12 Vda de Cruz VS Manila Hotel PDF

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G.R. No. L-9110 April 30, 1957 had been members of the Government Service Insurance "play from 7:30 p.m. to closing time daily". What pieces the
System. Plaintiffs replied to the motion, did not deny the orchestra shall play, and how the music shall be arranged or
terms of Exhibit 1, nor the allegations of non-membership in directed, the intervals and other details — such are left to the
JOSEFA VDA. DE CRUZ, ET AL., plaintiffs-appellants,
the Government Service Insurance System; but insisted they leader's discretion. The music instruments, the music papers
were employees of the Hotel. and other paraphernalia are not furnished by the Hotel, they
THE MANILA HOTEL COMPANY, defendant-appellee.
belong to the orchestra, which in turn belongs to Tirso Cruz —
not to the Hotel. The individual musicians, and the
The controversy could therefore be decided and it was decide
BENGZON, J.: instruments they have not been selected by the Hotel. It
in the light of the terms of Exhibit 1 and Annex A, plus the reserved no power to discharge any musician. How much
factual allegations expressly or impliedly admitted by the
salary is given to the individual members is left entirely to "the
On May 22, 1954 and for several years before, Tirso Cruz with contending parties.
orchestra" or the leader. Payment of such salary is not made
his orchestra furnished music to the Manila Hotel under the by the Hotel to the individual musicians, but only a lump-sum
arrangement hereafter to be set forth. On that date the compensation is given weekly to Tirso Cruz.
At the outset the following consideration presents itself:
corporation owning the Hotel gave written notice to its
plaintiffs' right is not predicated on some statutory provision,
employees that beginning July 1, 1954 the Hotel would be
but upon the offer or promise contained in Annex A. Such
leased to the Bay View Hotel, and that those employees to be Considering the above features of the relationship, in
offer or promise having been written by the defendant, it is
laid off would be granted a separation gratuity computed connection with the tests indicated by numerous authorities,
logical to regard said defendant to in the best position to
according to specified terms and conditions. it is our opinion that Tirso Cruz was not an employee of the
state who were the employees contemplated in the aforesaid
Manila Hotel, but one engaged to furnish music to said hotel
Annex A. The defendant asserts these musicians were not
for the price of P250.00 daily, in other words, an independent
Cruz and his musicians claimed the gratuity; but the Manila included; therefore such assertion should be persuasive, if not
contractor1 within the meaning of the law of master and
Hotel management denied their claim saying they were not its conclusive. Let it be emphasized that Annex A is not a
employees. Wherefore they instituted this action in the Manila contract, but a mere offer of gratuity, the beneficiaries of
court of first instance in December 1954. which normally depended upon the free selection of the
offeror. An independent contractor is one who in rendering services,
exercises an independent employment or occupation and
On motion by defendant and after hearing the parties, the represents the will of his employer only as to the results of his
Hon. Francisco E. Jose, Judge, issued an order dismissing the Independently however of the Hotel's interpretation of its own
work and not as to the means whereby it is accomplished; one
complaint on the ground that plaintiffs had no cause of action announcement, and analyzing the terms of Annex A, we notice
who exercising an independent employment, contracts to do a
against defendant since they were not its employees. Hence that it extends to those employees of the Hotel who were "not
piece of work according to his own methods, without being
this appeal directly to this Court, involving only questions of yet entitled to either the optional or compulsory retirement subject to the control of his employer except as to the result of
law. In the meantime Tirso Cruz the band leader died; he is insurance provided under Republic Act No. 660". And then we
his work; and who engages to perform a certain service for
now substituted by his legal heirs. However for convenience read that retirement insurance under Republic Act No. 660 is
another, according to his own manner and methods, without
we shall refer to him as if he were still a party to the given only to those insured with the Government Service
being subject to the control of his employer except as to the
proceedings. Insurance System or the G.S.I.S.; and that the herein
result of his work; and who engages to perform a certain
plaintiffs were never members of (insured with) such
service for another, according to his own manner and method,
Insurance System. Wherefore the inevitable conclusion flows
The complaint alleged that plaintiffs "were members of the free from the control and direction of his employer in all
that even if these plaintiffs were "employees" of the Hotel in
orchestra which had been employed by the defendant to matters connected with the performance of the service, except
general, they cannot claim to be beneficiaries under Annex A,
furnish music in the Manila Hotel"; that they were employees as to the result of the work. (56 C. J. S. pp. 41-43.)
because they could not qualify as employees "who were not
of the Hotel, and that contrary to the announcement (Annex yet entitled to retirement insurance under the G.S.I.S." The
A) promising gratuities to its "employees" the Hotel quoted portion of the announcement implied reference to Among the factors to be considered are whether the contractor
Management had refused to pay plaintiffs. The complaint employees insured by the Government Insurance System. is carrying on an independent business; whether the work is
attached a Copy of the announcement which partly reads as part of the employer's general business; the nature and extent
follows: of the work; the skill required; the term and duration of the
Still going further, are these plaintiffs "employees" of the
relationship; the right to assign the performance of the work
Hotel? None of them except Tirzo Cruz and Ric Cruz, is
. . . . It is for this reason that the necessary authority has to another; the power to terminate the relationship; the
mentioned in the contract Exhibit 1. None has submitted any
already been secured for the payment of separation gratuity to existence of a contract for the performance of a specified piece
contract or appointment except said Exhibit 1. Obviously their
the employees to be laid off as a result of the lease and who are of work; the control and supervision of the work; the
connection with the Hotel was only thru Tirso Cruz who was
not yet entitled to either the optional or compulsory employer's powers and duties with respect to the hiring, firing,
the leader of the orchestra; and they couldn't be in a better
retirement insurance provided under Republic Act No. 660, and payment of the contractor's servants; the control of the
class than Tirso Cruz who dealt with the Hotel. Was Tirso Cruz
as amended, . . . . premises; the duty to supply the premises, tools, appliances,
an employee? Or was he an independent contractor, as held material and labor; and the mode, manner, and terms of
by the trial court?
The defendant filed a motion to dismiss alleging that plaintiffs
were not its employees, under the terms of the contract It will be observed that by Annex 1 the Manila Hotel
whereby they had rendered services to the hotel, copy of which Not being employees of the Manila Hotel, the plaintiff's have
contracted or engaged the "services of your orchestra" (of
was attached as Exhibit 1. It also alleged plaintiffs did not fall no cause of action against the latter under Annex A. The order
Tirso Cruz) composed of fifteen musicians including yourself
within the terms of Annex A because they were not, and never of dismissal is therefore affirmed, with costs against them. So
plus Ric Cruz as vocalist" at P250 per day, said orchestra to

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