Implementing SAP Using Agile Methodology

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Implementing SAP Using Agile Methodology

SAP is now looking for the faster and effective way of delivering the software to the customers to meet
the market demands. To overcome this, SAP Nederland is working on practical way of implementing
Agile methodology that could be effective and can be operated in short iterative cycle. This iterative
method is based on 'Lean' principles of software development and uses elements from SCRUM as
implementation methodology. The Scrum process is based on development cycle of work which is
known as Sprints. The sprint has a specified end date and the dates do not get extended whether the
task is completed or not. The sprints are time-boxed which has fixed end date.

At the start of each sprint the team sits together and picks the high priority task from the list, do the
estimation to meet the sprint goal with commitment. The team meets daily to review the progress of
the task and to take appropriate action to complete the pending work. At the end of each sprint the
team reviews the product and the feedback taken from the stakeholders as lesson to be implemented in
the next sprints. If the task is not completed for any reason than they are left out and returned as a
product backlog.

There are major three roles in Scrum. They are:

1. Product Owner: Product Owner represents all the stakeholders and customer. He is accountable for
maximizing the output, prioritizing the task, understanding the product features, identifying the
backlogs, re-prioritizing the list and ensuring high ROI. In Scrum team there is one Product Owner and he
or she is completely responsible for the quality of work done. it is widely suggested that the role of
Product Owner and Scrum Master should not be combined to the same person.

2. Team: The build team is responsible for delivering the product at the end of each sprint. The team
consists of small size of not more than 10 people with cross-functional skill. The team performs all the
works like - Analysis, Designing, coding, testing and documentation. The team also suggest Product
owner the best way to accomplish the sprint commitment.

3. Scrum Master: The Scrum master is responsible for managing the scrum project and enforces the
rules to meet the sprint commitment. A key role of the scrum master is to serves the team; protect
them from outside interference and to help them to remain focused on the goal to achieve sprint
deliverables. Scrum master do not manages the people nor they act a team lead but help the team to
achieve business values.

All together they are known as Scrum team.

Phases of SAP Agile Implementations are (Ref SAP AG): 1. Project Baseline and 2. Sprint Realization.

In project baseline phase there are four steps: Project Preparation, Envision Process, Functioning
Baseline System, and Evaluation Phase.
In sprint realization phase following activities is performed: Sprint Planning Meeting, Delta Realization,
Daily Status Meetings, Sprint Demo Session and Sprint Review.

Advantages of Agile in SAP implementation

1. Fast outcomes within 4 weeks of each sprint cycle.

2. Priority based development as per client requirement. Hence high satisfaction.
3. Lower the total IT cost.
4. High visibility and measurable results.
5. Better coordination. All stakeholders are involved from initial start of the project.
6. Risks are identified in the initial stage and hence managed easily.
7. Flexibility to adapt changes in each sprint.
8. Frequent delivery of software.

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