Lesson Plan-Food Trades

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Barangbang National High School

Barangbang, San Remegio, Antique

June 14,2007


I Objectives: At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
a. identify the different kinds of baking tools and equipment and its uses
b. classify different baking tools and equipment
c. appreciate the importance of the different baking tools and equipment.

II Contents:
A. Subject Matter: Knowing the Baking Tools and Equipment and Their Uses

B. Materials: visual aid: write ups in cartolina or manila paper, picture s,

actual utensils

C. References: Rojo, Cruz, et al., Practical Technology and Home

Economics III, pp. 76-80
De Leon, Claudio, et al., Basic Foods for Filipinos Third
Edition, pp. 525-526

D. Values Integrated: Commitment to proper care and safety

III Procedures:
A. Preparation
1. Review/ Proceed to the new lesson
2. Motivation
Good morning class! In any activity that we are going to do we usually
prepare first the materials that we are going to used. To be competent that we’re
going to work spontaneously, we need to know first those materials and its usage.
The same with cooking, we need to know first the tools, utensils or equipment
that we are going to used.
Today, we are going to discuss and identify the different kinds of baking
tools and equipment and its usage.

B. Presentation/ Discussion
We have different kinds of Baking and Other Kitchen Tools and
Equipment used in cooking. As we go on our discussion we will be able to
identify, classify and know how it is being used.

Measuring & Weighing Utensils

1. Measuring cup- used to measure dry ingredients
2. Measuring glass- made of transparent glass or plastic used to accurately
measure the liquid ingredients.
3. Weighing scale- used to measure large quantities of ingredients
4. Measuring Spoon- is used for measuring a small quantity of ingredients such
as baking powder, salt and baking soda
5. Timer- use to time baked products, the rising of yeast and to check the
doneness of cakes and determine beating time.

Cutlery and Aids for chopping, Paring, slicing Pounding, etc.

1. Can Opener - is used for opening can goods, etc.
2. Paring knife - is used for paring or cutting vegetables and fruits
3. Kitchen Shears – used to slice rolls and delicate cakes or other juicy foods
4. Chopping board - is used for chopping vegetable and other ingredients.

Tools for Mixing, Blending, Straining and Rolling

1. Pasty Blender – a tool with handle and wire it is used to cut fat or shortening
when preparing biscuit and coves.
2. Flour Sifter – use for sifting a flour
3. Wire whip – is used for beating or whipping ingredients such as eggwhite
4. Electric Mixer – used in different baking procedures to beat, stir and blend
5. Colander – is used for draining a big quantity of ingredients.
6. Scraper – a rubber or pliable plastic scraper used to remove sticky ingredients
and mixtures from the sides of a bowl or measuring cup
7. Wooden spoon – is used for mixing or creaming ingredients such as butter or
8. Spatula – small spatula is used to remove muffins and molded cookies from
- large spatula is used to apply icing or frosting cakes, it is also
used for leveling the measurement of ingredients.
9. Mixing bowl – is used for mixing both dry and liquid ingredients

Other Baking Equipment

-Bread toaster
-Double broiler

Baking Utensils
Baking pan – layer cake pans, loaf pans, rectangular pans, square cake pans, tube
pans, etc.
Muffin pan – use for baking muffins and cupcakes
Loaf pan – use for baking loaf bread

To do anything well, you need the right tools or equipment. You should
also know how to use it properly. Try to put it in its proper place and use it
according to its usage for your own benefit and safety.
C. Application: Group Activity

D. Evaluation:
Direction: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the item in
Column B that matches the description in Column A.

Column A
1. used for mixing or creaming
2. used to remove muffins and molded cookies from pans
3. used for mixing both dry and liquid ingredients
4. use for baking muffins and cupcakes
5. a rubber or pliable plastic scraper used to remove sticky ingredients from the
sides of a bowl
6. used for opening can goods.
7. used to timed baked products
8. used to measure a small quantity of ingredients
9. used to grate or shred
10. used for paring or cutting vegetables and fruits

Column B

a. equipment
b. grater and shredder
c. can opener
d. paring knife
e. measuring spoon
f. timer
g. spatula
h. mixing bowl
i. wooden spoon
j. baking pan
k. scraper
l. muffin pan

E. Assignment
1. How do we clean the range, oven and mixer?
2. Why is it essential to practice proper care and storage of equipment?

Prepared by:

Teacher Applicant

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