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Mixed Gas Law Problems Part I

1. A gas is held at a constant pressure while its volume decreases from 450 mL to 200 mL. What will the
final temperature be if the initial temperature is 25.0oC? (Express the temperature in K.)

2. The pressure on a gas is increased from 572 mm Hg to 1425 mm Hg. What will the new volume of the
gas be if the original volume was 4.5 L?

3. An 8.0 L sample of helium gas at standard pressure is allowed to expand to a new

of 22.0 L. If the temperature of the gas does not change, what is the new pressure
of the gas expressed in atm?

4. A sample of a gas has a volume of 32 L and a temperature of 10 oC. If the pressure is not changed, to what
temperature must it be raised in order to double the volume? (Express the temperature in kelvins.)

5. What is the density of a gas if 44.0 g of the gas occupy 36.0 L at STP?

6. If the pressure remains constant, what volume will 42.3 mL of a gas at 24oC occupy at
standard temperature?

7. A sample of a gas has a mass of 14.2 g and occupies a volume of 678 mL at 25.0oC and a
pressure of 0.80 atm.
a) What will the volume of the gas be at STP?

b) What is the density of the gas at the original temperature and pressure?

c) What is the density of the gas at STP?

8. A gas at 300 K occupies 6.50L at a pressure of 355 kPa. What will its pressure be at 250 K if its volume
is reduced to 4.80L?

9. At 120oC, a gas exerts a pressure of 36 psi when its volume is 0.495 L. What is the volume of this gas at

10. A gas sample that has a mass of 7.02 g occupies 319 mL at 54.3 oC and a pressure of 87.4 kPa. Calculate
the gas's density at STP.

11. Solid iron(II) chloride is decomposed to produce solid iron and chlorine gas according to the balanced
chemical equation
FeCl2(s)  Fe(s) + Cl2(g)

What volume of chlorine gas, measured at 71.7 oC and 133 kPa, will be produced
when 98.4 g of iron(II) chloride is decomposed?
Mixed Gas Law Problems Part II

12. At STP potassium chlorate (KClO3) decomposes to produce solid potassium chloride (KCl) and oxygen
gas (O2) according to the balanced chemical equation
2KClO3(s)  2KCl(s) + 3O2(g)
What volume of oxygen gas, measured at 40.0oC and 85.4 kPa, will be produced when 13.5 g of
potassium chlorate is decomposed?

14. A 441-L sample of nitrogen gas at a pressure of 88.3 kPa is placed into a container of equal volume that
already holds hydrogen gas at a pressure of 125.6 kPa. What is the partial pressure of the nitrogen in the
new container?

What is the total pressure in the new container?

15. Calculate the relative rates of diffusion of nitrogen gas (N2) and hydrogen gas (H2).

16. Calculate the relative velocities of methane gas (CH4) and ammonia gas (NH3).

17. Calculate the relative rates of diffusion of two gases, A and B, given that their densities, under the same
conditions of temperature and pressure, are 1.47 x 10-3 g/L and 7.33 x 10-3 g/L.
18. Calculate the volume occupied by 7.31 g CO2 at 720 mm Hg and 27oF.

19. Calculate the molar mass of a gas if 350 mL weighs 1.069 g at 40oC and 785 mm Hg.

20. Hydrogen was collected over water at 27oC and 800 mm Hg. If the volume of the hydrogen was 124
mL, calculate the volume of dry hydrogen at STP.

21. If 0.214 mol of argon occupies a volume of 652 mL, what volume would 0.375 mol of argon occupy at
the same conditions?

22. If 4.0 g of O2 and 4.0 g of helium are placed in a 5 L container at 65oC, what will be the partial pressure
of each gas and the total pressure in the container?

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