupta.

Vandematram Movement

 It was started with Partition of Bengal in 1905.

 Lord Curzon wanted to suppress the national feelings in Bengal. Hence, he decided to
divide the Bengal and suppress the national feelings through divide & rule Policy.
 In 1905 july, Lord Curzon declerad the Bengal partition plan.
 Immediately S.N. Benerjee & K.K. Mitra organized anti Bengal partition movement.
 K.K. Mitra’s ‘Sanjeevini’ newspaper first time coined the word “Boycot”.
 In September 1905, there was a meeting in Madras beach under the leadership of G.
Subramanya Iyer. It condemned the Bengal partition plan.
 Kela Sri Ramamurthy sang the Vandematara song.

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 Subramanya bharati sang many Tamil poems.

 A National fund was formed under presidency of Ch.Subbarao.
 Bengal partition came into effect from 16th October, 1905.
 Bengal people observed this day as black day / mouring day.
 Bengal people took oath to boycott foreign goods and to use swadesh goods.
 Thus, Swadesh movement was started on 16th October.
 Extremists wanted to spread the Vandematram movement throughout India.
 In 1906, INC annual meet was held at Calcutta under the presidency of Dadabai Nauroj.
 4 resolutions were passed in this session
1. Swaraj
2. Swadesh
3. Boycott
4. National education
 Extremist gave call to the leaders who came to this session to spread Vandematram
movement in Andhra.
1. Krishnapatrika -Founder was K. Venkatappaiah editor was Mutnuri Krishnarao.
2. Swarajyapatrika - Gadicharla
3. Desamatha - Chilkamarti Laxminarsimhan.
 In 1908, Japan defeated Russia. It showed lot of impact on Indian freedom struggle.
 Influenced by this, Munagalaraja named his elder son’s name as Tugo & younger son’s
name as Nogi
 Sriram Veerabrahman wrote Japaniyam drama & Adipudi Somanatha rao wrote Japan
charita. They highlighted the emergence of Japan.
 In February 1907, Chilkuri Veerabadra Rao, Gante Laxmanna, Unguturi Sriramulu
founded Balabharati Samithi at Rajahmundry.
 Mutnuri Krishna rao gave call to extremists to visit Andhra and spread Vandematara
 Then, Extermists dedicated to send Bipin Chandra pal to Andhra.

Bipin Chandrappal’s Andhra visit (April 1907)

 He visited Andhra at the call of Munturi Krishna Rao

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 First he gave the speeches at vizinagaram and Visakapatanam which were organized by
Bhupati Raju.
 Bipin Cgandra’s Kakinada speech was organized by V.Purnaiah.

Rajahmundry speech (1907 April 19, 20)

 It was the most successful speech

 It was organized by Gadicharla & members of Balabharati Samiti.
 B.C.Pal started Godavari stores and a national school at Rajahmundry.
 He stayed in Sauraiah’s home.
 His speech was translated into telugu by Chilkmarti Laxmi Narsimham.
 B.P.Pal’s Vijayawada speech was organized by Munagala raja

Machilipatnam speech

 It was organized by Ramdas Naidu, Puranam Venkataiah etc.

 B.C. Pal stayed in the home of Ramdas Naidu
 B.C. Pal laid a foundation stone for the establidhment of a national college at
 It was started in 1910 as Bandar National college.
 Its first principal was Kompella Hanumantharao.

Incidents taken place during the period of Vandemataram movement

1. Rajahmundry college incident

2. Kakinada incident
3. Kotappa konda incident
4. Tenali Bomb Case

Rajahmundry college incident (April 1907)

 Rajahmundry government college principal Mark Hunter imposed restrictions on the

singing of vandematram song.
 Gadicharla & J. Ramachandrarao organized movement.

Kakinada incident (May 1907)

 District Medical officer captain Camp had between kompella Krishna rao for giving
slogan vandematram.
 It led to tense situation in Kakinada.
 Collector J.A. Cummings mobilished military forces from Rajahmundry to Kakinada.
 Later, forces were withdrawn at the request of Raghupati venkataratnam Naidu.

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Kotappakonda incident (1909 February)

 It is situated in Guntur
 Chennappa Reddy was responsible for the tense situation in Kotappakonda which took
lives of 14 people. Later he was given death sentence.
 He was the only person in India to receive death sentence during the period of
vandemataram movement.

Tenali bomb case (April 1909)

 Allegations were made against the following three people for planting a bomb to blast
the Howrah passenger train.
1. Chukkapalli Ramaiah
2. Lakkaraju Basavaiah
3. K. Venkatarayudu.
 Trail was conducted on the above tree based on the testimony given by Y. Jagganna.
 Tanguturi Prakasam argued infavour of the above three got them released from this

Swadeshi movement

 It was started on 16th ocober 1905.

 The main aim is to boycott forrgin goods & use Swadeshi goods.
 It was organized in the following regions
1. Bengal - Arabindo Ghosh Bipinchandra pal, Akshay kumar Dutt,
2. Madras - Chidambaram Pillai
3. Bombay - Tilak
4. Delhi - Hyder Raja
5. Pubjab, Lahore, Kashmir - Ajit singh & Lala Lajpatirai.
 In Andhra, Swadeshi movement was organized in the following regions.
1. Visakhapatanam, Vizianagaam - C.Y. Chintamani
2. Rajahmundry - Chilkamarti Laxminarsimham
3. Vijayawada - Ayyadevara Kaleshwarrao
4. Guntur - Konda Venkatappaiah
5. Bandar - Gadicharla Harisarvottamarao,
 Karanam Gunneshwar Rao of Rajahmundry gave donations for the establishment of
national schools.
 Perraju of Rajahmundry gave 40000/- worth of his fixed property for the establishment
national education institions.
 Dasu Narayana encouraged the use of Swadeshi goods through ‘Jatiya Nataka rangam’
 Bhavanachari of Guntur gave call to youth to go to nJapan to get proficiency in the
making of some articles.
It led to the establishment of many cottage industries in Andhra.

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End of Vandematram movement

 G.G Hardinge-II organized ‘Delhi Darbar’ in 1911 in the eve of visit of British emprer
George-V & his wife Mary to India.
 George-V declared
1. Shifting of cvapital from Calcutta to Delhi.
2. Abolition of Bengal partitions.
 Thus Vandemataram movement was totally ended with this official decleration.

Home Rule Movement (1916-17)

 The main objective of this movement was self rule.

 First to organize Home Rule Movement was Tilak.
 He started Home Rule league from Pune in April, 1916.
 Tilak gave the famous slogan ‘Swaraj is my birth right and I shall have it’
 Mohammadi Jinah popularized Tilak’s HRL in Uttar Pradesh.
 Jinnah gave the slogan ‘first we are Indians then only Muslims’
 In September 1916, Annie Besent started All India home rule movement from Madras.
 Tilak’s HRL was merged with Annie Besant’s AIHR movement.
 ALHR general Secretary was George Arundel.
 Home Rule movement’s Andhra leader was Gadicharla Harisarvottama Rao
 He translated Sarojini Naidu’s ‘Awake Mother’ Song in telugu.
 Annie Besant toured Andhra & Spreaded the HRM through
1. Boycott Association
2. Youngmen’s India Association.
3. Order of sons of India.
 British G.G Chelmsford decleared ‘Autust Declaration’ in August 1917.
 HRM was ended with this decleration.

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Incidents occurred in 1919

1. Rowlat Act
2. Jalianwalabagh incident
3. Khilafat movement

Rowlat Act

 The main objective of this Act was to imprision the national leadears without trial.
 It came into force in March, 1919
 It was also called Black Act.

Jalinwalabagh incident (13th April 1919)

 Gandhiji asked the people to observe hartal on 6th April against this act.
 Rowlat act was opposed by Saifuddin Kitchlew and satyapal in Amritar.
 Both were arrested.
 Punjab governor Michael O’Dyer handed over Amritsar to Gen.Dyer.
 General Dyer imposed restrictions on the meetings.
 However, Amristar people dis obey his prohibitary orders and gathered at
Jalianwalabagh on 13th April to condemn the arrest of their leaders.
 While Hansraj delivering his speech, General Dyer reached Jalianwala bagh and ordered
for firing without giving any fore warnings.
 Firing lasted for 10 minutes & around 1000 people were killed.
 Immediately after listening this news Rabindranath Tagore renounced his
Sir/Knighthood title which was given by British.
 INC demanded for stern
action against General Dyer.
 Then, British government appointed Hunter Commission to enquire into the incient.
 Hunter commission gave cleanchit to Genaral Dyer.

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 Gandhji called Hunter commission as ‘White wash’

 In 1940, Udham singh killed Michael O’Dyer in London.
 In Andhra, Damaraju Pundarikakshudu wrote ‘Panchala Parabhavam’ on General Dyer.

3.Khilafat Movement

 After the completion of the first world war Britishers abolished the Khalifa post in
 Immediately Muslims in the world organized movements to reinstate the position of
Khalifa, This movement in India was known as Khilafat moment.
 It was started by Ali Brothers.

 Hasrat Mohani, Maulana Ajad joined in this movement.
 Later, Gandhiji became the president of Khilafat movement in India.
 Khilafat movement had been organized on par with the non cooperation movement.
 Khilafat movement was ended with the declearation Mustafa Kamal Pasha of Turkey.

Non-cooperation Movement

 Due to incidents that took place in 1919 there was total anti British feeling in India.
 Gandhiji declared to launch non cooperation movement (NCM).
 Gandhiji started NCM on 1st August, 1920.
 Gandhiji’s NCM was adopted in Nagpur INC session under the presidency of
Vijayaraghavachary in 1920.
 NCM was divided into 4 stages.

1st Stage ( January-March 1921 )

 Government schools, colleges, Universities, Offices & courts were boycotted.

 Garimella Satyanarayan wrote the following song .

“Makoddi telladoratanam”

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IInd Stage ( 1921 April-June )

 AICC meet was organized at Vijayawada under the presidency of Gandhiji on 31st March
& 1st April 1921.
 The place of meeting was named Gandhinagar.
 Invitation committee chairman was Addepati Ramaseshaiah.
 Duggirala Gopala Krishnaiah formed a voluntary force called “Ramadandu”

 Pingali Venkaiah designed tricolored Indian national flag and handed over it to Gandhiji
in this meet.
 Some songs were sung
1. Dandalu Dandalu Bharatamata - Rajahmundry Kesari samaj
2. Mahatma Gandhi Darshaname Mahapunyam - Ramachandrapuram Group.
 In this meet, Gandhiji’s speech was translated into telugu by Ayyadevara Kaleshwar
 The decision taken in this meet were implemented in the IInd stage. They were
1. Collection of one crore Tilak fund.
2. Recruiting one crore Satyagrah is in the NCM
3. Establishing 20 lakh charkhas
4. Fight against arrack.
 Gandhiji started collecting Tilak fund in Vijayawada.
 Yamini Poornatilkam, a prostitute gave her entire property to Gandhiji.
 Maganti Annapoornamma gave her entire jewellery to Gandhiji.

IIIrd Stage (1921 July-November)

 Visit of Prince of Wales & foreign goods were boycotted.

 Satyagrah to wear Khaddar.
 The ‘Pondur’ Khaddar of Srikakulam was very famous in entire India.

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 Madhusudhan Rao founded a Khadi centre at Vijayawada.

 Kodali Anjaneyulu encouraged the use of Swedish goods through his drama ‘Viplava

IVth Stage (December-1921 February 1972)

 No tax movement was organized.

 Gandhiji organized no tax movement at Bardoli.
 On 5th February 1922, the peaceful Satyagrahis were lathicharged by Chauri chaura
police in U.P .
 Ambika Roy chowdhury & Bhagawan Ahir got wounded in this lathicharge.
 Reacted by this, the Satyasraphis attacked the police station and set a fire the police
station in which some 21 policemen were killed.
 After hearing this news, Gandhiji declared the termination of NCM from Bardoli, on
11th February
 Thus, NCM was ended with Chouri Chaura incident.

Movements organized during the period of NCM in Andhra

1. Chirala-Perala movement (1921-22) - It was organized by Duggirala Gopalakrishnaiah

2. Palnadu Satyagraha
 Its leader was Kanneganti Hanumantarao.
3. Pedanandipadu Satyagraha (1921-22)
 Its leader was Parvataneni Veeraiah Chowdhury
 He founded ‘Shanti sena’

Ramapa Mutiny (1922-24)

 It was organized by Alluri sitaramaraju amoung the koyatribe.

 He took guerilla Training at Chittagong.

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 He attack was on chintapalli police station on 22nd August, 1922.

 In September 1922, there was a battle between Sitaramaraju followers and Britishers
at Damanghat or Penjerighat in which British officers were killed
 Ruthorford was appointed as special commissioner to suppress Alluri Sitaramaraju.
 On 7th May, 1924, Sitaamaraju was shot dead by Major Gudal.
 He was buried at Krishna Devipet, Visakhapatanam on 8th May.
 Sitaramaraju’s biography was written by Erramalli Narsimharao.

Incidents after the withdrawal of NCM

 On 11th February, 1922, Gandhiji withdrew NCM.

 It was condemned by some leaders and they gave the following statements.
MN Roy - It was an example of weak leadership.

Subhas Chandra Bose - sprinkling cols water on the spirits of the people.
 C.R. Das & Motilal Nehru wanted to enter legislative council. But, Gandhiji rejected
council entry.

 In December 1922, C.R. Das introduced council entry resolution at Gaya INC session. But
it was set aside.
 Immediately C.R.Das & Motilal Nehru declared the establishment of Swaraj party.
 Swaraj Party participated in the 1923 elections & won 40% seats nationwide.

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 It entered central legislative council. Vithalbhai Patel became the speaker of the house.

Simon Commision

 Swaraj Party demanded to review the 1919 Act and to provide more constitutional
powers to Indian.
 Initially British government sent Muddiman committee in 1924. But, it was withdrawn
 Later, Simon Commission (1+6) was appointed in November 1927 to review the 1919
Act. It was also known as White commission or Indian statutory commission.
 There was no Indian in this commission.
 Hence, INC decided to boycott Simon Commission. This resolution was passes in Madras
INC session under the presidency of M.A. Ansari in December, 1927.

 Simon Commission came to India on 3rd February, 1928.

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 ‘Simon Goback’ movements were organized throughout India.

 It was organized at Madras by Tanguturi Prakasam, at Lucknow by Jawarlal Nehru &
G.B. Pant & at Lahore by Lalalajpati Rai.

 Tanguturi Prakasam was given the title of Andhra Kesari during the period of this
 Lalalajpat Rai was beaten to death by Saunders at Lahore.

 In Andhra, Anti Simon commission committee was formed under the presidency of S.
 Bulusu Sambamurty toured entire Andhra and gave call to boycott Simon Commission.

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 He founded Andhra Rashtra Sampurna Swaraj league party. Its president was B.
Sambamurthy and secretary was Tenneti Vishwanatham.
 Madduri Annapurnaiah published ‘Congress’ paper & wrote against Simon Commission.
 Nadimpalli Narsimharao organized Simon Goback movement at Guntur.
 Ayyadevara Kaleshwar Rao handed over a letter mentioning SIMON GO BACK to Simon
at Vijayawada Railway station.

Nehru Report 1928 :

 Simon returned to London & explained the Indian situation to Birkenhead, the British
secretary of state.
 Birkenhead challenged INC to draft a constitution which should be acceptable to all the
 Talking this challenge seriously INC appointed a committee under the presidency of
Motilal Nehru to draft the framework of Indian constitution. Mothilal Nehru drafted the
framework of Indian constitution with the help of Subhas Chandrabose, K.N. Katju, Tej
Bahadur Sapru etc.
 It was submitted to INC. It was popularity known as Nehru Report.
 Nehru report was discussed at Calcutta INC Session in December 1928.
 Based on this, INC gave one year ultimatum to British to award self rule to India.
 But, there was no response from the British.
 Hence in December 1929, under the presidency of Jawaharlal Nehru INC passed 3
resolutions at Lahore INC session.
1. Poorna Swaraj
2. Celebrating the independence day on 26th January every year.
3. Organizing Civil Disobedience movement.

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Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) (1930-31 & 1932-34)

 Under the leadership of Konda Venkatappaiah Andhra team participated in the Lahore
INC session, met Gandhiji & got the awareness regarding the CDM which was going to be
started soon.
 Jawaharalal Nehru hoisted the national flag on the banks of Ravi river at Lahore on 26th
January, 1930,
 Thota Narsaiah hoisted our tricolored flag at Machilipatnam.
 Gandhiji issued ’11 demands ultimation’ to G.G Irwin which was rejected.
 Then, Gandhiji decided to launch CDM by first breaking salt laws.
 Gandhiji started on foot with 78 members from Sabarmati Ashram on 12th March, 1930
to break salt laws at Dandi.
 The only telugu person amoung these 78 members was Yerneni Subramanyam.
 Gandhiji reached Dandi and broke Salt laws on 6th April, 1930
 With this, CDM was started in India.
 On the eve of this Gandhiji declared Abbas Tyabji as the first Satyagrahi & Sarojini
Naidu as the Second Satyagrahi
 The following movements were organized in India.
1. NWFR(north west frontier region):

Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan organized

Khidmatgar / Red shirt movement

2. United Province : No tax No rent movement

3. Assam : Parents organized movement against
Cunningham circular which imposed many restrictions on the students.
4. Vedaranyam : Rajaji broke salt laws

 In Andhra, Konda Venkatappaiah was decleared as the first dictator/leader of CDM.

 In Andhra, Salt laws were broken first at Machilipatnam.
 Laws were broken in the following regions.

1. Machilipatnam

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Ayyadevara Kaleshwar Rao Mutnuri Krishna Rao, Pattabhi Sitarmaiah.

2. Vizag, Bhimili -
Tenneti Vishwanatham
3. Kallingi/chollingi -
Balusu Sambamurthy
4. Guntur -
Konda venkatappaiah,
Unnava Laxminarayana
Ruknini Laxmipati
5. Mypadu (Nellore)
Bomma Seshareddy,
Bezawada Gopala reddy,
6. Rayalaseema -
Kalluri subbarao
(Grand old man of Rayalaseema)
 The following songs became popular.
1. Veeragandam Techchinamu Veerulevaro telupudi - Tripuraneni
2. Kallu Monadoi - Gollapudi
Sitarama shastry
3. Bardoli satyagraha vijayam Bharat Swarajya yuddham - Maduganti

Kakinada Bomb Case 1930

 Brahmajoshyula subramanyam founded sita Ashram at Kakinada which became famous

as Dandi of South India.

 Encouraged to use Swadeshi goods.
 Brutally attacked by Mustafa Ali, local circle inspector.

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 Hence, Bhayankara chari decided to take revenge. He was the founder of “Ujjivan
Bharat Sammelan”.
 He tried to kill Mustafa Ali by attacking with bomb.
 But, his attempt was failed, he was caught & sent to Andaman Nicobar Jail.

Discontinuation of CDM

 3 round table conferences (RTC) were organized at London on the advise of Simon.

1st RTC (Nov, Dec 1930)

 INC boycotted the 1 st RTC

 Hence, British PM Ramsay Mac Donald ordered G.G . Irwin to take necessary steps to
convince INC to participate in the IInd RTC.
 It resulted intpo Gandhi-Irwin pact or Delhi pact which was signed on 5th March 1931.
 Accordingly Gandhiji discontinued his CDM & accepted to participate in the IInd RTC.

IInd RTC (Nov. Dec. 1931 )

 Gandhiji participated in IInd RTC as the alone representative of INC.

 There problem arised on the issued of depressed class reservation & IInd RTC was failed.
 Gandhiji returned to India & gave call to restart CDM. He was arrested & sent to
Errawada jail, Pune.
 In August 1932, Ramsay Mac Donaldi declared communalaward. Accordingly Indians
were divided into 11 groups. Deppressed class people were given separate electorate.
 Immediately Gandhiji started fast unto death against this communal award.
 Due to the mediatorship of Madan Mohan Malavya Poona pact was held between
Gandhiji & Ambedkar in Sep, 1932.

IIIrd RTC (1931 November)

 It was boycotted by INC

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 Simon Commission report was discussed & the frame work of 1935 Act was completed.
 There was no impact of second round of CDM inbetween 1932 & 34.
 In Andhra, the following books were written
1. Bharat Swarajya Yuddham - Jagannadh shastry
2. Navayuga Gandhi - Damaraju Pundari Kakshudu
3. Purva Swataratnam - Kani Venkataratnam
 In 1933, Gandhiji toured entire India and tried to uplift the depressed class people or
 He published Harijan journal.
 He called depressed class people as Harijans (children of God)

Socialist or Communist parties that emerged after the end of CDM

1) Congress Socialist Party

 It was founded by Rammanohar Lohia, Acharya Narendra Dev Jaiprakash Narayana &
Minnu Masani in 1934 at Bombay.
 It became famous during the period of Quit India movement.

2) Andhra Socialist Party

 It was founded by N.G. Ranga in 1934 at Vijayawada.
 Its first president was Madduri Annapuranaiah.

3) Andhra Communist Party

it was founded at Kakinada in 1936.
 Its first secretary was Putchalapalli Sundaraiah.

I.N.C. Governments (1937-39)

 According to 1935 Government of India Act, elctions were held in 1937.

 INC participated in these elections.
 INC formed government in 8 ststes out of 11 states / provinces.
 Coalition government was formed in Sindh under the leadership of AllahaBaksh.
 Fazl-ul-Haq formed government in Bengal. His party was Praja krishak party.
 INC government were formed in the following provinces.
1. Madras Presidency
2. Bombay Presidency
3. Central Province
4. United Province
5. Bihar
6. Orissa
7. Assam

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8. North west frontier Area/Region (NWFA/R)

 Rajaji/C.Rajagopalchari became the chief minister of Madras.
 Andhra Ministers in Rajaji cabinet were
1. Tanguturi Prakasam (Revenue Minister)
2. Bezawada Gopala Reddy (Local self government minister)
3. V.V. Giri (Labour & Industrial Minister)
 Maharshi Bulusu Samba Murthy became the speaker of Madras Assembly.
 In 1939 September, IInd world war started.
 G.g. Lord Lintithgow without consulting INC declaration that India would also
participate in the worls war-II.
 Protesting this statement INC resigned its ministries in October 1939.
 Muslim League celebrated it as a Deliverance Day on 22nd December, 1939.

Individual Satyagraha (1940)

 Gandhiji started individual Satyagraha from Pallanar, Maharashtra on 17th October,


 On the eve of it Gandhiji decleared Acharaya Vinobha Bhave as first Satyagrahi &
Jawarharlal Nehru as IInd Satyagrahi.

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 Vavilala Gopala Krishnaiah organized individual Satyagraha in Andhra.

Cripps Mission (1942)

 It was sent by Winston Churchill, PM of Britain due to the pressure of Roosevelt,

Americian president & Changai Shaik, Chinese premier.
 It suggested
1) Indian constitution would be written by Indians after the completion of second
world war.
2) A war council would be created to stop possible Japanese invasion.

Quit India Movement (1942)

 Gandhiji rejected Cripps proposals & called it as “a postdated cheque”,

 Jawaharlal Nehru added the words “on a crashing bank” to the above words.
 Gandhiji decided to launch the final great movement against the British.
 Gandhiji named it as Quit India Movement.
 Gandhiji gave the slogan ‘Do or Die”
 He published it in his paper “Young India”.
 On 8th August, 1942, Quit India movement was started from Bombay.
 It was called August resolution or Wardha resolution.
 Immediately INC leaders were arrested. Gandhiji was house arrested at Agha khan
 Thus, Quit India Movement became a leaderless movement.
 It led to Violence activates.

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 British offices, Post offices, Railway stations etc. were attacked.

 In July 1942, Andhra Pradesh Congress Committee met at Machilipatnam under the
presidency of Pattabhai Sitaramaiah.
 Andhra PCC’s Secretary Kala Venkatarao drafted a circular related to Quit India
Movement at Machilipatnam.
 Afeter the beginning of the Quit India Movement, it was speeded in Andhra on the
basis of circular which was drafted by K. Venkatarao.
 This circular was found to police at Kurnool. That’s why it was known as Kurnool
 There were many violent incidents in Andhra.
 For Eg.
1. Tenali railway station, burning of Madras Puri passenger train.
2. Cutting of Signals wires at Chirala
3. Burning of Tadepalligudem Post Office.
4. Attacking Bhimavaram collectorate.

 With the release the Gandhiji from the Aghakhan palace the Quit India Movement
was declined.
 British suggested Gandhiji to create a peaceful atmosphere to from provisional
 Gandhiji met Jinnah. But Gandhiji – Jinnah talks were failed.

Rajaji Plan / C.R. Formula 1944:

 It Suggested
1. INC would form the government which should be supported by Muslim
2. In return, a plebiscite would be conducted in the Muslim Majority areas. If
they opt for separate nation they would be given autonomous state.
 INC & Muslim league rejected this plan.
 Gandhiji alone supported this plan.

Wavel/Simla plan (1945)

 G.G. Wavell called a meet at Simla.

 INC was represented by Maulane Ajad & Muslim league was represented by Jinnah.
 Wavell in his plan said caste Hindus & Muslims would be given equal
 Jinnah insisted that all the Muslims should be represented by the Muslim leguage
only which was opposed by Moulana Ajad.
 Hence, this plan was also failed.

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Cabinet Mission Plan (Mar-May 1946)

 British prime minister Lord Atlee sent 3 of his cabinet Ministers to India for suitable
 They were

1. Pethwick Lawrence (British Secretary of State)

2. A.V. Alexander
3. Stafford Crippps.
 Its recommendations were announced at Simla.
 They were
1. Forming interium government immediately.
2. Constituent Assembly should be formed to draft Indian constitution.

Direct Action Day (16th August 1946)

 In July 1946, Jinnah met Wavell and asked permission to form interium
 However Wavell rejected permission.
 In August 1946, INC approached Wavell and asked permission to form the
 Immediately Wavell gave his approval.
 Condemning this, Jinnah gave a call for the bandh on 16th August 1946.
 On 16th August 1946, Communal riots were broken out from Calcutta.
 It speeded throughout north India.
 Thousands of innocent people belonging to both the communities were killed.
 It was called “Direct Action Day”

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 In September 1946, INC formed the interium government under the leadership of
Jawaharlal Nehru.
 In October 1946, Muslim League joined in this government to create peace in India.
 Liaqat Ali Khan of Muslim league served as finance minister for few months.

Mountbattan plan (3rd June 1947)

 On 20th February, 1947, Lord Atlee officially declared that India would be given
independence before 30th June 1948.
 Lord Mountbatten was sent to India as the last British governor general to India to
complete the independence process.
 Mountbatten prepared his plan with the help of V.P. Menon & Mukherjee.
 Mountbatten plan was read by Lord Atlee in British Parliament on 3rd June. That’s
why this plan was also called ‘Dickey brid’ plan.
 It was converted into Indian independence Act.
 British emperor George-VI signed on this Act.
 Accordingly Pakistan got independence on 14th August and India got independence
on 15th August, 1947.
 George-VI had been given the status of king of UK & India inbetween 15 August
1947 and 26th January 1950.
 India's first prime minister was Jawaharlal Nehru.

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 India’s capital was New Delhi.

 Pakistan’s first PM – Liaqat Ali khan

 Pakistan’s first G.G. Mohammadail Jinnah
 Pakistan’s first capital – Karachi (later it was shifted to Islamabad in 1959)

Unification of India

 There were 562 princely states in India.

 Except 4 all the princely states merged with either India or Pakistan
 The following Princely states were not merged

1. Hyderabad
2. Kashmir
3. Travancore
4. Junagarh
 Pondicherry was under the possession of French.
 Goa, Daman & Diu were under the possession of Portuguese.
 All the above mentioned territories were merged with India as follows.

1. Travancore
 It was ruled by Kulasekhara dynasty.
 Its ruler Balaram Varma joined India without any conditions.
 Travancore Prime Minister C.P. Ranaswany Iyer played a vital role in the merging
of Travancore.

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2. Hyderabad
 It was merged with India after Operation Polo. It was launched under the
leadership of General Chowdhary inbetween 13-17 th September, 1948.
 Osman Ali khan, the VII th Nizam signed treaty of Accessation

3. Junagarh
 Its ruler was Mohammad Mahabat Khanji-III.
 His P.M. was ShahNawaj Bhutta
 Plebiscite was conducted in Junagarh. People voted in favor of India.
 Thus, it merged with India.


 Kashmir ruler Harsingh signed treaty of Accessation & annexed Kashmir in India.


 In 1954, French Government handed over Pondicherry to India.

Goa, Daman & Diu

 Operation Vijay was launched in December 1961 under the leadership of Major
General Candeth to get back Goa.
 Finally Portuguese handed over Goa, Daman & Diu to India in December 1961.

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 In 1793, G.G.Lord Cornwallis introduced Permanent Revenue Settlement

Act/Zamindari Act..
 According to this Act Zamindars were given the ownership right on the land.
Landowners became tenants.
 Zamindars used to collect more tax & commit atrocities on the people.
 Hence, movement were organized against the Zamindaras.
 In Andhra, anti zamindari movements were organized in the following regions.
1. Venkatagiri
2. Munagala
3. Kalipatnam
4. Challapalli
5. Visakhapatanam - Srikakulam

Venkatagiri (Nellore)

 It was ruled by Yachendra dynasty

 There were 730 villages under their control.
 Its ruler was Kumara raja who was also an MLA & the president of Madras
Zamindari Union.
 He committed many atrocities on the people.
 The following association were formed against him.

1. Nellore Zilla Zamindari rytu sangam

 It was founded by Dodla Ramireddy in 1929.

2. Nellore Zilla Zamin rytu sangam.

 It was founded by Vennalkanti Raghavaiah in 1930

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 It published ‘Zamin Rytu’ paper which was edited by Nelloore Venkatarama Naidu.

3. Andhra State Zamindri peasant Association.

 It was founded by Batchala Jagannadh Das.
 It was organized by Vetluri Govinda reddy against Kumararaja’s order not allowing
locals to enter into the jungles for pasturing
 Women like Madagiri & Chellamma played vital role.
 In 1933, Gandhiji visited venkatagiri and advocated them the non-violence

Efforts to abolish Venkatagiri Zamindari

 In 1937 electrons, INC won in Madras Presidency.

 Rajaji became chief minister.
 He appointed a Zamidari abolition committee under the chairmanship of Tanguturi
 However, before the submission of the report INC resigned its ministry in 1939 due
to world war-II
 Anti zamindari movement had been continued in Venkatagiri till the India’s
 Gudavalli Ramabrahmam produced a movie called ‘Rythu Bidda’ on the problems
faced by the people of Venkatagiri.


 At present it is in Nalgonda district

 During the British ruling period it was in Krishna District.
 It was ruled by Keesaravari dynasty.
 142 villages were under their control
 Its ruler was Nayani Venkatarangarao. He shifted his capital from Siripuram to
 Komarraju Laxmana Rao served as Diwan at N. Ranga Rao.
 The following organization were formed against N. Ranga Rao
1. Munagala Peasant Association - Batchala Jagannadh Das
2. Zamin(Land)Peasant Association - Kodati Venkata Narsimha Rao

Kalukova Satyagraha 1938

 It was organized by Nanduri Prasada Rao against N. Ranga Rao.

Brahmaiah Award (15th January 1939)

 There was a tense situation in Munagala Zamindari after the success of Kalukova

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 Andhra PCC Secretary Brahmaiah intervened & tired to establish a peaceful

situation. He gave some proposals known as Brahmaiah Award.
 He also anti zamindari Movement had been continued till the India’s independent


 Kalipatnam Zamindar collected 4000 acres of Land from the people for the
construction of a project.
 But, he did not start the work.
 Hence, Bhupatiraju Laxmi Narsimharaju organized the movement against him.
 Later it was stopped at the call of Rajaji & Tanguturi Prakasam.

Challapalli (Krishna District)

 Challapalli Zamindar grabbed 6000 acres of land which belonged to Andhra

Mahavishnu temple.
 Hence, Gorrepati Venkata Subbaiah organized a movement against him.
 Due to lack of public support it was stopped.

Visakhapatnam – Srikakulam

 There were many zamindaris in the north coastal region like Vizianagaram, Bobbili,
Mandasa, Parlakimidi, Madugula etc.
 The movements organized against zamindars may be seen as follows :

1) Visakhapatnam Peasant Mahasabha – 1929

 It was the first peasant Mahasabha in North coastal Andhra.
 This Mahasabha decided to launch a news paper.
 It published Prajavani which was edited by Garimella Krishna Murthy.

2) Srikakulam Peasant protection Rally (1937)

 It was organized by Pullela Shyama Sundara rao.

3) Madugula tribal meet (1938)

 It was headed by Mandeshwara shastry.
 It demanded the abolition of Gotty (Hereditary labour).
 Gotty was abolished in july 1940.

4) Palasa All India Peasant Mahasabha (March 1940)

 It was headed by swamy Sahajananda.

5) Mandasa firsting (1st April, 1940)

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 Pusumanu Gunnamma was killed in this firing.

6) Famine in North Coastal area (1945)

 A.S. Gupta founded ‘famine Eradication Association’ & helped the victims of famine
& also highlighted the real nature of the Zamindars.
 The following two books were written on anti zamindari movements.

1. Sattenapalli Talukalalo forest Rythula Kashtalu - Sri M. Veerabhadra Rao

2. Tiruvuru Talukalo Zamindarla Durantalu -Ponnaluri Radhakrishna murthy

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 Attaining socio-economic equality is the main objective of the communists.

Carl Marx Lenin

 Carl Marx gave communist principles.

 Influenced by this, Lenin organized a revolution in 1917 which was called ‘October
Revolution’ & Ousted the Czar ruler and founded the first communist government in USSR
(Union of Soviet Socialistic Russia).
 It was the first communist government in the world.
 Lenin founded ‘Communist international’ in 1917 to spread communist ideology
throughout the world.
 M.N.Roy was the member of this ‘Communist International’.
 In October 1920, M.N. founded CPI at Tashkentt with the help of Lenin.
 Inbetween 1920 & 25 communist principles were spreaded in India by the following leaders.

1. M.N. Roy

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Title : First Radica list of India

Newspaper : Vanguard
Book - India in Transition.
 He founded Radical Democratic Party. Later it was abolished.

2. S.A. Dange

News paper - The Socialist

Book - Gandhi Vs Lenin

3. Muzafar Ahmed

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News paper - Navayug, Langar

4. Asif Hussian Hasvi

News papers - Congress, Inquilab

5. Shaukat Usmani
 He spreaded the communist principles in united province

6. Singaravelu Settiyar
 He speeded the movements in Madras.

Communist Movement in Andhra

 In Andhra, Communist principles were speeded in between 1930 & 34 as follow

1. Jails
 Some Andhra leaders were influenced by the communist leaders in Jails & after their
release they speeded the communist ideology.
2. Benaras Hindu University
 Chandra Rajeshwar Rao, Dasari Chenchaiah studied in BHU influenced by communist
ideology they speeded in Andhra.
3. Young workers League
 It was founded by Amir Ali Hyder khan at Madras.
 Putchalapalli Sundaraiah, member of young workers league speeded the communist
principles in Andhra.

Chronology of Communist movement

Bezawada Meet (1934)

 It was conducted at ‘Katragadda Narayana Rao garden in Bezawada.

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 Communists established an organizing committee under the presidency of P. Sundaraiah

to spread communist ideology.
 CPI was banned in India 23rd July, 1934.

Kakinada Session (January 1936)

 Andhra Communist party was founded at Kakinada & P. Sundaraiah became its first

Communists during the period of world War-II

 Initially Communists rejected help to British in the World war-II.

 In June 1941, Germany attacked Russia; Immediately Russia joined World War-II against
Germany and gave call to world communists that Britishers should be supported in this
World War-II.
 Hence, Indian communists extended their help to British.
 On 23rd July, 1942 ban on communists was removed.
 Communist’s paper ‘Praja shakti’ spread the movement on a large-scale
 On 8th August 1942, Quit India movement was started from Bombay.
 Gandhiji gave cal not to support British in the World War-II
 But, communists helped the British.
 That’s why, communists lost elections in 1945 & 46.

Communist’s Armed Struggle

 After losing the elections, communists party leaders Ranadheewa (BTR) gave call the for
armed struggle.
 Armed struggle was organized mainly in Manipur-Nagaland, Telangana & Kerala.
 Some violence incidents were taken place in the remaining part of India.
 In September 1949, communist party was banned in Andhra.
 In 1951, Russia gave call to communists to withdraw the armed struggle and asked to
participate in the economic development of India.
 Immediately, communists stopped their armed struggle in October 1951.

1952 Elections

 Communists participated in the first general elections which were held in 1952.
 Communist’s leader Raavi Narayana Reddy won Nalgonda Parliament seat with the
highest majority in India.
 Communist’s won maximum seats ion Telangana & Andhra .
 Hence, communists launched Vishalandhra movement to unite Andhra & Telangana.

Split in Communist Party

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 After the formation of A.P. in 1956 there were some differences among the communists.
 Raavi Narayana Reddy, Baddam Ellareddy wanted to work with INC. It was opposed by
P. Sundaraiah & Hanumaiah.
 At national level too there were many differences.
 In 1962, China attacked India.
 Indian communist spitted into 3 groups the with Chinese aggression
1. Nationalists
They opposed Chinese aggression. Important leaders were S.A. Dange, Ravi
Narayana Reddy, Baddam Ella Reddy, Chandra Rajeshwar Rao.

2. Internationalists
They welcomed the Chinese aggression.
Important Leaders P. Sundaraiah, BTR, Harkishan Singh, Surjith, Jyothi Basu etc.

3. Centrists
They became neutral Important leader - Ajayghosh.

 In 1964, communists met at Calcutta.

 Communists officially splited in this meet.

1. CPI - Nationalists
Its Secretary was S.A. Dause.
2. CPM/CPI(M) - Internationalists
Its Secretary was P. Sundaraiah

Naxalite / Maoist Movement

 It is also called leftist terrorism.

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 In 1967, Charu Majundar & Kanu Sanyal started a movement from Naxalbury (W.B.) to
attain socioeconomic equality.
 That’ why this movement was known as Naxalite Movement.
 It was speeded in Srikakulam in 1969.
 In 1969, Kanu Sanyal founded CPI (ML) at Calcutta on the eve of the 99th birth
anniversary of Lenin.
 Adibatla Kailasam, Nagabhushanam Patnaik, Tarimella Nagireddy etc influenced by this
movement & joined CPI(ML).
 However, Jagalam Vengala Rao suppressed the movements through carrot & stick
 During that period some naxalites enter into Telangana & spread naxalism in Telangana.
 In 2005, all the naxalite leaders in India met in Chattisgarh jungles & decided to form a
centralized party to fight against the governments.

 Thus, CPI(ML) Maoist party was emerged in 2005 which was declared as terrorist group
by the Government of India.

Communist/ Socialist Leaders


Title : Rythubandu

Books :

1. Credo of World Peasantry,

2. Revolutionary Peasantry,
3. Fight for freedom.

Organizations :

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1. Peasant Training centre at Nidubrolu (Guntur)

2. All India Kisan Sabha ay Lucknow
 N.G. Ranga organized peasant protection rally at Guntur in 1935.
 He organized cycle rally from Itchapuram to Madras in 1938-39 against Madras Land
settlement Act.
 N.G. Ranga founded the following parties
1. Andhra Socialist party - 1934
2. Krishikar Lok Party - 1951
3. Swatantra party - 1959
(Alongwith Rajaji)

Darsi Chenchaiah

 He was influenced by sherwoodedge’s “The challenges of Russia & Russia Today”.

 Wrote “Nenu-Na Desam”
 The only Telugu member in Gadar party which was founded in 1913 by Lala Hardayal &
Sohan Singh Bakna at Sanfrancisco in America.

Putchalapalli Sundaraiah

 He was the member of Young worker’s league which was founded by Amir Ali Hyder
 Andhra Communist party was founded in 1936 at Kakinada which was headed by
Putcalapalli Sundaraiah.
 Founded visalandhra paper & encouraged Visalandhra.
 Wrote ‘Visalandhra lo Parajarayam’
 Supported the Telangana armed struggle which was fought against Indian government in
between September 1948 & October 1951.
 Wrote “Telangana People’s Struggle and its lessons’.
 Responsible for the split of CPI.
 In 1964, CPI(MI) was founded. Its first general secretary was P. Sundariah.

Gadde Lingaiah

 He wrote ‘Viplava Veerulu”

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 He founded “Adarsha Grantha Mandali”.

Sargar Gauthu Lachhanna

 A famous communist leader from Srikakulam.

 One of the 4 members who participated in Gentlemen agreement on 20th Febuary,1956
at Delhi.

Communist / Socialist News papers

1. Visalandra - P. Sundaraiah
2. Praja bandu - N.G. Ranga
3. Chitragupta - N.G. Ranga
4. Prajashakti - Official Newspaper of Communists
5. Prajavani - Garimella Krishna Murthy
6. Janavani - Tapi Dharma Rao
7. Navashakti - Chandra Rajeshwar Rao
8. Udayini - Kompella Janardhana Rao
9. Pratibha - Shiva Shankara Shastry.
10. Congress - Madduri Annapurnaiah
11. Navya - Vidwan Vishwam & Shaktimala Tarimella
Nagireddy (Anantpur)


1. Mahaprastanam - Sri Sri

2. Gajinche Russia - Sri Sri
3. Neti Russia - Narla Venkateswara Rao
4. Viplava Veerulu - Gadde Lingaiah
5. Untouchable - Mulkraj Anand
6. Coolie - Mulkraj Anand
7. Veera Telangana - Raavi narayana Na ANubhavalu Reddy
8. Veera Telangana - P. Sundaraiah

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9. The mother - Maxim Gorky


1. Adarsha GranthaMandali - Gadde Lingaiah

2. Vishwa Sahitya Mala - Mahidara Brothers
3. Praja Natya Mandali - Cultural organization of communist party.
(It spreaded communist ideology through a drama
called ‘Mabhoomi’. This drama was written by
Sankara Satyanarayana & VisireddyBhaskara Rao)

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Origin and Growth of Andhra Movement and Events

Leading to the Formation of Andhra State 1953
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The Andhra Movement

 The theory of linguistic states took root in Andhra region in India.

 "Deshabhimani"  Anglo-Telugu publication from Guntur
 The movement for a separate Andhra province or the "Andhra Movement" was
started as early as 1903.
 It can be divided into 5 stages. They are
1) Evolutionary Stage (1903-12)
2) Propagation Stage (1913-20)
3) Internal struggles stage (1920-35)
4) Resolution stage (1935-47)
5) Formation stage (1947-53)

Evolutionary stage (1903-12):

 In 1903, the "Youngmens literary association” was formed in Guntur and it

discussed the issue of creating a separate Andhra state in its very first meeting.
 Journals like Andhra Kesari And Deshabhimani wrote that as the Biharis had a
separate state for themselves, Andhras could also ask for a state of their own.
 For the first time, a joint conference of Godavari, Krishna and Guntur districts was
held at Nidadavolu in May 1912 under the presidency of Vemavarapu Ramadasu.
 A standing committee with Konda Venkatappayya as secretary was formed and it
decided to hold the first Andhra conference at Bapatla in May 1913.

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Propagation Stage (1913-20)

This stage spread the ideals and objectives of the movement through out the Telugu

The First Andhra Conference(1913)

 The first Andhra conference met at Bapatla on 26 May 1913 under the
presidentship of Bayya Narasimheswara Sharma.
 Many poets and authors started writing poems and articles supporting the issue of a
separate Andhra province "Andhravali “ by Rayaprolu Subba Rao, "Andhra Matru
Stavamu" by Gaddam Kondareddy, "Rashtra Gaanamu" by Tummala Sitarama
murthy Satyanarayana were prominent among these.

Significance of the Conference

 In the Rayalaseema region, the Tamil speaking lawyers and leaders were against to
the formation of separate Andhra state, because they did not inclined to cut off their
connections with the city of Madras. The delegates from the northern districts were
anxious about the future of Berhampur. This is one important outcome of the first
Andhra Conference.
 The second important impact of the conference was that a committee consisting of
Konda Venkatappyya, Mutunuri Krishna Rao, Dr.Pattabhi and others formed to tour
the Rayalaseema region to assuage the feeling of the leaders of that region. They
held discussions with the leaders and delegates and conducted public meetings at
several places like Chitoor, Nandyal, Bellary , Anantapur, etc. The result was that the
people and the leaders expressed their support to the cause of the Andhra
 Another development was that after the first Andhra Conference,the subject of the
formation of separate Andhra State came for discussion in several district
conferences. The District Conference held at Visakhapatnam and Nellore passed
resolutions in favour of forming a separate Andhra province. Thus slowly the Andhra
movement started gaining momentum. It was under these circumstances second
Andhra conference became a reality. It should be noted that hereafter the Andhra
conference came to be called as Andhra Mahasabha.

Second Andhra Conference(1914)

 The Second Andhra conference (from then onwards, it came to be know as Andhra
mahasabha ) was held at Vijayawada on 11 April, 1914,under the presidentship of
Nyapti Subba Rao.

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 Though the presidential address caused much disappointment, M.Suryanarayana

moved a resolution on the need to constitute a separate Andhra province and
V.Ramadasu supported it.
 After the second Andhra Mahasabha conference, several district conferences like
Visakhapatnam, Guntur, etc., passed resolutions in favour of creating separate
Andhra Province. People in general showed keen interest and this is very evident
through participation of women and ryots in the second Andhra conference. Thus
by the end of 1914 the public opinion in Andhra was very well disposed towards the
formation of Separate Andhra.

Third Conference of Andhra Maha Sabha(1915)

 Third conference which met at Visakhapatnam in May 1915 under the presidentship
of Raja Panuganti Ramanarayaninagar, not only reiterated the demand for separate
Andhra, but also demanded that the mother tongue (Telugu) be made the medium
of instruction in secondary schools.
 The Sabha conference popularised the habit of addressing public meetings in
 Firstly, Telugu became the language of the leaders and the Andhra Movement.

The Fourth Conference (1916):

 Fourth conference of the sabha was held at Kakinada in May 1916 with Mocherla
Ramachandra Rao as president.

The Fifth Session of Andhra Mahasabha(1917):

 Fifth session was held at Nellore on 1 June,1917 with Konda Venkatappayya as

president .
 It brought out the differences between the Circars and Rayalaseema. From the
beginning of the Andhra movement, the people of Nellore and Rayalaseema were
lukewarm in their support to a separate province.
 The people of Nellore, with their proximity to Madras city did not like to severe their
connections with Tamils. While the leadership in Rayalaseema was in the hands of
Tamils, they opposed the separate Andhra resolution.
 After negotiations between the two factions, the resolution requesting the
government to create a separate Andhra province was passed. The amendment of
the dissidents for the inclusion of Madras city in the Andhra province was rejected.
 From 1960 onwards, issue of national importance came to the forefront and the
demand for a separate Andhra province receded into the background.

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Conference Date Place President

1st 26 May ,1913 Bapatla Narasimheswara

2nd 11 April, 1914 Vijayawada Nyapti Subba Rao

3rd May 1915 Visakhapatnam Ramanarayaninagar

4th May 1916 Kakinada Ramachandra Rao
5th 1 June, 1917 Nellore Venkatappayya

Petition to Montague:

 During the tour of Montague Chelmsford in India, they arrived in Madras on

17 December,1917.
 27 Andhra representatives met them and submitted a petition to them asking for the
formation of a separate Andhra province.

Creation of Separate Andhra Congress Circle:

 Ever since the formation of the Indian National Congress in 1885, Andhra congress
leaders began to take active part in its deliberations.
 P.Ananda Charyulu became the president of the Congress as early as 1891.
 When the congress session was held at Madras in 1914, 256 delegates from Andhra
attended it, but no Andhra could find a place in the working committee.
 As the Tamil domination and authority became unbearable on the issue of a
separate Andhra province the Andhra leaders were convinced of the urgent need to
establish a separate telugu unit or circle of Congress.
 They began to demand the creation of an Andhra circle with the Telugu districts of
Madras presidency.

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 Though a proposal for a separate Andhra circle was introduced in the AICC meeting
in 1916, the Madras Congress committee delayed giving its opinion.
 Mean while a pamphlet called 'Re-organisation of Indian provinces' prepared by
Konda Venkatappayya and Pattabhi Seetharamayya was widely distributed among
the congress men all over India.
 As a result of all the efforts of Andhra leaders, the Andhra Congress circle came into
existence on 22 January 1918 with Nyapati Subbarao as president and Konda
Venkatappayya as secretary. This was the first victory for the leaders of the Andhra

Impact of Montague's declaration:

 Montague's declaration created new hope in the minds of Andhra leaders.

 A special session of Andhra Mahasabha was held at Vijayawada.
 A resolution in favour of separate Andhra province was passed without any
 Public opinion was over welmingly in favour of the creation of a separate province by
the year 1917.
 The Madras Government refused to give permission to the Andhra Mahasabha and
District Associations to wait in deputation on Montague.
 This thoughtless act of the Government of Madras infuriated the Andhras and they
expressed their resentment by sending a large number of telegrams to Montague.
 Ultimately the Government yielded to the pressure and the often. Subba Rao met
the secretary of State for India and also the viceroy.
 The delegation requested them to concede the demand of the Andhras for the
immediate formation of Andhra province with the Telugu districts of the Madras
Presidency. Montague promised to do the best. This may be considered as the
second important stage in the Andhra movement.

Justice Party and the Andhra Movement:

 The British Government with the intention of weakning the Home Rule movement
in the Madras Presidency tried to get the support of the non-Brahmins against
Brahmins who were the leaders of the movement.
 With the blessings of the British a small group of non-Brahmin leaders of the Madras
Presidency formed an association called South Indian-People's Association.

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 Tyagaraja Chetti played an important part in this connection. After sometime a

political association was formed under the name of the South India Liberal
 These associations main mission was to ventilate the grievance of the non-
 A non-Brahmin Conference was held on 20th November 1916 at Madras and it also
issued a manifesto.
 The South India People's Association started a newspaper under the name of
'Justice ‘ to protect their interests. Within a very short time the political association
of the non-Brahmins came to be known as Justice Party.
 The British Government, in the meanwhile, introduced the Montague-Chelmsford
Reforms Act of 1919.
 This act failed to satisfy the aspirations of the Congress leaders and hence they
boycotted the elections.
 The justice Party which supported the Government participated in the elections and
also came out successful.
 The Governor invited Tyagaraja Chetti, the leader of the Justice Party, to form the
Government. But he declined.
 Then Subbarayulu Reddiyar became the Chief Minister in 1920, but he resigned it
due to ill health in 1921. Then P. Ramanayaningar became the Chief Minister of
Madras Presidency.
 P. Ramanayaningar, another prominent Andhra, even became the Chief Minister of
Madras Precidency. This was the best time and opportunity for the Andhras to
intensify the Andhra movement, because the Justice Party embers of Andhra were
in power.
 But the reverse that had happened.The Justice party, though dominated by the
Andhra leaders, never supported the cause of separate Andhra province.

The causes are as follows.

The Justice party had a poor following in the Andhra region and on the other hand the
Congress party was very strong. Thus the Justice party leaders never wanted to have a
province where they could count for nothing.

Another strong reason was that the Andhra movement was started by the congress
leaders. Hence the Justice party disassociated with that movement. However, this attitude
of Justice party did great disservice to the Andhras and Andhras movement.

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Internal Struggles Stage (1920-25)


 In view of the impending constitutional reforms in India, a special session of the

Andhra Mahasabha was convened at Vijayawada in1917.
 All the delegates were unanimous about the need for the early formation of Andhra
province. T
 he sabha also demanded reservation of seats to non-brahmins in the Madras
legislative council. This was done to remove the suspicions of many non
non- brahmins
that the home rule would d benefit only The Brahmins.
 The Government of Madras encouraged non non-brahmins
rahmins to stage demonstrations
against Home rule.
 As a result, the relations between Brahmins and non non-brahmins
brahmins in Andhra which
were hitherto harmonious became strained.
 As differencece arose not only between Tamils and Andhras but between brahmins
and non -brahmins also, the Andhra movement receded into back ground, However,
all resolutions regarding the formation of separate provinces were rejected in the
council of sates meeting of 1925.

Establishment of Andhra University:

 In 1913,the Andhra Mahasabha, at its first conference demanded the creation of a

separated university for Andhra as it felt that Telugu language and literature was
not receiving proper attention in the Madras U
 Students from Andhra found it difficult to get admission into the university as it was
dominated by Tamils.
 In February 1917,B.Venkatapathi Rajuaju moved a resolution in the Madras legislative
council for the creation of a separate university for Andhra , after the end of the

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 In 1919 M.Suryanarayana from the Visakhapatnam district moved a resolution in

the council for the creation of a separate university for Andhra. The resolution was
accepted on 2 September 1921.
 But A.P. Patro, the education minister introduced a bill for the reorganisation of
Madras university. This delayed the formation of a separate university.
 Finally a bill for the creation of Andhra university was introduced in the legislative
council on 20 August 1925 and was referred to the select committee. Some
members of Rayalaseema in the select committee wanted to exclude Rayalaseema
from the jurisdiction of the Andhra university.
 At last, on 26 April 1926, Andhra University was inaugurated at Vijayawada with all
the Telugu district of the presidency. Kattamanchi Ramalinga Reddy became the first
 The university began its career with a great controversy over the location of the
headquarters and did great damage to the already strained relations between the
circars and Rayalaseema.
 The Andhra university act mentioned Vijayawada as the headquarters of the
administration offices of the university. It was proposed to make Rajahmundry as
the centre of the teaching department in April 1927 to locate both at vijayawada.
This led to a great controversy.
 As the Rayalaseema people wanted the headquarters to be located in their region,
the senate conducted a vote and wanted to make Ananthapur, the headquarters of
the university.
 But Dr. Subbarayan, the Madras chief minister suggested Rajahmundry as the
headquarters in September 1928 and revived the controversy.
 In December 1928, he made another suggestion to location the headquarters at
Visakhapatnam. Finally the legislature accepted all the amendments making
Visakhapatnam as the headquarters of the university and excluded Rayalaseema
from its jurisdiction.
 This controversy created such ill feelings between the circars and Rayalaseema that
it delayed the formation of Andhra province by several years.

Boycott of Simon commission:

 When the Simon commission toured India in 1928,all the political parties decided to
boycott it.
 The Andhra mahasabha also boycotted the commission, but the Oriya and Utkal
sammelans presented a memorandum to it requesting the early formation of Orissa
and Sind provinces but made no mention of Andhra.

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 In 1931, Pattabhi Sitaramayya

mayya and Ayyadevara Kaleswara Rao made a request to
Gandhiji for the separate Andhra province.
 In 1932,the Raja of Bobbili became the Chief minister of Madras.

Regional differences:

 Resolution were moved demanding a separate state for Rayalaseema in the 1931
Andhra mahasabha meeting.

 The Rayalaseema mahasabha was convened ed and met under the president
presidentship of
Pattabhi Ramarao in 1934.
 The second meeting off this sabha was held in September
S tember 1935 at Kadapa.
 A demand for a separate university at Tirupati was made in this meeting.
 In the 1937 Madras elections
elections,, representatives of Rayalaseema Mahasabha were
defeated at the hands of congress leaders.
 A congresss government was formed under Rajagopalachari.
 Again, the Rayalaseema Mahasabha was convened and met at Adoni in 1938.Only
three Andhras attended it.

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Stage of Resolutions(1936-47):

Many resolutions were moved demanding a separate Andhra province in Madras

legislature, Congress meetings and Andhra Mahasabha conferences during this period.

The Sribagh Pact(1937):

 As regional differences came to the forefront with the controversy over the
headquarter of Andhra university, Rayalaseema leaders formed an organisation
called Rayalaseema Mahasabha in 1934
 Silver jubilee session of Andhra Mahasabha was held at Vijayawada towards the
end of october 1937.
 The session was inaugurated by Halaharvi Sitarama Reddy and presided over by
Kadapa Koti Reddy both MLAs from Rayalaseema..
 On 16 November 1937,the leaders of the circars and Rayalaseema met at "Sri Bagh",
the Madras residence of Kasinathuni Nageswara Rao and signed an agreement
known popularly as the "Sri Bagh" Agreement.

Sri Bagh Agreemnet provided:

 It was agreed that while the Andhra university may continue to be where it was
(Visakapatnam),the High court and the Metropolis (or capital of the state ) be
located in suitable places in the coastal districts and Rayalaseema, the choice being
given to Rayalaseema.
 After the formation of a separate state, preference must be given to Rayalaseema
to set up irrigation facilities and in respect of the utilisation of the waters of
Tungabhadra, Krishna and Penna rivers.
 A separate University must be established for the Rayalaseema region or an Andhra
University centre should be developed at Ananathapur.
 Both factions agreed to the above conditions and signed the 'Sribagh' pact.
 British government announced in the House of commons that no new provinces
would be created in India. This announcement shocked the Andhras.
 The Second world war broke out in September 1939 and the congress ministers in
the province resigned in November 1939.
 The issue of Andhra province once again receded into back ground. After the
'Sribagh pact' was signed, many leaders of Rayalaseema supported the demand for
the formation of a separate Andhra province. Some leaders opposed and convened
the Rayalaseema Mahasabha in 1938 and held the first conference at Adoni.
 In the 1941 Visakhapatnam Andhra Mahasabha conference, Sir Vijayananda
Gajapati, who presided over the meeting worked to remove the suspicious of
Rayalaseema leaders.

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Formation Stage (1947-53)

 When India attained Independence on 15 August 1947, the Andhras hoped that their
long cherished desire of a separate Andhra province would be fulfilled soon.
 On 27 November 1947, the govt accepted the principle of linguistic state.
 In February 1948, the rough draft of the mention of a separate Andhra province. The
government felt that if a separate Andhra province was created, many more
movements like that would spring up.

Dar Commission

 On 17 June, 1948 a linguistic province committee was set up by the president of the
constituent Assembly.
 The chairman of the commission was S.K. Dar
 When the commission visited Madras, the Andhra Mahasabha submitted a
memorandum demanding the creation of Visalandhra
 The commission submitted its report on 10 Dec, 1948 recommending that the
formation of lingusitic provinces is not suitable to our country

JVP Committee

 The members of the committee were Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallabhai Patel and Pattabhi
 The committee, popularly known as JVP committee from the initials of its members,
submitted its report to the Congress working committee in April 1949.
 It recommended the postponement of linguistics provinces.
 It made an exception in the case of Andhra.

Andhra Congress politics

 In the Andhra Congress, there were two groups centring round the prominent
Andhras, Prakasam and Pattabhi Sitaramayya

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 In 1946 elections, the congress fared very well in the Telugu districts. Prakasam
contested for the leadership of the party against the wishes of the High command
and won.
 While these developments were taking place, the JVP report was submitted with the
condition of renouncing claims to the city of Madras.
 Rayalaseema members found it very difficult to abandon the claims to Madras.
Andhra leaders also refused to abandon this claim.
 Again a decision was taken to the formation of Andhra province with 12 districts
and to make Madras the joint capital of both Andhra and Tamilnadu provinces.

Partition Committee

 Madras government took immediate steps towards the creation of Andhra province
by appointing a partition committee.
 Kumaraswami Raja, the chief minister was the chairman of the committee
 But again clashes arose among the leaders of two factions and the formation of
Andhra state war postponed by the India government again.
 On 26 January 1950, the new constitution of India came into being but there was no
mention of a separate Andhra province in it.

Swami Sitaram's Fast

 Swami Sitaram (formerly Gollapudi Sitaram sastry) felt that he should adopt the
Gandhian technique to achieve the Andhra state.
 So he began a fast unto death on Independence day of 1951.
 The fast created a highly explosive situation in Andhra and led to some untoward
 Acharya Vinobha Bhave advise the Swami to give up his fast so that the issue could
be settled in peaceful atmosphere. The swami ended his 35 day fast on 20
September 1951.
 The Communists and Prakasam party(KMPP) formed a united Democratic forum.
 But Prakasam was not invited to form the government and again C. Raja Goplachari
formed government in the Madras state.
 Prakasam took active interest in the Krishna-Pennar Project to divert the waters of
Krishna river to Tamilanadu, there by injuring the intersts of Andhra and created
dissatifaction among the Andhra people.
 Then the Khosla committee suggested the setting up of Nandikonda
(Nagarjunasagar) project.

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Potti Sriramulu's Fast:

 In such a situation Potti Sriramulu began his fast unto death an 19 October 1952 at
 When the fast entered its 50th day, Nehru criticised it.
 He announced that the Andhra state will be formed without Madras city, if all
concerning parties agreed. Sriramulu was not prepared to accept it and continued
his fast. The fast created an explosive situation attained martyrdom.
 The news created disturbances in Andhra region and opened the eyes of the Indian
 On 19th December, Nehru announced in Loksabha that the government had decided
to form Andhra state with undisputed Telugu districts excluding the city of Madras.

Wanchoo Committee:

 Justice Kailasanath Wanchoo was appointed as special officer to report on financial,

administration and other implication of the formation of Andhra, on 7th February

 Wanchoo submitted his report and on 25 March 1953, Nehru announced the
decision of the government of India to create a separate Andhra state consisting of
Srikakulam, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari, krishna, Guntur,
Nelloore, Chittoor, Cuddapah, Ananthapur and Kurnool districts and Alur, Adoni and
Rayadurgam Talikas of Beaary districts.
 The Rayalaseema legislators demanded that the capital of the new state be with in
their region as per the Sribagh Agreement.

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 C. Rajagopalachari suggested that no member of the residency state should take part
in voting, but 5 non-Andhra
Andhra members voted for Kurnool as capital
 High court was setup in Guntur with the first chief justice Koka Subba Rao

Formation of Andhra State

 On 1 October 1953, A separate Andhra state was formed, with Kurnool as its
 The first chief minister of the state was Tanguturi Prakasam,, the first deputy chief
minister was N. Sanjeeva Reddy and the first governor was C.M.Trived.

 After the 1955 elections,, the Prakasam government fell and Bezawada Gopalareddy
became the chief minister and Prakasam acted as they deputy chief minster.

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 Some more movements for the formation of linguistic states were taken up later. So
Nehru announced the formation of the States reorganisation commission to
consider those demands on 22 December 1953.
 The members of the commission were - Sayyad Fazal Ali (chairman), H.N. Kunzru
and K.M Panikkar. The appointment of the commission was hailed by the Andhras.

Visalandhra Movement

 Andhras hoped that their dream of Visalandra would be realised since the people of
Hyderabad state were unanimous for the triburcation to their state.
 The communists propagated the idea of Visalandhra from 1946.
 A daily news paper called Visalandhra was started by the communists in June 1952.
 Communist leader Puchalapalli Sundarayya wrote a book called Visalandralo

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 The Coastal Andhra districts, Rayalaseema region, Berhampur district of today's
Orissa and Bellary region of Karnataka were all administered under the Madras
 The Geopgraphically big Madras Presidency naturally had Madaras as its capital and
Tamilians had upper hand in every field-starting from politics and education to
employment and other sectors.
 As the Tamilians started to force themselves on Andhras more and more, the Telugu
people of Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema became dissatisfied and wanted to
establish an organisation to declare their protests publicly.
 That organisation which was formed by several prominent Telugu people, was called
as the 'Andhra Maha Sabha'.
 It's first state conference was held at Bapatla in 1913.

 Bayya Narisimheswara Sharma presided over the meeting in which the main
objective was declared as the formation of a separate Andhra State.
 On the foot steps of the Andhra Mahasabha, the Telugu leaders of the Hyderabad
State formed a similar organisation and called its as the Nizam Andhra Mahasabha.
 As the Andhras Mahasabha in Madras Presidency lost its strength and significance
by 1920s, the Nizam Andhra Mahasabha became more and more stronger.
 In 1930, the Andhra Jana Sangham at its conference at Jogipeta in Medak district
converted itself into Andhra Mahasabha.
 The role played by the Andhra Mahasabha to bring about changes in Telangana
society is very valuable. The Sabha brought political and social awareness in the
Telugu people of Telangana. Its brought out young leaders to fight against
oppression and created a special place for itself in Telangana history.

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The first conference of Andhra Mahasabha (1930)

 The first conference of Andhra Mahasabha was held at Jogipeta in Medak district in
1930 under the President-ship of Suravaram Pratapa Reddy.

 He became famous by then as the editor of 'Golconda' magazine.

 Along with the first session, a women's conference called Andhra Mahila Sabha was
also held under the president ship of Andhra Mahasabha resolved to work hard for
the spread of education in the Nizam State.

The Second Andhra Mahasabha(1932):

 The Second conference was held at Devarakonda in 1931 under the presidentship of
Burgula RamaKrishna Rao.

 Many issues like education, social reform and problem of farmers were discussed in
this session.
 T.Varalakshmamma presided over the Andhra Mahila Sabha conference.

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Third Andhra Mahasabha(1934):

 Third annual conference @ Khammam in 1934.

 Ellapragada Sitakumari presided over the conference of Andhra Mahila Sabha. But
the resolution of the sabha were still of moderate attitude.

Fourth Conference of Andhra Mahasabha(1935):

 Fourth conference was held at Siricilla in 1935 under the presidentship

ship of Madapati
Hanumantha Rao.

 His wife Manikyamma presided over the Mahilasamajam conference,, a resolution

was passed saying that only Telugu language should be used in the sabha

Fifth Andhra Mahasabha(1936):

 The fifth conference was he

held at Shadnagar under the presidentship
ship of Konda
Venkata Ranga Reddy.
 The problem of farmers were given importance in this meeting.
 The Andhra Mahila sabha m
meeting was presided over by Anantha lakshmi devi.

1937 Andhra Mahasabha:

 In 1937, the sabha conference

erence was held at Nizamabad.
 It was the first time for the meeting to be conducted at a district headquarters.
 Mandumula Narasinga rao rao, Editor of Rayyat magazine
ine presided over this meeting.

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 The local leaders of the sabha tried to speak in Urdu language but Telugu
supporters tried to stop them but Raavi Narayana Reddy wanted them to continue
in Urdu.
 So, the Telugu language supporters protested and formed a new faction called
progressive faction.
 This conference discussed Nizam.
 Nandagiri Indira Devi ,the first women writer of Telangana presided over the
Andhra Mahila Sabha meeting.

1940 Andhra Mahasabha

 The Andhra Mahasabha was held at Malkapur near Hyderabad.

 Mandumula Ramachandra Rao presided over the Malkapur conference.

 Yogyaseela Devi was the president of Mahilasabha conference.
 The progressive faction, formed during Nizamabad conference lost its identity by
the time of this conference
 The main issue at the conference was proposed constitutional reforms in the state.

Split in Nizam Andhra Mahasabha:

 From 1941 onwards the Andhra Mahasabha came under the leadership of leftists.
 The eighth conference of the sabha was held at Chilkur of Huzurnagar Taluka in 1941
under the Presidentship of Raavi Narayana Raddy

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 The resolution that only Telugu language should be used in the conferences had
been cancelled in this session.
 The membership fee was also reduced from Rs.1 to 4 annas.
 The Andhra Mahila Sabha session had been presided over by Obbulreddy

1942 Dharmavarm Mahasabha:

 The ninth conference of Andhra Mahasabha had been held at Dharmavaram

(warangal district) in 1942 under the presidentship of Madiraju Ramakoteswara
 Rangamma presided over the Mahilasabha again.

1943 Hyderabad Andhra Mahasabha:

 The tenth session of the sabha was held at Hyderabad in 1943.

 In a keen contest to presidentship, Baddam Yella Reddy, lost to K.V.Ranga

Reddy(Elections were held for the first time for the sabha presidency).
 One of the resolutions of this session requested Government to demarcate the
boundaries of Telangana and include the Telugu Talukas of Gadwal, Alampur and
Raichur district and Kodagal with Telangana didstricts.

1944 Bhuvanagiri Andhra Mahasabha:

 The Bhuvanagiri session was held in 1944 under the president ship of Raavi
Narayana Reddy.
 The Sabha now came under the control of Communists.
 The Andhra Communist leaders including Chandra Rajeswara Rao participated in the
conference which was attended by more than the thousand people a record for
those days.

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 The membership fee was again reduced from 4 annas to 1 anna.

 K.V. Ranga Reddy and M.Ramachandra Rao denounced the session as a communist
party meeting and organised a rival Sabha called the “Nationalist Andhra
 This sabha held two sessions in 1945 (Madikonda)and 1946 (kandi in Medak dist)
and then decided to merge itself with its counter parts the Maharashtra Parished
and the Mysore parised in the Hyderabad State congress.

1945 Extremists Andhra Mahasabha:

 The sabha under the communits held its twelfth session at Khammam in 1945,
under the presidentship of Raavi Narayana Reddy.

 On 3 December 1946, the communist party was banned and naturally the activities
of the Andhra Mahasabha also came to a halt.

Key Points about the Andhra Mahasabha:

 Andhra Mahasabha was the first social platform (organisation) of Telangana where
political awareness and the influence of the national movement were very limited
until then.
 The first generation leaders of the Andhra Mahasabha were moderators. They can
be compared to the first generation leaders of the national movement.
 The moderates did not oppose the Nizam government..
 A group called 'Progressive faction' was formed with some members who wanted to
protect Telugu language.
 Both the first and last session of the Andhra Mahasabha were held at Medak
district (Jogiipeta and Kandi respectively).
 Mandumula Narasinga Rao, K.V. RangaRaddy and Raavi Narayana Reddy presided
over the Sabha twice.

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Andhra Year Place Presided by Mahila

Mahasabha Conference
1st 1930 Jogipeta Pratapa Reddy Sundaramma
2nd 1931 Devarakonda Ramakrishna Varalaxmamma
3rd 1934 Khammam Venkata Ranga Sitakumari
4th 1935 Siricilla Hanumantha Manikyamma
5th 1936 Shadnagar Venkata Ananthalxmidevi
6th 1937 Nizamabad Narasinga Rao Indira Devi
7th 1940 Malkapur Ramachandra Yogyaseela Devi
8th 1941 Chilkur Narayana Reddy Rangamma
9th 1942 Dharmavaram Ramakoteswara Rangamma
10th 1943 Hyderabad Rangareddy
11th 1944 Bhuvanagiri Narayana Reddy
12th 1945 Khammam Narayana Reddy

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Prominent Leaders
Potti Sri Ramulu:

 Sri Ramulu was born at Juvvaladinnepalem village of Nellore district on 16, March
 Dedicated his life in the service of the country and resigned his post to join the
Sabarmati Ashram.
 He was greatly influenced by the principles and ideals of Gandhiji.
 Participated in the Non cooperation, Salt Satyagraha, Quit India and all other
movements of the Indian Independence struggle.
 Returned to Nellore in 1946 and worked hard for the development of Harijans and
propagated the use of Swadeshi (khadi) clothes and also encouraged the
establishment village industries.
 After the Indian independence in 1947, people of Andhra expected the formatiom a
separate State for the Telugu people.
 After 5 years of independence, in 1952, the people of Andhra lost hopes for the
formation of a separate State.
 In this back ground, on 19 October, 1952 Potti Sriramulu started an indefinite fast in
Gandhian way. He hoped that atleast his death would pave the way for a separate
Andhra State.
 As the government was indifferent to his satyagraha, he continued his fast for 58
days till 15 December,1952 on which day he breathed his last. Last the government
stepped down and gave the green signal for the formation of Andhra State. Thus
Potti Sriramulu became 'Amarajeevi' who gave his life for the good of his people.

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Acharya N.G. Ranga:

 Born on 7 Nov, 1900 in the village of Nidubrolu in Guntur district.

 In 1930, he joined the civil disobedience movement of the Indian freedom struggle
and led the no tax campaign in Krishna, Godavari districts.
 Between 1933 and 1936 he led the farmers movement in Venkatagiri of Nellore
 Founded the Indian farmers training institute in 1934 at Nidubrolu.
 Ranga became popular as a pioneer in farmers movements.
 He presided over the All India farmers congress which was held in Fajipur in 1936.
 He led the agricultural movement in Srikakulam district during 1938-40.
 In 1948, Ranga became the president of Andhra State Congress committee. But he
was disturbed by the internal differences of Congress party and left it.
 Then, he founded the 'Krishikar Lok Party' in 1951.Before that he founded the 'All
India weavers' Congress also.
 Termed as an Intellectual and Best Parliamentarian, he was famous for his integrity
and sincerity.
 He wrote some books on agriculture like Credo of world peasantry, Fight for
freedom and Revolutionary peasant.

Bhogaraju Pattabhi Sitaramaiah:

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 Pattabhi Sitaramaiah was born in the village of Gundugolanu near Eluru. .

 Worked hard for the formation of the Andhra congress committee in 1918
 Started the publication of 'Janma Bhoomi' English weekly at the same time.
 President of Andhra Congress committee between 1934-40.
 Pattabhi was a member in the JVP committee
 He was the Governor of Madhya Pradesh from 1952-1956.
 Some of his literary works are 'History of Indian National Congress' Gandhiji and
Gandhism and Feathers and stones'.
 Founded the 'Krishna district co-operative Bank'.
 He also was the founder of Andhra Bank.

Puchalapalli Sundaraiah

 Puchalapalli Sundaraiah was born in 1913 in the village of Alaganipadu in Nellore

 Participated in the boycott of Simon Commission, Salt Satyagraha and other freedom
 Joined the Communist party in 1932. In 1936, he became one of the founders of
communist party in Andhra.
 Went to jail during the Second world war.
 From 1942 onwards he worked hard to improve the situation of farmers in
 Wrote "Telangana Prajala Poratalu- Gunapathalu" and 'Visalandralo Prajarajyam'.
 Published a paper called 'Visalandhra' and worked for the formation of Andhra

Ayyadevara Kaleswara Rao

 Ayyadevara Kaleswara Rao was born on 22 January, 1881 in Nandigama village of

Krishna district.
 Played an important role in the library movement.

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 Firstt speaker of Andhra Pradesh state assembly between 1956-62.


 Wrote
rote a number of books like the history of china nationalist movement, history of
Egypt, history of the French revolution, history of the United States of America and
all Autobiography. He bre
breathed his last on 26 February, 1962.

Varahagiri Venkatagiri

 Varahagiri Venkatagiri,, known to the people of Andhra as V.V. Giri was born on 10
August,1894 in Berhampur
rhampur of Ganjam district, now in Orissa.

 He was the second Andhra to become the President of India.

 He participated in the 'Sein penn' movement of that country that movement was the
freedom struggle of Ireland from the clutches of Britain.
 Formed the “AllAll India Trade Union Congress”.
 In th first general elections of 1952, Giri was elected from m Patapatnam constituency
in Srkakulam district.
 Awarded the highest
ighest official tiltle of the land, 'Bharat Ratna' in 1975.

Tenneti Vishwanatham:

 Tenneti viswanatham was born on 9 September, 1895 in Lakkavaram village of V Vizag

 Elected as a memberr of Madras Assembly in 1946 and prepared the famous report
on Zamindari system.
 Resigned
esigned to the Congress party in 1951 and formed the 'Kisan Majdur
ajdur Praja Party'

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 In the Andhra State, under Tanguturi Prakasam, he became the minister of first
Finance, then Law and then Endowments.
 Joined with Neelam Sanjiva reddy in the preparion of a report on nagarjuna Sagar
Project construction.
 After 1962, he took up the cause of Visakhapatnam steel factory and led the

 He rejected the governments awards Padmabhushan and others during separate

Andhra movement.
 Andhra university honoured him in 1978 with the award of 'Doctor of letters'

Chandra Rajeswara Rao

 Born on 6, June, 1914 in Managalapuram, Diwi Taluka of Krishan district.

 Led the farmers movement in Krishna district in 1942.
 Famous as C.R C.R. was also referred to C for Commitment and R for Revolution.
 Received many international awards, one of which was the 'Order of Lenin' from
Soviet union in 1974.

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Nyapathi Subba Rao

 Born on 14 January, 1858 in Nellore district.

 Became the Chairman of INS welcome society in 1898 during the Madras
 One of the founders of Indian Bank (1907).
 Published 'Chintamani' magazine in Telugu, which was edited by Kandukuri
 Started another English journal called 'Indian Progress'.
 Played a key role in organising the successful tour of Swamy Vivekanda in Andhra
region in 1897.
 Awarded the title of " Andhra Bhishma" by the people of Andhra in 1926.

Tanguturi Prakasam

 Born in 1892 in Valluru of Ongole district.

 Founded the 'Swarajya' English journal in 1921.
 In 1927, while boycotting the Simon commission, he dared the police to shoot him.
That incident brought him the title of 'Andhra Kesari'.
 He set a record by getting elected as the President of Andhra Congress committee
for as many as 18 times..
 In 1946, Prakasam became the Chief minister of Joint Madras state.

Konda Venkatappaiah

 Born on 22 February , 1866 in Guntur

 Founded the 'Krishna Patrika' in 1902 and edited it
 Became the president of the Swadeshi movement at Tenali in 1907.
 He was the Chairman of the first Andhra conference held in Bapatla in 1913.

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 He worked very had for a separate State and was called as the ' Grandfather of
Andhra movement ‘.

Gadicheral Hari Sarvottama Rao

 Born in September, 1883 in Kurnool. He went to Madras for higher studies.

 He was known for his courage and bravery and was called by the people fondly as
'Andhra Tilak'.
 Founded 'Swarajya' magazine and criticised the British rule vehemently.
 Played an important role in the preparation of 'Sree Bagh settlement'.
 Started the 'Telugu Bhasha Samithi' in Hyderabad in 1955.

Kottamanchi Ramalinga Reddy

 Famously as C.R. Reddy

 Born in Kattamanchi village of Chittoor district on 10 December, 1880.
 Formulated the Andhra University Bill and became Vice Chancellor of that
University after it was established.

Mutnuri Krishna Rao

 Born at Ramanapeta village of Krishna district in 1879.

 Started editing 'Krishan Patrika', founded by Konda Venkatappaiah
 Toured Andhra along with Bipin Chandrapal during the Swadeshi movement.

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Bulusu Samba Murthy

 Born in 1886 at Dulla village of East Godavari district.

 Praised by Gandhiji as 'Maharshi'

Pingali Venkaiah

 Born at Bhatlapenumarru village of Krishna district on 2 August, 1878.

 As early as 1906, Pingali tried to increase the out put of food grains by conducting
research and establishing an agricultural research and establishing an agricultural
research institute in Mungalla village of Krishna district.
 Prepared the tricolour flag and gave it to Gandhi, which was approved and
accepted as the Congress flag with minor changes in 1921.
 Later, it went on to become the national flag of India with minor changes again.
 He also worked in the field of mines and was called as 'Diamond Venkaiah' and ‘Flag

Unnava Lakshminarayana

 Born at Vemulapadu village of Guntur district in 1873.

 Because of Unnava laxminarayana "Sarada Nikethanam" for women was

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 Wrote the famous novel "Malapalli" which became one of the most popularly
literary works of Telugu language.

Sir Vijaya

 Born in vijayanagaram
 Elected as the Chairman of the Andhra Mahasabha, held at Visakhapatnam in 1941.
 Collected a fund of one lakh rupees to help fight the famine in Rayalaseema during
that period.
 Met Stafford Cripps in 1942, and explained the necessity of forming a separate
Statefor Andhra people.

Kasinathuni Nageswara Rao

 Born at Elamarru village, Gudiwada Taluka of Krishna district on 1 May, 1867

 Started Amrutanjan company in 'Andhra Patrika' in Bombay in 1908.
 Brought it to Madras in 1914 and changed it into a daily newspaper.
 The events of National freedom movement were covered vigorously by this paper.
 To propagate the importance of the movement properly, Kasinathuni used to
distribute his paper free of cost to all libraries in the State.
 In 1924 he started a magazine called 'Bharat', which went on to become one of the
most famous magazines of Telugu languages and literature.
 The "Sribhag agreement" between the leaders of Andhra and Rayalaseema regions
was prepared at his house in Madras.
 In fact, the name of his residence at Madras was Sribhag.
 In 1924 Andhra Mahasabha, he was given the little of "Desodharaka".
 Established the 'Durga Kalamandir' at Vijayawada.

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Panappakam Anatacharyulu

 Born in 1843 at Kattamanchi village of Chittoor district.

 Elected as the chairman of INS conference held at Nagpur in 1891.
 Elected to the Madras Assembly in 1895 and fought for the civil rights of people.

Mocherla Ramachandra Rao

 Famous as the "Gokhale of South India"

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Role of News Papers in Andhra Movement

Pre-1858 Telugu Journalism:

 Charles Philip Brown in his introduction to his dictionary stated that some
newspapers appeared by 1835 in Telugu.
 The first journal in India, the Bengal Gazette, appeared on January 29 1780.
 James Augustus Hiki started it in Calcutta. It was also called the Calcutta General
 It was also known as Hiki's Gazette. It is believed that it was the first journal in India.
But with regard to the first Telugu journal no such authentic information is available.
 The available sources mention that a Telugu journal appeared first after 1835 and
provide clues to the existence of three or four Telugu journals.
 Potturi Venkateswara Rao mentioned in his article in Bharati, 1951 that Satyaduta
was published in 1835.
 The journal supposed to have made its appearance during 1837-1838 was Vrittanti.
There is evidence that the Madras Government directed its officer in change of
translations in 1838, to find out the contents of the journal published.
 Vrittanti was published from Madras, it was also called Chennapuri Vrittanti
 Besides this, the other journal supposed to be the second one in Telugu was
Vartamana Tarangini, which specifically mentioned that it was started in 1842.
 Vrittanti was a weekly and was published every Thursday. Brown described it as a
note worthy journal. In tune with the times, it gave prominence to social reforms
 The second journal was Varthamana Tarangini, published by Sayyad Rahamtulla
from June 8, 1842.
 The issues of first year publications are in Oriental Manuscript Library.
 Explaining the meaning of ginnekasu, Brown quoted the issue of January 4,1849
(ginnekasu means the value of the pagodas). This was published from Madras as a
 After 1843,the management of the journal passed from the hands of Rahamutulla to
Puwada Seshagiri Rao. It highlighted the issue of patriotism, religious harmony,
literature and reform it had business advertisements too. One featured called
editorial was also published in it. Later appeared Hitavadi.
 An Englishman J Edmund Sharky, who had good command to Telugu, published it in
1848. Masulipatnam was its centre and it was printed at the Madras American
Mission press. Its pages were devoted to propagation of Christianity.
 Another journal that began in 1855-56 and continued up to 1872 was
Dinavartamani. Though it had dina(daily) in its title, it was issued every Saturday as a

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weekly. Its was started by Peter Percival. It supported blindly the rule of East India
 Finding fault with the First Indian Independence war (1857) the journal accuse Nana
Saheb as a traitor. The convention of issuing information of the government
through gazettes without news items began during the period of East India
 Gazettes were published in local languages and English.

Telugu Journals, 1858-85

 During the last years of Dinavartanamani there were no other journals.

 Except two journals, Sri Yakshini and hitavadi.
 "If any great soul will receive it people will be indebted to him and his fame will last
long:, commented Tatvabodhini(1864-70) in its April 1968 issue.
 Hiki had developed differences with the first Governor - General, Warren Hastings,
and the first justice, Sir Eliza Imphey.
 After the arrival of Lord wellesly in 1798, restrictions had begun on the native
journals for the first time. The rules were framed under the 1799 Act. They made it
mandatory that the names of the printer and editor and owner should appear on
the last page and they should register the journals with the government secretary.
 Later regulations of the Press Ordinance, 1823, or Adams Regulation were enforced
giving more stringent powers to the government than Wellesly's regulations.
 The Charter Acts of 1833 and 1853 made more stringent these regulations.
 The Vernacular Press Act, 1878 passed by Lytton's Government was intended to
restrict the language press expansion.
 The press Acts passed in 1908 and 1910 further tightened the grip.
 Imposition of fine was enforced if the regulations were violated.
 After the revolt of 1857 the British rulers had feared that local language journals
would create patriotic fever.
 For these reasons, in the early days Telugu journals opted more for religious
propaganda, spiritual matters, social reforms and literary discussions.
 During the first phase of the freedom struggle,1885-1905, English educated circles
did not oppose the British Government.
 By 1885, the Madras Mahajana Sabha and the Indian National Congress were
established. District meeting were held annually.
 Persons like Kandukuri Veeresalingam, who influenced Telugu journals and cultural
life , were silent on the adverse effects of British rule and remained as loyal citizens
of the Empire. These trends could be seen in Andhrapatrika which is said to have
contributed to the awaking of Telugu people .
 The aim of the journals in those days was to develop patriotism and mother tongue.

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 As recorded by Tatvabodhini, during the period of the publication of Dinavartamani

there was no journals of repute for a long time.
 It is noteworthy that many journals that came later gave prominence to education,
literature, scientific discussions and social reform.
 Sujanarajani  first educational journal in telugu. But it ceased within two years of
its publication by 1867.
 After a small gap another journal Godavari Vidya Prabodhini was published
Kandukuri veeresalingam's autobiography makes a mention of its existence
veeresalingam wrote that a journal with this name appeared in the 1870s .Cherukuri
Umaranganayakulu was its editor. It contained an English section also.
 Sakala vidyabhivardhani journal was started in 1873 to promote education,
literature, medicine, astrology, etc, It was published from Visakhapatnam.
 Sudhi Ranjani  first journal in Telugu propagating Christianity and was edited by
Medikonduri Ebrahkeller.
 Ulligondam Ramachandra Rao published Vidyardhi Kalpabhuja from Nellore in
1882. Matters relating to education and science were discussed in it.

Veeresalingam period:

 The colonial economic policies and the evils brought by INC were not fully grasped by
 Public awareness about social reforms was more than that of contemporary politics
about the closing years of the nineteenth century. This had its impact on journals.
 Veeresalingam realised the role of journals in spreading the social reform
movement and he carried out the task successfully.
 He made use of the journals being published at that time for spreading the ideals of
his social reform movement.
 Veeresalingam himself started his own journals to carry the message of social reform
 Vivekavardhani (1874), Hasyasanjivani(1876), Satihitabodhini(1883),
Satyasamvardhini Chintamani(1891), Zenana Patrika (1894), Satyavadini(1905).
 Because of the differences that surfaced between him and his opponents on social
reform matters, no journal was available to Veeresalingam to make his views on
social reform public.
 Differences cropped up between him and Kokkonda Venkataratnam with regard to
women's education the latter stopped publishing Veeresalingam's articles in his
journal Andhra Bhasha Sanjivani. This made it necessary to have his own journal for
spreading his views.
 Veeresalingam explained the reasons for setting up his journals to eradicate
corruption among employees, not only those who received bribes, but also those

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who offered bribes; to strive for purity in life, discouraging prostitution and to
inculcate good ethical conduct instead of sporting religious symbols.
 He realised the need for his own printing press and set up one in his house in 1876.
Veeresalingam edited its English section. The item for this section were written by
Mir Shuyaz Alikhan of Narasapuram who merged his Vidvadmanoharini with
 The fact that his journalistic activity had inaugurated a new trend in modern
journalism is beyond any controversy.
 To propagate the need for women's education, he set up Satihitabodhini.
 Loddonda Venkataratnam started Hasyavardhani to deride Vivekavardhani.
 As a counter to Hasyavardhani, Veeresalingam brought out Hasyavardhani,
veerasalingam brought out Hasyasanjivani.
 Satyasamvardhini appeared in 1891 and veeresalingam's disciple Rayasam Venkata
Sivudu edited it. This was a monthly published on behalf of Rajahmundry Prarthana
Samaj and Veeresalingam published the biography of Raja Rammohan Roy in this
 Zenanapatrika was commenced in 1893. Venkta sivudu was as its editor. This too
contributed to the cause of women's education.
 The literary journal jointly run by Veeresalingam and Nyapati Subbarao was
 Kokkonda Venkataratnam's journal was Andhra Bhasa Sanjivani. There was no
journal run by Telugu and to fill the void, he began publishing this journal from
Madras from November 28, 1871.
 Kokkonda's district view is seen in his eagerness that Telugus should have their own
 His journal had some characteristic features. The word Andhra was added in the title
of the journal. An editorial column written by the editor was introduced. It was the
first journal to initiate coining terminology.
 It published for the first time elegies written by Vaddadi Subbarayudu on the loss
of his wife and sons. The journal listed nine features required for a journal to service
at any time. This is really historical. Kokkonda categorised the qualities of an editor.
He said the editor too should have nine qualities. He also listed the requirements of
correspondents, sub-editors and readers.
 Amudrita Grandha Chintamani was a unique experiment in the history of Telugu
journalism. Though printing press was started, much of the lore was stored in palm
leaves. These contained many unpublished with a view to unearth those treasures.
 It was published by Pundla Ramakrishnayya (editor) from Nellore in 1885. Raja
Gopalakrishna Yachendra of Venkatagir extended financial support for its
publication. really astounding. The services of Vedam Venkataraya Sastry and
mandapaka Parvateeswara Sastry were utilised for its publication.

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 It is clear that the Telugu journals concentrated on social and political chages about
to take place in the Telugu land.

Telugu Journals, 1886-1919

 The Indian National Congress established in 1885 initiated the outlines of modern
 Modern education spread new political ideas and view-points of life
 After the advent of Indian national Congress, the developments were such that
intellectuals, writers and especially journalists could not refrain from reacting to the
 Among them were the division of Bengal, the attack of Japan on Russia, the split in
Congress as moderates and extremists, the First World War, Russian Revolution,
Tilak's exile, Gandhiji's arrival, Jallianwallabagh massacre, Congress efforts for unity.
 All these were contributory factors for instilling national feeling amoung the
 The aim of journals was promoting the spirit of patriotism.
 Journals like Desabhimani, Krishanapatrika, Andhrapatrika and Swarajya came to be
started during this time.
 Krishnapatrika and Andhrapatrika contributed to social and political fields
commendably and their services were inestimable. This phase will be long cherished
for ideological struggle.
 Desabhimani held a mirror to the new path tread by Telugu journalism. Its name in
the beginning was Krishnavrittantini. Its founder was Devguptam Seshachalapati
Rao Krishnavrittantini and Desabhimani merged later. It was the only daily published
from British Andhra.

Krishna Patrika

 It was born on February 1,1902, reflected the aspiration for renaissance in the land.
 Konda Venkatappayya and Dasu Narayana Rao were its founders.
 The office of Krishanapatrika in Masulipatnam the centre of freedom fighters.
 Unnava Laxminaryana translated one editorial of Krishnapatrika and it was
published in a journal in England.

The Hindu Sundari and Sri Savitri

 Mainly two journals published in Telugu were devoted fully to highlight women's
 The Hindu Sundari appeared from Eluru in 1902. It was a journal started to promote
the cause of women. The founders of the journal were Mosalikanti Ramabayamma
and Vempati Santabayamma.

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 Another journal, Sri Savatri, was published from Kakinada. Its publisher was Pulaguri
Laxminarasamamba. Its commenced publication in 1904.
 Journals supporting militant nationalism during the swadeshi movement were also
born in Telugu country. Swarajya belonged to this category
 After the partition of Bengal, political views developed in two ways. The nature of
British oppressive rule was grasped and awareness dawned as a result.
 After 1905 the desire for self rule transformed the pattern of journalistic style. The
journal in which such tendencies were found was Swarajya started by Gandicharla
Harisavottama Rao in 1907 from Bezawada.
 Srinivasacharyulu of Tirupati started Sri Venkateswara Patrika from Bezawada in
1907. Later, its name was changed to “Swarajya”
 The editorial written by Gadicharla Harisarvothama Rao on March 26, 1908,
angered the rulers. He was initially sentenced to six months regiours imprisonment
and later, the sentence was enhanced to three years. He was the first Telugu
journalist in south India to suffer imprisonment during the freedom struggle

Andhra Patrika

 Journal that was widely read by Telugu people was Andhrapatrika

 Founder – Kasinadhuni Nageswara Rao
 Propgated the principles of Gandhi
 Supported freedom struggle totally
 Bharati  monthly journal devoted to literature
 Manorama (1906) and Desamata (1910) were published by Chilakamarthi
 Manoranjani (1910) was published by Kallakuri Narayana rao
 Andhra Sahitya Parishad Patrika – etymology of telugu words and prepared an encyclopedia
of comprehensive terminology
 Journals with anti social reforms – Savithri and Aryamatabodhini

Telugu Journals (1920-47)

 Krowidi Lingaraju was sent to jail for two years for writing an editorial “Veerabali”
 Playlet titled “Chichula Pidugu” editor Madduri Annapurnayya was imprisoned
 Kasinadhuni Nageswara Rao “Bharati” claims a distinct place in the history of Telugu
Journalism and telugu literature
 Zamin Rythu founded by Nellore Venkatarama Naidu highlighted peasant’s problems and

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1st wholly socialist journal in Telugu – Navasakthi

1st communist journal in telugu - Prajasakthi

1st journal in telugu after India won political freedom – Jaya Bharat

 Journal to spread RSS view – Jagruthi  during this period Prajasakthi weekly ceased
because of the ban imposed on it in 1948

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Events leading to the formation of

Andhra Pradesh
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Visalandhra movement:

 The Communists propagated the idea of 'Visalandhra' from 1946.

 A daily news paper called Visalandhra was started by the Communists in June

 Communist leader Pucchalapalli Sundaraiah wrote a book called ‘Visalandhralo


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Visalandhra Mahasabha( 1949) :

 In November 1949, A. Kaleswara Rao formed the Visalandhra Mahasabha at


 SRC submitted its report on 30 September 1955  recommended the disintegration

of Hyderabad state and formation of a Visalandhra state including Telangana.
 In 1950 and 1954 two conferences of the Visalandhra Mahasabha were held at
Warangal and Hyderabad respectively and demanded the formation of Visalandhra
state with Hyderabad as its capital.

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States Reorganisation Commission:

 After the formation of Andhra state in October, 1953, the demand for creation of
other linguistic state gained momentum.

 On December 22,1953 , the then Prime Minister, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, announced
in the Lok Sabha the decision to set up a States Reorganisation Commission to
examine "objectively and dispassionately" the whole question of the reorganisation
of the states of the Indian Union.

 Accordingly, the Government of India, vide Ministry of Home Affairs resolution,

dated December 29, 1953, appointed the "States Reorganisation Commission"
headed by Justice S. Fazal Ali with H.N. Kunzru and K.M. Panikkaras members, to
examine and suggest a rational solution for the reorganisation of states, based on
 The commission submitted its report to the Government of India in 1955.

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 The states Reorganisation commission, accordingly, unanimously adopted the

principle of linguistic homogeneity as the basis to recommend the reorganisation
of states.
 Based on the recommendations, the States Reorganisation Act was passes by the
parliament and came into effect on November 1,1956.

SRC Report

SRC recommended that:

 The Kannada-speaking districts ofs Raichur and Gulbarga be transferred to

the then Mysore State ( the proposed Karnataka State),
 The Marathwada districts should also be detached from Hyderabad State;
and as for the primarily Telugu speaking areas
 Residuary state should continue to be known as Hyderabad state and
should consist of Telugu speaking districts of the then princely state of
 The expression was largely in favour of Hyderabad city ( not Kurnool) to
function as the capital of the Andhra state, with the unification of the Telugu-
speaking areas, looking possible in not too distant a future.
 In the Telangana convention held in November, 1955, at Secunderabad,
Harishachandra Deda, MP, changed his earlier position and strongly
supported the formation of a separate Telangana state on a permanent basis.
 An organisation called Visalandhra Mahasabha was formed in 1949 by the
leaders of Andhra area.
 The idea of Visalandhra had originated in circar districts as early as in 1937.
 The Andhra Congress Swarajya party aimed at formation of Andhra province
for all Telugu areas, including Telangana.
 In the CM's Conference of October, 1995, the central Government agreed to
create the unified state.


 Further reorganisation of states in the south is dependent in a large measure on the

future of Hyderabad is a state with a population of 18.7 millions, of which 47.8%
speak Telugu, 24.3 % Marathi, 11.6% Urdu, 10.5% Kannada and 5.8% other
 Three areas of Hyderabad known as Telangana, Karnataka and Marathwada were
substantially united only under the authority of the Asaf Jahi dynasty.

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 Andhra State established on 1st October ,1953.

 The arrangements which were made in 1953 have not been regarded by the Andhras
in the new state, especially in the circars, as final; and the case for the creation of
Visalandhra has remained substantially unexamined.

Key Points from SRC Report in examination point of view:

 The area and population of the Andhra State after minor adjustments will be a little
more than 64,950 square miles and about, 20.9 millions respectively without taking
into account any adjustments which may be made by agreement between Andhra
and Madras regarding the rectification of the southern border.

 The Sironcha tensile of Candla district was not included in the Hyderabad state

 Bidar district (multilingual district)  marathi,kannada, urdu and telugu was

included in Hyderabad state

 Hyderabad State  Area: 45,300 sq.miles || Population – 11.3 millions

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Gentlemen's Agreement

Gentlemen's Agreement

 In order to prevent misunderstandings between the two regions of Andhra and Telangana,
the Congress high command arranged a meeting of the leaders of the regions at Delhi on 20
February 1956.
 The meeting resulted in an agreement over the formation of Visalandhra by providing
certain safeguards to Telangana. All the eight participants signed an accord. This agreement
is popularly known as the ' Gentlemen's Agreement'.

Terms of the agreement:

1. The expenditure on the administration of the state should be borne proportionately

by the regions and the balance of income from Telangana should be reserved for the
development of the region. The arrangement will be reviewed after 5 years and can
be continued.
2. Existing educational facilities in Telangana should be secured to the students of
Telangana and further improved. Admission in technical institutions in Telangana to
be restricted to Telangana students or they should have 1/3rd seats in the whole of
state, which ever is more favourable to Telangana.
3. Retrenchment in services should be proportionate from both regions if it became
inevitable due to integration.
4. Some kind of domicile rules, eg: residence for 12 years should be provided in order
to assure the prescribed proportion to recruitment of services from Telangana areas.
( This is called as the Mulki).
5. The position of Urdu in the administration Judicial structure existing in Telangana
may continue for 5 years when the Regional council will review the position.
6. Sale of agricultural land in Telangana area to be controlled by the Regional council. A
Regional council, with 20 members ( 9 members from MLSs, one each of each
district, 6 members of the Assembly or Parliament from Telangana and members
from outside) to be setup for Telangana for its all round development.
7. The Regional council will be a statutory body empowered to deal with and decide
about matters of planning and development of Telangana area. Unless revised, this
agreement will be reviewed at the end of 10 years.
8. Cabinet minsters shold be in proportion to 60:40. Out of Telangana and vice versa.

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9. If the chief minister is from Andhra, Deputy chief minster should be from Telangana
and vice versa.
10. Two of the following five portfolios should go to Telangana

a. Home b. Finance c. Revenue d. Planning e. Commerce and Industry.

 From the above agreement, it will be seen that the Andhra leaders went more
than half way to meet the genuine demands of Telangana people.
 The government of India gave statutory support to the provisions of the
Agreement and the draft bill named the new state as 'Andhra Telangana'.
 When objections arose, it was amended as 'Andhra Pradesh'.
 On November 1, 1956, the Neelam Sanjeevareddy became the first chief
minister, K.V. Ranagareddy the first deputy chief minster and C.M. Trivedi the
first governor.

1st Chief Minister of AP Neelam Sanjeev Reddy

1st Deputy Chief Minister of AP K V Ranga Reddy
1st Governor of AP C M Trivedi
1st Chief Minister of Andhra State Tanguturi Prakasham Panthulu

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 Andhra State was formed on 1st October 1953.
 In fact after 50 years of struggle by Telugu leaders and people for separate state,
that Andhra state was formed by splitting Madras presidency.
 First Chief Minister of Andhra state was Tanguturi Prakasham Panthulu.

 On the occasion of controversy over banning liquor Prakasham's government lost

majority and collapsed in 1955. As a result mid term polls were held in 1955. As a
result mid term polls were held in 1955 in Andhra state.
 In the Andhra state formed in 1953 there were Rayalaseema and Coastal districts.
There were no Vijyanagaram or Prakasham districts then.

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Formation of Andhra Pradesh-1956

 As a result of a long struggle for comprehensive Andhra State, Andhra Pradesh was
formed on 1st November, 1956.
 This is a prominent historical event for the Telugu people.
 Andhra Pradesh was formed uniting Rayalaseema, Andhra Coastal districts with
Hyderabad which was part of Hyderabad state and Telangana districts

 When in 1956 Andhra Pradesh was formed, Burgula Ramakrishna Rao was serving
as the chief Minister of Hyderabad state.

 After mid term polls were conducted in 1955 Bejawada Gopala Reddy was
continuing as the Chief Minister of Andhra State and Nilam Sanjeeva Reddy was the
Deputy Chief Minister.

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 In 1956, on the occasion of formation Andhra Pradesh both Burgula Rama Krishna
Rao cabinet and Bejawada Gopla Reddy ministry resigned.

Before formation of Andhra Pradesh in 1956

Chief Minister of Hyderabad state Burgula Ramakrishna Rao

Chief Minister of Andhra State Bejawada Gopala Reddy
Speaker of Hyderabad State Kashinatha Rao
Speaker of Andhra State Laxmi Narasimham
1st Speaker of Andhra State Nallapati Venkata Ramaiah

The rule of N. Sanjeeva Reddy :

 NSR was elected as the Chief Minister of United Andhra Pradesh.

 The total number of ministers along with the C.M. was 13 only.

1st Ministry of Andhra Pradesh (Name) Portfolio

Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy Chief Minister
K V Ranga Reddy Home Minister
Bejawada Gopal Reddy Finance Minister
Kala Venkat Rao Revenue Minister
J V Narsinga Rao Irrigation and Electricity
D Sanjeevaiah Labour and Social Welfare
Valluri Basava Raju Planning and development
Peddireddy Thimmareddy Food and Agriculture
Pattabhi Rama Rao Education
Mehidi Nawaz Jung Cooperative, House Building
Grandhi Venkata Reddy Naidu Law
Kasu Brahmananda Reddy Local bodies
M Narsinga Rao Roads and Buildings

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The formation of Legislative Council

 Andhra Pradesh is the first state formed according to states reorganisation act.
 In 1957 second general elections were held only in Telangana region. In total 79
members were elected from Telangana region. After 1957 elections, Chief Minister
N. Sanjeeva Reddy again formed a new cabinet.
 During his tenure as C.M., Legislative council was formed with 90 members. During
his ruling only another important historic event took place.

Panchayat, emerging Panchayat Raj System-1959 :

 In 1959 Panchayat Raj system was introduced.

 Due to the introduction of Panchayat Raj system, differences and clashes occurred in
 Caste clashes also took place throughout the state elections were held at district
parishads Samithis ( Taluka level), Panchayats ( village level).
 National Development Council had approved Balwanth Rai Mehata Committee
report in 1958.
 Three phases panchayat system was implemented in Rajasthan on 2nd October,
1959 and in Andhra Pradesh on 1st November, 1959.
 Some more important events happened during the tenure of Neelam Sanjeeva
Reddy. These were....

1. Telangana Regional Committee-1958.

2. Nationalisation of Text books.
3. Nationalisation of Bus routes in the State.

Telangana Regional Committee-1958

 In 1958 a Regional Committee was also constituted in Telangana.

 This was a constitutional appointment.

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 With the order of President, Central government constituted Telangana regional committee.
 K. Achutha Reddy was the first President of Telangana Committee.
 During the tenure of N. Sanjeeva Reddy some Congress leaders formed a group against chief
 The leader of their group formed a new party on 12th February 1959. The name of the party
was " Democratic Party ". In that year only another party "Socialist Democratic party" was
formed in June 1959. Many of its members have socialist ideas. But with the leaders of that
party V.B. Raju joining Congress party again, that party was dissolved in the initial state.
 In this negative back drop in June 1959 Swatantra Party was formed in Andhra Pradesh.
N.G. Ranga was elected as the President of Swatantra Party. Many of the opponents of
congress party in the state joined Swatantra Party. At this time another event happened.
 Under the leadership of Tenneti Vishwanatham Praja party was revoked in 1960 in the
state. Though such small parties sprouted, the congress party was not weakened under the
leadership of Nilam Sanjeeva Reddy.
 In 1960 Nilam Sanjeeva Reddy was elected as the President of all India congress. Then a
controversy arose as to who would be elected as the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh.

The ruling of Sri Damodaram Sanjeevaiah:

 He is the first harijan chief minister in our country.

 He appointed Konda venkata Ranga Reddy as deputy chief minister.

 Sanjeevaiah was appointed as chief minister on 10th January 1960.
 Though leaders like Alluri Sathyanarayana Raju and Kasu Brahmanada Reddy competed he
was chosen as the chief minister. He served as the chief minister from 1960 January 11 to
1962 March. Chief minister Sanjeevaiah issued a new order.

Backward castes order:

 When no one is present for the jobs reserved for S.C and S.T's, a candidate from the O.C's
would be sanctioned that job.
 But according to the order issued by Sanjeevaiah that convention was replaced.
 This new order specified that in case no candidate applied for the job from S.C's and S.T's
that job should be kept vacant.
 During his tenure, assembly elections were held in 1962. In that elections Congress got 177
seats. Communist party got more than 50 seats.

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The ruling of Sanjeeva Reddy:

 When Sanjeeva Reddy became Chief Minister for the 3rd time, he formed his ministry.
 He gave a post for Sanjeevaiah in his cabinet.
 But he did not give a ministry to his companion Alluri Sathyanarayana Raju.
 Therefore Sanjeevaiah rejected the minister post. But Sanjeevaiah was appointed as the
president of All India Congress.

Nationalisation of Bus Routes-1962 April:

 In 1962 April, Sanjeeva Reddy government had nationalised the bus routes in Kurnool
district. Over that order, famous congress leaders Pidathala Ranga Reddy, Vijaya Bhaskara
Redddy approached court. Case continued for two years in the court.

 Finally supreme court gave verdict against the action of the government, As a result of the
verdict Sanjeeva Reddy ministry had to resign in February 24th, 1964

Other features of his administration:

 Sanjeeva Reddy took the step to complete the Nagarjuna sagar project which was started
in 1955.

 Taken up constructing Srisailam, Pochanpadu and Vamshadhara project.

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 Agricultural university was established with Obula Reddy as its Vice Chancellor.
 Established research centre for the development of Cotton, Chilly and Turmeric.
 Procured the Nizam Sugar factory, Installed new heavy machinery and made it Asia's
highest sugar mill.
 Academies were founded for the development of Telugu and Urdu.
 Natya, Sangeetha academies were also established.
 Telugu Academy was established to publish text books.

 Special regional union was established for the welfare of Telangana people.
 Thungabhadra left canal and Rajolibanda scheme were taken up.
 Roads were laid to Srisailam. Many facilities were introduced for the devotees in various
 State Road transport corporation, A.P.S.R.T.C. were formed.

The policy of Land Reforms:

 Knowing the concept of implementing land reforms started at the centre at this time,
Sanjeeva Reddy announced that they would be implement land reforms in state after three
 Meanwhile all land lords taken the precaution of registering their lands in the name of their
wives, sons and relatives.

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 There was a criticism that he had given a time of three months that helped land lords to save
their lands.
 But the land lords who saved their lands felt happy that Sanjeeva Reddy had given them
time. Many people thought that Sanjeeva Reddy being a farmer's son helped in favour of

The ruling of Brahmananda reddy:

 Kasu Brahmananda reddy, a follower of Sanjeeva Reddy, was elected as the leader of
congress legislature party.

 Taken oath as Chief minister on 24th February 1964. He continued in the post from 1964.
 In 1965 important event took place. The then chief minister Brahmananda Reddy didn't like
vice chancellor of Osmania university D.S Reddy to continue in the post who had been
appointed by Sanjeeva Reddy.
 Therefore he not only removed D.S. Reddy but also formed and implemented an act
lowering the status of the university. This act created controversy.
 Court had given verdict in his favour reinstating D S Reddy. Court also remarked that the
autonomy of Universities should be protected.

Steel Factory:

 Sanjeeva Reddy was steel and mining minister at the centre. He himself formed the new
committee asking it to submit report over the formation of steel factory.
 This committee after studying Biladilla, Goa, Naiveli, Salam, Hospate, and Vishakhapatnam
made it clear that of all these places, only Vishakhapatnam is suitable for the construction of
steel factory.
 In 1965 July, in the assembly a proposal for the construction of steel factory at
Vishakhapatnam was passed.
 In fact the people in Andhra Pradesh started agitation every where giving the slogan
'Visakha Steel- Andhra's right' , mainly the agitation was intensified in North and South

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Milestones in the History of Steel Plant:

 1970,April : The government announced in the Parliament that it would establish a steel
plant in Vishakhapatnam
 1971, January 20 : The then Prime Minister laid foundation stone for the construction of
steel Plant.
 1979, June 12; An agreement was reached between India and Russia for the construction of
Visakha Steel Plant.
 1982 : In this year in the Visakha steel Plant, the crucial first Blast furnace (Godavari) was
laid foundation stone.
 1990, May :The then Prime minister V.P. Singh dedicated the blast furnace to the nation.
 1992, March : The Krishna blast furnace was started.
 1992,August : The then Prime Minister P.V.Narasimha Rao dedicated the steel plant to the

Visakha steel - Andhra's Right

 The Vishaka steel plant, constructed with an expenditure of Rs. 81,500 cores in six thousand
acres was laid foundation stone for the second phase extension works by Man Mohan Singh
on May 20, 2006.

Kasu - Brahmananda Reddy

 Became Chief Minister of A.P. on 6th March, 1967.

 Split in 1964 for the first time in communist party and again there was a split in 1967.
 Tarimela Nagi Reddy, Chandra Pulla Reddy, Kolla Venkaiah, Tejeswara Rao, Naga Bhushana
Patnaik split from communist party of India ( Marxist) and formed Communist party of India
( Marxist-Leninist). This is an extremist party.
 May be because of splitting into three parties, communist party, weakened in Andhra

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Telangana Agitation:

 In 1967, Communal riots happened in Hyderabad.

 "Andhra Jyothi" published news criticising Brahmananada Reddy for not curtailing that riots.
 For that Brahmananada Reddy took exception and introduced "Press Bill" which restricted
press freedom and he placed " Andhra Jyothi" in Black list. He made the Bill into act.

Mulki Problem

 In 1968, Telangana regional sub committee was extended for another five years.
 In that regard the state government had written a letter to the centre asking to extend the
Mulki conditions were the basis for the separate Telangana agitation in 1969.
 In 1888 Mulki conditions were introduced in Telangana.
 According to Mulki conditions for all posts in the state, eligible local people were to be
 If there were no eligible local candidates then the out siders were to be appointed with the
permission of Prime Minister.
 In 1919 Nizam king issued a Farmana making Mulki conditions more strict. According to
this, outsiders should not be joined in posts without the permission of Nizam king. Because
of growing unemployment in Hyderabad, the people demanded that Mulki conditions
should be implemented strictly.
 The separate state agitation, started in 1969 January intensified by March.
 As a result of this agitation, they formed "Telangana Praja Samithi". Madan Mohan was its

Eight Principles Scheme

 Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, had to intervene as the Telangana agitation intensified. In
1969 April 11th, she called for a special meeting in Delhi.
 In this meeting no one spoke demanding separate Telangana state.
 Keeping aside Chenna Reddy's demand Indira Gandhi announced the eight principle

1. Over this problem a higher official committee under the presidency of sitting or retired
supreme court judge would be appointed.
2. A special committee would be appointed over the Telangana surplus funds problem.
3. This committee would have the power of supervision over the schemes being
implemented in Telangana.
4. A special committee would be appointed to inspect the development schemes being
implemented in Telangana.

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The report given by the above mentioned committee should be submitted to the Prime
Minister by the Chief minister.
5. To implement the issue in that report, the matter of giving some special powers to the
Telangana special officers, would be inspected by the Chief Minister.
6. The centre was positive about giving constitutional promises in regard to jobs for
Telangana people. However over this problem the centre would seek the opinion of legal
7. Central government would from an advisory committee according to the 1956 state
reorganisation act.
8. The Prime minister would inspect the matters by meeting once in every six months with
the higher official committee formed for the development of Telangana. To this meeting
some central ministers and the vice president of planning commission would attend. These
are the issues announced by the prime minister Indira Gandhi as part of eight principles

 As a result of separate Telangana agitation, the chief minister, Kasu Brahmananda Reddy
had to resign.

Ruling of P.V.Narasimha Rao:

 On 25th September 1971, Andhra Pradesh assembly elected P.V. Narasimha rao as its
 Sworn in as Chief minister on 30th September.1971.
 Remained in the office from 30th September 1971 to 2nd March 1972.


 Even before 1972 elections, parliament elections were held in 1971.

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 On 27th December 1970 Prime minister Indira Gandhi dissolved the parliament and paved
the way the early elections.
 In parliament under the leadership of Indira Gandhi, Congress got two thirds majority. With
that majority she amended constitution and repealed the maintenance allowance to the
former kings. But in the state, congress was defeated.

Telangana Praja Samithi-1970(T.P.S.):


 Telangana praja Samithi (T.P.S) was born during the separate Telangana agitation in 1969
 Before that in February 1969, Telangana people's convention was formed with A. Madan
Mohan as convener.
 The aim of this convention was to achieve separate Telangana state.
 Afterwards it was renamed as Telangana Praja Samithi and it was declared as a political
party in 1970 December.
 Marri Channa Reddy was appointed as its President .
 Spade symbol was allotted to that party. In1972 elections, it contested for 14 places in
Telangana and Hyderabad and won 10 seats. But after an agreement with Indira Gandhi, it
merged with the congress in SepSeptember 1971.
 But those who did not want the merger with Congress formed a separate party with the
name " Complete
mplete Telangana Praja Samithi", B. Satyanarayana Reddy was its president

 By 27th November 1972,, the Prime Minister

M announced clearly that there was no question
of forming a separate Andh
Andhra State. At the same time the Prime
rime Minister announced 5
principles scheme.

Five Principle Scheme:

The main point of five principles

ciples scheme announced by the Prime Minister
Minister are:
 Till 1977, Mulki conditions would be implemented in twin cities.
 Till 1980, they would be implement in Telangana. They would
would be repealed
1. Mulki condition would be applied
appl through out Telangana for Tahasildar
ahasildar level and
Non gazetted jobs, Assistant civil surgeon, Assistant Engineers.
2. For every
ry three jobs of Secretariat, where the employee of both regions work
together, a second job would be given to Telangana people.
3. First two posts of gazetted cadre of various services would be localised.
4. Necessary steps for improving educational facilities for the Andhra region students
would be taken up in twin cities.

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5. Police force in twin cities would be formed taking people from both regions.

 Bringing Assistant surgeons, Assistant Engineers under the purview of Mulki conditions, the
non Mulki agitation intensified in coastal and Rayalaseema districts.
 Ultimately the separate Andhra agitation intensified and even they hoisted a separate state
flag on 10th December, 1972.
 Impact  On 18th January 1973, P.V. Narasimha Rao government resigned. State assembly
was suspened.
 Immediately with the Governor as state's representative, President's rule was impose. In the
state President's rule continued from 18th January 1973 to 10th December, 1973.

1972 “Jai Andhra" Agitation

 While P.V. Narasimha Rao was the chief minister, the controversies over Mulki conditions
was intensified and changed into "Jai Andhra" agitation.
 Mulki conditions means to do a job in Telangana, the person has to live in that region for
some time. .

 With the resignation of P.V. Narasimha Rao government, the centre imposed President's rule
and took severe measures for the protection of law and order.
 On this occasion with the demand of Chenna Reddy for the separate Telangana state, it
seemed the division of state as imminent. But with the attitude of the centre and the
differences between the leaders the interest over agitations decreased.

Prime Minister's Six Point Formula

On one hand Telangana people and on the other hand Andhra people were agitating for a
separate state. Then Prime Minister proposed six point formula. The main points of six principle
scheme are:

1. Mulki conditions would be repealed with the consent of Telangana regional

2. Preference would be given to local candidates for the jobs of Non gazetted, Assistant
Civil Surgeon and lower jobs. A special tribunal would be formed for the solution of
problems such as giving promotions.
3. A committee would be formed for the solution of government employees problems
4. Planning commission would be formed at state level for all backward regions in the
state. Local sub-committees woulb be formed in the backward regions.

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5. Preference would be given compulsorily for the local candidates in State

development board and educational institutes.
6. Constitution
ion would be amended to make these principles constitutional.
 "Jai Andhra" agitation continuing for ten months was called off on 1st October 1973 when
Andhra congress action committee approved this six point formula.
 The centre had approved the 33rd constitutional
itutional amendment bill making this six point
formula constitutional on 18th December 1973. 1973
 With the agreement over six point formula the obsolete Mulki conditions were repealed.
Telangana regional committee, formed in 1958 was dissolved with the order of o the
President on 1st January 1974
 The good thing about it is this six point formula was approved by leaders of both regions.
The centre had removed the president's rule on 10th December 1973.1973

Jalagam Vengala Rao as C.M. of A.P

 ister on 10th December,1973.

Sworn in as chief minister
 Continued in office till 5th March, 1978.
 During his tenure World
orld Telugu conference was held in April 1975 in Hyderabad
 Prime Minister Indira Gandhi imposed emergency throughout out the nation on 25th July
 On 1st December, 1975,, two naxalites Bhumaiah and Krishana Gour were handed in the
capital city. Afterwards, Prime Minister removed emergency.
 Elections were held 1977. Congress party candidates won in 41 Lok Sabha elections. In only
one Parliament constituency (Nandyala) Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy ddy who contested on behalf of
anata Party registered a thumping victory.
 For the
he first time at the centre, a Non
Non Congress government had come to power
 N. Sanjeeva Reddy who won from Nandyala was elected as President in 1978 1978.

Split in State Congress

 At the national level and also at the state level an opposition group against Indira Gandhi
was formed. In the state, Kasu Brahmananda Reddy served many Congress men.
 More over as Congress was terribly defeated in 1977 elections,
elections, Indira Gandhi was not in
power. Kasu Brahmananda Reddy wanted to make use of the opportunity.
 At this time Indira Gandhi split Indian National
N Congress on 1st January 1978..

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 She named her party as Indian National Congress (I). "I" meant Indira.
 Kasu Brahmananda Reddy named his party as Indian National Congress (R).
"R" meant Reddy  Reddy Congress.

1978 Assembly Elections

 State assembly elections were held in February 1978.

 Y.S. Rajashekara Redday won as Reddy Congress candidate.
 Many people who won with Reddy congress joined Indira Congress.
 In the end Brahmananda Reddy, Jalgam Vengala Rao also joined Indira congress.

Marri Chenna Reddy as C.M

 He was elected as the leader of legislative party on 3rd March 1978.

 Jalagam Vengala Rao who had been chief minister till hen, resigned on 5th March.
 Chenna Reddy was sworn in as chief minister on 6th March.

The Opposition Against Chenna Reddy

 Lok Sabha elections were held in 1980. In this elections Indira Congress got stupendous
victory. She again became Prime Minister, Reddy Congress was washed out.
 The M.L.A's who won on behalf of Reddy Congress joined Indira Congress
 In 1980 all opposition parites conducted a huge rally in Vijayawada against Chenna Reddy
 In all opposition against the rule of Chenna Reddy had grown not only in opposition parties
but also among people. Realising this, Indira Gandhi asked Chenna Reddy to resign. As a
result Chenna Reddy ministry resigned on 11the October 1980.

The Rule of Tanguturi Anjaiah

 Became chief minister on 11th October 1980.

 N.T. Rama Rao, who formed Telugu Desam party then began to circulate the opinion that by
humiliating Anjaiah, Rajiv Gandhi had in fact humiliating all Telugu people.

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 The sentiment that under the tenure of Indira Gandhi, Telugu people were being humiliated
had hurt Telugu people.

 On 24th February 1982 Anjaiah Resigned.

Bhavanam Venkataram reddy as C.M:

 Bhavanam venkata ram reddy was sworn in as chief minister on 24th February 1982.
 Continued as chief minister till 20th September 1982. When he became chief minister, he
announced that he removed the word "Reddy" form his name.

The Effect of Rajyasabha Elections:

 Just after he became chief minister, at the centre elections were held for Rajya Sabha.
 Therefore Indira Gandhi and congress leadership at the centre realised that Bhavanam
Venkata Ram had no control over the M.L.A.s in the state.

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 He was not competent enough to counter the charisma of Telugu Desham party president
N.T Rama Rao in attracting the people. T
 herefore Indira Gandhi had decided to remove him from the throne

The Rule of Kotla Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy:

 Sworn in as chief minister on 20th September 1982.

 By the time N.T.Rama Rao formed Telugu Desam Party and canvassing against Congress.
 Apart from this point, another important issue also influenced the people. Congress central
leadership had changed three chief ministers in the period of four years.

1. Chenna Reddy
2. Anjaiah
3. Bhavanam Venkata Ram,
4. Kotla Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy

The birth of Telugu Desam Party

 Telugu Desam Party was founded on 29th May, 1982.

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 In 1983 January, elections were held for the assembly. N.T.R mounting his vehicle,
"Chaitanya Ratham" toured all over Andhra Pradesh like whirl wind.

 Telugu Desam Party bagged 202 seats in the assembly.

N.T.Rama Rao as C.M.

 Sworn in as chief minister on 9th January, 1983

 N.T.Rama Rao conducted his swearing in among the people in Lal Bahadur Stadium.
 Along with the chief minister, the ministers in the cabinet were 15 only.
 N. Bhaskara Rao, who got second place in his ministry, helped N.T.Rama Rao in the
formation of Telugu Desam Party.
 Political scholars wee of the opinion that Telugu Desam came to power, some important
events happened.
1. State cabinet had approved a 15 points development plan on 10 the April, 1983.
2. The scheme of Kg rice for two rupees was implemented from 14th April. In all, during the
tenure of N.T.Rama Rao, the public distribution method was implemented in an efficient
3. Women's university was started in Tirupathi.
4. On 28th April, the private practice of Government doctors was demolished. But all the
doctors unitedly opposed it. They started agitation.
5. On 5th May, 1983 foundation stone was laid for the second stage of Sri Rama Pada Sagar
6. A G.O was issued noting that simple majority is sufficient for introducing no confidence
motion against Zilla Parishad Vice Chairman. Before that two thirds of majority was required.
7. Chief minister had taken up some measures to make government employees well. So the
N.G.O.'s started agitation. N.G.O.'s started agitation on 16th june 1983. This strike
continued till 3rd August. On 11th August 1983, Y.S. Raja Shekara Reddy was appointed as
P.C.C President. In that month on 15th Ram Lal came as Governor to the state.
8. On 4th January 1984, the state government had repealed the village officers posts. Though
the posts of Munasab and Karanam were repealed, no alternative system was formed. D.r.
Marri Chenna Reddy, who thought that all public departments were distancing from N.T.
Rama Rao, formed National Democratic Party on 26th February 1984. But it did not last

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9. In February 1984 they removed government's General Secretary. G.V. Rama Krishna Rao
from the post. It was the second time that the Telugu Desam Government removing state
governments' General Secretary.
10. The assembly had passed a resolution on 14th March 1984, making recommendation to
repeal Legislative council in the state and sent a copy to the centre. But the centre didn't
approve it.

The Rule of Nadendla Bhaskara Rao:

 Nadendla Bhaskara Rao's government remained in office only from 16th August to 16th
September 1984. That means he remained as chief minister only for a month. He raised the
 State wide agitation continued against the action of governor and demanding reinstatement
of N. T.R as chief minister.
 N.T.R was again sworn in as chief minister on 16th September 1984. Later he proved his
majority in the assembly.

The Assassination of Indira Gandhi:

 Indira Gandhi was assassinated on 31st October 1984.

 On 28th December 1984 mid term polls were held for lok sabha.
 Rajiv Gandhi became the Prime minister on 1st January 1985.

Elections Again in the State:

 N.T.R was sworn in again as chief minister for the third time on 9th March 1985.

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Mandal System:

 After N.T.R became chief minister for a third time, he introduced some new programs. One
of them was the introduction of Mandal System.
 Talukas and Firkas in the districts were replaced and Mandals are formed in the state.
 With the formation of nearly 1104 mandals, the government came near to the people.
 The state government had amended the heir act by creating equal right for the daughters
in the property of her father. The assembly approved this bill on 24th September 1985. In
fact this bill had historical significance. This act helps for raising women's economic and
social status.
 N.T.R achieved national recognition. He was elected as Chairman of National front which
was formed at the national level against the congress party.
 In 1985 highest Buddha statue was installed in Hussain Sagar in Hyderabad. The height of
this statue is 68 feet.
 Vocational education was introduced in 250 high schools.
 Telugu vignana pitham was founded.
 On 15th July 1986, 44% reservations in jobs and educational institutions for backward
classes people were announced. With this the percent of reservations raised to 67%.
 The N.T.R government replaced sahithya academy and Telugu academy which were
founded by congress government earlier.

Dronam Raju Satyanarayana filed a writ in 1988 over corruption changes against Rama Rao.

The dissolution of cabinet:

 On 12th February 1988, N.T.R had done a strange and a never before happened thing.
 On that day he dissolved the cabinet with 31 members. In India such an incident had never
happened in any state. His allegation was that some ministers leaked the secrets of cabinet
meeting to news papers.
 He announced a new cabinet three days after dissolving the old cabinet.

Cash with Judiciary:

 On 29th March 1989 the assembly passed a resolution of punishment against the youth
congress leaders for making nuisance in the assembly.
 On 25th April 1989 the Supreme court ordered their release. But the assembly speaker,
Narayana Rao went against the verdict..

The defeat of Telugu Desam:

 In the elections held in 1989, Telugu desam party was defeated.

 On 16th December 1990, N.Janardhana reddy was elected as the leader of congress
legislative party and sworn in as chief minister.

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 During his tenure the number of educational institutes raised in the state. Mainly the
number of professional colleges

Congress plenary meetings:

 In April 1992 A.I.C.C plenary meetings were held in Tirupathi. Then P.V Narasimha Rao was
prime minister. In these plenary meetings for the first time priority was given to economic
 High court had given verdict against Janardhana Reddy government in the matter of 13
Dental colleges.
 On 9th October 1992 Janaradhana Reddy had to resign.
 On the same day Kotla Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy became chief minister. He continued in the
office till December 1994. In 1994 December elections were held for state assembly. chief minister for the fourth time:

 On 12th December 1994, N.T.R was sworn in as chief minister for the fourth time..
 NTR ruled our state for 7 years 5 months and 28 days.

N.T.R 's Social service programs:

Though he had earned lakhs of rupees, he would come forward to save people when they were in

 He collected three lakh rupees when Rayalaseema faced drought in 1952.

 In 1965, he collected ten lakh rupees for National Defence trust and handed over to Prime
minister, Lal Bhadur Shastri.
 In 1965, he collected three lakh rupees for family welfare fund of police constables.
 In 1979, he helped the cyclone victims of Diviseema.


 he was awarded and felicitated with "Kala Prapurna" title by Andhra University for his
multifaceted talents and services. In
 1968 the Indian government felicitated him with " Padma Sri".
 C. Anna Durai praised him as " Andhra Makkur Tilakam".

Rule of Nara Chandra Babu Naidu:

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 Sworn in as 11th chief minister on 1st September, 1995.

 On 1st January 1997, " Janma Bhoomi" program was launched in the state.
 In South Korea the government introduced "Semal An Dung" program and achieved the
goals of village development in a definite time.
 The spirit of S. Korea was mixed with "Janma Bhoomi "

 Happening three times a year, in janma bhoomi effort was made to solve the problems
giving importance to one of the issue each time.
 There were three points to their program for which a budget of Rs.1500 crores was allotted.

1. Government at the door steps of the people.

2. Service

3.Janma Bhoomi

4. Files clearance

Government near to the people:

He asked the officials to go to the people and know about their problems. With this people were
benefited. Through accountability grew in the officials, the government official grew enmity against
chandrababu naidu.

Janma bhoomi:

The concept of people in villages solving their problems on their own was first introuded in North
Korea. It gave good result there. The village people would unite and lay the road and repair them,
dig the closed canals on their own. To these program not only the revenue officers but the teachers
also had to attend.

The Boom in I.T Industry:

 The credit of laying foundation for information technology in the state goes to Chandra
Babu Naidu by establishing High tech city in Hyderabad
 Launched e-governance service

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Development during the rule of Chndra Babu Naidu

 Information Technology
 E-governance
 Establishment of foreign IT companies in Hyderabad
 Outsourcing facilities
 Foundation of Cyberabad
 E-seva centres
 Formation of SMART (Simple- Moral – Accountable – Responsible -
 Extension of roads in capital city

 Chandrababu Naidu  defeated in 2004 elections

Water protection Board:

 Realised the problem of water scarcity

 Started water protection board in 2002
 Launched water shed program
 Main program  store the water properly obtained from rain

New welfare schemes to improve the economic condition of poor people

 Adarana
 Cheyutha
 Mundadugu
 Chaitanyam
 Roshni
 Sukhibhava
 Apadbandhu

Vision 2020

 Micro plan was taken up as the main issue in 11th Janmabhoomi

 Priority given in 1st Janmabhoomi programme  Construction works
 Foundation stone at Turkapalli  Biotechnology park

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Rule of Y.S.Rajasekhar Reddy

 Sworn in as Chief Minister on 14th May, 2004

 Provided free electicity to farmers
 Repealed loans of farmers
 New water project schemes like “Jala Yagnam” was formulated to solve the problems of
farmers and to irrigate lakhs of acres of land
 Started “Indiramma Illu”  houses to poor
 Loans to farmers at 25 ps interest

Main Schemes:

Jala Yagnam:

 To solve the problem of agricultural development

 Implemented in backward and undeveloped areas
 52 heavy and medium projects started with “Jala Yagnam”

Indiramma Scheme:

 Started on April 1st, 2006 at padamara khandrika village

 Aim: create infrastruvtural facilities for all village people

Indira Kranthi Scheme:

 “Velugu” and “Dwaraka” schemes are combined and changed to “Indira kranthi” scheme

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Rule of Rosaiah

 Period as CM : 03-09-2009 to 24-11-2010

Imp projects  Jawahar bala arogya raksha, Asara and YSR Abhaya Hastam

Rule of Kiran Kumar Reddy:

 Period as CM: Nov 25,2010 to Feb 19,2014

 Imp projects: Rajiv Yuva kiranalu and 1 kg rice for Re.1

Leftist inspired movements:

 Srikakulam and Naxalbari movements

 Brought the problems of farmers into light

Naxalbari movement:

 Started in Naxalbari village in Darjiling region of Bengal in 1967

 Main reason for the movement  Jothedhari system
 Movement conducted in Guerilla system
 Later it inspired farmers movements in Srikakulam, AP and Gopi Vallabhapur (WB)

Srikakulam farmers armed struggle

 In the agency area tribal people like Jathapulu, Savaras, Gadabas and Gondus formed
 Business people exploited these tribal people

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 Communist party had taken up the problems of tribals of Srikakulam

 1959 – CP formed tribals union
 “Sathyam” demanded the prosecution of local landlords, who occupied the lands of tribal
 Srikakulam movement had turned into armed struggle between October 1968 and 1969

Backward Classes movement:

 After the formation of AP on 1st Nov, 1956, it devised two lists for the backward classes and
implemented one list with 86 castes to Andhra region and second list to Telangana region
 Central govt had appointed Kalelkar commission in 1953 with regard to reservations
 AP govt issued an order on 21st September, 1963 creating 25% reservations mainly in
medical colleges, including 139 backward castes
 High court gave a verdict that creating reservations on the basis of caste is inapplicable
This case is known as Sukhdev vs Govt
 Committee had recognised 112 classes as BC’s on the basis of poverty, residence, job etc.
 Govt created reservations for them in education and employment

Muralidhara Rao Commission:

 To investigate whether minorities were included in the BC list and review the
development of BC
 This commission taken the responsibilities on 27th Jan 1982 and reviewed the
 As census was not taken on the basis of castes, it combined the population of backward
castes, tribes and religious groups and came to know that they are 29.08% of population
 With the reservation in the state, the total reservation quota has risen to 7%

Women’s Anti Liquor Agitation

 WOMEN demanded to prohibit the sale and auction of liquor

 “Aksharajyothi” program taken up by the govt for adult education originated the anti liquor
 This agitation was started by women for the first time from village Dubagunta in Nellore Dist
 Impact  prohibition implemented since 1st October, 1993

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