Book of Burial Page 13

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be execution and usurpation.

11. If features resemble a drawn dagger, yield to

misfortune and flee from disaster.

C. Other Shapes

1. Oxen recline and horses gallop.

2. Phoenixes dance and soar.

3. The flying serpent coils and winds.

4. The turtle, crocodile, tortoise and terrapin are

distinguished by their use of water.

5. The ox is wealth, the phoenix noble.

6. The flying serpent is misfortune and danger.

7. Types of terrain that are active and unsettled are

all unsuitable for burial.

8. When the four bearings are unfathomable they all

should be shunned, according to the laws of

D. The Relation between Contours and Features

1. Contours and features that conform to each other

are auspicious.

2. Contours and features that clash are inauspicious.

3. If the contour is inauspicious, and the feature

auspicious, there is hope for one happiness in a

4. If the contour is auspicious, and the features

inauspicious, misfortune pauses not for the morrow.

X. Reading Direction

A. The Eight Dragons

1. The Classic says: The earth has Four Aspects; qi

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