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John Dave Guiller C. Tumambing, Zoer Matthew D. Virtucio, Rianna Rose D. Dela Cruz,

Renz Luciano

Department of Industrial Engineering, Batangas State University

Email:[email protected]@[email protected],

[email protected]

Abstract I. Introduction

The most widely used of all optoelectronic LED Flasher is a simple circuit which will
devices is the simple LED (light emitting blink the LEDs in regular time period. This
diode), which emits a fairly narrow circuit can be used for decoration purpose or
bandwidth of visible (usually red, orange, can be used for a signaling purpose and
yellow, or green) or invisible (infrared) light many more. A LED flasher circuit is a
when its internal diode junction is stimulated circuit which flashes the LED- meaning
by a forward electric current. LEDs have turns it ON-OFF, ON-OFF, ON-OFF. The
typical power-to-light energy conversion 555timer chip is a very versatile IC, because
efficiencies some 10 to 100 times greater when connected correctly, it can it can
than a simple tungsten filament lamp and create pulses of current at specific time
have very fast response times (less than intervals decided by the resistor-capacitor
0.1µS, compared to 10s or 100s of (RC) network. When a 555 timer creates
milliseconds for a tungsten lamp), and are pulses in this way, the LED doesn't stay
thus widely used as visual indicators and as constantly on. It only turns on at a pulse and
simple ‘flashing light’ units. By simple, I then shuts off after the pulse has passed.
mean that these circuits only flash one or And it does this in a never-ending cycle,
two LEDs. This is opposed to the light which creates the flashes of light.To make
chaser circuits that can flash four or more. the 555 timer chip create pulses, it must be
Of course, the simplest LED flasher is placed in a stable mode. A stable mode
simply to use a flashing LED. The problem simply means that the 555 timer has no
with that approach is you have no control stable state. It switches constantly between
over the flash rate, but it does have its use high and low, or on and off. This is why this
for eye catching displays for selling stuff. mode is also called oscillator mode, because
The circuits below give you that control, it uses the 555 timer an oscillator, which
plus they can flash two LEDs alternately. creates square wave signals.

The 555 timer is made to be configured as a

stable multi-vibrator. The potentiometer
which is connected to the timer should be
preset and also to adjust the blinking or III. Materials and Methods
flashing speed of the LEDs.
Qnty Components
The bicolor LEDs are used in this circuit and
connected to each other as shown in the
schematic. The PWM signal is the output of
the 555timer given to transistor, which acts 1 47 KOhms
as an inverter. When the pulse generated by
555 timers is low, transistor will get ON and
LEDs will get ON. When the input of
transistor is high, transistor will get OFF and
LEDs are made OFF. This ON/OFF of 2 220 Ohms
LEDs will go for every pulse width signal
cycle. This mechanism will make the LEDs

1 10microF

II. Objectives

 To design a circuit of LED Flasher

 To develop circuit design that function

by using LED 1 IC 555 TIMER

 To make a basic design that can be

continuously show a lightning

 To produce a variable output


9V Battery
negative terminal to the negative rail of
the breadboard. Insert an LED on the
1 BREADBOARD breadboard. Which is Anode connected
to the positive rail of the breadboard and
its cathode connected to pin 3 of the IC
using 220 ohms resistor. Insert another
LED of the breadboard which is cathode
1.5 connected to the negative rail of the
meters Wires breadboard and anode connected to the
pin 3 of the IC using other 220 ohms
resistor. Finally, connected the battery
on mobile charger to the breadboard.

Circuit Designing V. Conclusion

The students therefore conclude

that the LED Flasher is challenging to
produce because is not easy to make
an output. For some reason, the
electronic components required are
not so familiar to the students
although simple to see but hard to do.
To function the LED Flasher the
students need to study on how to
connect the components properly.

IV. Results and Discussions

Insert the 555 IC timer in the middle VI. Recommendations

of the breadboard. Connect pin 2 of the
The students recommend that
IC to the negative rail of the
before making a layout or an output,
breadboard. Connect pin 8 & pin 4 of
make a circuit on multisim and test it
the IC to the positive rail of the
in multimeter then transfer the circuit
breadboard. Connect pin 2 of the IC to
to the breadboard to produce a desired
pin 6 of the IC and the negative terminal
circuit layout .
to the negative rail of the breadboard.
Connect pin 6 of the IC to pin 3 of IC Other than that the students
using 47 kOhms resistor. Connect the recommend that you must if the
positive terminal of the 10 micro F component that they were about to use
capacitor to pin 2 of the IC and the in making the LED Flasher is in
proper condition and easy to find in
the market.

In transferring the desired printed

layout to the breadboard, it must be
checked before putting on it because
the other component is sensitive .
To the Basic Electronics with
You can use Printed circuit board
Measurement instructor, Engr. Sarah
(PCB) in LED flasher ,but it is taken
B. Tolentino, who gave them
so much time in soldering the
knowledge and guidance in making
component .
this project throughout the entire

Acknowledgement To the stdent’s parents who provide

moral and financial support.
The students would like to extend
their gratitude for the support and To IE-3303 batch 2018 for the support
appreciation, considerable part and and countless prayers.
comprehension of the following
VII. References
important persons and instutions that
made this project possible.

To God Almighty, for his love and

guide, for the strength in sight, om/Articles/LED-flasher-circuit.php
strength of mind and open-minded
spirit He granted throughout our
project process. g/led-flasher-circuits/

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