Workbook Answer Key: Starter Unit

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starter unit Vocabulary 2 1 say 3 mean

5 1 Poland 2 repeat 4 page
2 Japanese
1 1 grandma 5 aunt 3 1 Can you repeat that,
3 Chinese
2 dad 6 sister please?
4 Australia, (New) Zealand
3 mum 7 brother 2 What page are we on?
5 Portuguese, Brazilian,
4 uncle 8 cousins 3 How do you say estuche in
Grammar 6 American, Argentinian,
4 How do you spell that?
2 1 Those 4 That Spanish
2 This 5 These, 7 France, Moroccan, French 4 1 Where are you from?
3 That those 2 Welcome to the class!
3 Hello. What’s your name?
3 1 He 4 I 1 1 You’re 6 You aren’t
4 My name’s Belén.
2 He 5 you 2 He’s 7 She isn’t
5 I’m from Badajoz.
3 It 3 We’re 8 We aren’t
6 Nice to meet you too!
4 They’re 9 They aren’t
4 1 Our 4 her
5 I’m not 5 1 name’s …
2 Their 5 my, His
2 to meet you
3 Its 2 1 ’s 4 ’m not
3 Nice to meet you too
2 aren’t 5 ’re
5 1 My name is … . I am … 4 Where are you from
3 ’s 6 aren’t
years old. 6 Welcome
2 These are my parents. Their 3 1 Her name isn’t Sophie. 7 Thanks / Thank you
names are … and … . 2 We’re English.
3 This is my … (eg grandad / 3 I’m not from London. unit 1
grandma / aunt / uncle / 4 This isn’t my brother.
cousin). My mum is … (eg 5 It is Monday. Vocabulary 1
his / her daughter / sister / 6 They aren’t 13 years old. 1 M O A V E R A G E
aunt). 7 You aren’t American.
4 This my cousin. He / She is
4 1 Are your friends from U T U K G R E Y E
… years old.
Liverpool? L I P S O L C D B
Vocabulary Yes, they are.
1 1 Sunday 5 Thursday 2 Are they English?
2 Monday 6 Friday No, they aren’t.
3 Tuesday 7 Saturday 3 Is he from South Africa? I S P R U L C K W
4 Wednesday Yes, he is. M T C U R L Y H S
4 Is this cat your pet? B E A R D C E R E
2 1 February 7 August
No, it isn’t.
2 March 8 September
5 Are we in your class? 2 2 dark 8 slim
3 April 9 October
Yes, you are. Yes, we are. 3 long 9 tall
4 May 10 November
4 lips 10 slim
5 June 11 December 5 1 Is your mum from the UK?
5 average 11 eyebrows
6 July 2 What are your parents’
6 fair 12 hair
Grammar 7 curly 13 beard
3 When is your birthday?
3 1 rabbit’s 4 friends’
3 2 long 6 grey
2 Jandro’s Integrated skills
3 dark 7 slim
3 Jada’s 1 1 pen
4 tall 8 fair
2 pencil
4 1 Today’s date is … 5 beard 9 curly
3 pencil case
2 My birthday is …
4 pencil sharpener
3 My mum’s birthday is …
5 rubber
6 ruler
7 schoolbag T127
Grammar 1 2 1 What 4 How
Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve got
1 1 hasn’t 4 haven’t 2 Where 5 How
a missing child at the reception
2 ’ve 5 have 3 When desk. Her name’s Ruby. She’s
3 ’ve seven years old. She’s got long,
3 2 Where 5 What
fair hair and blue eyes. She says
2 2 e 4 c 3 How old 6 How many
she’s with her mum today. If you
3 a 5 d 4 When
are her mother, please come to
3 1 They haven’t got black hair. 4 1 What is your school’s reception.
2 I’ve got a dictionary. name? Snake Eyes is on now. Please go
3 My aunt hasn’t got a big 2 Who is your best friend? to Screen 2. And thank you: Ruby
house. 3 How old are you? is with her mother now.
Are you hungry or thirsty? When
4 We’ve got a ruler. 4 How many DVDs have you
you’ve got your tickets, go to
5 My grandad hasn’t got grey got?
the café. It’s on floor 2 and it’s
hair. 5 When is your friend’s
open now. It’s got lots of drinks
4 1 Have you got a brother? and snacks. The doors are now
6 Where are your parents openfor Wings of a Bird. Please go
2 Has she got brown eyes?
from? to Screen 1. And enjoy the film!
3 Has he got dark hair?
7 What is your favourite film?
4 Have you got a dog?
8 What are your favourite
5 Have they got a new 1 screen, film, children, cartoon,
teacher? 3D, tickets, blue eyes, mother
5 1 Have you got a pet? 2 1 b 4a
1 b
2 Has your dad got a beard? 2 b 5b
3 Have your grandparents 2 Students’ own answers 3 c
got grey hair?
3 1 Almería 3 1 Snake Eyes starts at three
4 Have you got curly hair?
2 tourists o’clock.
Vocabulary 2 3 has 2 Wings of a Bird is about
1 toes, feet, legs, hands, neck, 4 Die Another Day a father’s search for his
head 5 Kazakhstan children.
3 The cinema has got three
2 1 tooth 4 finger 4 1 The town in the Western is
2 horn 5 arm in Almería.
4 Ruby is seven years old.
3 wing 6 tail 2 The tours are in the summer.
5 Ruby’s mother is at the
3 A famous actor in Westerns
3 1 neck 4 hands cinema with Ruby.
is Clint Eastwood.
2 fingers 5 tooth 6 The café is on floor 2.
4 The small town has got one
3 legs
cinema (with two screens). Speaking
4 1 head 4 toes 5 Cádiz is a ‘Cuban’ port in 4 2 What
2 horns 5 tail the Bond film. 3 How
3 wings 4 much
5 glasses
5 1 I have got long / short legs. Audioscript, exercises 1 and 2
03 6 Here
2 My pet has got a long /
Welcome to Cambridge Cinema. 7 change
short tail. In Screen 1 today we have got the
3 My dad has got big / small new adventure film, Wings of a Writing
hands. Bird, about a father’s search for his 5 1 is 4 is
4 My hair is long / short. children. This film starts at 2.30. 2 has 5 has
5 My fingers are long/short. For children, the new cartoon Snake 3 is 6 P
6 I have got big / small feet. Eyes is on in Screen 2 at three
o’clock. It’s in 3D and it’s a very
Grammar 2 funny film!
1 2 c 5 a At four o’clock we have got Sister
3 f 6 d Mystery in Screen 3.
4 b Buy your tickets and 3D glasses at
the reception desk.

Progress check 2 1 history 4 drama 4 1 get up
1 1 short 6 beard 2 maths 5 dance 2 have breakfast
2 grey 7 average 3 PE 3 get dressed
3 tall 8 dark 4 go to school
3 1 French 4 science
4 fair 9 long 5 have lunch
2 citizenship 5 music
5 moustache 10 wavy 6 watch TV
3 Art
7 go to bed
2 1 neck 4 wings
4 1 On Wednesday morning
2 hands 5 legs Grammar 2
I have got maths and
3 toes 6 horn 1 1 Does 3 Does
2 Do 4 Do
3 1 Andy has got a beard. 2 The extra activity at
2 They haven’t got a pet. lunchtime is art club. 2 2 e 5 f
3 Have you got a brother? 3 The first lesson after lunch 3 b 6 d
4 I haven’t got two pens. is history. 4 a
5 Have we got an English 4 I have got PE at 2.30 in the
3 1 Do … think
lesson? afternoon.
2 Does … start
5 I go to drama club after
4 1 How many sisters have you 3 Do … get
got? 4 Does … listen
2 Where is he from? Grammar 1 5 Do … wear
3 Who is your English 1 2 plays 5 misses 6 Does … teach
teacher? 3 teaches
4 1 No, I / we don’t.
4 When is the football match? 4 studies
2 Yes, it does.
5 What is your favourite film?
2 1 teaches 4 goes 3 Yes, I / we do.
5 1 Who 6 Have 2 study 5 finish 4 No, she doesn’t.
2 Where 7 got 3 have 5 No, I / we don’t.
3 How 8 ’ve 6 Yes, he does.
3 1 They don’t like Mondays.
4 What 9 haven’t
2 He has got a bike. 5 1 Do you like
5 ’ve 10 What
3 We don’t go shopping at 2 I do.
Extension the weekend. 3 Do you listen
1 1 My 9 ’m 4 She tries to work hard. 4 I do
2 How 10 What’s 5 The film doesn’t finish at 5 Do you have
3 Where 11 His eight o’clock. 6 I don’t
4 sisters’ 12 What’s 7 Does Kelly write
4 1 goes 4 doesn’t
5 ’re 13 haven’t got 8 she does
2 don’t like think
6 brother’s 14 have 9 Does she come
3 study 5 don’t play
7 He’s 15 Who 10 she doesn’t
8 have you 5 1 go 6 have
6 1 Do you go to a large
2 starts 7 don’t go
secondary school?
unit 2 3 finishes 8 don’t see
2 Do you live in a city?
4 plays 9 travel
Vocabulary 1 3 Do you and your friends do
5 sing 10 watch
1 sport?
C H M E N G L I S H P Vocabulary 2
1 1 have a shower
A I C T S H T B C I N 1 c
2 have lunch
3 do sport 2 2 a 5 d
4 meet friends 3 g 6 e
N P E K Z G D L Y O S 5 go to bed 4 c 7 b
2 2 a 5 b 3 1 F The boys are from
3 g 6 c Liverpool or nearby.
G I J E U M C S C M R 4 f 7 e 2 T
3 1 my homework
2 have 4 up
T E C H N O L O G Y P 3 my room 5 do
3 F He does his homework at Sophie Really? What day is it on? 4 Do you meet friends at the
the Academy, but he goes Max Look, here’s a list of all the cinema? Yes, I do. / No,
to school because the boys after-school clubs. The drama club I don’t.
who study at the Academy is on Wednesdays.
Sophie Great! Do you want to do 5 1 ’ve got 8 Do you
are over 15.
drama with me? 2 are speak
4 T
Max No, not really. I’m too shy. 3 gets up 9 Yes, I do
5 T
4 tidies 10 speak
4 1 Harry is 14 years old. 1 science, maths, English, 5 Do you like 11 do
2 No, he doesn’t. Spanish, French, drama 6 No, we 12 Yes, we do
3 Harry has football training don’t 13 meet
2 1 science 4 English
after school. 7 studies
2 Spanish 5 French
4 They come from Liverpool or
3 maths Extension
1 Are 9 ’ve got
5 They train for an hour every 3 1 isn’t 1
2 have 10 Do
day. 2 different
3 Have you 11 wants
6 They play in the youth 3 Mrs Potter
got 12 do
league. 4 likes
4 What 13 Are you
7 Yes, they do. 5 Wednesdays
5 don’t good
8 No, they aren’t.
4 1 Mrs Potter 6 your 14 haven’t got
Listening 2 maths 7 meet 15 watch
05 Audioscript, exercises 1 and 2
3 English 8 Do
4 French and Spanish
Max Hi Sophie! Have you got your
new timetable?
5 no unit 3
Sophie Yes, but I don’t like it. I’ve Speaking Vocabulary 1
got science all morning on Mondays 5 1 up 3 What 1 1 horse-riding
and on Fridays.
2 on 4 Where 2 yoga
Max I’ve got science on Monday
3 mountain-biking
and Friday mornings too, with 6 1 I’d like to sign up for
4 cycling
Mr Martin. Are you in Mr Martin’s 2 What day is it on
5 athletics
3 Where is it
Sophie No, I’m not. I’ve got Miss 6 surfing
4 What time does it finish
Benson. 7 swimming
Max Who is your maths teacher? Writing
2 1 play 4 do
Sophie Mrs Potter. I’ve got her for 7 2 . 5 ? 8 ,
2 goes 5 plays
maths on … Wednesday afternoons. 3 ? 6 !
3 do
Max Me too! Great! We can sit 4 , 7 ?
together. What about English? I’ve 3 1 athletics 3 cycling
got English on Thursday mornings. Progress check
2 swimming 4 surfing
Sophie Er, let’s see … No, I’ve got 1 1 PE 4 art
English on Tuesday mornings and 2 English 5 maths 4 2 go mountain-biking
Friday afternoons with Mr Davies. 3 ICT 3 do judo
Max Oh, I’ve got Spanish in the 4 go skateboarding
3 1 wears 5 play
morning on Tuesdays, and French 5 do aerobics
on Friday afternoons.
2 have 6 doesn’t
6 do yoga
Sophie Wow! French and Spanish! 3 live start
You’re good at languages, aren’t’ you? 4 don’t study Grammar 1
Max Well, I really like them. 1 1 never does
4 1 Do you go to bed early at
Sophie I’m not very good at 2 rarely watches
weekends? Yes, I do. / No,
languages. I prefer English. 3 are sometimes
I don’t.
Max English is a language! 4 often play
Sophie I know! I mean foreign
2 Does your best friend do
5 usually go
languages. I like English because I sport? Yes, he / she does. /
6 are always
like reading. I like drama too. No, he / she doesn’t.
Max There’s a drama club after 3 Do you play the piano?
school. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
2 1 We often play football in the 3 1 Do you do a lot of sport? How does Apolo stay at the top of
winter. 2 ✓ his sport? He trains hard – he never
2 Sara sometimes goes to 3 When has he got PE today? stops! He’s got an incredible training
yoga classes. 4 ✓ programme. He often trains all day.
3 Swimming is rarely 5 When do you do exercise / Apolo usually starts his training
session with some jumping. He
dangerous. When do you exercise?
jumps up 25 stairs, then runs back
4 I am usually happy.
4 1 Where are the tennis balls? down, and then jumps up each step
5 Dad never goes roller-
2 Are the players excited? again. He does this for an amazing
skating. 45 minutes! Then, to rest his legs,
3 When have we got
6 We do aerobics twice a he runs 1.5 km.
week. After jumping and running, Apolo
4 Where do they go surfing?
skates … and he skates fast. He
3 1 How often does your
5 1 When are the Olympic skates at 60 km per hour. He goes
grandad play tennis?
Games? around the track again and again.
2 How often do you do judo?
2 Where do you do judo? About three times a week Apolo lifts
3 How often do your friends go weights to build his strength.
3 Do you like cycling?
skateboarding? With so much training, has Apolo
4 What is your favourite
4 How often do you do got time to relax? Well, yes, he has.
gymnastics? Apolo thinks it’s important to relax.
5 When do you go
He loves his home city of Seattle,
4 1 doing 3 wearing skateboarding?
and he especially loves being in the
2 watching 4 going
Reading beautiful parks there. The parks are
5 1 Do you like doing yoga? 1 team sports good places for him to go cycling.
2 I don’t mind going In the USA, Apolo is famous for
2 1 d 4 a speed skating and for something
2 f 5 c else too. Millions of Americans know
3 Does he love playing tennis?
3 e 6 b him as a dancer. He’s one of the
4 They don’t like doing sport.
champions on the TV show Dancing
5 I hate tidying my room. 3 1 T with the Stars. Where does he
2 F She has got some dance? … That’s right – on the ice!
Vocabulary 2
friends, but they don’t
1 run, ride, jump, throw, catch, hit,
choose her for their teams. 1 2 Olympic medals
score, kick, lift, ski, dive, skate
3 T 3 training programme
2 1 catch 4 jumps 4 F She has got a bike and 4 jumping
2 throw 5 rides she cycles to school. 5 runs
3 score 6 hit 5 F She says she loves 6 lifts weights
dancing in her bedroom. 7 relax
3 1 ride 4 skate
6 F She says aerobics is fun. 8 parks
2 lift 5 ski
9 cycling
3 kick 4 1 She wants to be healthy.
10 dancing
2 No, she isn’t.
4 1 lifts 5 catches
3 No, she doesn’t. 2 1 two 4 1.5 km
2 jumps 6 ski
4 She cycles to school every 2 starts 5 60 km
3 dives 7 rides
day in Week 3. 3 45 6 lifts weights
4 score 8 throws
5 Daisy also wants to try
3 1 Apolo is from the USA.
Grammar 2 running.
2 He runs 1.5 km.
1 1 Where 4 Have
Listening 3 He lives in Seattle.
2 Am 5 When
Audioscript, exercises 1 and 2
4 He cycles in the parks.
3 Do 08
5 Because they are beautiful
Hello and welcome to the
2 2 a 5 c programme. Today on Sports
and they are good places
3 d 6 b Scene we’ve got a feature on an for him to go cycling.
4 e American speed skater. His name is 6 The other activity he is
Apolo Ohno, and he’s an Olympic® famous for is dancing on ice.
champion. He’s got eight Olympic
medals and two of them are gold
Speaking 5 1 What is your favourite 4 2 Am, b 4 Are, c
4 2 Sure. Go ahead. sport? 3 Are, a
3 The questions are for a 2 Are you tired after PE?
5 1 Is Ben talking to Sophie?
survey about the park. 3 Has he got a ticket?
No, he isn’t.
4 Oh, OK. 4 When have you got
2 Is Sophie choosing a
5 How often do you go to the basketball training?
dress? No, she isn’t.
park? 5 Do you do judo?
3 Is Sophie carrying a bag?
6 I usually go about three
6 1 What’s 5 doing judo No, she isn’t.
times a week.
2 often 6 Do you 4 Is Ben standing next to the
7 What do you do in the
3 Once 7 often go table? Yes, he is.
4 usually do 8 don’t
8 I go skateboarding. I love it! 6 1 Are … calling
9 That’s all. Thanks for your Extension 2 Yes, I am
time. 1 1 What 6 doing 3 ’m sitting
10 No problem. Bye! 2 Is 7 doesn’t 4 isn’t sharing
3 Where 8 Does 5 are cleaning
4 finishes 9 loves 6 ’s working
5 1 My class has got 25
5 usually 10 always 7 Are … doing
8 No, you aren’t
2 We all go swimming once a unit 4
9 ’m talking
week in the summer.
Vocabulary 1
3 Two students are never Vocabulary 2
Across 1
happy doing exercise.
1 1 trainers 7 socks A D V E N T U R O U S
4 Most of the students play
3 shirt 10 cap C U L S E L F I S H H
football twice a week in the
4 boots 12 trousers
winter. H A N I C E E L Y A Y
6 jacket 13 jeans
5 Some of the students go E Q U F R I E N D L Y
cycling after school. Down E U X R R E Q U I E T
1 T-shirt 8 coat R C O N F I D E N T F
Progress check
2 shorts 9 shoes
1 1 athletics F U N Y C L E V E R F
5 skirt 11 dress
2 mountain-biking U E A J U Y S N I C U
6 jumper 12 tie
3 aerobics L O Q Z P R O U D P N
4 yoga 3 1 The man is wearing
5 horse-riding trousers, a shirt and a tie.
6 judo 2 The boy is wearing jeans,
7 surfing trainers, a T-shirt and a
jacket. 2 1 proud 4 lazy
2 1 ride 5 hit
3 The girl is wearing a skirt, 2 jealous 5 clever
2 jump 6 ski
boots and a jumper. 3 funny
3 throw 7 run
4 score Grammar 1 3 1 friendly 4 unfriendly
1 1 riding 3 winning 2 selfish 5 shy
3 1 I rarely do gymnastics.
2 having 4 reading 3 confident 6 adventurous
2 We usually watch football
on Saturdays. 2 1 is talking 3 isn’t Grammar 2
3 He’s always happy in the 2 isn’t helping 1 1 ’re wearing
snow. wearing 4 is buying 2 travel
4 I often go cycling early. 5 is looking 3 Do you watch
5 He never goes horse-riding. 4 are they going
3 1 We’re driving to school.
5 designs
4 1 Jade loves reading. 2 I’m looking at some
2 She doesn’t mind going pictures.
swimming. 3 You aren’t tidying your
3 She doesn’t like playing bedroom.
tennis. 4 He’s writing an email.
4 She likes doing sport.
T132 5 She hates watching football.
2 1 is buying Listening 1 confident, dresses, clever,
2 Do you meet 10 Audioscript, exercises 1 and 2
proud, shirt, nice, trousers,
3 ’m not going great
Presenter Hello! Well, it’s London
4 wear Fashion Week. We’re backstage at 2 1 F Paul isn’t very confident
5 aren’t listening one of the shows. Let’s meet one of about the fashion show.
3 1 Freya doesn’t wear jeans the designers here at the show. I’ve 2 F Paul’s clothes are classic
got Paul Brady here with me. Paul,
every day. designs.
how are you feeling about your show
2 I’m buying some clothes at 3 T
today? Are you feeling confident?
the moment. 4 T
Paul Yes and no … I’m feeling
3 My mum isn’t using the nervous, too. Everyone is looking at
5 F The models are made up
computer now. my designs today. to look like film stars.
4 ✓ Presenter What’s your collection 6 T
5 We do sport every Saturday. like?
3 1 Paul is feeling nervous.
Paul I create classic designs. I
4 1 I work in a large fashion 2 No, it isn’t.
don’t use lots of colour. I prefer a lot
store. 3 Jade is a stylist.
of black and white.
I’m not working at the Presenter Wow! These dresses
4 Jade decides the theme for
moment. are great! You’re very clever. the show.
2 I’m buying a coat now. Paul Thank you. I’m very proud of 5 The theme for Paul’s
Do you buy clothes every the clothes. show is black and white
week? Presenter OK, thank you, Paul. Hollywood films.
3 My sister is making a skirt With me here backstage I’ve also
today. got Jade Edwards, one of the stylists
at the show. Now, Jade, can you
4 1 I’m looking for a shirt.
She often makes her
describe your job for the listeners? 2 Can I try it on?
Jade Yes, of course. The stylists 3 You can pay over there.
4 They rarely go shopping.
look at the clothes and decide 4 What size are you?
Are they going shopping
which clothes look good together. 5 It’s too big.
So, for example, this shirt looks nice 6 It looks great!
Reading with those grey trousers, but it looks
1 2 d 4 e really great with these pink trousers!
Presenter Yes, I see … it’s like 5 1 She’s carrying a beautiful
3 a 5 c
you’re getting dressed for a big party. bag.
2 1 d 4 a Jade Yes, something like that! Then 2 They look amazing.
2 c 5 b I make decisions about the show 3 He’s a funny actor.
3 f 6 e itself. A good fashion show needs a 4 His shorts are black.
theme, a sort of story, to make it really 5 Madonna is very famous.
3 1 teenagers exciting.
2 Some Presenter What do you mean by Progress check
3 entertainment a theme? 1 1 dress 5 trousers
5 teaches Jade Well, we’ve got the clothes, 2 tie 6 cap
but we also need to think about all 3 trainers 7 shorts
4 1 The course lasts for two
the make-up and the hairstyles, and 4 socks 8 T-shirt
the music – that’s important, too. All
2 The students study for six these things are connected by the
2 1 f 5 g
hours a day. theme. 2 d 6 e
3 After classes there are Presenter Hmm, yes, I see. So, 3 h 7 a
discos, film nights, talent what’s the theme for Paul’s show? 4 b 8 c
shows and quizzes. Jade Black and white Hollywood
3 1 are playing
4 Students can go swimming films! When I look at Paul’s black
2 is wearing
or play tennis in their free and white collection, I think of those
amazing old films.
3 aren’t going
Presenter So the models look like 4 aren’t having
5 Students learn drawing and
Hollywood film stars, is that right? 5 ’re smiling
designing, T-shirt printing,
Jade Yes, exactly! Oh, look … let’s
using a sewing machine
watch them rehearse …
and decorating garments.
4 1 Is Anna buying some 5 football stadium 3 Is there some juice in the
shoes? Yes, she is. 6 cinema school cafeteria?
2 Is Jake wearing a hat? No, 7 café 4 Is there a sports centre in
he isn’t. your town?
Grammar 1
3 Are they cycling in the
1 1 some 5 any 3 1 Are there any cafés in
park? No, they aren’t.
2 isn’t 6 any Sanford? Yes, there are.
4 Are the boys doing their
3 a 7 an 2 Is there a cinema? No,
homework? Yes, they are.
4 an there isn’t.
5 Are you tidying your room?
3 Is there a library? Yes, there
No, I’m not/we aren’t. 2 1 C 6 U
2 P 7 U
5 1 ’m reading 5 designs 4 Is there a park? Yes, there is.
3 C 8 U
2 like 6 comes 5 Are there any gyms? Yes,
4 C 9 C
3 don’t know 7 has got there are.
5 P 10 C
4 ’s got 8 talks 6 Is there a shopping centre?
3 1 There is a No, there isn’t.
2 There aren’t any
1 1 are you 9 your 4 1 many 3 many
3 There is a
2 ’m doing 10 sitting 2 much 4 much
4 There aren’t any
3 What 11 She’s
5 1 How many calories are
4 We’re wearing 4 1 are 7 some
there in this yoghurt?
5 looking 12 Do 2 a 8 a
2 How much juice is there in
6 ’ve 13 I do 3 an 9 isn’t
the bottle?
7 ’s wearing 14 Have you 4 are 10 a
3 How many gyms are there
8 raining got 5 a 11 isn’t
in the sports centre?
6 some 12 any
4 How many people are there
unit 5
Vocabulary 2 in the café?
Vocabulary 1 P O T A T O E S E S
1 6 1 How much water do you
1 1 café E R F I S H C A K E drink every day?
2 swimming pool A I U B S J H A M O 2 How many vegetables do
3 gym S C H I C K E N H R you eat for lunch?
4 shopping centre S E C S J M I L K A 3 How much fish do you eat
5 park A N E C R I S P S N every week?
6 bowling alley
L U J U I C E O N G 4 How many bags of crisps
7 library
A T O I H E T Y A E do you eat at weekends?
8 football stadium
9 cinema Reading
10 restaurant 1 c
11 skate park
2 1 Chicken 4 cakes 2 1 c 4 f
2 1 football stadium 2 cheese 5 Nuts 2 e 5 a
2 restaurant 3 Oranges 3 b 6 d
3 shopping centre
3 1 Rice 4 milk 3 1 T
4 library
2 fish 5 peas 2 F She often has a baked
5 bowling alley
3 salad 6 ham potato, bread or brown
6 skate park
rice with fish, meat or other
Grammar 2
3 1 swimming pool proteins like pulses.
1 1 Are 4 Are
2 café 3 T
2 Is 5 Is
3 gym 4 F She thinks it is OK if you
3 Is
4 shopping centre have a small amount of it.
5 park 2 1 Are there any sandwiches 5 F She drinks coffee, water
in your bag? and special energy products
4 1 skate park
2 Is there a bowling alley on competition days.
2 shopping centre
near your school? 6 T
3 gym
4 swimming pool 283
4 1 Chrissie has two meals in 2 1 the USA 2 1 nuts 4 cake
the morning. 2 park 2 rice 5 cheese
2 She eats a baked potato, 3 skate park 3 crisps 6 juice
bread or brown rice at 4 sports centre
3 1 is a 4 are some
lunchtime. 5 swimming pool
2 aren’t any 5 isn’t any
3 She eats vegetables twice 6 gym
3 isn’t a
a day. 7 bowling alley
4 When she has a race she 8 cinemas 4 1 Is there an apple in the
has rice cereal and coffee 9 shopping centre bowl?
for breakfast. 10 café 2 Is there any rice in the
5 After a competition she cupboard?
3 1 T
eats high-energy, high-fat 3 Is there a swimming pool
2 T
food like chips, pizza and here?
3 F She doesn’t like
burgers. 4 Are there any children in
skateboarding and she isn’t
the cinema?
Listening very good at it.
12 Audioscript, exercises 1 and 2
4 F She does want to go 5 1 How many calories are
bowling. there in pizza?
Oliver Are you enjoying your visit
to the UK?
5 T 2 How much rice do you
Grace Yes, I am. It’s very different 4 1 Grace is from the USA.
from the USA. But it’s fun. 3 ✓
2 She is staying with her aunt
Oliver Who are you staying with? 4 How many people go to
and cousins.
Grace My aunt and cousins. your school?
3 Oliver goes skateboarding
Oliver Let’s sit here. 5 How many potatoes are
every weekend.
Grace OK. Wow, this is a great there?
4 Yes, there is.
6 How much sugar is there in
Oliver Yes, it is. I usually come 5 The café is next to the
the dessert?
here every weekend and go cinema.
skateboarding. 6 They are meeting at six 6 1 much 6 many
Grace Oh, is there a skate park o’clock on Saturday. 2 some 7 a
here then? 3 some 8 Are
Oliver Yes, it’s over there. Do you 4 any 9 any
like skateboarding?
5 1 Can I help you?
5 is 10 some
Grace No, I’m not very good at 2 Yes, I’d like some pasta,
it. I like other sports though, like please. Extension
swimming and tennis. Is there a 3 OK, some pasta. Would 1 1 What do you have
sports centre in the town? you like anything to drink? 2 How often do you eat
Oliver Yes, there is. It’s very 4 Have you got any apple 3 Are there any
good. It’s got a swimming pool and juice? 4 Is there anything
a gym. There’s even a bowling alley 5 Yes, here you are. Is that 5 Are you
there. Would you like to go bowling everything? 6 How many days
one day? 6 Yes. How much is it? 7 How much fruit
Grace Yes, that sounds good. Are
7 That’s £5.55, please. 8 Have you got
there any cinemas here?
8 Here you are. 9 There are some
Oliver Yes, there’s a cinema in the
9 Thanks. Enjoy your meal! 10 There aren’t many
shopping centre.
Grace Do you want to see a film
11 There isn’t
12 are sometimes
this Saturday? 6 1 First 3 Next / Then
Oliver Yeah, sure. There’s a nice 2 Then / Next 4 Finally
café next to the cinema. Let’s go unit 6
there first and have something to eat. Progress check
Vocabulary 1
Grace OK. What time? 1 1 park
1 desk, chair, cupboard, shelf,
Oliver Six o’clock? The films 2 skate park
usually start at seven.
lamp, mirror
3 sports centre
Grace Great. Come on. Let’s walk 4 swimming pool
in the park a bit … 5 library
6 cinema
1 c 7 shopping centre T135
2 1 sofa 6 cooker 3 lighthouse 3 People on Michigan Island
2 armchair 7 table 5 (+ 4 across) hostel use a pump to get water
3 wardrobe 8 bath 6 farm from Lake Superior.
4 bed 9 sink 8 villa 4 Sand Island is good for
5 fridge 10 toilet 9 tent sociable people to work on.
10 barge
3 1 chair 4 sofa Listening
2 wardrobe 5 sink
2 1 tent 4 villa 14 Audioscript, exercises 1 and 2
3 shelves 6 table
2 log cabin 5 apartment Callum Mum! Where’s my school
4 1 mirror 3 cooker 3 caravan bag?
2 lamp 4 armchair Mum I don’t know, Callum. Why?
3 1 hotel 4 barge Callum I want to call Tom, but I
Grammar 1 2 lighthouse 5 castle can’t find my phone. It’s usually in
1 1 bigger 3 youth hostel my school bag.
2 cheaper Mum Where do you usually put
Grammar 2
3 more difficult your bag?
1 1 can’t 4 Can Callum Under my desk in my
4 shorter
2 must 5 can’t bedroom.
5 more expensive
3 mustn’t Mum And it’s not there now?
6 better
Callum No.
7 worse 2 2 can’t 5 must
Mum Try the kitchen. Is your bag
3 can 6 mustn’t
2 1 easier there?
4 can
2 smaller Callum Oh yes, here it is, opposite
3 more comfortable 3 1 can’t phone 4 mustn’t use the door ... Oh, but my phone isn’t
4 more popular 2 must show 5 can do in it.
5 longer 3 can’t be Mum Well, look on the table. You
sometimes leave your phone there.
3 1 more expensive than the 4 1 d You can rent this villa Lisa Hi, Mum.
mirror between May and October. Mum Oh, hello Lisa. Do you know
2 cheaper than the armchair 2 c You can’t go shopping where your brother’s phone is?
3 older than the table here on Sundays. Callum can’t find it.
3 a You mustn’t listen to Lisa No, er, sorry – no idea. Is it in
4 1 My dad is / isn’t taller than the bathroom?
music at school.
me. Mum Don’t be silly, Lisa. It can’t
4 b You can make a fire next
2 My bedroom is / isn’t be in the bathroom. He’s not looking
to your tent.
smaller than our living there. Oh, I know … Callum, why
room. Reading don’t you look next to the computer
3 My phone is / isn’t newer 1 b in the dining room?
than my dad’s phone. Callum OK.
2 2 g 6 c Callum No, it’s not in the dining
4 I’m / I’m not quieter than
3 a 7 e room.
my friend.
4 b 8 f Mum Callum, I can hear your
5 1 is under 5 is in front of 5 h phone ringing here in the living room!
2 are in 6 is opposite Callum Ah, there it is! It’s on this
3 1 six shelf, between the books. How
3 is on 7 is next to
2 part of the year strange! Why is it there …? Ooh,
4 is between 8 behind
3 visit Lisa!
Vocabulary 2 4 some Callum Lisa! Come back here!
1 Across 5 Sand Island
1 He wants to find his phone.
2 castle
4 1 The duties of a volunteer
4 (+ 5 down) youth 2 1 his bedroom
keeper are to show tourists
7 log cabin 2 the kitchen
the lighthouses and help
11 apartment 3 the bathroom
them set up camp on the
12 hotel 4 the dining room
islands’ campsites.
5 the living room
Down 2 Michigan Island is
He doesn’t look in the
1 mobile home especially quiet.
2 caravan
3 1 under, desk 6 1 better 5 under 2 Were you busy last
2 opposite, door 2 bigger 6 opposite weekend? Yes, I was. / No,
3 on, table 3 more 7 can I wasn’t.
4 in, dining room comfortable 8 must 3 Was your holiday fun last
5 between, books 4 in summer? Yes, it was. / No,
it wasn’t.
4 1 Callum needs his phone Extension
4 Were you and your family at
because he wants to call 1 2 are 11 twice
home yesterday evening?
Tom. 3 many 12 better
Yes, we were. / No, we
2 He usually puts his bag 4 sharing 13 rides
under his desk in his 5 Our 14 every
bedroom. 6 next 15 much 4 2 There wasn’t
3 Lisa is Callum’s sister. 7 smaller 16 must 3 There were
4 No, she isn’t. 8 opposite 4 there were
5 I think the phone is on the 9 isn’t 5 there was
shelf in the living room 10 can 6 There weren’t
because Lisa put it there.
unit 7 5 1 Were there mobile phones?
Speaking No, there weren’t.
Vocabulary 1
5 2 tell 7 past 1 2 Was there a games
3 get 8 right S T R A T E G Y I D R console? No, there wasn’t.
4 straight 9 far A I S O Q T N P V A E 3 Was there a TV? Yes, there
5 turn 10 minute was.
6 cross
V G A U I E I Z U C E Vocabulary 2
Progress check E D C O L T P Z S I R 1 1 chat show
1 1 bed 5 mirror 2 weather forecast
2 desk 6 sofa 3 game show
3 lamp 7 shelf 4 the news
4 wardrobe 8 cupboards U R O D N T R I S Y C 5 sports programme
R A N C Z Z T N O S E 6 advert
2 1 castle 6 youth
E N N I D R A C I N G 7 music programme
2 tent hostel
3 lighthouse 7 apartment 2 1 soap opera
2 1 dancing 3 racing
4 log cabin 8 villa 2 comedy
2 trivia 4 role-play
5 farm 3 documentary
3 1 fitness 4 strategy 4 film
3 1 You’re not faster than me.
2 quizzes 5 simulation 5 drama
2 Millie is older than Alex.
3 action
3 My book is better than your 3 1 music programme
book. Grammar 1 2 documentary
4 Your room is tidier than my 1 1 were 4 wasn’t 3 sports programme
room. 2 was 5 wasn’t 4 chat show
5 Her bag is not heavier than 3 weren’t 5 soap opera
his bag. 6 drama
2 1 That quiz wasn’t interesting.
7 the news
4 1 in 3 under 2 I was good at chess.
2 next to 4 opposite 3 Those computer games Grammar 2
weren’t fun. 1 2 watched 6 liked
5 1 You can come to my
4 Were you pleased with 3 studied 7 pushed
them? 4 played 8 started
2 Gemma must finish her
5 She wasn’t happy at 5 finished
3 We mustn’t use mobile 2 1 We all tidied the house at
6 The people in my game
phones at school. the weekend.
were funny.
4 I can’t do PE today, I forgot 2 They started school at
my kit. 3 1 Was your English lesson eight o’clock this morning.
5 You must wear a uniform at easy yesterday? Yes, it 3 ✓
school. was. / No, it wasn’t. T137
4 He watched TV last night. Presenter Thanks. What did you often, actually. I prefer meeting my
play with when you were a child?
5 ✓ friends.
What sort of toys and games? Mum Um, Sam … that’s not
3 1 lived 4 cooked Man Ah, that was a long time ago exactly true. You play computer
2 listened 5 looked – I’m 64! Well, my favourite game games all the time!
3 stayed was probably playing football in the Sam Hmm, maybe … But I play
street with my friends. them with my friends!
4 1 discovered 5 agreed Presenter Was that a bit
2 used 6 worked dangerous? 2 football, train set, dolls, tennis,
3 phoned 7 helped Man Not really. There weren’t many chess, building bricks, toy
4 asked 8 finished cars, so it was quite safe then. cars, games console
Presenter What about toys? What
Reading did you have?
3 1 b 4 a
1 1 The beginnings Man Oh, I had a fantastic train set. 2 a 5 c
2 Worldwide success Presenter Thank you … Now, 3 b 6 b
3 Positive judges moving over here … Hello. Here’s a
4 1 The man played football in
4 Listening not looking mother with her teenage son. Can
the street.
5 Working together I ask you both about your favourite
2 She played computer
toys and games?
2 2 f 5 e Mum and Sam OK.
games and chess.
3 a 6 b Presenter Great. OK, Mum first! 3 She played chess with her
4 g 7 d Mum When I was very little I brother.
played with my dolls a lot. 4 He made tall towers and
3 1 T
Presenter And what about when castles with the bricks.
2 T
you were a teenager? Did you have 5 They play computer /
3 F The judges usually give
any computer games then? strategy games together.
very positive comments to Mum Yes, I did. My brother and I
the contestants. had a computer with a very simple Speaking
4 F The judges aren’t game. It wasn’t like the computer 5 1 ready 5 must
interested in what the games today. It was a type of tennis. 2 minute 6 How
singers look like. I loved it, although it was very simple 3 explain 7 win
5 T compared with the ones you can 4 first 8 Good
play today.
4 1 The first name of The Voice Presenter Did you play chess?
was The Voice of Holland. Mum Oh yes! I loved playing 6 1 I also enjoy going to the
2 The Voice is a reality TV chess. It was hard, though, and my cinema.
show. brother was very good at it! 2 There were also a lot of
3 The judges usually give Presenter And, what about you? children at the park.
very positive comments to What’s your name? 3 There was also some food
the contestants. Sam Sam. at the party.
4 At first, the judges only Presenter So, Sam, what did you 4 He also listens to music
judge the singers on how play with when you were younger? programmes.
they sound, not on how they Sam I don’t remember!
Mum What about plastic building Progress check
bricks? You really loved building 1 1 action / 4 fitness
5 The Voice is more about
things when you were little. adventure 5 dancing
collaboration, but other
Sam Oh yeah! I played with bricks 2 adventure / 6 puzzle
reality shows are more a lot. I built tall towers and castles. action 7 quiz
about competition. And I had lots of toy cars. I loved 3 racing 8 role-play
racing them, too.
Listening Presenter Did you play computer 2 1 chat show
16 Audioscript, exercises 1 and 2 games? 2 Soap operas
Sam Well, I had a hand-held 3 Adverts
Presenter This morning I’m in a
shopping centre and I’m finding
games console and I played action 4 documentary
games, stuff like that. 5 Cartoons
out about toys and games. What’s
Presenter And what about now? 6 weather forecast
popular now and what was popular
Sam I’ve got a laptop computer 7 game show
in the past? … Excuse me, sir. Can I
now. I quite like strategy games, but
ask you some questions?
I don’t play computer games very
Man Of course!
3 1 Computer games weren’t 3 1 piano 4 choir 3 2 annoying 5 catchy
very good in 1985. 2 drummer 5 orchestra 3 boring 6 unusual
2 Were soap operas popular 3 bass guitar 4 surprising 1 original
in 1960?
Grammar 1 4 2 loud 5 lively
3 The weather forecast was
1 1 went 3 have 3 quiet 6 fantastic
terrible last night.
2 became 4 wore 4 rubbish
4 Was your brother tired after
school? 2 1 bought 4 had Grammar 2
5 They were happy this 2 went 5 listened 1 1 listen 4 buy
morning. 3 performed 2 know 5 give
3 have
4 1 There was 4 There 3 1 I didn’t study music last
2 Were there weren’t term. 2 1 ✓
3 There were 5 Was there 2 Mum didn’t go to work a 2 Did you want to talk to me?
week ago. 3 No, he didn’t.
5 1 there were 6 listened
3 We didn’t buy the DVD last 4 ✓
2 worked 7 There were
weekend. 5 Did she watch a film last
3 cooked 8 were
4 I didn’t wear a uniform night?
4 tidied 9 called
when I was younger.
5 cleaned 10 used 3 1 What did you play?
4 2 d 5 c 2 Where did you go?
3 a 6 b 3 Where did you live?
1 1 older 8 Inside
4 f 4 When did you buy it?
2 Some 9 are
3 can’t 10 many He joined an R&B group 4 1 Did you see Becky?
4 discovered 11 play called NuBeginnings in 2 What did they see?
5 was 12 is 1987 and competed in a TV 3 Did MP3 players exist?
6 played 13 are talent competition in 1991. 4 Where did your family live?
7 created He became famous in 1997
5 1 Did you listen
with the album My Way. He
2 Did you see
unit 8 recorded ‘OMG’ with
3 did you buy
for the Raymond v. Raymond
Vocabulary 1 4 Did she like
album and sold more than
1 Across 5 Did she have
300,000 copies of Raymond
1 conductor
v. Raymond in one week. He Reading
5 choir
travelled around the world in 1 c
8 pianist
2010–2011 on the OMG tour.
9 (+ 6 down) key 2 1 d 4 f
10 drummer 5 1 I had … for lunch 2 a 5 c
yesterday. 3 e 6 b
2 I went to … last weekend.
2 orchestra 3 1 F They used drums
3 I bought … last month.
3 guitar hundreds of years ago.
4 bass player Vocabulary 2 2 T
6 (+ 9 across) boards 1 S B A M L I V E L Y 3 F DJs played funk and soul
7 singer L U N U S U A L G C
records at parties in the
2 T E R R I B L E R A

4 F The Sugarhill Gang

released the first rap single.


5 T
classical U A M A Z I N G T C
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
country ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
D R Q N G A S T E Y 4 1 Poets and storytellers
heavy rock ✓ ✓ ✓ G A N R U B B I S H used drums when they told
jazz ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ O R I G I N A L N Z stories in West Africa.
Latin ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ S B A N N O Y I N G 2 Rap music developed in
opera ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ the 1970s in the Bronx in
2 1 amazing 4 Lively /
pop ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ New York.
2 Rubbish loud, quiet
✓ ✓
3 Unusual 1 lively T139
3 People met in houses and in Presenter Good idea. So, Fiona, 5 Why did she stop learning
the streets to have parties. why are you back with the orchestra the piano?
4 They listened to funk and again at the moment?
Fiona We’re making a CD. The 5 1 Did you like 7 grew
soul music at these parties.
orchestra invited me back to play 2 I did 8 wanted
5 The people at the parties
the Concierto with them at the 3 loved 9 Did you
sang about their lives.
recording studio. 4 bought look
Listening Presenter Great! Well, thank 5 did you 10 I didn’t
18 Audioscript, exercises 1 and 2
you, all of you. And good luck start 11 didn’t look
with the CD. Let’s hear a bit of the 6 saw
Presenter Hello and welcome to Concierto now …
Classic Radio, the programme that’s Extension
1 1 c 3 b
all about music. And today in the 1 1 Did you go 7 don’t know
studio I’m talking to three young 2 a
2 Do you 8 bought
musicians from the New City Youth
2 1 c 4 c remember 9 tried
Orchestra. OK, first, can you tell me
2 b 5 b 3 saw 10 weren’t
who you are and what you play?
3 a 4 was 11 don’t live
Tom Hi, I’m Tom and I play the
5 gave 11 not doing
piano. 3 1 They wanted a guitarist.
Sarah Hello. I play the violin. Oh, 6 didn’t come
2 A traditional Spanish guitar.
and, um, my name is Sarah. 3 The UK, France, Spain,
Presenter Hi Tom, hi Sarah. And unit 9
Germany and the USA.
so you must be Fiona. You play the
4 They are making a CD. Vocabulary 1
guitar, don’t you?
Fiona That’s right. I’m not usually
1 2 d 8 e
3 g 9 l
part of the orchestra, but a year ago 4 1 have 5 about
they asked me to tour with them 4 b 10 c/f
2 really 6 How
because they wanted a guitarist. 5 k 11 f/c
3 terrible 7 Nothing
One of the pieces they played was 6 h 12 j
4 did 8 went
Rodrigo’s Concierto de Aranjuez. I 7 a
played the solo part on a traditional Writing
2 1 send cards
Spanish guitar. 5 1 in 5 In
Presenter It was an important
2 go to church
2 At 6 at
tour, wasn’t it? I believe you 3 decorate the house
3 When 7 In
travelled to five different countries. 4 watch fireworks
4 later
Er, Tom, is that right? 5 go to / have a party
Tom Yes, that’s right. We started in Progress check 6 eat special food
the UK, then we performed in Paris 1 1 singer 5 orchestra 7 sing songs
and Madrid. 2 guitarist 6 pianist 8 give presents
Presenter What was it like to 3 guitar 7 conductor 9 visit relatives
perform the Concierto in Spain? 4 bass player 10 wear a costume
Fiona Oh, it was absolutely 11 watch street parades
amazing! 2 1 boring 4 annoying
Presenter What other countries 2 rubbish 5 catchy 3 1 went 4 watching
did you go to? Sarah …? 3 lively 6 surprising 2 has 5 wore
Sarah We went to Germany 3 watched
and then we flew to the USA for a
3 1 I enjoyed the festival.
concert in New York. It was great. It’s 2 Lisa didn’t buy Kanye 4 1 decorate the house
a really lively city. West’s first album. 2 send cards
Presenter And how did you travel 3 Tim sold his MP3 player. 3 give presents
with all your instruments? 4 We went to school 4 eat special food
Fiona Well, in Europe we had a yesterday. 5 sing songs
tour bus with a trailer. It carried all
the instruments.
4 1 Where did you buy your
Tom Except my piano! I played a coat?
different one in every city. 2 Did he go to Edinburgh last
Fiona When we flew to New York, year?
I bought a ticket for my guitar. It’s 3 When did you see the film?
very expensive, you see. I wanted it 4 Who did you see at the
T140 next to me all the time! music festival?
Grammar 1 Grammar 2 4 People in Lewes can
1 1 ’m not 4 ’re 1 2 d 4 b watch street parades and
2 ’s 5 not going to 3 e 5 a fireworks.
3 Are
2 1 is wearing Listening
2 1 Elliot is going to sell the 2 ’re playing 20 Audioscript, exercises 1 and 2
tickets. 3 aren’t travelling
I’m Nisha and I live in Birmingham
2 I’m going to phone the DJ. 4 Are you decorating in the UK. We celebrate the Hindu
3 Mr Clark isn't going to buy 5 isn’t giving festival of Diwali every year in the
the fireworks. autumn. It’s the start of our new
3 1 ✓
4 Mr Clark and Miss Martin year and it makes us think of new
2 Ethan is having a party
aren't going to go shopping beginnings. We’re getting ready for
at his house on Saturday
on Saturday. this year’s festival at the moment.
5 We’re going to decorate the Today we’re cleaning the house
3 Are we leaving the theatre well. It’s something the family do
school hall on Friday.
at ten? together. We make the house clean
3 1 Is Tom going to phone the 4 The train is arriving at because we want the goddess
DJ? No, he isn’t. I’m going 9.40pm. Lakshmi to come into our homes.
to phone the DJ. 5 ✓ We believe she brings us good luck
2 Are Tom and Holly going to 6 I’m not watching the and wealth, or money.
choose some music with fireworks tonight because Another important part of Diwali is
me? Yes, they are. I don’t like loud noises. buying new clothes. I’m going to
3 Am I going to buy the choose some new clothes with my
4 1 ’re practising mum tomorrow.
fireworks? No, I’m not. Mrs
2 are you doing On Thursday our family is going to
Knight is going to buy the
3 helping make lots of sweets and special food.
4 ’m revising We give these sweets as presents to
4 Are we going to tidy the
5 are buying our family and friends. We also send
hall on Saturday? No, we special Diwali cards. I’m going to
aren’t. We’re going to tidy Reading write my cards this evening.
the hall on Sunday. 1 b Perhaps my favourite part of Diwali
is when we decorate the house.
4 1 her 4 you 2 2 g 6 f
We’re going to decorate our house
2 me 5 us 3 a 7 d
on Friday. We’re going to put lots of
3 it 4 e 8 c
little lamps and lights all around it.
5 h
5 2 them 4 us It always looks very beautiful. We
3 him 5 me 3 1 F It is about King James put the lights in our homes to guide
the First of England and Lakshmi. She doesn’t come if the
Vocabulary 2 house is dark.
1 1 carefully 7 loudly At the weekend we’re visiting my
2 T
2 dangerously 8 nicely grandparents and then some more of
3 F The king’s guards
3 easily 9 quickly our relatives are coming to visit us.
discovered Guy Fawkes in Our cousins are arriving on Saturday
4 happily 10 regularly
the House of Lords. afternoon. We are going to eat
5 hard 11 well
4 T special food together. In the evening,
6 healthily
5 T we’re going to watch fireworks. My
2 1 healthily 7 carefully 6 F Lots of bands are going dad and my uncles are going to do a
2 easily 8 regularly to play all evening. fireworks display in our garden. The
3 badly 9 nicely lights and the fireworks are the things
4 1 They were going to start which make Diwali so special for me.
4 well 10 dangerously
a fire / make an explosion
5 quickly 11 hard
under the Parliament 1 new year, give presents, send
6 happily
building. cards, lights, visit relatives, eat
3 1 regularly 4 proudly 2 5th November. special food, watch fireworks
2 badly 5 carefully 3 People light huge bonfires
2 1 Clean 5 Decorate
3 well and watch fireworks. Many
2 write 6 Watch
people make large models
3 Buy
of Guy Fawkes.
4 Make
3 1 Diwali is in the autumn. 6 1 Have you got 6 1 Is your house in Bilbao?
2 People clean the house 2 visiting No, it’s not.
before Diwali because they 3 are 2 Are your best friends in
want the goddess Lakshmi 4 going your class? Yes, they are.
to come into their homes. 5 aren’t arriving 3 Are your parents
3 They believe Lakshmi gives 6 Are you going Colombian? No, they
them good luck and wealth, 7 visit aren’t.
or money. 8 ’m going 4 Is his teacher German?
4 They decorate the house 9 You’re Yes, he is.
with little lamps and lights. 10 You’re going to have 5 Are you and your cousins
5 They are going to eat 11 ’m staying 13 years old? No, we’re
special food together and not.
watch fireworks. 6 Is her mum a doctor? Yes,
1 ’ve 8 ’m dancing
she is.
Speaking 2 practising 9 in front of
4 2 I’m not – sorry! 3 are 10 was
unit 1
3 Are you free in the evening? 4 started 11 watched
4 Who else is going? 5 was 12 older 1 1 ’ve got 4 ’ve got
5 See you on Saturday. 6 than 13 can 2 have got 5 ’ve got
7 have 14 me 3 ’s got 6 have got
5 1 in 5 in 2 1 They’ve got three dogs.
2 on 6 at GRammar 2 I’ve got English homework.
3 at 7 in Exercises 3 We’ve got a favourite film.
4 at 8 at 4 She’s got green eyes.
starter unit 5 It’s got four legs.
Progress check
1 1 go 5 fun 1 1 That 4 This 3 1 hasn’t got 4 haven’t got
2 cards 6 watched 2 This 5 That 2 hasn’t got 5 haven’t got
3 going to / 7 give 3 Those 3 haven’t got 6 hasn’t got
having 8 special
2 1 their 4 her 4 1 We have got 3D glasses.
4 wears food
2 It 5 His 2 Gollum hasn’t got much
2 1 healthily 3 regularly 3 They hair.
2 quickly 4 well 3 Has she got a favourite
3 1 Jim’s eyes are very green.
3 1 You aren’t going to like the 2 My grandparents’ house is
4 My dad hasn’t got a beard.
film. in Scotland.
5 They haven’t got tickets for
2 Jo’s going to travel to the 3 My sister’s boyfriend is very
the film.
USA next summer. nice.
3 Are they going to visit 4 All the teachers’ cars are 5 1 Has your friend Mike got a
regularly next year? very old. pet? Yes, he has.
4 I’m going to learn German 5 Your cousins’ names are 2 Have you got a favourite
next year. unusual. actor? Yes, I have.
5 Are you going to go to 6 Her best friend’s name is 3 Has she got green eyes?
Adam’s party? Jane. No, she hasn’t.
4 Have they got beautiful
4 1 him 4 it 4 1 ’m 4 are
voices? No, they haven’t.
2 us 5 you 2 are 5 ’s
5 Has it got a long neck?
3 them 3 is
Yes, it has.
5 1 is leaving 5 1 I’m not from France 6 Have dragons got two
2 ’re finishing 2 My friends aren’t wings? Yes, they have.
3 Are … meeting Moroccan.
4 ’m not watching 3 My dad isn’t in New
5 are playing Zealand.
4 You and your cousins aren’t
11 years old.
T142 5 She isn’t English.
6 2 f 5 g 3 Yes, she does. 3 Where do your family go
3 e 6 b 4 No, I don’t. horse-riding?
4 a 7 d 5 No, they don’t. 4 Does your sister like
6 Yes, I do. running?
7 1 What’s your dad’s name?
7 Yes, he does. 5 How many people play in a
2 Where is she from?
football team?
3 How many houses have
unit 3
they got? 6 1 does she live
4 When is the film festival? 1 1 I always watch the 2 she got a pet/any pets
5 How old is your grandad? Olympics on TV. 3 does she run
2 He never wins a race. 4 she like her sport
unit 2 3 The Winter Olympics are 5 does she like doing in her
usually in February. free time
1 1 hates 4 say
4 We often go to a football
2 live 5 like
match. unit 4
3 wears 6 go
5 She sometimes does
1 1 ’re 4 ’s
2 1 watches 5 sleeps exercise before school.
2 ’m 5 ’re
2 studies 6 does 6 I rarely lose a game.
3 ’re
3 has 7 finishes
2 1 Jane often goes to the gym.
4 goes 2 1 is / are 3 ’re wearing
2 Paul never plays tennis at
winning 4 ’re going
3 1 sleeps the weekend.
2 are 5 ’s carrying
2 doesn’t watch 3 I usually do my homework
3 finishes 4 does after school.
5 goes 6 have 4 My dad always watches 3 1 I’m not celebrating my
7 don’t study Manchester United birthday.
matches on TV. 2 They aren’t playing
4 1 I don’t go to ballet school.
5 We sometimes go skiing in basketball.
2 My friend doesn’t sing very
winter. 3 My dad isn’t feeling
3 Julie doesn’t go to bed very 3 1 How often does he play in
4 We aren’t dancing at the
late. the school team?
4 My sister doesn’t meet her 2 Does she sometimes win a
5 You aren’t studying.
friends on Sundays. match?
6 Anne and Rob aren’t
5 We don’t do a lot sof sport 3 Do they usually do winter
making new clothes.
at my school. sports?
6 They don’t wear a school 4 Do you always skate on 4 1 riding 5 lying
uniform. ice? 2 swimming 6 sleeping
7 He doesn’t study 5 How often does your 3 visiting 7 dancing
performing arts. brother lift weights? 4 carrying

5 1 Do you like ICT and 4 1 We love playing football in 5 1 Are they walking to school?
history? the rain. No, they aren’t.
2 Do you start school at 6am? 2 They hate going to the 2 Is your friend going home?
3 Does your grandma use a gym. No, he / she isn’t.
computer? 3 My father doesn’t mind 3 Are you studying English?
4 Do your parents play training every day. Yes, I am.
cricket? 4 I don’t like watching sport 4 Are we celebrating her
5 Do your friends do their on TV. birthday? No, we aren’t.
homework every day? 5 My friend likes 5 Are Carol and Matt
6 Does Richard live near skateboarding in competing in the TV show?
you? the park. Yes, they are.
7 Does your brother play the 6 Am I playing basketball?
5 1 How many medals has she
guitar? Yes, you are.
7 Is Gerry riding a horse? No,
6 1 Yes, she does. 2 Do they go surfing in the
he isn’t.
2 No, they don’t. holidays?
8 Are you listening to
music? Yes, I am.
6 1 ’re wearing 6 ’m not 2 1 more modern 3 1 Were your parents at the
2 does playing 2 better football match? Yes, they
3 isn’t smiling 7 buy 3 tidier were.
4 don’t study 8 see 4 more comfortable 2 Was Dave in the library at
5 ’s learning 5 more expensive 11am? No, he wasn’t.
3 Were we in our English class
3 1 Chinese is more difficult
unit 5 at 10pm? No, we weren’t.
than English.
4 Was Paula in Seville two
1 1 There are 4 There are 2 Everest is higher than
days ago? Yes, she was.
2 There is 5 There is Annapurna.
5 Were they at the party
3 There are 6 There is 3 Vegetables are healthier
last weekend? No, they
than hamburgers.
2 1 There aren’t 4 There aren’t weren’t.
4 A hotel is more expensive
2 There isn’t 5 There isn’t 6 Were you and your brother
than camping.
3 There isn’t 6 There aren’t in London last month? Yes,
5 A barge is slower than a
we were.
3 1 Is there a café next to the car.
7 Was the film good last
swimming pool?
4 1 in 4 between night? No, it wasn’t.
2 How many calories are
2 on 5 opposite
there in a chocolate cake?
3 in front of 4 1 was 4 were
3 Is there a drinks machine
2 were 5 was
here? 5 1 He can’t stay out late.
3 was
4 How much milk is there in 2 Can you be noisy in class?
the fridge? 3 We can’t have a party in the 5 1 Was, wasn’t 4 Was, was
5 Are there any strawberries street. 2 Were, were 5 Were,
for dessert? 4 She can have pets. 3 Was, was weren’t
6 Is there some fruit on the 5 Can we go to the concert
6 1 arrived 4 talked
table? this Saturday?
2 loved 5 listened
6 We can watch TV before
4 1 any 5 any 3 played 6 watched
2 some 6 a
7 You can’t use your mobile 7 1 studied 5 tried
3 an 7 any
phone in class. 2 lived 6 permitted
4 an
3 planned 7 started
6 1 mustn’t 4 must
5 countable uncountable 4 stopped
2 must 5 must
friend fruit
3 mustn’t 6 must
group meat unit 8
library money
unit 7 1 1 had 5 met
orange rice
2 gave 6 left
potato spinach 1 1 was 4 was
3 made 7 took
school water 2 were 5 was
4 knew
people pasta 3 were 6 were
2 1 became 4 wore
2 1 We weren’t at the sports
6 1 friends 4 apples 2 began 5 saw
club. We were at the
2 meat 5 people 3 went
3 money 6 eggs
2 My friends weren’t in the 3 1 He didn’t play the drums
garden. They were in my when he was younger.
unit 6
house. 2 We didn’t watch a great
1 1 stronger 3 My dad wasn’t in Bilbao. programme last night.
2 more intelligent He was in Cádiz. 3 The festival didn’t start at
3 worse 4 They weren’t opposite the 10pm.
4 later shopping centre. They were 4 Adele didn’t write the lyrics
5 wider next to it. for that song in 2012.
6 redder / more red 5 Tim wasn’t at school. He 5 Her hit song didn’t sell one
7 tidier was at my party. million copies.
8 more comfortable
9 more popular
4 1 How did they go to the 3 We aren’t going to send a Vocabulary
concert? card. We’re going to buy a extension
2 Why did Caroline like that present.
song? 4 Sue isn’t going to come for
unit 1
3 Where did she learn to sing? dinner. She’s going to go to
2 a knight f king
4 What time did you leave the cinema.
b dragon g queen
school? 5 You aren’t going to study
c wizard h princess
5 Did she go to the festival? French. You’re going to
d spell i hero
study English.
5 1 Did Lucy see a concert? e witch j villain
No, she didn’t. 4 1 Is your sister going to eat
3 1 d 4 a
2 Did Lucy stay in pasta for dinner? No, she
2 f 5 c
Edinburgh? Yes, she did. isn’t.
3 b 6 e
3 Did Rick go to 2 Are your classmates going
Manchester? Yes, he did. to watch a film? No, they 4 1 wizard 5 king
4 Did Rick play in a band? aren’t. 2 spells 6 princess
No, he didn’t. 3 Is your brother going to 3 hero 7 witch
5 Did Jim and Alison play in celebrate his birthday? No, 4 heroine 8 dragon
an orchestra? Yes, they did. he isn’t.
4 Are we going to travel by unit 2
6 1 Last night he studied until
car? Yes, we are.
11pm. 2 1 get a good mark
5 Are you going to invite me
2 Yesterday, we met our 2 revise
to the party? Yes, I am.
friends at the cinema. 3 underline
6 Am I going to meet them at
3 She didn’t buy any concert 4 test
the airport? No, I’m not.
tickets. 5 listen
4 He didn’t compose that 5 1 it 4 them 6 cheat
opera. 2 us 5 us
3 1 revise 5 underline
5 Did she have a good time? 3 them
2 test 6 check
6 Where did they go last
6 1 I’m going to visit my 3 make notes 7 cheat
grandparents this evening. 4 learn
2 He’s going to do an exam
unit 9
tomorrow. unit 3
1 1 are going to 4 is going to 3 My cousin is going to fly to
1 1 goggles 8 swimming
2 is going to 5 is going to Germany next weekend.
2 bat cap
3 am going to 4 We’re going to watch TV
3 net 9 boxing
2 1 We are going to give our 4 racket gloves
5 We’re going to meet them
teacher a present. 5 ball 10 helmet
at the restaurant tomorrow.
2 The festival is going to be 6 flippers 11 nose clip
fantastic. 7 knee-pads 12 headband
3 She is going to sing in a
2 tennis net
new band next month.
4 I am going to do more racket
sport next year. headband
5 My parents are going to ball
travel to Thailand next skateboarding helmet
summer. skateboard
3 1 They aren’t going to watch
a film. They’re going to do swimming flippers
their homework. nose clip
2 Pete isn’t going to sing at goggles
the party. He’s going to swimming cap
sing in church.

3 1 bat, b 6 headbands, unit 6 2 strings violin
2 goggles, c a harp
2 b windows h garage
3 nose clip, c 7 gloves, b brass trumpet
c roof i floor
4 rackets, a 8 cap, c tuba
d ceiling j fireplace
5 net, b trombone
e door k balcony
woodwind clarinet
f chimney l stairs recorder
unit 4
g garden flute
2 a belt e sunglasses percussion cymbal
3 1 wall 4 chimney
b necklace f backpack xylophone
2 stairs 5 windows
c hat g bracelet castanets
3 door 6 garage
d handbag
4 2 fireplace 5 ceiling 3 3 trumpet 6 cymbal
3 1 gloves 4 earrings
3 garage 6 balcony 4 trombone 7 violin
2 handbag 5 watch
4 garden 5 flute
3 sunglasses 6 belt

4 1 scarf unit 7
unit 9
2 cap
1 1 webcam
3 sunglasses 2 1 Harvest Festival
2 console
4 backpack 2 Valentine’s Day
3 speakers
5 necklace 3 Bonfire Night
4 racing wheel
6 watch / bracelet 4 Chinese New Year
5 microphone
7 bracelet / watch 5 Thanksgiving
6 headset
8 earrings 6 bar mitzvah
7 charger
9 rings
8 keyboard 3 2 Chinese New Year
9 joystick 3 Thanksgiving
unit 5
10 remote control 4 bar mitzvah
2 1 do exercise / get fit 11 screen 5 wedding
2 drink water 12 memory card 6 wedding anniversary
3 eat fruit and vegetables
2 1 microphone
4 sleep for eight hours
2 joystick Integrated
5 avoid fast foods
3 screen skills
6 go to the gym
4 consoles
3 1 eat a balanced diet
3 1 headset Unit 1
2 sleep
2 speakers 1 1 yes 4 Lady Gaga
3 do exercise
3 racing wheel 2 yes 5 Taylor Swift
4 avoid fast food
4 webcam 3 one
5 lose weight
5 screen Audioscript, exercises 1 and 2
6 drink water 30
6 keyboard
Ticket seller Next please.
4 2 drink water 7 charger Joe Hello. Have you got tickets for
3 eat a balanced diet 8 memory card the Coldplay concert?
4 Avoid fast foods Ticket seller Yes, of course,
5 put on weight unit 8 which date?
6 fit Joe Umm, what are the dates?
1 1 recorder 8 castanets
7 exercise Ticket seller The 13th and 14th of
2 trumpet 9 xylophone
8 gym November.
3 cymbol 10 double Joe Oh, OK, the 13th please.
9 sleep
4 flute bass Ticket seller How many people?
5 harp 11 trombone Joe Two adults please, I want to
6 tuba 12 violin surprise my friend, Anna.
7 clarinet Ticket seller OK, I’ve got two
seats in Row A, near the stage.
Joe That’s great! How much is it?

Ticket seller It’s £120. 2 name of club dance club 6 usually watch
Joe Oh, that’s expensive. How 7 Thanks for your time!
day Monday
much are the other seats?
Ticket seller I’ve got two seats in start time 5pm
unit 4
Row T for £60. finish time 6.30pm
Joe Right, two seats in Row T place gym
1 1 The clothes sale is in the
please. Here you go. afternoon.
Ticket seller Thanks, here’s your 2 The sale is at Colston
3 1 Can I help you?
Joe Thanks. One last question. 2 What day is it on?
3 You can buy clothes
What time does the concert start? 3 What time does it start?
for everybody: for men,
Ticket seller It starts at 9pm and 4 What time does it finish?
women, babies, children
finishes around 11pm. Have fun! 5 Where is it?
and teenagers.
4 You can buy shoes at the
2 1 13 3 £120 unit 3
clothes sale.
2 friend 4 Row T
1 1 No, she doesn’t. She goes 5 The sale is on Saturday
3 2 Have you got tickets less than once a week. 18th February.
3 Which date 2 Once a month. 36 Audioscript, exercises 1 and 2
4 How many 3 online
Jane Hi Sonia, what are you
5 two 4 headbands and rackets looking at?
6 How much are the 5 tennis Sonia I’m looking at a poster for
7 £25 each 34 Audioscript, exercises 1 and 2 a clothes sale at the community
8 Here you are centre. It looks great.
Sam Excuse me, can I ask you a
9 here’s your few questions? Jane When is it?
10 What time Jane Sure. Go ahead! Sonia It’s on every day this week
Sam Thanks! It’s for a survey after school.
unit 2 about the Sports Centre. Jane What are the opening times?
Jane Oh, OK. Sonia It starts at half past three
1 1 F 3 T after school and finishes at 6 o’clock
Sam Do you play any sports at the
2 T 4 F and on Friday it finishes at 8 o’clock.
sports centre?
32 Audioscript, exercises 1 and 2 Jane Yes, I do. I play tennis a lot Jane Are there any student
and I also go swimming with my discounts?
Danny Hello Leila. Do you want to
friends on Fridays. Sonia No, there aren’t. The clothes
join a club?
Sam How often do you come to are really cheap though – look £5 for
Leila Yes, I want to join the dance
the sports centre? a T-shirt.
club. I love dancing.
Jane Very often, about three times Jane That’s great! Are you going?
Danny Well, I don’t, I love football.
a week. Sonia Yes, I am.
Leila Oh, come on Danny, dancing’s
Sam And how often do you visit Jane See you there!
great fun. Why don’t you try it?
Danny Well, OK. What day is it on? the sports centre café?
Leila It’s on Mondays. Jane I rarely visit the café, it’s 2 1 every day 4 8pm
Danny What time does it start? expensive! 2 3.30pm 5 aren’t any
Leila It starts at 5pm. Sam What other sports do you do? 3 6pm
Danny And what time does it finish? Jane I love judo so I sometimes
go to judo classes.
3 1 orange 3 big
Leila I think it finishes about
Sam OK, great. That’s all. Thanks
2 medium 4 £5
Danny So, where do they meet? for your time!
Leila In the gym. Jane No problem. Bye! unit 5
Danny Oh, where’s the gym? 1 1 The Blues Café
Leila It’s next to the dining hall. 2 1 tennis 4 expensive 2 Mario’s Pizza Parlour
Danny OK. I think I’d like to sign up.
2 three 5 judo 3 The Blues Café
Leila OK, see you there!
3 rarely 4 Mario’s Pizza Parlour

3 2 It’s for a survey

3 How often do you
4 once a week
5 never watch
38 Audioscript, exercises 1 and 2
Kate Where’s the map? Tom OK … then what?
Elsa This is great – I love pizza,
Mark I haven’t got it. I left it in the Emily Then, you must decide
but I don’t eat it very often.
hotel. where to put your new cinema, your
James I come here every Saturday
Kate Right. Let’s ask someone. school and your restaurants. It’s all
with my friends after the football
Excuse me, can you tell us how to about strategy!
get to the Museum of Modern Art, Tom I see. And how do you win?
Elsa Really? So what’s good here?
please? Emily Oh, that’s easy. You just
Remember I’m a vegetarian so I don’t
Man The Museum of Modern Art? continue building your dream town
eat meat …
Let me think. Ah, yes. I know where so it becomes a big city! Are you
James They make a delicious
it is. Go straight on, then turn left, ready to play?
tomato, mushroom, onion and apple
no sorry, turn right. Then cross the Tom No – wait a minute! Yes, I’m
pizza with four different types of
road and go past the sports centre. ready now.
cheese. It’s called Mario’s Special.
The museum is on the right. Emily Good luck!
Elsa That sounds great! Let’s
Kate OK. Is it far? Tom Thanks!
Man Yes, it’s a 15 minute walk.
Assistant Hi, can I help you?
Kate Thank you.
James Yes – a Mario’s Special
Man No problem.
2 1 doesn’t 3 restaurants
for my friend, please. And I’d like a know 4 strategy
Mark That’s easy! Straight on, then
carbonara pizza, please. 2 house 5 city
turn left, cross the roundabout …
Elsa Carbonara pizza? What’s
Kate No! You turn right! And you
that? 3 2 first you must
cross the road! Mark!
James It’s got mushrooms, bacon, 3 Then what
cream, onions and lots of cheese. 4 how do you win
Assistant OK. Would you like 2 1 The map is in the hotel. 5 To win,
anything to drink? 2 They are looking for the 6 don’t forget
James Yes, a bottle of water for Museum of Modern Art.
me …
3 The museum is near the unit 8
Elsa And a cola for me, please.
sports centre.
Assistant Thank you. Enjoy your 1 1 Russia.
4 They must walk for about
meal. 2 £50 per adult and £10 per
Elsa & James Thanks!
15 minutes.
child with family discounts
3 2 way 5 far available.
2 1 friends 4 bacon 3 library 6 5 3 Yes, they were.
2 apple 5 a cola 4 right 4 No, there was free camping.
3 Mario’s 44 Audioscript, exercises 1 and 2
Special unit 7
Paula Hi! Did you have a good
3 2 I’d like a 1 1 Sudoku is a numbers logic weekend?
3 chicken game. Mark No, not really. It was boring!
4 Would you like 2 You can only use each Paula What did you do?
Mark Oh, nothing special. I
5 apple number once in Sudoku.
painted my sister’s bedroom.
6 Is that everything 3 You use numbers 1–9.
Paula Oh well.
7 How much 4 To win, you must complete
Mark Anyway, what about you?
8 Enjoy your meal the puzzle with the correct How was your weekend?
missing numbers. Paula Oh, it was amazing!
unit 6 42 Audioscript, exercises 1 and 2 Mark What did you do?
Paula I went to a dance festival
1 1 going by car Tom What are you playing?
Emily Dream Town – it’s brilliant! with all my family.
2 Benson Road
Tom Oh, I don’t know that game, Mark Really? How was it?
3 two minutes
what’s it about? Paula It was fantastic! We saw
4 miles some great performances. There
Emily Well, it’s a new game and
40 Audioscript, exercises 1 and 2 you can create your own town! Do were dance groups from all over the
Kate So, what’s the address of the you want to play? world… India, Turkey, America…
museum? Tom Yes, it sounds fun. How do They were brilliant!
Mark 32 Old Bridge Road. you play? Mark Wow! That sounds like fun.
Kate Which way is it? Emily Well, first you have to work Paula Oh well. Next month there’s
Mark I don’t know. very hard to buy your first house. a music festival in the same place.
Then you can start building your You can come with us then!
T148 dream town. Mark OK. Thanks!
2 1 bedroom 4 dance 3 2 are you free 3 1 What time do you get up
2 amazing 5 music 3 Yes, I think so on Sundays?
3 family 4 Do you want to come 2 After lunch we do our
5 else is going homework.
3 2 What did you do
6 What time are you going 3 My favourite subjects are
3 How was it
French, technology and
4 It was fantastic
Writing citizenship.
5 what about you
Reference 4 I get up at 7.30am. My
6 Where did you go
sister gets up late, at 12
unit 9 unit 1
5 Do you go to drama
1 1 F 4 T Wolverine Storm classes? Yes, I do.
2 F 5 T build strong strong
3 F height short tall unit 3
hair brown white
46 Audioscript, exercises 1 and 2
special animal can fly and 1 1 3
Kristen Hi there Robert. What are powers senses control the 2 Yes, the football team.
you up to? weather
3 12
Robert Oh, nothing special. I’m 4 basketball, football,
watching TV. 2 1 has 3 possession snowboarding and skiing
Kristen Listen, are you free on the
2 has 4 is 5 15
4th of July?
6 football teams and ice
Robert Yes, I think so? Why? 3 1 ’s got 4 ’s
skating clubs
Kristen Well, it’s Independence 2 ’s 5 ’s got
Day and there’s going to be a big 3 ’s 6 ’ 2 1 Do 4 Are
celebration in the park. Do you want 2 Where 5 What
to come? Step 1
3 How often
Robert That sounds fun. What
2 Physical description: hair,
kind of celebration is it?
eyes, build 3 1 We usually go
Kristen There’s going to be a
3 Other characteristics snowboarding at the
parade and fireworks, and then
traditional American food!
4 Special powers / abilities weekend.
Robert Great, I love hamburgers 5 Films and actors 2 They are sometimes tired
and hot dogs! Who else is going? after playing football.
Kristen All my American friends unit 2 3 I rarely go swimming in the
and family! winter.
1 1 9am
Robert Great! What time does it 4 She is always first in the
2 She plays tennis and
start? sports competition.
Kristen It starts at 9 o’clock, so
5 My brother never plays
we’re leaving at 8.30. 3 She goes to the park and
basketball on Fridays.
Robert OK. Shall I come to your the shopping centre.
house about 8.15? 4 On Sundays. Step 1
Kristen Yes, great. See you then. 5 She has chicken, salad and
2 Think of vocabulary you
Robert Yes, see you then! potatoes.
need for the topic, eg
6 10.30pm
summer sports.
2 1 Kristen has plans for 4th 7 Sunday
3 Plan ideas for your survey.
2 1 What time does your class 4 Make a list of question
2 The celebration is going to
start? words.
be at the park.
2 Saturday is my favourite 5 Write your questions.
3 They’re going to eat
traditional American food.
3 For lunch I eat a sandwich
4 Kristen’s American family
(my favourite is chicken), a
will be at the celebration.
salad and a banana.
5 Robert is going to go to
4 My favourite subjects are
Kristen’s house at 8.15pm.
English, history and PE.
5 After lunch, I do my
unit 4 4 My cousin lives in a 3 At the age of 23 she
caravan because he likes recorded her first album.
1 1 3 4 3
to travel. 4 In 2012 they went to
2 1 5 2
5 We stay in hotels because Ireland.
3 2 6 1
they’re more comfortable 5 When they were young they
2 1 He’s my favourite footballer! than going camping. played in a band.
2 He’s wearing a red football
3 1 In my opinion 3 1 The singer Ed Sheeran was
2 because you can born in 1991.
3 His clothes are casual.
3 because it’s more 2 He started writing songs
4 He looks serious
comfortable when he was at school.
5 He’s playing football.
4 dancing in the disco 3 Ed recorded his first album
6 He’s wearing a grey and
5 because they aren´t at the age of 14.
white jumper.
6 are more boring than 4 He moved to London in
3 1 loves 2008 and started to play
2 is wearing unit 7 concerts.
3 casual trousers 5 Three years later, he
1 1 A teen drama programme.
4 looks confident and friendly released his first single.
2 9pm
5 blue jeans 6 In 2012, he won a BRIT
3 Because there was a lot of
6 are competing award.
4 No, it was great last night.
unit 5 unit 9
5 Beverly Hills, 90210.
1 1 eggs, mushrooms, 1 1 Midsummer’s Eve
2 1 We watched a film and we
tomatoes and baked beans 2 It’s the longest day in the
also read a book.
2 sausages and bacon summer.
2 The show was funny and
3 baked beans 3 At Kevin’s house.
there were also some great
4 orange juice 4 They’re going to have a
barbecue, light a bonfire
2 1 First, cut the bread. 3 My friends sang a song and
and watch fireworks.
2 Then, add some butter and I also danced.
5 All Kevin’s friends from
mayonnaise / mayonnaise 4 The singer was terrible and
and butter. the guitarist was also bad.
6 They’re decorating the
3 Next, add some chicken 5 The characters were
and a tomato. interesting and they were
4 Then, put some cheese on also funny. 2 1 on 5 are
top. 6 They studied all morning 2 are 6 come
5 Finally, enjoy your and they also did an exam. 3 at 7 in
sandwich. 4 at 8 Write
3 1 watched 5 also danced
3 1 First 4 Then 2 was 6 was 3 1 The fireworks display is in
2 Then 5 Finally 3 it was also 7 also the evening.
3 Next 4 was also watched 2 In London, there is a big
carnival every year.
unit 6 unit 8 3 The barbecue is going to
be at my house.
1 1 F 4 F 1 1 singer and dancer,
4 My birthday is on 19 May.
2 F 5 T Colombia
5 It is usually very cold in the
3 F 2 when she was eight
3 in Columbia in 1977
2 1 I like rock climbing because
4 when she was 24
it’s exciting.
5 in 2007
2 I travel by plane because
6 28 years old
it’s faster than by car.
3 They love the sea because 2 1 Three years later they
they can swim very far! moved house.
2 When he was 18 he went to
external exam exam 4
1 They are about Sara Baras.
exam 1 2 1 a (true) 2 b (false)
1 You have to match the sign to
3 1 b (false) 3 a (true)
the correct meaning.
2 a (true) 4 a (true)
2 a 4 c 1
4 1 b (false) 3 a (true)
b 3 d 2
2 b (false) 4 b (false)
3 a 1 c 3
b 4 d 2 exam 5
1 b 1 Before: small house, garden,
2 a cycled to school
3 c Now: apartment, big city,
There are five notices. balcony, building, travel to
school by bus
6 1 d
2 1 b
7 2 c 5 a
2 c
3 e
3 a
4 b
4 1 Yes, he does.
exam 2 2 Yes, it is.
3 Yes, he does.
1 The word toast.
4 No, he answers everything.
2 You can eliminate options
6 Students’ own answers
b and c in question 1 and
options a and c in question 2. 7 Students’ own answers
1 a 2 b
1 b 3 c
2 b 4 b

exam 3
1 d
2 Students’ own answers
4 1 adjective
2 verb
3 personal pronoun
4 possessive adjective
5 verb
6 verb

5 1 well
2 hope
3 you
4 My
5 think
6 See


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