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Types of Miscues Marking the Miscue Example Scoring

Count as 1
error every
Underline the
text and write the sleed
Mispronunciation (The dialectal
phonetic spelling slide
variation should not
above it. be counted as an
Count as one error
Circle the omitted
Omission The huge elephant a word or a phrase
unit of a language.
Underline the money
text and write the Count as one error
Substitution monkey
substituted word every substitution.
above it.
Use a caret to show
where the word/s lovely Count a word or a
Insertion was inserted and the^ flowers in the phrase inserted as
write the word above vase one error.
the caret.
Underline the portion Count as one error
Repetition of the text that was They found it in the every word or phrase
repeated. repeated.
Use a transpositional
Count as one error
symbol over and The girl is
Transposition every transposition
under the letters or pretty
words transposed.
Write the word/ dab
Count as one error
Reversal nonword above the bad
every reversal made.
correct word.
Write S above the Don’t count self-
Self -Correction word that was self- correction as an
corrected. error.

Reading speed= No. of words read X 60

Reading time in seconds

No. of words in the passage: 103

No. of minutes it took Karlo to read it: 1.5mins. (90 seconds)

103 words read = 69 words per minute

90 seconds

Pedro’s reading rate: 69 words per minute

Oral Reading Score: the number of words – number of miscues X100

number of words

Example: Pedro’s Performance in Oral Reading

No. of words in the passage: 65
No. of miscues: 15
65-15 = 50 x100 = 76.9%
Pedro’s rating in oral reading is 76.9% - FRUSTRATION

COMPREHENSION= No. of correct answers

No. of questions X100= % of comprehension

No. of correct answers: 4 Total no. of questions: 7 4/7 = 57

Pedro’s comprehension: 57% - FRUSTRATION
Table 7. Phil-IRI Oral Reading Profile

No. of Score in No. of Score in

% %
items Comprehension items Comprehension

5 100 6 100
5 83
4 80
4 67
5 3 60 6
3 50
2 40 2 33
1 20 1 17

No. of Score in No. of Score in

% %
items Comprehension items Comprehension
7 100 8 100
6 86 7 88
6 75
5 71
5 63
7 4 57 8
4 50
3 43
3 38
2 29 2 25
1 14 1 13


Oral Reading Word Reading Comprehension

Level Score (in %) Score (in %)
Independent 97-100% 80-100%

Instructional 90-96% 59-79%

Frustration 89% and below 58% and below


Reading Reading Profile per

Word Reading
Comprehension passage
Independent Independent Independent
Independent Instructional Instructional
Instructional Independent Instructional
Instructional Frustration Frustration
Frustration Instructional Frustration
Frustration Frustration Frustration

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