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1. Ifa says that there is someone who has some money to pay.
Ifa advises this person to offer ebo in order to avoid a
situation where this money will become difficult to pay. Ifa
advises this person to offer ebo with four guinea-fowls, four
pigeons, four roosters and money. The officiating awo will
also procure Papasan leaves and Eemo. The two will be
pounded together and mixed with soap. The soap will be
given to this person to bath with. On this, Ifa says:

Idi kan
Olokanran kan
Dia fun Lewi
Tii se Iya Owiwi
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ifa wa ba mi ja’jan orun mi
Emi o ma ba won lorun gbese
Papasan lo ni nsawo orun temi o
Eemo lo ni nsanwo orun temi o
Ko mo peregede lese Oba Orisa

Idi kan
Olokanran kan
Ifa’s message for Lewi
Who was the mother of Owiwi, the Owl
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Ifa come and help me pay off my debt
I have no neck for debts
Papasan has authorized that the debt that I owed will be
And Emo had decreed that I will pay all my debts and my
neck will be free of encumbrances.

2. Ifa says that there is one child here who needs to serious Ifa
work in order to prevent him/her from experiencing untimely
death. This child is an Elegbe child and his/her Egbe is
calling him/her to come and join them in heaven. Ifa says
that even the mother of this child is also and Emere woman
who is also prone to die young. Ifa advises that three
roosters, three hens and money should be offered as ebo.
After this, they need to procure rings made with lead and the
rings will be tied round the waist of both the mother and the
child. On this, Ifa says:

Oree kase lo dun

Bo ba di Kajugun
Bibu lo bu mi o
Dia fun Eredola
Tii somo Oloja Emere
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Won npe e l’Oyoo oro
O sebi Oyo apepa ni
Oje kii ku o
O je kii run
Beleje ni won o maa le maye lo o

My friend please remove your legs is agreeable
When it comes to remove your knees
It become an insult
Ifa’s message for Eredola
The child of the head of the Emere
When she was being invited in Oyo to become prosperous
She mistaken it to being invited to experience an untimely
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
The lead metal never dies
And the lead never experience infirmity
With flexibility I will continue to enjoy my life on earth

3. Ifa says that there is also a female here who is also the head
of Egbe from heaven. There is the need to propitiate Egbe
for this woman on a regular basis. This woman will be
popular round the world. Ifa advises her to offer ebo with
two roosters, two hens, plenty of Ekuru, plenty of Akara and
money. There is also the need for this person to procure the
icon of Egbe for her constant propitiation. On this, Ifa says:

Idi kan
Olokanran kan
Dia fun Iyabonbata
Tii seya egbe ode orun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ba jebutu Aje gbuurugbu

Idi kan
Olokanran kan
Ifa’s message for Iyabonbata
Who was the head of the Egbe group from heaven
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of prosperity

4. Ifa says that it foresees the blessing of childbearing for a

barren woman. Ifa advises this woman to offer ebo with two
tied hens, two pigeons, and money. She also needs to feed
Osun with one hen, plenty of Akara and maize beer. on this,
Ifa says:

Ore kase lo dun

To ba di Ka’jugun
Bibu lo bu mi
Dia fun Yeye e mi Otooro Efon
Omo Eji gb’ojo ode Ido
O feyin ti o nmoju ekun sunrahun omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
E lo ba mi sipe f’Osun o
E lo ba mi sipe f’Osun o
Alakole o fagada rela
E lo ba mi sipe f’Osun
Iyaa mi too ki nbi o to oki Moro l’Efon
Eporogun too ki o

My friend please remove your legs is agreeable
When it comes to remove your knees
It become an insult
Ifa’s message for my mother the Otooro Efon land
Offspring of the rainfall that took over the whole of Ido land
When she reclined and was weeping in lamentation of her
inability to beget her own baby
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Go and help me plead with Osun
The Alakole who never cut okra with a broad sword
Go and help me plead with Osun
Is my mother worthy of salutation or not
The Moro of Efon land
Eporogun is worthy of salutation

5. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo and to feed Ogun in order
to be victorious over his/her enemies. Ebo materials two
roosters, two hens and money. There is also the need to
use one male dog and one rooster to feed Ogun. On this, Ifa
O bale, o ro gbinrin bi oko
Dia fun Ogun Onija Oole
Ejemu Oluwonran
Otele girigiri rebi ija
Igba ti ngbogun lo ilu Ejigbomekun Eseji
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni laruuse ogun

It landed and sounded like a hoe
Ifa’s message for Ogun Onija Oole
The Ejemu of Oluwonran land
He who matches forcefully to venue of confrontation
When he was going on military campaign to Ejigbomekun
Eseji land
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long not too far
Join us in the midst of victory
6. Ifa advises this person to offer the ebo of childbearing and
also offer the ebo to prevent the child experiencing untimely
death. The ebo for this person to beget babies are two
hens, four rats, four fish and money. The ebo for human
beings not to take away the child prematurely are one
matured he-goat, one sharp knife and money.

Idi kanran awo Agbe

Dia fun Agbe
Agbe nsunkun alainibudo
Won ni ko rubo tomo
Ko si rubo kaye o ma le gba omo naa
Ebo omo nikan lo ru
Ko pe, ko jinna
Ifa wa n se looro gangan

Idi kanran the awo of Agbe, the Calabash
He cast Ifa for Agbe
When Agbe was lamenting her inability to secure a
comfortable place to stay
She was advised to offer ebo to beget her children
And also to offer ebo so that the children will not
experience untimely death
She only offer ebo of childbearing
She gave birth to many children
But human being used the knives that she refused to
offer as ebo to cut the children into two
Before long not too far
Come and see how Ifa manifest with alacrity

7. Ifa advises this person not to travel outside the town or

country for at least 17 days in order for him/her not to get
lost wherever he/she goes. Ifa says that all his/her
achievements in life are located where he/she was born.
He/she is not the travelling type. This is in order for him/her
not to die in his/her sojourn. Ifa is referring to two people
who are not sibling here. Ebo materials: each person will
offer ebo with two roosters and money. on this, Ifa says:

Kokotiko, awo ile Alara

Eba sese awo Magbojia
Dia fun Eru
Tii somo Alara
A bu fun Edun
Tii somo Oke Ailoran
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Eru pe loko
Won ran Edun to o
At’Eru, at’Edun, gbogbo won lo gbe soko

Kokotiko the resident awo of Alara
Ebasese the awo of Magbojia
Ifa’s message for Eru, the axe handle
Who was the child of Alara
And for Edun the hatchet
Who was their child in Aloran Hill
They were advised to offer ebo
They failed to comply
Eru stayed too late in the farm
They sent Edun to go and look for him
Both Eru and Edun got lost in the farm
8. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of a compatible spouse for a
man where this Odu is revealed. Ifa says that this man will
procure the woman free of charge. Ifa advises this man to
offer ebo with two hens and money.

Idin ranyinranyin
Awo Itu lo dia fun Itu
Ti yoo soko kotonla
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni nire gbogbo

Idin ranyinranyin
The awo of Itu, he-goat cast Ifa for Itu
When going to become the husband of Kotonla, the
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long not too far
Join us in the midst of all ire
Aboru Aboye
1. Ifa - for direction, protection, prosperity, victory, success,
elevation, and general wellbeing
2. Ori – for fulfillment of destiny, support, guidance, protection,
success, victory, elevation, sanctuary and self actualization
3. Esu-Odara – for support, sanctuary, victory, elevation,
progress, and overall wellbeing


1. Must never be wearing green or milk colored dress – to
avoid infant mortality
2. Must never be too sensitive to his right – to avoid missing
opportunities and unconsummated fortunes
1. Ifa/Orisa Priest/Priestess
2. Sympathetic undertaker, mortuary attendant, and coffin


1. Temi-O-Sunwon – Mine will be more successful than theirs
2. Ebudola – insult turns to prosperity

1. Yoyin-soye – had honey to title
2. Eredola - my membership of the Emere group turns to

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