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[1] Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications

Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Release 9.2

July 2018
Describes the Health and Safety Incident Management
module, and discusses how to enter, report, and manage
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide,
Release 9.2

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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................ vii

Audience...................................................................................................................................................... vii
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Products ...................................................................................................... vii
Documentation Accessibility .................................................................................................................... vii
Related Information .................................................................................................................................. viii
Conventions ............................................................................................................................................... viii

1 Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident

1.1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management Overview ............ 1-1
1.1.1 Mobile Applications for Health and Safety Incident Management ............................. 1-1
1.2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management Business Processes.....
1.3 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management Integrations ........ 1-3
1.3.1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book ...................................................................... 1-3
1.3.2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting............................................................ 1-3
1.3.3 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management .......................................... 1-3
1.3.4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Resources............................................................... 1-4
1.3.5 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll .................................................................................. 1-4
1.3.6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Capital Asset Management ............................................... 1-4
1.3.7 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost ................................................................................ 1-4
1.3.8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management ..................................................... 1-4
1.4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Steps
1.4.1 Global Implementation Steps............................................................................................. 1-5
1.4.2 Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Steps................................. 1-5

2 Setting Up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident

Management System
2.1 Understanding the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management
System 2-1
2.1.1 Incident Tracking ................................................................................................................. 2-2
2.1.2 Investigation, Cost, Follow-Up Actions Items, and Incident Task Inquiry (Release 9.2
Update) 2-2
2.1.3 Injury or Illness Case Information..................................................................................... 2-2
2.1.4 Email Notification of Incident............................................................................................ 2-3

2.1.5 Detailed Incident Report..................................................................................................... 2-4
2.1.6 One View Reporting of Incidents ...................................................................................... 2-4
2.1.7 Health and Safety OSHA and BLS Reports ..................................................................... 2-4
2.1.8 Health and Safety EnterpriseOne Pages........................................................................... 2-5
2.1.9 Task Tickler Reminder (Release 9.2 Update) ................................................................... 2-5
2.2 Understanding General System Setup..................................................................................... 2-5
2.3 Understanding Tables Used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident
Management System 2-7
2.4 Setting Up User Defined Codes (UDCs).................................................................................. 2-7
2.4.1 Incident User Defined Codes ............................................................................................. 2-8
2.4.2 Incident People User Defined Codes ................................................................................ 2-9
2.4.3 Incident Injury or Illness User Defined Codes ............................................................. 2-11
2.4.4 Incident Equipment User Defined Codes ..................................................................... 2-11
2.4.5 Incident Environment User Defined Codes.................................................................. 2-12
2.4.6 User Defined Codes for User Defined Incident Data (Release 9.2 Update) ............. 2-12
2.5 Setting Up Category Codes .................................................................................................... 2-13
2.6 Setting Up User Defined Incident Data (Release 9.2 Update) ........................................... 2-14
2.6.1 Setting Up UDC Values for User Defined Incident Data............................................ 2-15
2.6.2 Setting Up Incident User Defined Data Templates...................................................... 2-15
2.7 Understanding Safety Hours.................................................................................................. 2-17
2.8 Setting Up Email Distribution Groups ................................................................................. 2-18
2.8.1 Forms Used to Set up Email Distribution Groups ....................................................... 2-18
2.9 Setting Up Composite Application Framework.................................................................. 2-18
2.10 Understanding Next Numbers .............................................................................................. 2-19
2.11 Understanding Failure Analysis............................................................................................ 2-19
2.12 Understanding Establishments.............................................................................................. 2-20

3 Entering and Managing Incidents

3.1 Understanding Incident Management..................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program (P54HS00) .......... 3-2
3.2.1 Understanding Incident Records....................................................................................... 3-2
3.2.2 Forms Used to Enter Incidents........................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.3 Setting Processing Options for the Incident Master Program (P54HS00) ................... 3-3 Defaults .......................................................................................................................... 3-4 Classifications (Release 9.2 Update) .......................................................................... 3-5 Process............................................................................................................................ 3-7 Task Reminders (Release 9.2 Update) ....................................................................... 3-8 Display ........................................................................................................................... 3-9 Versions....................................................................................................................... 3-11
3.2.4 (Release 9.2 Update) Setting Processing Options for the Incident Task Details Program
(P54HS17) 3-11 Versions....................................................................................................................... 3-11
3.2.5 Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program (P54HS00) 3-11 Details.......................................................................................................................... 3-13 People .......................................................................................................................... 3-15 Equipment .................................................................................................................. 3-16 Change History .......................................................................................................... 3-17

3.3 Entering Incidents Using the Report an Incident Program (P54HS30)............................ 3-18
3.3.1 Understanding How to Enter Incidents Using the Report an Incident Program
(P54HS30) 3-18
3.3.2 Form Used to Report Incidents Using the Report an Incident Program (P54HS30) 3-18
3.3.3 Setting Processing Options for the Report an Incident Program (P54HS30) ........... 3-18 Process......................................................................................................................... 3-19
3.4 Inquiring on Cases ................................................................................................................... 3-19
3.4.1 Understanding the Incident Case Inquiry Program (P54HS210) .............................. 3-19
3.4.2 Form Used to Inquire On Cases ..................................................................................... 3-19
3.4.3 Setting Processing Options for the Case Inquiry Program (P54HS210) ................... 3-19 Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 3-20
3.5 Entering Safety Hours ............................................................................................................ 3-20
3.5.1 Understanding the Safety Hours Entry Program (P54HS20)..................................... 3-20 Understanding How the System Determines Safety Hours ............................... 3-21
3.5.2 Form Used to Enter Safety Hours .................................................................................. 3-21
3.6 Inquiring on Tasks (Release 9.2 Update) .............................................................................. 3-22
3.6.1 Understanding the Incident Task Inquiry Program (P54HS215)............................... 3-22
3.6.2 Form Used to Inquire On Tasks...................................................................................... 3-22
3.6.3 Setting Processing Options for the Task Inquiry Program (P54HS215) ................... 3-22 Process......................................................................................................................... 3-22 Versions....................................................................................................................... 3-22
3.7 Generating the Task Tickler Reminder Report (Release 9.2 Update)............................... 3-23
3.7.1 Understanding the Task Tickler Reminder Program .................................................. 3-23
3.7.2 Running the Task Tickler Reminder Program.............................................................. 3-23
3.7.3 Setting Processing Options for Task Tickler Reminder Report (R54HS420)............ 3-23 Process......................................................................................................................... 3-23
3.8 Entering User Defined Incident Data (Release 9.2 Update)............................................... 3-24
3.8.1 Adding User Defined Data to an Incident .................................................................... 3-24
3.8.2 Revising Incident User Defined Data ............................................................................ 3-25
3.8.3 Deleting Incident User Defined Data............................................................................. 3-25
3.8.4 Personalizing User Defined Incident Data.................................................................... 3-26

4 Reporting Incidents
4.1 Understanding Regulatory Incident Reporting...................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Generating the OSHA 300 Log Report and OSHA 300A Summary Report....................... 4-1
4.2.1 Understanding the OSHA 300 Log Report and the OSHA 300A Summary Report.. 4-2
4.2.2 Running the OSHA 300 Log Report.................................................................................. 4-2
4.2.3 Setting Processing Options for OSHA 300 Log Report (R54HS300) ............................ 4-2 Process............................................................................................................................ 4-2
4.2.4 Running the OSHA 300A Summary Report .................................................................... 4-2
4.2.5 Setting Processing Options for OSHA 300A Summary Report (R54HS300A)............ 4-3 Process............................................................................................................................ 4-3
4.3 Generating the OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report (R54HS301) ............................................. 4-4
4.3.1 Understanding the OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report..................................................... 4-4
4.3.2 Running the OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report ................................................................ 4-4
4.3.3 Setting Processing Options for OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report (R54HS301)........... 4-5 Process............................................................................................................................ 4-5

4.4 Generating the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Survey Report (R54HS320) .................... 4-5
4.4.1 Understanding the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Survey Report ........................... 4-5
4.4.2 Running the BLS Survey Report........................................................................................ 4-5
4.4.3 Setting Processing Options for the BLS Survey Report (R54HS320)............................ 4-5 Process............................................................................................................................ 4-6
4.5 Generating the Detailed Incident Report ................................................................................ 4-6
4.5.1 Understanding the Detailed Incident Report .................................................................. 4-7
4.5.2 Running the Detailed Incident Report.............................................................................. 4-7
4.5.3 Setting Processing Options for Detailed Incident Report (R54HS400) ........................ 4-7 Print ................................................................................................................................ 4-7

5 Using One View Reporting to Review Incidents

5.1 Understanding One View Reporting for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety
Incident Management System 5-1
5.2 Using Specialized Business Views for Additional One View Reporting............................ 5-2
5.2.1 Understanding Specialized Business Views for Additional One View Reporting .... 5-2
5.2.2 Accessing the Specialized Business Views for Additional One View Reporting....... 5-3

6 Purging Incident Records

6.1 Understanding the Incident Management Purge Program (R54HS410) ............................ 6-1
6.2 Running the Incident Management Purge Program (R54HS410)........................................ 6-1
6.3 Setting Processing Options for the Incident Management Purge Program (R54HS410).. 6-2
6.3.1 Process ................................................................................................................................... 6-2


Welcome to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident

Management Implementation Guide.

This guide is intended for implementers and end users of the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management system.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Products

This implementation guide refers to these JD Edwards EnterpriseOne products from
■ JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book Implementation guide
■ JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management Fundamentals
Implementation guide
■ JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Resources Implementation guide
■ JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Capital Asset Management Implementation guide
■ JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost Implementation guide
■ JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management Implementation guide
■ JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll Implementation guide

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing

Related Information
For additional information about JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications, features,
content, and training, visit the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne pages on the JD Edwards
Resource Library located at:

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Health and Safety Incident Management

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 1.1, "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management
■ Section 1.2, "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management
Business Processes"
■ Section 1.3, "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management
■ Section 1.4, "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management
Implementation Steps"

1.1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management

Incidents lead to lost time, lost productivity, the delay in the delivery of services, and
the outcome of significant costs. It also involves human losses as a result of
occupational incidents.
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management system is an
integrated solution. This system enables you to focus resources where they are
required such as incident prevention, as a result of insight gained from analysis of
incidents. An integrated solution combines personnel, facility, operational, and asset
management data to effectively leverage organizational information. The JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management system provides a
comprehensive, yet easy to use solution to report and manage incidents of all types,
including potential incidents such as near misses. You can record costs and assign
tasks related to incidents. The One View Reporting provides you an analytical tool to
gain important insight.
All of the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and BLS (Bureau of
Labor Statistics) reports are produced by the system in a ready to submit format.

1.1.1 Mobile Applications for Health and Safety Incident Management

The following mobile applications are available, and can be used to manage health and
safety incidents on a mobile device:
■ Add Incident (Tablet and Smartphone)
■ Incident Scoreboard (Tablet and Smartphone)

Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management 1-1

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management Business Processes

These applications require system administrator configuration before they are

available to individual users. Contact your system administrator to determine whether
these applications are available for use.
Additionally, see the following topics in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications
Mobile Enterprise Applications Implementation Guide:
■ Add Incident Mobile Applications
■ Incident Scoreboard Mobile Applications

1.2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management

Business Processes
This process flow diagram illustrates the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety
Incident Management business process:

Figure 1–1 Health and Safety Incident Management Business Process (Release 9.2

This business process flow explains the processes involved in incident tracking and
reporting using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident
Management system. You enter the incident using the Incident Master program
(P54HS00) or the Report an Incident program (P54HS30) or the mobile Report an
Incident applications. The system automatically notifies those that need to know, such
as the company safety officer and other interested parties. The reported incident and

1-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management Integrations

recordable cases are investigated and additional details are recorded in the system.
You can assign tasks and enter costs associated with the incident. Employees are able
to review the case logs using the Case Inquiry program (P54HS210) as required by
OSHA or review tasks using the Incident Task Inquiry program (P54HS215) (Release
9.2 Update). Finally, you can use One View Reporting programs to analyze the
incident, frequency rates, and other safety metrics. People can be reminded of tasks
that are due or are overdue (Release 9.2 Update).

1.3 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety incident Management system
integrates with these JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems:
■ Address Book
■ General Accounting
■ Human Capital Management
■ Human Resources
■ Payroll
■ Capital Asset Management
■ Job Cost
■ Inventory Management
Integration considerations are discussed in the implementation chapters in this
implementation guide. Supplemental information about third-party application
integrations is located on

1.3.1 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system from Oracle stores information
for employees, contractors, establishments, agencies, and equipment operators or
drivers to add to an incident. Using the address book information, you can locate
employee information to add to an incident through the Health and Safety Incident
Management system.

1.3.2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting

You use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Accounting system from Oracle to set
up companies and business units. You can associate incidents with business units and

1.3.3 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management

You use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management system from
Oracle to track and share employee information. You can use this information to add
an incident through the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident
Management system.

Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management 1-3

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Steps

1.3.4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Resources

You use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Resources system from Oracle to set
up OSHA establishment information. The establishment itself is an address book

1.3.5 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll

You use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system from Oracle to access payroll
information to determine both safety hours and the number of employees. This is
optional, but is available for those using the payroll system.

1.3.6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Capital Asset Management

You use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Capital Asset Management system from
Oracle to provide equipment, property, or motor vehicle information to incidents that
you enter through the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident
Management system.
Additionally, you can use failure analysis to associate failure codes with incidents. You
can set up failure codes for health and safety incident management within the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Capital Asset Management system.

1.3.7 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost

You use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost system from Oracle to provide
information about projects. Some organizations may want to associate incidents to
projects and track incident rates for each project.

1.3.8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management

You use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management system from Oracle to
track incidents that have environmental impacts. You can associate a product or
substance that is spilled or released as a result of the incident. You can select this
information from the Item Master program (P4101) in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Inventory Management system.

1.4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management

Implementation Steps
This section provides an overview of the steps that are required to implement the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management system.
In the planning phase of your implementation, take advantage of all Oracle sources of
information, including the installation guides and troubleshooting information.
When determining which electronic software updates (ESUs) to install for JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management system, use the EnterpriseOne
and World Change Assistant. EnterpriseOne and World Change Assistant, a
Java-based tool, reduces the time required to search and download ESUs by 75 percent
or more and enables you to install multiple ESUs at one time.
See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Software Updates Guide

1-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Steps

1.4.1 Global Implementation Steps

The global implementation steps for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety
Incident Management system are:
■ Set up fiscal date patterns, companies, and business units.

See: "Setting Up Organizations" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Applications Financial Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide

■ Enter address book records.

See: "Entering Address Book Records" in the JD Edwards

EnterpriseOne Applications Address Book Implementation Guide

■ Set up Human Capital Management fundamental information.

See: "Setting Up System Options" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Applications Human Capital Management Fundamentals Implementation

■ Set up global user-defined code (UDC) tables.

See: "Working With User Defined Codes" in the JD Edwards

EnterpriseOne Tools Runtime Administration Guide.

■ Set up establishments.

See: "Understanding OSHA Establishment Reporting Information"

in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Human Resources
Implementation Guide

1.4.2 Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Steps

The core implementation steps for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety
Incident Management system are:
■ Set up user-defined codes.

See: Section 2.4, "Setting Up User Defined Codes (UDCs)"

■ Set up next numbers.

See: Section 2.10, "Understanding Next Numbers"

■ Set up external safety hours.

See: Section 2.7, "Understanding Safety Hours"

■ Set up Composite Application Framework (CafeOne).

See: Section 2.9, "Setting Up Composite Application Framework"

Introduction to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management 1-5

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Steps

1-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Setting Up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Health and Safety Incident Management


This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 2.1, "Understanding the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety
Incident Management System"
■ Section 2.2, "Understanding General System Setup"
■ Section 2.3, "Understanding Tables Used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health
and Safety Incident Management System"
■ Section 2.4, "Setting Up User Defined Codes (UDCs)"
■ Section 2.5, "Setting Up Category Codes"
■ Section 2.6, "Setting Up User Defined Incident Data (Release 9.2 Update)"
■ Section 2.7, "Understanding Safety Hours"
■ Section 2.8, "Setting Up Email Distribution Groups"
■ Section 2.9, "Setting Up Composite Application Framework"
■ Section 2.10, "Understanding Next Numbers"
■ Section 2.11, "Understanding Failure Analysis"
■ Section 2.12, "Understanding Establishments"

2.1 Understanding the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety

Incident Management System
Effective workplace health and safety programs help to save the lives of workers by
reducing hazards and their consequences. They can have positive effects on both
worker morale and productivity, and can save employers a great deal of money.
Workplace incidents cost an organization large amounts of money, lost productivity,
and decreased competitiveness. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety
Incident Management system provides features that you can use to track and report
incidents, such as:
■ Incident tracking.
■ Investigation, cost, and follow-up action items.
■ Injury or illness case information.

Setting Up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management System 2-1
Understanding the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management System

■ Email notification of incident.

■ Detailed incident report.
■ One View Reporting of incidents.
■ Health and Safety OSHA and BLS reports (OSHA - Occupational Safety and
Health Administration and BLS - Bureau of Labor Statistics).
■ Health and Safety EnterpriseOne pages.

2.1.1 Incident Tracking

Most employers are required to maintain information about incidents that involve
illness or injuries sustained by the employees as a result of performing their job duties.
Incidents may involve people, equipment, property damage, motor vehicles,
environmental factors, agencies, security incidents, unsafe conditions and so on. The
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management system enables
you to track all types of incidents and their details and send an email notification to
the interested parties.
(Release 9.2 Update) You can also use user defined incident data to create templates
that enable you to track additional incident information that is specific to your
organization. For example, you may use the incident master to capture reportable
incidents and define Record Type as Reportable Incidents and then use user defined
incident data to capture additional information about the incident such as risk
assessment information.
You use the Report an Incident program (P54HS30 or the mobile applications) and
Manage Incidents program (P54HS00) for entering and tracking incidents in the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management system. The Report
an Incident program is a quick add program that is customized to use on a tablet
device. Any employee can use this program to enter the initial details of an incident
such as what, when, who, and where. The Manage Incidents program is a
comprehensive program. The incident handler and safety officer use this program to
enter detail information of the incident and enter and track costs and assign tasks.

2.1.2 Investigation, Cost, Follow-Up Actions Items, and Incident Task Inquiry (Release
9.2 Update)
Typically, after the incident is recorded in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and
Safety Incident Management system, it is investigated. In the process of investigating
an incident, you determine further details and the extent of the incident, direct and
root cause of an incident, and take preventive or remedial actions. During the
investigation, you also record information about who is investigating, who is handling
the incident, and the information determined from the investigation. You capture any
estimated or actual costs related to the incident. You can also associate an incident
with a work order and display the estimated and actual work order costs. Tasks can be
assigned to and viewed by individuals related to an incident. You will also be
reminded of tasks that are due or are overdue via an email or a Work Center message.

2.1.3 Injury or Illness Case Information

You can track occupational injuries and illnesses by entering an injury or illness case
along with the information that many governmental health and safety management
organizations require.

2-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Understanding the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management System

You can track detailed information about any injuries or illnesses that the employees
suffer during the performance of their jobs within the organization. This information
includes the following, but it is not limited to:
■ Date of incident
■ Time of incident
■ Description of incident
■ Employee name
■ Description of the injury or illness
■ Part of body affected
You use the injury or illness case information to create and print regulatory health and
safety reports.
After you enter the required information for an injury or illness, you can enter
information about any additional injuries or illnesses for the person related to the
same incident. Additional data includes any information that you want to track about
injuries and illnesses, regardless of whether you need to report the case to
governmental health and safety organizations.
To support the OSHA requirements to give all employees access to the information
recorded for an injury or illness case, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety
Incident Management system provides a special view-only program, the Incident Case
Inquiry program (P54HS210). This program provides a view of the data recorded on
the OSHA 300 Log Report of the Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses and the OSHA
301 Injury/Illness Report, in the Tell us about your case section.

Note: The terms 'incident' and 'case' are used in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management system. An
incident refers to a single occupational health or safety event at an
organization. A case refers specifically to an injury or illness to an
employee as a result of an incident. An incident can have several
employees who are injured and therefore result in several cases. A
single injured employee can have several injuries related to the same
incident, but only the most severe injury is recorded as a case. The
system allows you to record information about the additional injuries.
However, the most severe injury is typically the one reported, and
therefore you can record only one injury or illness as a case per
employee per incident. The system tracks non-employees who are
injured but cases would not be created for them. You use OSHA and
BLS reports to report case information. Tracking all injured people and
their injuries is important as you analyze incidents. You use the
Incident People table (F54HS02) to record case information, and
Incident Injury/ Illness table (F54HS021) to record additional injuries.

2.1.4 Email Notification of Incident

When you record an incident, the system automatically notifies the interested parties.
In addition to the email address of the incident’s originator, you can provide an
additional individual's email address by completing a processing option. You can also
use an email distribution list. You add the additional email addresses to the incident
using the Manage Incidents program (P54HS00). The system retrieves email addresses
from the Address Book Who's Who Email/Internet information program (P01111).
When the incident is entered, emails are sent to the interested parties. If the system

Setting Up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management System 2-3
Understanding the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management System

cannot locate an email address, it sends a message to the work center using a send
message command. A link is embedded in the email that points to the incident record.
When you click the link, the system uses the version of the application used at the time
the email was generated

2.1.5 Detailed Incident Report

The Detailed Incident Report program (R54HS00) displays the details for a single
incident such as incident number, date and time, description of the incident, incident
type classifications, location or organization, third party or contractor responsible for
an incident, associated costs, investigation, agencies, people involved, additional
injuries/illnesses and so on.

2.1.6 One View Reporting of Incidents

You use the One View Reporting programs to analyze and summarize health and
safety incidents. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident
Management system includes five One View Reporting programs:
■ One View Incident Summary Inquiry program (P54HS220).
■ One View Incident People Inquiry program (P54HS230).
■ One View Incident Equipment Inquiry program (P54HS240).
■ One View Environmental Incident Inquiry program (P54HS250).
■ One View Safety Statistics Inquiry program (P54HS260).
Each of these One View Reporting programs enables you to analyze incidents and
their various aspects and attributes, and determine your incident rates and safety

2.1.7 Health and Safety OSHA and BLS Reports

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) record-keeping rules
require employers in higher-hazard industries with more than ten employees to keep
accurate and complete records of work-related injuries and illnesses. OSHA requires
employers to track and report health and safety incidents for each calendar year. To
report injury and illness statistics to OSHA, you use the health and safety reports
provided by OSHA. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident
Management system produces three reports for each establishment for each year:
■ OSHA Form 300 - Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (R54HS300).
■ OSHA 300A Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (R54HS300A).
■ OSHA Report 301 - Illness Incident Report (R54HS301).
Additionally, employers may be requested by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to
complete and submit a Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses form (BLS-9300
N06). The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management system
also produces the BLS report (R54HS320).
(Release 9.2 update) You can submit the OSHA 300A report electronically through the
OSHA Injury Tracking Application (ITA). You can create a CSV file to be used to
submit the 300A electronically via OSHA's Injury Tracking Application.

2-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Understanding General System Setup

2.1.8 Health and Safety EnterpriseOne Pages

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management system
supports the user with two EnterpriseOne pages. The Incident Self Service and Health
and Safety Incidents EnterpriseOne pages. These EnterpriseOne pages provides a
Safety Scoreboard. This portlet displays the number of days since the last incident,
and the number of days since the last recordable incident. The Incident Self Service
EnterpriseOne page enables your employees to access the Report an Incident, and
Incident Case Inquiry programs, whereas the Health and Safety Incidents
EnterpriseOne page enables your safety officers to access all the essential functions
that a corporate safety officer needs.

2.1.9 Task Tickler Reminder (Release 9.2 Update)

You use the Task Tickler Reminder program (R54HS420) to send reminder messages to
people associated with incident tasks. Processing options enable you to define the
number of days in advance of or after the Task Ending Date to identify tasks that are
due or are overdue. You also select who will be reminded: Task Assignee, Task
Assignee's Supervisor, Incident Handler, Incident Investigator, Incident Reported By,
or Incident Originator. You can print a report showing which tasks were selected and
where messages were sent as reminders.

2.2 Understanding General System Setup

Before using any features in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident
Management system, you need to define critical information that the system uses for
processing. You also need to define information that you will use to enter data
throughout the system. This table describes the information that you must set up
before you begin using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident
Management system:

Topic Description
Email Distribution Groups Set up email distribution groups to send an email notification to
the interested parties after the incident is recorded.
Section 2.8, "Setting Up Email Distribution Groups"
External Safety Hours Set up external safety hours to calculate the reporting and
analytical information unless you retrieve this information from
the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system tables.
If you are not using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll
system, you will need to enter external safety hours and the
average annual number of employees using the Safety Hours
Entry program (P54HS20).
Section 2.7, "Understanding Safety Hours"
Composite Application Framework Set up Composite Application Framework to display a map
showing the incident location using either the address fields or
the Latitude/Longitude fields.
Section 2.9, "Setting Up Composite Application Framework"

Setting Up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management System 2-5
Understanding General System Setup

Topic Description
Establishments Set up establishments for OSHA reporting in the address book
records. You use the Establishment Condition program
(P086011) to enter a condition record for each establishment for
each calendar year being reported. To default the establishment,
when creating a new incident for each user who enters incidents
into the system, you must set up the establishment in the
Employee Supplemental Data program
Section 2.12, "Understanding Establishments"
Companies, Business Units, and Projects Set up companies using the Company Master program (P0010).
Set up business units and projects using the Business Unit
Master program (P0006). You can associate incidents with
companies, business units, and projects. This is useful for
analyzing incidents by these different organizational units.
See: "Setting Up Companies" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Applications Financial Management Fundamentals Implementation
See: "Setting Up Business Units" in the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Applications Financial Management Fundamentals
Implementation Guide
Home Business Unit and Home Company To default the company and business unit fields, when creating
a new incident for each user who enters incidents into the
system, set up their home company and home business unit in
the Employee Master program (P0801). Then make sure that the
Employee Profile Setup program (P20103) is set to use the
Employee Master as the Source Table.
Address Book Records Set up address book records using the Address Book Master
program (P01012). Address book records are used for
establishments, employees, agencies, contractors, distribution
lists, and facilities. You do not have to use address book records
for employees, but if you do, the system uses the default values
of many of the fields related to the employee. There are some
fields on the incident record that must have a valid address
book record if you want to use them. These fields include
Establishment, Distribution List, Individuals to be Notified,
Contractor Responsible for Product (on the Environmental
Impact record), Originator, Reported By, Investigated By,
Incident Handler, Foreman, Mentor, Supervisor, Facility
(medical), and Contractor/3rd Party.
Inventory Items For incidents that have an environmental impact, you can
associate products or substances spilled or released with the
incident. You may want to select this from the Inventory Item
Master, although it is optional. You can set up products or
substances in the Inventory Item Master program (P4101). The
system does not use the item branch record.
Equipment, Property, and Motor Vehicles Many times, incidents involve motor vehicles or result in
damage to property or equipment. You can use the information
already set up in the Asset Master table for company owned
equipment, but it is optional. You use the Work with Equipment
Master program (P1701) and the License Information program
(P1206) to set up equipment or assets.
Work Orders If you want to use work orders to track remedial actions and
related costs for incidents, you must set up work orders in one
of the many work order programs. You can then associate the
incident with the work order and display the actual and
estimated work order costs in the Costs section of the incident
master. If a parent work order number is associated with an
incident, the costs shown will include the costs of the children
work orders.

2-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Setting Up User Defined Codes (UDCs)

2.3 Understanding Tables Used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health

and Safety Incident Management System
The tables indicated have an accompanying change history table to record all
additions, deletions, and updates to the base table. This list includes the primary tables
in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management system
used to record incident information:

Table Description
Incident Master (F54HS01) Contains detailed information about the company, business
unit, establishment, project number, contractor, or third party or
party responsible for incidents. This table also contains incident
descriptions, date, location, causal details, and other
information related to the specific incident.
Incident People (F54HS02) Contains detailed information of the people involved in an
incident in any role. This table also includes information of
primary injury or illness of injured people with related
recordable case details.
Incident Injury/Illness Details (F54HS021) Contains information about any additional injuries or illnesses
of an injured person related to an incident.
Incident Equipment (F54HS03) Contains detailed information for any property, equipment, or
motor vehicle involved in an incident.
Incident Agencies (F54HS04) Contains information about any agency, department, or group
related to an incident.
Incident Notification Members (F54HS05) Contains information about distribution lists or individuals to
notify about the incident.
Incident Notifications Sent (F54HS05H) Contains information about any individual or distribution list to
which a notification is sent.
Incident Tasks (F54HS06) Contains detailed information about the tasks assigned related
to the incident.
Incident Costs (F54HS07) Contains detailed information about any actual or estimated
costs related to the incident.
Incident Environmental Impact (F54HS08) Contains detailed information about any environmental impact
related to the incident such as the product or substance that was
spilled, quantity, and environmental impact.
Safety Hours (F54HS20) Contains both safety hours and average annual number of
employees for all establishments, business units, projects,
companies, and contractors for each calendar year. The system
uses this information when calculating incident rates.
Incident User Defined Data Templates Contains detailed information about the incident user defined
(F54HS15) (Release 9.2 Update) data templates that are defined for each data group and incident
record type.
Incident User Defined Data (F54HS16) Contains the user defined incident data that is added to an
(Release 9.2 Update) incident master record.

2.4 Setting Up User Defined Codes (UDCs)

Many programs in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident
Management system use user defined codes (UDCs). Most of the UDCs for the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management system are shipped
with predefined data. To meet your business needs, you can add, change, or delete
predefined data that is not hard-coded.

Setting Up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management System 2-7
Setting Up User Defined Codes (UDCs)

2.4.1 Incident User Defined Codes

This table lists the user defined codes for incidents.

UDC Code System Usage

Type of Incident Cost Indicates the type of cost related to the
incident. The values are stored in the UDC
table (54HS/CT).
Drug and Alcohol Result Indicates the drug and alcohol testing
results. The values are stored in the UDC
table (54HS/DR).
Incident Causal Factor Indicates the causal factor of the incident.
The values are stored in the UDC table
Incident Frequency Indicates the frequency that an incident of
this type might occur or has occurred. This
is used as a measure of risk. The values are
stored in the UDC table (54HS/FR).
Insurance Claim Status Indicates the status of the insurance claim
related to the incident. The values are stored
in the UDC table (54HS/IS).
Other Classification Indicates additional information when the
Other option is selected in the Incident
Classifications form in the Incident Master
program. For example, you might use this
UDC to specify that a fire or explosion
occurred, that unsafe conditions are
observed, or that a safety inspection or audit
occurred. The values are stored in the UDC
table (54HS/OC).
Potential Recurrence Indicates the type of potential recurrence for
an incident. The values are stored in the
UDC table (54HS/PR).
Party Responsible Code Indicates the type of party responsible for
the incident. The values are stored in the
UDC table (54HS/RS).
Security Classification Indicates the type of security incident. The
values are stored in the UDC table
Incident Status Indicates the current status of the incident.
The values are stored in the UDC table
Note: You can use the Special Handling
Code for the Incident Status UDC
(54HS/ST) to lock the incident. Locking the
incident will prevent users from making
further edits. A value of ”L” in the Special
Handling Code column will always lock an
incident when the incident is set to that
status, regardless of the processing option
for conditional locking. A value of ”X” or
”A” will conditionally lock the incident from
further edits if the corresponding processing
option is turned on. ”X” will lock the
incident and activities from further edits,
and ”A” will lock the incident but allow
edits for the activities.

2-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Setting Up User Defined Codes (UDCs)

UDC Code System Usage

Incident Severity Indicates the severity of the incident. The
values are stored in the UDC table
(54HS/SV). The values for this UDC are
Incident Task Type Indicates the type of task assigned to the
incident. The values are stored in the UDC
table (54HS/TT).
Safety Metric Basis Indicates the basis for the safety metrics for
the incident. The value Hours is hard-coded
but other values can be added. OSHA
requires safety metrics, such as incident rate,
to be based on hours. The values are stored
in the UDC table (54HS/MB).
Record Type Indicates the type of incident record, such as
safety observation, safety inspection, near
miss, or reportable incident. The values are
stored in the UDC table (54HS/RT).

2.4.2 Incident People User Defined Codes

This table lists the user defined codes for people involved in the incidents.

UDC Code System Usage

Age Group Identifies the age group for a person
involved in the incident. The values are
stored in the UDC table (54HS/AG).
Primary Causal Factor Indicates the primary cause of the illness or
injury. The values are stored in the UDC
table (54HS/CF).
Employee Type Indicates the type of employee such as
full-time, part-time, seasonal, or temporary.
The values are stored in the UDC table
Injury Classification Indicates the injury or illness classification of
incidents used by OSHA and the Bureau of
Labor Statistics. These hard-coded values
include First Aid, Days Away From Work,
Restricted Work, and so on. The values are
stored in the UDC table (54HS/IC).
Insurance Claim Reason Indicates the reason for an insurance claim
related to the incident for an illness or injury.
The values are stored in the UDC table
OIICS Code 1 - Nature of illness Indicates the principal physical
characteristics of the overall work related
injury or illness, such as traumatic injuries,
disorders, and diseases. This code represents
a code from the Occupational Illness and
Injury Classification System (OIICS, Bureau
of Labor Statistics) publication. This code is
reserved for future use in anticipation of
adoption of the OIICS codes. It does not
appear on any forms but is in the database.
The values are stored in the UDC table

Setting Up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management System 2-9
Setting Up User Defined Codes (UDCs)

UDC Code System Usage

OIICS Code 2 - Part of Body Indicates the part of the body directly
affected by the nature of the illness or injury.
This code represents a code from the
Occupational Illness and Injury
Classification System (OIICS, Bureau of
Labor Statistics) publication. This code is
reserved for future use in anticipation of
adoption of the OIICS codes. It does not
appear on any forms but is in the database.
The values are stored in the UDC table
OIICS Code 3 - Source of Inquiry Indicates the objects, substances, equipment,
and other factors responsible for the
worker's overall injury or illness incurred, or
that precipitated the event or exposure. This
code represents a code from the
Occupational Illness and Injury
Classification System (OIICS, Bureau of
Labor Statistics) publication. This code is
reserved for future use in anticipation of
adoption of the OIICS codes. It does not
appear on any forms but is in the database.
The values are stored in the UDC table
OIICS Code 4 - Event/Exposure Indicates the manner in which the injury or
illness is produced or inflicted by the source
of injury or illness. This code represents a
code from the Occupational Illness and
Injury Classification System (OIICS, Bureau
of Labor Statistics) publication. This code is
reserved for future use in anticipation of
adoption of the OIICS codes. It does not
appear on any forms but is in the database.
The values are stored in the UDC table
Occupational Injury/Illness Defines the exact nature of an occupational
illness. The sequence of the illness codes
corresponds exactly to the sequence on the
OSHA 300 Summary report. If you want to
print the OSHA 300 Summary report and
send it to the US Department of Labor, do
not change the sequence of the codes. The
values are stored in the UDC table
Occurrence Location Indicates the exact physical location where
the event (injury or illness) occurred, such as
the computer room, the loading dock, and so
on. The values are stored in the UDC table
Incident Role Indicates the role of the person in the
incident. The values are stored in the UDC
table (54HS/RL).
Case Status Indicates the status of the OSHA case for an
incident. The values are stored in the UDC
table (08/CS).
Injury/Illness Related Indicates whether a person suffered an
illness or injury. The values are stored in the
UDC table (08H/IR).

2-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Setting Up User Defined Codes (UDCs)

UDC Code System Usage

BLS Job Category Indicates which category best describes the
employee's regular type of job or work.
These hard-coded values are used for the
Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey of
Occupational Injuries and Illnesses report.
The values are stored in the UDC table
BLS Service Length Indicates the employee's length of service at
the establishment when the incident
occurred. These hard-coded values are used
for the Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey of
Occupational Injuries and Illnesses report.
The values are stored in the UDC table
BLS Work Shift Indicates when the incident occurred in
relation to the employee's work shift. These
hard-coded values are used for the Bureau of
Labor Statistics Survey of Occupational
Injuries and Illnesses report. The values are
stored in the UDC table (54HS/BW).

2.4.3 Incident Injury or Illness User Defined Codes

This table lists the user defined codes for injuries or illness caused by an incident.

UDC Code System Usage

Part of Body Identifies the part of the body injured or
affected as a result of the incident. The values
are stored in the UDC table (54HS/BP).
Current Status of Injury Indicates the current status of the illness or
injury. The values are stored in the UDC table
Event/Exposure Indicates the manner in which the injury or
illness was produced or inflicted by the
source of injury or illness. The values are
stored in the UDC table (54HS/EV).
Nature of Injury/Illness Indicates principal physical characteristics of
the specific injury or illness. The values are
stored in the UDC table (54HS/NI).
Side of Body Indicates the side of the body where the
injury is located. The values are stored in the
UDC table (54HS/SB).
Severity of Injury Indicates the severity of a specific illness or
injury. The values are stored in the UDC table
Sources of Injury/Illness Indicates the object, substance, equipment, or
other factor responsible for the worker's
specific injury or illness or that precipitated
the event or exposure. The values are stored
in the UDC table (54HS/SR).

2.4.4 Incident Equipment User Defined Codes

This table lists the user defined codes for equipment involved in the incidents.

Setting Up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management System 2-11
Setting Up User Defined Codes (UDCs)

UDC Code System Usage

Equipment Classification Indicates the type of action or event related
to the incident for the equipment, motor
vehicle, or property. The values are stored in
the UDC table (54HS/MC).
Road/Surface Conditions Indicates the condition of the road or surface
at the time of the incident. The values are
stored in the UDC table (54HS/MR).
Visibility Conditions Indicates the visibility condition of the
driver or an operator at the time of the
incident. The values are stored in the UDC
table (54HS/MV).
Equipment Status Indicates the status of the equipment as a
result of the incident. The values are stored
in the UDC table (54HS/QS).
Severity of Equipment Damage Indicates the severity of the equipment,
motor vehicle, or property damage. The
values are stored in the UDC table
Equipment Year Indicates the year related to the equipment.
The values are stored in the UDC table

2.4.5 Incident Environment User Defined Codes

This table lists user defined codes for incident environment.

UDC Code System Usage

Environmental Classification Classifies the type of an environmental
impact. The values are stored in the UDC
table (54HS/EC).
Environment Status Indicates the status of a specific
environmental impact. The values are
stored in the UDC table (54HS/ES).
Product / Substance Indicates the type of product or substance
spilled or released. The values are stored in
the UDC table (54HS/PS).
Environmental Severity Indicates the severity of the environmental
impact related to a specific product or
substance. The values are stored in the UDC
table (54HS/SE).

2.4.6 User Defined Codes for User Defined Incident Data (Release 9.2 Update)
This table lists the user defined codes for user defined incident data.

UDC Code System Usage

Data Group Indicates the group of user defined data
fields meeting a common purpose. A data
group can contain up to 25 fields and is
related to the incident record type. The
values are stored in the UDC table

2-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Setting Up Category Codes

UDC Code System Usage

Incident User Defined Data Several UDC tables are available for you to
customize and use as needed. These UDC
tables are 54HS/U1 through 54HS/U0 and
54HS/D1 through 54HS/D0. You can define
the name of the UDC table and enter valid
values to meet your data requirements.

2.5 Setting Up Category Codes

Category codes are a type of UDC that you customize to better suit the unique
requirements of your business.

Category Code Description

Incident Category Codes You can use up to 20 category codes in the
UDC table (54HS/C1 through C0 and
54HS/11 through 20). Use these category
codes to organize additional incident
People Category Codes You can use up to 10 category codes in the
UDC table (54HS/P1 through P0). Use these
category codes to organize additional
information for people related to an incident.
Equipment Category Codes You can use up to ten category codes in the
UDC table (54HS/E1 through E0). Use these
category codes to organize additional
information for equipment that is related to
an incident. Equipment category codes 6
through 10 are ten digits in length and
display both description 1 and description 2
when you search for equipment that is
related to an incident.
Environment Category Codes You can use up to five category codes in the
UDC table (54HS/V1 through V5). Use these
category codes to organize additional
information for environmental impact and
events related to an incident.
Task Category Codes You can use up to 10 category codes in the
UDC table (54HS/T1 through T0). Use these
category codes to organize additional
information for tasks related to an incident.
Task category codes 6 through 10 are ten
digits in length, and display both description
1 and description 2 when you search for
tasks related to an incidents.
Cost Category Codes You can use up to five category codes in the
UDC table (54HS/S1 through S5). Use these
category codes to organize additional
information for costs related to an incident.
Injury/Illness Category Codes You can use up to five category codes in the
UDC table (54HS/I1 through I5). Use these
category codes to organize information for
additional injuries or illnesses for a person
related to an incident.

Setting Up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management System 2-13
Setting Up User Defined Incident Data (Release 9.2 Update)

2.6 Setting Up User Defined Incident Data (Release 9.2 Update)

Tracking information for health and safety incidents can be complicated. Each incident
requires you to enter the right information to comply with regulations, and to ensure
that you have a complete and accurate record of the incident. The information that is
required for each incident can vary widely between organizations, and also between
different incident types within an organization.
To enable you to track the information you need, you can use User Defined Data to
define the fields you need to record for each incident type your organization uses.
To begin, you must set up user defined data, which includes:
■ Setting up data groups.
■ Setting up UDC values for fields you will access in user defined data.
■ Creating user defined data templates.
Once user defined incident data is set up, users can select an existing incident record
and add user defined data that is specific to the incident record type.
To set up user defined incident data, you should first define a plan for the data you
will need. You should identify the data groups that you want to use for each incident
record type, and the fields that you want to associate with each of those data groups. A
data group is a collection of user defined data fields that are related to each other for a
common purpose. Incident record type is a field available to use to classify or organize
incident records into high level types. Different record types might have different user
defined incident data needs. For example, you might create a data group to store
information about risk assessments, safety inspections, or safety audits.
When defining your user defined data plan, use these guidelines:
■ Each data group can contain up to 25 fields.
If you need more than 25 fields for a single topic, consider creating 2 data groups
for the topic. For example, if you need to create 40 user defined fields for a safety
audit, you might create data groups AUDIT_PG1 and AUDIT_PG2.
■ Fields 01 through 20 on each data group have a maximum character length (data
size) of 50, depending on the data type used to define the field. Fields 21 through
25 have a fixed length of 200, and these 5 fields must be alphanumeric.
■ Fields 01 through 10 are displayed in the first group box on the Incident User
Defined Data Revisions form, fields 11 through 20 in a second group box, and
fields 21 through 25 in a third group box. Consider using these groupings when
determining the field number for similar or related fields.
■ Fields do not need to be added sequentially. For example, you might set up fields
01, 02, 05, and 21 for a data group.
Be aware that if you skip field numbers, by default the Incident User Defined Data
Revisions form will display blank spaces where the “skipped” numbers would be.
For example, if you create a data group template using field numbers 01, 02, and
05, there will be two lines of blank space between field 02 and 05. You can use
form personalization to update the appearance of the form.
■ You can associate multiple data groups with a single incident record type.
■ Twenty UDC tables have been created for use with user defined incident data.
Those UDC tables are 54HS/U0 through 54HS/U9 and 54HS/D1 through

2-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Setting Up User Defined Incident Data (Release 9.2 Update)

You can customize these UDC tables to meet your needs. Additionally, you can
use any existing UDC table when setting up user defined incident data.
This table illustrates an example of a user defined data plan for a safety observation
that uses 5 fields:

Incident Record Field Field

Type Data Group Number Field Name Field Type Length Required?
Recordable Incident SAFETY 1 Observation Date Date 6 Y
Recordable Incident SAFETY 2 Observer Numeric - 8 Y
validate against
Address Book
Recordable Incident SAFETY 3 Shift Alphanumeric - 1
validate against
Shift UDC
Recordable Incident SAFETY 4 Time of Observation Time 8
Recordable Incident SAFETY 21 Observation Alphanumeric 200

Once you understand your data needs, you then add all of your data groups in UDC
table 54HS/DG, and add any necessary values to other UDC tables you will use.
Once your UDC tables are complete, you use the Incident User Defined Data
Templates program (P54HS115) to build your templates.

Note: A data group can be used for more than one incident record
type but the fields need to be defined separately for each data
group/record type combination. Consider using the copy function in
the Work With Incident User Defined Data Templates program for

2.6.1 Setting Up UDC Values for User Defined Incident Data

1. Enter UDC in the Fast Path field and hit Enter.
2. On the Work With User Defined Codes form, complete the following fields as
directed, and then click Search:
■ Product Code: 54HS
■ User Defined Codes: DG
3. The system displays all existing data group codes. To add additional data groups,
click Add.
4. In the detail area of the form, enter all data group codes needed for user defined
incident data, and then click OK.
5. The system returns you to the Work With User Defined Codes form. From here,
access any additional UDC tables you need to set up to support user defined
incident data.

2.6.2 Setting Up Incident User Defined Data Templates

1. From the Health and Safety Incident Setup menu (G54HS41), select Incident User
Defined Data Templates.

Setting Up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management System 2-15
Setting Up User Defined Incident Data (Release 9.2 Update)

2. On the Work With Incident User Defined Data Templates form, click Add.
On the Incident User Defined Data Template Revisions form, you will create a
record for each user defined field in a data group. These fields will be accessible
and editable from the Incident Master. To begin, enter a unique combination of
values in these required fields:
■ Incident Record Type

Note: Note that if the incident record type field is left blank when
defining a data group, the data group will only be available to use
with incidents where the record type is left undefined or blank.

■ Data Group
■ Field Number
Note that the field number is used as the default display sequence on the
Incident User Defined Data Revisions form, where users will add user defined
data to an incident.
3. If you are creating a field that is similar to an existing data dictionary item,
complete the Data Dictionary Item field in the Copy Data Dictionary Details
section of the form.
When you exit out of this field, the system automatically populates the values in
your record with values from the specified data dictionary item. You can override
these values if necessary.

Note: Note that the data dictionary field is not stored but is available
on the form to help default in the desired field attributes when
defining a field.

4. Complete these fields, and then click OK:

■ Data Description
The value you enter in this field appears as the field label on the Incident User
Defined Data Revisions form.
■ Field Type
The system populates and/or disables fields that must be set a certain way for
the selected field type. For example, if you are setting up an alphanumeric
field type, the system disables the Display Decimals field, as you cannot define
display decimals for an alphanumeric field. Fields 21 through 25 must be
■ Data Size
Note that records associated with Field Number 01 through 20 have a
maximum data size as follows: alphanumeric (50 characters), date (6
characters), time (8 characters), numeric (15 characters), UDC fields (1-10
characters depending on the UDC), and table validated (8 characters). Field
Number 21 through 25 have a fixed data size of 200. If you attempt to enter a
value larger than the maximum allowed data size, the system displays an
■ Display Decimals

2-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Understanding Safety Hours

This field is used only for numeric field types.

■ Justify - Left or Right
This field is only used for alphanumeric field types. Date fields are always left
justified, numeric fields are always right justified, time fields are always left
justified, UDC fields are always left justified, and table-validated fields are
always right justified.
■ Product Code
Complete this field if you want this user defined field to be associated with a
UDC table.
■ User Defined Codes
Complete this field if you want this user defined field to be associated with a
UDC table.
■ Table Name
Complete this field if you want the system to validate the data that will be
entered in this incident user defined field against a specified table and data
item. For example, if you want to add a field that enables users to enter an
address book number, you can select the F0101. The system will validate that
the value the user enters in this field is a valid value in the F0101. This field is
only available for numeric field types.
The following tables can be selected to validate against, and the data item that
is validated is listed with each table:
– Address Book Master (F0101), Address Book Number field (AN8)
– Work Order Master (F4801), Work Order Number field (DOCO)
– Incident Master (F54HS01), Incident Number field (HSINO)
– Incident People Details* (F54HS02), Address Book Number field (AN8)
– Incident Equipment Details* (F54HS03), Asset Number field (NUMB)
– Incident Agency Details* (F54HS04), Agency Number field (HSIAN)
– Incident Task Details* (F54HS06), Assigned To field (ANP)
– Incident Environmental Details* (F54HS08), Item Number field (ITM)
* When you use these tables, the system validates that data exists in the table
for the selected incident.
■ Required Field
5. Complete these steps for each user defined field that you want to be available
from the Incident Master.

2.7 Understanding Safety Hours

Safety hours are the hours that an employee was available to work and has worked,
and hence, exposed to occupational risk. It excludes time for vacation, sick or medical
leave, or other leave time.
You use safety hours to calculate safety statistics, such as incident frequency rates. You
can specify to retrieve safety hours from the Safety Hours table (F54HS20) or from the
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system tables. If you enter safety hours in the
Safety Hours table, you can enter them by month and year for these fields:

Setting Up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management System 2-17
Setting Up Email Distribution Groups

■ Establishment
■ Company
■ Project
■ Business Unit
■ Contractor

See: Section 3.5, "Entering Safety Hours"

2.8 Setting Up Email Distribution Groups

When you record an incident, the system automatically notifies interested parties. In
addition to the originator of the incident, the system uses the default information
specified in the processing options of the Incident Master program (P54HS00), an
individual email address, as well as an email group address. You can add additional
email addresses to the incident so that all interested parties are notified. You can use
the information in the Address Book - Who's Who table (F0111) to record the
individual email addresses. Use the Email/Internet program (P0111) to set Electronic
Address Type equal to Email and Message Indicator equal to 1 - primary for the email
address that you want to use for notifications. To add employees to email groups, you
need to set up email groups in advance as address book records. You must set up
email addresses in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system. If the email
address is not set up for the address book record, the system sends a message to the
work center for notifications. You create a search type such as DL for your distribution
You can set up email distribution groups using the Distribution Group Revisions
program (P02150), which is available on the Health and Safety Setup menu. You need
to first create an address book record for the distribution group before adding
employees to the group using this application. You need to create a structure type in
the UDC table 01/TS to identify the distribution groups. You can use the value of EML
for the distribution list structure type. After you create the distribution group, you can
then add members to the group.

2.8.1 Forms Used to Set up Email Distribution Groups

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage

Work With W021508A Health & Safety Access the Work With
Distribution Lists Incident Setup Distribution Lists
(G54HS41), form to add an email
Distribution Group distribution group.
Revisions (P02150)
Address W0150A On the Work with Add a new email
Parent/Child Distribution Lists distribution group.
Revisions form, click Add.
Add a person ID to
the distribution

2.9 Setting Up Composite Application Framework

If you want to display a map showing the incident location using either the address
fields or the Latitude/Longitude fields, you can use the Composite Application
Framework feature. To configure the Composite Application Framework feature to use

2-18 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Understanding Failure Analysis

with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management system,

follow these steps:
1. Add mapping URL to the MO Queue program (P98MOQUE), (Type 10).
2. Create a publication list in the Publication List program (P952336).
3. Add users to the publication list.
4. Add the Incident Master program to the RIAF Administration program (P952332).
5. Add map tabs in Related Information Application Framework (RIAF) for both
street address and Latitude/Longitude from the Incident Master program.

See: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Composite Application Framework

User's Guide

2.10 Understanding Next Numbers

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management system uses a
standard next number for Incident Number. You need to set the starting incident
number prior to using the system. Use the Work With Next Number program (P0002
or enter NN in the Fast Path field) to set up the incident number for system 54HS -
Health & Safety Incident Management. You should not select the Check Digit Used
Next numbers is an automatic numbering utility. The Next Numbers program assigns
numbers to documents using one or both of these:
■ Standard next numbers.
The system finds the next available number in the Next Numbers - Automatic
table (F0002) and assigns that number to the document.
■ Next numbers by company and fiscal year.
The system finds the next available number by company and fiscal year or by
company only in the Next Numbers by Company/Fiscal Year - Automatic table
Next numbers work in conjunction with the data dictionary. Each data dictionary item
that uses next numbers contains a next-numbering index value that corresponds to the
line number that contains the next number value for that data item.

See: "Setting Up Next Numbers" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne

Financial Management Fundamentals Implementation Guide

2.11 Understanding Failure Analysis

Failure Analysis is a database in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne that allows you to
associate failures, analyses, and resolutions with work orders, cases, or health and
safety incidents. You need to set up failure analysis codes if you use codes to define a
unit of failure. The codes are the building blocks of the Failure Analysis tree, but it is
not required to set up trees to use failure analysis codes. You can use these codes with
failures, analyses, and resolutions.

See: "Setting Up Failure Analysis Code" in the JD Edwards

EnterpriseOne Capital Asset Management implementation guide

Set up your failure analysis codes so that they can be used in the Failure Analysis
Search and Select grid on the Investigation subform in the Incident Details tab in the

Setting Up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management System 2-19
Understanding Establishments

Incident Master program. Oracle recommends that you categorize the health and
safety failure codes using one of the Failure Analysis category codes. Configure the
Failure Analysis Search and Select grid with a custom grid to see the category code
when the search and select appears. If you are also using Failure Analysis for Capital
Asset Management, you need to distinguish your health and safety failure codes from
the maintenance failure codes. Categorizing your codes enable you to search failure
codes by using the Query By Example (QBE) with a custom grid to quickly find the
appropriate health and safety failure code.

2.12 Understanding Establishments

Establishments are OSHA's name for an organization that is involved in the same
work activity, therefore exposed to the same risk. An organization may have several
establishments. OSHA requires reporting on each establishment separately. You must
report OSHA information for each establishment in the organization that meets OSHA
reporting criteria. An establishment for OSHA reporting purposes is defined as a
single physical location where like business is conducted or where services or
industrial operations are performed. To do this reporting, you must both set up and
identify each employee who works in an OSHA reportable establishment. You identify
the establishment in which an employee works by using supplemental data.
To set up establishments, follow these steps:
1. You set up values in the Establishment Search Types UDC table (08H/ES UDC) to
define establishments in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. This is located on
the Health & Safety Incident Setup menu G54HS41. If you create a new search
type, for example, EST for Establishment, you will need to add it to the Address
Book Search Type UDC table (01/ST). The system will validate the establishment
search type when an establishment is entered for an incident.
2. Add the establishments to the address book with the defined search type.
3. You can use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system to determine the safety
hours and average annual number of employees. You must first associate each
employee with the OSHA reportable establishment using the Employee
Supplemental Data program (P00092). To create the association:
1. In the Work With Supplemental Data form, enter the employee number in the
Employee Address Book Number field and click the Find button.
2. Select the Data Type EN in the grid and click the Select button.
3. In the General Description Entry form, enter the establishment number in the
Est. No. field.

Note: You do not need this step if you are using the Safety Hours
Entry program (P54HS20) for safety hours and average annual
number of employees.

4. Use the Establishment Condition program (P086011) from the Health & Safety
Incident Setup menu to enter a condition record for each establishment for each
calendar year being reported. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety
Incident Management system uses establishment information for OSHA and
Bureau of Labor Statistics reporting. To produce the OSHA and BLS reports you
need a condition record for each establishment and year combination, even if
nothing unusual happened that year.

2-20 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Understanding Establishments

(Release 9.2 update) You can associate a company with the establishment in the
P086011 program. This association of company and establishment can be
leveraged in the Incident Master program (P54HS00) to default in the company
based on the establishment using this relationship. Use the P086011 program to
record a change reason if you are re-submitting the electronic version of the 300A
to OSHA. The program will use the most recent change reason recorded.
Use the Establishment Condition program (P086011) to enter the following
additional information about an establishment:
■ Maximum Size
Enter a code that represents the maximum number of employees that have
worked at an establishment at any point in the reporting year.
■ Form Exit Establishment Information
Use this form exit to associate a company with an establishment and to define
the establishment type. This information is used when submitting an
electronic file to OSHA for the 300A report.
■ Row Exit Change Reason
Use this row exit to record a reason why you are re-submitting an electronic
file to OSHA. If there is more than one change reason given for the same
establishment/year/report type combination, the re-submitted electronic file
will use the one with the highest sequence number.

Setting Up the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management System 2-21
Understanding Establishments

2-22 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Entering and Managing Incidents

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 3.1, "Understanding Incident Management"
■ Section 3.2, "Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program
■ Section 3.3, "Entering Incidents Using the Report an Incident Program (P54HS30)"
■ Section 3.4, "Inquiring on Cases"
■ Section 3.5, "Entering Safety Hours"
■ Section 3.6, "Inquiring on Tasks (Release 9.2 Update)"
■ Section 3.7, "Generating the Task Tickler Reminder Report (Release 9.2 Update)"
■ Section 3.8, "Entering User Defined Incident Data (Release 9.2 Update)"

3.1 Understanding Incident Management

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management system
provides an integrated solution to manage incidents. The Health and Safety Incident
Management system enables you to:
■ Gather information related to health or safety job-related incidents. You can add,
edit, delete, and view incidents.
■ Relate the incident to other information that already exists within JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne, such as personnel, equipment or assets, related employee
establishment, projects, employee competencies, and personnel safety hours.
■ Send notifications related to incidents such as alerts sent by email or sent to the
work center.
■ Complete and produce OSHA 300 Log Report, OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report,
OSHA 300A Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, and Bureau of
Labor Statistics Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Form (Form
BLS-9300 N06).
■ Provide a detailed incident report.
■ Analyze health and safety incidents using One View Reporting.
■ (Release 9.2 Update) Enter detailed user defined incident data to track any
additional information for each incident.
A health and safety incident is a single occupational event resulting in one or more of
the following events:

Entering and Managing Incidents 3-1

Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program (P54HS00)

■ Illness or injury to a person or people.

■ Days away from work or job transfer as a result of injury or illness.
■ Security issue such as theft or assault.
■ Motor vehicle damage.
■ Property or asset damage.
■ Environmental impact, such as a spill.
■ Other types of events such as fire or explosion, near misses, or observed unsafe
conditions or acts.

3.2 Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program
This section provides an overview of incident records and discusses how to:
■ Set up processing options for the Incident Master program (P54HS00).
■ (Release 9.2 Update) Set up processing options for the Incident Task Details
program (P54HS17).
■ Enter and update incidents using the Incident Master program (P54HS00).

3.2.1 Understanding Incident Records

The Manage Incident program provides detailed information about an incident such
■ People involved in the incidents.
■ Third-party contractor responsible in an incident.
■ Property damage.
■ Equipment involved in the incident.
■ Environmental impact.
When you record an incident using the Incident Master program, you can classify its
attributes by selecting the Potential Incident, Exclude From Safety Statistics, Property
/ Equipment Damage, Motor Vehicle Involved, Environmental Impact, Injury /
Illness, Security, and Other options. You can also categorize the incident record by
using the Record Type field, which is useful when you analyze different types of
incidents. After the incident record is categorized, you can filter and search for
incidents to include only the incidents marked with specific attributes.

3-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program (P54HS00)

Figure 3–1 Manage Incidents

You can search for health and safety incidents by:

Use the Incident tab on the Manage Incidents program to locate incidents. You can
search incidents using dates, severity, status, or incident attributes.
The system provides you an option to easily print a detailed report of an incident from
the Manage Incidents form. To print a report for an incident, select the Print Report
button for the incident row. The system prints the report for the incident, and
automatically selects the incident in the grid row.

Use the People tab to locate incidents based on the people involved. You can also
search for incidents based on employee, incident role, and whether the person is

Use the Equipment tab to locate incidents based on the property or equipment
involved. You can also search for incidents based on third-party equipment and motor

3.2.2 Forms Used to Enter Incidents

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage

Manage Incidents W54HS00A Daily Processing Search for existing
(G54HS10), Incident Master incidents.
Add Incident W54HS00B Click Add on the Manage Add, edit, or delete an
Incidents form. incident when the initial
details of an incident are
recognized as an incident
and is investigated.

3.2.3 Setting Processing Options for the Incident Master Program (P54HS00)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

Entering and Managing Incidents 3-3

Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program (P54HS00) Defaults
1. Establishment
You use this processing option to specify whether the system uses a default value for
the establishment when you add an incident. The system uses this processing option
for both the Incident Entry program (P54HS00) and the Report an Incident program
(P54HS30). Enter a valid address book number for an establishment.

2. Default Establishment Based on Logged in User

Use this processing option to set the default value for the current establishment that is
associated with the logged-in user from the Employee Supplemental Data. This
processing option takes precedence over processing option 1 (Establishment). If no
establishment is set up for the logged-in user, the system uses the default value
provided in processing option 1. Values are:
Blank: Do not set the default establishment based on the logged-in user.
1: Set the default establishment based on the logged-in user’s Employee Supplemental
Data setup.

3. Distribution List Address Number for Incident Notifications

Use this processing option to use the incident notification list for the distribution list
when you add an incident. Enter a valid address book number for the distribution list.

4. Organization Structure Type for Distribution List

Use this processing option to indicate whether the system uses a default value for the
organization structure type when you enter an incident. Enter a value from the Search
Type UDC table (01/ST) that is associated with the distribution list on the incident
notification list. If you use a distribution list to send notifications, you must enter the
organization structure type. You use this processing option for both the Incident
Master program (P54HS00) and the Report an Incident program (P54HS30).

5. Individual Address Number for Incident Notifications

Use this processing option to indicate whether the system uses a default individual
address number in the incident notification list for a new incident. Enter a valid
address book number for the individual. You use this processing option for both the
Incident Entry program (P54HS00) and the Report an Incident program (P54HS30).

6. Incident Record Type

Use this processing option to specify whether the system uses a default value for the
incident record type when you add a new incident. Enter a value from the 54HS/RT
UDC table for the incident record type. You use this processing option for both the
Incident Entry program (P54HS00) and the Speed Incident Entry program (P54HS30).

7. Default Job Title when Job Title is Blank in Employee Master (Release 9.2 Update)
Use this processing option to indicate how the system uses the values in the employee
master when the job title is blank in employee master. Values are:
Blank: Do not default Job Title.
1: Default Job Title to Job Type/Job Step description.
2: Default Job Title to Position ID description.

8. Default Company (Release 9.2 Update)

Use this processing option to define the default company the system uses for new
incidents. If no company is set up for a particular establishment using the P086411
program, the system uses the company associated with the logged-in user. Values are:

3-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program (P54HS00)

Blank: The default company is based on the logged-in user.

1: The default company is based on the establishment's associated company. Classifications (Release 9.2 Update)

1. Default Potential Incident
Use this processing option to specify whether the system defaults the potential
incident classification to selected or not selected when you add a new incident. This
processing option is used for both the Incident Entry program (P54HS00) and the
Speed Incident Entry program (P54HS30). Values are:
Blank = Not Selected
1 = Selected

2. Default Property/Equipment Damage

Use this processing option to specify whether the system defaults the
property/equipment damage classification to selected or not selected when you add a
new incident. This processing option is used for both the Incident Entry program
(P54HS00) and the Speed Incident Entry program (P54HS30). Values are:
Blank = Not Selected
1 = Selected

3. Default Injury / Illness

Use this processing option to specify whether the system defaults the injury/illness
classification to selected or not selected when you add a new incident. This processing
option is used for both the Incident Entry program (P54HS00) and the Speed Incident
Entry program (P54HS30). Values are:
Blank = Not Selected
1 = Selected

4. Default Exclude From Safety Statistics

Use this processing option to specify whether the system defaults the exclude from
safety statistics classification to selected or not selected when you add a new incident.
This processing option is used for both the Incident Entry program (P54HS00) and the
Speed Incident Entry program (P54HS30). Values are:
Blank = Not Selected
1 = Selected

5. Default Motor Vehicle Involved

Use this processing option to specify whether the system defaults the motor vehicle
involved classification to selected or not selected when you add a new incident. This
processing option is used for both the Incident Entry program (P54HS00) and the
Speed Incident Entry program (P54HS30). Values are:
Blank = Not Selected
1 = Selected

6. Default Authorities Alerted

Use this processing option to specify whether the system defaults the authorities
alerted classification to selected or not selected when you add a new incident. This
processing option is used for both the Incident Entry program (P54HS00) and the
Speed Incident Entry program (P54HS30). Values are:

Entering and Managing Incidents 3-5

Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program (P54HS00)

Blank = Not Selected

1 = Selected

7. Default Environmental Impact

Use this processing option to specify whether the system defaults the environmental
impact classification to selected or not selected when you add a new incident. This
processing option is used for both the Incident Entry program (P54HS00) and the
Speed Incident Entry program (P54HS30). Values are:
Blank = Not Selected
1 = Selected

8. Default Security
Use this processing option to specify whether the system defaults the security
classification to selected or not selected when you add a new incident. This processing
option is used for both the Incident Entry program (P54HS00) and the Speed Incident
Entry program (P54HS30). Values are:
Blank = Not Selected
1 = Selected

9. Default Security Value

Use this processing option to specify whether the system uses a default value for the
security classification when you add a new incident. Enter a value from the 54HS/SC
UDC table for the security classification. This processing option is used for both the
Incident Entry program (P54HS00) and the Speed Incident Entry program (P54HS30).

Note: This processing option is used only if the Default Security

processing option is selected.

10. Filter Security by Special Handling Code

Use this processing option to specify a special handling code defined in the Security
Classification user defined code (54HS/SC). If a special handling code is specified,
only those user defined codes that are identified with this value in the special handling
code are displayed in the drop-down list. The blank code is also listed in the
drop-down list regardless of the special handling code. This processing option is used
for both the Incident Entry program (P54HS00) and the Speed Incident Entry program

11. Default Other

Use this processing option to specify whether the system defaults the other
classification to selected or not selected when you add a new incident. This processing
option is used for both the Incident Entry program (P54HS00) and the Speed Incident
Entry program (P54HS30). Values are:
Blank = Not Selected
1 = Selected

12. Default Other Value

Use this processing option to specify whether the system uses a default value for the
other classification when you add a new incident. Enter a value from the 54HS/OC
UDC table for the other classification. This processing option is used for both the
Incident Entry program (P54HS00) and the Speed Incident Entry program (P54HS30).

3-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program (P54HS00)

Note: This processing option is used only if the Default Other

processing option is selected.

13. Filter Other by Special Handling Code

Use this processing option to specify a special handling code defined in the Other
Classification user defined code (54HS/OC). If a special handling code is specified,
only those user defined codes that are identified with this value in the special handling
code are displayed in the drop-down list. The blank code is also listed in the
drop-down list regardless of the special handling code. This processing option is used
for both the Incident Entry program (P54HS00) and the Speed Incident Entry program
(P54HS30). Process
1. Send Notification on Incident Creation
Use this processing option to automatically send a notification to all members in the
incident notification list when you add an incident. Values are:
Blank: Do not send notification.
1: Send notification.

2. Conditional Locking of Edits to the Incident and Tasks

Use this processing option for conditional locking of the incident according to the
special handling codes of X and A when they are set up in the Special Handling Code
column for the incident status (UDC 54HS/ST). When an incident has a status where
the special handling code is set to X, the user will not be able to edit the incident and
associated tasks when this processing option is set to 1. When an incident has a status
where the special handling code is set to A, the user will not be able to edit the
incident, but they will be able to continue to edit the associated tasks when this
processing option is set to 1. Values are:
Blank: Conditional locking is not enabled.
1: Conditional locking is enabled.

3. Delete Incident data from Change History Tables

Use this processing option to specify whether the associated incident data from the
change history tables should also be deleted when an incident is deleted. Values are:
Blank: Do not delete the associated incident data from the change history tables when
an incident is deleted.
1: Delete the associated incident data from the change history tables when an incident
is deleted.

4. Lock Incident Number During 'ADD' using P54HS00 (Release 9.2 Update)
Use this processing option to lock the Incident Number field from being edited when
you add a new incident using the Incident Master program (P54HS00). This processing
option does not apply when you add an incident by using the Speed Incident Entry
program (P54HS30). Values are:
Blank: Locking is not enabled.
1: Locking is enabled.

Entering and Managing Incidents 3-7

Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program (P54HS00)

5. Advance Incident Status When All Tasks Are Complete

Use this processing option to indicate whether the system automatically advances the
incident status when all tasks have been completed. The system will use the value
entered for the Task Completed Status to determine if all tasks are at that status. The
system will also use the Designated Incident Status to determine which value to set for
the incident status if this processing option is set to automatically advance the incident
status. Values are:
Blank: Do not automatically advance the incident status.
1: Automatically advance the incident status when all tasks are complete.

6. Require At Least One Incident Classification

Use this processing option to specify whether the system requires at least one of these
eight Incident Classification check boxes to be selected when you create a new
incident: 1) Authorities Alerted, 2) Potential Incident, 3) Property/Equipment
Damage, 4) Motor Vehicle Involved, 5) Environmental Impact, 6) Injury/Illness, 7)
Security, 8) Other. The "Exclude From Safety Statistics" check box is not included in
this requirement. If the processing option is set to require at least one incident
classification, the user must select one or more to be able to add the new incident. The
system uses this processing option for both the Incident Entry (P54HS00) and Speed
Incident Entry (P54HS30) programs. Values are:
Blank: No Incident Classifications are required when creating a new incident.
1: At least one Incident Classification is required when creating a new incident. Task Reminders (Release 9.2 Update)

1. Allow Task Reminder
Use this processing option to specify whether the system allows you to send task
reminder notifications. Values are:
Blank: Do not allow task reminders.
1: Allow task reminders.

2. Notify Task Assigned To Address

Use this processing option to specify whether the Task Assigned To Address is sent a
reminder for the selected incident task. Values are:
Blank: Do not notify the Assigned To Address.
1: Notify the Assigned To Address by sending the task reminder.

3. Notify Incident Originator Address

Use this processing option to specify whether the Incident Originator Address is sent a
reminder for the selected incident task. Values are:
Blank: Do not notify the Incident Originator Address.
1: Notify the Incident Originator Address by sending the task reminder.

4. Notify Incident Reported By Address

Use this processing option to specify whether the Incident Reported By Address is sent
a reminder for the selected incident task. Values are:
Blank: Do not notify the Incident Reported By Address.
1: Notify the Incident Reported By Address by sending the task reminder.

3-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program (P54HS00)

5. Notify Incident Investigated By Address

Use this processing option to specify whether the Incident Investigated By Address is
sent a reminder for the selected incident task. Values are:
Blank: Do not notify the Incident Investigated By Address.
1: Notify the Incident Investigated By Address by sending the task reminder.

6. Notify Incident Handler Address

Use this processing option to specify whether the Incident Handler Address is sent a
reminder for the selected incident task. Values are:
Blank: Do not notify the Incident Handler Address.
1: Notify the Incident Handler Address by sending the task reminder.

7. Notify Task Assigned To Supervisor Address

Use this processing option to specify whether the Task Assigned To Supervisor
Address is sent a reminder for the selected incident task. Values are:
Blank: Do not notify the Task Assigned To Supervisor.
1: Notify the Task Assigned To Supervisor Address by sending the task reminder. Display
1. Display or Hide Change History Information
You use this processing option to determine whether the system displays the change
history information related to an incident. Values are:
Blank: Hide change history information.
1: Display change history information.

Note: When you add a new incident, the system does not display
the Change History tab.

2. Display or Hide HR Competencies

Use this processing option to specify whether the system displays the HR competency
information related to the people associated with an incident. Values are:
Blank: Hide HR competencies.
1: Display HR competencies.

Note: When you add a new incident, the system does not display the
HR Competencies tab.

3. Display or Hide Equipment Licenses

You use this processing option to determine whether the system displays the license
information related to the equipment associated with an incident. Values are:
Blank: Hide equipment licenses.
1: Display equipment licenses.

Note: When you add a new incident, the system displays the
Licenses tab.

Entering and Managing Incidents 3-9

Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program (P54HS00)

4. Privacy Case
You use this processing option to determine whether the system should respect the
privacy case or not, for this application. If the Privacy processing option is ON and the
privacy case is checked for an individual, then personal details such as Person ID,
Name, and Injury description will be masked, and the fields will be disabled
accordingly. Values are:
Blank: Privacy OFF
1: Privacy ON

5. Who's Who Search/Select

You use this processing option to determine whether the Who's Who Search and Select
form appears when you enter an agency address book number. If this processing
option is set to display the form, when you move out of the address book ID field the
form will pop up and allow you to easily select the contact information for this agency
from the Who's Who contact information. Values are:
Blank: Do not display the Who's Who Search and Select form.
1: Display the Who's Who Search and Select form.

Note: The version of the Who's Who Search and Select form is set up
under the Versions tab of the processing options.

6. Calculate YTD Incidents (Release 9.2 Update)

Use this processing option to specify how the system filters the incident year to date
calculation. Incidents marked as potential or excluded from safety statistics are
automatically excluded from the count. If this processing option is set to filter by either
company or establishment, the value for company or establishment initially shown on
the incident is used for the filter. This processing option is used only in the Incident
Entry program (P54HS00). Values are:
Blank = Include all incidents.
1 = Include incidents within company only.
2 = Include incidents within establishment only.

7. Data Group (Release 9.2 Update)

Use this processing option to determine whether the system displays the Data Group
field on the Edit Incident header or not. The Data Group field will not be displayed
when adding a new incident. Enter a value from the 54HS/DG UDC table for the
incident user defined data - Data Group. If this processing option is left blank, the
Data Group field will not be displayed. Data Group is not stored on the incident
master. However, displaying the Data Group field is useful when using CafeOne to
display a specific user defined data template.
This processing option is also used to display the User Defined Data button on the
Manage Incidents form. If you leave this processing option blank, the system will not
display the User Defined Data button.

Note: This processing option is also used to display a green circle

icon in the User Defined Data column in the Manage Incidents grid. If
user defined data exists for the incident number for the data group
defined in the processing option, the icon will be displayed.

3-10 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program (P54HS00) Versions
1. Quick Customer/Contact Add (P01015) Version
You use this processing option to define the version of the Quick Customer/Contact
Add program (P01015) that the system uses to add a contact. When you choose to
display the Who's Who Search and Select for the Agency number, you can select a
contact from this form. If you leave this processing option blank, the system will not
display the form. Values are:
Blank = ZJDE0001

2. Detailed Incident Report (R54HS400) Version (Release 9.2 Update)

You use this processing option to define the version of the Detailed Incident Report
(R54HS400) that the system uses to print detailed incident report. Using the Manage
Incidents (P54HS00) program, you can print a detailed incident report by clicking on
the printer icon in the Print Report Column. If you leave this processing option blank,
the system uses XJDE0001.

3.2.4 (Release 9.2 Update) Setting Processing Options for the Incident Task Details
Program (P54HS17)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Versions
1. Incident Master (P54HS00)
Use this processing option to reference the version of the P54HS00 program for the
system to determine whether to lock the task fields for editing. The system uses the
Conditional Locking of Edits to the Incident and Tasks processing option of the
P54HS00 program to determine the locking status of the records.
If you leave this option blank, the system uses the default version ZJDE0001.

3.2.5 Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program (P54HS00)
Access the Add Incident form.

Figure 3–2 Add Incident

The header contains these fields that you can use to record the core details of an

Entering and Managing Incidents 3-11

Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program (P54HS00)

Incident Number
The system can assign an incident number from the Incident Number Next Number,
but you can also enter a value. This is a mandatory field.

Incident Date / Time

This is a mandatory field. The system uses the current date and time as the default
value in the Incident Date/Time field. Enter 1:00 through 9:00 with leading zeros
(01:00 or 09:00) if you want to enter minutes. The value in this field cannot be later
than the value in the Date Reported / Time field.

Date Reported / Time

This is a mandatory field. The system uses the current date and time as the default
value in the Date Reported/Time field. Enter 1:00 through 9:00 with leading zeros
(01:00 or 09:00) if you want to enter minutes. The value in this field cannot be earlier
than the value in the Incident Date / Time field.

Incident Description
Enter a brief description of the incident.

Record Type
Enter a value from the Record Type UDC table (54HS/RT) to indicate the type of
incident record.

Incident Severity
Enter a value from the Severity Value UDC table (54HS/SV) to indicate the severity of
the incident.

Incident Status
Enter a value from the Incident Status UDC table (54HS/ST) to indicate the current
status of the incident.

Parent Incident (Release 9.2 Update)

Enter the incident number of the parent incident associated with this incident.

Data Group (Release 9.2 Update)

This field is only displayed in edit mode. It is defaulted from the Data Group
processing option on the Display tab and is only displayed if the processing option has
a value defined. It is intended for the purpose of facilitating the use of CafeOne with
user defined incident data.

Incidents YTD
This is a display only field and shows the number of incidents that have occurred year
to date. It ignores any incidents marked as either potential incidents or those with
Exclude From Safety Statistics selected.
The header also contains these options that you can use to classify an incident:

Potential Incident
Select this option if you are recording a near miss, observed unsafe act or condition, a
safety inspection, or anything else that is not an actual health and safety incident.

Exclude From Safety Statistics

Select this option if you want to exclude the incident from any safety statistics (One
View Reporting or the counts shown in the Safety Scoreboard and Incidents Year to

Authorities Alerted
Select this option to indicate that the authorities were alerted about the incident.

3-12 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program (P54HS00)

Property / Equipment Damage

Select this option to indicate the incident has related property or equipment damage.

Motor Vehicle Involved

Select this option to indicate a motor vehicle was involved in the incident.

Environmental Impact
Select this option to indicate the incident had an impact on the environment such as a
spill or release.

Injury / Illness
Select this option to indicate the incident has people who were injured or were ill.

Select this option to indicate the incident has a security issue such as a threat or
assault. When you select this option, a list of options from the Security Classification
UDC table (54HS/SC) appears next to it. You can use this list of options to categorize
the security type.

Select this option to indicate whether the incident has other attributes, such as a fire,
explosion, or perhaps is being used to indicate a safety inspection. When you select
this option, a list of options from the Other Classification UDC table (54HS/OC)
appears next to it. You can use this list of options to categorize the other type.
You can access Attachments from the Form menu to attach a media object such as an
image or a document related to the incident. Details
In the Edit Incident form, select the Details tab.
The Details form contains these collapsible subforms:

Location or Organization
You enter information about the location of the incident and the organization
associated with the incident. You can set a processing option to let the system populate
the value in the establishment field by default. The street address of the incident will
default from the mailing address of the address book record for the establishment
entered on the incident. You can also show a map of where the incident took place.
You use the Composite Application Framework field to show a map of where the
incident took place using the street address or the latitude or longitude coordinates for
the incident. The business unit can also default in, based on the employee profile setup
program (P20103) of the logged-in user, and the relationship of the business unit to a
company as set up in the Business Unit Master. If no employee profile is set up for the
user, the system will use the business unit on the address book record of the logged-in

You enter and maintain information about emails sent or email addresses associated
with the incident. You can also send emails or messages to individuals or groups.
There are two tabs on this subform, Notifications List and Sent History. The
Notifications List form is like an address book for the specific incident, containing a
list of individuals or distribution lists that are to be notified. When you add an incident
in the system, the system adds the originator of the incident, the distribution list, and
the individual specified in the processing options to the Notifications List form. You
can add additional members to the list. Notifications are sent out automatically when
an incident is added. Select the rows to re-notify and use the Send Notification button

Entering and Managing Incidents 3-13

Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program (P54HS00)

if you want to re-notify the members in the Notifications List. To remove a member
from the list, select the row for the member and use the Delete button. The Sent
History form records each time a notification is sent, and the member to whom the
notification is sent.

You enter information about who is responsible for the incident, drug and alcohol
testing, insurance claim information, and causal factors and other risk information on
this subform. The Contractor / 3rd Party Involved option and the Contractor / 3rd
Party fields are used extensively in the One View Reporting and Safety Hours

Environmental Impact
You enter information about products or substances that are spilled or released, the
impact to the environment, and the remediation and corrective measures. There are
many fields on this sub-form that you can use to meet the special needs for an
organization, such as five category codes and four pairs of quantity and associated
unit of measure fields. An incident can have any number of environmental impact
records, one record for each product or substance spilled or released. For example, an
incident can involve several substances that are spilled. You enter a record in the grid
for each substance spilled, so the incident can have multiple environmental impact

You enter information about the organizations or agencies involved, such as law
enforcement, EPA, DOT, insurance companies, and so on. If the Who's Who Search and
Select processing options are set up, the contact information for an agency can be
selected from Who's Who. The system displays the contact form when you enter the
agency number.

Category Codes
You use Incident Category Codes to categorize and associate the incident with up to 20
user defined category codes. The five user-reserved fields, common to most JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne tables, are located on this subform directly below the category
codes, though they remain hidden. To use them in this form, your System
Administrator must enable them in the Form Design Aid program. However, they are
already incorporated into the processing logic of the incident.

You enter information about who is investigating, who is handling the investigation,
and what has been determined in the Investigation subform. The system uses the user
ID of the person entering the incident as the default value for the originator. You use
the Failure Analysis feature to associate failures, analyses, or resolutions with
incidents. There are four additional media objects on this subform for additional
information about the incident.

You can enter any estimated or actual costs related to this incident. You can associate
an incident with a work order and display the estimated and actual work order costs.
The system displays the total of the estimated and actual costs that you enter in the
grid. The work order costs are displayed for the user’s convenience but are not
automatically entered into the grid. You enter them as grid rows if you want these
costs included in the total incident costs. There are five category codes for your use to
further describe costs. The value in the Currency Code field comes from the company
of the incident. The currency code is required when you enter more than one cost

3-14 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program (P54HS00)

You can create tasks and keep track of them, along with corrective measures. Tasks can
be assigned to individuals and tracked in terms of status, priority, and dates. The
system notifies the individuals through emails when a task is assigned. There are 10
category codes for Tasks for your use. The Corrective Measures tab provides a media
object for the incident. If you update the person assigned to the task or the task status
fields, the system re-notifies automatically.
There are four date fields available for activities: Task Beginning Date, Task Ending
Date, Task Estimated Completion Date, and Task Actual Completed Date. The values
in these fields cannot be earlier than the values in Incident Date/Time fields.
(Release 9.2 Update) When you set the processing option to allow task reminders, the
system displays the Send Reminder button above the task grid. Select the tasks for
which you want to receive reminders using the row select, and click the Send
Reminder button. Based on the processing options that are set up, the system sends an
email or Work Center message to the people associated with the task, the incident
associated with the task, or the task's assignee. The email message will contain a link
to the incident for the recipient to use.
(Release 9.2 Update) The system displays the Task Details button above the task grid.
You can use this button to access the Incident Task Details program. The Task Details
form organizes the information into logical sections in a single form to facilitate data
entry. Based on the setting in the processing options, you can edit the task details. In
the header section, the system locks all fields, except the Task Description field, for
editing. After you add or update information in the Task Details form, click the Save
button on that form to save the changes, and click the Save button on the Edit Incident
form to save the changes made to the incident. You can also access the Task Details
form from the Incident Task Inquiry program (P54HS215) by displaying it in a
CafeOne window and dynamically linking the incident number and task number. People
In the Edit Incident form, select the People tab.
You use the fields in the People tab to enter information of a person or people involved
with this incident, their role, injuries and regulatory (OSHA) illness or injury
information. If you enter a person by selecting them from the Address Book certain
fields can default in for that person.
The People form contains these collapsible subforms:

You identify all people associated with the incident using the People subform. When
you click the Contact Information button, the system displays emergency contact
information for the grid row selected. You can add information about a person directly
in the grid or after entering their name, you can use the People Details button to
complete entering the details for that person. You can enter information for any
person, even if that person is not an employee. If the person has an address book
record, you can enter a valid address book number. If the person does not have an
address book record, you can skip this field and enter the name of the person. After
you enter the address book number, indicate the role the person had in the incident.
The People Details form organizes the information into convenient sections to facilitate
data entry. The options at the top of this form are important for One View Reporting.
You use these options to indicate if individuals are employees or not, and if they are
injured or ill. The people detail sections are:

Entering and Managing Incidents 3-15

Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program (P54HS00)

■ Job Related: The system can populate some of the fields in this section using
default values from the employee record. If you add or edit information in this
section it will not update the employee master. It will be stored in the people
record for the incident.
■ Personal / Contact: Use the fields in this section to record additional personal
■ Risk: Use the fields in this section to record worker compensation or other
insurance information along with drug and alcohol testing information.
■ Reported Injury: Use the fields in this section to describe the primary or most
severe injury or illness for the person. If you flag the injury or illness as OSHA
Recordable, the incident will be included for regulatory reporting.
■ Case Information: You must enter a case and report on the case if an employee is
injured or ill on the job. Select the Recordable option to let the system assign a case
number. The system assigns case numbers sequentially starting over each calendar
year. It does not take into account any other field such as establishment. Select the
Privacy Case option, if a person wants to remain anonymous on reports and in the
Case Inquiry program. This will replace the name with Privacy Case, the Person
ID with 99999999 and display the Privacy Case Alternate Description. Complete
this section to record the information necessary for the OSHA and BLS reporting.
There is a processing option to control whether privacy case is recognized for the
Incident Master program.
■ Category Codes: There are ten category codes to further describe and categorize
the person related to the incident.
You can use the People Details button to access all the people fields on one form. After
you add or update information in the People Details form, click the Save button on
that form to save the changes. You must also click the Save button on the Edit Incident
form to save the changes made to the incident.

Injury or Illness Details

You enter additional illness or injury details into a separate grid. A person could have
many injury detail records and could have a complex injury. The Injury/Illness section
enables you to capture information in detail about the injury. When you add a person
to an incident, you can use the Additional Injury/Illness Details button to enter any
additional injuries or illnesses for that person related to the incident. You record the
most severe, or primary injury or illness on the People Details form, and enter only
additional injuries and illnesses on the Injury/Illness Details subform. The
Injury/Illness Details subform also provides a Privacy Case Alternate Description field
for each additional injury. There are five additional category codes for these injuries
and illnesses. The system stores information for additional injuries and illnesses in the
Incident Injury / Illness Details table (F54HS021). This subform has a Delete button
that you can use to delete records in the form. If you delete the person record from the
incident, any additional injuries or illness records related to that person for the
incident are deleted.

You can set processing options to display the HR Competencies for the employees
related to the incident. Equipment
In the Add Incident form, select the Equipment tab.

3-16 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Entering and Updating Incidents Using the Incident Master Program (P54HS00)

You use the fields in the Equipment tab to enter information about equipment or
property, including motor vehicles that are involved in this incident. You can also view
equipment permits and licenses information.
The Equipment form contains these collapsible subforms:

Use this subform to record any equipment, property, or motor vehicle involved in the
You can enter equipment information directly into the grid or use the Equipment
Details form that you access by clicking on the Equipment Details button.
The options at the top of the Equipment Details form are important for One View
Reporting. You need to select these options to indicate if the equipment is damaged, if
it is a motor vehicle, or if it belongs to a third-party. If the Third-Party Equipment
option is not selected, the system assumes that the equipment is company owned. The
fields in this form are arranged in these sections:
■ Incident: Use this section to describe incident conditions and to provide more
information about equipment damage.
■ Operator: Use this section to record information about the driver or operator.
■ Equipment: Use this section to record additional information about the equipment.
■ Risk: Use this section to record risk related to the equipment.
■ Category Codes: Use the five category codes in this section to further describe the
equipment or damage related to the incident.
After you add or update information in the Equipment Details form, click the Save
button on that form to save the changes. You must also click the Save button on the
Edit Incident form to save the changes made to the incident.

Equipment Licenses
If you are using the Permits and Licenses program (P1206) of the Capital Asset
Management system, licenses can be displayed for any equipment related to the
incident. You must set a processing option to display the Equipment Licenses subform.
When you select equipment from the Equipment Master, the VIN #, Equipment Make,
and Equipment Model will default in. You can also simply enter the description for
equipment and not use the equipment number field. Change History

In the Edit Incident form, select the Change History tab.
You can view information about changes made to any of the fields on the records
related to the incident using the Change History tab. You need to set processing
options to display the Change History tab. The system creates a change history record
for every add, update, or delete action performed for any field on the Health and
Safety Incident Management tables. You can also view information for the date of the
change and who made the change. A processing option controls whether these audit
tables are also deleted when an incident is deleted. The system deletes all associated
records from additional tables, such as tables related to people and costs; all associated
media objects; and change history tables (audit tables will be deleted based on the
processing option).
The Change History tab provides the history for the following tables:
■ Incident Change History (F54HS01M)

Entering and Managing Incidents 3-17

Entering Incidents Using the Report an Incident Program (P54HS30)

■ People Change History (F54HS02M)

■ Injury / Illness Change History (F54HS02N)
■ Equipment Change History (F54HS03M)
■ Agencies Change History (F54HS04M)
■ Tasks Change History (F54HS06M)
■ Costs Change History (F54HS07M)
■ Environmental Impact Change History (F54HS08M)
Because the Change History tab does not provide a Find button, press the Enter key
after you complete the Query by Example (QBE) fields that you use to filter records.
You can delete the Change History records using the Incident Management Purge
program (R54HS410) when the incident is deleted.

3.3 Entering Incidents Using the Report an Incident Program (P54HS30)

This section provides an overview of how to enter incidents using the Report an
Incident program (P54HS30), lists the form used to enter incidents using the Report an
Incident program, and discusses how to set processing options for the Report an
Incident program.

3.3.1 Understanding How to Enter Incidents Using the Report an Incident Program
The Report an Incident program is a simplified program. Any employee can use this
program to quickly enter the initial details of an incident such as what, when, who,
and where. When an employee enters an incident using this program, the system uses
the processing option settings to select a version of the Incident Master program
(P54HS00) to determine whether to send notifications automatically and to use default
values for the establishment, individual to notify, and distribution list to notify. It will
also be used to determine the incident record type. Although this application is a
standard JD Edwards EnterpriseOne application, this program is designed to fit when
being used on a tablet device. The information presented requires no scrolling.

See: Section 3.2, "Entering and Updating Incidents Using the

Incident Master Program (P54HS00)"

3.3.2 Form Used to Report Incidents Using the Report an Incident Program (P54HS30)

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage

Report an Incident W54HS30C Daily Processing Report an Incident. An
(G54HS10), Report an employee can use this
Incident (P54HS30) program to quickly enter
the initial details of an

3.3.3 Setting Processing Options for the Report an Incident Program (P54HS30)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

3-18 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Inquiring on Cases Process
1.Version of Incident Master P54HS00 to use for Processing Options
You use this processing option to define the version of the Incident Master program
(P54HS00) to use. The Report an Incident program uses this version's processing
option to send notifications and the default value for establishment when entering a
new incident. If you leave this option blank, the system uses the default version

Note: Incidents can also be entered using the mobile applications.

Refer to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Mobile
Enterprise Applications Implementation Guide for specific
information about the mobile applications.

3.4 Inquiring on Cases

This section provides an overview of the Incident Case Inquiry program (P54HS210),
lists the form used to inquire on incidents, and discusses how to set processing options
for the Incident Case Inquiry program.

3.4.1 Understanding the Incident Case Inquiry Program (P54HS210)

Incident Case Inquiry program (P54HS210) is a special program that provides a
limited view for only the occupational injury and illness information for employees
involved in incidents. Incident Case Inquiry program provides inquiry access to all of
the fields in the OSHA 300 - Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses form and the
information from the Tell us about the case section on the OSHA 301 - Injuries and
Illnesses Incident Report. You can use privacy case filters to protect the identity and
intimate details of an injury/illness of an employee marked as Privacy Case.
You set processing options to specify the default values for the establishment and year.
You can change the year to search prior years. The system populates the Employee
field with the address book number of the person performing the search. To display
information for all employees, leave the Employee field blank. If you mark an
employee's case as a privacy case, the system does not populate the Employee Name
field with the name of the employee. Instead, the system uses the term Privacy Case in
the Employee Name field. The system also displays the alternate injury / illness
description. The system will only allow you to search using your address book
number or using a blank value. The Query By Example line (QBE) is not available for
the Employee Name and Injury/Illness Description column to ensure integrity of the
privacy case filters.

3.4.2 Form Used to Inquire On Cases

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage

Incident Case Inquiry W54HS210A Daily Processing Inquire about case details
(G54HS10), Incident Case for injured or ill employees.
Inquiry (P54HS210)

3.4.3 Setting Processing Options for the Case Inquiry Program (P54HS210)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

Entering and Managing Incidents 3-19

Entering Safety Hours Defaults
1. Establishment (Required)
You use this processing option to specify the establishment for inquiry in the Incident
Case Inquiry program (P54HS210). You must set this processing option to enter a value
in the Establishment field in the Incident Case Inquiry program. The Establishment
field is disabled in the Incident Case Inquiry program.

2. Default Establishment Based on Logged In User (Release 9.2 Update)

You use this processing option to indicate whether the system will default to the
establishment by looking up the current establishment associated with the logged-in
user from the Employee Supplemental Data. This processing option takes precedence
over processing option 1 (Establishment). If no establishment is set up for the
logged-in user, then the system uses the default value provided in processing option 1
(Establishment). Values are:
Blank: Do not set the default establishment based on the logged-in user.
1: Set the default establishment based on the logged-in user’s Employee Supplemental
Data setup.

3. Lock Establishment Filter Field (Release 9.2 Update)

You use this processing option to lock the Establishment field and prevent it from
being edited. Values are:
Blank: Do not lock the Establishment field.
1: Lock the Establishment field.

4. Century/Year
You use this processing option to enter the century and year information that is used
in the Incident Case Inquiry program (P54HS210). If you leave this option blank, the
system populates the current system century and the year to the field in the header.

3.5 Entering Safety Hours

This section provides an overview of the Safety Hours Entry program (P54HS20) and
lists the form used to enter safety hours.

3.5.1 Understanding the Safety Hours Entry Program (P54HS20)

If you are not using the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system, you need to enter
your safety hour totals manually. Use the Safety Hours Entry program (P54HS20) to
enter the monthly totals for each organizational unit you need to calculate statistics for,
such as establishment, business unit, project, company, and contractor. If safety hours
exist in both the Safety Hours table (F54HS20) and the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Payroll system, you can choose which to use. The system uses the value specified in
the processing option for these programs. The system cannot retrieve contractor hours
from the payroll tables, so the system will only look in the Safety Hours table for
contractor safety hours.
You can also record monthly and annual totals for other metrics such as miles driven,
number of deliveries made, and so on, in addition to safety hours. This enables you to
calculate incident frequency rates using these metrics in addition to rates based on
safety hours.You enter safety hours for each calendar month. The annual total must
equal the sum of the months, unless you leave all of the months blank. If you leave the
annual total blank, it will automatically populate based on the total of the monthly
buckets. You can also enter the annual average number of employees. You can use the

3-20 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Entering Safety Hours

Safety Hours Group field in the header to filter the grid rows. To create a new safety
hours record, go to the end of the grid rows and click in a new row. Understanding How the System Determines Safety Hours

Safety hours are the number of hours that employees were available to work and have
worked and hence, were exposed to risk. Safety hours exclude time for vacation, sick
or medical leave, or other leave time.
The following programs use safety hours:
■ OSHA Form 300A - Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (R54HS300A)
■ Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Form
■ One View Safety Statistics Inquiry (P54HS260)
In each of these programs, you can choose whether to retrieve safety hours from the JD
Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll tables or from the Health and Safety Incident
Management Safety Hours table (F54HS20). You can also choose to use the Safety
Hours table as an override to any payroll table information.The OSHA and BLS
reports only use establishment for calculating safety hours. The OSHA and BLS
reports only use establishment for calculating safety hours. Only the One View Safety
Statistics Inquiry program can use Company, Project, Business Unit, and Contractor. Safety Hours Retrieved from Safety Hours Table (F54HS20) The system retrieves the
safety hours from the F54HS20 for the specific safety hours group for a specific
calendar month/year. A safety hours group can be an establishment, company,
business unit, project, or contractor. Safety Hours Retrieved from Payroll Tables The system retrieves safety hours
from the payroll tables for all employees associated with the organizational unit
(establishment, company, business unit, or project). The system cannot retrieve
contractor safety hours from the payroll tables and so, the contractor safety hours must
be entered in the Safety Hours table (F54HS20). The system uses the HR supplemental
data to determine all of the employees for the establishment and then retrieves the
employee time cards. The system retrieves the payroll time cards directly by company.
The system retrieves all of the business units from the Business Unit Master table
(F0006) by project and then retrieves the time cards by business unit. The system
retrieves the payroll time cards directly by business unit. Safety Hours Table as an Override to Payroll Tables Hours If you choose to use the
F54HS20 table to override the payroll hours, the system searches the Safety Hours
table first to determine the information. If it is not able to find a match, it will then look
in the payroll tables. The system cannot retrieve contractor hours from the payroll
tables, so the system will only look in the Safety Hours table for contractor safety

3.5.2 Form Used to Enter Safety Hours

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage

Safety Hours Entry W54HS20A Advanced Operations Enter safety hours.
(G54HS31), Safety Hours
Entry (P54HS20)

Entering and Managing Incidents 3-21

Inquiring on Tasks (Release 9.2 Update)

3.6 Inquiring on Tasks (Release 9.2 Update)

This section provides an overview of the Incident Task Inquiry program (P54HS215),
lists the form used to inquire on tasks, and discusses how to set processing options for
the Incident Task Inquiry program.

3.6.1 Understanding the Incident Task Inquiry Program (P54HS215)

Incident Task Inquiry program (P54HS215) is a special program that provides a view
for tasks associated with incidents. Incident Task Inquiry program provides inquiry
access to all of the fields in the task record and the incident master. You can view a
subset of those fields by using the Basic Grid format option in the grid. (Release 9.2
Update) The application can default in the address book number of the user into the
Assigned To field in the header, and filter to show tasks assigned to that user based on
a processing option setting. You can also filter the tasks by using the header fields of
Task Type, Task Status, and Task Priority, and any of the Query By Example line (QBE)
in the grid columns.
You must set the processing options to specify whether to lock or unlock the Assigned
To field. The Lock Assigned To Filter Field processing option restricts the user from
viewing tasks assigned to other people. If an Incident Handler or Incident Investigator
wants to view all tasks for incidents associated with their address book, they must set
the Lock Assigned To Filter Field processing option to be unlocked. The Incident
Handler or Incident Investigator must replace the default value with an asterisk (*)
and enter their address book number in the QBE. You must set the Incident Master
(P54HS00) processing option to control the version of the Incident Master to drill
down the incident number in the grid.

3.6.2 Form Used to Inquire On Tasks

Form Name Form ID Navigation Usage

Incident Task Inquiry W54HS215A Daily Processing Inquire about incident task
(G54HS10), Incident Task details.
Inquiry (P54HS215)

3.6.3 Setting Processing Options for the Task Inquiry Program (P54HS215)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
1. Lock Assigned To Filter Field
You use this processing option to lock the Assigned To field and restrict from being

2. Default Assigned To Address

You use this processing option to control whether the logged-in user's Address Book
number is defaulted into the Assigned To header field or not. Versions
1. Incident Master (P54HS00)
You use this processing option to specify the version of the Incident Master program
(P54HS00). Incident Task Inquiry program will use this version's processing option to

3-22 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Generating the Task Tickler Reminder Report (Release 9.2 Update)

access the Incident Master when you select the Incident Number to drill down into the
incident record. If you leave this option blank, the system uses the default version
(Release 9.2 Update) The Incident Master version will also define whether or not the
Send Reminder button will appear in the header of this application and will be used to
determine who will receive the message.

3.7 Generating the Task Tickler Reminder Report (Release 9.2 Update)
This section provides an overview of the Task Tickler Reminder program (R54HS420)
and discusses how to set up processing options for this program.

3.7.1 Understanding the Task Tickler Reminder Program

The Task Tickler Reminder program (R54HS420) is used to automate the sending of
reminder messages to people associated with incident tasks. Processing options enable
you to define the number of days in advance (entered as a negative number in the
processing option) or number of days after (entered as a positive number) the Task
Ending Date to identify tasks that are due or are overdue. You also select who will be
reminded: Task Assignee, Task Assignee's Supervisor, Incident Handler, Incident
Investigator, Incident Reported By, or Incident Originator. You can print a report
showing which tasks were selected and where messages were sent as reminders.

3.7.2 Running the Task Tickler Reminder Program

Select Periodic Processing (G54HS20), Task Tickler Reminder.

3.7.3 Setting Processing Options for Task Tickler Reminder Report (R54HS420)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
You can configure the Task Tickler Reminder Report through processing options that
control how tasks are selected based on the Task Ending Date and who will receive a
reminder message. Process
1. Tickler Days
Use this processing option to specify the number of days + or - from the Task Ending
Date to send task reminders. If today is greater than or equal to the Task Ending Date
+ or - the specified tickler days, then the reminder notification will be sent for the task.

2. Notify Task Assigned To Address

Use this processing option to specify whether the Task Assigned To Address is sent a
reminder for the selected incident task. Values are:
Blank: Do not notify the Assigned To Address.
1: Notify the Assigned To Address by sending the task reminder.

3. Notify Incident Originator Address

Use this processing option to specify whether the Incident Originator Address is sent a
reminder for the selected incident task. Values are:
Blank: Do not notify the Incident Originator Address.

Entering and Managing Incidents 3-23

Entering User Defined Incident Data (Release 9.2 Update)

1: Notify the Incident Originator Address by sending the task reminder.

4. Notify Incident Reported By Address

Use this processing option to specify whether the Incident Reported By Address is sent
a reminder for the selected incident task. Values are:
Blank: Do not notify the Incident Reported By Address.
1: Notify the Incident Reported By Address by sending the task reminder.

5. Notify Incident Investigated By Address

Use this processing option to specify whether the Incident Investigated By Address is
sent a reminder for the selected incident task. Values are:
Blank: Do not notify the Incident Investigated By Address.
1: Notify the Incident Investigated By Address by sending the task reminder.

6. Notify Incident Handler Address

Use this processing option to specify whether the Incident Handler Address is sent a
reminder for the selected incident task. Values are:
Blank: Do not notify the Incident Handler Address.
1: Notify the Incident Handler Address by sending the task reminder.

7. Notify Task Assigned To Supervisor Address

Use this processing option to specify whether the Task Assigned To Supervisor
Address is sent a reminder for the selected incident task. Values are:
Blank: Do not notify the Task Assigned To Supervisor.
1: Notify the Task Assigned To Supervisor Address by sending the task reminder.

3.8 Entering User Defined Incident Data (Release 9.2 Update)

Tracking information for health and safety incidents can be complicated. Each incident
requires you to enter the right information to comply with regulations, and to ensure
that you have a complete and accurate record of the incident. The information that is
required for each incident can vary widely between organizations and between
different incident types within an organization.
To enable you to track the information you need, you can use User Defined Data to
define the fields you need to record for each incident type that your organization uses.
Before you begin, you must have set up user defined data templates, and your
incident record must exist in the system. Additionally, the type of user defined data
that is available is driven by the value in the Incident Record Type on the incident
See Section 2.6, "Setting Up User Defined Incident Data (Release 9.2 Update)" for
additional information.

3.8.1 Adding User Defined Data to an Incident

1. Using one of these methods, access the Incident User Defined Data Revisions
form. From the Daily Processing menu (G54HS10):
■ Select Incident User Defined Data. On the Work With Incident User Defined
Data form, click Add.

3-24 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Entering User Defined Incident Data (Release 9.2 Update)

■ Select Incident Master. On the Manage Incidents form, search for and select
the incident you want to update, and click the User Defined Data button
above the grid.

Note: The User Defined Data button is displayed only if you defined
a value for the Data Group processing option.

■ Select Incident Master. On the Manage Incidents form, search for and select
the incident you want to update. On the Edit Incident form, select the User
Defined Data Form exit.
2. On the Incident User Defined Data Revisions form, complete these fields:
■ Incident Number
When you populate this field, the system automatically populates the Incident
Record Type field.
■ Data Group
Select a data group that is associated with the incident record type for the
specified incident. If you select a data group that has not been set up for the
incident record type, the system issues an error.
3. In the detail area of the form, expand each of the three group box sections to view
the available fields.
4. Complete all necessary fields, and then click OK.

3.8.2 Revising Incident User Defined Data

1. Using one of these methods, access the Incident User Defined Data Revisions
form. From the Daily Processing menu (G54HS10):
■ Select Incident User Defined Data. On the Work With Incident User Defined
Data form, search for and select the record you want to update. You can select
a record by clicking the Incident Number hyperlink, or by clicking the Select
■ Select Incident Master. On the Manage Incidents form, search for and select
the incident you want to update, and then click the User Defined Data button
above the grid.
■ From the Incident Master, select an incident. On the Edit Incident form, select
User Defined Data from the Form menu.
2. On the Incident User Defined Data Revisions form, expand each of the three group
box sections to view the available fields.
3. Revise all necessary fields, and then click OK.

3.8.3 Deleting Incident User Defined Data

1. From the Daily Processing menu (G54HS10), select Incident User Defined Data.
2. On the Work With Incident User Defined Data form, search for and select the
record you want to delete.
3. Click Delete.

Entering and Managing Incidents 3-25

Entering User Defined Incident Data (Release 9.2 Update)

Be aware that if an incident record is deleted or purged, any associated user

defined data records will also be deleted. If a data group template is in use in an
incident record, the fields for the template cannot be deleted.

3.8.4 Personalizing User Defined Incident Data

You can display user defined incident data in a CafeOne window from the Edit
Incident and Manage Incidents forms.
To view a specific data group/incident combination of user defined incident data, link
to the Incident User Defined Data Revisions form (W54HS116B from the P54HS116
program). You can create a dynamic link using the incident number on both the
Manage Incidents and Edit Incident forms, and the data group on the Edit Incident
form. The Data Group processing option setting determines whether the Data Group
field should be hidden or displayed on the Edit Incident form. This processing option
also determines whether the system should display a default value in the Data Group
You can use Form Personalization to personalize the Incident User Defined Data
Revisions form. This is especially useful when displaying the form in a CafeOne
window. Fields 1–20 are flexible fields and can each represent a number of field types.
When you use the Personal Forms Manager, you will see three different size fields for
each of the Fields 1–20.
The following image describes the flexible fields as displayed in the Personal Forms

Figure 3–3 Incident User Defined Data Revisions - Personal Forms Manager

Use the descriptions below to understand the flexible fields that are displayed in the
Personal Forms Manager:

The field label, which you entered in the Data Description field when each field of the
data group was defined.

The date field, which has a field size of 6 characters.

The numeric field, which has a maximum field size of 15 characters and is used for
numeric fields and table-validated fields.

The alphanumeric field, which has a maximum field size of 50 characters and is used
for alphanumeric fields, time, and UDC associated fields.

3-26 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Entering User Defined Incident Data (Release 9.2 Update)

The associated description, which is used with UDC associated fields and
table-validated fields.

Tip: Depending on how the user defined data is defined for the data
group and how it is arranged using Form Personalization, you can
add some field labels, which would otherwise be unused, to add
additional text or lines on the personalized form.

Entering and Managing Incidents 3-27

Entering User Defined Incident Data (Release 9.2 Update)

3-28 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Reporting Incidents

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 4.1, "Understanding Regulatory Incident Reporting"
■ Section 4.2, "Generating the OSHA 300 Log Report and OSHA 300A Summary
■ Section 4.3, "Generating the OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report (R54HS301)"
■ Section 4.4, "Generating the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Survey Report
■ Section 4.5, "Generating the Detailed Incident Report"

4.1 Understanding Regulatory Incident Reporting

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is an agency created in
1970 by the United States Congress to help employers and employees reduce the
number of job injuries, illnesses, and deaths. Many other countries around the world
have similar agencies dedicated to the same mission. OSHA requires employers to
record and report work-related injuries, illnesses, and fatalities.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) of the U.S. Department of Labor is a Federal
agency responsible for measuring working conditions and other economic and market
indicators. The BLS Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities (IIF) program gathers and reports
the statistics related to work-related injuries, illnesses, and fatal incidents and analyzes
how these statistics vary by key demographics. The information it collects from
employers is very similar to the information collected by OSHA.
To support the reporting requirements for OSHA and the BLS, the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management system provides the following
■ OSHA Form 300: Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses.
■ OSHA Form 300A: Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses.
■ OSHA Form 301: Injury and Illness Incident Report.
■ Survey of Occupational Injury and Illness Form (BLS-9300 N06).

4.2 Generating the OSHA 300 Log Report and OSHA 300A Summary
This section provides an overview of the OSHA 300 Log report and the OSHA 300A
Summary report and discusses how to:

Reporting Incidents 4-1

Generating the OSHA 300 Log Report and OSHA 300A Summary Report

■ Run the OSHA 300 Log report.

■ Set processing options for OSHA 300 Log report (R54HS300).
■ Run the OSHA 300A Summary report.
■ Set processing options for OSHA 300A Summary report (R54HS300A).

4.2.1 Understanding the OSHA 300 Log Report and the OSHA 300A Summary Report
Use the OSHA 300 Log report to classify and report work-related injuries and illnesses,
including what happened, how it happened, and the severity and extent for each case.
Use the OSHA 300A Summary report to total the detailed case information for each
establishment for each calendar year. Employers must post the summary from the
previous year in a place where workers can view the report.

4.2.2 Running the OSHA 300 Log Report

Select Periodic Processing (G54HS20), OSHA 300 Log Report.

4.2.3 Setting Processing Options for OSHA 300 Log Report (R54HS300)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
1. Enter Reporting Century/Year
Enter the century and year that the system uses for OSHA reports. If you leave this
processing option blank, the system uses the current century and year date.

4.2.4 Running the OSHA 300A Summary Report

Select Periodic Processing (G54HS20), OSHA 300A Summary Report.
Before you run the OSHA 300A Summary Report, you need to enter an establishment
condition record for each establishment for each calendar year that you report. The
report cannot retrieve data without the establishment condition record. You can access
Establishment Conditions program (P086011) from the Health & Safety Incident Setup
menu (G54HS41). Enter an establishment condition record even if nothing unusual
happened during the calendar year. The report will not process unless you enter an
establishment condition for the establishment and the calendar year being reported on.
(Release 9.2 update) You can associate a company with the establishment in the
P086011 program. This association of company and establishment can be leveraged in
the Incident Master program (P54HS00) to default in the company based on the
establishment using this relationship. Use the P086011 program to record a change
reason if you are re-submitting the electronic version of the 300A to OSHA. The
program will use the most recent change reason recorded.
Use the Establishment Condition program (P086011) to enter the following additional
information about an establishment:
■ Maximum Size
Enter a code that represents the maximum number of employees that have worked
at an establishment at any point in the reporting year.
■ Form Exit Establishment Information

4-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Generating the OSHA 300 Log Report and OSHA 300A Summary Report

Use this form exit to associate a company with an establishment and to define the
establishment type. This information is used when submitting an electronic file to
OSHA for the 300A report.
■ Row Exit Change Reason
Use this row exit to record a reason why you are re-submitting an electronic file to
OSHA. If there is more than one change reason given for the same
establishment/year/report type combination, the re-submitted electronic file will
use the one with the highest sequence number.

4.2.5 Setting Processing Options for OSHA 300A Summary Report (R54HS300A)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
1. Enter Reporting Century/Year
Enter the century and year that the system uses for OSHA reports. If you leave this
processing option blank, the system uses the current century and year date.

2. Specify where safety hours and average number of employees are retrieved from
Specify how the system retrieves the safety hours. Values are:
Blank: Retrieve safety hours and from the Incident Safety Hours table (F54HS20). If
you leave this processing option blank, the system uses safety hour totals from the
F54HS20 table. You need to populate the table with your monthly safety hours for each
year being analyzed for each establishment.
1: Retrieve pay records from the Employee Transaction History table (F0618). If you
select 1, the system uses the payroll records to determine safety hours and from the
F0618 table. The system uses PDBA codes to account for vacation or leave time, which
are not considered part of safety hours.
2: Consider safety hour totals in the Incident Safety Hours table (F54HS20) an override
to pay records in the Employee Transaction History table (F0618). If you select 2, the
system first searches the safety hours in the F54HS20 table to find a record for
establishment unit and year being analyzed. If the system finds a match, it uses the
information in the table. If it does not, the system searches for any data in the F0618

3. Company Executive Name

Enter the company executive name that the system displays on the OSHA 300A report.

4. Title
Enter the title of the company executive that the system displays on the OSHA 300A

5. Phone Number
Enter the phone number for the company executive that the system displays on the
OSHA 300A report.

6. Date
Enter the date that the system displays on the OSHA 300A report. If you leave this
processing option blank, the system uses the system date.

Reporting Incidents 4-3

Generating the OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report (R54HS301)

7. Report Output (Release 9.2 Update)

Use this processing option to generate both the OSHA form 300A electronic CSV
format and the standard selected UBE format (PDF, RTF, HTML, and so on). Values
Blank: Generate only the standard selected UBE format.
1: Generate both the electronic CSV format and the standard selected UBE format.

8. File Path for Electronic CSV Format (Release 9.2 Update)

Enter the location where the system will save the OSHA 300A electronic CSV format.
You must define this location when you request the electronic CSV format.

Note: The file path is a server path when the report is generated on a
server. To specify a local path you need to install the JD Edwards
application locally.

9. File Name for Electronic CSV Format (Release 9.2 Update)

Use this optional processing option to define the name of OSHA 300A CSV file. If the
processing option is blank, the system generates a file name.

Note: OSHA - 300 Injury and Illness Audit Report (R086020) is

generated when the processing options are set to generate the CSV
file. The audit report shows any validation error between the CSV file
and the OSHA data standards for electronic submission.

4.3 Generating the OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report (R54HS301)

This section provides an overview of the OSHA 301 Injury/Illness report and
discusses how to:
■ Run the OSHA 301 Injury/Illness report.
■ Set processing options for OSHA 301 Injury/Illness report (R54HS301).

4.3.1 Understanding the OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report

You use the OSHA 301 Injury and Illness Incident report to record the details of each
case. This report helps OSHA understand the extent and severity of work-related

4.3.2 Running the OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report

Select Periodic Processing (G54HS20), OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report.
Before you run the OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report, you need to enter an
establishment condition record for each establishment for each calendar year that you
report. The report cannot retrieve data without the establishment condition record.
You can access the Establishment Conditions program (P086011) from the Health and
Safety Incident Setup menu (G54HS41). Enter an establishment condition record even
if nothing unusual happened during the calendar year. The report will not process
unless you enter an establishment condition for the establishment and calendar year
being reported on.

4-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Generating the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Survey Report (R54HS320)

4.3.3 Setting Processing Options for OSHA 301 Injury/Illness Report (R54HS301)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. Process
1. Enter Reporting Century/Year
Enter the century and year that the system uses for OSHA reports. If you leave this
processing option blank, the system uses the current century and year date.

2. Completed By
Enter the name that the system displays on the OSHA 301 report.

3. Title
Enter the title of the person who completed the report. The system displays the tile on
the OSHA 301 report.

4. Phone Number
Enter the phone number for the person who completed the report. The system
displays the phone number on the OSHA 301 report. The system displays the phone
number in Section 4 of the report.

5. Date
Enter the date that the system displays on the OSHA 301 report. If you leave the Date
processing option blank, the system uses the system date.

4.4 Generating the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Survey Report

This section provides an overview of the Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey report and
discusses how to:
■ Run the BLS Survey report.
■ Set processing options for the BLS Survey report (R54HS320).

4.4.1 Understanding the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Survey Report

The BLS can request that you generate the BLS Survey of Occupational Injuries and
Illnesses Form. The data on this form is very similar to the information presented on
the OSHA reports.
Before you run the BLS Survey report, be sure to enter an establishment condition
record for each establishment for each calendar year that you report. The report will
not retrieve any data without the establishment condition record. You can access
Establishment Conditions program (P086011) from the Health & Safety Incident Setup
menu (G54HS41).

4.4.2 Running the BLS Survey Report

Select Periodic Processing (G54HS20), BLS Survey Report.

4.4.3 Setting Processing Options for the BLS Survey Report (R54HS320)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

Reporting Incidents 4-5

Generating the Detailed Incident Report Process
1. Enter Reporting Century/Year
Enter the century and year that the system uses for the BLS report. If you leave this
processing option blank, the system uses the current century and year.

2. Specify where safety hours and average number of employees are retrieved from
Specify how the system retrieves the safety hours and average number of employees.
This report uses the same logic as the OSHA 300A report (R54HS300A) to retrieve this
information. Values are:
Blank: Incident Safety Hours table (F54HS20)
1: Employee Transaction History table (F0618)
2: Use Incident Safety Hours table (F54HS20) as an override to pay records in the
Employee Transaction History table (F0618)

3. Account Number
Enter the account number assigned to the establishment by the Bureau of Labor
Statistics. The system prints the account number in Section 1 of the Survey of
Occupational Injuries and Illnesses report.

4. Completed By
Enter the name of the person completing the Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey of
Occupational Injuries and Illnesses report. The system displays the name in Section 4
of the report (Name).

5. Title
Enter the title of the person completing the Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey of
Occupational Injuries and Illnesses report. The system displays the title in Section 4 of
the report.

6. Phone Number
Enter the phone number of the person completing the Bureau of Labor Statistics
Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses report. Enter the phone number in the
format that you want the system to display.

7. Phone Extension
Enter the phone extension of the person completing the Bureau of Labor Statistics
Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses report. Enter the phone extension in the
format in which you want it to appear in the report. The system displays the phone
extension in Section 4 of the report.

8. Fax Number
Enter the fax number of the person completing the Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey of
Occupational Injuries and Illnesses report. Enter the fax number in the format in which
you want it to appear in the report. The system displays the fax number in Section 4 of
the report.

4.5 Generating the Detailed Incident Report

This section provides an overview of the Detailed Incident report and discusses how
to set processing options for the Detailed Incident report (R54HS400).

4-6 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Generating the Detailed Incident Report

4.5.1 Understanding the Detailed Incident Report

The Detailed Incident report displays incident information such as detailed incident
description, where and when the incident occurred, who is responsible for the
incident, and people and equipment related to the incident.

4.5.2 Running the Detailed Incident Report

Select Periodic processing (G54HS10), Detailed Incident Report.

4.5.3 Setting Processing Options for Detailed Incident Report (R54HS400)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and
reports. You can configure the Detailed Incident Report through processing options
that control each section of the report and whether to print the section or not. You can
also configure the report to print just the information that you want to display. Print
1. Print People Information by Incident Role
Specify the role of the person involved in the incident that you want to print in the
Detailed Incident report. Only people with the specified role will print on the report.
Value is:
Blank: Print All People

2. Print Property/Equipment Information

Specify whether the system prints the property equipment information in the incident.
Values are:
Blank: Do not print Property/Equipment Information
1: Print Property/Equipment Information

3. Print Environmental Information

Specify whether the system prints the environmental information in the incident.
Values are:
Blank: Do not print Environmental Information
1: Print Environmental Information

4. Print Cost Information

Specify whether the system prints the cost information in the incident. Values are:
Blank: Do not print Cost Information
1: Print Cost Information

5. Print Agency Information

Specify whether the system prints the agency information in the incident. Values are:
Blank: Do not print Agency Information
1: Print Agency Information

6. Print Task Information

Specify whether the system prints the task information in the incident. Values are:
Blank: Do not print Task Information
1: Print Task Information

Reporting Incidents 4-7

Generating the Detailed Incident Report

7. Print Notification Information

Specify whether the system prints the email sent notification information in the
incident. Values are:
Blank: Do not print Notification Information
1: Print Notification Information

8. Print Detailed Description

Specify whether the system prints the Incident Investigation - Detailed Description
media object. Values are:
Blank: Do not print the detailed description
1: Print the detailed description

4-8 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Using One View Reporting to Review Incidents

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 5.1, "Understanding One View Reporting for the JD Edwards
EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management System"
■ Section 5.2, "Using Specialized Business Views for Additional One View

5.1 Understanding One View Reporting for the JD Edwards

EnterpriseOne Health and Safety Incident Management System
You use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting for Health and Safety
Incident Management system to analyze and report on health and safety incidents.
There are five One View Reporting programs in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health
and Safety Incident Management system:
■ One View Incident Summary Inquiry program (P54HS220)
■ One View Incident People Inquiry program (P54HS230)
■ One View Incident Equipment Inquiry program (P54HS240)
■ One View Incident Environment Inquiry program (P54HS250)
■ One View Incident Safety Statistics Inquiry program (P54HS260)

See: One View Reporting for Health and Safety Incident

Management in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne One View Reporting
Implementation Guide.

The One View Reporting programs for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Health and
Safety Incident Management system enable you to analyze incidents by the people
involved, equipment involved, key incident attributes, incident classifications, costs,
and environmental impact details. You can associate an incident with different types of
records, for example, people records, equipment records, and so on. These records are
associated to the incident in a one-to-many relationship, which means that an incident
can have many people or many equipment records associated with it. These records
are related to the incident, however, they may not be related to each other. You can also
associate an incident with other types of records, such as agencies, tasks,
environmental impact details and costs, in a one-to-many relationship. The One View
Reporting for Health and Safety Incident Management programs facilitate searching
and reporting on incidents, people, equipment, and environmental impact records,
and calculates safety metrics.

Using One View Reporting to Review Incidents 5-1

Using Specialized Business Views for Additional One View Reporting

To search and report on agencies, tasks, and costs, you can use specialized business
The system stores the each type of incident record in different tables as illustrated in
the following graphic.

Figure 5–1 Tables Used to Store Incident Records

5.2 Using Specialized Business Views for Additional One View Reporting
This section provides an overview of the specialized business views for additional One
View Reporting and discusses how to access the specialized business views for
additional One View Reporting.

5.2.1 Understanding Specialized Business Views for Additional One View Reporting
If you want to search across incidents for common agency or costs information, you
can use the additional specialized business views:
■ Incident and Agencies Join - One View business view (V54HS04B)
You can use the V54HS04B business view to search for agencies across all
incidents. For example, you can search for all incidents where a common agency
was involved. The V54HS04B business view has all the columns from the Incident
Master table (F54HS01), excluding the five audit fields and the four media object
fields, and all columns from the Incident Agencies table (F54HS04), excluding the
audit fields.
■ Incident and Costs Join - One View business view (V54HS07B)
You can use the V54HS07B business view to search for costs across all incidents.
For example, you can search for all incidents with the same cost types. The
V54HS07B business view has all of the columns from the Incident Master table
(F54HS01), excluding the five audit fields and the four media object fields, and all
columns from the Incident Costs table (F54HS07), excluding the audit fields.

5-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Using Specialized Business Views for Additional One View Reporting

5.2.2 Accessing the Specialized Business Views for Additional One View Reporting
To access the specialized business views, complete the following steps:
1. Enter Databrowser in the Fast Path field to access the Query Selector form.
2. On the Query Selector form, select the By Business View option and click on the
Visual Assist button for the Name field.
3. On the Business View Search & Select form, enter V54HS* in the Object Name
Query By Example (QBE) field and *One View in the Member Description QBE
field. The system displays the business views for the Health and Safety Incident
Management system in the grid.
4. After you select the business view you want, you can see and access all the
records. You can search the business views using the header fields, the Query By
Example (QBE) line, or the Advance Query features. You can export from the grid
using the Tools icon in the toolbar or build custom reports using the One View

Using One View Reporting to Review Incidents 5-3

Using Specialized Business Views for Additional One View Reporting

5-4 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide
Purging Incident Records

This chapter contains the following topics:

■ Section 6.1, "Understanding the Incident Management Purge Program
■ Section 6.2, "Running the Incident Management Purge Program (R54HS410)"
■ Section 6.3, "Setting Processing Options for the Incident Management Purge
Program (R54HS410)"

6.1 Understanding the Incident Management Purge Program (R54HS410)

You run the Incident Management Purge program (R54HS410) to purge incident
You can set a processing option to run the program in proof or final mode. You select
the incident records that you want to purge using data selection and run the Incident
Management Purge program. The system generates a report that lists the incident
number, incident description, the date the incident occurred, additional tables, and the
number of incidents that you have selected to purge. Additional tables include tables
related to people, additional injury or illness, equipment, agencies, notifications, tasks,
costs, and environment. The report also lists from which additional tables the data was
You can run the program in proof mode to verify whether the incident records that
you have selected to purge are accurate. You run the program in final mode to delete
records for selected incidents from the Incident Master table (F54HS01), additional
tables, all associated media objects and change history tables. If you have not selected
any incident records, the report lists that you have not selected any data. The change
history tables will be deleted regardless of the processing option on P54HS00 related to
deleting incidents. That processing option does not apply to the purge program.
(Release 9.2 Update) The Incident Management Purge Program has been updated to
enable users to purge any user defined incident data that is associated with the
incidents that are being purged.

6.2 Running the Incident Management Purge Program (R54HS410)

Select Advanced Operations (G54HS31), Incident Management Purge (R54HS410).

Purging Incident Records 6-1

Setting Processing Options for the Incident Management Purge Program (R54HS410)

6.3 Setting Processing Options for the Incident Management Purge

Program (R54HS410)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and

6.3.1 Process
1. Proof or Final Mode
Specify whether the system runs the Incident Management Purge report in proof or
final mode. Values are:
Blank: Proof mode
1: Final mode

6-2 JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Health and Safety Incident Management Implementation Guide

Average Annual Number of Employees

The total number of employees who are paid in all pay periods divided by the number
of pay periods. Employees include full-time, part-time, seasonal, temporary, hourly,
and salaried employees.

Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS)

The principal fact-finding agency for the U.S. Federal Government in the broad field of
labor economics and statistics.

Case or OSHA Recordable Case

A case that you record in the system when an employee is injured or ill on the job as a
result of an occupational incident, resulting in death, days away from work, restricted
work or transfer to another job, medical treatment beyond first aid, or loss of
consciousness. A single incident may result in more than one employee getting
injured, so a single incident may result in more than one case.

Complex Injury
An injury is complex when a person suffers from more than one injury or illness due
to a single incident.

CafeOne - Composite Application Framework

A JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tools feature that provides a configurable frame to
display context sensitive links that are external to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems.

Days Away and Work Restricted Transfer (DART)

An occurrence rate of incidents with recordable cases that involve days away from
work, days of restricted work activity, or job transfer.

Days Away From Work Case

A case that you record for an employee who is absent from work for one or more days
as a result of an occupational injury or illness. This is a classification that is subject to
reporting to OSHA and the BLS.

As defined by OSHA, an organization is an establishment if the organization is
involved in the same work activity and therefore exposed to the same risk. An
establishment for OSHA reporting purposes is defined as a single physical location
where like business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are

Failure Analysis

Failure Analysis
The process of collecting and analyzing data to determine the cause of a failure.

An occupational health and safety event that can involve security, environmental
damage or exposure, motor vehicle incident or damage, asset or property damage, and
illness or injury.

Incident Frequency Rate

The number of recordable injuries and illnesses that occurs to a specific number of
full-time workers, usually 100 full-time workers, over a given period of time, usually a

Incident Impact Rate

The rate that measures the financial or lost time impact of incidents.

Lost Time Case

A case that results in either days away from work, restricted work activity, or job

Lost Time Incidents (LTI)

An incident that has one or more cases resulting in either days away from work,
restricted work activity, or job transfer.

OIICS - Occupational Injury and Illness Classification System

A classification system that the BLS uses to code the case characteristics of injuries,
illnesses, and fatalities in the Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII), and
the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) programs. This manual contains the
rules of selection, code descriptions, code titles, and indices, for the following code
■ Nature of Injury or Illness.
■ Part of Body Affected.
■ Source of Injury or Illness.
■ Event or Exposure.
■ Secondary Source of Injury or Illness.

OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration

A federal agency of the United States that regulates workplace safety and health.

Other Recordable Case

An OSHA injury/illness classification that you use to report anything other than
death, days away from work, restricted work, or job transfer.

People Level of Detail

A term used in the One View Incident People Inquiry program (P54HS230) to indicate
the source of data for the rows in the grid. You use the People Level of Detail
information to accurately count people and injuries and illnesses.
Level of Detail = 1 represents a person’s record in the Incident People table (F54HS02)
without the association of any injury or illness records in the Incident Injury/Illness
table (F54HS021).

TRIF - Total Recordable Incident Frequency

A Level of Detail = 2 represents a person’s record in the Incident People table

(F54HS02) with the first additional injury or illness record for that person in the
Incident Injury/Illness table (F54HS021).
A Level of Detail = 3 represents a person’s record in the Incident People table
(F54HS02) with a subsequent additional injury or illness record for that person in the
Incident Injury/Illness table (F54HS021).

Privacy Case
A case that is private in nature or the people involved in the case have requested to
keep the details of the case private. Privacy cases are reported without revealing the
person's name and with an alternate, less intimate description of their injury or illness.

Recordable Injury Case

A case with an injury classification such as:
■ Death
■ Restricted Work
■ Days Away or Other Recordable Cases

Recordable Incident
An incident that has one or more employees injured or ill on the job.

OSHA Reportable Case

A work-related injury or illness that require employers to contact OSHA within a
certain number of hours. Reportable incidents include fatalities, serious injuries
resulting in in-patient hospitalization, amputations or loss of an eye.

Restricted Work Case

A case that you report when an employee is injured or is ill on the job for which the
injury or illness causes the employer or health care professional to recommend that the
employee avoid doing the routine functions of his or her job. It also includes incidents
in which the employer or health care professional recommends that the employee
avoids working the full workday that the employee would have been scheduled to
work if not injured or ill.

Record Type
A user defined field to classify different uses of the incident master record. This is
useful when analyzing incidents.

Safety Hours
The hours defined as hours that an employee has worked or is available to work.

Safety Hours Group

An organizational unit that you can report or analyze. The organizational unit
includes establishments, companies, business units, projects, and contractors.

Safety Metric Basis

A method to count events to analyze incidents by safety hours, miles or kilometers
driven, or deliveries made.

TRIF - Total Recordable Incident Frequency

The incident frequency rate for all recordable incidents that generally includes
reportable cases.

Workers Compensation

Workers Compensation
A form of insurance that provides wage replacement and medical benefits to
employees injured in the course of employment. An employer provides this insurance
in exchange for mandatory relinquishment of the employee's right to sue the employer
for negligence.


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