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In the advent of a new administration,
politicians are concerned about the
possibility that Martial Law is imminent.
This is because they are not sure about the
real plans of the incumbent president of
their nation who was just elected as their
leader. Speculations are now raised among
several politicians if there will be another
wave of Martial Law that could impact their
society after several years. For communities
who did not experience Martial Law and it
will be their first time, they usually show
signs of fear and uncertainties.
In history, communities, kingdoms, and
cultures were strictly implementing an
authoritarian rule where a leader's order
will be the only one that will be followed.
Any person, group or organization who will
fail to follow a leader's rule will be
persecuted. So communities started to
unite by following orders as strictly
implemented by the governing leader of
their respective community from the past.
This tradition went on until their reached
the present generation and then formed
written laws.
Martial Law is referred as the imposition of
a leader, which is usually the highest ranked
military officer, head of the government, or
the military governor. This means that the
leader has the power to remove or
terminate all the powers of legislative,
executive, and judicial branches of the
government. Declaration of Martial law can
be either temporary or permanent,
depending on the decisive action by the
One example of Martial Law was when the
Philippines was invaded by the Japanese
forces and then mandated the leaders to
declare Martial Law on September 21,
1944, under Proclamation 29, when
President Jose P. Laurel placed the country
under Martial Law against the United States
and the United Kingdom under the orders
of Imperial Japan. The second declaration
was on September 21, 1972, by the late
Ferdinand Marcos during his presidential
term under the Proclamation Number 1081
that took effect between 1972 and 1981.
Martial Law is also applied by other
countries around the world. Even today,
there are other countries who are
reportedly implementing this particular
political status as being covered by several
international media networks. In this case,
Martial Law is considered an integral part of
our history. Many are not surprised if their
country will be placed under Martial Law
ruling as decided by their incumbent
political leader.
1. Eradicate criminality: If a country is
blanketed by a series of negative elements
that continuous to harm the society, the
leader is now pressured to declare Martial
Law. This is to neutralize all criminal
offenders responsible for risking the safety
and impunity against the society.
Restoration of peace is one of the main
issues why Martial Law is important to the
society once in a while so that the level of
criminal rates can significantly go down and
safeguard the welfare of the society.
2. Improve peace: Martial Law
proclamation would mean that peace is the
main goal so that it will provide a measure
for the society to live in peace. All society
want peace in their community because
they want to have the chance to elevate
their socio-economic lifestyle. The leader
must have to do an immediate action so
that their community will be free from any
sorts of disturbances that might risk the
state of peace that their people are
currently enjoying it.
3. Eliminate any signs of terrorism:
Terrorism is now one of the most
problematic security issues affecting the
safety and prosperity of a certain nation. If
terrorism is very rampant in your
community, declaring Martial Law is
necessary. This is to flush out all insurgents
who are terrorizing the community and
responsible for provoking harm,
intimidation, and coercion to the peaceful
society that you are currently living.
4. Remove corrupt official: Public officials
who are corrupt will be under contempt,
which will allow the rule of law to
apprehend them due to their mistakes. This
is because there are several government
officials who are utilizing the government
just to satisfy their self-greed. Removing
corrupt officials is more efficient when
Martial Law is applied because there is a
tighter implementation and enforcement of
5. Promotes equality and equity: In every
society, one must apply equality, which
provides equal rights that aim to protect
the dignity as well as the image of all
individual, group, and organization. As for
equity, it seeks to promote privilege and
justifies any rights of every member of the
society for the purpose of providing them
the opportunity to become productive in
their lives. Any suspicious activities or
attempts to take advantage towards others
will be apprehended by the law.
6. Promotes authoritarianism: When a
leader has been already enjoying his power
and privilege to govern his society after
declaring Martial Law, he can have the
power to extend it. However, the society
where he is currently governing may be
already considered as under an
authoritarian rule. This is because all the
power and orders of the government are
only concentrated under his orders and
plans for the society.
7. Increases police power: Police forces can
have a more privilege to exercise their
position as security personnel. They can be
even more powerful than a local official
once Martial Law is implemented. This is
because all orders will be materialized by
the police personnel, especially if the
supreme leader will go against other lower
ranked leaders of the government. The
police force only follows the command of
the supreme leader and not from local
8. A risk for a Political crisis: Martial Law
Freezes the power of executive, legislative,
and judiciary branches of the government,
in which the leader is the sole responsible
for regulating these three branches.
Prolonged Martial Law can risk the political
security of the society. Local leaders may
form an alliance against the government,
sparking a political crisis. If this happens,
the legitimacy of the leader collapses.
9. Economic collapse: With the freezing of
all three branches and the concentration of
police and military forces that only follows
orders from the government, both micro
and macroeconomic stability of the nation
can significantly collapse. This can impact
local and international businesses to halt
their operations. Trading and transportation
of goods and services are affected. There
will be more individuals who become
jobless, risking their socio-economic
10. Human rights abuse: Police force is a
prominent factor along with the propulsion
of military forces across the society.
Incidents of police or military brutality will
be on the rise as the leader will start
ordering apprehensions for any local
leaders including their supporters and allies.
There will be a mass protest with response
to human rights abuse, which further
degrades both political and economic
situation of the society.

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