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Delhi Public School, Hyderabad

Lesson Plan

Subject: General Science

Class: VI

Month of June

Topic: Measurement and Motion

Instructional Objectives:

 Children know about the history of transportation.

 Know about physical quantities and measurement.
 Understand the need for standard units of measurement.
 Understand the importance of accuracy and estimation in measurement.
 Know about motion and its types.
 Know about bodies undergoing different types of motion at the same time.

Testing Previous Knowledge:

 Why do we measure things?

 What are the non standard units of measurement?
 What is motion in a straight line called?


 Why is transportation of goods and people inevitable?

 What are the different types of instruments used in measurement? Name a few.

Teaching Methods:

Discussion cum Demonstration Method.

Teaching Aid:

 Blackboard
 Instruments for measurement.
 Audio Visual aids

Transaction of Lesson:

Teaching Teacher’s Student’s Teaching aid Blackboard work Evaluation items

points activity activity
History of Why is To travel Smart class The wheel was invented Who invented the
transportation. transportation from one around 3500 BCE. Water steam engine and
important in place to transport began with the how?
our life? another. invention of sailing boats in
Egypt. Introduction of
railways made travel much
Non – Can we have No as the Measuremen Cubit is the length between
standard units non standard measurement t of science the tip of the middle finger
of length: units of will not be textbook, and the elbow of an
 Cubit measurement same. table using outstretched arm. Pace or
 Hand span in our daily hand span, stride is the length covered
 Arm span life? cubit. in a single step while
 Foot span walking.
 Pace or

Standard units What is MKS MKS system Scale and SI units of length {MKS What is the
of length and system? is the science system}: disadvantage of
accurate standard SI textbook.  “M” = meter taking the reading of
measurement. system.  “K” = kilogram objects at an angle?
Where “M”  “S” = seconds
denotes  To get the correct
Meter (m), reading of the object:
“K” denotes  Length of the object =
Kilogram end reading – initial
(kg), “S” is reading.
for Second (s)
for time.
Measuring How can we There are two Thread and Why emotions
length of a measure the methods for bottle. cannot be categorized
curved line. length of measuring under physical
curved or curved lines- quantities?
uneven a.) Using a
objects? thread –
tying a
knot to the
thread at
one end we
have to
take a
small part
of the
curved line
measure it
with the
thread and
the thread.
Then we
have to
the length
using a
b.) Using a
divider -
the divider
is used to
mark the
end points
of a portion
of a curved
Motion. Define When any Smart class An object is said to be in
motion. object starts on types of motion if it changes its
to move with motion. position with respect to its
respect to its surroundings.
, it is called
Types of What are the a.) Translatory Smart class
motion. different motion
types of b.) Rotatory
motion? motion
c.) Oscillatory
d.) Periodic
e.) Non
f.) Random
Translatory What is The motion Black board. What type of motion
motion. translatory in which an is shown by a ball
motion? object moves thrown at an angle?
same distance
in the same
motion is of
two types-
Oscillatory What is When an Smart class. When the string of a
and Rotatory oscillatory object moves A bob tied to guitar is plucked,
motion. and rotatory to and fro or a string. what motion does it
motion? back and show?
forth about a
fixed point is
The motion
in which an
object moves
about a fixed
axis is called
Periodic and What is A motion that Clock, a Why is the beating of
Non-Periodic periodic and repeats itself. globe the heart considered
motion. non-periodic rotating. non periodic?
Random What do you A motion is Smart class Give 2 examples
motion and understand said to be where more than one
Multiple by random random type of motion can be
motions. motion and when the seen.
multiple direction and
motions? speed of the
object keeps
motion is
when more
than one type
of motion can
be seen in a


This is done by questioning method.


 Quote two situations where non-standard units are still in practice.

 What is parallax error? How can it be corrected?
 How many centimeters are there in half a kilometer?

 Paste pictures of different types of motion and write about it on A4 sheet.

Subject Teacher

Head of the department Head Mistress Principal




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