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BLEPT Review

RA 7836 Teachers Professionalization Act

An examinee must obtain an average

rating of not less than 75% and must
have no lower rating of not less than
50% in any of the test to pass the

Subject Weight Time

General Education 40% 8:00 am – 10:00 am
Professional 60% 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Total 100%
Subject Weight Time
General 20% 8:00 am – 10:00 am
Professional 40% 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Major 40% 3:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Total 100%
Opening of
Name of Date/s of Deadline in
Day/s Place Online
Examination Exam Filing
Manila, All
Regional Offices;
Bacolod, Rosales,
Professional September
Sunday Pangasinan, May 20, 2018 July 19, 2018
Teachers 30, 2018
Laoag, General
Santos City,
and *Catarman,
Northern Samar
• As prescribed by RA No. 7836 as amended by RA 9293, a
citizen of the Philippines or an alien whose country has
reciprocity with the Philippines can apply.

• An applicant shall be at least 18 years old

• The applicant is of good moral character and good moral

reputation with moral values, has not been convicted by final
judgment by court for an offense involving moral turpitude.
Filing Process and Requirements:

a. Check the Next Exam Date and the application Date Range
b. Prepare for the Online Application
You will need the following information:
• Email Address
• Mobile Number
• Digital ID Picture saved in the computer (in jpg format, 2×2 photo
with white background, collared attire, less than 6 months old)
• Cedula (Community Tax Certificate or CTC)
• Other Personal Information (Name, Address, School Graduated,
Graduation date, etc.)
Filing Process and Requirements:
c. BLEPT Online Application
• Go to this page: Licensure Examination Online Application Page
• Fill in the required information to sign up
Filing Process and Requirements:
c. BLEPT Online Application

• Accept the Terms of Service and click

the “Sign Up Now Button”

• If you have already registered in the

past, you can just click the “Sign In”
tab show this form:
Filing Process and Requirements:
c. BLEPT Online Application

• Accept the Terms of Service and click

the “Sign Up Now Button”

• If you have already registered in the

past, you can just click the “Sign In”
tab show this form:
• After typing your email address and
password, click the “Sign In” button
to start.
Filing Process and Requirements:
d. Log in to complete your personal
information details and add a photo
• In this part, you will need the following:
• Personal information
• Cedula
• The photo indicated above
• After logging in, add your personal
Filing Process and Requirements:
d. Log in to complete your personal information details and add a photo
• After logging in, add your personal information:
• The Personal Information you need includes:
• Name (First, Middle and Last)
• Suffix (Mr, Miss, etc)
• Gender
• Single
• Citizenship
• Birthdate
• Birthplace
• Family Background (Mother’s, Father’s or Spouse’s Name)
• Employment Status
• Community Tax Certificate Details (Cedula Number, Place and Date Issued)
• When the information fields are complete, click the “Save Information” button at hte bottom
of the screen.
Filing Process and Requirements:
To complete the process, confirm the information you have entered. Check
the spelling of your name because this can no longer be changed in the
Filing Process and Requirements:
Add your Photo
You will be able to add a photo to your PRC profile in the following page.
Make sure that you already have a digital copy of 2×2 photo with white
background in your PC. You should also be in a collared attire in the photo.
If you are wearing glasses in the photo, the photo will not be accepted.
Those with long hair should also make sure that their ears are visible in the
Filing Process and Requirements:
e. Schedule an appointment to the Local PRC Office
To schedule a visit to your local PRC office, go back to your profile
and click on the “Select Transaction” Button. This can be found in the
sidebar on the upper right side of the screen:
Filing Process and Requirements:

By clicking on the “Select Transaction” button, you will open a pop-up with
multiple tabs. Click on the Examination Tab as seen below:
Filing Process and Requirements:
After filling up the required information, click on the “Proceed” button in
the bottom right part of the popup.
Filing Process and Requirements:
Another popup will show where in you will be able to choose a PRC office
location, a date of transaction and your preferred payment method:
Filing Process and Requirements:
f. Make the Payment to your chosen payment option
After following the instructions above, a reference number will be
assigned to your transaction. Take note of this reference number because
you will need it when making the payment to your preferred payment
• The available payment options are:
• Bayad Center
• Multipay
• 7-eleven
• ECpay
Remember to keep the copy of your receipt as proof of your payment.
Filing Process and Requirements:
g. Printing your application form
After making the payment, you should
return to your PRC-online account to
check payment has been processed. You
can do this by going to the Existing
Transactions tab next to your Profile tab
when logged in.
• This is also where you can access your
application form for printing:

• You can then print this file and bring it to

the PRC office with the other
Filing Process and Requirements:
h. Proceed to the nearest PRC Regional Office for the processing of your
LET Requirements For Filing For First Time Test Takers:
1. Original and Photocopy of Transcript of Records (TOR) with:
• Special Order (SO)
• date of graduation
• seal of the school
• scanned picture
• remarks “For Board Examination Purposes Only” (CHED recognition
and permit to operate for graduates of new schools / programs)
2. Original and Photocopies of Authenticated Birth Certificate (NSO)/ PSA
Marriage Contract for female applicants

3. Receipt of Examination Fee of 900 pesos (Paid through your selected

payment option)
Filing Process and Requirements:


• Basic Education Teachers (Elementary): BSEED or its equivalent
• Secondary Education Teachers(High School):
A bachelor’s degree in education or its equivalent with a major
and minor and the degrees which shall be considered equivalent
must have to take at least 18 units in Professional Education, or a
bachelor’s degree in arts and sciences with at least ten units in
professional education .
Filing Process and Requirements:

Pre-school Teachers:
• A bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education (BECED) or its

• For Teachers in vocational and two-year technical courses:

• A bachelor’s degree in the field of specialization or its equivalent
At least 18 units in professional education
Filing Process and Requirements:


1. Original and Photocopy of Transcript of Records (TOR) with
• Special Order (SO)
• date of graduation
• seal of the school
• scanned picture
• remarks “For Board Examination Purposes Only” (CHED recognition and permit
to operate for graduates of new schools / programs)
• (Res. 2004-200, s’04) (CHED recognition / permit to operate for graduates of
new schools / programs)
2. Original and Photocopies of Authenticated Birth Certificate (PSA)
What to do after application?
• Secure a copy of the Program of Examination from the
Application Division or Customer Service Center (this is

• Get your room assignment which will be posted at the

webpage one or two days before the examination.

• Visit your school building assignment for environment and

transport familiarization.
What to do after application?
• Plan reviews as part of
your weekly study
Seek other sources:
What to do after application?
• Plan reviews as part of your weekly study schedule.

• Read and study information in meaningful chunks.

• Analyze past tests to determine how you can improve

test results.
• Break study sessions into manageable time segments
and meaningful units.
What to do after application?

•Study with other well –prepared students.

•Be prepared emotionally, physically as well

as intellectually.

•Stay away from others right before the test.

What to do after application?

•Drill… Drill… Drill…

•Don’t expect to know everything.

•Stay relaxed and confident.

What to do after application?

•Arrive at the test room early. Report to

the Test Center before 6:30 am on the
first day of examination to verify your
room and seat number.

•Late examinees will not be admitted.

What to bring on the Examination Day?
 Notice of admission
 Application Stub
 PRC Official Receipt
 Two or more pencils (No. 2)
 Ballpens with BLACK INK ONLY
 One (1) piece Metered Stamp Window envelope
 One (1) piece Long Brown Envelope
 One (1) piece Long Transparent (non-colored)
Plastic envelope (to keep above items)
Wear proper attire on the day of the
Male: school uniform/white
polo shirt or T-shirt (tucked-in)

Female: school uniform/white

polo shirt or white blouse or T-
During the TEST
• Attend to your personal needs before the start of
examination in every subject. No examinee will be allowed
to got out of the room while the examination is in progress.

• Preview the examination. Read the question before you

look at the answer.

• Come up with the answer in your head before looking at

the possible answers.
During the TEST

•Eliminate answers you know aren’t right.

•If there is no guessing penalty, always

take an educated guess and select an
During the TEST

•Shade your Examination Identification

Sheets/Answer sheets carefully.

•Listen and follow the instructions of the

•Use standard No. 2 pencil only.
•Do not use too much pressure.
•Shade like this not like this
• Strictly no erasures allowed.
Handle test question sets with care.
• Indicate your seat number at the right top corner of the page 1.

• Check if the number of pages of Test Question Set is complete and no

misprint. If there is any problem, return the set to your room
watchers for replacement.

• Mark A or B on the answer sheet to indicate the set of Test Question

assigned to you.
• You can use your Test Question Set as your scratch.
• Keep the Test Question Set stapled until the end of examination.
• Don’t keep on changing your answer usually your first choice
is the right one, unless you misread the question.

• A positive choice is more likely to be true than a negative

• Do not leave the room until your answer sheet and
test question set are received by the room watchers:

• You have signed, indicated the time and set (A and B) on

the Examinees Record of Attendance, and

• The lower portion of the Notice of Admission

(Certification of theReceipt of Test Papers) is signed by the
room watchers and returned to you.
Prohibited Acts during the Exam
• Accepting or receiving anything, including food from any
person while the examination is in progress.

• Giving money, food, or any favor and other consideration to

the Room Watchers and other examination personnel.

• Loitering, talking and discussing your answers inside the

room or along the corridor while the examination is in

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