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Swedish Institute (SI) Scholarship Programmes

Enclosure to the application for Swedish Institute Study Scholarships for

studies in Sweden on Master’s level for the academic year 2018/2019
The referee is expected to state an opinion of the applicant from a professional perspective, on behalf of
the referred organisation, and will thereby provide an important supplement to the letter of motivation
and the curriculum vitae for your scholarship application.

To be eligible for SI Study Scholarships (SISS), you must provide two different letters of reference. At least
one letter of reference must be based on your work experience. Work experience includes full-time/part-
time employment, voluntary work, internships, and position of trust (for instance, chairperson at student
union). The second letter of reference can be based on your work, but also can be an academic reference
based on your studies at university. However, it will be a merit if the second letter of reference is based on
your involvement in networks or civil society organisations outside of your regular work.

Who can fill out the letter of reference?

The referee should be someone who knows you in a professional rather than personal manner. It does not
have to be your direct manager. For instance, it can be the HR manager, or the head of the organisation, as
long as the person can comment on your work on behalf of your employer.

If you work in a student organisation at your university, you may ask a staff at the university who knows
about your experience, to certify it and it can be stamped by either the university or the organisation.

If you work in a family business or you are the owner, or if you do freelance work, we can accept a
signature from a client or a staff who works at your company but who is not a family member to you.
However, the client cannot be a private person but can be a company/organisation and is only allowed to
certify the working hours that you have worked for them. The stamp should be the official stamp of the

If you do freelance work, you may also ask an officer at the professional association or agency where you
are registered as a freelancer at, or receive works from, to be your referee, sign and stamp on the letter of

Examples of who cannot be referred to and used as referee

 Co-workers
 Family members/relatives/partners/friends
 Individuals who demand compensation (money, goods, favours, services or other means) from you
in order to give you a statement of reference


The letter of reference must be completed in English or alternatively translated by an official notary with
the notary’s appropriate official stamp. The original letter of reference or the English translation should not
exceed two pages (except the instruction page). Any additional page(s) will be disregarded. In order to be
valid, the letter must be completed, dated, signed by the referee, and stamped by the referred
company/organisation/university where you worked or studied at and that the referee represents. The
stamp can be in any language as long as it is the official stamp of the referred organisation.

If your manager has changed job and is unable to represent your former or current employer, we
recommend that you find a different referee that still works at the company/organisation and is able to
comment on your work performance.
If your employer does not have any stamp, we recommend that you provide a letter of reference based on your
experience at another organisation. If it’s the only work experience you have, we may accept official stamp of a
notary office. However, your referee still needs to fill in the template and sign it on behalf of your employer.
The notary needs to certify in English that the referee is entitled to represent the referred organisation and to
write the letter of reference for you.

The letter of reference must have the required official stamp and be signed. The Swedish Institute makes
no exceptions. Letters that are not signed and/or stamped will be disregarded and the application will be
deemed ineligible.

Kindly note that when the letter of reference stretches over two pages, the referee’s signature and the
official stamp of the referred organisation or notary office are required at the bottom of both pages.


You need to merge the two letters of reference into one PDF-file. Please do not include the instruction in
the file. Please present the letter based on your work experience first. If both of your letters are based on
your work, please sort them in reverse chronological order. If any letter is stamped by a notary office, you
should present the notary certificate (if applicable) in the same PDF-file directly after the original letter that
is written and signed by your referee. If any letter is not written in English by your referee, you should
present the translation from the notary office directly after the original letter in the same PDF-file. The PDF-
file should be enclosed along with your online application through our online application portal, during the
application period 2-9 February 2018.


SI will carry out random checks on the applications and applicants to control any false or misleading
information, including fabricated documentation. Should any false information be found, the applicant will
be automatically disqualified from this and future SI scholarship programmes. Any false information
discovered during the scholarship period will cause termination of the scholarship. The scholarship holder
will then have to repay the full scholarship amount to SI.

Do you have any questions?

Please read through the instruction above. Kindly remember that we cannot make any exceptions. If you have
more questions, please make sure that you read through the information about SISS as well as the Frequently
Asked Questions.
Enclosure to the application for Swedish Institute Study Scholarships for
studies in Sweden on Master’s level for the academic year 2018/2019
LETTER OF REFERENCE FORM (Two pages maximum including this page)
The referee may decide how to allocate text between the questions provided, given that the letter does not
exceed two pages. Any additional page(s) will be disregarded. Information should be typed, then printed
and signed by hand by the referee, on behalf of the referred organisation, then scanned and uploaded as a
PDF-file by the applicant along with the online application during the application period 2-9 February 2018.
Kindly note that when the letter of reference stretches over two pages, the referee’s signature and the
official stamp of the referred organisation or notary office are required at the bottom of both pages.
FIRST NAME(S) of applicant (as written in the passport) GIOVANIA
LAST NAME of applicant (as written in the passport) KARTIKA
DATE OF BIRTH of applicant (YYYY-MM-DD) 1993-07-29


the applicant works/worked or studies/studied at
organisation/university DOCUMENTATION
E-MAIL ADDRESS of referee (preferably work e-mail) [email protected]
TELEPHONE NUMBER of referee (with country code) +62 812 4029 0356

What is the letter of reference based on Voluntary work

In what capacity do you know the applicant Staff
How long has the applicant been working/studying with you at 1 year as Head of Publication and
your organisation/university? Please specify number of hours. Documentation in Little Hope
Indonesia; Approximately 448

In your opinion, how would an SI scholarship for master’s studies in Sweden be valuable for the
professional and academic development of the applicant?

She is very interested in developing better human resources and it is reflected in her act to establish
Little Hope Indonesia which provides additional lesson for adolescent in remote area in Salatiga. SI
Scholarship on Master Level would be her milestone to Ph.D degree in accounting and control; field
where she finds interesting and useful for her to possesed. She is a lecturer and has one of a goal to
be accomplished in future such as developing qualified Indonesia's human resources in accounting
field to compete in global workforce. Through SI Scholarship, she would have better chances in
credits system adjustment for accounting and control preparation for her Ph.D program in near
future. I believe that she is a qualified candidate for this SI Master Level Scholarship and would be
Indonesia's asset in the field of accounting and control based on ,y self-observation for her.

Moreover, with this opportunity to study in Sweden, she wants to experience all new culture and
bring all the good cultures to Indonesia such as high awareness in gender equality where Sweden
and other Scandinavia countries placed in the highest rank. I believe this i a great opportunity to
raise this gender equality issues in Indonesia since she is proving it by herself with her strong will to
obtain Master Level study in Sweden through SI Scholarship and Ph.D program after.

Briefly comment on the applicant’s potential to contribute to and/or drive social changes in his/her
She has already established a social community for better education in remote area near her current
domicile location, and drive social changes with such influence to her student to join and help her in
Little Hope Indonesia's Development. She is also an ambassador of tourism runner-up for Salatiga
City. Not just good looking as she is, but in my opinion she has every potential needed to contribute
and drive social changes in anywhere around her.

Please evaluate the applicant’s leadership capacity and potential to play a role in development of
the society (e.g. in networking, motivation and perseverance; problem solving and communication).
Please give a concrete example.

She is one of an example of a good leadership based on how she manages to setablish and even
develop Little Hope Indonesia through its first year. Since we all know that every first year for an
organisation is the hardest part to keep it stable, but she made it with extremely good leadership
skills. This leadership capacity proven by looking at the process she has been through since she has
only one to three closest friends to help her establish this social community until now she manages
to have management board to help her developing Little Hope Indonesia.

She was also competing in Salatiga City Tourism Ambassador and made the runner-up position. I
beileve that all of her accomplishments aformentioned are solid prove that she has all the potential
needed and reflects her motivation and preseverance.

Additional remarks (optional)

For an additional remarks, i would love to give an information that she also used to join an
International voluntary work to teaching in Vietnam's remote area which inspires her to establish
Little Hope Indonesia since her return from Vietnam. She has good heart to develop and prepare
kids, especially those in elementary school at remote area so they would have better future.

I hereby declare that I wrote the letter of reference on behalf of the referred organisation. The information I provide is based on the
facts, my observation and the true estimation I have about the applicant.
Date and place (city, country) Signature of referee Official stamp of the referred organisation or notary office

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