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Reaction Summary: ALKENES

Reagent Conditions Products Observations Example/Diagram

Br(l)  Room temperature  Vicinal dibromide Bromine decolorized
 No light
Br(aq)  Room temperature  Vicinal dibromide Bromine decolorized
NB: CAPE just uses the dibromide (minor product)
as the product. They disregard the  Bromoalcohol (major
alcohol. product)
Hydrogen halide  Room temperature  Halogenoalkane
HX where X is F, Cl, Br, I  Hydrogen halide either
dissolved in ethanoic
acid or gaseous HX
bubbled through alkene
H+(aq)/KMnO4(aq)  Cold dilute  Vicinal diol Purple colour of KMnO4(aq) decolorized
H+(aq)/KMnO4(aq)  Hot concentrated  Mixture of compounds Purple colour of KMnO4(aq) decolorized
H+(aq)/KMnO4(aq) containing a carbonyl
group (C=O) (ketones,
carboxylic acids,
aldehydes which are
oxidized to acids)
 Sometimes CO2 and
H2O formed as well
Hydration  Acidic catalyst  Alkyl hydrogensulfate
(concentrated H2SO4) which is then
hydrolyzed with H2O to
an alcohol and the
sulphuric acid is
Hydrogenation  Room temperature  Corresponding alkane
(addition of hydrogen) (150oC) (unsaturated
 High pressure compound)
 Catalyst – nickel or

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