PRV BVCManagementSeminar2016 IncubatorEnterprisesv3

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Incubating Enterprises: A case study of T-Hub


It is no denial that enterprises are the economic units of any economy which
helps the science, technology, commerce, and life of the people in the economy.
World-wide various economies have encouraged incubators for providing
onward encouragement to the aspiring entrepreneurs to start enterprises for
the holistic economic development. Thus, incubators and enterprises are very
vital for the economic development.

The genesis of business incubator, Batavia IndustrialCenter in a Batavia, New York,

was started in US in 1959and as on today it is stated that there are more than
7,000 incubators worldwide, which is a huge growth. Many research studies
have found that survival rate of incubated firms can be more than three times
higher than non-incubated firms.

Considering the significance of the same, in the era of MAKE IN INDIA,EASE

for Doing BUSINESS, START UPS ETC. a brief study is made to broadly explain
about the entrepreneurs, incubators, and the benefits from the incubators and
finally to discuss about the recently set up innovative incubator viz., T-Hub in


Entrepreneurs create jobs, disperse wealth and encourage regional

development. Entrepreneurs lay foundation for economic development, because
they create new businesses and products,they separate from large

Entrepreneurs are essential to economic development. Since entrepreneurs are

self-employed and create new businesses, they stimulate the local economy in
many ways. New businesses of entrepreneurs create jobs that were not there
before, which reduces the unemployment rate and puts more money into
circulation. Production new goods and services also helps stimulate the flow of
money. Such smaller businesses keep wealth distributed much better than
larger corporations.
Entrepreneurial efforts encourage local development, and the collective force of
entrepreneurs has an impact on the overall economy for the country.
Entrepreneurs also contribute to local and national happiness due to adding
jobs and money to the economy. Apart from this, the act of starting something
new has a significant impact on their own happiness and self-esteem. Hence
this brins economic development, since people who are happy are more likely
to go out and spend money. Businessman help improve living standards with
locally sourced options that offer lower prices, help form a sense of community
due to the localization of the product and encourage people to seek out new
types of business and work on their own.

Need of entrepreneurs:

While the role and contribution of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship cannot

be overstated, the mention of the needs for an entrepreneur to turn one cannot
be avoided. There are certain specific aspects in which entrepreneur may need
significant support at least till he sustains in his pursuit and his venture takes
The specific aspects include guidance to start a business venture,conducive
office space to operate, networking, seed or angel funding, collaborations,
administrative infrastructure and support, legal and secretarial assistance, etc.
No single consultant or a mentor may be resourceful enough with all these
specific aspects to provide the same to aspiring entrepreneurs. The only facility
which will be able to bring all the aspects together is incubator.


An incubator is a facility which creates an environment that assists and

enables startups to grow from infancy. Meant for startups in their earlier
stages, incubators may or may not operate on a set schedule. Startups are
given a small seed investment, and access to a mentor network, in exchange for
a small amount of equity.

Incubators aim to assist new entrepreneurs with business start-up. The

business incubator helps to fill a void which is found in many areas. Not
everyone has access to resources that can fund a new business effort until it
becomes profitable.

Incubators differs in their services, in their organizational structure, and in

the types of clients they serve. Classical incubators are incubators oriented
towards giving support in starting the business through consultion services ,
lease of space, and the offer of the administrative infrastructure and other
services. Such Incubators may also have good social connections to sources of
funding, but they restrict themselves business investors. Technological
incubators support technologically oriented firms mostly as start-up and spin-
off firms. Incubators move friendly with universities, research institutions and
science and technological parks.

Most common incubator services are: help with business basics, networking
activities, marketing assistance, help with accounting and financial
management, access to bank loans, loan funds and guarantee programs,
access to angel investors or venture capital, help with presentation skills, links
to higher education resources, links to strategic partners, help with
comprehensive business training programs, advisory boards and mentors and
technology commercialization assistance. Although most incubators offer their
clients office space and shared administrative services, the heart of a true
business incubation program are the services it provides to start-up

Incubators do charge for the facilities and resources that they supply, but since
nearly all are supported in some manner by government or regional grants, the
charges are subsidized and lower than in the market place.
An important issue in the functioning of business incubators in a region is the
nature of their interaction with institutions of higher education. The support of
start-up firms – particularly high-technology firms.

Select popular incubators:

Almost every other prestigious B-school today houses an incubation center so

that great ideas can be nurtured from their very source. Presently there are
100 incubation centers supported by the ISBA which is the apex Indian
professional body supporting business incubators. Private incubators are a
handful, but gradually growing. The number of sector specific and sector
agnostic incubators is increasing every year which is a healthy sign but the
actual quality and the strength of these incubators also need an evaluation to
assess their real contribution.

The following are the most popular 10 incubators in India:

Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE), IIT Mumbai,

SINE,Established in 2004, can incubate arond 15 companies at a time because
its infrastructure spread over10,000sq.ft. Webaroo, Bhugol GIS and, etccame into existence because they were nurtured and
incubated by SINE – the tech incubator housed at IIT Bombay.Among SINE
successful Incubators ThinkLABSTechnosolutions, an educational robotics
venture, Myzus Technologies and Elnfinitus are few. These startups have
successfully raised venture capital investment after incubation of uptoRs. 3
crore from the market.

Technology Business Incubator, IIT Delhi

Run by IIT, Delhi, this incubator accepts incubation applications from either
IITD students, alumni or one of the members of the Academic staff only. IIT
Delhi selection criteria is quite stringent. The external startups want to be a
part of it, they can explore having tie-ups with the college professors, which
can then enable others entry into TBI.
Technopark Technology Business Incubator (T-TBI), Kerala
T-TBI started in 2006 with the support of the Government of Kerala, It
furnished working space with 15,000 sq.ft ,which offers expert opinions ,
guidance from the industry relating to marketing , legal management
consultancy and financial assistance.

T-TBI has till date successfully incubated about 60 companies and has a 92
percent success rate. In 2011, T-TBI was chosen as the world’s best software
incubating company and the first Indian organization to have achieved this

Startup Village
This incubator is a different kind of startup. This is a public private enterprise
run by Government of Kerala. The Government has earmarked Rs. 100 crore
for Startup Village and desiring to incubate over 1000 startups in a period of
one decade.

Inorder to encourage, the Potential entrepreneurs are offered with various

relaxations in attendance at college, grace Marks and tax exemption etc. to be
part of this incubator for business generated by startups incubated within
Startup Village premises.

Indian Angel Network (IAN)

IAN in an equity based business incubator center that gives importance to the
businesses related to healthcare, gaming and animation cloud computing,
retail, mobile VAS, media and entertainment, alternative energy, education and
clean technology. This is started with the support of the National Science &
Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board and the Department of
Science & Technology of the Government of India.

In addition to the regular functions of a business incubator, this incubator

encourages startups to get seed funding and pre angel funding through its tie-
up with Small Industries Development Bank of India. It also has strategic
alliances with DST supported incubators, corporate, R&D labs and many
industry associations.

The IAN incubator is particularly famous for training entrepreneurs by

conducting workshops to meet angel investors. Such workshops were
organized on saturdays called ‘Open Saturdays’ . This is a very famous activity
of this incubator.

.Technopark TBI ( Technopark - Technology Business Incubator )

This incubator is unique as it is the India’s first Non Academic Business
Incubator, hosted and housed inside the Asia's Largest IT Park.

T-TBI is established as a joint association of Technopark, Trivandrum and the

Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, to help the
technology based start-ups.

TBI provides startups with fully furnished office spaces, mentoring support in
developing business and technology plans. It provides varous other facilites
such as networking of business resources, seed capital assistance . Apart from
these it also helps assissting in marketing, professional , arranging of
conferences and video conferences.

Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE), IIM

This business incubator housed at India’s prime business school. Since 2007,
CIIE has an interesting perspective on why it doesn’t provide physical space for
business incubation. They desire entrepreneurs to build their ideas from
wherever they are stationed, so that the local economy benefits from its growth.

Ever since it started, CIIE has incubated more than 50 companies, only a
handful of which were owned by IIM students. This centre is incubating
businesses in the areas of internet , mobile and clean technology.Apart form
these the social sector and healthcare startups were taken up.
From mentoring clinics to art exhibitions from global warming initiatives to
social enterprise funds, CIIE has evolved as a prestigious business incubation
centre in India. The notable CIIE’s incubatees are, Biosense, Boond,, Flick2Know, Ideophone etc.

NSRCEL, IIM Bangalore

NSRCEL is an incubation center run and managed by IIM, Bangalore. The
basic Infrastructural facilities offered to startups includes office
space, desktops, Hi Speed Internet facility, Uninterrupted Power supply
etc. The incubator provides eminent faculties as their Mentors and also
offers seed capital support to some of the incubatee companies. The funding is
from the government grants and its disbursement is in according to the
guidelines laid down by the primary funding agency.

The StartUps are screened by the screening committee before startups can get
into NSRCEL.

GSF Accelerator
GSF is a private accelerator rather than a incubator. However, many startups
have been quite successful from GSF Accelarator. Adequate numbers have got
acquired likes of Facebook or then raised hefty Series A funding after being
mentored at GSF and therefore included them in the list.

According to their website, GSF wants to push innovation and

entrepreneurship in India through angel and seed investing. GSF Accelerator's
mission is to encourage flow of informed, knowledgeable mentorship capital to
the start-ups in India and to go beyond it.

AngelPrime was launched recently in 2011 in Bengaluru by well known names
in the Indian tech industry like BalaParathasarathy, ShripatiAcharya and
Sanjay Swamy. The areas that AngelPrime aims to incubate in are mobile
payments, e-commerce and smartphone / tablet apps. It has already begun
incubating a mobile payments company and a smartphone and tablet startup.

Unlike the CIIE, AngelPrime believes in incubating their ventures at their office
space so that they can be closely monitored. AngelPrime has an edge in its
services because the founders bring their previous corporate networks and
experiences into incubating new ventures.

Business incubators play a large role in reducing the gap between new
products / services in stages of ideation to their commercial rollout. It also
provides an equal platform to all entrepreneurs so that they can create
products and services that will benefit all sections of the society.


T-Hub is the subject case study, which is a distinguished incubator from many
angles. T-Hub is India’s largest and also the fastest-growing startup engine
catalysing Innovation, Scale and Deal Flow. It is set up in 2014 as anunique
public/private partnership between the government of Telangana, three of
India’s premier academic institutes (IIIT-H, ISB and NALSAR) and key private
sector leaders. It stands at the intersection of the startup, academic, corporate,
research and government sectors.

Incubator in T-Hub:

The first phase of T-Hub is housed in a 70,000 square foot building called
Catalyst, making it the largest incubator in a single location in India entirely
dedicated to entrepreneurship. The building will be used for co-working spaces,
meetings, mentoring, networking sessions and conferences. T-Hub provides
access to mentors, investors and academia under one roof.
It supports and promotes technological innovations occurring in the Hyderabad
startup ecosystem. Early stage startups with a minimum viable product (MVP)
and with some traction in the market can apply.

The services that startups in Catalyst, T-Hub’s incubator, receive include:

Credits from different service providers (HR, legal, accounting, finance, cloud
services), pitch and mentoring sessions etc. totaling upto 50000+ credits

• Sector-specific programs which help accelerate game-changing products

to the global markets, scaling their existing businesses. They not only provide
startups with resources such as mentoring, financial advice, and domain
expertise but also connect them to corporate partners.

• Capacity building workshops such as investor meets, corporate connect

sessions, mentorship workshops.

• T-Hub is not just an incubator which supports startups through their

journey, it is a startup which is creating a startup ecosystem in
Hyderabad to make the city the startup capital of India.

• The role of the government here is simple - it is only a facilitator. The

broad framework and policies have been created, and capital expenditure
of Rs. 40 crore was allotted by the government. T-Hub is run by
professionals with zero government intervention, and has to become
financially sustainable on its own. No handholding by the government. If
it fails, it fails. If the startups in the incubator cannot scale up, they will
be weeded out.

• T-Hub has chosen 6 key sectors from which they would incubate
startups, and all of them were chosen based on the strengths of
Hyderabad as a city. Health technology, agricultural technology, financial
technology, transport and logistics, sustainability and social sector are
their key areas.
Today, T-Hub supports 200 startups in the co-working space and guide 5
incubatees in which they have a stake. T-Hub has achieved break-even point in
the first year itself. T-Hub has multiple revenue streams: rental income from
workspace, events and workshops they conduct in the building and divesting
stake in companies that they invest in at a later stage. But their main job is to
create a startup ecosystem.
Do Incubators influence entrepreneurism?

There is no denial or lack of evidence to prove that incubators are fostering

startups and therefore incubators have become a necessary system to enable
new enterprises take birth and succeed for the larger benefit of the economy.
However, to add research value to this study, an attempt is made to find out if
the very existence of a successful incubator within close vicinity or within
regional news-reach influences or inspires youth to tread entrepreneur path.

As a part of the find out, as a sample, about 47 students who are currently in
their final year of engineering and management courses have been enquired.
Most of the students are from engineering colleges or management institutes
which are affiliated to JNTU-H and are also NBA accredited. It is understood
that these organizations do conduct programmes on entrepreneurship
development for their students. Therefore, the nature of the sample is
considered to be apt. Since this study is only an overview study, a small
sample of 50 was targeted and the size of sample got reduced to 47 due to non-
response from 3 persons. For a study of this nature and purpose, the targeted
sample of 50 members and final sample of 47 members is considered as
sufficiently representative. The aspects on which the opinion of the sample was
obtained include awareness of existence of T-Hub as an incubator within their
geographical reach, observe or learn from news reports about the success of
existing startups in T-Hub, views about the need of such incubators, and
finally their aspiration to approach T-Hub and setup a startup therein or in
any similar incubator. utcome of the enquiry:
Of the sample 47 students who were attempted for discussion / enquiry, all of
them have participated in the enquiry process and have responded with
interest and patiently.

The outcome of the views of the sample is as follows:

No. of persons
Sl.No. Question / Aspect / Particulars Responded Responded
Positively Negatively
1 Are you aware of incubator
47 46 01
2 Did you know about incubation
as a part of Entrepreneurship
47 29 18
Development Programme in your
institution, etc.
3 Did you know about incubation
concept from news items or from 47 46 01
4 Have you heard about T-Hub 47 46 01
5 Do you think T-Hub’s
establishment is required and 47 46 01
6 Are you aware that T-Hub is
mostly dominated by IT and 47 17 30
related enterprises
7 Do you find it relatively more
interesting to read news about T-
47 42 05
Hub in the newspapers whenever
they are being published
8 Do you know the names of some
companies / startups operating 47 09 36
in T-Hub
9 Do you know that T-Hub is a
public and private partnership
47 41 06
and that it has good number and
qualitative collaborations
10 Did you feel inspired / influenced
or encouraged to tread
47 46 01
entrepreneur path after knowing
about T-Hub

The enquiry / discussion with the sample of students revealed very interesting
and corroborating information. Not to surprise that all the students of the
sample are aware of T-Hub, most of them are observing or reading news on T-
Hub whenever any news item is published in newspapers on T-Hub, and most
of them are inspired / influenced by the existence of T-Hub and intend to start
an enterprise. Of course, it was a surprise that a majority of them are not
aware that as of now, T-Hub is occupied mostly by IT and related firms and the
eco system around and within T-Hub is dominated by IT and related business
propositions only.

In addition to the above, most important outcome of this research survey is the
influencing factor of T-Hub. In the discussions it was noted that while all the
persons interviewed have not confirmed that they would approach T-Hub or for
that matter any incubator, it was quite clear that they are able to get
influenced towards entrepreneurship and are also evaluating their financial
and other resources for trading entrepreneur path, and appear to have been
drawing comfort from the fact that a successful incubator viz., T-Hub is within
their reach and they can approach it in case of any need. This establishes that
the very existence of T-Hub is itself contributing to the entrepreneurship factor
in a big way for a larger benefit of the economy and the entrepreneurs. Ideally,
it is such a kind of confidence and support which is very critically required for
aspiring entrepreneurs to start their own enterprises.


Incubators create value by combining the entrepreneurial drive of a startup

with resources made available for them. Incubators also help in creating
employment opportunities in the local economy and will help ideation,
implementation, and commercialization of technologies. The study found that
there are several incubators which have been quite successful in India in
promoting startups. This research, by way of an enquiry to a designed sample,
did find that T-Hub, the incubator studied as a sample, found that being a
successful catalyst, T-Hub stood out as an true inspiring / influencing agency
for the future entrepreneurs and resultantly will be beneficial to the aspiring
entrepreneurs, technology, and the economy. No wonder, the response and the
justified need prompted the proactive government to allocate about Rs. 200
crores for T-Hub 2 for supporting more number of aspiring entrepreneurs.












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