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Pelaez vs Auditor General

undue delegation of legislative power


G.R. No. L-23825      15 SCRA 569       December 24, 1965

EMMANUEL PELAEZ, petitioner,




Book Cheapest Room The President of the Philippines, purporting to act pursuant to Section 68 of the
Revised Administrative Code, issued Executive Orders Nos. 93 to 121, 124 and 126 to
129; creating thirty-three (33) municipalities enumerated in the margin. Petitioner
Emmanuel Pelaez, as Vice President of the Philippines and as taxpayer, instituted the
present special civil action, for a writ of prohibition with preliminary injunction, against
the Auditor General, to restrain him, as well as his representatives and agents, from
passing in audit any expenditure of public funds in implementation of said executive
orders and/or any disbursement by said municipalities.

Petitioner alleges that said executive orders are null and void, upon the ground that said
Section 68 has been impliedly repealed by Republic Act No. 2370 effective January 1,
1960 and constitutes an undue delegation of legislative power. The third paragraph of
Section 3 of Republic Act No. 2370, reads: “Barrios shall not be created or their
boundaries altered nor their names changed except under the provisions of this Act or

 Categories by Act of Congress.”

› Actual Case or Controversy Planning a Vacation?
Whether or not Section 68 of Revised Administrative Code constitutes an undue
› Archipelagic Doctrine delegation of legislative power.
› Bills must originate exclusively from
› Constittutional Commission Section 10 (1) of Article VII of our fundamental law ordains:

› Constitutional Law 1 The President shall have control of all the executive departments, bureaus, or offices,
› de facto government exercise general supervision over all local governments as may be provided by law, and
take care that the laws be faithfully executed.
› de jure government
› Declaration of Principles and State The power of control under this provision implies the right of the President to interfere
in the exercise of such discretion as may be vested by law in the officers of the
executive departments, bureaus, or offices of the national government, as well as to act
› Declaratory Relief
in lieu of such officers. This power is denied by the Constitution to the Executive,
› Doctrine of Immunity from Suit insofar as local governments are concerned. With respect to the latter, the fundamental
› Doctrine of Incorporation law permits him to wield no more authority than that of checking whether said local
› Doctrine of Non-suability governments or the officers thereof perform their duties as provided by statutory
enactments. Hence, the President cannot interfere with local governments, so long as
› Doctrine of Parens Patria
the same or its officers act within the scope of their authority.
› Due Process Clause
› Equal Protection Clause
› Equal Protection of the Law
› Facial Challenge
› Impeachment  

› implied consent Rulings:

› Judicial Branch
Yes. It did entail an undue delegation of legislative powers. The alleged power of the
› Justiciable Question President to create municipal corporations would necessarily connote the exercise by
› Legal Standing him of an authority even greater than that of control which he has over the executive
› Legislative Branch departments, bureaus or offices. In other words, Section 68 of the Revised
Administrative Code does not merely fail to comply with the constitutional mandate.
› One Subject One Title Rule
Instead of giving the President less power over local governments than that vested in
› Police Power him over the executive departments, bureaus or offices, it reverses the process and
› Political Question does the exact opposite, by conferring upon him more power over municipal
› Principle of Proportional corporations than that which he has over said executive departments, bureaus or

› Self Executing  

› Separation of Power
› Theory of Auto-Limitation
› Transcendental Importanct
› undue delegation of legislative power Post navigation
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