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7/8/2019 Oxford University Press | Online Resource Centre | Multiple choice questions

Carey, Knowles, & Towers-Clark: Accounting: A Smart Approach 3e

Chapter 1: Multiple choice questions

You have answered 5 out of 10 questions correctly.
Your percentage score is 50%.

Question 1

Which of the following is not true about a cash budget?

Your answer:

d) Cash budgets include personal cash receipts and expenses.


A cash budget should not include personal receipts and payments as the business is a separate entity.
Page reference: 5,6

Question 2

A cash budget for the six months ended 30 September 2020 shows an anticipated overdraft of approximately £9,500. Which of the following
would reduce the expected overdraft?

Your answer:

c) Assets being leased, rather than purchased for cash, in 2020.


Leasing an asset would reduce the expected overdraft.

Page reference: 9

Question 3

Mark sells goods at a gross profit margin of 30%. Which of the following statements is true?

Your answer:

a) Goods sold for £800 will have cost Mark £240.

Correct answer:

b) Goods sold for £800 will have cost Mark £560.


£800 x 0.7 = £560.

Page reference: 12

Question 4

James sells bicycles at a gross profit margin of 40%. Which one of the following statements is true?

Your answer:

b) Bicycles costing £500 will be sold for £833.33. 1/4
7/8/2019 Oxford University Press | Online Resource Centre | Multiple choice questions


500 / 0.6 = 833.33.

Page reference: 12

Question 5

John has made the following predictions for his business for the first six months of trading to 30 June 2019:

Sales in Jan, Feb and March= £20,000 per month

Sales in Apr, May and June= £35,000 per month
Sales will be on one month's credit

The total cash received from customers during the six months ended 30 June 2019, will be:

Your answer:

a) £165,000.

Correct answer:

d) £130,000.


Cash received is £20k February, £20k March, £20k April, £35k May and £35k June = £130,000.
Page reference: 13

Question 6

John has made the following predictions for his business for the first six months of trading to 30 June 2019:

Sales in Jan, Feb and March = £20,000 per month

Sales in Apr, May and June = £35,000 per month
Sales will be on one month's credit.

The cash received in April will be:

Your answer:

b) £20,000.


Cash received in April is March's sales of £20,000.

Page reference: 13

Question 7

John has made the following predictions for his business for the first six months of trading to 30 June 2019:

Sales in Jan, Feb and March = £20,000 per month

Sales in Apr, May and June = £35,000 per month
Sales will be on one month's credit
Purchases will be for cash.

If goods are sold at a gross profit margin of 40%, and goods are replaced as soon as they are sold, the amount payable to suppliers in March
2019, will be:

Your answer:

d) £14,000. 2/4
7/8/2019 Oxford University Press | Online Resource Centre | Multiple choice questions

Correct answer:

c) £12,000.


March sales of £20,000 x 0.6 =£12,000.

Page reference: 13

Question 8

An extract from Eddie's Cash Budget is given below:

What is the expected bank overdraft at the end of July?

Your answer:

c) £(1,000).

Correct answer:

a) £(3,000).


The balance carried forward at the end of June is £(1,000), with net payments for July of £(2,000), giving a July balance of £(3,000).
Page reference: 13

Question 9

An extract from Charlie's Cash Budget is given below:

Which of the following overdraft facilities would you advise Charlie to request for the three months ended 30th November?

You did not answer the question.

Correct answer:

d) An overdraft of a little over £20,000 is required.

Feedback: 3/4
7/8/2019 Oxford University Press | Online Resource Centre | Multiple choice questions

An overdraft of a little over the largest overdrawn amount is required, this is £20,000.
Page reference: 13

Question 10

Which of the following statements are not true?

Your answer:

d) Credit purchases are where the goods or services have not yet been received by the business and payment has not yet been made.


Credit purchases are where the good or services have been received by the business but payment has not yet been made.
Page reference: 13

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