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Coordination of Social

Security Systems
U1 — Periods to be taken
into account for granting
unemployment benefits

Information about
the U1 form and its use
1. The U1 form Example:
• You move from France to the UK and work there for 1 year,
The U1 form certifies your periods of insurance and em- but then lose your job and claim unemployment benefit in
ployment or self employment in another EU country (1) that the UK. Under UK national law to be entitled to unemploy-
will be taken into account for the award of unemployment ment benefit you would normally have to have been insured
benefits. for 2 years. You have only 1 year’s insurance in the UK but,
under the EU rules, the UK will take into account the insur-
ance in France during the relevant period as shown on the
2. Where and when to obtain your U1 form U1. They will add this to the UK insurance to enable you to
satisfy its two year test.
If you are going to work in another EU country, then before
you leave you can request a U1 form from the employment
service or the social security institution you are currently 4. Special rules for self-employed schemes
insured with for unemployment benefits. This is your right
but not an obligation. A full list of institutions can be found When you move to another EU country, it is recommended
at to contact the competent institution to receive the correct
information whenever needed, as not all EU countries have
a specific self-employed scheme.
3. Use of the U1 form

If you become unemployed after working in the country 5. I am unemployed and going to look for
you have moved to and claim unemployment benefit there, work in another country, do I need to take
the record shown on the U1 may need to be used to estab- a U1 form?
lish your entitlement to unemployment benefit. The same
applies if you claim unemployment benefit in your country No. You will receive a form U2 which enables your unem-
of residence after working in another country. When you ployment benefit to be paid for a limited period in the other
claim unemployment benefit in such circumstances, there- country.
fore, you may have to present your U1 to the employment
service when you make your claim. If you do not present
U1, the institutions will exchange necessary information

(1) In the following text, the terms “EU Country” or “EU Member State” will
also refer to Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland as soon as
Regulations 883/2004 and 987/2009 become applicable to them.

© European Union

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