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LETTER doi:10.


Machine-learning-assisted materials discovery

using failed experiments
Paul Raccuglia1, Katherine C. Elbert1, Philip D. F. Adler1, Casey Falk1, Malia B. Wenny1, Aurelio Mollo1, Matthias Zeller2,
Sorelle A. Friedler1, Joshua Schrier1 & Alexander J. Norquist1

Inorganic–organic hybrid materials 1–3 such as organically using data-mining techniques, given a database of successful and failed
templated metal oxides1, metal–organic frameworks (MOFs)2 reactions. However, the published literature contains only a limited
and organohalide perovskites4 have been studied for decades, and subset of successful reactions, typically a single set of conditions
hydrothermal and (non-aqueous) solvothermal syntheses have for each compound. The vast majority of unreported ‘dark’ (failed)
produced thousands of new materials that collectively contain nearly reactions are archived in laboratory notebooks that are generally inac-
all the metals in the periodic table5–9. Nevertheless, the formation cessible. These reactions contain the valuable information needed to
of these compounds is not fully understood, and development determine the boundaries between success and failure.
of new compounds relies primarily on exploratory syntheses. To use these data to guide future materials syntheses, we developed
Simulation- and data-driven approaches (promoted by efforts such a web-accessible public database (
as the Materials Genome Initiative10) provide an alternative to to facilitate both initial data entry from existing laboratory notebooks
experimental trial-and-error. Three major strategies are: simulation- and ongoing experimental data collection. The database schema is suf-
based predictions of physical properties (for example, charge ficiently general to accommodate reaction descriptions beyond our
mobility11, photovoltaic properties12, gas adsorption capacity13 or particular chemical interests (for example, allowing for arbitrary num-
lithium-ion intercalation14) to identify promising target candidates bers of inorganic and organic species, or non-aqueous solvents). We
for synthetic efforts11,15; determination of the structure–property intentionally captured experimental data that might be useful for later
relationship from large bodies of experimental data16,17, enabled studies (for example, product purity labels) to avoid having to re-enter
by integration with high-throughput synthesis and measurement experimental data, even though they were not used in the present
tools18; and clustering on the basis of similar crystallographic study. The data-capture process and reliability testing are described in
structure (for example, zeolite structure classification19,20 or gas Methods. After excluding reactions with incomplete laboratory note-
adsorption properties21). Here we demonstrate an alternative book entries, 3,955 unique, complete reactions remained for use in
approach that uses machine-learning algorithms trained on reaction training and testing the machine-learning model.
data to predict reaction outcomes for the crystallization of templated Reactant names can be used to create property descriptors for our
vanadium selenites. We used information on ‘dark’ reactions— machine-learning model. For organic and oxalate-like reactants, com-
failed or unsuccessful hydrothermal syntheses—collected from mercially available cheminformatics software was used to compute
archived laboratory notebooks from our laboratory, and added physicochemical properties of the molecules (for example, molecular
physicochemical property descriptions to the raw notebook weight, number of hydrogen-bond donors/acceptors as a function of
information using cheminformatics techniques. We used the pH and polar surface area). For inorganic reactants, tabulated values of
resulting data to train a machine-learning model to predict reaction atomic properties (for example, ionization potential, electron affinity,
success. When carrying out hydrothermal synthesis experiments electronegativity, hardness and atomic radius) and position on the peri-
using previously untested, commercially available organic building odic table were used. Additionally, experimental reaction conditions (for
blocks, our machine-learning model outperformed traditional example, temperature, reaction duration and pH) and mole ratios of the
human strategies, and successfully predicted conditions for new different reactants were used (see Methods). A support vector machine
organically templated inorganic product formation with a success (SVM) model was built using this expanded table of reactant properties
rate of 89 per cent. Inverting the machine-learning model reveals (see Methods). The single SVM model used to predict experimental
new hypotheses regarding the conditions for successful product results had an accuracy of 78% in describing all of the reaction types in
formation. its test-set data, and 79% considering only vanadium-selenite reactions.
First-principles crystal-structure prediction—even for simple Solid-state synthesis projects can be divided into exploration and
crystallization from a solvent—is fundamentally difficult, owing to exploitation stages. Successful exploration reactions reveal new ‘islands
the need to consider a combinatorially enormous set of component of stability’—sets of reaction conditions that result in product forma-
arrangements22,23 using high-level quantum chemistry methods24. tion. Success rates during this stage tend to be low, because the general
Predicting crystal structures following a chemical reaction—as in the ranges of acceptable parameters needed for successful syntheses are
case of hydrothermal and solvothermal synthesis—is even more chal- unknown. The boundaries of the island can be mapped by changing
lenging, because it requires an accurate potential-energy surface for the organic reactants. These exploitation reactions expand the range of
the entire reaction. Instead we pose the potentially tractable question functional material properties and reveal new insights about organic–
of whether a given set of reaction conditions and reagents will yield inorganic interactions. Success rates during this stage can be high,
any crystal at all. A machine-learning approach to the related prob- because the structures and reactivities of the organic molecules can be
lem of whether a particular organic molecule will crystallize has been quite similar, and so changing the organic reactants has a more subtle
described previously25. Chemists typically posit an ‘intuition’ about effect on the chemistry.
patterns of reagent properties and composition ratios that govern A successful model should both increase the rate of synthesis
material synthesis. If these patterns exist, then they can be discovered and characterization of new materials and give chemical insight.

Haverford College, 370 Lancaster Avenue, Haverford, Pennsylvania 19041, USA. 2Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, 560 Oval Drive, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2084, USA.

5 M AY 2 0 1 6 | VO L 5 3 3 | NAT U R E | 7 3
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Historical reactions
Experimental Experimental
testing testing
Data entry from notebooks

Generation of reaction Chemical

and reactant descriptors

Full database
of reactions
Recommended Interpretable
reactions Training and test data decision tree

<0.55 0.55–0.65 0.65–0.75 >0.75 All amines
Various reactant SVM model Model of the
Similarity index
combinations model construction

Large single-crystalline products Polycrystalline products

Model-based reactions Model-based reactions

Figure 1 | Schematic representation of the feedback mechanism in Traditional human strategies Traditional human strategies
the dark reactions project. Machine-learning models generated from
historical reaction data are used to recommend new reactions to perform, Figure 2 | Comparison of experimental outcomes relating to the
and to generate human-interpretable hypotheses about crystal formation. formation of templated vanadium-selenite crystals, as a function of
SVM, support vector machine. amine similarity. Darker coloured bars indicate model predictions; lighter
colours bars indicate traditional human strategies. Reactions that yielded
To demonstrate the performance of our model relative to typical polycrystalline and large single-crystalline products are shown in blues
strategies of human chemists, we focused on exploitation reactions in and greens, respectively. The vertical axis shows the probably that the
reaction had the indicated outcome. The model more successfully predicts
templated vanadium selenites, in which a new organic building unit conditions for crystal formation than do human strategies, regardless of
is introduced into a reaction. These reactions allow us to: (i) compare structural similarity of the templating amines to known examples in the
against the experimental decisions of experienced chemists; database.
(ii) obtain higher quality statistical data because exploitation reactions
are generally more successful; and (iii) increase understanding about Information. From this flow chart, one can generate chemical hypoth-
the unusual degree of diversity in connectivity and dimensionality eses to guide future experiments. This approach can be applied to any
that is observed in these compounds. Though, beyond the scope of chemical system for which any model exists. Here it yielded three
this Letter, our model could also be applied to exploration reactions, hypotheses about the formation of templated vanadium selenites,
by computationally sampling possible reaction conditions involving categorized by the molecular polarizability of the amine. Representative
all possible combinations of reactants, predicting successes, and then structures for each hypothesis are shown in Fig. 4. (The model sepa-
sorting the reactions by chemical interest. We used a database of com- rates inorganic building units by mean Pauling electronegativity; as a
mercially available organic compounds to identify 34 new diamines, consequence, vanadium selenites and molybdates appear in the same
sampled by structural similarity to the organic reactants already in our subtree. In the discussion below, we consider only the vanadium-
database (see Methods). Organically templated metal oxides using selenite reactions contained in the subtree.)
these diamines are essentially unknown, as indicated by their near Amines with moderate polarizability (10.29–19.51 Å3), shown in blue
absence from the Cambridge Structural Database26 (see Methods). in Fig. 3, require inclusion of a sulfur-containing reactant, specifically
These amines were then used to perform human- or model-controlled here V(IV)OSO4. (The decision tree incidentally selects these amines
hydrothermal synthesis reactions (see Methods). A schematic of this by polarizability in the right branch and organic refractivity, that is,
approach is shown in Fig. 1. molar polarizability, in the left branch.) All but one of the organically
Reactions recommended by the model had an 89% success rate, as templated vanadium selenites in the literature include V4+ ions, which
defined by the synthesis of the target compound type in either a poly- must be either introduced as a reagent or generated in situ through
crystalline or single-crystal form, and success rate was independent the concurrent oxidation of the amine and reduction of V5+. These
of the structural similarity of the amine (see Fig. 2). This exceeds the geometrically compact amines seem unable to generate the necessary
human intuition success rate of 78%. The difference is statistically V4+ concentrations from V5+ precursors over the timescale of the reac-
sound. Fisher’s exact test indicates better-than-chance results for model tion. This triggers the formation of polycrystalline reaction products
predictions with P <​ 0.01, and a two-sample proportion test indicates that do not contain the organic amines. Using V(IV)OSO4 circumvents
an 8% advantage of the model over human intuition with P <​  0.05. The this inability to generate V4+.
89% success rate of the model in the experimental test is greater than Amines with high polarizability (17.64–29.85 Å3), shown in red in
the test-set accuracy measured during model construction, because the Fig. 3, are not limited by V4+ generation, but do require oxalates for
train/test split on the historical data essentially tests only exploration success. We hypothesize that oxalates alter the charge density on the
reactions (for which the model uncertainty is higher), whereas these inorganic secondary building unit, allowing these long, linear, highly
experiments test exploitation reactions (for which the model uncer- charged tri- and tetramines to achieve charge density matching3.
tainty is lower). Amines with low polarizability (<​9.32  Å3), shown in green in Fig. 3,
SVMs are opaque to simple examination. To gain insight we made a (for example, ethylenediamine, 1,3-diaminopropane, imidazole and
‘model of the model’ by re-interpreting the original SVM as a decision N-methylethylenediamine) have higher pKa values than the other
tree of human-interpretable if–then criteria (see Methods). An abbre- amines in our database and do not need pH <​ 3 to be in the correct
viated flow-chart representation is shown in Fig. 3, and a full version protonation state. These amines generate sufficient V4+ from V5+ pre-
of the vanadium-selenite branch of the tree is shown in Supplementary cursors, but slowly, requiring longer reaction times (>​26 h). Use of

7 4 | NAT U R E | VO L 5 3 3 | 5 M AY 2 0 1 6
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All reactions

Mean Pauling

Vanadium selenites
and molybdates

≤20 h >20 h

Yes Sulfur No ≤9.32 Å3 Organic >9.32 Å3

present molecular
>38.69 ≤38.69
cm3 mol–1 Organic cm3 mol–1 No Sodium Yes
>9.92 Number of ≤9.92
refractivity present hydrogen-bond

No Iodine Yes Organic

3 (6) 4 (22) No Oxalate Yes ≤200.55 Å2 >200.55 Å2
present surface

>26 h ≤26 h Yes Sulfur No

Time 3 (14) 3 (6) 4 (45)

≤3 >3 ≤3 Number of >3

pH 3 (14)

No Yes Yes No 3 (45)

Slow cool Slow cool

4 (246) ≤1 Number of >1 ≤10.58 Å Minimum >10.58 Å

inorganics organic size

3 (3) 4 (21) 4 (198.76/1) 3 (12.54)

Figure 3 | SVM-derived decision tree. Ovals represent decision nodes, from missing attribute values higher in the tree. Bins containing the
rectangles represent reaction-outcome bins and triangles represent excised majority of successful reactions are divided into three distinct groups
subtrees. The numbers on the arrows correspond to decision attribute (indicated by green, blue and red shading). Each coloured subtree defines a
test values. Each reaction-outcome bin (rectangle) corresponds to a specific set of reaction parameters that facilitates single-crystal formation.
specific reaction-outcome value (‘3’ or ‘4’, as indicated; see Methods); Inspection of these conditions leads to the corresponding chemical
the number in parentheses is the number of reactions correctly assigned hypotheses, corresponding to low-, medium- and high-polarizability
to that bin (any incorrectly classified reactions are given after a slash). amines, respectively. An expanded version showing all excised subtrees is
Fractional values indicate reactions with an indeterminate result arising available in Supplementary Information.

Chemical hypotheses
Figure 4 | Graphical representation of the three
hypotheses generated from the model, and
representative structures for each hypothesis.
Small, Spherical, Experimental conditions required for single-
Long, linear tri-
low-polarizability low-projection-size crystal formation largely depend on the amine
and tetramines
amines amines
properties. Small, low-polarizability amines
require the absence of competing Na+ cations
No Na+, longer Oxalate components
and longer reaction times, to avoid precipitating
V4+ reagents
reaction times required required inorganic building units. Spherical, low-
projection-size amines require V4+-containing
Low Organic polarizability High reagents such as VOSO4, because they are
unable to generate V4+ directly from typical V5+
precursors. Long tri- and tetramines require
1,3-Diaminopropane 2-Methylpiperazine Triethylenetetramine
oxalate reactants, to alter the charge density of
inorganic secondary building units. These three
hypotheses correspond to the green, blue and red
subtrees in Fig. 3, respectively.

[C3H12N2][V3O5(SeO3)3]·H2O [C5H14N2][VO(SeO3)2] [C6H22N4][VO(C2O4)(SeO3)]2·2H2O

Example amines and compounds

5 M AY 2 0 1 6 | VO L 5 3 3 | NAT U R E | 7 5
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METHODS hardness and mean mole-weighted atomic radii). Using only these six features
Data capture and reliability. The average rate of data entry from our laboratory lowers the model accuracy to 70.7%; therefore, the entire set of features was used
notebooks was approximately 50 reactions per hour. Three types of data were for the experimental tests. However, the six selected features listed above appear
entered from the laboratory notebooks. First, compositional information was in the decision-tree description of the model.
entered in the form of reactant identities and quantities. Reactants were categorized Selection of new diamines. The eMolecules database (
as being building units for the organic or inorganic structures, or acting as solvent was used to identify new diamines comprised of only C, H and
(water). Second, reaction conditions were described, including initial solution pH N atoms, excluding nitriles, hydrazines and isotopically labelled compounds,
and heating profile data. Third, reaction-outcome data included both qualitative resulting in 1,680 previously untested, commercially available diamines. For each
descriptions of the products and product purity. These descriptions were coded diamine, a structural fingerprint based on the topological bond paths35 of the mol-
during data entry. Crystal size was coded with the labels 1 for no solid product, ecule was calculated, and the maximum structural similarity to any of the existing
2 for an amorphous solid, 3 for a polycrystalline sample or 4 for single crystals organic compounds in the database was computed using the Tanimoto similarity35;
with average crystallite dimensions exceeding approximately 0.01 mm. (This size the fingerprinting and similarity calculations were performed using the default
corresponds to the general requirements for standard single-crystal X-ray diffrac- parameters of the RDKit ( The particular similarity measure
tion data collection.) Product purity was coded with the labels 1 for a multiphase used is not crucial—a comparison of 12 standard fingerprinting methods found
product or 2 for a single-phase product. that they are all correlated with one another36. The list was ranked by similarity
Reliability testing was performed on 100 randomly selected reactions from the and by cost, using the Sigma Aldrich (338 diamines) and Alfa Aesar (62 additional
database. Each field in each reaction was checked against the laboratory notebook diamines) catalogue prices. After excluding the highest-cost diamines, we sampled
from which this entry was generated. The overall error rate for all fields was 1.89%, 34 diamines across the range of similarities to existing compounds. The same 34
which corresponds to 34 errors from a set of 1,800. Each reaction must have at amines were used for both the model and human reactions discussed in the text.
least one inorganic component, one organic component, one solvent, as well as On average, 2 structures have been reported for each of the 34 diamines in the
all reaction conditions and outcomes fields listed above. If any of these fields is Cambridge Structural Database (CSD)26, with 19 not existing in any templated
missing, the reaction is entered into the database for completeness, but is not used metal-oxide structure in the CSD. By contrast, an average of 151 unique struc-
for the training or testing of the machine-learning model described below. These tures exist for the most frequently used amines (piperazine, ethylenediamine,
filters resulted in a dataset of 3,955 unique, complete reactions. 4,4′-dipyridyl and DABCO).
Reactant descriptors. The ChemAxon Calculator Plugins28 were used to compute Hydrothermal synthesis. To avoid introducing biases, all reaction types (which
the physicochemical properties of the organic and oxalate-like reactants (for example, differ in specific sets of reagents and reaction conditions) were randomly assigned
molecular weight, number of hydrogen-bond donors/acceptors as a function of pH to be human- or model-controlled, with the stipulation that each amine appear with
and polar surface area). For both the organic and oxalate-like reactants, 19 properties approximately the same frequency. Amine quantities were determined by either
were used directly, and others were used to calculate 6 variables describing the the model or an approach that simply captures human intuitions about exploita-
mole ratios of the different reactants that were present. For inorganic reactants, tion reactions. The recommendations of the model were generated by sampling
12 atomic properties (for example, ionization potential, electron affinity, electron- a range of organic mole amounts, then sorting the results by predicted outcome
egativity, hardness and atomic radius), 22 logical values describing the presence or and confidence. For consistency, human reactions used a rule-based approach
absence of particular metal types, 28 logical values describing the position on the that is widely used by the exploratory hydrothermal synthesis community37,
periodic table, and 8 logical values describing the metal valence were used for each namely, scaling the masses of the organic amines by their respective formula
element type contained in the reactants. Five variables are experimental reaction weights, while all other reaction parameters remain unchanged. For brevity, we
conditions (for example, temperature, reaction duration and pH). The descriptor call this rule-based approach to capture human chemical knowledge “intuition”.
variables are represented in a permutation-invariant fashion (maximum, minimum, All reactions were conducted under mild hydrothermal conditions, in 23-ml
arithmetic- and geometric- means) for each reactant type, so that neither the order poly(fluoroethylene-propylene)-lined pressure vessels. The pH values of the initial
in which the data are entered nor the number of each component matters, which reaction mixtures were adjusted to the appropriate values using either 4 M HCl or
results in a total of 273 descriptors per reaction. See Supplementary Information 4 M NaOH. Reaction mixtures were heated to 90–110 °C for 12–72 h. Pressure
for a complete table of computed physicochemical properties. vessels were opened in air after reaction and products were recovered through
SVM creation and validation. A broad set of models was evaluated, including filtration. Objective metrics (measured crystallite size and powder X-ray diffraction)
decision trees, random forests, logistic regression, k-nearest neighbours and were used to score reaction outcomes.
SVMs29. As shown in Supplementary Table 5, a SVM resulted in the highest Statistical analysis. Statistical analyses were performed with standard packages
accuracy, 74%, as measured using a calculated average of 15 training/test splits. available in R 3.2.138. No statistical methods were used to predetermine sample size.
Specifically, a SVM30 model with a universal Pearson VII function-based kernel31 Decision-tree construction. All data were relabelled with the predicted outcomes
was trained on 3,955 labelled reactions previously performed by the laboratory. of the SVM model and a C4.5 decision tree (implemented in WEKA 3.7)32 was
The SVM was implemented in WEKA 3.732,33; this implementation included a used to model those predicted outcomes39.
built-in data-normalization step. The model was tested against the known data Code availability. All code for this project is available at
for its accuracy using a standard 1/3-test and 2/3-training data split. Because the darkreactions. The code is licensed under the GPL version 3. The precise terms of
goal is to predict the outcome of reactions with new combinations of reactants, said license are available with the code.
careful partitioning of the test set was required. Holding out test data uniformly
at random would potentially put the same combinations of inorganic and organic 28. JChem 6.1.3, (ChemAxon, 2013).
reactants (reactions differing only by stoichiometries and other conditions) into 29. Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R. & Friedman, J. The Elements of Statistical Learning 2nd
edn, Ch. 9, 12, 13, 15 (Springer, 2009).
both the test and training sets, and thus artificially inflate the accuracy rate. Instead, 30. Cortes, C. & Vapnik, V. Support-vector networks. Mach. Learn. 20, 273–297 (1995).
all of the reactions containing a particular set of inorganic and organic reactants 31. Üstün, B., Melssen, W. & Buydens, L. M. C. Facilitating the application of
were placed into either the test or training set. Under these conditions, the SVM support vector regression by using a universal Pearson VII function based
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