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Museum Catalogues

An Interim Report from the Getty Foundation

The Online
Scholarly Catalogue Initiative

Art Institute of Chicago

Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Washington, D.C.

J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles

Los Angeles County Museum of Art

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

Seattle Art Museum

Tate, London

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis

Art Institute of Chicago’s online catalogue
prototype displayed on an iPad. Work pictured:
The Beach at Sainte-Adresse, Claude Monet, 1867.
Oil on canvas, 2913⁄16 x 405⁄16 in. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Larned Coburn Memorial Collection. 1933.439. Image
courtesy of Art Institute of Chicago.


Introduction 5

Opportunities 8

Challenges 10

Lessons Learned 14

Inside Perspectives 28

Projects at a Glance 32

Intellectual Property Rights 37

Functional Requirements 43

Citation Guide for Online Scholarly Catalogues 48

The publication of scholarly catalogues has long been a critical part of a museum’s
mission. Based on meticulous research, they make available detailed information
about the individual works in a museum’s collection, forming the building blocks
for a museum’s public activities and ensuring the contents a place in art history.
High production values and thorough content have made them a vital resource for
researchers, as well as treasured objects in their own right. But what is the future of
the printed catalogue?
Costly to produce and limited in accessibility by small print runs, printed
catalogues are difficult to update on a timely basis. Potential content often exceeds
allotted space. They are thoroughbred horses confined to stock pens.
Technology promises new breakthroughs. Through digital publishing, museums
can offer deeper, richer content, tailored to the needs of varied audiences. Online
catalogues can reach virtually unlimited scholarly audiences around the globe.
They allow for frequent updates and changes,
and permit direct links to a limitless array of
primary and secondary resources, from archival
documentation and conservation information
to audio and video interviews with artists When art museums
and curators. These catalogues combine all have innovative models
of a museum’s activities, from curatorial and for online scholarly
conservation to education and new media. catalogues, they will
They are the new public face of the institution. be able to dramatically
Launched in 2008, the Getty Foundation’s
increase access around
Online Scholarly Catalogue Initiative (OSCI) is
the globe to in-depth
helping museums explore this new frontier in
knowledge about
scholarly publishing. The Foundation invited
the following nine museums with diverse works of art in their
collections to plan and then implement model collections.
catalogues for works in their permanent
collections: the Art Institute of Chicago; the
Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler

Gallery, the Smithsonian’s Museums of Asian Art in Washington, D.C.; the J. Paul
Getty Museum in Los Angeles; the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA); the
National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.; the San Francisco Museum of Modern
Art (SFMOMA); the Seattle Art Museum (SAM); the Tate in London; and the Walker
Art Center in Minneapolis (for concise information on each participating museum,
see appendix 1). The museums were selected for the importance of their collections,
the range of issues their catalogues presented, the support of their leadership and
the expertise of their staff, and their commitment to new forms of publishing.
These museums have now completed the two-year planning phase, during
which they conducted new research and completed conservation analyses. Equally
important, they explored new interactive ways to deliver content and the technology
platforms that would allow them to do so. At periodic meetings, museum teams
worked collaboratively to arrive at conceptual and technical breakthroughs. As the
hard work of implementing these ambitious projects begins, their thoughtful and
innovative solutions will transform museum publishing.
While these catalogues are still very much a work in progress, the lessons the
OSCI participants have learned thus far are nonetheless of tremendous value for
other museums contemplating the move to online publishing. This transition can
seem daunting, particularly for an institution trying to go it alone. Until now, few
models have been available. OSCI, and the spirit of collaborative inquiry that drives
it, provides an initial roadmap for this future.
This report on the planning phase of the OSCI initiative begins with a brief
summary of the opportunities and challenges presented by publishing scholarly
catalogues online, followed by the lessons participants learned. Finally, the report
includes a series of appendixes with fuller descriptions of the individual projects
at each museum, including details regarding collections management systems
and digital publishing platforms, and documents and tools created by OSCI team
members that may be helpful to other museums beginning the move online.

The future of museums may be rooted in

the buildings they occupy, but they will

also need to address audiences across the

world. Institutions that respond to the

opportunities of the Internet will be the

ones that have the authority in the future.

Our challenge is to encourage curators

to work for the world online as much as

they do in the galleries.

—Sir Nicholas Serota, Director, Tate


Digital publishing is the future for museums. Readers have accepted and even popularized e-books
and software that provide easy access to texts and images from a variety of devices (Kindles, iPads,
iPhones, Androids, and so on). With new computing technologies, museums can convey broader and
deeper content, and thus enhance and express the significance of the collections in their care. The
moment is right for museums to embrace online publications.

Multilayered Content and More Images

We viewed the opportunity to be a part of OSCI as the next logical
departure for our institution. We acquire many works through
commissioning the artists. How do we communicate this primary
source, that first relationship with artists, in our catalogues?
—Robin Dowden, Director of New Media Initiatives, Walker Art Center

No longer will museums be artificially limited by the physical properties and economic constraints of
print publication. With digital publication, the range of primary and secondary material that can be
included, from archival records and conservation documentation to comparative images and audio
and video files, is virtually limitless. The online environment also offers enhanced ways to view images
and to present objects, including the ability to zoom in on details and see three-dimensional views of
sculpture. Searching through the electronic catalogue is faster and more effective; related books and
articles are only a click away. Readers can customize the catalogue for their own uses, bookmarking
particular pages, making notes, and assembling their own study collections.

Easy Updating
J. Paul Getty Museum staff began their current project in response to a
call from curators in the Paintings Department. . . . Curators were tired of
creating publications that were out of date before they even went to press.
—Nik Honeysett, Head of Administration, Getty Museum

With online publishing it will no longer be necessary to wait for years, or even decades, until a
catalogue is completed. Portions can be posted as they are readied, and scholars worldwide can
provide feedback in an interactive manner. Museums can publish new accessions immediately, and
make updates and changes to the existing catalogue as soon as new information becomes available.

Expanded Audiences
One of the conditions our advisory board placed on the acquisition of
the [Gerhard] Pulverer Collection of premodern Japanese illustrated books
. . . was that it not become an arcanely referenced stamp collection. They
wanted us to explore ways to make the material accessible both in the
traditional sense of being exhibited and in some nontraditional senses.
—James Ulak, Deputy Director, Freer/Sackler Galleries

Online scholarly catalogues can reach anyone with a computer and access to the Internet. Most print
runs of permanent collection catalogues number in the thousands, and high costs prevent many
libraries, let alone independent scholars, from acquiring them. Now scholars who may never have
access to the original work of art, or even to a good library, will be able to conduct serious research.
Online publishing also meets the growing expectations and needs of tech-savvy scholars.


Online users want more of everything. With technology you can

have more. . . . How far should we go?
—Diana Folsom, Manager, Art and Education Systems, LACMA

While an online environment holds much promise for making collection catalogues more current,
interactive, and widely available, significant barriers still exist. In many cases, opportunities are also
• How much content is too much content?

• How many audiences can you address simultaneously?

• How can the museum manage copyright issues for unlimited comparative images?

• How frequently can an institution update an online catalogue?

Buddha Shakyamuni, artist unknown, Northern

Thailand or Northwestern Laos, Southeast Asia,
1563. Metal, copper alloy with traces of gilding,
1113⁄16 x 6 x 37⁄8 in. Purchased with funds provided
by Mr. and Mrs. Edgar G. Richards. M.86.149a–b.
Photo courtesy of Museum Associates /LACMA.

Maintaining the Integrity of the Permanent Collection Catalogue

Books are familiar, tangible, and, most importantly, lasting objects; the Internet is less so. Curators are
concerned that online collection catalogues may not last beyond the next change in technology and
will not be recognized as legitimate scholarship. Many of the following questions arise:
• How will online catalogues be cited?

• Will successive versions of the catalogue, updated and changed, be maintained so that
scholars can trace the progress of scholarship?
• Can enduring access to catalogues be guaranteed?

• Will libraries catalogue and “acquire” these resources?

• What are the best practices for long-term preservation of online scholarly catalogues?

• Should online catalogues look familiar to their users or can they explore new modes of
• How should content be structured if readers can access and enter the catalogue at any point
and, moreover, can navigate the catalogue through a myriad of pathways?

• Does providing the user with more control to choose content mean relinquishing an authorial
and authoritative voice?

To be successful, online catalogues must meet all of the scholarly expectations of the print catalogue
while considering thoughtfully the implications of the online environment.

Confronting Technology

Museums are not set up to publish online; in fact, their current systems present major obstacles.
Museums store information about their collections in various databases, including collections
management systems, content management systems, and digital asset management systems, none
of which are designed for online publishing. Moreover, these systems typically do not “talk” to one
another, often necessitating yet another layer of technology—middleware—to integrate them for
online publishing. Developing this middleware is more difficult than many institutions initially imagined.

Reinventing the Wheel

Museums have a track record of creating proprietary and highly individualized solutions to meet each
institution’s technology needs, as witnessed by the proliferation of different collection management
systems. In addition, there is a tendency to develop “local” solutions to technology problems, rarely
looking beyond a particular museum’s community. In an era of limited budgets, the “go it alone”
approach is not sustainable. The challenge in developing digital publishing environments is for
museums to work together to develop examples of good practices and to look imaginatively for ideas
in other sectors, perhaps news or entertainment.

Adapting Administrative Structures and Staffing

Online scholarly catalogues do not follow the workflow of a print catalogue, in which curators work
on the text and then hand it off to the publications department. Digital publishing involves numerous
departments, ranging from curatorial, publications, information technology, web, and collections
management, all of which have to work in close collaboration and coordination. This may require
museum staff to rethink traditional divisions of labor and to restructure workflows; however, they are
understandably reluctant to reorganize departmental structures or divisions of labor when no other
operational model currently exists. Additionally, in many museums the new positions involved in
online publishing, such as digital editor and information architect, require skill sets and training that
current staff does not possess.

Prioritizing Digital Publishing

Institutions will be challenged to keep this long-term project on schedule, particularly when many
other pressing projects, such as special exhibitions, are in the pipeline. Several reasons account for
this, including the following:
• Online publishing may not conform to current workflows;

• It involves the development of new processes, tools, and infrastructure; and

• It depends on key staff members—curators, photographers, publications staff, collections

managers, information technologists, registrars, and conservators—who are engaged in
multiple projects.

Addressing Expectations of Cost

As with any new undertaking, a logical question to ask is, “How much is this going to cost?” The
reality is that there is, as yet, no simple answer. At the outset the transition to digital publishing
will likely not be any less expensive than print publication. In fact, many museums will continue to
produce print publications, in particular special exhibition catalogues, necessitating dual publishing
systems. No one-size-fits-all digital publishing environment is currently available to the museum
community (and seems unlikely to emerge); therefore, the cost for any one institution to embrace
online publishing cannot be accurately predicted. While the assumption is that cost savings can be
made over time, no hard data yet exists to confirm this.

Managing Intellectual Property Rights

Managing intellectual property rights for the online environment is complex. For example, if an online
catalogue is to exist in perpetuity, can long-term permission to publish images online be secured?
Moreover, the legal process is evolving concomitantly with new technologies. Intellectual property
rights present significant challenges that can only be addressed by the larger museum community.
(For further detail on intellectual property rights, see appendix 2.)

Scanning, Robert Rauschenberg, 1963. Oil and silkscreen on canvas, 55 3⁄4 x 73 in.
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Fractional and promised gift of Helen and
Charles Schwab. © Estate of Robert Rauschenberg / Licensed by VAGA, New York.

Lessons Learned

The participating OSCI museums, through work on their individual catalogues and a series of
intensive collaborative convenings, have made major advances and exciting discoveries in addressing
the challenges of online publishing. What follows are some important lessons learned along the way.

LESSON Remember That Online Publishing
Is Real Publishing

As we looked at the definition of the scholarly catalogue, we understood

that there are serious scholarly components that one expects to see—
provenance, bibliography, and exhibition history. We wanted all of that
to be present and at the same time we reflected upon some of the
unfortunate inadequacies in print publications, including a lack of
comparative illustrations and conservation documentation. We want
everything that print does and we want to rectify issues that were not
satisfactory in the print run, including very expensive unit costs. This
is a very high order of undertaking.
—Gloria Groom, David and Mary Winton Green Curator of Nineteenth-Century Painting
and Sculpture, Art Institute of Chicago

Online catalogues must meet expectations of scholars

Print catalogues have an integrity, a structure, and an organization that is readily recognized by
scholars and desirable to maintain. Thoroughly researched, vetted, and peer-reviewed, they have
acknowledged authorship, references, and notes; they possess a widely recognized format; and
they are easily cited. Scholars expect these same characteristics in an online publication. The look,
functionality, and the extent to which new models for online catalogues meet and exceed these
scholarly expectations will play a crucial role in their adoption and widespread use.
While there was general consensus around this issue, individual museums differ in their approach
to satisfying this demand. At the Art Institute, for example, the catalogue must be clearly visible

as a separate and discrete “catalogue” on its website, while the Walker envisions distributing the
content of its scholarly catalogue throughout its website. In addition, the Art Institute has decided to
treat its catalogue as an edition, meaning it will remain static until the next edition of its catalogue
is published, whereas the Walker’s catalogue will constantly be updated. The Getty Museum team
intends to present scholarly essays in “locked” archival PDF format to ensure ease in citing individual
essays and long-term preservation. All participants clearly agreed, however, that it is essential to
define scholarly expectations for online catalogues at the very outset of the project.

An online publication is different than a database

The core of this project has always remained stable. What has really
changed is how we were trying to wrap our heads around the difference
between the database and the catalogue.
—Robin Dowden, Walker Art Center

The most comprehensive data about individual artworks in a museum’s permanent collection usually
resides in the museum’s collection management system (CMS). Larger museums often have multiple
systems for storing data; in addition to a CMS, they may have a content management system and/or
a digital asset management system to manage other types of data, from images to video and audio
files. These systems are not designed to “talk” to one another, let alone function as publishing tools.
For example, none provides an “authoring tool”—a software package that supports writing a lengthy

Visitors in Hélio Oiticica and Neville D’Almeida’s CC5 Hendrixwar /Cosmoca

Program-in-Progress (1973) in the Walker-organized exhibition, Hélio Oiticica /Rikrit
Tiravanija: Contact, 2010. Photo: Cameron Wittig for Walker Art Center.

text with the appropriate footnotes, bibliography, and image references. Nor do any of them provide
an adequate “publishing tool”—the ability to transform text and media to a variety of different
formats and platforms, such as iPads, iPhones, and so on. Each OSCI museum team needed to decide
how to meet this challenge. Should they keep their existing CMS, but build new authoring and
publishing tools on top of it? Or would it be better to develop a new breed of technology architecture
that will support the full set of requirements (collections management and publishing)?
In short, a database and an online catalogue are not the same thing. A database stores data—
whether text, images, audio, or other media—which can be linked and referenced, combined and
recombined in whatever manner is best suited for disseminating knowledge and utilizing content.
These databases are crucial for online publishing as they are the building blocks from which online
catalogues are created; however, they are not online scholarly catalogues in and of themselves.
Publishing to the web using existing systems is not an easy task.

LESSON Choose a Manageable Project

Originally we thought we would do [Robert] Rauschenberg and friends.

We came back and said, “Let’s just focus on one artist.” This was the
moment where we really scaled back and said, “It’s okay to do fifty
Rauschenberg works.”
—Sarah Roberts, Associate Curator of Collections and Research, SFMOMA

Make a sound choice

Scholarly collection catalogues generally focus on an important collection or portion of a collection,

and online catalogues follow the same rationale. Publishing online also requires determining which
collection would benefit most from the distinctive opportunities of this new environment. LACMA
curators, for example, realized they could provide better context for their Southeast Asian collection
when publishing online, and are now designing interactive timelines and features that place objects
in their archaeological settings, as well as videos demonstrating ritual use. The SFMOMA team knew
that documentary footage and artist interviews would greatly enhance their Robert Rauschenberg
catalogue, while the Art Institute wanted to provide a better understanding of artists’ working
methods through extensive conservation documentation.

Start small and set limits

Even if everything is ultimately possible, everything cannot be done at once. As the OSCI planning
process came to a close, seven of the museum teams had reduced the size and scale of their original
projects as they continued to grapple with complex technical challenges and anticipated the need to
restructure workflows. Participants at the Freer /Sackler Galleries decided to focus on forty-six books
featuring the work of Katsushika Hokusai, instead of the entirety of their newly acquired Pulverer
Collection of premodern Japanese illustrated books, which includes over 30,000 images. The Art
Institute’s catalogue was limited to paintings and drawings by Renoir and Monet, rather than half
of its nineteenth-century paintings and drawings collection. All of the museums decided to provide
more resources for a smaller number of objects, keeping in mind that the digital environment will
allow them to scale up their projects over time.

Mitsu no tomoe and Tokiwa no taki, Totoya Hokkei, Edo period, 1832. One thread-bound
book, woodblock printed, ink and color on paper, 915⁄16 x 6 7⁄8 x 3⁄8 in. Purchase of The Gerhard
Pulverer Collection, Museum funds, Friends of the Freer and Sackler Galleries and the Harold
P. Stern Memorial fund in appreciation of Jeffrey P. Cunard. FSC-GR-780.210. Image courtesy
of Freer Gallery of Art.

LESSON Understand Your Content

Each of the OSCI teams carefully considered the kind of the content it would create and include, and
how these various pieces of content would relate to one another in a web environment that does not
conform to traditional linear narratives.

Ensure you have clean data

The best approach is the separation of data, its transformation, and its
presentation. This modular approach is fundamental to how [museums] are
going to survive and be productive . . . as the platforms that we disseminate
to are constantly evolving and changing.
—Nik Honeysett, Getty Museum

To publish online successfully, museums need to create, store, retrieve, transform, combine, and
disseminate data. The OSCI museums recognized, therefore, that a fundamental first step was
ensuring the quality and integrity of the data associated with objects in their collections.
Many OSCI teams recommend a modular approach to data—keeping it separate and, above all,
“clean.” They spent considerable time engaging with standardized vocabulary and metadata, and even
discovered gaps in current resources. LACMA, for example, first hired an information architecture
consultant to assist with identifying project goals, which included using the Lightweight Information
Describing Objects (LIDO) standard for object metadata. Next, an outside researcher was brought
in to develop the appropriate vocabularies to populate the class and object type fields. The project
involves the arts of Asia, so the researcher consulted at least four accepted controlled vocabularies
and discovered that a number of terms relevant to Southeast Asian art were absent from the Art and
Architecture Thesaurus (AAT), and is currently contributing these to the AAT to expand this vocabulary.

Identify further research

As with preparing a print catalogue, when reviewing existing object files and catalogue entries,
OSCI participants discovered that many entries needed to be updated in order to incorporate recent
research. They also realized that taking advantage of the expanded capacity of the online environment
meant pushing research and interpretation in new, previously unexplored directions. So, in addition
to allocating funding and staff time for curatorial research and conservation analysis, as well as new

photography, comparative images, and rights and reproductions (as would be expected with a print
catalogue), OSCI teams utilized the planning phase to brainstorm new types of content, such as
multimedia productions, and innovative ways of linking together a variety of content.

Define your audience

Producing content is inseparable from considering one’s audience. While printed permanent
collection catalogues are typically aimed at an exclusively scholarly audience, the Internet allows
museums to engage multiple audiences simultaneously. Each OSCI museum found it useful to debate
and ultimately to define its intended audience early on in its planning, often through usability studies
that allowed them to test prototypes and study more closely the research behavior of scholars in an
online environment. The National Gallery of Art pioneered a “skim, swim, and dive” approach, in
which general audiences can read basic information, students can link to more detailed findings, and
specialists can delve into deep scholarly content and comparative material. Other museums chose to
focus on the traditional scholarly audience, mindful that an interested general public might also find
its way to the information. Through usability studies museums also developed a better understanding
of how audiences can contribute to content creation. SAM, for example, is developing a means
to incorporate feedback from the scholarly community, gathered electronically, into its catalogue.
Whatever the final decisions regarding target audience and level of audience interaction, defining the
audience(s) was a crucial first step in structuring the catalogue and in determining the style of writing.

A Naval Encounter between Dutch and Spanish Warships, Cornelis Verbeeck, ca. 1618 /1620.
Gift of Dorothea V. Hammond. Image courtesy of National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

LESSON Integrate Technology

Create functional requirements documents

Once institution members grasped the differences between the capacities of their existing databases
and their expectations for the scholarly catalogues they will produce, they assessed their current
systems. They recognized that to plan for the future, they first needed to create functional requirements
documents. While few of the project teams had anticipated creating such documents, many now
believe that the quality and scope of these documents determines the success of any project.
A functional requirements document outlines what a digital publishing environment must
be able to do. In order to create functional requirements, museum staff need to understand how
content is currently created, managed (stored and retrieved), and disseminated, and have a good
understanding of what currently works and what doesn’t, and what might need to be done differently
to move forward into digital publishing. In the most successful OSCI projects, staff worked closely
with the information technology department, or with external technology consultants, to develop the
functional requirements document. This document made it possible for museums to identify clearly
the software and hardware components needed to do the job correctly, and also to more accurately
ask for and allocate funds to support the technical needs of online publication projects. (For an
example of a functional requirements document, see appendix 3.)

The role of the website

Most museums intend to publish their online scholarly catalogues via their websites. This requires
anticipating where on the site the catalogue will be located, how users will find the catalogue, and
how the catalogue relates to other information found on the institution’s website. It also requires
anticipating how the systems that support the website will interact with those supporting the online
catalogue. The National Gallery of Art tackled this problem by redesigning its main website in tandem
with the creation of the website that will house its online scholarly catalogue, although this meant
that the technical and web staff members carried a high workload. At Tate, where a new website
is projected, the OSCI team developed tools that will convert the catalogue entries and related
materials they have already produced to be easily integrated into the new online environment when
it is completed. (For further recommendations concerning website Uniform Resource Locators [URLs],
see appendix 4.)

Everyone on the team needs to engage with technology

It was evident from the outset that a successful online publication would be a marriage of content
and technology. What was not as evident was that curators would need to become more familiar
with technology, that technologists would need to become more attuned to the needs of curators
and other scholars, and that those with experience in print publication would need to find common
ground with web designers and technologists, and vice versa. The OSCI teams also learned that
having a project team member with significant systems experience was highly beneficial, but when
this was not feasible, developing good working relationships with information technologists was vital.
Few curators dream of becoming experts in information architecture and even fewer information
technologists have a background in academic art history. The most successful planning projects,
however, resulted from ongoing conversations among all key constituents, particularly around
technology. Curators discovered that they did not need to become technology specialists—they only
had to become more familiar with basic concepts and vocabulary about systems, and how they work.
Database programmers gradually learned more about the rigors of scholarship so that they could
design prototypes that would meet expectations of the field, including acknowledged authorship,
vetted texts, references, and citations. They also recognized the crucial role that look, feel, and
functionality play in the acceptance of an online catalogue by the scholarly community.

LESSON Have the Right People and Structure

Ensure senior staff is part of the planning process

Crucial to the success of all the OSCI projects has been the inclusion of senior staff in the planning
phase, either directly as project team members or indirectly as members of ad hoc committees.
Whether an institution is large or small, OSCI participants found having senior staff on board
facilitated communication and streamlined decision-making, particularly in cases where key
assignments were shared across various departments.

Find project champions

The project has had unswerving executive-level and senior-level support
from the beginning.
—Judy Metro, Editor in Chief, National Gallery of Art

While the input of senior staff members is essential, it is equally important to have top administrators
advocating for the project and keeping it at the forefront of a museum’s many priorities. Time and

again participants mentioned key staff members who championed the project, which included
directors and deputy directors, chief operating officers, senior curators and conservators, and the heads
of the information technology and registration departments. It doesn’t matter if an institution is large
or small: someone at the top needs to know about this project and be ready to talk enthusiastically
and intelligently about how online publishing aligns with institutional mission and goals.

Successful projects have a project lead and a project manager

OSCI participants identified a project lead and a project manager as two absolutely critical staff
positions (with the exception of smaller institutions where these positions may be handled by
the same individual). Online publishing projects are complex. Museums need to recognize that
no matter how flat the hierarchy at an institution, someone has to be in charge to keep a project
moving forward, and there needs to be someone on the project team who is efficient, organized,
and attentive to day-to-day details.

Collaboration and communication are essential

OSCI is a hydra that reaches into every department. It straddles multiple
departments. SFMOMA has a culture that makes that possible. OSCI is the
thing with five legs.
—Sarah Roberts, SFMOMA

Successful projects are ultimately about the right people with the right skill sets completing the
necessary tasks. Internal staff associated with OSCI projects included curators, conservators, content
contributors, educators, collections database administrators, administrative and editorial support,
software developers, information technology staff, and those with web expertise. In some cases,

Trophy IV (for John Cage),

Robert Rauschenberg,
1961. Metal, fabric, boot,
wood, tire tread, chain, and
flashlight, 33 x 82 x 21 in.
San Francisco Museum
of Modern Art. Purchase
through a gift of Phyllis
Wattis. Art © Estate of Robert
Rauschenberg /Licensed by
VAGA, New York, 98.303.

the right specialists were found beyond the walls of an institution. With so many people involved,
OSCI participants realized that good, consistent communication was a top priority and built in the
necessary time. Regular reporting on the project proved to be an effective way to ensure buy-in
from staff not directly involved in the project or its outcome. In addition, staff found it critical to be
transparent about the process, sharing information and workflows across departments. Significantly,
the fastest route to early buy-in at the higher level for OSCI projects was ensuring that no key
individuals were left out of the conversation, even if they were not originally on the core team and
had to be added later.

Understand where you need new positions, professional development,

or outsourcing
What has become pretty clear is we are going to have to rewrite job
—Robin Dowden, Walker Art Center

With little in-house technology support, we partnered with our collections

software supplier to provide much-needed technical assistance in talking
through issues and making the most of the system we have.
—Michele Miller, Collections Database Administrator, SAM

Poem to the painting "Sunset on the Jin and Jiao Mountains," Wen Zhengming, Chinese, 1521. Hand scroll; ink
on paper, 14 x 390 in. Seattle Art Museum. Purchased in honor of Jay Xu and Jennifer Chen with funds from the
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Art Acquisition Endowment, Anonymous, Mimi and Bill Gates, The Asian Art
Council, Jeffrey and Susan Brotman, Lyn and Gerald Grinstein, Jane and David Davis, Christine Y. Nicolov, David and
Daphne Tang, Griffith and Patricia Way, Gail Joice, Winifred and Ven Lee, Julie Emerson, Phil Stoiber, Scotty Ray,
Albert and Angelina Yen, Mike McCafferty, SAM Volunteers Association, John Stevenson, Sheila Farr, Julie Creahan,
Nancy Curtis, and Steve Erickson. 2003.1. Photo: Elizabeth Mann.

As museums invest more time and resources in building institutional capacity for online publishing,
the range of expertise needed will change and evolve. Some tasks associated with online publishing
may require the creation of new positions, retraining or professional development opportunities for
current staff, or outsourcing. For example, a designer accustomed to print publications may need new
skills in design and spatial orientation in order to reconceive how content can be organized in an
online environment. Most OSCI museums simply did not have full-time staff with all the skills needed
to make planning for online publishing a success. In particular, with respect to technology, staff at
several institutions knew or quickly discovered they would need to outsource some or all of this work.

Plan for staff turnover

Staff turnover, layoffs, illness, and reassignments played a significant role in each of the OSCI planning
projects. These changes often meant that other staff had to take on more and/or different duties.
All projects experience delays, but the OSCI participants learned that if project documentation is
up-to-date, new staff can pick up more easily where others left off. In some cases, adding new staff
members into the project at a later stage proved to be transformational, as they brought new insights
and fresh perspectives. Nonetheless, the cost of replacing staff that leave can be onerous financially as
well as in project delays, particularly in regions where technology is very robust and the competition
to hire skilled technologists is stiff.

Expect to review, refine, and change existing workflows

The transition from the linear and well-established process for producing print catalogues to the
dynamic nature of the online environment has a definite impact on the content-to-publish workflow.
Although the OSCI institutions experienced few changes in already-established workflows during the
planning process, almost all anticipate measurable changes in organizational structure, workflow, and
job descriptions in the implementation phase. The Walker, for example, is using its online catalogue
as a vehicle through which to completely redefine how research and documentation related to its
collection are generated, collected, and published. As an institution devoted to contemporary art, the
Walker often acquires artworks through a commissioning process that allows it to collect extensive
archival information about the creation of the work of art. Team members are creating a system that
will allow an artwork (and related primary source materials) to be published as soon as it is acquired
by the institution.

LESSON Think Sustainably

Everything we do is predicated on extensibility and sustainability.

—Sam Quigley, Vice President for Collections Management, Imaging, and Information
Technology/Museum CIO, Art Institute of Chicago

Don’t reinvent the wheel

After much discussion, OSCI participants realized that no one-size-fits-all solution to online publishing
was possible given the different histories and needs of each institution. Yet, they also championed
a policy of “Not Invented Here,” meaning that the museum community must work together in
developing the technology for online publishing. Even if museums do not adopt identical systems,
they may be able to incorporate or modify tools and processes from peers’ systems and, at the very
least, share insights. Such a policy is cost-effective, saving museums both time and money. It is quite
simply not economical—given the scarce resources available to most museums—for each museum to
build a proprietary publishing environment. Moreover, leveraging discoveries and working together
will increase individual and community capacity in this field. To do this, museum professionals must
be willing to share concerns, unexpected roadblocks, and failures, as well as successes.

The Beach at Sainte-Adresse, Claude Monet, 1867. Oil on canvas,

2913⁄16 x 405⁄16 in. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Larned Coburn Memorial
Collection. 1933.439. Image courtesy of Art Institute of Chicago.

Make online publishing part of your museum’s ongoing
publishing program
Tate London established a policy that all publishing would be done
online. We knew it was going to be an investment. We didn’t know the
challenges, but we instinctively knew that the benefits would always
outweigh the difficulties.
—Jennifer Mundy, Head of Collection Research, Tate

For much of the planning phase, OSCI participants thought of and spoke about their individual
“projects” as such, rather than thinking of them as drivers for profound organizational change within
their museums or in the museum community. By the end of the planning phase, however, they began
to understand that their online catalogues were part of a fundamental reorientation toward digital
publishing in museums.
At this date, most OSCI museums have additional scholarly publication projects in the pipeline.
This requires a commitment to maintain and even upgrade the digital publishing environment and,
therefore, the necessary operational budget. Ongoing institutional support is more likely, participants
learned, if they can develop an online publishing model with reusable templates that are flexible,
functional, visually appealing, and meet the needs of diverse audiences. Furthermore, the success
of their digital publishing will be ensured if they think strategically and make sure all their digital
publishing initiatives are integrated. The good news is that most museums are already engaged in
online publishing to some extent, for example, by displaying collections online, with accompanying
tombstone information and images.

The Cinder Path, Spencer Gore, 1912. Oil paint on canvas, 27 x 31 in.
Purchased (Grant-in-Aid) 1975, Tate TO1960. Photo © Tate.

Looking forward, new technology solutions continue to be explored. Following
the creation of a successful prototype for the Art Institute, the IMA Lab (the media
and technology arm of the Indianapolis Museum of Art) began working with the
OSCI consortium to develop an online publishing toolkit. This will facilitate online
publishing of scholarly catalogues by the OSCI museums and, eventually, the larger
museum community. The suite of tools will be based on Drupal, an open-source
content management system. Highlights include an “authoring” tool that allows
curators to combine easily their written texts with information and images
extracted from their museum databases, and a “reading” tool that allows the
online catalogue to be read easily on different computing devices and browsers.
With the OSCI toolkit, museums will be able to customize catalogues to meet
the requirements of their own technology systems and publishing vision.

Other alternatives are also in development. For its part, the Seattle Art Museum
is working with Gallery Systems, the producer of the collections management
system The Museum System (TMS) and the publishing platform eMuseum, to
enhance these software products in order to support their online scholarly
catalogue. These modifications will henceforth be included in any future general
release of these Gallery Systems products.

Online catalogues represent a significant commitment of human and financial

resources and require comprehensive research and planning. Decisions made for
an initial online catalogue will have far-reaching consequences, not only for future
catalogues but online museum publishing in general. Through solving the knotty
problems of moving scholarly catalogues online, museums are now at the fore-
front of innovative online publishing, and that will interest and engage a global
audience as never before possible. Most of all, online scholarly catalogues enable
museums to do full justice to the wondrous works of art they hold in trust for
future generations, and the deep intellectual content that they have painstakingly
assembled. Over the next few years all OSCI museums will complete their projects,
and the Getty Foundation will continue to share the results of the initiative.

Inside Perspectives

Two members of Online Scholarly Catalogue Initiative (OSCI) teams share their excitement and
insights on their projects.

Gloria Groom is the David and Mary Winton Green Curator of Nineteenth-Century
Painting and Sculpture at the Art Institute of Chicago, and the curatorial point
person for the institution’s OSCI catalogue.

When the Art Institute of Chicago’s OSCI team started this project (and here I include the other
members of the curatorial team, Douglas Druick and Jill Shaw), our biggest concern was that the
final project be as booklike as possible without the limitations of the print format. That meant that
we needed to learn what technology could do. But first technology (the Information Technology
teams at the Art Institute and the IMA Lab of the Indianapolis Museum Art [IMA]) had to enter into
our curatorial world to develop a prototype that would be based on our experience as researchers,
authors, and editors. This was a labor-intensive but fully satisfying place to start. We spent hours with
IMA Lab staff in the room or on the phone going over how research is done, and we were surprised
at how many different ways we, for any given project, gather and use facts. From the curatorial
perspective, the following were certain key concepts and features that were critical to address from
the very inception of our prototype:
• Content must speak to a scholarly audience, making it necessary that all content be edited
by the publications staff;
• Easy access to a high resolution, color image of the key artwork discussed in the catalogue
• The ability to footnote;

• The ability to personalize copies with marginalia, highlighting, bookmarks, and Post-it notes;

• A sense of understanding where you are in the catalogue and how much more there is;

• The ability to “put your thumb” in the catalogue as a placeholder and jump around
(to images, bibliography, and so on) without losing your place;
• The ability for each book to have its own “look” in terms of design and organization; and

• A permanent, fixed publication date to be cited by scholars (which requires a Persistent

Uniform Resource Locator [PURL link] and easily citable text).

The conversations with IMA Lab staff were absolutely mind-blowing. In considering our needs,
they would come back to the table with examples from open-source software, sometimes showing
examples from Sci-Fi zines, sports sites, CNN news, or anywhere that they could suggest or “borrow”
certain tools (such as paragraph marking or the ability to make photographs shift to meet the scale
of the screen), which would enable our wish list to come true. At each stage of the brainstorming
process, we were allowed to test drive the results once or twice, and return to them when another
component was added to ensure that each step forward fit into the practical, philosophical, and
aesthetic concept for this creature still being created. This included conservation examinations and
macros of details from the paintings. For us this is also critical research, and for the first time, the art
historical entries are being driven not only by art history but also by conservation findings. In this
way we are presenting the raw data from which we have drawn our conclusions and thus opening
the conversation to include the reader, who is armed with the same photographs, macros, overlays,
and tools as the curator, and can now take an insider’s look at any given work.
We had to make a number of compromises, from research itself—we didn’t include every
detail or every photograph from conservation unless it was directly related to the object’s historical
importance—to word length, since captions used for in-line photographs had to be limited due to
the general, booklike design.
The opportunity to have long discussions about how research is done, how archives are best
accessed and cited, how conservation studies need to be linked to the art historical story, how note-
taking helps sort information, and how a digital format allows for note-taking to become an integral
part of the research process, yielded more insights into why we research the way we do, which led
to more ways for the IMA Lab to investigate answers to our questions.
Most gratifying for me was to know that we are forging something new, which will not only
display research but will form the basis for further research. From our early investigation into a
number of museum websites stressing archival or conservation documentation, it seems that the
technology shaped the research component at least in terms of the resulting format for accessing
research. By starting with intense discussions about how information from curators and conservators
is used and how we would conduct our research with this information, IMA Lab staff and the Art
Institute’s technological team were able to evolve the product from a thorough understanding of
the “why” and the “how.” Working from the ground up, they will soon have created a sophisticated
electronic animal that bears all the hallmarks of the research and publishing world we’ve left behind,
and plunges us into an even richer contextual, factual, and visual sphere in which to consider
the work itself. We are getting closer to the launch of three entries, and I can’t wait to hear the
response from the academic community across the world as they “play” with what we feel is a major
contribution to scholarly catalogues.

Nik Honeysett is Head of Administration at The J. Paul Getty Museum,
Los Angeles and is overseeing the museum’s transition to online
scholarly catalogues.

For any museum technologist worth his or her salt, the OSCI projects provide a fascinating journey
through the challenges and opportunities of managing information and information technology in
a museum environment. Indeed, technology challenges were encountered at every step of the way,
from the broad spectrum of the diversity of technology infrastructures and solutions to the more
granular technical requirements of the individual projects. OSCI also provides an opportunity to
consider and solve new and emerging requirements as we transition from print to digital publications.
The chance to peek under the hood of each of the participating museum’s technology infrastructure
has been fascinating. At one of our periodic convenings, we each presented and talked about
our individual infrastructures and the technology decisions we are making to deliver these online
publications. At first glance, the schematic diagrams were as diverse as one might imagine; however, on
closer inspection, it was clear that most of us had implemented, in our own way and in varying degrees,
a best-practice approach to managing information in a complex and information-rich environment.
That best-practice approach is the separation of data, its transformation, and its presentation.
This modular approach is fundamental to how content-rich institutions are going to survive and
be productive in an environment where dissemination is de rigueur and the platforms that we
disseminate to are constantly evolving and changing. The pace of this change seems relentless. When
the OSCI project was commissioned, tablet computers were only being discussed by technology
reviewers. We are only halfway through the OSCI project and delivering a scholarly catalog to an
iPad is emerging as a key requirement. This is the nature of long-term technology projects, but it is
manageable by ensuring we make key decisions in how we build our infrastructures, how we organize
our data, and how we structure our workflows. The emergence and dominance of the iPad has been a
sobering reminder that we can’t take any technology for granted as we plan to deliver our catalogues.
As each institution has discovered, this challenge is also manifest in our collections management
systems (CMS), which, to a broad degree, are based on a card catalogue data model and were not
designed with rich authoring and publishing in mind. The functional requirements for this core piece
of museum information technology have dramatically changed. As we move to publish directly from
data and to a variety of platforms, we need a much more complex CMS, one that will allow us to
build complex relationships; author rich, long-form text; transform text and media to a variety of
different formats; and publish to a variety of different platforms. Each institution has to decide how
to meet this challenge. Keep the existing CMS but top and tail it with an authoring and publication
tool? Or is it better to implement a new breed of technology architecture that will support the full set
of requirements? Vendors play a key role in this solution, but, like us, they struggle to keep up with
the required pace of change. Technology problems can be solved in any number of ways so it is not
surprising that OSCI solutions cover the full gamut.

As the participating institutions struggle with how to create a sustainable environment for digital
publishing in all its forms, including scholarly catalogues, they face an additional challenge: How will
that environment continue to support print publishing? If the relatively short history of information
and communication technology has taught us anything, it is that new forms do not replace old ones.
Newspapers, radio, and television have not died despite the apocalyptic predictions. They have
created a richer and more complex information environment. In his book The Information: A History,
a Theory, a Flood, James Gleick elegantly summarizes, “Hardly any information technology goes
obsolete, each one throws its predecessors into relief” (New York: Pantheon, 2011).
In the same way, digital publishing is unlikely to kill print, particularly for the kinds of publications
that museums produce. It may be some time before we truly get out of the print business, so our
additional challenge is to support this hybrid environment in a sustainable and economic way. Just
as we now have to publish to iPads, and maybe to Nooks and Kindles, we may have to produce
a print version, at the very least a print-on-demand version, but we need to manage this without a
duplication of effort or content.
These are the tough challenges that technologists relish. We all have legacy systems that need to
be updated or converted, but we cannot solve them purely with technology. There are clearly new
processes that we need to adopt to realize our digital publishing goals, and changing the mindset
of what a publication is and can be is at the heart of that. As we look to reorganize and review
our data models, we need to ensure that scalability, sustainability, flexibility, and modularity are
key components in the thought and decision-making process, because it is entirely possible that in
another two years there will be a new technology platform for our online scholarly catalogue.
The OSCI group discussions around technology solutions and approaches have been hugely
beneficial to the individual institutions, irrespective of their technical resources and capabilities.
So, as the OSCI participants embark on their implementation phases, this wealth of technical and
creative talent is bearing fruit. The elegant prototypes that have addressed some thorny issues about
data management, functionality, and user experience now have to break out of their comfortable
constraints and deliver the institutional transformation and support of our digital scholarly publishing
needs. The learning and sharing will continue.


Projects at a Glance
The following are short descriptions of the projects undertaken by the Online Scholarly Catalogue
Initiative (OSCI) participants. These descriptions, based on the work from the planning phase, include
technical specifications regarding infrastructure and publishing platforms currently in development at
individual museums.
Planning phase grants for each institution ranged from $140,000 to $240,000. The implementation
phase grants will range from $200,000 to $400,000. Eligible costs for the planning stage included
consultant fees; staff release time; research travel to libraries, collections, and archives; hardware and
software upgrades or development; data entry, conversion, or cleanup; photography and digitization;
multimedia fees (for rights to audio and video and/or the creation of this material); conservation
technical analyses; preliminary design cost; usability studies; and preliminary rights costs.
During the planning phase, all or portions of the project teams came together regularly to
work on issues ranging from copyright and author credits to data mapping and standards, and most
recently, to review the information architecture and tools that have emerged. Each team was asked
to document its progress and processes in a series of regular reports shared via a project wiki. In
addition, they presented updates at annual meetings held in Los Angeles.
Many of the OSCI projects will change in expected—and unexpected—ways as participants
continue to address the exciting challenges of online publishing. Readers interested in gaining
additional insight into the initiative earlier in its development may find these conference
presentations to be of value: “Presenting the Getty Online Scholarly Initiative” (National Museum
Publishing Seminar, June 2010,
podcasts-and-presentations.php); Nik Honeysett, “The Transition to Online Scholarly Catalogues” and
Sam Quigley and Liz Neely, “Integration of Print and Digital Publishing Workflows” (Museums and the
Web, April 2011,

Art Institute of Chicago
Participants from the Art Institute of Chicago originally aimed to publish their important
collection of nineteenth-century European paintings. As the planning grant progressed,
they decided to begin with smaller volumes, monographic or group publications, of fewer
works. Information about each work was designed to be as comprehensive as possible. In
addition to providing the scholarly community with extensive content, including in-depth
conservation documentation, they decided to focus on some key features: for content
producers, a streamlined authoring experience; and for readers, ever-present access to the
plate image, annotation capacity, citation standards, and imaging tools. Works by Claude
Monet and Pierre-Auguste Renoir were best suited to this task.
The Art Institute uses a custom-built collections management system (CMS) called
Collection Images Text and Index (CITI), which also includes digital asset management,
and a CITI-driven clone for its website. For this project the team contracted with the IMA
Lab at the Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA) to create a prototype-authoring environment
built in Drupal, an open-source content management system. While the prototype is not
connected to CITI, there will be an application programming interface (API) between the
two. The Art Institute’s OSCI team decided that the volumes published via this system
will be immutable—curators author and edit, and then the volume is fixed in time and not
dynamically updated as new information is incorporated into the CITI system. Art Institute of
Chicago. Photo courtesy of Art Institute of Chicago.

Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery of the Smithsonian’s

Museums of Asian Art, Washington, D.C.
In 2007 the Freer/Sackler Galleries acquired the Gerhard Pulverer Collection, a private
collection of premodern Japanese illustrated books numbering 2,200 volumes, which includes
30,000 images. The goal of their OSCI project is to provide a model for museums with large
collections of manuscripts and rare books. As the end of the planning phase approached, the
team decided to focus its efforts on a smaller subset of the holdings and produce a microsite
fully realizing the material in forty-six books representing the work of Edo period artist,
ukiyo-e painter, and printmaker, Katsushika Hokusai.
The team leveraged an already-existing relationship with the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology’s (MIT) Visualizing Cultures, an online publishing platform dedicated to image-
driven scholarship, along with outside scholars as part of their planning process. In terms
of technology infrastructure, the Freer/Sackler Galleries use The Museum System (TMS)
for collections management, and will employ it to hold the primary object data, images,
and image metadata. Currently their website is managed without benefit of a content
management system. To accomplish their OSCI project, the Freer/Sackler team is planning
a greatly expanded web database and foresees the need to acquire some type of content
management system to handle the complexity of their project. Freer Gallery of Art. Photo courtesy of
Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles
When the Getty Foundation first initiated the Online Scholarly Catalogue Initiative,
the J. Paul Getty Museum was in the early planning stages for its own online scholarly
catalogue on paintings acquired over the last ten years. Initially, the Getty Museum’s focus
was on creating, culling, editing, and capturing rich documentation such as high-quality
photography, scholarly essays, provenance, conservation reports, and a bibliography in a
traditional presentation format used for printed catalogues. Soon, however, efforts were
expanded to build a nimble publishing vehicle that would not only capitalize on digital-
only functionality, such as zoomify and 360 rotation, but would also provide an engaging
experience for users, be simple to use—so curators and other content creators could easily
produce catalogues—and be used to develop other electronic catalogues. In addition, the
Getty added the goal to create a benchmark for future digital publications.
At present, the Getty Museum is poised to launch its first online scholarly catalogue,
focused on ambers in the antiquities collection. Besides the initial OSCI project on paintings,
there are already several other collection catalogues under way. The Getty has focused on
building a publication mechanism with responsive design and the flexibility to provide a
quality experience on any device or browser whether mobile or desktop-based. Drawing
upon content management and presentation applications for authoring and storing deep,
long-form content required for museum catalogues, it also addresses the interface and
functionality necessary for a scholarly publication online. The Getty plans to share their
scalable publication framework gratis with other non-profit cultural heritage organizations to
maximize its usefulness to the fullest extent. J. Paul Getty Museum. Photo: John Linden. © 2003 J. Paul Getty Trust.

Los Angeles County Museum of Art

The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) is providing in-depth catalogue entries for
sculptures in stone, metal, and ceramic from its Southeast Asian Collection. Two major goals
for its online scholarly catalogue project have been identified: to be able to place objects into
their cultural, architectural, political, historical, and ritual contexts, and to create a model for
cataloging archaeological objects.
During the planning phase, LACMA’s OSCI team utilized audience surveys to better
define and understand their intended readers. They then worked with outside consultants
with expertise in user experience, user interface, and information architecture to create a
prototype for their online publishing environment. To address scalability and sustainability
issues, they are currently reassessing their information architecture needs and are planning
to use the open-source platform Drupal to support an authoring and content management
system that will allow the LACMA team to retrieve and publish information from their
collections information system and digital asset repositories. LACMA currently uses MIMSY
for its CMS, but anticipates moving soon to TMS. LACMA’s digital assets are handled
through Piction, a digital collection orchestrator that can integrate with existing collections
management and other business systems. LACMA. Photo © 2010 Museum Associates/LACMA.

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

The National Gallery of Art has a long history of producing systematic catalogues of its
permanent collection. For the OSCI project, its team is updating and enriching an out-of-
print catalogue of a collection of seventeenth-century Dutch paintings. The National Gallery
of Art’s new online publication will include full documentation of the twenty-nine works
added to the collection since 1995, as well as updated scholarly and conservation information
for the remaining works. The project is intended as a model for institutions choosing to
repurpose, amend, and update previously published information. The technology plan for
the project involves the use of a middleware layer to retrieve data from TMS, and Extensis
Portfolio, which houses digital assets. Longer text files are stored in CQ5 (an Adobe Day
product), the content management system that will be used for the new website. The needs
of the OSCI project are being addressed as part of the institution’s overall web strategy. View of
the East and West Buildings of the National Gallery of Art at night, looking toward the U.S. Capitol. © 1991, Dennis Brack/Black Star.

Courtesy of the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) is developing an online scholarly catalogue
of works in its permanent collection by American artist Robert Rauschenberg. The goal of
SFMOMA’s OSCI team is to provide a new design and information architecture for an online,
internal catalogue raisonné of a single artist, which incorporates a variety of layered, media-
rich content. During the project’s planning phase, each object was thoroughly researched
and a small group of pilot objects was chosen for its diverse needs regarding imaging,
affiliated multimedia, archival documentation, and conservation. In addition, the team
pursued an extensive user interview process. They came out of the process committed to
providing their online visitors with as much primary documentation as possible. Toward the
end of the planning phase, SFMOMA administration launched a museum-wide strategic
planning initiative and the OSCI project team decided to use the process to evaluate their
future information architecture with a view toward sustainable online publication models.
SFMOMA currently deploys EmbARK, Gallery Systems’ software tools, for cataloguing and
managing its collections, and Autonomy Virage’s MediaBin for digital asset management.
SFMOMA as seen from Yerba Buena Gardens. Photo: Richard Barnes.

Seattle Art Museum

The Seattle Art Museum’s (SAM) OSCI project is focusing on a core of approximately 200
works from the permanent collection of Chinese painting and calligraphy, many of which
were recently acquired and have not yet been published. A significant goal for SAM’s
team is to develop a model for how technology can best be utilized to allow for viewing
scrolls online. During the planning phase, the scope of the project changed to include
commissioning scholarly essays from outside contributors and creating a means to obtain
user-generated scholarly content related to the seals and inscriptions found on the works.
SAM uses TMS for collections management, including the media module for managing its
digital assets. As a medium-sized museum, SAM has little internal or external information
technology support. The intent of its team is to enhance the online authoring and publishing
process around TMS, creating add-ins within the existing system. They are working with
Gallery Systems, the TMS vendor, to design a software component that will add desired
functionalities and will use the company’s e-Museum framework to publish their content
online. Exterior of the Seattle Art Museum. Photo: Michael Burns, © Seattle Art Museum.

Tate, London

Great Britain’s Tate, the only OSCI museum outside the United States, brings to the table a
deep commitment to online publishing. For its OSCI project, participants have adapted and
expanded on existing exhibition materials to create an online catalogue devoted to the art
of the Camden Town Group. For online publishing Tate uses a process that combines TMS, a
custom-built collections information system, and a tool called the Collection Research Asset
Manager (CRAM). This system brings in object data from TMS, merges it with images, and
publishes it to the website. Content is produced using an existing authoring system that has
been retrofitted to take documents created in Word and parse them into the system, which
publishes information online. Digital assets are stored in iBase Manager, which is integrated
with TMS. Tate Britain. Tate Photography © Tate.

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis

The Walker Art Center collects the work of contemporary artists. For their OSCI planning
grant, the Walker team proposed an online catalogue of works acquired since 2005 with a
view toward developing a model whereby objects could be published as soon as they are
acquired. This model requires the Walker’s team to take a proactive approach to acquiring
intellectual property rights at the time a work enters the collection whenever possible. The
OSCI planning phase of this project has occurred simultaneously with the Walker’s plans to
adopt and implement CollectionSpace, an open-source collections management system, to
replace their current collections management system built on FileMaker. Walker Art Center. Image
courtesy Walker Art Center.


Intellectual Property Rights

Maureen Whalen, Associate General Counsel, The J. Paul Getty Trust

Museums have long published print catalogues of works in their collections. By and large, museum
personnel seek permission to reproduce pictures in a catalogue either because the work depicted
is protected by copyright and the museum does not own the copyright, or because the work is
in the public domain but not in the museum’s collections and the museum needs to obtain a
high-quality digital copy from the owner of the work (permission is most commonly required for
comparative illustrations of works not in the museum’s collections). In many cases, owners of
artworks claim copyright in the photograph or digital surrogate of two-dimensional, public domain
works notwithstanding the court decisions in Bridgeman Art Library, Ltd. v. Corel Corp. (25 F. Supp.
2d 421 [1998] and 36 F. Supp. 2d 191 [1999]). Online Scholarly Catalogue Initiative (OSCI) participants
recognized at the beginning of their projects that copyright law and permissions would impact their
online catalogues, although no one was quite sure what that impact would be.
Just as all the OSCI museums have expertise in print publishing, they all have extensive websites,
and they are familiar with granting and obtaining rights and reproductions permissions for the online
environment. In many cases, the museums acquire licensed rights for use of images of works in their
collections and for which they do not own the copyright. Museums also grant third parties the rights to
use images of works in their collections for which they either own the copyright or in which they claim
copyright, or for which they require a credit for the digital surrogate of a work in the public domain.
As explained elsewhere in this report, the questions and opinions about online scholarly catalogues
are numerous and continue to challenge museums. Generally, however, the discussion to date about
the catalogues focuses on two distinct aspects of the publication—content and functionality.
Content is not perceived to change substantially the rights and reproductions analysis from the
more familiar print publishing practices. Website experience, however, indicates that the functionality
embodied in online publications does make a difference to rights holders. The question for the rights
analysis for online scholarly catalogues remains: To what extent will the differences between print
and electronic publishing affect the permissions process and negotiations?
Online functionalities such as resolution size, downloading and printing, enlarging and magnifying
details, storing, linking, and cutting and pasting materials from one document to another facilitate use
of materials for scholars. For rights holders these functions appear to offer unlimited opportunities for
unauthorized uses of images and continue to lead to cautious and limited grants of permission. Each

of the OSCI museums is determining what functionality its catalogue will offer; therefore, it remains
to be seen how rights holders will react to permission requests for highly interactive exposure versus
PDF, print-type publications.
To date, the major concern with online rights is the limited term offered by rights holders. While
it seems that some rights holders are willing to extend the license term to ten years for copyright-
protected works and for perpetuity for public domain works, no accepted practice for online scholarly
catalogues has emerged. If online rights need to be renegotiated at least every ten years, the finances
and administration of the electronic catalogue are endless.
The General Counsel’s Office at the J. Paul Getty Trust drafted and distributed an online scholarly
catalogue license to the OSCI museums. The major provisions are as follows:
1. The right to reproduce the Images on a royalty-free basis in digital format(s) as part of the
Catalogue and to include the work title, attribution information, courtesy credit to rights
holder and/or owner of the work, and/or copyright notice;
2. The right to allow users to download and/or print all or part of the Catalogue, including
the Images;
3. The right to modify the digital format of the Images for compatibility with software
applications and computer operating systems;
4. The right to make the Catalogue, including the Images, available at no charge in all media
now known and hereinafter invented including, without limitation, the World Wide Web,
DVDs, and handheld devices such as iPods, for an unlimited period of time; and
5. The right to make the Catalogue available on websites and via other digital distribution
technologies that may include advertising.
Thus far, negotiations for permission have been limited, although as mentioned above, it has been
difficult to obtain web use permission for an unlimited period of time.
As part of the rights and reproductions analysis, the OSCI museums (at least, those in the United
States) may consider the fair use of images. In most, if not all, cases, a scholarly catalogue should
meet the statutory four-factor test for fair use (17 U.S.C. 107). The courts have held that “thumbnail-
size” digital images and reduced-size print reproductions qualify for the fair use defense, provided
the four-factor test is met (see Kelly v. Arriba Soft, 280 F.3d 934 [2002]) and 336 F.3d 811 [2003]; Bill
Graham Archives v. Dorling Kindersley, Ltd., 448 F.3d 605 [2006]; and Perfect 10 v. Amazon, 508 F.3d
1146 [2007]). The courts, however, did not define a thumbnail-size image.
In January 2011 the Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD) adopted the AAMD Policy
on the Use of “Thumbnail” Digital Images in Museum Online Initiatives (see
documents/AAMDFairUseGuidelinesHLP1-10-11_2_.pdf). In this document, the AAMD defines (i) a
thumbnail-size image as 250 x 300 pixels and (ii) the characteristics of an online scholarly publication.
This is based on the definition of an online scholarly publication used by the Metropolitan Museum
of Art in its license for ARTstor’s Images for Academic Publishing (see
is-artstor/w-pdf/terms-conditions-iap.pdf). Whether thumbnail-size images will meet the needs of

curators and users of online scholarly catalogues remains to be determined. While use of thumbnails
may remove the need for labor intensive and expensive rights and reproductions work, thumbnail-size
images also limit the opportunities technology offers and the resulting benefits that scholars could
obtain from online publications.
Orphan works—works that may still be protected by copyright law but for which the rights
holder is not identifiable or locatable—also pose some legal risk of infringement claims. Generally,
OSCI participants expressed that they feel more comfortable including an orphan work in the online
scholarly catalogue. If a claimant emerges and a reasonable license cannot be negotiated for use of
the image(s), then removal of the image is thought to be easier in the online environment. Printing
books is expensive and eliminating pages is difficult.
At this midpoint in the OSCI project, all participants know that rights and permissions are
important issues that must be addressed before publication. They also recognize that the functionality
of the catalogue will be shaped in part by copyright law. No clear answers to the thorny permissions
issues have emerged, but OSCI participants will continue to grapple with these issues and seek fair
and balanced solutions that benefit the scholarly community, the creators, and the rights holders.

Portrait of Alfonso d’Avalos, Marchese del

Vasto, in Armor with a Page, Titian, 1533.
Oil on canvas, unframed 435⁄16 x 311⁄2 in.
The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles.

Draft Intellectual Property Rights Permission Request

This draft permission letter requests rights similar to the Creative Commons Non-
Commercial, Attribution, and No Derivative Works license. Much of the boilerplate
contract language such as representations, warranties, indemnification, choice of
law, and termination has been deleted intentionally. While this approach is designed
to simplify the permissions process, it may result in less protection to the museum
because the agreement does not provide any recourse against the rights grantor if
there are infringement claims from others. Institutions should therefore consider
the legal risks and its contractual requirements for online publishing projects before
relying exclusively on this template.

Subject: Request to Publish and Distribute [Insert Description of Work(s)]

Dear Sir or Madam:

The [insert name] Museum (hereinafter “Museum”), a non-profit, charitable organization, is

a participant in the Online Scholarly Catalogue Initiative being funded by The J. Paul Getty Trust in
Los Angeles. For more information about the Initiative, please see
As part of the Initiative, the Museum will be publishing a catalogue of [insert description works]
from our collections in electronic form that may be accessed via the World Wide Web (hereinafter
“Catalogue”) without any access restrictions and at no cost to the user. We have no plans to publish
the Catalogue in print; however, we will allow people to download all or part of the Catalogue and
to print it [optional: and we will offer people the right to obtain for a fee the Catalogue as a
print-on-demand publication].
We are requesting permission to include [insert description of work(s); may opt to list works
on an exhibit or attachment to the letter depending on the number and description of works
being requested; if so, it is necessary to incorporate by reference the exhibit or attachment]
(hereinafter “Images”) in the Catalogue. Specifically, we are requesting permission to do the

1. The right to reproduce the Images on a royalty-free basis in digital format(s) as part of the
Catalogue and to include the work title, attribution information, courtesy credit to rights
holder and/or owner of the work, and/or copyright notice, all as set forth on the above-
referenced list of Images;

2. The right to allow users to download and/or print all or part of the Catalogue, including
the Images;

3. The right to modify the digital format of the Images for compatibility with software
applications and computer operating systems;

4. The right to make the Catalogue, including the Images, available at no charge in all media
now known and hereinafter invented including, without limitation, the World Wide Web,
DVDs, and handheld devices such as iPods, for an unlimited period of time; and

5. The right to make the Catalogue available on websites and via other digital distribution
technologies that may include advertising.

Other than as set forth above, we shall not authorize others to reproduce, publish, or distribute
the Catalogue, including the Images, in whole or in part. We recognize the importance of copyright
law exceptions such as fair use and the libraries and archives exception; we may use Images in
accordance with such legal exceptions and we may allow others to do so as well. We realize this
request for rights may seem broad when compared to requests for rights for traditional print
publications. While we recognize this concern, we are asking for rights because we know that twenty-
first century scholarship is dependent upon free and easy access to quality materials on the World
Wide Web. We agree to post prominently the terms and conditions relating to use of the Catalogue,
including the Images. We hope you will agree to our request.
[If a high-quality digital surrogate of the work is needed in addition to permission to
reproduce and distribute that digital image as part of the Catalogue, include the following
We are also requesting that you provide us with a high-resolution digital copy of certain
Images as identified on the above-referenced list. The digital copy will be used solely for the
purposes described herein.]
Please let me know if you have any questions. If you agree to the requested grant of rights, please
acknowledge that agreement by signing and dating this letter in the space designated below and
returning a copy to me at [insert contact information].


Agreed to and Accepted by:





Functional Requirements
This document from the National Gallery of Art is intended to provide insight into the nature of a
functional requirements document for readers who are unfamiliar with such material. Please note that
the needs for each institution may vary widely (see Glossary of Abbreviations and Technical Terms, p. 51).

# Functional Requirement Category Notes Priority

1 System shall allow user to click on a link associated with a content object citation Which content High
or search result item to generate a preformatted scholarly citation that objects can be cited?
can be cut and pasted by the user Texts for sure. Images?
2 System shall allow user to choose the format of the preformatted content citation APA, MLA, High
object citation that can be cut /pasted Chicago /Turabian
3 System shall generate a preformatted content object citation in a citation BibTeX, MODS, Refer / High
structured format that can be imported by EndNote, Zotero BiblX, RIS, Zotero RDF
4 System shall generate as part of the preformatted citation, a persistent citation High
URL that links to the version of the content object being cited
5 System shall generate citation links back to specific points in a given text citation HTML anchor jumps High
content objects
6 System shall send an automated e-mail to a registered user who has citation Low
recorded a citation to one or more content objects that have been
updated/replaced by a newer version
7 System shall allow user to select a view of a content element (for example, content display Only “substantive” Medium
essay, biography, exhibition history, but not art object tombstone) that changes would count.
displays all of its previously published versions Should this include
tombstone data?
8 System shall display a link to a page listing traditional front matter and content display High
back matter
9 System shall provide ability to link from in-text bibliographic and footnote content display Medium
references to a National Gallery of Art (NGA) library system record when
the NGA holds the referenced work or a WorldCat record when the NGA
doesn’t hold the referenced work
10 System shall display citations, footnotes, and bibliographic references content display High
associated with SysCat texts
11 System shall display texts marked up in a structured format in a manner content display If XML, a DTD and CSS High
that supresses visibility of tagging structure are required, if RDF, an
ontology is required
along with DTD and CSS
12 System shall display a link allowing users to view the XML/RDF structure content display Low
of a text
13 System shall handle the UTF-8 character set in display and input of all text content display High
14 System shall display artist biography texts, object summaries, object essays, content display High
conservation technical notes, and introductory essays along with the
following content items where relevant: endnotes, bibliography, digital
images, comparative figures, author name(s), peer reviewed, object tomb-
stone, provenance, exhibition history, inscription texts, publication date

15 System shall display “related items” from other NGA information resources content display For example, public web High
alongside biography and essay texts and technical notes content, gallery shops,
digital media
16 System shall display NGA artist and object metadata from TMS++ data content display High
17 System shall display digital image metadata from DAM data source content display High
18 System shall allow user to display bibliographic lists of “works cited” and content display High
“history of scholarship”
19 System shall display an inventory of all images available in the NGA DAM content display Low
relevant to the displayed art object
20 System shall allow user to sort master bibliographic lists by the following content display High
attributes: author, “where cited,” publication type (for example, book,
journal article, year)
21 System shall allow user to create a persistent personal user account that data export Anything else they might Low
allows the user to save and name multiple “My Stuff” lists of content want to save?
objects and searches
22 System shall allow download of large NGA object images to user’s data export NGA objects only. Need High
local storage to establish maximum
size rule(s)
23 System shall allow export of a text file containing the metadata associated data export For example, EXIF, XMP, Low
with one or more images MODS
24 System shall allow user to export content objects and their related data export High
information as a PDF file formatted to display only relevant information
and eliminating extraneous website navigation and design elements
25 System shall allow user to save a PDF aggregation of the entire SysCat data export High
content as a single file formatted to display only relevant information and
eliminating extraneous website navigation and design elements
26 System shall automatically generate an OAI-style harvestable XML file data export What XML schema(s)? Medium
containing all SysCat data RDF /OWL?
27 System shall publish metadata harvestable by Google Scholar data export Medium
28 System shall allow download of the 1995 version of Dutch SysCat in data export High
PDF format
29 System shall provide contextual help to users help Hovering over a function Medium
displays a pop-up short
description /explanation
(for example, “Export”)
30 System shall contextually display definitions of technical terms help High
31 System shall allow user to zoom in and out of digital images image display What level of maximum High
zoom? NGA mother file
size? Smaller?
32 System shall allow user to display zoomed/compared images against a image display 12% gray High
gray, white, or black background
33 System shall allow user to zoom into images by increasing magnification image display Includes object photos, High
of the object to allow inspection of the fine detail of images of NGA technical photos.
art objects Likely does not include
comparative figures
34 System shall display an option for user to view detailed rights and image display Anything else? High
reproductions information associated with a digital image. Information
shall minimally include name of rights holder, contact info for rights holder,
and copyright/copyleft /open source /creative commons specifications
35 System shall allow user to compare NGA object images as singletons, pairs, image display Thumbnail grid? High
trios, or quartets
36 System shall display comparative figures and their captions inline image display High
within texts
37 System shall allow for designation of prefabricated links available to users image display For example, Medium
that preset areas /levels of zoom in photos artist signature
38 System shall display a thumbnail overview of current x /y /z axis status image display High
of image zoom

39 System shall allow two versions of an art object’s images to be overlayed image display High
atop one another (for example, master object images on technical
images), with the ability for the user to cross-fade or wipe from one
image to another
40 System shall export images with their headers minimally stocked with the image export What fields? Medium
following metadata fields in EXIF and /or XMP format Other formats?
41 System shall allow user to add a search or browse result item to be added personal data High
to an “Export items” list that will persist the length of the browser session storage
42 System shall allow user to e-mail the list of “My Stuff” content items to an personal data High
e-mail address and allow specification of a subject line and a body message storage
43 System shall use a print style sheet to allow user to print SysCat site pages. printing High
The style sheet shall supress display of extraneous website navigation and
design elements
44 System shall allow field-based keyword searching of artist, title, date of search /retrieval High
birth and date of execution (of work), medium, essay texts, and so on
45 System shall display, as the user types in the field-based form field, search /retrieval High
a drop-down suggestion list of available /potential field attributes
46 System shall allow use of Boolean operators (and, or, not) in field-based search /retrieval High
search form via explicit operator selection fields
47 System shall display as the user fills in field-based search form fields, an search /retrieval Medium
auto-refreshed calculation of the number of search results a user will
retrieve based on the search criteria
48 System shall index site content so as to facilitate retrieval of relevant search /retrieval High
results from a field-based search
49 System shall display field-based search results by default with the most search /retrieval Possible relevance factors: High
relevant results at the top of the list and descending in relevance keyword frequency, phrase
matching, and so on
50 System shall display 20 field-based or browse results per page by default search /retrieval High
51 System shall display paginated search results allowing the user to search /retrieval High
navigate forward and backward in both field-based or browse results
52 System shall allow user choice to display 20, 50, or 100 field-based or search /retrieval High
browse results on a page
53 System shall persist a user’s selection of the number of field-based search /retrieval High
or browse search results to display per page throughout the user’s
browser session
54 System shall persist display of a user’s selection of multiple search results search /retrieval This facilitates selecting High
across paginated search result pages while perusing multiple
result pages
55 System shall allow user to refine current search results by modifying the search /retrieval Medium
search criteria, the result being a subset of the original search results
56 System shall track and display a list of the user’s field-based searches search /retrieval High
performed in a given browser session
57 System shall allow user to recall any field-based search previously search /retrieval High
performed in a given browser session by clicking on an item in the
displayed list of previous searches
58 System shall allow user to sort field-based or browse search results by search /retrieval Need to mock this up High
clicking on headers of the result display so we know what sort of
handles to offer
59 System shall display the user’s search string in context with the search /retrieval For example, Medium
field-based search results [TITLE]=”%skate%”
AND [ARTIST]=”%averk%”
60 System shall allow administrative management of a synonym ring and /or search /retrieval High
authority file in support of field-based /browse search
61 System shall use synonym ring and/or authority file to display alternative search /retrieval High
options for search criteria based on comparison of the ring /file to the
search criteria input by the user in a field-based search
62 System shall display a pop-up box preview of a search result item search /retrieval Low
content element when the user hovers the mouse over the search or
browse result item

63 System shall display the content object when a user clicks on a search or search /retrieval High
browse result item
64 System shall allow user to filter field-based searches based on the type search /retrieval Text object types, for High
of content object they wish to search. The type sort list shall minimally example, synopsis, entry,
include images and text object types exhibition history,
provenance, bibliography,
biography, endnotes
65 System shall allow user to specify “wider” in field-based search index search /retrieval Expands the result set Low
terms selected from a controlled vocabulary resulting in results that by returning broader
include all of the “Broader than” terms associated with the applied concepts
index term
66 System shall allow faceted browse searching search /retrieval Possible facets: artist, High
period, style, school,
of-ness, about-ness, tag
cloud, content object type
67 System shall allow user to click on links embedded in texts to initiate search /retrieval High
searches based on keywords contained within the link
68 System shall allow user to generate a URL for linking back to any page search /retrieval Consider offering Medium
displayed in the site shortened URL for sharing
links with others?
69 System shall support a technical interface with web services-based search /retrieval Medium
controlled vocabularies minimally including ULAN, AAT, TGN,
70 System shall display field-based search results that highlight the keyword search /retrieval Medium
terms in the displayed text
71 System shall allow linking from a “works cited” bibliography record to search /retrieval Consider option for High
a search result of all objects citing that record showing individual essays
in results of citation link
72 System shall provide a persistent link from a displayed object /artist to search /retrieval High
the public website view of the same object /artist
73 System shall display a link on all SysCat pages back to the public website search /retrieval High
main collection search page
74 System shall allow user to add and subtract browse search facets into the search /retrieval Medium
current or past browser search result
75 System shall display a visual timeline of artists, works of art, and other timeline Low
world events. Clicking on an artist, work of art, or world event displays
additional information

Glossary of Abbreviations and Technical Terms

AAT: The Art & Architecture Thesaurus, Getty MODS: Metadata Object Description Schema
Vocabularies (
tools/vocabularies/aat/index.html) OAI: Open Archives Initiative

APA: American Psychological Association OWL: Web Ontology Language

style, a formatting and citation method for
PDF: Portable Document Format
scholarly writing in the social sciences
RDF: Resource Description Framework
BibTeX: a program and file format used to
manage lists of references
RIS: a standardized file format developed by
Research Information Systems, Incorporated
Boolean Operators: used in searching to
for bibliographic citations
create relationships between words, includes
“and,” “not,” “or”
SysCat: Systematic Catalog
CSS: Cascading Style Sheets, a type of
TGN: The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic
formatting for Web documents
Names (
DAM: Digital Asset Management system
TMS: The Museum System, a collections
DTD: Document Type Definition (for XML
management system
ULAN: Union List of Artist Names Online
EndNote: bibliographic software tool
EXIF: Exchangeable Image File Format
URL: Uniform Resource Locator, an address
Google Scholar: Google search engine for identifying the location of a file on the Internet
scholarly materials (
UTF-8: Unicode Transformation Format-8
HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language, main
WorldCat: global catalogue of library
language used to create content on the World
Wide Web
XML: Extensible Markup Language
ICONCLASS: a classification system designed
for art and iconography
XMP: Extensible Metadata Platform
Metadata: Descriptive information about a
Zotero: bibliographic research tool
particular data set, object, or resource
MLA: Modern Language Association style, a
formatting and citation method for scholarly
writing in the humanities


Citation Guide for

Online Scholarly Catalogues
Creating a Persistent Identifier (PID) for your resource
ensures that citations remain valid
As an institution, you need to ensure that your electronic resources have stable, unique identifiers.
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) are unstable and increasingly unacceptable; instead, there are
several types of PIDs that serve as permanent references. The PID allows institutions to change
URLs—where things are located on the web—without having to change every link to those things,
and without user citations leading to dead ends. Only one change is needed: the new URL must be
connected to the unchanged PID. This means that the user will always find your catalogue at the same
web address: for example, the catalogue will appear at even if the actual
location of it is no longer at The PID ensures that your resource will always be
locatable. The type of PID you choose to generate depends on your level of access to a technical team.

For institutions with technology experts on their OSCI team,

a handle is a good PID to use
To create a handle, register with This requires a small fee ($50), along with an
annual service fee ($50 for one year or $425 for ten years). Then, after your technical team sets up the
system, a program will run continually on a computer within your organization—this is the “server”
for your handles. Each time you generate a new digital object, a new handle is created as well.
If you do not have a technical team available, the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) offers
open-source software for creating persistent URLs (PURLs), and maintains the back end for you on
their servers. Register at Note that OCLC intended this program as a first step
toward encouraging widespread responsibility in preserving digital resources, and may eventually
discontinue the service; however, they expect inexpensive and mechanical conversion from OCLC
PURLs to other servers.

Further measures to assist users with citations and address updates

Institutions often incorporate recommendations for citations into their online resources. This gives
a measure of control over the way work is attributed and also encourages scholarly accountability.
Including a “last modified” date in conjunction with the citation methodoloy is also a good practice
as it allows the user to track versions of the catalogue.


This report is drawn from extensive interviews

with participants in the Online Scholarly Catalogue
Initiative as well as conference presentations, sum-
maries of convenings, and reports from grantees.
The Getty Foundation is grateful to everyone who
participated in the shaping of this report, especially
Holly Witchey, Kristin Kelly, and Anne Helmreich.

© 2012 J. Paul Getty Trust

The Getty Foundation

1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 800

Los Angeles, CA 90049-1685 USA

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