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JULY 3, 2019

1. Introduction 02
2. Wire-EDM 03
3. Basic Principle of WEDM Process 04
4. Machine Components 05
5. Wire-EDM Parameters 06
6. WEDM Applications 09
7. Main areas of Research on WEDM 09
8. Future scope of WEDM 09
9. References 10

With the development of technology, more and more challenging problems are faced by
the scientists and technologists in the field of manufacturing. The difficulty in adopting
the traditional manufacturing process can be attributed mainly to the following three
basic sources:
i. New materials with low machinability.
ii. Dimensional and accuracy requirements.
iii. A higher production rate and economy.
The many new materials and alloys that have been developed for specific uses posses a
very low machinability. Producing complicated geometries in such materials becomes
extremely difficult with the usual methods. Also, sometimes the combination of material
properties and job dimensions is such that the use of traditional process impossible.
Examples of these types of jobs are machining a complicated turbine blade made of
superalloys, and producing holes and slots in materials such as glass and semiconductor.
At times, the job become difficult because of the dimensional complications. So, drilling a
non-circular hole or a micro hole become problematic if the traditional processes are
used. Apart from the situation cited, higher production rate and economic requirement
may demand the use of non-traditional machining processes.
To tackle such difficult jobs, two approaches are possible, viz., (i) a modification of the
traditional process, and (ii) the development of new process. The basic objective of all
machining operations is to remove the excess material to obtain the desired shape and
size. These operations use various types of energies. Table 1. Shows the possible
machining process using different types of energies and various method of removal. [1] Commented [ss1]:

Table .1

Table .2
The use the of thermoelectric source of energy in developing non-traditional techniques
has greatly helped in achieving an economic machining of the extremely low
machinability materials and difficult jobs. The process of material removal by a controlled
erosion through a series of sparks, commonly known as electric discharge machining, was
started in the USSR around 1943. Then onwards, research and development have brought
this process to its present level.[1]

2. Wire-EDM: -
Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM), a non-traditional machining process, cuts
the stock by means of gap being burned through material by heat produced by electrical
spark between the work-piece and a wire which are immersed in a dielectric fluid, which
acts as a coolant and flushes away the debris, WEDM meets the requirements tooling and
machining industries. WEDM is an indispensable machining technique for producing
complicated cut outs through difficult to machine metal without using cost grinding or
cutting tools.
Wire-electrical discharge machining is a form of EDM in the category of non-traditional
process. This is widely used for die-steel in the manufacturing. Electrically conductive

materials are cut using electro-thermo mechanism by a series of discrete discharge
between the wire electrode and the work-piece in the presence of dielectric fluid. An
extremely high temperature occurs in the region where discharge occurs causing melting
and removal of work surface. The dielectric fluid flashes the debris from machining zone.
This method is widely accepted for producing components with intricate shapes and
profiles. However, WEDM utilises a continuous travelling wire electrode made thin
copper, tungsten or brass wire of diameter ranges 0.05-0.03mm, that have the capacity
to produce a very small corner radius.
A mechanical tensioning device is used too produce tension in the wire. Since there is no
direct contact between the work piece and the wire causing elimination of much stress
between them [2]. WEDM process can be successfully employed to cut electrically
conductive materials independent of their hardness, shapes and toughness [3-5]. In
addition, the WEDM process is able to machine high strength temperature resistant
materials (HSTR) and treated steels.


The mechanism of material removal in WEDM is similar to conventional machining
process in which erosion effect produced by the series of electrical sparks produced
between the work piece & the wire electrode surrounded by stream of dielectric fluid
continuously flowing in the machining zone [6]. A temperature range of 8000℃-12000℃
exist between cathode and anode in the form of thermal energy after applying voltage
pulses between the work piece and the wire electrode during WEDM process. When the
pulsating DC power supply occurring between 20,000 and 30,000 Hz is turned off, the
plasma channels breaks down.
As a result of breaking of plasma channel a sudden reduction in the temperature allowing
the circulating dielectric fluid to implore the plasma channel and flushes the molten
particles from the machining zone in the form of microscopic debris [7].
There are two main types of EDM; ram or die-sinking EDM, and travelling-wire, wire-cut
or simply wire-EDM. The fundamental principle, in the either kind is similar. A electrode
and the electrically conductive grounded work piece. As the tool approaches the work
piece, the electric field strength grows in the gap until the dielectric medium separating
the tool and the work piece breaks down. A plasma channel is created after the dielectric
medium separating the tool and the work piece breaks down. A plasma channel is created
after the dielectric ionises, compressing the surrounding dielectric. The temperature of
plasma channel is created after the dielectric medium separating the tool and the work
piece breaks down. A plasma channel is created after the dielectric ionises, compressing
the surrounding dielectric. The temperature of plasma may reach as high as 40,000K and
pressure of 3K bars. As both electrons and ions bombarded on the surface of work piece,
heating of the work piece takes place such that a portion of surface is melted. However,
the plasma pressure prevents vaporization.

When discharge takes place, the plasma channel collapses and a vapour bubble occurs
which causes the superheated molten material of work piece surface to explode into the
dielectric. The ejected material is flushed away; whereas portions of the molten materials
resolidify onto work piece surface which is called as the recast layer [8]. Fig. 1. Shows
details of WEDM cutting gap [9].

WEDM reduces the need of elaborate pre-shaped electrodes that are commonly
necessary in EDM to perform both the roughing and finishing operations. In WEDM, a thin
wire is used which is continuously feeding through the work piece by a microprocessor.
Microprocessor helps the parts to be machined into complex shapes with exceptional
high accuracy. In WEDM a plasma channel between the cathode and anode exist due to
supplied electrical energy [10], and finally converted into thermal energy [11] after
reaching a temperature in the range of 8,000℃-12,000℃ [12] or as high as 20,000℃. As
a result of which heating & melting on the surface of both the poles takes place. As soon
as the pulsating DC power supply occurring between 20,000 to 30,000 Hz [13] is turned
off, the plasma channel breaks down and there is sudden reduction in the temperature
flush the molten particles from the machining zone in the form of microscopic debris. The
microprocessor also maintains constantly the gap between the wire and the work piece
varies from 0.025 to 0.05 mm [5].
The typical cutting rates in case of WEDM are 300 mm²/min. for a 50 mm thick D2 tool
steel and 750 mm²/min. for 150 mm thick aluminium [13], and surface finish is water
instead of hydrocarbon oil as dielectric fluid flowing within the sparking zone. Though
the deionised water is not suitable for conventional EDM as it causes rapid electrode
wear, but it is ideal for WEDM because of its low viscosity and fast cooling rate [14].

A Wire-EDM system consist of four components namely;
 Mechanical section
 Dielectric system

 Power supply
 Control system
4.1. Mechanical section- It is comprising of worktable, work stand, and wire drive
mechanism (wire supply reel and wire take-up reel). Machine movement is done with
precision lead screws fitted with circulating ball bearing on all axes that are driven by AC
4.2. Dielectric system- For Wire-EDM dielectrics used are kerosene and deionized
water. This system includes the water reservoir, water chiller unit, deionization system,
and filtration system. During machining, the used water flows to the unfiltered side of the
reservoir where the water is then pumped and filtered through the filtration unit and
returned back to the clean area of the dielectric tank. The clean water is measured for
conductivity, and the dielectric is then passed through a mixture of anion and cation
beads. This mixture controls the resistivity of the water to set automatically. The unused
water fills the clean side of the reservoir to complete the cycle. The dielectric fluid
performs following function under EDM process;
 For cooling of the electrode and the work piece.
 For flushing out debris from machining area.
 Electrical barrier between electrode and the workpiece.
 For solidification of machined chip.
4.3. Power supply- This gives the desired energy for material removal by controlling the
intensity for spark formation. The rate of fast cutting and slow cutting speed depends on
the workpiece material, type of wire, part thickness, nozzle position, flushing condition,
wire diameter, and part accuracy.
4.4. Control system- The machine has multiple coordinate systems which includes the
relative motion of the wire and the work piece, so it is necessary to control the motion of
machine in every direction. The CNC offers the ability of scaling, rotation, axis exchange,
mirror imaging, as well as assist programs. This helps an operator to produce all parts of
family by a single program without any modification in existed program. Other features
of this technology are to aid in the prevention of wire breaks, background editing and
graphic display of program during machine is running [15-16].

5.1. Pulse on time and Pulse off time- Electric discharge machining must occur (ON
time) and stop (OFF time) alternately during machining. During the ON time, the voltage
is applied to the gap between the workpiece and the wire, while no voltage is placed
during the OFF time. Consequently, electric discharge occurs only for the duration of the
ON TIME. By selecting the great value for the ON time; it may cause a short circuit to occur,
resulting in wire breakage. To avoid such trouble, the OFF time must be inserted as it
shown in figure 2.

Fig.2. Pulse on time and off time
5.2. Peak current and gap voltage- The peak current is basically a most important
machining parameters in WEDM and measures in unit of amperage. During each pulse
on-time, the current increases until it reaches a present level, which is expressed as the
peak current. The maximum amount of amperage is governed by the surface area of the
cut. Higher the amperage is used in roughing operations and in cavities or details with
large surface areas.
Gap voltage or open circuit voltage specifies the supply voltage to be placed on the
gap. The greater this value is, the greater the electric discharge energy becomes. Normally
these factors are not independent, in other words as the gap voltage increases the peak
current also increases automatically.
5.3. Servo voltage and Servo feed rate- Parameter servo voltage (SV) is used for
controlling advances and retracts of the wire. During machining, the mean machining
voltage varies depending on the state of the machining between the workpiece and the
wire. If the mean machining voltage is higher than the set voltage level, the wire advances,
and if it is lower, the wire retracts.
Therefore, a higher the value for SV, the wider the gap between the work piece and the
wire. Higher values for SV also decrease the number of electric sparks, stabilizing electric
discharge, although the machining rate is slowed down. When a smaller value is set for
SV, the mean gap becomes narrower, which leads to an increase in number of electric
sparks. Also, servo feed rate (SF) specifies the feed rate of the table during machining.
Normally, the WEDM machines select this factor automatically with respect to the SV, but
this factor also can set manually. So, both servo voltage and servo feed rate can affect the
feed rate as it shows in figure 3.

Fig.3. Feed rate and gap size
5.4. Dielectric flow rate- Electro discharge can occur in the air; however, it is not stable
and can’t be used for rough cut machining. To obtain stable electric fluid, dielectric fluid
is required. Within the dielectric fluid, electric discharge machining can be stabilized with
efficient cooling and chip removal. The deionized water is typically used as a dielectric in
WEDM because it is environmental friendly characteristics.
5.5. Wire speed or wire feed- Wire speed is another important parameter in WEDM that
shows the speed of wire in WEDM. As the wire speed increase the wire consumption and
in results the cost of machining will increase while low wire speed can cause to wire
breakage in high cutting speed.
5.6. Wire tension- Wire tension is the factor that can control the tension of wire in
WEDM. If the wire tension is high enough the wire stays straight otherwise wire drags
behind as it shows in fig. 4 [17-19].

Fig.4. Relation between wire drag and wire tension

This section discusses the capabilities of the WEDM process in the machining of the
different materials used in tooling applications.
 Modern Tooling Applications- The feasibility of making uses of cylindrical WEDM
for dressing a metal bonded diamond wheel used precision form grinding of
ceramics has been studied [20]. It has been found that the WEDM process is
capable of producing precise and intricate profiles with small corner radii with
high wear rate on grinding wheel during the first grinding pass. Over-protruding
diamonds grains, which don’t bond strongly to wheel after the WEDM process
results in high initial wheel wear rate [21].
 Advance Ceramic Materials- Advance ceramic materials are machined with the
help of an alternative method which is nothing but WEDM [2]. It is explained that
the material removal rate and surface roughness are not only influenced by the
cutting parameters it depends on the material of the part.
 Modern Composite Materials- WEDM is considered as a real tool as compared to
different material removal processes in machining of different modern composite
materials. Open gap voltage and pulse on period are the most major machining
parameters, for controlling the metal removal rate. The cutting speed affected
significantly by open gap voltage [22].


The main areas of research in WEDM as current status are as follows;
i. Modelling and Simulation
ii. Optimization
iii. Ultrasonic Vibration
iv. Dry Machining
v. Machining Investigation
vi. Effects
vii. Improvement and Developments
viii. Composite Materials
ix. Monitoring and control the process [23]

 Need for finding optimal combination of parameters for different tool materials
used for work materials.
 For the estimation of process parameters, the work being carried out can be
compared by considering different method such as multiple relation analysis.
 Responses like roundness, circularity, cylindricity, machining cost etc may be
considered in further research [24].
 A lot of research work still needs to be carried out in the field of Wire EDM by
machining super alloys such as Monel K500, Hastelloy composites, different
grades of steel utilizing other process parameters and using different techniques.

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