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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Cotabato
Matalam South District

School-Based Anti-Bullying Policy

I - Title: School Policy on Bullying

II - Introduction/Rationale

Estado Elementary School is situated in a far flung barangay of Matalam. The school has 9
teachers including the School Head. All the pupils are from Barangay Estado alone.

Majority of the parents are farmers. They did not attain College Education due to poverty. Most
families are living in an indigent house with more than 2 children. Going very early in the farm and going
home late in the afternoon is the daily routine/scenario of every family. This situation results in a lack of
supervision by the parents to their children in terms of academic and behavior. The pupils are lack of
follow-up because their parents are already tired to do so.

The community is full of persuasion. The presence of video games, videoke machines, gambling,
alcohol and cigarettes, and even cell phone sometimes influence the negative habits and behaviors of
the children. The children are often loitering because their parents are out for the whole day to find
ways for their living.

Sadly, there are many instances of bullying. Although these are just minimal cases and can be
controlled by the teachers and School Head, still there’s a need for the schools to adopt policies in order
to prevent and address the acts of bullying in a respective institution. Therefore this paper is a response
to said law.

III- Statement of Policy

Pursuant to the 1987 Constitution, the state shall defend the right of the children to assistance,
including proper care and nutrition, and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty,
exploitation and other conditions prejudicial to their development (Article XV, Section 3{2}).

Article VIII, Section 2 of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers clearly states that the
teacher or school official should deal justly and impartially with every pupil or students intellectual
ability, social standing, favors received from them or their parents, should have no place in the relations
between a school official or teacher and his pupils or students.

Republic Act No. 9262, Section 2 hereby declared that the state values the dignity of women and
children and guarantees full respect for human rights. The State also recognizes the need to protect the
family and its members particularly women and children from violence and threats to their personal
safety and security.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) aims to protect children from all forms of
physical or mental violence, injury and abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment and
exploitation, including sexual abuse. The same Convention establishes the right of the child to
education, and with a view to achieving this right progressively, and on the basis of equal opportunity, it
obliges the government to take measures to encourage regular attendance in school and reduce drop-
out rates. Thus, it is mandated that all appropriate measures be undertaken to ensure that school
discipline is administered in a manner consistent with the child’s human dignity, and in conformity with
the CRC.

DepEd has adopted the policy to provide special protection to children who are gravely
threatened or endangered by circumstances which affect their normal development and over which
they have no control, and to assist the concerned agencies in their rehabilitation.

The Department aims to ensure such special protection from all forms of abuse and exploitation
and care as is necessary for the child’s well-being, taking into account the primary rights and duties of
parents, legal guardians, or other individuals who are legally responsible and exercise custody over the
child. The DepEd reiterates a zero tolerance policy for any act of child abuse, exploitation, violence,
discrimination, bullying and other forms of abuse I DepEd Order No. 40, s.2012, Sec.2).

House No. 5496 known as the “Anti-Bullying Act of 2012” is a n act requiring all elementary and
secondary schools to adopt policies to prevent and address the acts of bullying in their institutions. Sec.
2 of this Acts states that “bullying” shall refer to any severe or repeated use by one or more students of
a written, verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof,
directed at another student that has the effect of actually causing or placing the latter in reasonable fear
of physical or emotional harm or damage to his property; creating a hostile environment at school for
the other student; infringing on the rights of the other student at school; or materially and substantially
disrupting the education process or orderly operation of a school.

The children’s welfare is always given considerations in all decisions and actions of the school. It
ensures that learners acquire the best and quality education that they need. It seeks to provide a safe,
conducive place for learning. Therefore, the school is proposing to adopt this policy to address the
bullying problems between the pupils.

IV- Definition of Terms

A. “Bullying” – refers to an act or series of acts directed by a student towards another student in a
school setting that has the effect of humiliation, harassment, fear of physical or
emotional harm or damage to his property, intimidation, and physical and mental
abuse. Such acts may consist of any one or more of the following:
1. Any unwanted physical violence between the bully and the bullied like punching, pushing,
shoving, kicking, slapping, tickling headlocks, inflicting school pranks, fighting, pinching,
throwing things at the pupil, or other similar acts.
2. Any act that cause damage to a victim’s psyche and /or emotional well-being.
3. Verbal or no-verbal abuse like teasing, slanderous statement or accusation, name-calling,
tormenting, commenting negatively on victim’s looks, clothes and body, and public
humiliation tending to cause dishonor.
4. Cyber-bullying or any conduct resulting in harassment, intimidation or humiliation, through
electronic means or other technology.
B. “Children”- refers to bonafide pupils or learners who are enrolled in the school whether regular,
irregular,, transferee or repeater, including those who have been temporarily out of
school, who are in the school or learning centers premises or participating in school
sanction activities.
C. Teachers- persons responsible for teaching-learning process, who are occupying supervisory,
positions or positions of responsibility and are involved in policy formulation or
implementation in a school whether permanent, substitute, contractual or volunteer.
D. Administrators- refers to the chief executive officer of a school such as a principal, Head
Teacher or Teacher-in-Charge.
E. Other School Personnel – includes all other non-academic personnel in the school whatever
maybe the nature of their appointment and status of employment.
F. Parents- means the biological parents, step-parents, adoptive parents and the common-law
spouse or partner of the pare.
G. Guardians – refers to legal guardians, poster parents, and other persons including relatives or
even non- relatives who have physical custody of the child.

V. Duties and Responsibilities

The following persons shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

A. Child- Protection Committee

1. Conduct activities that will address the bullying problems.
2. Initiate information dissemination programs for the protection of children from abuse.
3. Render assistance to parents or guardians wherever necessary in securing guidance
4. Coordinate with the local DSWD or other appropriate government or non-government
agency regarding bullying cases.
5. Educate parents and guardians about the dynamics of bullying, anti-bullying policies of the
school and how parents and guardians can provide support and reinforce such policies at
B. Teachers
1. Exercise special parental authority and responsibility over the child while under their
supervision, instruction and custody.
2. Educate and instruct pupils by right perception and good example.
3. Devote them love, affection, proper care, advice, companionship and understanding.
4. Inculcate the value of respect onto pupils’ mind.
C. School Head and Guidance Counselor
1. Ensure that the school adopts a bullying policy.
2. Ensure that pupils, school personnel, parents or guardians are made aware of bullying
3. Organize a Child-Protection Committee for the school.
4. Organize and conduct the capacity building activities for members of the CPC.
5. Conduct disciplinary proceedings in cases of offenses committed by pupils.
6. Maintain a record of all proceedings related to bullying.
D. PTA, School Governing Council and Barangay Officials
1. Conduct an information dissemination and campaign on the prevention of bullying.
2. Support the capacity building activities for the Child Protection Committee.
3. Support the implementation of zero bullying policy in school.
E. Pupils or Learners
1. Comply with the school’s regulation as long as they are in harmony with their best interest.
2. Refrain from doing inappropriate acts in school.
3. Observe the Code of Conduct for pupils and learners.
4. Follow strictly the bullying policy of the school.

VI- Preventive Measures:

The following are programs that will help prevent bullying from the school:

A. Advocacy – inform or educate the pupils or learners, parents or guardians, school personnel and
barangay officials about the effects of bullying through Homeroom PTA Meeting,
General PTA Assembly, barangay session and barangay assembly.
B. Training, Orientation or Seminar- conduct a seminar on the kinds of bullying, it’s effect, the persons
involved and the responsibilities of concerned person regarding bullying problems.
Parenting session should be included in seminar as to inform them about the proper
ways of preventing bullying among children.
C. Giving of Rewards- organize and conduct a contest or search for most discipline family in the
community, give them awards and show them to the public and lead them as a good
D. Capacity– building programs for administrator, teachers and other school personnel and members
of Child Protection Committee (CPC) focused on children’s rights.
E. Family counseling especially for the parents or guardians about the duties and responsibilities in
handling behavioral problems of children.

VII- Protective Measures

Procedures in Handling Bullying Incidents in Schools

Upon the filing of complaint or upon notice by a school personnel of any bullying incident it shall
be immediately reported to the School Head, who shall inform the parents or guardian of the bully and
the bullied in a meeting called for the purpose. The bullied child as well as the offending child shall be
referred to the Child Protection Committee for counseling and other interventions. The penalty of
reprimand may be imposed by the School Head in the presence of the parents or guardians.

If the bullying still committed for a second time, after the offending child has received
counseling or other interventions, the penalty of suspension may be imposed by the School Head if
warranted. During the period of suspension, the offending child together with the parents or guardians
may be required to attend further seminars and counseling. The School Head shall likewise ensure that
the appropriate interventions, counseling and other services are provided for the victim or victims of

If the bullying resulted in serious physical injuries or death, the case shall be dealt with in
accordance with the provision of our National Law and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.

VIII- Rules and Procedures in Handling Bullying Cases in School

A. Conduct Investigation – The conduct of investigation of cases of bullying shall be done promptly
to measure the degree of incidence or gravity of the act and its consequences.
1. The teachers should act as quickly as possible. He/ she should respond immediately
regarding the incidence. Report the bullying problem to the School Head and call the
attention of the parents or guardian of the victim and the offender.
2. Parents or guardians of the victim and of the offender shall have a one-on-one conference,
talk things between their children and decide what to do regarding the problem. In case of
complaint a parent or guardian shall communicate with the School Head.
3. The School Head or Guidance Counselor upon receipt of the complaint shall forward the
same within twenty-four (24) hours to the School Protection Committee who shall then
issue an order for the conduct of a fact- finding investigation not later than forty-eight (48)
hours from submission. These periods shall be strictly observed, except when justified by
circumstances beyond their control.
4. If in case exists based on a thorough investigation, the CPC shall be issued a formal charge or
a sanction on the offending child depending in the degree of bullying incident.
a. reprimand – if the offender did it once and has a slight effect on the victim.
b. suspension – if the offender did it again after attending counseling sessions and
c. expulsion from the school- if bullying results in serious physical injury or death.
5. The Local DSWD officer shall assess the child and provide psychological intervention to help
the child victim recover from trauma as a result of the abuse. The offender shall likewise
undergo psychosocial intervention.

IX- Referrals

All bullying cases shall be referring to the School Head or Guidance Counselor. In case of physical
injury refer the victim to the School Clinic Teacher then to the Hospital in case of major damages. The
offending child and victim’s family shall be informed of any action taken.

X- Reporting

The teacher shall record the bullying incident on the anecdotal record of the child. Submit
immediately a narrative report of the incident to the School Head who shall report the same to the
Schools Division Superintendent.

Prepared by: Noted:


School Head Public Schools District Supervisor EPS/Municipal Adopter



Schools Division Superintendent
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Cotabato
Matalam South District

School-Based Child Protection and Anti-Bullying Policies


Submitted by:

School Head

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