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Proceedings of the IEEE 2017 International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication


Review: Methods for Relay Coordination

Shubhangi B. Walke Prof. Nayana N. Jangle
Department of Electrical Engineering, Assistant Professor
K. K. Wagh I. E.E.& R., Nashik. Department of Electrical Engineering
Savitribai Phule University, Pune K. K. Wagh I. E.E.& R., Nashik.
Email- [email protected] Email- [email protected]

 component but also to the neighboring components and to the

Abstract-Reliability of the power system degrades with power system as a whole. So it is of vital importance to limit
abnormal operating condition of the protective system caused
due to overvoltage, under-frequency, overload etc. which may the damage to a minimum by speedy isolation of the faulty
leads to interruption of the supply, and may damage equipment’s section, without disturbing the working of the rest of the
connected to the system. To maintain system stability and system. A fault is a condition that causes abnormal stoppage
reliability it is necessary to have a protective system which
of current in the desired path or makes the current to flow
operates as quickly as possible, isolates smallest part of the
system under fault. For this purpose it is necessary to have towards an undesired path. Faults include, but are not limited
coordination between the protective devices to assure safe to, short or low impedance circuits, open circuits, power
operation. This paper represents the relay coordination of swings, over voltages, Elevated temperature, and off-nominal
distribution system with and without penetration of distributed frequency operation. They are generally caused by the failure
generators due to increase in the interest in distributed of insulation, breaking of conductors, or shorting of phase
generation by renewable energy sources. Directional overcurrent wires by birds, kite string, tree limbs, etc. Occurrence of a
relaying, which is simple and economic, is commonly used as fault can cause the following problems like Interruption in the
primary protection in distribution and sub transmission system power supply to the consumers, Substantial loss of revenue
and secondary protection in transmission system. This inclusion
due to interruption of service, Loss of synchronism, Extensive
of DG may cause false tripping in feeders, increasing or
decreasing short circuit levels, bidirectional power flow in case of damage to equipment, Serious hazard to personnel. All power
radial distribution system, so to find the optimal solution of relay system equipment must, therefore, be protected to avoid
coordination problem there are different optimization methods. system collapse and the associated consequences. The
In this paper review of the methods like Genetic algorithm, protective relays stand watch and in the event of a failure such
Linear programming, Particle swarm optimization and Hybrid as short circuit or abnormal operating conditions, de-energize
PSO is presented. Out of these methods hybrid PSO gives better the unhealthy section of the power system and restrain
solution with less iterations as compared to Genetic algorithm, interference with the remainder of it. They are also used to
Linear programming. In Hybrid PSO, TMS is considered as indicate the type and location of failure so as to access the
continuous parameter and current setting as discrete parameter.
effectiveness of the protective scheme Distributed generation
TMS is calculated by linear programming at the end of each
iteration of PSO optimization algorithm. is the generation of electricity from many small energy
sources e.g. solar or wind and is located closer to the user, or
Keywords-Over current Relay, Relay coordination, Time multi- customer. A form of distributed generation is on site
plier setting, Pick up Current, PSO, Distributed Generation generation where a customer owns its own generation and it is
installed on its premises Recently, the issues of growing
energy demand, rising public awareness for environmental
I. INTRODUCTION protection and existing nature of fossil fuels, have resulted in
much of the research work to be focused on renewable
The advent of large generating stations and highly
resources. The private sectors and utilities are now
interconnected power systems has made early fault
concentrating on distributed generation (DG) based on
identification and rapid equipment isolation imperative to
renewable energy sources on account of higher efficiency,
maintain system integrity and stability. It is evident that, in
improved power quality, reliability, and environmental
spite of all the precautions taken in the design and installation
friendly nature for standalone as well as grid connected
of such systems, there are possibilities that abnormal
applications The presence of distributed generation (DG)
conditions or faults may arise. Some faults such as short
resources has significantly affected the short-term and long-
circuits may prove extremely damaging, not only to the faulty
term planning task in electric power distribution systems One
of the important challenges about the distribution network
with DG is the protection issue that has to be isolated safely
Shubhangi B. Walke with Department of Electrical Engineering, from the central grid when a fault is occurred. In addition to it
K. K. W. I. E.E & R.,Nashik. Savitribai Phule University, Pune requires a large control flexibility and better quality of supply
Email- [email protected]
to meet local demands during islanding operation and utility

978-1-5090-4890-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 1027

Proceedings of the IEEE 2017 International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication

and grid connected operation. The operation of distribution Similarly, relays R2 and R1 are coordinated for a maximum
system in islanded mode is still an issue due to the difference fault at respective line.
between the short circuit current in islanded mode and grid-
connected mode. In a smart radial distribution grid (RDS),
distributed generators (DGs) will be more prominent. The
addition of the DGs changes the topology of RDS, causes
bidirectional power flows and contributes to fault current The relay coordination problem of OC relays can be
levels. This may result in unwanted tripping of existing formulated as constrained optimization problem. The objective
overcurrent (OC) protection devices and in permanent outage function of the problem is total operating time of all the relays
of a large number of customers. present in the system. The function is to be minimized so that
each relay operates in minimum time and reliability of the
system is maintained.


There are two kinds of protection incorporated in the min j ¦W t i i
radial system, a primary protection and backup protection [8]. i 1
Sensitivity and Selectivity are of utmost importance for
reliability and stability of any power system. Whenever a fault
occurs at any point in the system, the fault current is seen by Where;
both primary and backup relay. The primary relay is the first n = number of relays and
to issue the trip signal as it is more sensitive than that of ti = operating time of the i relay for near-end fault.
backup relay. The coordination time interval between the Wi =weight depends upon the probability of a given fault
backup and the primary relay depends on various parameters occurring in protection zone and usually set to one.
like operating time of primary relay, operating time of circuit
breaker associated with the primary relay, overshoot time of B. Relay characteristics
backup relay and signal travelling time these parameters are The characteristic equation can be defined as follows:
necessary for maintaining the selectivity of primary and
backup relay. In a radial system, power flow is unidirectional. O (TMS )
But when the DG is penetrated in the system the power flow ( PSM )J  1
becomes bidirectional. So, when a fault occurs, the directional
feature of over current relay is predominant. The directional Where,
relays trips, only when the fault current is flowing away from
the bus under consideration. TMS = Time Multiplier Setting
PSM = Plug Setting Multiplier
C. Coordination Constraints
Figure 1 shows a simple radial distribution network
1. Selectivity constraints for all relay pairs
where S is the source, B1, B2, B3, B4 are the bus bars and L1,
Selectivity means that the faulted line is the only part to be
L2, L3, L4 are the corresponding loads.
disconnected which means that the primary time must be
greater than the secondary time with certain delay

Tbackup  Tprimary t CTI

T backup = operating time of back up relay,
T primary = operating time of primary relay.
CTI is the coordination Time Interval
Figure 1: Radial Distribution System 2. Bounds on TDS:
There setting boundaries must be fulfilled as described by
Inverse overcurrent protection relays are usually used in which equation
the setting and coordination curves of relays R1, R2, and R3.
Fault current in line 3, the operating time of relay R2 is made TDSi min d TDSi d TDSi max
greater than the operating time of relay R3 at least by a time
interval ends on factors such as the circuit breaker opening Where,
time and delays and return time of the measuring element. In TDSimin is the lower limit and
case of electromechanical relays, overshoot is also considered. TDSimax is upper limit of TDSi.
These limits are 0.05 and l.l respectively.

978-1-5090-4890-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 1028

Proceedings of the IEEE 2017 International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication

3. Limits on primary operation times: A mathematical method to analyze problems, the

This constraint imposes constraint on each term TDS of the relationship between variables is linear which performance
objective function to lie between 0.05 and l.2. under the constraints to select the appropriate alternative
between minimum or maximum value.[3][8][14]
The structures of linear programming technique are
There are different methods for the relay coordination like
Genetic Algorithm, Linear Programming, Particle Swarm
Optimization, Hybrid particle Swarm Optimization etc .these
a) Decision variable: The desired results, is the time dial
methods are useful for calculating the minimum operating
setting (TDS).
time of the relay. In this paper the overview of these methods
is presented.
b) Objective function: Aims to find the minimum or maximum

Genetic algorithm (GA) is a random search algorithm used in c) Constraints: Equation or inequality that represents the
computing exact or approximate solutions to optimization and extent of demand.
search problems. [1][4][11] Genetic algorithms are
categorized as global search heuristics. d) Restriction: Every decision variable is not negative.
Proposed Algorithm
Step 1: Generate primary/backup relay pairs. The knowledge The general linear programming problem can be
of primary/backup relay pairs is necessary in the computation expressed as a constrained optimization problem as follows.
of the coordination constraints. A pairs of relays to monitor and detect errors in the operation
of the relay. Power system protection allowing a clear division
Step 2: Load flow analysis is performed using Newton- and coordination of directional overcurrent relay in power
Raphson method to determine line currents. This analysis can system problem to protect fault to occur. This has solved the
be performed using a simulation softwares problem using linear programming based on 6 bus and 9 bus
test systems to determine the minimum time relay
Step 3: Short circuit analysis is done using the same coordination and time dial setting of all relay. The reason of
simulation software to find fault currents. the linear programming to solve the problem because this
method is simple and uncomplicated way to solve the
Step 4: Pickup current is calculated based on the load current. problem. It also reduces the complexity of many variables on
Here it will be set at 1.5 times the maximum load current, for solution of large power systems.
phase protection.

Step 5: The objective function is minimized and optimum

Particle swarm optimization is a population based
values of TDS are determined using linear programming
stochastic optimization technique. PSO has many common
technique in MATLAB.
features associated with evolutionary computation techniques.
In the PSO algorithm, the problem is initialized with a
Step 6: The values of TDS and minimization of objective
population of random feasible solutions and searches for an
function is again optimized using genetic algorithm (GA)
optimal solution by updating generations based on a certain
using MATLAB toolbox.
criteria.[5] The potential solutions in the PSO algorithm,
called particles, move through the problem space by following
The methodology of optimization is presented to solve the
the current most fit particles. The particles share knowledge
coordinating problem of directional overcurrent relays in an
and each particle adjusts its position based on its own
interconnected power system.[21-22] The operating time of
experience and the experience of the neighboring particles[6]
the relays was determined using genetic algorithm (GA) for 8
Let x and v denote the Particles position and its velocity in the
bus system for both linear objective functions and for
search space. The term velocity represents the change in the
nonlinear objective functions. The value of time dial setting
position of each particle. Thus, the position of the nth particle
(TDS) and pick up current value (Ip) are calculated for linear
in a D-dimensional space is represented as xn =
and nonlinear function respectively in such a way that all
[xnl;Xn2:::::Xnd]. The best previous position explored by the
constraints will satisfied. This algorithm helps to increase
nth particle is recorded and denoted as pbestn. Another value
coordination and the operation speed of relays. Advantages of
that is tracked and stored by the particle swarm algorithm is
this method are finding the absolute optimal point, the ability
the best value obtained so far by any particle in the population.
to be applied on large networks, the ability to consider both
This best value is a global best and is denoted by gbest. Each
linear and non-linear characteristics of relays.
particle changes its position based on its current velocity and
B. LINEAR PROGRAMMING its distance from pbest and gbest.[7-8] The steps of the PSO
algorithm for the relay coordination problem are given below:

978-1-5090-4890-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 1029

Proceedings of the IEEE 2017 International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication

Step 1: Initialize the particles with partially feasible solutions operation of DGs. Directional overcurrent relays provide a
that satisfy some of the constraints by randomly selecting the viable solution for micro grid protection. A central protection
binary y variables that satisfy unit is required to change the settings of the relays based on
the system configuration.

¦y m

The standard PSO algorithm is used for unconstrained

i optimization tasks. A very simple method based on hybrid of
PSO and linear programming is presented.[7-8] At the
beginning for creating the first population, a random set of Iset
i 1, 2....n which one available in the relays are selected and then for
improving the convergence of PSO the TMS are computed
with linear programming. Then the position of each particle
(Iset) is updated with
The TDS are then optimally determined subject to the
constraints in Vnd i 1 . nd i  c1 .rand ().( pbestnd  x i nd )  c2 .rand ().( gbest nd  x i nd )

Tnk  Tik t 'T And

xnd t 1 xnd t  vnd t

Tnk = operational time of back up relay in k protection zone.
' T =Coordination Time Interval(CTI) Where,
Vnd is velocity of nth particle
TDSi min d TDSi d TDSi max The constraints should be checkedIf the constraints are not
satisfied, then updating process are done with again the
And constraints are checked. .[17-18] If again the constraints are
not satisfied, updating is done by Thus we have:
If the constraints are not satisfied for the first time:

Tik 0.14xTDSi [(Iik / I pi )0.04 1]

­°Vnd i 1 c2 .rand ().( g best nd  x i nd )
® i 1
Step 2: For each particle the fitness value is calculated using °̄ xset xset i  vnd i 1
the fitness function given below

If the constraints are not satisfied for the second time:
fitness function =1/ ¦ Tijk (1 - ¦ nm )
1 ­°Vnd i 1 0
® i
where , °̄ xset  1 pbest nd
After updating the Iset is finished and quantizing to available
‘m’ is the number of constraints and
setting. TMS can be calculated with linear method at the end
‘n’ represents the penalty value if a solution does not satisfy
of each iteration of PSO method[8-9]. Both near end and far
the constraints. It can take a value of either 0, if all constraints
end faults are taken into account in the constraint of proposed
are satisfied or 1 if the solution is not feasible.
method. This method shows that proposed method finds the
better solution with less iterations compared to LP and GA
Step 3: Compare each particle’s fitness value with its p best. If
the fitness value is greater than pbest then update pbest. with this
new value. Determine the current gbest among all particles’
pbest. positions. Compare the current gbest position with the VI CONCLUSION
previous gbest position and update gbest
This paper reviews various methods of relay
Step 4: Calculate the new velocity and modify the particle’s coordination. Genetic Algorithm is advantageous in large
position in each dimension one at a time and accept the move networks and has ability to consider both linear and nonlinear
based on the aforementioned strategy. Repeat until the characteristics of relay. Linear programming method is simple
maximum number of iterations is reached. and uncomplicated way to solve the problem reduces
complexity of many variables on solution of power system.
The PSO algorithm is capable of obtaining a close to The standard PSO algorithm is used for unconstrained
optimal solution. It is not possible to select one setting for the optimization tasks. PSO in its standard form is not capable of
relays that satisfies both grid connected and micro-grid dealing with the coordination of DOCR, which is a

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Proceedings of the IEEE 2017 International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication

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