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Lecture 1a
 An escalator is a moving staircase – a conveyor transport
device for carrying people between floors of a building.
 Escalators are powered by constant-speed alternating
current motors and move at approximately 300–600mm per
second. The maximum angle of inclination of an escalator
to the horizontal floor level is 30 degrees with a standard
rise up to about 18000mm. Modern escalators have single
piece aluminum or steel steps that move on a system of
tracks in a continuous loop.
 Direction of movement (up or down) can be permanently
the same, or be controlled by personnel according to the
time of day, or automatically be controlled by whoever
arrives first, whether at the bottom or at the top. The
system is programmed so that the direction is not reversed
while a passenger is on the escalator.
• They have the capacity to move large numbers of people.
• Deliver passengers continuously at constant speed and
usually with no delay at the boarding level; annoyance
due to waiting is eliminated
• No time is lost by acceleration, retardation, leveling, and
door operation, or by passenger interference in getting in
or out of the cars.
• They can be used to guide people toward main exits or
special exhibits.
• Passengers ride on an open, airy, observation-type
conveyance that can never trap them in case of power
failure or mechanical malfunction
• Has a decorative/design function and its open,
observation characteristic is frequently used to expose
riders to specific visual panoramas
The Escalator consists of the following components:
1. Landing Platforms
2. Truss
3. Tracks
4. Steps
5. Handrail
6. Escalator Exterior (Balustrade)
7. Drive system
8. Auto-Lubrication System
9. Braking system
10. Safety devices
11. Electrical & Control Systems
Landing Platforms
 These two platforms house the curved sections of the tracks, as
well as the gears and motors that drive the stairs. The top platform
contains the motor assembly and the main drive gear, while the
bottom holds the step return idler sprockets. These sections also
anchor the ends of the escalator truss.
 In addition, the platforms contain a floor plate and a combplate.
The floor plate provides a place for the passengers to stand before
they step onto the moving stairs.
 This plate is flush with the finished floor and is either hinged or
removable to allow easy access to the machinery below. The
combplate is the piece between the stationary floor plate and the
moving step. It is so named because its edge has a series of cleats
that resemble the teeth of a comb. These teeth mesh with
matching cleats on the edges of the steps. This design is necessary
to minimize the gap between the stair and the landing, which helps
prevent objects from getting caught in the gap.
Major Components of Landing Platforms
 Combplates also known as walk-on plates are an entrance and exit for
the passengers to the steps. It provides mounting for the comb
segments and combplate (comb impact) switch actuator.
 Comb Segments are replaceable sections, usually between 6” to 8” in
width or maybe narrower, with teeth that mesh (comb) into the step
treads. Comb segment may also be called a combplate by non-standard
noun name. A left hand, a right hand, or a middle section comb
segment can be identified by the pattern of the combs on their sides
and by the width or number of combs.
 Access Covers used as an access to the pit area for inspection,
maintenance, and repairs. The lower landing access cover plates
provide access to the reversing station and step removal. The upper
access cover plates may provide an access to the driving machine, bull
gear, and sometimes the controller.
 Comb Lights are an optional safety device used to illuminate the area
where steps and comb segments meet, mounted at the upper and
lower landing above the comb segments. They are from a different
power source that stays on always even if the unit is not running.
The escalator truss is the structural frame of the escalator and consists of
three major areas:
 The lower section,
 Incline section,
 Upper section.

 It is a hollow metal structure that bridges the lower and upper landings.
It is composed of two side sections joined together with cross braces
across the bottom and just below the top.
 The ends of the truss are attached to the top and bottom landing
platforms via steel or concrete supports. The truss carries all the
straight track sections connecting the upper and lower sections.
 The structural steel truss members are designed to carry the entire load
of the escalator equipment and the steel covering without shifting more
than specified by the contract requirements.
 The entire structure is rigid enough to maintain close operating
tolerances but will allow for building shift and vibration because of a
built-in system of shift- plates and Teflon pads.
 The track system is built into the truss to guide the step chain,
which continuously pulls the steps from the bottom platform and
back to the top in an endless loop. There are actually two tracks:
one for the front wheels of the steps (called the step wheel track)
and one for the back wheels of the steps (called the trailer-wheel
 The relative positions of these tracks cause the steps to form a
staircase as they move out from under the combplate. Along the
straight section of the truss, the tracks are at their maximum
distance apart. This configuration forces the back of one step to be
at a 90-degree angle relative to the step behind it. This right angle
bends the steps into a shape resembling a staircase.
 At the top and bottom of the escalator, the two tracks converge so
that the front and back wheels of the steps are almost in a straight
line. This causes the stairs to lay in a flat sheet-like arrangement,
one after another, so they can easily travel around the bend in the
curved section of track.
 The tracks carry the steps down along the underside of the truss
until they reach the bottom landing, where they pass through
another curved section of track before exiting the bottom landing.
At this point, the tracks separate and the steps once again assume a
staircase configuration. This cycle is repeated continually as the
steps are pulled from bottom to top and back to the bottom again.
Three major assemblies of the tracks
 The track assembly is bolted but not welded on the truss for easy
removal. Sometimes they are mounted on boilerplate (support
plate mounted against the truss) or curve plates at the upper and
lower landing sections.
 The tracks are used to guide steps wheels and step chains in their
travel around the escalator truss. They are curved at the upper
and the lower end of the incline to allow smooth transition of
steps from the form of stairs to a horizontal movement, or vice
 The lower and top end tracks are formed semi-circles to contain
the chains and the step rollers going around them.
a. Circle Tracks or Crab tracks (A) are located at the top and bottom pits.
Most of the outer circle tracks have access windows for easy step
removal. Some are mounted on a removable or replaceable curve plate.
Circle tracks provide smooth step travel at the end of the tracks. The
distance of the inside circle track from the carriage shaft of Westinghouse
escalator is used to measure the wear of the step chain.

b. Bevelled Track (B) provides smooth transition of chain wheels to and

from the carriage sprockets. Bevelled track eliminates the bumping effect
of the chain wheels to the tracks, thus minimizing premature wear and
damage to the wheels.

c. Chain Wheel, Upper Upthrust (hold down) Track (C) is used to hold
down and guide chain wheels to and from the transition.

d. Chain Wheel, Upper Line Track (D). Used to support the chain wheels
to/from the bull gear sprockets' top end through the incline area down to
the carriage sprockets' top, or vice versa.
e. Step Wheel, Lower Upthrust Track (E). A few feet of track used to
hold down and guide step wheels to and from the transition area.

f. Step Wheel, Lower Line Track or Flat Track (F) works in conjunction
with the lower upthrust step wheel track. Flat track supports the step
wheels in either ascending or descending through the incline.

g. Chain Wheel, Return Track (G) is used to support the chain wheels
from the bull gear lower end to the carriage lower end, or vice versa.

h. Step Wheel, Return Track (H). Slightly above the chain wheel return
track at the incline section of the non-passenger side. Step wheel return
track is used to position the step treads to run in parallel with the chain
wheel return track.
 The steps are solid, one piece, die-
cast aluminum or steel. Yellow
demarcation lines may be added to
clearly indicate their edges.
 The steps are linked by a continuous
metal chain that forms a closed loop.
The front and back edges of the
steps are each connected to two
 The rear wheels are set further apart
to fit into the back track and the
front wheels have shorter axles to fit
into the narrower front track.
 As described above, the position of
the tracks controls the orientation of
the steps.
Steps Major Components
 The Step Plate (Tread) is the surface area of the step people step on. The step
plate is usually made of an aluminum plate with longitudinal cleats or grooves
that run through the combs and provide secure footing.
 The Step Riser is the vertical cleat cast into the front of a step, designed to
pass between the cleats of adjacent step, thus creating a combing action with
minimum clearance for safety.
 The Demarcations are yellow strips or may be in bold color around the step
tread but mostly located at the front and at the rear ends of the tread. They
are used to visually locate the step separation and visual contrast between the
steps and the combs.
 Frame/Yoke - main support for riser, step tread, and step wheels
 Trail Wheels are used to guide the step and support its load on the track and
prevent it from being out of plane.
 Step Hook normally attached to the end of the yoke by the step wheel used to
activate the step up thrust safety device when the steps are not on their plane
of travel at the top and bottom inclines.
The Handrail provides a convenient handhold for passengers while they are
riding the escalator. In an escalator, the handrail is pulled along its track by a
chain that is connected to the main drive gear by a series of pulleys.
Handrail Components
 At the center of the handrail is a "slider “also known as a "glider
ply," which is a layer of a cotton or synthetic textile. The purpose
of the slider layer is to allow the handrail to move smoothly
along its track.
 The next layer, known as the “tension member” consists of
either steel cable or flat steel tape and provides the handrail with
tensile strength and flexibility.
 On top of the tension member are the inner construction
components which are made of chemically treated rubber
designed to prevent the layers from separating.
 Finally, the outer layer, the only part that passengers actually see
is the cover which is a blend of synthetic polymers and rubber,
this cover is designed to resist degradation from environmental
conditions, mechanical wear and tear, and human vandalism.
Escalator Exterior (Balustrade)
The Balustrade consists of the handrail The balustrade may also refer to the
and the exterior supporting structure individual interior panels, skirt panels,
of the escalator. It is the escalator and deck covers of the escalator. Each
exterior components extending above interior balustrade panel section is
the steps and it supports the handrail. individually removable to allow easy
It is either designed as Interior Low- access to the escalator interior for
deck or Interior High-deck. cleaning, maintenance, and
component replacement.
Escalator Exterior (Balustrade) Components
1. Interior Low-deck has interior or side panels that are usually glass panels that
support the handrail base.
2. Interior High-deck is the side panel and is usually aluminum or steel alloy
sheets, sometimes called solid panels. The major components of interior high-
deck are:
a. Skirt Panel - commonly called a “Skirt." It is the interior covering of the
balustrade located alongside the steps. It houses the actuator for the skirt safety
switch. Side Safety Brushes are installed slightly above the step level on the skirt
panel to provide passenger safety between the side of the steps and the skirt.
b. Interior Panel - commonly called “side panel" by mechanics. The central
point of the balustrade that supports the handrail base and sets the proper
elevation for handrails on a glass balustrade. It provides access to the handrail;
driver, idlers, sheaves, skirt switches in interior high-deck balustrades, and
various components.
c. Handrail Stand - the handrail tracks or guides located above the side panels or
maybe the upper deck.
d. High-deck Interior - the top most, inner part of the balustrade that supports
the handrail track or guide.
e. High-deck Exterior - top most outer covering of the balustrade outside and
above the side panels. Supports the outer side of the handrail guide. If the
outer edge of the deck is greater than 12 inches from centerline of the handrail,
an anti-slide device or sometimes called baggage stops (like a hockey puck) must
be installed.
f. Low-deck Interior or Inner Decks - the inner covering of the balustrade located
between the glass panels and the skirts. Provide access to the handrail drivers
and skirt switches in interior low-deck balustrades.
g. Low-deck Exterior or Outer Decks - the outer covering of the balustrade
located outside the glass panels.
h. Exterior Panel is an outer covering below the high-deck exterior.
i. Newel - is the balustrade termination at the upper and the lower landing of
the escalator in a semi-circle shape. It normally houses the following switches;
emergency stop, on/off, up/down or directional indicator lighting. Entry to and
exit from the escalator normally occurs at one of the newels and several
important features are conveniently located at each.
j. Newel Base or Front Plates - supports the newel stand and it may house the
Handrail Inlet (Guard) Safety Device.
k. Emergency Stop Button is the most important feature at each Newel. The
Emergency Buttons are located so that anyone can stop the escalator if there is a
need. These switches have a lift cover that will sound an audible alarm when
lifted. When either button is pushed, power to the electrical drive motor is shut
off and the escalator brake is applied.
l. Key Operated Switches are located on each Newel and they are used to
control the “ON” and “OFF” operation and the direction of escalator travel.
These switches are intended for the use of authorized personnel only.
Drive Systems
An escalator drive system includes the following components:
Drive Machine and Gear Reducer. The Drive machine together with
the gear reducer provides the torque to drive the step band at a
constant speed. The drive machine motor is typically a three-phase
AC direct-on-line flange mounted unit. It is either directly or flexibly
coupled to the reduction gear.
The Step Drive System. The step motion is achieved by a direct step
assembly connection to the step chains. Two-step chains; one for
each side of the escalator are directly coupled to the Main Drive axle,
the bull gear shaft, through the step chain sprockets. The step chain
form a loop for the length of the truss, from the step chain sprockets
at the upper end down to the tension carriage gear or turnaround
(depending on the manufacturer) at the lower end or the lower
reversing station.
The Handrail Drive System. The handrail drive moves the handrail
along the handrail tracking system through traction on the V-shaped
handrail underside.
Drive Machine and Gear Reducer

Step Drive System

Handrail Drive System
Auto-Lubrication System
The escalators have an Automatic
Lubrication System that supplies oil to
lubricate the main drive chain, step chain,
and the handrail drive chains. Oil flow
rate is adjustable by setting the automatic
timer control “off” and “on” periods to
supply more or less lubrication.

The Automatic Lubricator has a gage to

show oil reservoir level. The Lubrication
Timer can be programmed for any time
mode. The system dispenses pre-
determined amounts of oil to the
distribution network which delivers this
oil to the bearing points.
Braking Systems

The braking systems on an escalator

utilize three different braking
methods as follows:
The Machine Brake.
The drive shaft brake system.
The Main Drive Shaft Brake.
1- The Machine Brake
It is an electromagnetically released, spring-applied, disk that is driven by a spline hub
mounted to the extended worm input shaft of the gear-reducer. This type of brake is
referred to as a fail-safe brake. When the brake coil is de-energized, springs within the
assembly press the armature against the disc, and slowly stop the escalator. If an
emergency button is pushed, if any of the safety switches are opened, or if there is a loss
of power, the coil will be de-energized and the machine brake will be engaged.
2- The drive shaft brake system
It is also known as the Step Chain Locking Device or the broken drive chain device. It is
often referred to by this name when it is used for maintenance purposes to lock the drive
system. In this case, the guide shoe is removed to allow the pawl to drop and engage the
3- The Main Drive Shaft Brake
It uses a pawl that is welded onto one end of the main drive shaft to engage a ratchet
wheel with brake linings on both faces. The brake lining wheel is sandwiched between the
handrail 1st drive sprocket and the step chain sprocket.
A guide shoe lever is welded onto the opposite end of the main drive shaft. The guide
shoe is normally supported by the drive chain and when the chain breaks, the shoe drops
and turns the shaft. The drive shaft brake pawl moves into the ratchet wheel and stops
the escalator when the guide shoe drops.
• Handrails and steps travel at exactly the same speed at
100fpm to assure steadiness and balance and to aid
stepping on or off the combplates
• Steps are large and steady, designed to prevent slipping
• Step with the combplates at each landing prevent tripping
upon entering or leaving the unit; this is accomplished with
2 or 3 horizontal steps at either end of the unit
• The balustrade is designed to prevent catching of
passengers’ clothing or packages; close clearances provide
safety near the combplates and step treads
• Adequate illumination is provided by the building at all
landings, at the combplates, and completely down all
stairways; some escalator designs provide built-in lighting
• An automatic service brake will bring the stairway to a
smooth stop if:
– The drive chain or step chain is broken or abnormally stretched
– A foreign object is jammed into the handrail inlet, between the
skirt guard and step, or between steps, causing them to
– A power failure occurs
– The emergency stop button is operated
– Any of the fire safety system devices operates
– A tread sags, rises, or breaks
– A drive motor malfunction occurs
• In case of overspeed or underspeed, an automatic governor
shuts down the escalator, prevents reversal of direction,
and operates the service brake
• If the unit is stopped by operation of a safety device,
passengers can then walk the steps
• Rolling shutter
Wellway, at a given floor level, is entirely closed
off by fire shutters, thus preventing draft and the
spread of fire upward through the escalator wells.
Temperature and smoke detectors automatically
actuate the motor-driven shutters.
Other shutters may be installed at the tops of
horizontal wellway openings at any floor.
• Smoke-guard
It consists of fireproof baffles surrounding the
wellway and extending downward about 20” below
the ceiling level. Smoke and flames rising upward to
the escalator floor opening meet a curtain of water
automatically released from sprinkler heads of the
usual type at the ceiling level.
The baffle is a smoke and flame deflector. The
vertical shields between adjacent sprinklers ensure
that the spray from one will not cool the nearby
thermal fuses, preventing the opening of adjacent
• Spray-nozzle curtain
The spray-nozzle curtain of water is similar to
the smoke-guard protection. Closely spaced, high-
velocity water nozzles form a compact water
curtain to prevent smoke and flames from rising
through the wellways.
Automatic thermal or smoke relays open all
nozzles simultaneously.
• Sprinkler-vent
The fresh air intake housed on the roof contains
a blower to drive air downward through escalator
floor openings, while the exhaust fan on the roof
creates a strong draft upward through an exhaust
duct; this duct in turn draws air from the separate
ducts just under the ceiling of each moving
stairway floor opening.
Each duct has a number of smoke pickup relays
that automatically start the fresh air fans. The
usual spray nozzles on the ceiling near the
stairways aid in quenching the fire.
• Criss-cross arrangement
– Spiral
– Walk-around
• Parallel arrangement
– Spiral
– Stacked
Multiple parallel
Two or more escalators together
that travel in one direction next to
one or two escalators in the same
bank that travel in the other
“Up” Escalator next to Staircase
It is preferred that staircases be
located adjacent to the escalator if
the escalator is the primary means
of transport between floors.
• In the criss-cross arrangement, the upper and
lower terminal entrances and exits to the up
and down escalators are separated by the
horizontal length of an escalator.
• In parallel arrangement, the two escalators
face in the same direction.
 Must be placed directly in the main line of traffic, in the area served, or
in a totally and dominating location. Speeds of between 0.45 and 0.5
m/s are the common international standard. Speeds of 0.65 and 0.75
m/s are only recommended for higher rises or in public transport.
Increasing the speed does not lead to a proportional rise in transport
capacity, since users hesitate longer before stepping on the unit.
 Sufficient lobby space must be provided at the base for queuing where
anticipated, particularly at discharge points
 Vertical arrangement should be made to accomplish specific purposes,
such as exposure of merchandise, maximum passenger capacity, and
maximum accessibility to various areas.
 Reversibility should be considered in applications where major traffic is
unidirectional. Light traffic in the reverse direction can be handled by a
normal fixed stairs adjacent to the escalator. Similarly, a bank of 2
escalators can operate either both up, both down, or one up and one
down to handle variable traffic conditions in such areas as office
buildings and transportation terminals.
 Provide well-marked escalators with sufficient traffic-carrying capacity.
 Provide collecting space at intermediate landings so that pressure can
be relieved.
 Provide a physical divider at intermediate landing turnaround points that
guides riders away from discharge point, and provide adequate space
and time for riders either to leave at that level or to follow the guide
around and continue the trip.
 Provide a slight setback for the next escalator so that the necessary 180o
turn can readily be negotiated.
 Escalator or ramp layout procedure begins with determination of
vertical rise and approximate location of the escalator and the upper or
lower access space to establish the upper and lower working points.
Since escalators are generally inclined at 30o, the distance between
working points is 1.732 times the rise.
• Moving walk is one with an incline not
exceeding 5o where the principal function is
horizontal motion and inclined motion is
incidental to the horizontal.
• Moving ramp is a device with an incline
limited by code to 15o, where vertical motion
is generally more important than the
horizontal component
• Eliminate and/or accelerate burdensome
• Eliminate congestion
• Force movement
• Easily transport large, bulky objects
• To move persons and wheeled vehicles
• To move persons who lack the agility required
to use the escalator
• To vertically move large, bulky objects

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