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Content Production

Services Agreement

Prepared for [Dubai Sports Council]


This Content Production Services Agreement (the “Agreement” or “Content Production Services
Agreement”) is entered and executed into this _____ day of ____________________, 2019 by and between:
states the terms and conditions that govern the contractual agreement between
[COLLECTIVE FZ LLC], a company, having its principal place of business located at [AL BARSHA
SOUTH/ STREET 139/ PO Box 13404] (hereinafter referred as the “Agency”),

- and-

[DUBAI SPORTS COUNCIL] (hereinafter referred as the “Client”) who agrees to be bound by this


WHEREAS, the Agency offers advertising and strategy consulting services and content production

WHEREAS, the Client desires to retain the services of the Agency to render advertising and strategy
consulting and content production services with regard to [Scope of consulting services] according
to the terms and conditions herein.

NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises made by the parties
hereto, the Agency and the Client (individually, each a “Party” and collectively, the “Parties”)
covenant and agree as follows:

1. Term
This Agreement shall begin on [Begin date] and continue for 12 MONTHS.
1 Either Party may terminate this Agreement for any reason with 30 days written notice to the other Party.

2. Content Production Services

The Agency agrees that it shall provide its expertise to the Client for all things pertaining to the Scope of
Work established in QUOTE [ XX]
(See Addendum 1)
1. Video Production
a. Filming of Key Events
2. Post Production Services
a. Editing footage
b. Asset Storage

(Herein known as the Content Production Services).

3. Compensation

3. a Fee
In consideration for the Content Production Services, the Client shall pay the Agency a total fee of [XXX].
The Agency shall be paid 50% to commence the project.
The Agency shall invoice the Client once every 3 months and such invoices shall be due and payable within
10 days of the Client’s receipt of the invoice.

3. b Additionals
The Client agrees that any costs outside the scope of work is chargeable. Rates for additional work will be
shared by the Agency and approved by Client.

3. b Termination/ Expiration/ Cancellation

The Parties agree to give 60 days notice to Terminate this Contract.
Should either party be dissatisfied, a review must be called and an opportunity to rectify the issue must be

All Parties agree to a yearly review at the 10th month of the retainer, to renew the services of the Agency.

4. Intellectual Property Rights in Work Product

Any Intellectual Property developed by the Service Provider in the course of performing its obligations
under this Agreement shall be owned solely and exclusively by Collective FZ, LLC.
1. The Employee hereby assigns to the Company all rights, including without limitation,
copyrights, patents, trade secret rights, and other intellectual property rights associated with
any ideas, concepts, techniques, inventions, processes, work of authorship, Confidential
Information or trade secrets:

2. Developed or Created by the Employee, solely or jointly with others, during the course of
performing work for or on behalf of the Company or any affiliate of the Company, or the
predecessors of any such entities, whether as an employee or independent contractor;

3. That the Employee conceives, develops, discovers, or make in part during the Employees
employment by the Company that relate to the business of the Company or any affiliate of
the Company or the actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development of the
Company or any affiliate of the Company;

4. That the Employee conceives, develops, discovers, or makes in whole or in part during or
after the Employee’s Employment by the Company that are made through the use of any of
the equipment, facilities, supplies, trade secrets, or time of the Company, or any affiliate of
the Company, or that the result from any work the Employee performs for the Company, or
affiliate of the Company;

5. Or any other which are developed or created by the Employee, solely or jointly or result from
any work the Employee performs for the company;
The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Client will hold all intellectual property rights in any work
product resulting from the Content Production Services including, but not limited to, copyright and
trademark rights. The Agency agrees not to claim any such ownership in such work products intellectual
property at any time prior to or after the completion and delivery of such work product to the Client.

5. Confidentiality
The Agency shall not disclose to any third party any details regarding the Client’s business, including,
without limitation any information regarding any of the Client’s customer information, business plans, or
price points (the Confidential Information) and each party undertakes during the term of this Agreement
and at any time thereafter that it:,
(i. ii)shall not make copies of any Confidential Information or any content based on the
concepts contained within the Confidential Information for personal use or for distribution
unless requested to do so by the Client;, or
(iii) shall not use Confidential Information other than solely for the benefit of the Client;.

(iii)shall not use any Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of
its respective obligations under this Agreement;

(iv) shall not disclose any Confidential Information to any person except with the prior written
consent of the other party;

(v) shall make every effort to prevent the unauthorised use or disclosure of the Confidential

Each party may disclose any Confidential Information to its directors, officers, employee’s sub-contractors,
professional advisers and its affiliates to the extent that such disclosure is necessary for the purposes of this
Agreement. Before disclosure by a party of any Confidential Information to such a recipient, that party shall
ensure that such recipient is made aware of and complies with its obligations of confidentiality under this
Agreement as if such recipient was a party to this Agreement.

However, the obligation contained in this clause shall not apply to Informations which:

a. at the time of its disclosure by a party is already in the public domain or which subsequently
enters the public domain otherwise than by breach of the terms of this Agreement; and
b. is required to be disclosed by Applicable Law, by any order of a court of competent
jurisdiction, or by any Government Agency, provided that prior to such disclosure the relevant
party shall advise the other, where permitted by law, of the proposed form of the disclosure;
c. Each party shall, subject to any applicable intellectual property rights, forthwith upon
termination of this Agreement for any reason or upon the receipt by it of a written request
from the other, return all written Confidential Information provided to it and shall either
return or destroy to the extent possible all notes, memoranda and other stored information
(including information stored in any computer system or other device capable of containing
information whether in readable form or otherwise) prepared by it which relate to any
Confidential Information, whether or not any of the same are then in its possession and it will,
upon receipt of a written request from the other party, confirm in writing that all Confidential
Information has been returned or destroyed. Where required to retain Confidential
Information or other stored information by Applicable Law or for fiscal, tax, legal or
regulatory reasons, each party shall retain such documents as required, and provide a copy to
the other party of all documents retained.
6. Relationship of the Parties

1. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a partnership, joint venture

between the parties nor constitute any party as the agent of any other party for any

2. This Agreement must not be construed and the performance of the Services must not
be regarded as authorising the Client to act on COLLECTIVE FZ’s behalf for any
purpose whatsoever;
3. All employees hired or retained by the Client to perform the Services shall not be
deemed to be personnel of COLLECTIVE FZ, and all salaries and compensation payable
to them shall not be the responsibility of COLLECTIVE FZ.
4. The Service Provider shall not be entitled, nor shall it purport or attempt in any
manner to: (i) incur any indebtedness in the name or for and on behalf of COLLECTIVE
FZ; (ii) agree to execute any contract or agreement or arrangement in the name of or
for and on behalf of COLLECTIVE FZ; or (iii) otherwise bind (whether legally or
otherwise) COLLECTIVE FZ in any manner whatsoever, in each case, without the prior
written consent or direction of COLLECTIVE FZ.

7. Force Majeure

If performance of this Agreement or any obligation under this Agreement is prevented, restricted, or
interfered with by causes beyond either party's reasonable control ("Force Majeure"), and if the party
unable to carry out its obligations gives the other party prompt written notice of such event, then the
obligations of the party invoking this provision shall be suspended to the extent necessary by such event.
The term Force Majeure shall include, without limitation, acts of God, fire explosion, vandalism, storm or
other similar occurrence, orders or acts of military or civil authority, or by national emergencies,
insurrections, riots or wars, or strikes, lock-outs, work stoppages or other labor disputes, or supplier
failures. The excused party shall use reasonable efforts under the circumstances to avoid or remove such
causes of non-performance and shall proceed to perform with reasonable dispatch whenever such causes
are removed or ceased. An act or omission shall be deemed within the reasonable control of a party if
committed, omitted or caused by such party, or its employees, officers, agents or affiliates.
8. Non-Compete Clause
Upon agreeing on this Content Production Service Agreement, you are voluntarily agreeing that no
time during the term of this agreement with the company will you engage in any business activity which is
competitive with the Collective FZ nor work for any company which competes with Collective FZ.

For a period of one (1) year following the termination of this Service Agreement, you are hereby prevented
to be engaged in any business activity which competes with the Collective FZ.

9. Personal Data
Each party undertakes to comply with all Applicable Laws regarding the protection and usage of
personal data in connection with its performance of this Agreement.

10. Breach of Contract

Any violation of any provision hereof, any incomplete or mistaken performance of any obligation
provided hereunder, any misrepresentation made hereunder, any material non-disclosure or omission of
any material fact, or any failure to perform any covenants provided hereunder by any Party shall constitute
breach of this Agreement. The Breaching Party shall be liable for any such breach pursuant to the applicable
laws of United Arab Emirates.

11. Severability
If any part of this Agreement is or becomes for any reason invalid or unenforceable at law, that part
of this Agreement is deemed to be severed from this Agreement without affecting the remainder of this
Agreement and the remainder of this Agreement continues to be valid and enforceable. The parties agree to
use good faith efforts to negotiate an equitable adjustment to any provisions of this Agreement determined
to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable with a view towards giving effect to the purposes of this Agreement,
and the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement are not affected.

12. Waiver
Any delay or omission or failure to exercise any right or remedy provided for in this Agreement shall
not constitute a waiver of any provision of this Agreement and shall not limit any party’s rights to enforce
any provision or exercise any right under this Agreement.

13. Counterparts
This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which is an original and all
of which together constitute the same agreement.

14. Entire Agreement

This Agreement supersedes all previous agreements in respect of its subject matter and embodies
the entire agreement between the parties in respect of its subject matter.

156. Indemnification
The Client agrees to indemnify, defend, and protect the Agency from and against all lawsuits and costs of
every kind pertaining to the Client’s business including reasonable legal fees due to any act or failure to act
by the Client based upon the Content Production Services.

167. No Modification Unless in Writing

No modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and agreed upon by both Parties.

178. Applicable Law

This Content Production Services Agreement and the interpretation of its terms shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of the United Arab Emirates and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction
of the federal and state courts located in the United Arab Emirates.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has executed this Content Production Services Agreement, both
Parties by its duly authorized officer, as of the day and year set forth below.


__________________________ __________________________ __________________________
[First name] [Last name] [Title]



__________________________ __________________________ __________________________

[First name] [Last name] [Title]


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