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United States Office of Water EPA 832-F-00-052

Environmental Protection Washington, D.C. September 2000


Technology Fact Sheet
Alkaline Stabilization of Biosolids
DESCRIPTION Alkaline stabilization can achieve the minimum
requirements for both Class A and Class B biosolids
Biosolids are primarily organic materials produced with respect to pathogens, depending on the amount
during wastewater treatment which may be put to
beneficial use. Biosolids are used in home
gardening, commercial agriculture, silviculture,
greenways, recreational areas and reclamation of
drastically disturbed sites such as those subjected to
surface mining. Biosolids are often rich in nutrients
such as nitrogen and phosphorus, and contain
valuable micro nutrients. The Environmental
Protection Agency’s (EPA) 40 CFR Part 503,
Standards for the Use and Disposal of Sewage
Sludge, (the Part 503 Rule) requires that
wastewater solids be processed before they can be
beneficially used. The processing is described in this
fact sheet as stabilization. Stabilization helps to
minimize the potential for odor generation, destroys
Source: Parsons Engineering Science, Inc., 1999.
pathogens (disease causing organisms), and reduces
the material’s vector attraction potential. One
method of stabilization is to add alkaline materials FIGURE 1 ALKALINE STABILIZED
to raise the pH level to make conditions unfavorable BIOSOLIDS
for the growth of organisms (such as pathogens).
Figure 1 is a picture of alkaline stabilized biosolids of alkaline material added and other processes
being dropped from an overhead conveyor into employed. Generally, alkaline stabilization meets
windrow curing piles at Middlesex County Utility the Class B requirements when the pH of the
Authority’s facility in New Jersey. mixture of wastewater solids and alkaline material
is at 12 or above after 2 hours of contact.
The Part 503 Rule defines two types of biosolids
with respect to pathogen reduction: Class A (no Class A requirements can be achieved when the pH
detectable pathogens) and Class B (a reduced level of the mixture is maintained at or above 12 for at
of pathogens). Both classes are safe, but additional least 72 hours, with a temperature of 52°C
requirements are necessary with Class B materials. maintained for at least 12 hours during this time. In
These requirements are detailed in the Part 503 Rule one process, the mixture is air dried to over 50
and include such things as limiting public access to percent solids after the 72-hour period of elevated
the site of application, limiting livestock grazing, pH. Alternately, the process may be manipulated to
and controlling crop harvesting schedules. Class A maintain temperatures at or above 70°C for 30 or
biosolids are not subject to these use restrictions and more minutes, while maintaining the pH requirement
can generally be used like any commercial fertilizer. of 12. This higher temperature can be achieved by
overdosing with lime (that is, adding more than is nutrients, and organic matter, reducing reliance on
needed to reach a pH of 12), by using a other fertilizers.
supplemental heat source, or by using a combination
of the two. Monitoring for fecal coliforms or Alkaline stabilized biosolids are also useful as daily
Salmonella sp. is required prior to release by the landfill cover. They satisfy the federal requirement
generator for use. that landfills must be covered with soil or soil-like
material at the end of each day (40 CFR 258). In
The Part 503 Rule also allows for meeting Class A most cases, lime stabilized biosolids are blended
pathogen reduction requirements through with other soil to achieve the proper consistency for
monitoring for pathogens before and after daily cover.
processing. For example, Class A Alternative 3
requires that the unprocessed wastewater solids be As previously mentioned, alkaline stabilized
monitored for enteric viruses and helminth ova. The biosolids are excellent for land reclamation in
process is monitored for lime dosage and pH and degraded areas, including acid mine spoils or mine
the final product must have no detectable levels of tailings. Soil conditions at such sites are very
enteric viruses or helminth ova. unfavorable for vegetative growth often due to acid
content, lack of nutrients, elevated levels of heavy
For more specific details on the requirements for metals, and poor soil texture. Alkaline stabilized
achieving Class A or B, please refer to the Part 503 biosolids help to remedy these problems, making
Rule. conditions more favorable for plant growth and
reducing erosion potential. In addition, once a
Materials that may be used for alkaline stabilization vegetative cover is established, the quality of mine
include hydrated lime, quicklime (calcium oxide), fly drainage improves.
ash, lime and cement kiln dust, and carbide lime.
Quicklime is commonly used because it has a high APPLICABILITY
heat of hydrolysis (491 British thermal units) and
can significantly enhance pathogen destruction. Fly Where lime or another alkaline additive (for
ash, lime kiln dust, or cement kiln dust are often example, recycled kiln dust), is relatively
used for alkaline stabilization because of their inexpensive, alkaline stabilization is often the most
availability and relatively low cost. cost-effective process for wastewater solids
stabilization. This is particularly true where
The alkaline stabilized product is suitable for dependable markets for the alkaline product can be
application in many situations, such as landscaping, developed, such as in areas where alkaline materials
agriculture, and mine reclamation. The product are routinely applied to agricultural soils to
serves as a lime substitute, source of organic matter, maximize crop yields.
and a speciality fertilizer. The addition of alkaline
stabilized biosolids results in more favorable Alkaline stabilization is practical at small wastewater
conditions for vegetative growth by improving soil treatment plants that store wastewater solids for
properties such as pH, texture, and water holding later transportation to larger facilities for further
capacity. Appropriate applications depend on the treatment. It is also applicable as an expansion of
needs of the soil and crops that will be grown and existing facilities or as a new facility to reduce odors
the pathogen classification. For example, a Class B and pathogens. The technology is especially useful
material would not be suitable for blending in a top at wastewater treatment facilities with flows that
soil mix intended for use in home landscaping but is vary greatly since the process adjusts easily to
suitable for agriculture, mine reclamation, and changing flows. This adaptability also makes
landfill cover where the potential for contact with alkaline stabilization an appropriate choice as a
the public is lower and access can be restricted. secondary or backup stabilization method because
Class A alkaline stabilized biosolids are useful in these facilities can be started and stopped relatively
agriculture and as a topsoil blend ingredient. quickly and easily. Facilities can also be designed to
Alkaline stabilized biosolids provide pH adjustment, handle either liquid or dewatered wastewater solids.
In general, alkaline stabilization is not a proprietary C There is potential for odor generation both
process, meaning that no fee is required to be paid at the processing and end use site.
to a patent holder to use the process. However,
C There is a potential for dust production.
several variations on the basic process are
proprietary, such as: C There is a potential for pathogen regrowth
if the pH drops below 9.5 while the material
C BioFIX Process (marketed by Bio Gro
is stored prior to use (U.S. EPA, 1992.)
Division of Wheelabrator Clean Water
Systems, Inc.) C The nitrogen content in the final product is
lower than that in several other biosolids
C RDP En-Vessel Pasteurization System
products. During processing, nitrogen is
(marketed by RDP Company.)
converted to ammonia, which is lost to the
C N-Viro Advanced Alkaline Stabilization atmosphere through volatilization. In
with Drying (marketed by N-Viro addition, plant available phosphorous can be
International Corporation.) reduced through the formation of calcium
C There are fees associated with proprietary
processes (Class A stabilization.)
Alkaline stabilization offers several advantages,
Environmental Impacts
C Consistency with the EPA’s national
beneficial reuse policy. Results in a product There are several potential environmental impacts
suitable for a variety of uses and is usually associated with alkaline stabilization of wastewater
able to be sold. solids. Odor problems may occur at the point of
processing or use due to the release of ammonia and
C Simple technology requiring few special ammonia related compounds and amines. These are
skills for reliable operation. generally considered nuisance issues without long-
term environmental impact. Handling of the
C Easy to construct of readily available parts. material, such as loading, unloading, or spreading,
all potentially cause release of ammonia and amines.
C Small land area required. The amount of ammonia released from the alkaline
stabilized product depends on the nitrogen content
C Flexible operation, easily started and of the wastewater solids and the pH and
stopped. temperature achieved through the process. The
extent of amine released will depend in part on the
Several possible disadvantages should be considered nature of the dewatering chemicals used.
in evaluating this technology:
In addition, small amounts of particulate matter may
C The resulting product is not suitable for use be emitted by the processing facility, but these are
on all soil. For example, alkaline soils easily mitigated.
common in southwestern states will not
Land application of any biosolid product can
benefit from the addition of a high pH
increase the concentrations of trace elements in the
soil. Alkaline stabilized biosolids help to create soil
C The volume of material to be managed and pH conditions in which metals are insoluble,
moved off-site is increased by approximately minimizing plant uptake and movement of metals to
15 to 50 percent in comparison with other groundwater.
stabilization techniques, such as digestion.
Soils which have a low pH will benefit greatly from
This increased volume results in higher
the alkaline material and will be more fertile. Lime
transportation costs when material is moved
is usually low in metals and, when blended with
wastewater solids, can improve the quality of the C Wastewater solids feed/conveyance
product with respect to metals. mechanism.
DESIGN CRITERIA C Lime storage (silo, 1000 or 50 pound bags,
There are many factors that must be considered in etc.)
designing an alkaline stabilization facility for C Lime transfer conveyor.
biosolids. The most critical are:
C Mixer.
C Percent solids of infeed wastewater solids.
C Air emission control equipment to minimize
C Desired results (Class A versus Class B) odors and dust.
which affect the amount of alkaline material
needed and mixing time, which, in turn, Figure 2 presents a typical flow diagram for alkaline
impacts equipment size. stabilization. A list of general design parameters
C Source and volume of alkaline material to be and criterion for Class B alkaline stabilization is
used. found in Table 1.

C Odor control equipment at the processing Designing a facility to meet Class A stabilization
facility. requirements may require additional lime storage to
C Storage and curing areas. allow an increased lime dose, additional curing
capacity, and/or the provision of supplemental heat.
The equipment necessary for alkaline stabilization is
relatively easy to install and operate. Typical
equipment includes the following:

Treated Air Vented to Atmosphere

Storage Silo
Exhaust Air
Treatment Process Air

Supplemental Heat
Source or Alkaline
Biosolids Mixing Mixing to Achieve
Class A

Product Curing Product

and/Storage Distribution
Source: Parsons Engineering Science, Inc., 1999.

Note: Dashed lines indicate optional equipment.


Alkaline stabilization is frequently selected by
Parameter Design Criterion wastewater treatment facilities in regions where
0.25 pound per pound of
soils have a tendency to be acidic and where low
Alkaline dose wastewater solids at 20 cost alkaline materials are readily available. In areas
percent solids where soils are acidic, the end product has greater
Retention time in mixer 1 minute value. Table 2 shows location, size, and end use for
Retention time in curing
30 minutes
representative alkaline stabilization facilities.
Source: National Lime Association, undated. Alkaline stabilization systems are generally quite
reliable and flexible. The same equipment can often
The end use of the material is another important be used to produce either Class A or B biosolids
factor when designing a biosolids management with minor process modifications, such as a larger
program, including alkaline stabilization. The dosage of alkaline material or the addition of
resulting material is suitable for many uses, supplemental heating (pasteurization.)
including agricultural application, mine reclamation
and landfill cover. The amount of land that must be With respect to pathogen reduction, Class B alkaline
available differs with the use. Alkaline stabilized stabilization has been demonstrated to reduce total
biosolids are generally lower in nitrogen than other coliform, fecal coliform, and fecal streptococci
biosolids products because nitrogen is converted to bacterial concentrations by more than 99.9 percent.
ammonia during processing. The material contains Concentrations of Salmonella and Pseudomonas
approximately one to two percent nitrogen; one aeruginosa have been shown to be reduced below
percent phosphorus; and negligible potassium, the level of detection. Pathogen concentrations in
nutrients of primary importance for vegetative Class B alkaline stabilized biosolids range from 10
growth. In agricultural application, alkaline to 1,000 times less than those in anaerobically
stabilized biosolids are often applied more for their digested sludge (U.S. EPA, 1979.) Alkaline
pH adjusting characteristics at a typical application stabilization can result in an exceptional quality
rate of two to five tons per acre. Nutrients supplied product when it meets Class A pathogen reduction,
to the crop are a secondary benefit. In reclamation vector attraction reduction and the highest standards
applications, the material is often applied only once for metal concentrations. This higher level of
rather than annually or periodically as in agricultural processing can result in a more valuable product
applications. Therefore, the material is usually because there are no restrictions on end use. The
applied at a higher rate of between 60 to 100 dry high level of disinfection achieved in Class A
tons per acre. In landfill cover applications, the products makes them easier to handle and apply.
amount of material used is dictated more by For example, if a farmer purchases an exceptional
regulatory requirements than nutrient content. quality product, he will not have to restrict access or
Alkaline stabilized biosolids can be used as daily limit grazing and harvesting times.
cover, or to amend the final cover, in accordance
with federal regulations which require material to The appearance, odor causing potential, and
enhance conditions for vegetative growth. For daily handling characteristics can vary greatly depending
cover, a minimum of six inches of soil is required. on the type of alkaline stabilization process used.
Equivalent thickness of alkaline stabilized material Processes that add larger amounts of alkaline
must be approved on a case by case basis. Typical material or include added heat, drying, or curing will
application rates for incorporation into final cover produce a drier product that resembles topsoil.
material are similar to those at mine reclamation Other alkaline stabilization processes that simply

Location Production Disposal/End Use Process Employed
(dry tons/day)
Hampton Road, VA 8 Land Application Class A Bio*Fix
Reedsville, WI 1-2 Land Application Class A EnVessel
Lancaster, OH 3 Land Application Class A & B Bio*Fix
Raleigh, NC 20 Land Application Class A N-Viro AASAD
Howard Co., MD 20 Land Application Class A & B Bio*Fix
Cookeville, TN <1 Land Application Class A EnVessel
Charlotte, NC 20 Agricultural Liming Agent Class A Bio*Fix
Washington, DC 270 Land Application Class B Post-Lime Stabilization
Middlesex, NJ 146 Landfill Cover Class A N-Viro AASAD
Agricultural Liming Agent
Toledo, OH 63 Agricultural Liming Agent Class A N-Viro AASAD
Greenville, SC 10 Landfill Cover Class A N-Viro AASAD
Tarpon Springs, FL 3 Land Application Class A N-Viro AASAD

Syracuse, NY 30 Agricultural Liming Agent Class A N-Viro AASAD

Urbana-Champagne, IL 5 Land Application Class B N-Viro

Upper Gwynedd, PA 2-3 Land Application Class B Generic

Bergen County, NJ 45 Landfill Cover Class A Bio*Fix
Source: National Lime Association, 1995; RDP Technologies, Inc. web site, 1999; N-Viro International Corp. web site, 1999, and
personal communication with facility operators.

add enough lime to increase pH to 12 for 2 hours percent total solids cake. The odors also result
may still resemble biosolids cake from the from the dewatering chemicals used.
dewatering equipment. The characteristics of the
end product should be considered when evaluating OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE
the methods and feasibility of storage. Drier
alkaline stabilized products tend to have fewer Alkaline stabilization systems are relatively
odors after 30 days or more of storage. On the uncomplicated facilities operated with the skills
other hand, cake-like products should be used as found in typical wastewater treatment plant
soon as possible to minimize odor complaints at the personnel. Labor requirements include heavy
application sites. equipment operators, maintenance personnel, and
instrumentation/computer operators.
The odors associated with alkaline stabilized
products are also dependent on the characteristics of The caustic nature of the alkaline additive requires
the wastewater solids. Plant operators who higher maintenance on these systems than on
minimize sludge age in the their wastewater stabilization systems that do not involve caustic
treatment facility will also minimize odor generation materials. Proper design and operation of the
both at the processing facility and at the end use mixing equipment is necessary to ensure a
site. In addition, 25 percent total solids cake is consistent, homogeneous product.
easier to process and requires less lime than 20
COSTS C Regulatory compliance, such as permit
applications, site monitoring, biosolids
It is difficult to estimate the costs of stabilizing analyses, and regulatory record keeping and
biosolids with alkaline materials without specific reporting.
details, such as wastewater solids characteristics and
quantities. One study estimated costs for Class A The incremental capital cost for meeting Class A
alkaline stabilization ranging from $139 to $312 per requirements through alkaline stabilization is the
dry ton of wastewater solids processed by facilities lowest among stabilization alternatives such as
designed to serve wastewater treatment plants thermal drying and anaerobic and aerobic digestion.
ranging in capacity from 10 to 60 million gallons per The incremental unit cost (including capital and
day. This estimated range demonstrates the operation and maintenance) associated with creating
economy of scale associated with larger systems. a Class A product from a system currently making
The capital costs cited in this same study ranged a Class B product and serving a 5 million gallon per
from $1.5 to $4.0 million and annual costs were day wastewater treatment facility was estimated to
estimated to range from $1 million and $4 million. be $39 per dry ton. Again, this is significantly less
This study concluded that alkaline stabilization was than the unit costs to increase pathogen treatment
less expensive than composting or thermal drying through aerobic or anaerobic digestion, which were
(Sullivan, 1996.) cited as $88 and $103 per dry ton, respectively
(National Lime Association, 1998.)
Although exact costs for alkaline stabilization
cannot be provided, the following items must be Some generators of alkaline stabilized biosolids sell
considered in estimating costs for any alkaline the product for approximately $3 to $5 per wet ton.
stabilization facility:

C Processing equipment purchase and REFERENCES

Other Related Fact Sheets
C Product curing and storage facilities.
Odor Management in Biosolids Management
C Loading facilities. EPA 832-F-00-067
September 2000
C Transport of product to point of use.
Centrifugal Dewatering/Thickening
C Royalty and operating fees for proprietary EPA 832-F-00-053
processes. September 2000

C Equipment maintenance and fuel. Belt Filter Press

EPA 832-F-00-057
C Alkaline additive. September 2000

C Labor. Land Application of Biosolids

EPA 832-F-00-064
C Odor control equipment and chemicals. September 2000

C Marketing costs/revenues. Other EPA Fact Sheets can be found at the

following web address:
1. Backmann, F., 1942. Emergency Treatment 9. National Lime Association, 1995. Biosolids
of Army Camp Sewage. Engineering News- Booklet (Bulletin 334, Edition 1). Edited by
Record. July 16, 1942. J.D. Robinson. Arlington, Virginia.

2. Christy, P.G., 1990. Process Equipment 10. National Lime Association, 1998. Biosolids
Considerations For Lime Stabilization Treatment: Comparing Add-On
Systems Producing PSRP and PFRP Quality Stabilization Processes. Bulletin 335.
Sludge. In Proceedings of Water Pollution Arlington: National Lime Association.
Control Federation Conference: The Status
of Municipal Sludge Management for the 11. N-Viro International Corporation’s Web
1990’s. Site [], 1999.

3. Christy, R.W. Sr., 1990. Sludge Disposal 12. Northwest Biosolids Management
Using Lime. Water Environment & Association (NBMA). “Biosolids Q & A
Technology. 2: 56-61. Environmental Effects.” Available at
4. Forste, J., 1996. Agricultural Use of Lime nvironment.html], July 1999.
Stabilized Biosolids. In Proceedings of the
10th Annual Residuals and Biosolids 13. Oerke, D.W., 1989. The Role of Lime
Management Conference: 10 Years of Stabilization Processes In Wastewater
Progress and a Look Toward the Future. Sludge Processing and Disposal. In
Alexandria: Water Environment Federation. Effective Use of Dry Lime for Sewage
Sludge Stabilization. Arlington: National
5. Hatfield, N.L. and Burnham, J.C., 1994. Lime Association.
Characterization of Odors in Untreated and
EQS Processed Dewatered Municipal 14. Smith, K.A., Goins L.E., and Logan T.J.,
Wastewater Sludges. In Proceedings of the 1996. Effect of Lime Dose on Thermal
Odor and Volatile Organic Compost Reactions and Physical Properties of
Emission Control Specialty Conference. Alkaline Stabilized Biosolids. In
Alexandria: Water Environment Federation. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Residuals
and Biosolids Management Conference: 10
6. Males, E. 1998. National Lime Association, Years of Progress and a Look Toward the
Reference Sheet. Future. Alexandria: Water Environment
7. Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., 1991. Wastewater
Engineering Treatment, Disposal, and 15. Sullivan, D.G., Oerke, D.W., 1996. Which
Reuse Third Edition. San Francisco: Class A Biosolids Stabilization Process is
Irwin/McGraw-Hill. the Most Economical: Lime Stabilization,
Composting or Thermal Drying? In
8. Muhs, G. P., 1999. The Design and Cost Proceedings of the 10th Annual Residuals
of Class A and B Treatment of Biosolids and Biosolids Management Conference: 10
Using Post-Lime Stabilization and Years of Progress and a Look Toward the
Pasteurization. Available at Future. Alexandria: Water Environment
[]. Federation.
16. U.S. EPA, 1994. A Plain English Guide to Valley Forge Sewage Authority
the EPA Part 503 Biosolids Rule. Rick Taylor
EPA/832/R-93/003, U.S. EPA, 333 Pawling Road
Washington, D.C. Phoenixville, Pennsylvania 19460

17. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,

1993. Standards for the Use or Disposal of The mention of trade names or commercial products
Sewage Sludge (40 Code of Federal does not constitute endorsement or recommendation
Regulations Part 503). Washington D.C.: for use by the U.S. Environmental Protection
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Agency.

18. U.S EPA, 1999. Environmental

Regulations and Technology: Control of
Pathogens and Vector Attraction in Sewage
Sludge. U.S. EPA, Washington, D.C.

19. U.S. EPA, 1979. Process Design Manual

for Sludge Treatment and Disposal. U.S.
EPA, Washington, D.C.

20. Weissinger, T. and Girovich, M., 1994.

Evaluation of a Chemical Stabilization
Process. Remediation. Winter 1994. pp.

21. Wheelabrator Water Technologies, Inc. Bio

Gro Division, 1996. Bio*Fix Alkaline


District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority

Chris Peot
5000 Overlook Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20032

Middlesex County Utility Authority

For more information contact:
Richard Fitamont
One Main Street Extension Municipal Technology Branch
Sayreville, New Jersey 08872 U.S. EPA
Mail Code 4204
National Lime Association 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
200 North Glebe Road, Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20460
Arlington, Virginia 22203

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