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Guidelines for QQ

International & Chinese Version


Here in ACADSOC we have two types of QQ that we use in teaching. The Chinese
Version and the International Version
note: Please check the instructions of the HR who conducted your interview they will
give your logins for the ACADSOC System as well as for your QQ logins.

International and Chinese

Version are most likely the
same navigation when it
QQ Chinese QQ International comes to the buttons.
Logging In to QQ

Please log in to QQ Chinese/International

Version using the QQ Number and
password provided by your HR or your
Tutor Manager.

You can click the “Remember Password” “

记住密码” box for that the next time you
open your QQ your users will automatically
Editing your Profile

Editing your profile is very easy just simply

click your profile photo and you will see the
Edit Profile button. To change your profile
picture click the Change Icon button below
your default photo. (Please use the Tree
Logo of ACADSOC)
It is very important to edit your information
in your QQ account it will help you to gain
more students, plus do not forget to change
your location. Please follow what is stated in
your Training Kit.
QQ International
The Interface of QQ International
QQ International Interface

On QQ International interface the first icon you will see above will
be the MY APPS button, in here you will see different applications
or social media applications such as WeChat.

This is the second button that you

will see in the interface of QQ
International; in contacts button
you will see here different folders
where you can add your students,
just make sure to remember which
folder you added your students.

This is the third icon for QQ International.

In here you can find a group or create a

However Tutor’s are not allow to create a

group or a discussion with his/her students
without the permission of your Tutor
Manager/Direct Supervisor.

This is the fourth and final button you can

see in the interface of QQ International, in
here you can see all the chat histories you
made with your students. If you want to
recall your previous messages just simply
double click the name of your student and
the chatbox will open.
QQ Chinese
Interface comparison between QQ Chinese and International
Adding of Students
QQ International

Adding of students in QQ International is

very easy all you need to do is copy the 10
digits QQ number of your student and paste it
in search contacts button.
The other way for you to add the student
is by clicking the find friends button.

Please choose People You May Know

and paste the number of your student in
the search bar click search and wait for
the result. Click the “+” sign to add your
Adding of Students
QQ Chinese Version
Similar with QQ International to add the
student’s QQ in the Chinese version just
copy the QQ number of your student
and search it by clicking the search box
below your profile photo.

If in the QQ International we
have Find Friends (Human with a
+ sign icon) for QQ Chinese we
also have another way to search
the QQ of your student:
1. Click the magnifying glass and
this blue box will open (image
on the right)
2. Paste the number of your
student in the search box.
3. Click the blue button to
search and once you see the
result click the “+” sign to
add the student.
Types of QQ Profile
QQ International & QQ Chinese Version
Once you add the student’s QQ and you see the “Display This is the most common type of QQ you need to send an
Name” and “Category” it means that your student’s QQ invitation to your student before adding your student. Please
is a public one. wait for the student to accept your friend request.
You cannot call your student if he/she didn’t accept your friend
request, so you need to add the student again.
This type of QQ is what we call a Private QQ

For this kind of QQ you must answer the

question first before you can add the student.

If you don’t know the answer to the question you

can ask the help of our on duty CS
Staff/Customer Service Staff, tell them that your
student’s QQ is a private QQ and you don’t know
the answer to the question. Customer Service will
call your student and they will give you the
QQ International and QQ Chinese Version
QQ International
Opening the chatbox for QQ International
and Chinese version is very easy you just have
to click the “Chats” button in your QQ
QQ Chinese
If you cant find your contacts there just
simply go to your “Contacts” folder and
search the name of your student.

To open the chatbox just DOUBLE CLICK

the name of the student.
QQ International and Chinese Version Difference

QQ International QQ Chinese
Webcam/Camera Button : to call the student via video call
(please remember that all classes here in ACADSOC are video

Microphone Button : to call the student via audio call (incase

student request to call them via audio call). Try to tick the arrow down
besides the microphone button
Send Files/Folder : to send different files to your student (pdf, and you can send an audio
word, pictures, mp3 etc.). message to your student

Remote Access : Sharing Screen (Option 1)

Font size
Student will share screen
Tutor will share screen

More Function Button : in here you can see

other options that you can use, you can delete a
contact or even block a person. Screen
Sending photo
capture/snipping tool
As you can see Chinese QQ is quite the same as
QQ International; there are just some additional
buttons added.

Microphone Button : to call the student via audio call (incase

student request to call them via audio call).

Webcam/Camera Button : to call the student via video call

(please remember that all classes here in ACADSOC are video

Send Files/Folder : to send different files to your student (pdf,

word, pictures, mp3 etc.).
Filter camera

Remote Access : Sharing Screen (Option 1; please refer to the Send audio message
screenshot for QQ International)
Snipping tool
Font size
Insert Emoticon Send music files
Send image
Sharing Screen
QQ International and QQ Chinese
Sharing screen is very easy for QQ

For QQ International:
1. Call the student via video call
2. Click the 5th button below
3. Click start to share your screen
Tutor’s Window: Student’s window:
You can see on lower right of Your student can now see your screen
your video screen that you are
sharing your screen with your

To stop sharing click again the

5th button.
For QQ Chinese
1. Call the student via video call
2. Click the 5th button (…) which is
the more function
3. You will see there start screen
sharing icon which is similar to
QQ International Icon (however
sharing of screen will only
compatible for QQ Chinese to
QQ Chinese only)
Using Remote Access
QQ International & QQ Chinese Version
Student will share screen

Tutor will share screen

Student’s Window
Tutor’s Window
-if you will use Remote
Access please inform your
-please wait for your student
student to click “Accept”
to accept the remote access

Remote Access

Request Remote Access

- For Request Remote Access it will be the
vice versa view; student’s window now will
be the tutor’s window
Important Reminder:

If you will use Remote Access to your student

make sure to “UNCHECK” then Allow Control
box below the mute button; fail to uncheck the
box; students can control your computer or your
Special Buttons
QQ International & QQ Chinese
Translate button can only see in QQ International
version. So no need for you to use Google Translate
while conducting your classes.

Steps: Try to tick the arrow down and you will see
1. Type the words in the chatbox first. different options for translation.
2. Click the Translate button to translate the English
words to Chinese characters.
3. If you received Chinese character messages copy
these characters; paste them characters in the
4. Tick the arrow down for the translate button and
choose Chinsese -> English and the characters will If the student is using Chinese QQ he/she still can
be translated in English. receive the translations.
Presentation Call only for QQ
Chinese version.

You have 3 options on

how to present the lesson
to your student.

You can only use Presentation Call to

QQ Chinese – QQ Chinese ONLY

Present a Document – you can add a
PDF/JPEG/WORD/EXCEL from your PC and
present it to the student. (The best part of it is that
the student can watch the document with their
mobile devices. So you’re suggested to present a
document while having a QQ class with a student
with mobile device.) You can switch to a whiteboard
and write on it with your mouse while presenting a
Present your screen – You can
present you screen and activities
on the screen to the student with
this tool. You can also activate
this while having video chat.
(sharing of screen)
Present a whiteboard – you can draw
anything on the whiteboard and the
students can view your drawing instantly
from the other side.
Common Questions
QQ International and Chinese
Question: I already logged in to my QQ
however when I minimized it I cannot see
it anywhere on my screen, when I tried to
open another QQ it will give an
information “This id is already signed in”
what should I do?

Please remember that you can only use

QQ once.
Solution: if you cannot find your QQ all you
need to do is click your show hidden icon.
Once you click the show hidden icon you
will see a penguin icon. Click that penguin
icon and your QQ will restore on your
desktop screen.
Question: When I tried to log
in to my QQ this will pop up
what should I do?

When this appear once you click sign in to

your QQ it means that your QQ users are
no longer available (your QQ account is
already expired)

Solution: contact immediately your Process

Training or you can message your Tutor
Manager/Direct Supervisor and ask for
another QQ user.
Question: My student said that
Main menu
my voice is like a monster/robot
at his/her end, what should I

QQ International : Check your settings

1.Click the Main Menu and you will see the
gear icon which is the settings.
2. Click Audio and Video; then Click Audio
3. Make sure that you choose the
microphone that you’re currently using for
the audio in and out. (Built in or Plugged in)

If same error occurs

1. Reinstall the program
2. Switch to QQ Chinese Version
Question: How about video?
How can I check if my
camera is working?

QQ International : Check your settings

1.Click the Main Menu and you will see the
gear icon which is the settings.
2. Click Audio and Video; then Click Video
3. Select the camera that you are using either
in your laptop or PC then click OK.

If same error occurs

1. Reinstall the program
2. Switch to QQ Chinese Version
Question: How can I share the
lesson of my student incase he/she
said “I don’t have the copy of our

We have four ways on how to share the

lesson material to the student.
1. Download the PDF file; click the
download button on the upper right of
the PDF file.
2. Send the PDF link of the lesson
3. Share your screen
4. Use screen capture/screenshot
Question: My student said that
my voice is like a monster/robot
at his/her end, what should I
do? QQ Chinese Version

1. Click the gear icon

2. Choose Audio and Video settings (last
3. 3. Make sure that you choose the
microphone that you’re currently using
for the audio in and out. (Built in or
Plugged in
Question: How about video?
How can I check if my
camera is working?

Check your settings • QQ Chinese Version

1.Click the Gear button
2. Click Audio and Video; then Click Video
3. Select the camera that you are using either
in your laptop or PC then click OK.

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