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Christmas Around the World

“Sayawit Contest”
December 20, 2018


1. This Sayawit Contest is open to all public school teachers of the Division of Danao City.

2. There shall be 5 groups of contestants coming from the 10 clusters. The groupings are
determined through a ‘draw by lot’ done by the Public Schools District Supervisors. Each
group shall be composed of a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 25 teachers.

3. The performance must consist of song and dance presentation that uses a medley of 3
or more songs either English, Tagalog or Bisaya or a combination. Presentation should
last for a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 minutes including entrance and exit.

4. Accompanying music may be canned or live. For canned music, save it in CD.

5. The costumes, make-up and accessories are left to the discretion of the participating
group as long as they are not vulgar or offensive.

6. Hand props may be allowed while huge props and back draft are not permitted. Effects
such as fire, gunpowder or any explosives, firecrackers or pyrotechnics are strictly not

7. The winners are determined based on the following Criteria for judging:
 Theme Relevance - 30 %
 Precision of Dance Movement - 20 %
 Voice Quality - 20 %
 Originality - 20 %
 Projection and Overall Impact - 10 %
TOTAL - 100 %

8. Prizes are as follows:

 First Prize - P 6,000.00
 Second Prize - P 4,000.00
 Third Prize - P 3,000.00
 Consolation Prize - P 2,000.00

9. The decision of the Board of Judges is final and irrevocable.

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