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2018 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of syncope

Article  in  European Heart Journal · March 2018

DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehy037


146 22,558

105 authors, including:

Michele Brignole Angel Moya

Azienda Sanitaria Locale 4 Chiavarese University Hospital Vall d'Hebron


Frederik J de de Lange Alessandra Fanciulli

Academisch Medisch Centrum Universiteit van Amsterdam Sapienza University of Rome


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European Heart Journal (2018) 00, 1–69 ESC GUIDELINES

2018 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and

management of syncope
The Task Force for the diagnosis and management of syncope of
the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
Developed with the special contribution of the European Heart
Rhythm Association (EHRA)
Endorsed by: European Academy of Neurology (EAN), European
Federation of Autonomic Societies (EFAS), European Federation of
Internal Medicine (EFIM), European Union Geriatric Medicine Society
(EUGMS), European Society of Emergency Medicine (EuSEM)

Authors/Task Force Members: Michele Brignole* (Chairperson) (Italy),

Angel Moya* (Co-chairperson) (Spain), Frederik J. de Lange (The Netherlands),
Jean-Claude Deharo (France), Perry M. Elliott (UK), Alessandra Fanciulli (Austria),
Artur Fedorowski (Sweden), Raffaello Furlan (Italy), Rose Anne Kenny (Ireland),
Alfonso Martın (Spain), Vincent Probst (France), Matthew J. Reed (UK),
Ciara P. Rice (Ireland), Richard Sutton (Monaco), Andrea Ungar (Italy), and
J. Gert van Dijk (The Netherlands)

* Corresponding authors: Michele Brignole, Department of Cardiology, Ospedali Del Tigullio, Via Don Bobbio 25, IT-16033 Lavagna, (GE) Italy. Tel: þ39 0185 329 567,
Fax: þ39 0185 306 506, Email: [email protected]; Angel Moya, Arrhythmia Unit, Hospital Vall d’Hebron, P Vall d’Hebron 119-129, ES-08035 Barcelona, Spain.
Tel: þ34 93 2746166, Fax: þ34 93 2746002, Email: [email protected].
ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (CPG) and National Cardiac Societies document reviewers: listed in the Appendix.
Representing the European Academy of Neurology (EAN)
Representing the European Federation of Internal Medicine (EFIM)
Representing the European Society of Emergency Medicine (EuSEM)
ESC entities having participated in the development of this document:
Associations: European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA)
Councils: Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions, Council for Cardiology Practice, Council on Cardiovascular Primary Care
Working Groups: Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases
The content of these European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Guidelines has been published for personal and educational use only. No commercial use is authorized. No part of the
ESC Guidelines may be translated or reproduced in any form without written permission from the ESC. Permission can be obtained upon submission of a written request to Oxford
University Press, the publisher of the European Heart Journal and the party authorized to handle such permissions on behalf of the ESC ([email protected]).
Disclaimer. The ESC Guidelines represent the views of the ESC and were produced after careful consideration of the scientific and medical knowledge and the evidence available
at the time of their publication. The ESC is not responsible in the event of any contradiction, discrepancy and/or ambiguity between the ESC Guidelines and any other official recom-
mendations or guidelines issued by the relevant public health authorities, in particular in relation to good use of healthcare or therapeutic strategies. Health professionals are encour-
aged to take the ESC Guidelines fully into account when exercising their clinical judgment, as well as in the determination and the implementation of preventive, diagnostic or
therapeutic medical strategies; however, the ESC Guidelines do not override, in any way whatsoever, the individual responsibility of health professionals to make appropriate and
accurate decisions in consideration of each patient’s health condition and in consultation with that patient and, where appropriate and/or necessary, the patient’s caregiver. Nor do
the ESC Guidelines exempt health professionals from taking into full and careful consideration the relevant official updated recommendations or guidelines issued by the competent
public health authorities, in order to manage each patient’s case in light of the scientifically accepted data pursuant to their respective ethical and professional obligations. It is also the
health professional’s responsibility to verify the applicable rules and regulations relating to drugs and medical devices at the time of prescription.

C The European Society of Cardiology 2018. All rights reserved. For permissions please email: [email protected]

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2 ESC Guidelines

Document Reviewers: Adam Torbicki (CPG Review Coordinator) (Poland), Javier Moreno (CPG Review
Coordinator) (Spain), Victor Aboyans (France), Stefan Agewall (Norway), Riccardo Asteggiano (Italy),
Jean-Jacques Blanc (France), Natan Bornstein1 (Israel), Serge Boveda (France), Héctor Bueno (Spain),
Haran Burri (Switzerland), Antonio Coca (Spain), Jean-Philippe Collet (France), Giorgio Costantino2
(Italy), Ernesto Dıaz-Infante (Spain), Victoria Delgado (The Netherlands), Faas Dolmans
(The Netherlands), Oliver Gaemperli (Switzerland), Jacek Gajek (Poland), Gerhard Hindricks (Germany),
Josef Kautzner (Czech Replublic), Juhani Knuuti (Finland), Piotr Kulakowski (Poland),
Ekaterini Lambrinou (Cyprus), Christophe Leclercq (France), Philippe Mabo (France), Carlos A. Morillo
(Canada), Massimo Francesco Piepoli (Italy), Marco Roffi (Switzerland), Win K. Shen (USA),
Iain A. Simpson (UK), Martin Stockburger (Germany), Peter Vanbrabant3 (Belgium),
Stephan Windecker (Switzerland), and Jose Luis Zamorano (Spain)

The disclosure forms of all experts involved in the development of these Guidelines are available on the
ESC website

Keywords Guidelines • Syncope • Transient loss of consciousness • Vasovagal syncope • Reflex
syncope • Orthostatic hypotension • Cardiac syncope • Sudden cardiac death • Electrophysiological
study • Prolonged ECG monitoring • Tilt testing • Carotid sinus massage • Cardiac pacing • Implantable
cardioverter defibrillator • Syncope unit • Emergency department

Table of Contents .. In-hospital monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
.. Holter monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1. Preamble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 .. Prospective external event recorders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 .. Smartphone applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.1 What is new in the 2018 version? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 .. External loop recorders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3. Definitions, classification, and pathophysiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
.. Remote (at home) telemetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 .. Implantable loop recorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2 Classification and pathophysiology of syncope and transient
.. Diagnostic criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
loss of consciousness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .. 4.2.5 Video recording in suspected syncope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2.1 Syncope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
.. In-hospital video recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2.2 Non-syncopal forms of (real or apparent) transient .. Home video recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
loss of consciousness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
.. 4.2.6 Electrophysiological study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4. Diagnostic evaluation and management according to .. Asymptomatic sinus bradycardia – suspected
risk stratification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 .. sinus arrest causing syncope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.1 Initial evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 .. Syncope in bifascicular bundle branch block
4.1.1 Diagnosis of syncope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 .. (impending high-degree atrioventricular block) . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.1.2 Management of syncope in the emergency department .. Suspected tachycardia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
based on risk stratification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 .. 4.2.7 Endogenous adenosine and other biomarkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.2 Diagnostic tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 .. Adenosine (triphosphate) test and plasma
4.2.1 Carotid sinus massage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ... concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.2.2 Orthostatic challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 .. Cardiovascular biomarkers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Active standing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 .. Immunological biomarkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
.. Tilt testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 .. 4.2.8 Echocardiography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.2.3 Basic autonomic function tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 .. Exercise stress echocardiography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
.. Valsalva manoeuvre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 .. 4.2.9 Exercise stress testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Deep breathing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 .. 4.2.10 Coronary angiography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
.. Other autonomic function tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 .. 5. Treatment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Twenty-four-hour ambulatory and home
.. 5.1 General principles of treatment of syncope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
blood pressure monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 .. 5.2 Treatment of reflex syncope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.2.4 Electrocardiographic monitoring (non-invasive
.. 5.2.1 Education and lifestyle modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
and invasive) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 .. 5.2.2 Discontinuation/reduction of hypotensive therapy . . . . . . . . 31

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ESC Guidelines 3

5.2.3 Physical counter-pressure manoeuvres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

.. 6.1.1 Comorbidity and polypharmacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.2.4 Tilt training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 .. 6.1.2 Falls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.2.5 Pharmacological therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 .. 6.1.3 Cognitive assessment and physical performance tests. . . . . . 45 Fludrocortisone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 .. 6.2 Syncope in paediatric patients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
.. Alpha-agonists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 .. 6.2.1 Diagnostic evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Beta-blockers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 .. 6.2.2 Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
.. Other drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 .. 7. Psychogenic transient loss of consciousness and its evaluation. . . . . . . 46 Emerging new therapies in specific subgroups . . . . . . . 32 .. 7.1 Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.2.6 Cardiac pacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 .. 7.1.1 Historical criteria for attacks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Evidence from trials in suspected or .. 7.1.2 Documentation of key features during an attack . . . . . . . . . . . 46
certain reflex syncope and electrocardiogram- .. Management of psychogenic pseudosyncope . . . . . . . 47
documented asystole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 .. 8. Neurological causes and mimics of syncope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
.. Evidence from trials in patients with carotid .. 8.1 Clinical conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
sinus syndrome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 .. 8.1.1 Autonomic failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
.. Evidence from trials in patients with tilt-induced .. 8.1.2 Epilepsy and ictal asystole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
vasovagal syncope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
.. 8.1.3 Cerebrovascular disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
.. Evidence from trials in patients with .. 8.1.4 Migraine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
adenosine-sensitive syncope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
.. 8.1.5 Cataplexy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
.. Choice of pacing mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 .. 8.1.6 Drop attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Selection of patients for pacing and
.. 8.2 Neurological tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
proposed algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 .. 8.2.1 Electroencephalography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.3 Treatment of orthostatic hypotension and orthostatic intolerance
.. 8.2.2 Brain computed tomography and magnetic
syndromes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 .. resonance imaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.3.1 Education and lifestyle measures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 .. 8.2.3 Neurovascular studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.3.2 Adequate hydration and salt intake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 .. 8.2.4 Blood tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.3.3 Discontinuation/reduction of vasoactive drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 .. 9. Organizational aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.3.4 Counter-pressure manoeuvres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 .. 9.1 Syncope (transient loss of consciousness) management unit . . . . . 50
5.3.5 Abdominal binders and/or support stockings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 .. 9.1.1 Definition of a syncope unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.3.6 Head-up tilt sleeping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 .. 9.1.2 Definition of syncope specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.3.7 Midodrine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 .. 9.1.3 Goal of a syncope unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.3.8 Fludrocortisone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 .. 9.1.4 Model of a syncope unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.3.9 Additional therapies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 .. 9.1.5 Access and referrals to a syncope unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.3.10 Emerging new pharmacological therapy in specific .. 9.1.6 Outcomes and quality indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
subgroups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 .. 9.2 The clinical nurse specialist in the syncope unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.4 Cardiac arrhythmias as the primary cause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 .. 9.2.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.4.1 Syncope due to intrinsic sinoatrial or atrioventricular .. 9.2.2 Role and skills of the clinical nurse specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
conduction system disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 .. 10. Key messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
.. Sinus node disease. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 .. 11. Gaps in evidence and areas for future research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Atrioventricular conduction system disease. . . . . . . . . 39
.. 12. ‘What to do’ and ‘what not to do’ messages from the
.. Bundle branch block and unexplained syncope . . . . . . 39 .. Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
5.4.2 Syncope due to intrinsic cardiac tachyarrhythmias . . . . . . . . . 40
.. 13. Supplementary Data and Web Practical Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
.. Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. . . . . . . . . . . . 41 .. 14. Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
.. 15. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.5 Treatment of syncope secondary to structural cardiac, ..
cardiopulmonary, and great vessel disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.6 Treatment of unexplained syncope in patients at high risk of ..
.. Abbreviations and acronyms
sudden cardiac death . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 ..
5.6.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 .. ABPM Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
5.6.2 Left ventricular systolic dysfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 .. AF Atrial fibrillation
5.6.3 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 .. ARVC Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
5.6.4 Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. . . . . . . . . 43 .. ATP Adenosine triphosphate
5.6.5 Patients with inheritable arrhythmogenic disorders . . . . . . . . 43 .. AV Atrioventricular
.. Long QT syndrome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 .. AVID Antiarrhythmics versus Implantable Brugada syndrome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 .. Defibrillators trial
.. Other forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 .. BBB Bundle branch block
6. Special issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 .. BNP B-type natriuretic peptide
6.1 Syncope in patients with comorbidity and frailty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 . BP Blood pressure

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4 ESC Guidelines

b.p.m. Beats per minute

... 1. Preamble
CI Confidence interval ..
CI-CSS Cardioinhibitory carotid sinus syndrome
.. Guidelines summarize and evaluate available evidence with the aim of
.. assisting health professionals in selecting the best management strat-
CPG Committee for Practice Guidelines ..
CRT-D Cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator
.. egies for an individual patient with a given condition. Guidelines and
.. their recommendations should facilitate decision making of health
CSM Carotid sinus massage ..
CSS Carotid sinus syndrome
.. professionals in their daily practice. However, the final decisions con-
DCM Dilated cardiomyopathy .. cerning an individual patient must be made by the responsible health
.. professional(s) in consultation with the patient and caregiver as
DDD-PM Dual chamber pacemaker ..
ECG Electrocardiogram/electrocardiographic .. appropriate.
.. A great number of guidelines have been issued in recent years by
ED Emergency department ..
EEG Electroencephalogram .. the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), as well as by other soci-
.. eties and organisations. Because of the impact on clinical practice,
EFAS European Federation of Autonomic Societies ..
EFIM European Federation of Internal Medicine .. quality criteria for the development of guidelines have been estab-
.. lished in order to make all decisions transparent to the user. The rec-
EHRA European Heart Rhythm Association ..
ENS European Neurological Society .. ommendations for formulating and issuing ESC Guidelines can be
.. found on the ESC website (
EPS Electrophysiological study ..
ESC European Society of Cardiology .. Education/Clinical-Practice-Guidelines/Guidelines-development/Writ
.. ing-ESC-Guidelines). ESC Guidelines represent the official position of
EUGMS European Union Geriatric Medicine Society ..
EuSEM European Society of Emergency Medicine .. the ESC on a given topic and are regularly updated.
.. Members of this Task Force were selected by the ESC, including
HBPM Home blood pressure monitoring ..
HCM Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
.. representation from its relevant ESC sub-specialty groups, in order
.. to represent professionals involved with the medical care of patients
HR Heart rate ..
ICD Implantable cardioverter defibrillator
.. with this pathology. Selected experts in the field undertook a com-
.. prehensive review of the published evidence for management of a
ILR Implantable loop recorder ..
ISSUE International Study on Syncope of
.. given condition according to ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines
.. (CPG) policy. A critical evaluation of diagnostic and therapeutic pro-
Unknown Etiology ..
L-DOPA L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine
.. cedures was performed, including assessment of the risk–benefit
LOC Loss of consciousness .. ratio. The level of evidence and the strength of the recommendation
.. of particular management options were weighed and graded accord-
LQTS Long QT syndrome ..
LVEF Left ventricular ejection fraction .. ing to predefined scales, as outlined in Tables 1 and 2.
.. The experts of the writing and reviewing panels provided declar-
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging ..
NYHA New York Heart Association .. ation of interest forms for all relationships that might be perceived as
.. real or potential sources of conflicts of interest. These forms were
OH Orthostatic hypotension ..
PC-Trial Physical Counterpressure Manoeuvres Trial .. compiled into one file and can be found on the ESC website (http://
.. Any changes in declarations of interest
PCM Physical counter-pressure manoeuvres ..
PNES Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures .. that arise during the writing period were notified to the ESC and
.. updated. The Task Force received its entire financial support from
POST Prevention of Syncope Trial ..
POTS Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome .. the ESC without any involvement from the healthcare industry.
.. The ESC CPG supervises and coordinates the preparation of new
PPS Psychogenic pseudosyncope ..
RCT Randomized controlled trial .. Guidelines. The Committee is also responsible for the endorsement
.. process of these Guidelines. The ESC Guidelines undergo extensive
SCD Sudden cardiac death ..
SNRT Sinus node recovery time .. review by the CPG and external experts. After appropriate revisions
.. the Guidelines are approved by all the experts involved in the Task
SU Syncope unit ..
SUP Syncope Unit Project ... Force. The finalized document is approved by the CPG for publica-
SVT Supraventricular tachycardia
.. tion in the European Heart Journal. The Guidelines were developed
.. after careful consideration of the scientific and medical knowledge
TIA Transient ischaemic attack ..
t.i.d. Ter in die (three times daily)
.. and the evidence available at the time of their dating.
.. The task of developing ESC Guidelines also includes the creation of
TLOC Transient loss of consciousness ..
TNG Trinitroglycerin
.. educational tools and implementation programmes for the recommen-
VA Ventricular arrhythmia .. dations including condensed pocket guideline versions, summary slides,
.. booklets with essential messages, summary cards for non-specialists
VF Ventricular fibrillation ..
VT Ventricular tachycardia .. and an electronic version for digital applications (smartphones, etc.).
.. These versions are abridged and thus, if needed, one should always
VVS Vasovagal syncope ..
. refer to the full-text version, which is freely available via the ESC

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ESC Guidelines 5

Table 1 Classes of recommendations

Table 2 Levels of evidence

website and hosted on the EHJ website. The National Societies of the
.. is also the health professional’s responsibility to verify the rules and
ESC are encouraged to endorse, translate and implement all ESC .. regulations applicable to drugs and devices at the time of prescription.
Guidelines. Implementation programmes are needed because it has
been shown that the outcome of disease may be favourably influenced ..
by the thorough application of clinical recommendations.
... 2. Introduction
Surveys and registries are needed to verify that real-life daily prac- ..
tice is in keeping with what is recommended in the guidelines, thus .. The first ESC Guidelines for the management of syncope were pub-
completing the loop between clinical research, writing of guidelines, .. lished in 2001, with subsequent versions in 2004 and 2009. In March
disseminating them and implementing them into clinical practice. .. 2015, the ESC CPG considered that there were enough new data to
Health professionals are encouraged to take the ESC Guidelines fully .. justify the production of new Guidelines.
into account when exercising their clinical judgment, as well as in the .. The most important aspect characterizing this document is the
determination and the implementation of preventive, diagnostic, or .. composition of the Task Force, which is truly multidisciplinary.
therapeutic medical strategies. However, the ESC Guidelines do not .. Cardiologists form a minority of the panel; experts in emergency
override in any way whatsoever the individual responsibility of health .. medicine, internal medicine and physiology, neurology and auto-
professionals to make appropriate and accurate decisions in consider- .. nomic diseases, geriatric medicine, and nursing cover all aspects of
ation of each patient’s health condition and in consultation with that pa- .. management of the various forms of syncope and transient loss of
tient or the patient’s caregiver where appropriate and/or necessary. It .. consciousness (TLOC).

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6 ESC Guidelines

Compared with the previous versions of these Guidelines, the .. The document aims to be patient-orientated and focused on ther-
2018 document contains Supplementary Data as an integral part. .. apy, and to reduce the risk of recurrence and the life-threatening
While the print text mainly aims to give formal evidence-based rec-
.. consequences of syncope recurrence. For this purpose, even in the
ommendations according to the standardized rules of the ESC, this .. absence of strong evidence from trials, we give as much advice as
new web-only feature allows expansion of the content to practical
.. possible on the most appropriate therapy based on the practical ex-
issues, and aims to fill the gap between the best available scientific evi- .. pertise of the members of the Task Force (‘Our patients seek solutions,
dence and the need for dissemination of these concepts into clinical
.. not only explanations’). When possible, we provide therapeutic and
practice (‘We have the knowledge, we need to teach it’). Thanks to the .. decision-making algorithms.
Supplementary Data further explanation on specific points is given, .. Finally, we recognize that one major challenge in syncope manage-
and thanks to the Web Practical Instructions advice is given on how .. ment is the reduction of inappropriate admissions and inappropriate
to evaluate patients with loss of consciousness (LOC), and how to .. use of tests while maintaining the safety of the patient. We give strong
perform and interpret tests properly; whenever possible, we provide .. focus to pathways and organizational issues (‘We have the knowledge;
tracings, videos, flow charts, and checklists. .. we need to apply it’). In particular, we propose a care pathway for the

Figure 1 What is new in the 2018 syncope Guidelines? AA = antiarrhythmic; AF = atrial fibrillation; ARVC = arrhythmogenic right ventricular car-
diomyopathy; CSM = carotid sinus massage; ECG = electrocardiogram; ED = emergency department; LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction; EPS =
electrophysiological study; HCM = hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; ICD = implantable cardioverter defibrillator; ILR = implantable loop recorder;
OH = orthostatic hypotension; PCM = physical counter-pressure manoeuvres; POTS = postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome; PPS = psycho-
genic pseudosyncope; SNRT = sinus node recovery time; SU = syncope unit; SVT = supraventricular tachycardia; VT = ventricular tachycardia.

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ESC Guidelines 7

Central illustration New/revised concepts in the management of syncope. ECG = electrocardiogram; ED = emergency department; ICD =
implantable cardioverter defibrillator; SCD = sudden cardiac death.

management of patients with TLOC from their arrival in the emer- .. • TLOC is defined as a state of real or apparent LOC with loss of
gency department (ED), and give practical instructions on how to set .. awareness, characterized by amnesia for the period of uncon-
.. sciousness, abnormal motor control, loss of responsiveness, and
up outpatient syncope clinics (syncope units) aimed at reducing hos- ..
pitalization, under- and misdiagnoses, and costs. .. a short duration.
.. The two main groups of TLOC are ‘TLOC due to head trauma’
2.1 What is new in the 2018 version? .. and ‘non-traumatic TLOC’ (Figure 2). Traumatic TLOC will not be
The changes in recommendations made in the 2018 version com-
.. considered further in this document, so TLOC will be used to mean
pared with the 2009 version, the new recommendations, and the .. non-traumatic TLOC.
most important new/revised concepts are summarized in Figure 1.
.. The clinical features characterizing TLOC are usually derived from his-
.. tory taking from patients and eyewitnesses. Specific characteristics that
.. aid diagnosis are outlined in section 3 of the Web Practical Instructions.
.. TLOC groups are defined using pathophysiology: the qualifying cri-
3. Definitions, classification, and .. terion for syncope is cerebral hypoperfusion; for epileptic seizures, it
pathophysiology .. is abnormal excessive brain activity; and for psychogenic TLOC it is
.. the psychological process of conversion. The syncope definition rests
3.1 Definitions .. on pathophysiology because no set of clinical features encompasses
• Syncope is defined as TLOC due to cerebral hypoperfusion, char- .. all forms of syncope while also excluding all epileptic seizures and
acterized by a rapid onset, short duration, and spontaneous com-
.. psychogenic TLOC events.
plete recovery. ..
.. • The adjective presyncope is used to indicate symptoms and signs
Syncope shares many clinical features with other disorders; it
.. that occur before unconsciousness in syncope. Note that the
therefore presents in many differential diagnoses. This group of dis- .. noun presyncope is often used to describe a state that resembles
orders is labelled TLOC.
.. the prodrome of syncope, but which is not followed by LOC.

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8 ESC Guidelines

Generalized: Psychogenic
- Tonic pseudosyncope (PPS)
- Clonic Psychogenic non-epileptic
- Tonic-clonic seizures (PNES)
- Atonic

Figure 2 Syncope in the context of transient loss of consciousness. Non-traumatic transient loss of consciousness is classified into one of four
groupings: syncope, epileptic seizures, psychogenic transient loss of consciousness, and a miscellaneous group of rare causes. This order represents
their rate of occurrence. Combinations occur; e.g. non-traumatic transient loss of consciousness causes can cause falls with concussion, in which case
transient loss of consciousness is both traumatic and non-traumatic. TIA = transient ischaemic attack; TLOC = transient loss of consciousness.

A variety of terms are used that generally do not match the definitions .. ‘vasodepressive type’ of reflex syncope, seen in the outer ring in
in this document closely enough to be used as synonyms of the defined .. Figure 3. The second is a functional impairment, and the third a struc-
terms. For example, a ‘faint’ approximately conforms to syncope but .. tural impairment of the autonomic nervous system, with drug-
emphasizes vasovagal syncope (VVS) over other forms. A glossary of un- .. induced, primary, and secondary autonomic failure in the outer ring.
certain terms is shown in section 1 of the Web Practical Instructions. .. In autonomic failure, there is insufficient sympathetic vasoconstriction
.. in response to the upright position.
3.2 Classification and pathophysiology of ..
.. There are four primary causes of low cardiac output. The first is
syncope and transient loss of .. a reflex bradycardia, known as cardioinhibitory reflex syncope.
consciousness .. The second concerns cardiovascular causes: arrhythmia, struc-
3.2.1 Syncope
.. tural disease including pulmonary embolism, and pulmonary
Table 3 provides a classification of the principal causes of syncope, .. hypertension. The third is inadequate venous return due to vol-
emphasizing groups of disorders with common pathophysiology,
.. ume depletion or venous pooling. Finally, chronotropic and ino-
presentation, and risk. Clinical features, epidemiology, prognosis, im- .. tropic incompetence through autonomic failure may impair
.. cardiac output.
pact on quality of life, and economic issues are shown in section 2 of ..
the Web Practical Instructions. .. Note that these primary mechanisms may interact in different
.. ways: firstly, venous pooling and inadequate venous return is also a
The pathophysiological classification centres on a fall in systemic ..
blood pressure (BP) with a decrease in global cerebral blood flow as .. factor that can trigger an inappropriate reflex in orthostatic reflex
.. syncope; secondly, a low total peripheral resistance may cause ven-
the defining characteristic of syncope. Figure 3 shows low BP and glo- ..
bal cerebral hypoperfusion as the central final common pathway of .. ous pooling of blood below the diaphragm, in turn decreasing venous
syncope. A sudden cessation of cerebral blood flow for as short as .. return and consequently cardiac output.
6–8 s can cause complete LOC. A systolic BP of 50–60 mmHg at .. The three main groups of syncope, i.e. reflex, cardiovascular, and
heart level, i.e. 30–45 mmHg at brain level in the upright position, will .. secondary to orthostatic hypertension (OH), are shown outside the
cause LOC.8,9 .. rings in Figure 3. Both reflex syncope and OH span the two main
Systemic BP is the product of cardiac output and total peripheral .. pathophysiological mechanisms.
resistance; a fall in either can cause syncope. However, in syncope, ..
both mechanisms often act together to a varying degree. .. 3.2.2 Non-syncopal forms of (real or apparent) transient
There are three primary causes of a low total peripheral resist-
.. loss of consciousness
ance. The first is decreased reflex activity causing vasodilatation .. Only those forms of epilepsy in which normal motor control is lost,
through withdrawal of sympathetic vasoconstriction: this is the
.. so patients may fall, are included in Figure 2. These are tonic, clonic,

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ESC Guidelines 9

Table 3 Classification of syncope

Reflex (neurally mediated) syncope

- orthostatic VVS: standing, less common sitting
- emotional: fear, pain (somatic or visceral), instrumentation, blood phobia
- micturition
- gastrointestinal stimulation (swallow, defaecation)
- cough, sneeze
- post-exercise
- others (e.g. laughing, brass instrument playing)
Carotid sinus syndrome
Non-classical forms (without prodromes and/or without apparent triggers and/or atypical presentation)

Syncope due to OH

Note that hypotension may be exacerbated by venous pooling during exercise (exercise-induced), after meals (postprandial hypotension), and after prolonged
bed rest
Drug-induced OH (most common cause of OH):
- e.g. vasodilators, diuretics, phenothiazine, antidepressants
Volume depletion:
- haemorrhage, diarrhoea, vomiting, etc.
Primary autonomic failure (neurogenic OH):
- pure autonomic failure, multiple system atrophy, Parkinson’s disease, dementia with Lewy bodies
Secondary autonomic failure (neurogenic OH):
- diabetes, amyloidosis, spinal cord injuries, auto-immune autonomic neuropathy, paraneoplastic autonomic neuropathy, kidney failure

Cardiac syncope

Arrhythmia as primary cause:

- sinus node dysfunction (including bradycardia/tachycardia syndrome)
- atrioventricular conduction system disease
- supraventricular
- ventricular
Structural cardiac: aortic stenosis, acute myocardial infarction/ischaemia, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, cardiac masses (atrial myxoma, tumours,
etc.), pericardial disease/tamponade, congenital anomalies of coronary arteries, prosthetic valve dysfunction
Cardiopulmonary and great vessels: pulmonary embolus, acute aortic dissection, pulmonary hypertension


• All forms of syncope, but mostly reflex syncope and OH, are more likely to occur or are more severe when various factors are present: medica-
tion causing low BP (due to vasodilatation or hypovolaemia), alcohol use, volume depletion (haemorrhage, low fluid intake, diarrhoea, vomiting),
pulmonary diseases causing reduction in brain oxygen supply, environmental factors (thermal stress).
• There are two main pathophysiological mechanisms in reflex syncope. “Vasodepression” refers to conditions in which insufficient sympathetic
vasoconstriction results in hypotension.1,2 “Cardioinhibition” is used when bradycardia or asystole predominates, reflecting a shift towards para-
sympathetic predominance. The haemodynamic pattern, i.e. cardioinhibitory, vasodepressive, or both, is independent of the trigger evoking reflex
syncope. For example, micturition syncope and orthostatic VVS may equally well present as cardioinhibitory or as vasodepressor syncope
• The non-classical form of reflex syncope involves a heterogeneous group of patients. The term is used to describe reflex syncope that occurs
with uncertain or apparently absent triggers and/or atypical presentation. The diagnosis of reflex syncope is probable when other causes of syn-
cope are excluded (absence of structural heart disease) and/or symptoms are reproduced in the tilt test.3 At present, this group also contains
syncope associated with low adenosine plasma levels4,5
• The cardiovascular causes of orthostatic intolerance include classical OH, initial OH, delayed OH, POTS, and VVS, which in this context can be
called orthostatic VVS.6,7 Syndromes of orthostatic intolerance that may cause syncope are presented in Web Practical Instruction section 2.

BP = blood pressure; OH = orthostatic hypotension; POTS = postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome; VVS = vasovagal syncope.

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10 ESC Guidelines

Table 4 Conditions that may be incorrectly diagnosed

as syncope

Condition Characteristic features that distin-

guish from syncope

Generalized seizures See section 8, Table 10.

Complex partial seiz- No falls, yet unresponsive and later

ures, absence epilepsy amnesia

PPS or Duration of apparent LOC

“pseudocoma” lasting many minutes to hours; high
frequency, up to several times a day

Falls without TLOC No unresponsiveness or amnesia

Cataplexy Falls with flaccid paralysis and non-

responsive, yet no later amnesia

Intracerebral or sub- Consciousness may be progressively

arachnoid reduced rather than immediately
haemorrhage lost. Accompanying severe head-
Figure 3 Pathophysiological basis of the classification of syncope.
ache, other neurological signs
ANS = autonomic nervous system; auton. = autonomic; BP =
blood pressure; OH = orthostatic hypotension; periph. = Vertebrobasilar TIA Always focal neurological signs and
peripheral; resist. = resistance. symptoms, usually without LOC; if
consciousness is lost this usually lasts
longer than in TLOC.
tonic-clonic, and atonic generalized seizures, and can be classified as
Carotid TIA Consciousness is for all practical
primary or secondary. The forms of epilepsy in which people remain
purposes not lost in carotid TIAs,
actively upright, i.e. sitting or standing (e.g. complex partial seizures
but there are pronounced focal
or absence epilepsy) are not regarded as TLOC, but sometimes they
neurological signs and symptoms
are incorrectly diagnosed as syncope.
Psychogenic TLOC consists of two forms: one resembles epileptic Subclavian steal Associated with focal neurological
seizures (psychogenic non-epileptic seizures [PNES]) and one, with- syndrome signs
out gross movements, resembles syncope (psychogenic pseudosyn-
Metabolic disorders Duration much longer than in
cope [PPS]).
including hypogly- TLOC; consciousness may be im-
The rare causes of TLOC only seldomly cause confusion with the
caemia, hypoxia, paired instead of lost
main TLOC forms, probably because in most cases they differ
hyperventilation with
enough clinically to be clearly not syncope. Both vertebrobasilar tran-
sient ischaemic attacks (TIAs) and subclavian steal syndrome are
associated with focal neurological signs. A subarachnoid haemor- Intoxication Duration much longer than in
rhage may present with a short LOC, but the associated abrupt ex- TLOC; consciousness may be im-
treme headache suggests the cause. In cyanotic breath-holding spells, paired instead of lost
expiratory apnoea with hypoxia is the primary mechanism.10 So-
Cardiac arrest LOC yet no spontaneous recovery
called ‘pallid breath-holding spells’ in children do not constitute a pri-
mary respiratory problem, but are cardioinhibitory reflex syncope.11 Coma Duration much longer than TLOC
Table 4 lists the main features that distinguish syncope from dis-
orders that may be mistaken for syncope. LOC = loss of consciousness; PPS = psychogenic pseudosyncope; TIA = transient
ischaemic attack; TLOC = transient loss of consciousness.

4. Diagnostic evaluation and

management according to risk ..
.. with possible TLOC, history taking should first establish whether there
stratification ..
.. was indeed a TLOC. Often, this allows a distinction between the major
.. TLOC groups. The flow diagram for the evaluation of TLOC is shown in
4.1 Initial evaluation .. Figure 4. The initial evaluation should answer key questions:
The clinical features characterizing TLOC are usually derived from his-
tory taking from patients and eyewitnesses. When a patient first presents . (1) Was the event TLOC?

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ESC Guidelines 11

Figure 4 Flow diagram for the initial evaluation and risk stratification of patients with syncope. BP = blood pressure; ECG = electrocardiogram;
H&P exam = history and physical examination; TLOC = transient loss of consciousness.

(2) In case of TLOC, is it of syncopal or non-syncopal origin?

.. approximately 60% of cases.12 For non-syncopal TLOC, refer to sec-
(3) In case of suspected syncope, is there a clear aetiological diagnosis .. tions 7 and 8.
(see section 4.1.1)?
(4) Is there evidence to suggest a high risk of cardiovascular events or .. 4.1.1 Diagnosis of syncope
.. The starting point of the diagnostic evaluation of TLOC of suspected
death (see section 4.1.2)? ..
.. syncopal nature is the initial syncope evaluation, which consists of:
TLOC has four specific characteristics: short duration, abnor- ..
mal motor control, loss of responsiveness, and amnesia for
.. • Careful history taking concerning present and previous attacks, as
the period of LOC (for an explanation of the clinical features of
... well as eyewitness accounts, in person or through a telephone
.. interview.
TLOC see Web Table 4 in section 4.1 of the Web Practical ..
.. • Physical examination, including supine and standing BP
Instructions). .. measurements.
TLOC is probably syncope when: (i) there are signs and symptoms ..
.. • Electrocardiogram (ECG).
specific for reflex syncope, syncope due to OH, or cardiac syncope, ..
and (ii) signs and symptoms specific for other forms of TLOC (head .. Based on these findings, additional examinations may be per-
.. formed when needed (see section 4.2):
trauma, epileptic seizures, psychogenic TLOC, and/or rare causes) ..
are absent. Practical instructions for history taking are given in sec- ..
.. • Immediate ECG monitoring when there is a suspicion of arrhyth-
tions 3 and 4 of the Web Practical Instructions. .. mic syncope.
When epileptic seizures or psychogenic attacks are likely, appro- ..
.. • Echocardiogram when there is previous known heart disease,
priate steps should be taken. By using a detailed clinical history, phys- .. data suggestive of structural heart disease, or syncope secondary
icians can differentiate syncope from other forms of TLOC in .. to cardiovascular cause.

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12 ESC Guidelines

• Carotid sinus massage (CSM) in patients aged >40 years.

.. Even if there is no independent gold/reference standard to diag-
• Head-up tilt testing when there is suspicion of syncope due to .. nose syncope, there is strong consensus that the initial evalu-
OH or reflex syncope. .. ation may lead to certain or highly likely diagnosis when the
• Blood tests when clinically indicated, e.g. haematocrit or haemo- .. diagnostic criteria listed in the table of recommendations are
globin when haemorrhage is suspected, oxygen saturation and .. met.
blood gas analysis when hypoxia is suspected, troponin when car-
diac ischaemia-related syncope is suspected, or D-dimer when ..
pulmonary embolism is suspected, etc. ..

Diagnostic criteria with initial evaluation

Recommendations Classa Levelb

Reflex syncope and OH

VVS is highly probable if syncope is precipitated by pain, fear, or standing, and is associated with typical progressive prodrome
(pallor, sweating, and/or nausea).8,13–17

Situational reflex syncope is highly probable if syncope occurs during or immediately after specific triggers, listed in
13–17 I C
Table 3.8,

Syncope due to OH is confirmed when syncope occurs while standing and there is concomitant significant OH.18–24 I C

In the absence of the above criteria, reflex syncope and OH should be considered likely when the features that suggest reflex
syncope or OH are present and the features that suggest cardiac syncope are absent (see Table 5).

Cardiac syncope

Arrhythmic syncope is highly probable when the ECG shows25–39:

• Persistent sinus bradycardia <40 b.p.m. or sinus pauses >3 s in awake state and in absence of physical training;
• Mobitz II second- and third-degree AV block;
• Alternating left and right BBB; I C
• VT or rapid paroxysmal SVT;
• Non-sustained episodes of polymorphic VT and long or short QT interval; or
• Pacemaker or ICD malfunction with cardiac pauses.

Cardiac ischaemia-related syncope is confirmed when syncope presents with evidence of acute myocardial ischaemia with or
without myocardial infarction.25–39

Syncope due to structural cardiopulmonary disorders is highly probable when syncope presents in patients with prolapsing
atrial myxoma, left atrial ball thrombus, severe aortic stenosis, pulmonary embolus, or acute aortic dissection.

Additional advice and clinical perspectives

The initial syncope evaluation, as described in this document, can define the cause of syncope in most patients. Strict adherence to the above defin-
itions of VVS and situational reflex syncope, and of syncope due to OH, can be considered certain or highly likely irrespective of the presence of
any other abnormal finding. In young subjects with unexplained syncope and no history of cardiac disease, no family history of sudden death, no su-
pine syncope or syncope during sleep or exercise, no unusual triggers, and a normal ECG, the chance of cardiac syncope is very low. SCD rates in
subjects <35 years amount to 1 – 3/100 000.

AV = atrioventricular; BBB = bundle branch block; b.p.m. = beats per minute; ECG = electrocardiogram; ICD = implantable cardioverter defibrillator; OH = orthostatic hypo-
tension; SCD = sudden cardiac death; SVT = supraventricular tachycardia; VT = ventricular tachycardia; VVS = vasovagal syncope.
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.

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ESC Guidelines 13

When a diagnosis is nearly certain or highly likely, no further evalu- .. 4.1.2 Management of syncope in the emergency
ation is needed, and treatment—if any—can be planned. In other .. department based on risk stratification
cases, the initial evaluation may suggest a diagnosis when the features .. The management of TLOC of suspected syncopal nature in the ED
listed in Table 5 are present, or otherwise is unable to suggest any .. should answer the following three key questions:
diagnosis. ..
.. (1) Is there a serious underlying cause that can be identified?
.. (2) What is the risk of a serious outcome?
Table 5 Clinical features that can suggest a diagnosis ..
on initial evaluation
.. (3) Should the patient be admitted to hospital?
.. Figure 5 shows a flow chart for the management and risk stratifica-
Reflex syncope .. tion of patients referred to the ED for TLOC suspected to be syn-
• Long history of recurrent syncope, in particular occurring be- .. cope (modified from Casagranda et al.40).
fore the age of 40 years ..
• After unpleasant sight, sound, smell, or pain .. Question 1: Is there a serious underlying cause that can be
• Prolonged standing ..
.. identified in the ED?
• During meal .. Normally the presenting complaint of syncope can be established.
• Being in crowded and/or hot places ..
• Autonomic activation before syncope: pallor, sweating, and/ .. The primary aim for an ED clinician is then to establish an underlying
.. diagnosis, especially those associated with the potential for rapid clin-
or nausea/vomiting ..
• With head rotation or pressure on carotid sinus (as in tu- .. ical deterioration.41,42 It is the acute underlying disease that most fre-
.. quently determines short-term adverse events rather than the
mours, shaving, tight collars) ..
• Absence of heart disease .. syncope itself.43 Subsequent management will focus on treating this
.. underlying cause (Figure 5). Many (40–45%) non-cardiovascular and
Syncope due to OH ..
.. some cardiovascular life-threatening underlying conditions are obvi-
• While or after standing ..
.. ous in the ED.44 Table 6 lists high-risk features that suggest the pres-
• Prolonged standing
• Standing after exertion .. ence of a serious underlying cause and low-risk features that suggest
.. a benign underlying cause.
• Post-prandial hypotension ..
• Temporal relationship with start or changes of dosage of vas- ..
odepressive drugs or diuretics leading to hypotension
.. Question 2: What is the risk of a serious outcome?
• Presence of autonomic neuropathy or parkinsonism .. High-risk features are shown in Table 6, and how to use this risk pro-
.. file to guide subsequent management and disposition is shown in
Cardiac syncope ..
• During exertion or when supine .. Figure 6.
• Sudden onset palpitation immediately followed by syncope .. Risk stratification is important, for two reasons:
• Family history of unexplained sudden death at young age ..
• Presence of structural heart disease or coronary artery .. (1) To recognize patients with a likely low-risk condition able to be dis-
.. charged with adequate patient education.
disease ..
• ECG findings suggesting arrhythmic syncope: .. (2) To recognize patients with a likely high-risk cardiovascular condition
- Bifascicular block (defined as either left or right BBB com-
.. requiring urgent investigation. This may require admission.
bined with left anterior or left posterior fascicular block) ..
- Other intraventricular conduction abnormalities (QRS dur- .. High-risk patients are more likely to have cardiac syncope.
ation >_0.12 s)
.. Structural heart disease25–27,31,35,36,45 and primary electrical disease46
- Mobitz I second-degree AV block and 1 degree AV block .. are major risk factors for sudden cardiac death (SCD) and overall
with markedly prolonged PR interval .. mortality in patients with syncope. Low-risk patients are more likely
- Asymptomatic mild inappropriate sinus bradycardia (40–50
.. to have reflex syncope and have an excellent prognosis.47 OH is
b.p.m.) or slow atrial fibrillation (40–50 b.p.m.) in the ab- .. associated with a two-fold higher risk of death owing to the severity
sence of negatively chronotropic medications ..
- Non-sustained VT
.. of comorbidities compared with the general population.48
- Pre-excited QRS complexes ..
- Long or short QT intervals .. Question 3: Should the patient be admitted to hospital?
- Early repolarization
.. Approximately 50% of patients who present to the ED with
- ST-segment elevation with type 1 morphology in leads .. syncope are admitted (although the rate varies between 12–86%)
V1-V3 (Brugada pattern) ..
- Negative T waves in right precordial leads, epsilon waves
.. (see Supplementary Data Table 4). The use of clinical decision rules and
.. standardized protocols has not changed this rate significantly. The com-
suggestive of ARVC ..
- Left ventricular hypertrophy suggesting hypertrophic .. posite estimate of outcomes is that in the next 7–30 days, only 0.8%
.. die and 6.9% have a non-fatal severe outcome whilst in the ED, while
.. another 3.6% have a post-ED serious outcome (see Supplementary
.. Data Table 4). Unnecessary admission in low-risk patients can be harm-
ARVC = arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; AV = atrioventricular; .. ful.87 Whereas it is crucial to identify these high-risk patients to ensure
BBB = bundle branch block; b.p.m. = beats per minute; ECG = electrocardio- .. early, rapid, and intensive investigation, not all patients at high risk need
gram; OH = orthostatic hypotension; VT = ventricular tachycardia.
.. hospitalization.80

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14 ESC Guidelines

Figure 5 The management of patients presenting to the emergency department for transient loss of consciousness suspected to be syncope
(modified from Casagranda et al.40). ED = emergency department; TLOC = transient loss of consciousness.
For example, this includes pulmonary embolism presenting with shortness of breath, pleuritic chest pain, and syncope, but not trauma
secondary to syncope.

Management of syncope in the emergency department

Recommendations Classa Levelb

It is recommended that patients with low-risk features, likely to have reflex or situational syncope, or syncope due to OH,
are discharged from the ED.27,35,36,49–54,58,62,69

It is recommended that patients with high-risk features receive an early intensive and prompt evaluation in a syncope unit or
in an ED observation unit (if available), or are hospitalized.26,27,35,36,44–46,50,55–57,59,60,70–76

It is recommended that patients who have neither high- nor low-risk features are observed in the ED or in a syncope unit
instead of being hospitalized.40,63–65,77

Risk stratification scores may be considered for risk stratification in the ED.78–86 IIb B

Additional advice and clinical perspectives

• In the ED, presyncope should be managed with the same accuracy as syncope as it carries the same prognosis.66–68
• Diagnostic radiology and laboratory tests such as chest X-ray, brain computed tomography, routine blood haematology, biochemistry, and D-dimer and cardiac
markers have a low diagnostic yield, impact on risk stratification of patients with syncope, and should not routinely be used unless specifically suggested by clinical
• Around 10% of patients with syncope in the ED will suffer from a serious outcome within 7–30 days of their visit, with just under half occurring after their stay in the
ED (see Supplementary Data Table 4). It is crucial to identify these high-risk patients to ensure early, rapid, and intensive investigation.
• As syncope units are both effective and efficient, this early, rapid, and intensive investigation can be performed on an outpatient basis (either in a syncope unit or an
ED observation unit) in most cases. Only patients with a risk of a short-term serious outcome should be considered for hospital admission.
• To reduce inappropriate admissions, patients who have a cardiac device and syncope should undergo prompt device interrogation.
• Risk stratification scores perform no better than good clinical judgement and should not be used alone to perform risk stratification in the ED.

ED = emergency department; OH = orthostatic hypotension.

Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.

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ESC Guidelines 15

Table 6 High-risk features (that suggest a serious condition) and low-risk features (that suggest a benign condition) in
patients with syncope at initial evaluation in the emergency department

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16 ESC Guidelines

AF = atrial fibrillation; ARVC = arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; AV = atrioventricular; BP = blood pressure; b.p.m. = beats per minute; ECG = electrocardio-
gram; ED = emergency department; ICD = implantable cardioverter defibrillator; LQTS = long QT syndrome; LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction; SCD = sudden cardiac
death; SVT = supraventricular tachycardia; VT = ventricular tachycardia.
Some ECG criteria are per se diagnostic of the cause of the syncope (see recommendations: Diagnostic criteria); in such circumstances appropriate therapy is indicated without
further investigations. We strongly suggest the use of standardized criteria to identify ECG abnormalities with the aim of precise diagnosis of ECG-defined cardiac syndromes in
ED practice.61

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ESC Guidelines 17


Figure 6 Emergency department risk stratification flow chart. Low- and high-risk features are listed in Table 6. ED = emergency department;
SU = syncope unit.
Patients with low-risk features. These patients do not need further diagnostic tests in the ED as they are likely to have reflex, situational,
or orthostatic syncope. They may benefit from reassurance, or counselling (see Web Practical Instructions section 9.1: ESC information
sheet for patients affected by reflex syncope).
Patients with high-risk features. These patients should be classified as HIGH RISK; they require an intensive diagnostic approach and may
need urgent treatment and admission. These patients should be monitored (although it is unclear for how long this should be, most
studies suggesting up to 6 hours in the ED and up to 24 hours in hospital) in a setting where resuscitation can be performed in case of
Patients that have neither high- nor low-risk features. These patients will require expert syncope opinion, which can probably be safely man-
aged in an outpatient setting.63 There is no direct evidence that admitting patients to hospital changes their outcome, whilst there is evi-
dence that management in an ED observation unit and/or fast-track to a syncope outpatient unit is beneficial.64,65
Recent studies have suggested that outcomes in patients presenting with presyncope are similar to those presenting with
These patients may still require admission to hospital for associated illness, injury or welfare reasons. Low-risk patients can be referred
to the outpatient syncope clinic for therapy purposes, if needed.

The diagnostic tests, procedures, and interventions that may re- .. <_48 h coupled with fast-tracking to a syncope unit reduced the ad-
quire admission in patients with high-risk features are listed in Table 7. .. mission rate to 29%.77 Among patients not admitted, 20% were dis-
Furthermore, this Task Force believes that the implementation .. charged after a short observation in the ED, 20% were fast-tracked to
of novel care pathways and organizational approaches, such as ED ob- .. the syncope unit, and 31% were discharged directly from the ED.77
servation units and syncope in- and outpatient units (Figure 6), ..
offer safe and effective alternatives to admission in the cases .. Risk stratification scores: There are several ED syncope clinical
listed in Table 7. Based on a consensus document,40 a single-centre .. decision rules that aim to stratify patients with syncope based on
experience consisting of a short stay in the ED under observation of .. medical history, examination, and ECG findings (see Supplementary

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18 ESC Guidelines

Table 7 High-risk syncope patients: criteria favouring a stay in an emergency department observation unit and/or
fast-tracking to a syncope unit vs. requiring admission to hospital

Favour initial management in ED observation unit and/or Favour admission to hospital

fast-track to syncope unit

High-risk features AND: High-risk features AND:

• Stable, known structural heart disease • Any potentially severe coexisting disease that requires admission
• Severe chronic disease • Injury caused by syncope
• Syncope during exertion • Need of further urgent evaluation and treatment if it cannot
• Syncope while supine or sitting be achieved in another way (i.e. observation unit), e.g. ECG monitoring,
• Syncope without prodrome echocardiography, stress test, electrophysiological study, angiography,
• Palpitations at the time of syncope device malfunction, etc.
• Inadequate sinus bradycardia or sinoatrial block • Need for treatment of syncope
• Suspected device malfunction or inappropriate intervention
• Pre-excited QRS complex
• SVT or paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
• ECG suggesting an inheritable arrhythmogenic disorders
• ECG suggesting ARVC

ARVC = arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; ECG = electrocardiogram; ED = emergency department; SVT = supraventricular tachycardia.

Data Table 3).26,34–36,44,88 None of these rules are used widely in EDs .. syndrome (CSS) requires the reproduction of spontaneous symp-
due to poor sensitivity and specificity reported from external valida- .. toms and, in addition, that patients have syncope of unknown ori-
tion, or due to a lack of external validation.70,78–85 Syncope clinical .. gin compatible with a reflex mechanism. In such circumstances,
decision rules perform no better than clinician judgment at predicting .. CSM usually shows a period of asystole >6 s.91 The prevalence of
short-term serious outcomes.86 Clinical decision rules can predict .. CSS, as defined here, was 8.8% when CSM was performed after
poor outcomes, but most syncope deaths and many poor outcomes .. the initial evaluation in 1855 consecutive patients >40 years of
are associated with underlying illness rather than syncope per se,58 .. age with syncope compatible with a reflex mechanism.92,93 In a
particularly in the long term.56 .. multicentre study94 aimed at validation of the 2009 ESC
.. Guidelines, CSM was indicated after initial evaluation in 73% of
Even if the quality of evidence is moderate, there is strong con- .. 700 patients and was diagnostic in 12%. The precise methodology
sensus from several studies that currently available risk stratifi- .. and results of CSM are shown in section 5 of the Web Practical
cation scores have not shown better sensitivity, specificity, or .. Instructions.
prognostic yield compared with clinical judgment in predicting .. The main complications of CSM are neurological. When pooling
short-term serious outcomes after syncope. Therefore, they
.. the data from four studies90,95–97 in which 8720 patients were ana-
should not be used alone to perform risk stratification in .. lysed, TIAs or strokes were observed in 21 (0.24%).
the ED.
.. The relationship between abnormal response to CSM and
.. spontaneous syncope is a crucial point that has been studied using
4.2 Diagnostic tests .. two methods. The first was a pre-post comparison of the recur-
4.2.1 Carotid sinus massage .. rence rate of syncope after pacing. Non-randomized studies dem-
.. onstrated fewer recurrences at follow-up in paced patients than in
A ventricular pause lasting >3 s and/or a fall in systolic BP of >50 ..
mmHg is known as carotid sinus hypersensitivity. Carotid sinus .. those without pacing. These results were confirmed in two
hypersensitivity is a common finding in older men without syn- .. randomized trials.98,99 The second method was to analyse the
cope; abnormal responses are frequently observed (<_40%) in .. occurrence of asystolic episodes registered in patients with a car-
patients without syncope, especially if they are older and affected .. dioinhibitory response to CSM using an implanted device.
by cardiovascular disease.89 Carotid sinus hypersensitivity is .. Recordings of long pauses were very common in the two trials
exceptional in patients <40 years of age.90 The specificity of the .. that employed this method.100,101 These results suggest that a
test increases if spontaneous syncope is reproduced during CSM.
.. positive response to CSM, reproducing symptoms, in patients
Syncope was induced in only 5% of asymptomatic persons aged .. with syncope is highly predictive of the occurrence of spontane-
>65 years.89 For the above reasons, the diagnosis of carotid sinus
.. ous asystolic episodes.

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ESC Guidelines 19

There is strong consensus that the diagnosis of CSS requires

.. neous events, and indirectly by studies of efficacy of cardiac
both the reproduction of spontaneous symptoms during CSM .. pacing. Further research is likely to have an important impact
and clinical features of spontaneous syncope compatible with ... on our confidence in the estimation of effect and may change
a reflex mechanism. The quality of evidence is moderate and is .. the estimate.
given by studies of ECG correlation between CSM and sponta- ..

Cardiac sinus massage

Recommendations Classa Levelb


CSM is indicated in patients >40 years of age with syncope of unknown origin compatible with a reflex mechanism.92–94 I B

Diagnostic criteria

CSS is confirmed if CSM causes bradycardia (asystole) and/or hypotension that reproduce spontaneous symptoms, and
patients have clinical features compatible with a reflex mechanism of syncope.89,90,92,93,98–102

Additional advice and clinical perspectives

• History of syncope and its reproduction by CSM defines CSS; positive CSM without a history of syncope defines carotid sinus hypersensitiv-
ity.89,90,92,93 Carotid sinus hypersensitivity in patients with unexplained syncope may be a non-specific finding because it is present in <_40% of
older populations and should be used with caution for diagnosis of the mechanism of syncope.
• CSM should be performed with the patient in the supine and upright positions, and with continuous beat-to-beat BP monitoring. This may be
more readily performed in the tilt laboratory.90
• Although neurological complications are very rare,90,95–97 the risk of provocation of TIA with the massage suggests that CSM should be under-
taken with caution in patients with previous TIA, stroke, or known carotid stenosis >70%.

BP = blood pressure; CSM = carotid sinus massage; CSS = carotid sinus syndrome; TIA = transient ischaemic attack.
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.

4.2.2 Orthostatic challenge .. a disadvantage due to the rapidly falling BP during OH. With a sphyg-
Changing from the supine to the upright position produces a dis- .. momanometer, more than four measurements per minute cannot
placement of blood from the thorax to the lower limbs and abdomi- .. be obtained without venous obstruction in the arm. When more fre-
nal cavity that leads to a decrease in venous return and cardiac .. quent readings are required, as for initial OH, continuous beat-to-
output. In the absence of compensatory mechanisms, a fall in BP may .. beat non-invasive BP measurement is needed.20,103,104
lead to syncope.20,103,104 The diagnostic criteria for OH have been ..
defined by consensus.6 .. Diagnostic criteria: Abnormal BP fall is defined as a progressive
Currently, there are three methods for assessing the response to .. and sustained fall in systolic BP from baseline value >_20 mmHg or
change in posture from supine to erect20,103,104: active standing (see .. diastolic BP >_10 mmHg, or a decrease in systolic BP to <90
section, head-up tilt (see section, and 24-h ambula- .. mmHg. This definition of OH differs from the 2011 consensus6 in
tory BP monitoring (ABPM) (see section .. adding the 90 mmHg threshold. This Task Force believes that an
.. absolute threshold of 90 mmHg of systolic BP is useful, especially
.. Active standing .. in patients with a supine BP <110 mmHg. An isolated diastolic BP
.. drop is very rare and its clinical relevance for OH diagnosis is lim-
Indications: This test is used to diagnose different types of ortho- .. ited. Orthostatic heart rate (HR) increase is blunted or absent
static intolerance (see Web Practical Instructions Web Table 1). A
.. [usually not >10 beats per minute (b.p.m.)] in patients with neuro-
sphygmomanometer is adequate for routine clinical testing for classi- .. genic OH, but increases or even exaggerates with anaemia or
cal OH and delayed OH because of its ubiquity and simplicity.
.. hypovolaemia. The probability that syncope and orthostatic com-
Automatic arm-cuff devices, which are programmed to repeat and .. plaints are due to OH can be assessed using the information given
confirm measurements when discrepant values are recorded, are at
.. in Table 8.

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20 ESC Guidelines

Table 8 Association of orthostatic intolerance and orthostatic hypotension

History of syncope and orthostatic complaints

Highly suggestive of OH: syncope and pre- Possibly due to OH: not all of the features
syncope are present during standing, absent highly suggestive of OH are present
while lying, and less severe or absent while sit-
ting; a predilection for the morning; sitting or
lying down must help; complaints may get
worse immediately after exercise, after meals
or in high temperatures; no “autonomic

Supine and standing Symptomatic abnormal BP fall Syncope is due to OH (Class I) Syncope is likely due to OH (Class IIa)
BP measurement
Asymptomatic abnormal BP fall Syncope is likely due to OH (Class IIa) Syncope may be due to OH (Class IIb)

No abnormal BP drop Unproven Unproven

BP = blood pressure; OH = orthostatic hypotension.

Active standing

Recommendations Classa Levelb


Intermittent determination by sphygmomanometer of BP and HR while supine and during active standing for 3 min are indi-
cated at initial syncope evaluation.20,103,104

Continuous beat-to-beat non-invasive BP and HR measurement may be preferred when short-lived BP variations are sus-
pected, such as in initial OH.20,103,104

Diagnostic criteria

Syncope due to OH is confirmed when there is a fall in systolic BP from baseline value >_20 mmHg or diastolic BP >_10
mmHg, or a decrease in systolic BP to <90 mmHg that reproduces spontaneous symptoms.6,20,103,104

Syncope due to OH should be considered likely when there is an asymptomatic fall in systolic BP from baseline value >_20
mmHg or diastolic BP >_10 mmHg, or a decrease in systolic BP to <90 mmHg, and symptoms (from history) are consistent IIa C
with OH.6,20,103,104

Syncope due to OH should be considered likely when there is a symptomatic fall in systolic BP from baseline value >_20
mmHg or diastolic BP >_10 mmHg, or a decrease in systolic BP to <90 mmHg, and not all of the features (from history) are IIa C
suggestive of OH.6,20,103,104

POTS should be considered likely when there is an orthostatic HR increase (>30 b.p.m. or to >120 b.p.m. within 10 min of
active standing) in the absence of OH that reproduces spontaneous symptoms.6,20,103,104

Syncope due to OH may be considered possible when there is an asymptomatic fall in systolic BP from baseline value >_20
mmHg or diastolic BP >_10 mmHg, or a decrease in systolic BP to <90 mmHg, and symptoms (from history) are less consis- IIb C
tent with OH.6,20,103,104

BP = blood pressure; b.p.m. = beats per min; OH = orthostatic hypotension; HR = heart rate; POTS = postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.

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ESC Guidelines 21

.. Tilt testing .. considered: (i) to confirm a diagnosis of reflex syncope in patients in
Since its introduction in 1986,105 many protocols have been reported .. whom this diagnosis was suspected but not confirmed by initial eval-
with variations in the initial stabilization phase, duration, tilt angle, .. uation105–109,111, and (ii) for the assessment of autonomic
type of support, and pharmacological provocation. The most com- .. failure, especially for the reproduction of delayed OH (which could not
monly used are the trinitroglycerin (TNG) test using 300–400 mg of .. be detected by active standing because of its delayed onset)23,24,112,113
sublingual TNG after a 20-min unmedicated phase,106,107 and the .. and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).114 Tilt testing
low-dose intravenous isoproterenol test, which uses incremental .. may be helpful in separating syncope from PPS.115–117
doses to increase average HR by about 20–25% over baseline (usu- .. Tilt testing has limited value in assessing treatment efficacy.118
ally <_3 mg/min).108,109 In a recent systematic literature review,110 the .. However, tilt testing is widely accepted as a useful tool to demon-
overall positivity rate in patients with syncope was 66% for the TNG
.. strate susceptibility of the patient to reflex syncope, especially a
protocol and 61% for the isoproterenol protocol; the respective pos- .. hypotensive (vasodepressive) tendency, and thereby to initiate treat-
itivity rate in subjects without syncope (controls) ranged from
.. ment (e.g. physical manoeuvres, see section 5).119–121
11–14%; and the test differentiated patients with syncope from con- .. The endpoint of tilt testing is the reproduction of
trols with an odds ratio of 12. The methodology and classification of
.. symptoms along with the characteristic circulatory pattern of
responses are described in section 6 of the Web Practical Instructions. .. the indication mentioned above, namely the induction of reflex hypo-
Adding video recording to a tilt table permits objective and repeated
.. tension/bradycardia, OH, POTS, or PPS. The typical tilt test result
review of clinical signs in relation to BP and HR, and helps to assess .. patterns are shown in the Web Practical Instructions section 6.
the relative contribution of bradycardia and hypotension to syncope ..
(see section and the explanatory video in Web Practical .. Interpretation of tilt testing results in patients with reflex syncope:
Instructions section 6.3.15), and to distinguish between VVS and PPS .. Some studies122,123 compared the response to tilt testing with sponta-
(see section 4.2.5). .. neous syncope recorded by an implantable loop recorder (ILR). While
The clinical situation corresponding to tilt-induced syncope is that .. a positive cardioinhibitory response to tilt testing predicts, with a high
which is triggered by prolonged standing. The test should be .. probability, an asystolic spontaneous syncope, the presence of a

Tilt testing

Recommendations Classa Levelb


Tilt testing should be considered in patients with suspected reflex syncope, OH, POTS, or PPS.23,24,105–109,111–117 IIa B
Tilt testing may be considered to educate patients to recognize symptoms and learn physical manoeuvres. IIb B

Diagnostic criteria

Reflex syncope, OH, POTS, or PPS should be considered likely if tilt testing reproduces symptoms along with the charac-
teristic circulatory pattern of these conditions.23,24,105–109,111–117

Additional advice and clinical perspectives

• A negative tilt table response does not exclude a diagnosis of reflex syncope.
• While sensitivity and specificity are at acceptable levels when measured in patients with VVS and healthy controls, in usual clinical settings of syncope
of uncertain origin tilt testing suggests the presence of a hypotensive susceptibility, which may exist not only in reflex syncope but also with other
causes of syncope including some forms of cardiac syncope. The concept of hypotensive susceptibility rather than diagnosis has important practical
utility, because the presence or absence of hypotensive susceptibility plays a major role in guiding pacemaker therapy in patients affected by reflex
syncope and in the management of hypotensive therapies, which are frequently present in the elderly with syncope (see sections 5.1 and 5.2).
• A positive cardioinhibitory response to tilt testing predicts, with high probability, asystolic spontaneous syncope; this finding is relevant for thera-
peutic implications when cardiac pacing is considered (see section 5.2.6). Conversely, the presence of a positive vasodepressor, a mixed
response, or even a negative response does not exclude the presence of asystole during spontaneous syncope.122,123
• Tilt testing may be helpful in separating syncope with abnormal movements from epilepsy.137
• Tilt testing may have value in distinguishing syncope from falls.23
• Tilt testing may be helpful in separating syncope from PPS. In suspected PPS, the tilt test should preferably be performed together with EEG mon-
itoring; a normal EEG helps to confirm the diagnosis.116,117 In the absence of an EEG, a video recording will be helpful in confirming the diagnosis.
• Tilt testing should not be used to assess the efficacy of a drug treatment.118

EEG = electroencephalogram; OH = orthostatic hypotension; POTS = postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome; PPS = psychogenic pseudosyncope; VVS = vasovagal
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.

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22 ESC Guidelines

.. VVS. This concept has practical implications for therapy (see sec-
.. tions 5.1 and 5.2).
.. 4.2.3 Basic autonomic function tests
.. Autonomic function assessment helps to identify autonomic failure as
.. the underlying cause of syncope.
.. Valsalva manoeuvre
.. The methodology of the Valsalva manoeuvre is described in section
.. 7.1.1 of the Web Practical Instructions and in Web Video 2. There is
.. strong evidence that the absence of a BP overshoot and an absence
.. of a HR increase during the Valsalva is pathognomonic for neurogenic
.. OH, occurring in primary and secondary autonomic failure, and the
.. degree of hypotension and/or lack of compensation during forced
.. expiration usually correlate with the degree of autonomic dysfunc-
.. tion and related symptoms.138–143 In contrast, a pronounced BP fall
.. beyond what is normally expected during forced expiration, but a
.. normal chronotropic response during the manoeuvre, may occur in
.. patients with suspected situational syncope, i.e. syncope occurring
Figure 7 Rates of tilt testing positivity in different clinical condi- .. during some forms of situational syncope, e.g. coughing, brass instru-
tions. These studies used the Westminster protocol for passive .. ment playing, singing, and weightlifting.144
tilt,125 the Italian protocol for trinitroglycerin tilt,106 and the clo- ..
mipramine protocol,124 for a total of 1453 syncope patients and ..
.. Deep breathing
407 controls without syncope. Studies using other tilt protocols, .. The methodology of the deep-breathing test is described in section
e.g. isoproterenol challenge, were not included. Clom = clomipr- ..
amine; TNG = trinitroglycerin; VVS = vasovagal syncope.
.. 7.1.2 of the Web Practical Instructions. Under physiological conditions,
.. HR rises during inspiration and falls during expiration. HR variability
.. during deep breathing (also called the expiratory/inspiratory index or
.. E/I index) is >_15 b.p.m. in healthy individuals aged >50 years.145
positive vasodepressor, mixed response, or even a negative response, .. There is strong consensus that blunted or abolished variation is sug-
does not exclude the presence of asystole during spontaneous .. gestive of parasympathetic dysfunction.142,143,146,147
syncope.122,123 ..
Tilt testing has an acceptable sensitivity124 and specific- .. Other autonomic function tests
106,124,125 ..
ity when these are calculated in patients with true VVS .. Further tests to evaluate cardiovascular sympathetic function include
or without a history of syncope. However, there is an inability to .. calculation of the 30:15 ratio, the cold pressure test, the sustained
apply the test to populations with syncope of uncertain cause .. hand grip test, and mental arithmetic. There is weak evidence that
where it is hoped that tilt testing might prove decisive. In these .. these tests may be useful.13,142,143,147
clinical settings, tilt testing fails to deliver (Figure 7). Indeed, tilt ..
testing was positive in 51–56% of patients with atypical clinical fea- .. Twenty-four-hour ambulatory and home blood pressure
tures suggesting a reflex mechanism,106,124–128 in 30–36% with .. monitoring
unexplained syncope after full investigation,124,129 and in 45–47% ..
.. Twenty-four-hour ABPM and home BP monitoring (HBPM) are
with true cardiac arrhythmic syncope.130,131 In other words, tilt .. increasingly used to diagnose and monitor the treatment of hyperten-
testing offers little diagnostic value in patients for whom it is most ..
.. sion.148 There is strong evidence that OH is frequently associated with
needed. In these patients, a positive tilt test reveals a susceptibility .. a nocturnal ‘non-dipping’ or even ‘reverse-dipping’ BP pattern in
to orthostatic stress.132 This hypotensive susceptibility plays a role in
.. patients with autonomic failure, with relevant therapeutic and prognos-
causing syncope irrespective of the aetiology and mechanism of .. tic implications140,148–151 (see Web Practical Instructions section 7.1.3). In
syncope. For example, in arrhythmic syncope caused by paroxys-
.. these patients, ABPM allows the assessment of nocturnal hypertension,
mal atrial tachyarrhythmias, the mechanism is a combination of .. postprandial hypotension, and exercise- and drug-induced hypoten-
onset of the arrhythmia itself and hypotensive susceptibility,
.. sion, as well as monitoring for side effects of antihypotensive regimens
corroborated by positive tilt testing.130,131 Similarly, multifactorial .. and pointing to additional disorders such as sleep apnoea.152 There is
mechanisms are likely in other types of cardiac syncope, e.g. aortic
.. weak evidence that ABPM may also detect the degree of OH in daily
stenosis,133 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM),134 and .. life better than single office BP measurements.153
sick sinus syndrome.135,136 The presence or absence of suscepti- .. HBPM may be used to investigate the cause of orthostatic intoler-
bility explains the occurrence of syncope in some and not in .. ance, i.e. to clarify whether symptoms are due to OH or to other
others affected by the same severity of arrhythmia or structural .. causes, such as vertigo or motor imbalance in Parkinson’s disease or
defect. Tilt testing should now be considered a means of .. multiple system atrophy. The evidence is weak. Finally, HBPM can be
exposing a hypotensive tendency rather than being diagnostic of . used to clarify that BP is not low during episodes of PPS.154

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ESC Guidelines 23

Basic autonomic function tests

Recommendations Classa Levelb

Valsalva manoeuvre

Valsalva manoeuvre should be considered for the assessment of autonomic function in patients with suspected neurogenic

Valsalva manoeuvre may be considered for confirming the hypotensive tendency induced by some forms of situational syn-
cope, e.g. coughing, brass instrument playing, singing, and weightlifting.144

Deep-breathing test

Deep-breathing tests should be considered for the assessment of autonomic function in patients with suspected neurogenic

Other autonomic function tests

Other autonomic function tests (30:15 ratio, cold pressure test, sustained hand grip test, and mental arithmetic test) may
be considered for the assessment of autonomic function in patients with suspected neurogenic OH.13,142,143,147


ABPM is recommended to detect nocturnal hypertension in patients with autonomic failure.140,148–151 I B

ABPM should be considered to detect and monitor the degree of OH and supine hypertension in daily life in patients with
autonomic failure.152,153

ABPM and HBPM may be considered to detect whether BP is abnormally low during episodes suggestive of orthostatic

Additional advice and clinical perspectives

• Whenever possible, reproduction of the trigger situation (e.g. coughing, swallowing, laughing, bass instrument playing, weightlifting) under beat-
to-beat non-invasive HR and BP measurement should be performed in patients with suspected situational syncope.
• The effects of age and sex should be considered when interpreting autonomic function tests.145,155–157
• Compliance with autonomic function tests may be limited in patients with dementia. Patients with tremor or Parkinsonism may not succeed in
performing the sustained hand grip test. The cold pressure test may be uncomfortable in patients with Raynaud’s phenomena.147

ABPM = ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; BP = blood pressure; HBPM = home blood pressure monitoring; HR = heart rate; OH = orthostatic hypotension.
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.

4.2.4 Electrocardiographic monitoring (non-invasive and

.. Holter monitoring
invasive) .. Since, in most patients, symptoms do not recur during monitoring, the
The role of ECG monitoring cannot be defined in isolation. As a rule,
.. true yield of Holter monitoring in syncope may be as low as 1–2% in
ECG monitoring is indicated only when there is a high pre-test proba- .. an unselected population. In 15% of patients, symptoms were not asso-
bility of identifying an arrhythmia associated with syncope, such as
.. ciated with arrhythmia.161 Thus, in these patients, a rhythm disturbance
those listed in Table 5. .. could potentially be excluded as a cause of syncope. Holter monitoring
.. in syncope is inexpensive in terms of set-up costs, but expensive in
.. In-hospital monitoring .. terms of cost per diagnosis.162 Holter monitoring in syncope may be of
.. more value if symptoms are frequent. Daily single or multiple episodes
In-hospital monitoring (in bed or by telemetry) is warranted in ..
patients with high-risk clinical features (defined in Table 6) suggesting .. of LOC might increase the potential for symptom–ECG correlation.
arrhythmic syncope, especially if the monitoring is applied immedi- ..
ately after syncope. Although the diagnostic yield of ECG monitoring .. Prospective external event recorders
varies from 1.9–17.6%,158–160 it is justified by the need to avoid .. Event recorders are external devices that are applied by the patient
immediate risk to the patient. .. when symptoms occur. Whereas these recorders can be useful in

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24 ESC Guidelines

the investigation of palpitations,163 they have a marginal role in the .. There are several areas of interest other than unexplained syn-
evaluation of syncope. .. cope in which ILRs have been investigated:
.. Smartphone applications .. • Patients with bundle branch block (BBB) in whom paroxysmal
.. atrioventricular (AV) block is likely despite negative complete
Because up to now smartphone applications have recorded real-time .. EPS: an arrhythmia was observed in 41% of these patients (being
ECG, their current role in syncope is limited for the same reason as
.. paroxysmal AV block in 70%) under ILR observation, based on
for prospective event recorders.164,165 However, home video .. pooled data from three studies174,187,188 (see Supplementary Data
records are very useful in all forms of TLOC (see section
.. Table 6).
.. • Patients in whom epilepsy was suspected but the treatment has External loop recorders
.. proven ineffective: in pooled data, an attack could have
In general, external loop recorders have a higher diagnostic yield than .. been documented by ILR in 62% of patients, with an arrhythmic
Holter monitoring.162 External loop recorders can be useful in
.. cause being responsible in 26%137,189–191 (see Supplementary Data
patients with relatively frequent syncope episodes.166–168 In a recent .. Table 7).
.. • Patients with unexplained falls: in pooled data, an attack could
multicentre international registry, the diagnostic yield in syncope was .. have been documented by ILR in 70% of patients, with an
24.5%, with the most common finding being bradyarrhythmias; the ..
.. arrhythmic cause being responsible in 14%191–194 (see
stronger predictor for diagnostic findings was early monitoring after .. Supplementary Data Table 8).
the index event.166 ..
.. • Patients with HCM, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomy-
.. opathy (ARVC), or primary electrical diseases (see section 5.4). Remote (at home) telemetry ..
Most recently, external and implantable device systems have been .. Diagnostic criteria
developed that provide continuous ECG recording or 24-h loop .. The gold standard for the diagnosis of arrhythmic syncope is when
memory with wireless transmission (real time) to a service centre. .. there is a correlation between the symptoms and an ECG record-
Some recent studies have shown that implementing remote monitor- .. ing.195,196 The presence of asymptomatic significant arrhythmias—
ing increases the diagnostic yield and achieves diagnosis earlier than .. defined as prolonged asystole (>_3 s), rapid supraventricular
without remote monitoring.169–171 ..
.. tachycardias (SVTs) (i.e. >160 b.p.m. for >32 beats), or ventricular
.. tachycardias (VTs)—has been considered by several authors to be a Implantable loop recorders
.. diagnostic finding.185,188,197–199 On the other hand, although the
In a meta-analysis of five randomized controlled trials (RCTs),172–176 .. absence of documentation of an arrhythmia during a syncopal epi-
660 patients with unexplained syncope were randomized to a con-
.. sode cannot be considered to be a specific diagnosis, it allows the
ventional strategy consisting of an external loop recorder, tilt testing, .. exclusion of an arrhythmia as the mechanism of the syncope. Most
and an electrophysiological study (EPS), or to prolonged monitoring
.. evidence in support of the above diagnostic criteria is indirectly based
with an ILR. The results showed that initial implantation of an ILR in .. on the benefit of specific therapies guided by ECG monitoring in pre-
the workup provided a 3.7 [95% confidence interval (CI) 2.7–5.0]
.. venting syncopal recurrences.172,184–186,188,200
increased relative probability of a diagnosis compared with the con- .. Even if the quality of evidence is moderate, there is strong con-
ventional strategy (see Supplementary Data Table 5). ILR was more
.. sensus based on evidence from several controlled trials that a
cost-effective than a conventional strategy.172,173,177,178 .. correlation between symptoms and a documented arrhythmia,
In pooled data from nine studies179 performed in 506 patients with .. or the presence of some asymptomatic significant arrhythmias
unexplained syncope at the end of complete negative work-up, a cor- .. (defined above), is diagnostic of the cause of syncope and spe-
relation between syncope and ECG was found in 176 patients (35%); .. cific treatment must be prescribed.
of these, 56% had asystole (or bradycardia in a few cases) at the time ..
.. The principal limitation of any ECG monitoring device is the
of the recorded event, 11% had tachycardia, and 33% had no arrhyth- .. inability to record BP together with ECG. In reflex syncope, the
mia. Presyncope was much less likely to be associated with an ..
.. documentation of bradycardia/asystole during a syncopal episode
arrhythmia than syncope. Similar findings were subsequently .. does not rule out the possibility that a hidden hypotensive reflex
observed with ILR use expanded in an early phase of evaluation in ..
.. is the principal cause for syncope, and that bradycardia/asystole is
patients with recurrent syncope of uncertain origin, in the absence of .. a secondary late event. This issue has important implications for
high-risk criteria and structural heart disease,176,180–183 and in sus- ..
.. therapy (see section 5). A classification of ECG recordings with
pected reflex syncope.184–186 In particular, an asystolic pause was ..
present during syncope in about 50% of these patients. .. their probable related pathophysiology is available in Web Table 6
.. and Web Practical Instructions section 8.

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Electrocardiographic monitoring

Recommendations Classa Levelb


Immediate in-hospital monitoring (in bed or by telemetry) is indicated in high-risk patients (defined in Table 6). I C

Holter monitoring should be considered in patients who have frequent syncope or presyncope (>_1 episode per week).161 IIa B

External loop recorders should be considered, early after the index event, in patients who have an inter-symptom interval <_4

ILR is indicated in an early phase of evaluation in patients with recurrent syncope of uncertain origin, absence of high-risk
criteria (listed in Table 6), and a high likelihood of recurrence within the battery life of the device.175,176,181–184,202, I A
Supplementary Data Table 5

ILR is indicated in patients with high-risk criteria (listed in Table 6) in whom a comprehensive evaluation did not demon-
strate a cause of syncope or lead to a specific treatment, and who do not have conventional indications for primary preven- I A
tion ICD or pacemaker indication.174,180,187,188,195, Supplementary Data Tables 5 and 6

ILR should be considered in patients with suspected or certain reflex syncope presenting with frequent or severe syncopal

ILR may be considered in patients in whom epilepsy was suspected but the treatment has proven ineffective.137,189–191,
Supplementary Data Table 7

ILR may be considered in patients with unexplained falls.191–194, Supplementary Data Table 8 IIb B

Diagnostic criteria

Arrhythmic syncope is confirmed when a correlation between syncope and an arrhythmia (bradyarrhythmia or tachyar-
rhythmia) is detected.172,184–186,188,200

In the absence of syncope, arrhythmic syncope should be considered likely when periods of Mobitz II second- or third-
degree AV block or a ventricular pause >3 s (with the possible exception of young trained persons, during sleep or rate- IIa C
controlled atrial fibrillation), or rapid prolonged paroxysmal SVT or VT are detected.185,188,197–199

Additional advice and clinical perspectives

• Be aware that the pre-test selection of the patients influences the subsequent findings. Include patients with a high likelihood of arrhythmic
events. The duration (and technology) of monitoring should be selected according to the risk and the predicted recurrence rate of
• Exclude patients with a clear indication for ICD, pacemaker, or other treatments independent of a definite diagnosis of the cause of syncope.
• Include patients with a high probability of recurrence of syncope in a reasonable time. Owing to the unpredictability of syncope recurrence, be
prepared to wait up to 4 years or more before obtaining such a correlation.203
• In the absence of a documented arrhythmia, presyncope cannot be considered a surrogate for syncope, whereas the documentation of a signifi-
cant arrhythmia at the time of presyncope can be considered a diagnostic finding.199
• The absence of arrhythmia during syncope excludes arrhythmic syncope.

AV = atrioventricular; ICD = implantable cardioverter defibrillator; ILR = implantable loop recorder; SVT = supraventricular tachycardia; VT = ventricular tachycardia.
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.

4.2.5 Video recording in suspected syncope .. relation to BP and HR objectively and repeatedly, thus helping to dis- In-hospital video recording .. tinguish VVS from PPS. This approach has revealed new pathophysio-
For PNES, a video-electroencephalogram (EEG) forms the highest .. logical insights in syncope.9 Attaching the camera to the tilt table
level of diagnostic probability.204 For syncope and PPS, video can play .. allows detailed study of the face and head, which is useful when
a similar, probably underused, role (see section 7). Adding video .. assessing the start and end of LOC.9,205 Video recording of tilt-
recording to a tilt table test adds the ability to review clinical signs in .. induced PPS116 ensures that apparent TLOC occurs while BP and HR

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26 ESC Guidelines

are not low; adding an EEG increases the diagnostic probability of .. sinoatrial block, usually documented by 12-lead ECG or ECG moni-
PPS even further. The method has been proven to show the com- .. toring. The prognostic value of a prolonged sinus node recovery time
bined presence of VVS and PPS.117 .. (SNRT) is not well defined. An abnormal response is defined as >_1.6
.. or 2 s for SNRT, or >_525 ms for corrected SNRT.210 One observatio-
.. Home video recording .. nal study showed a relationship between the presence of prolonged
Home video records (by means of smartphone technology) are very .. SNRT at EPS and the effect of pacing on symptoms.211 Another small
useful in all forms of TLOC to allow signs of an attack to be studied. .. prospective study showed that a corrected SNRT >_800 ms had an
Patients and their relatives should be urged to record attacks, if possi- .. eight-fold higher risk of syncope than a SNRT below this value.212
ble, in cases of diagnostic uncertainty. In epilepsy, advances are made ..
towards prolonged video and EEG recording in patients’ .. Syncope in bifascicular bundle branch block (impending high-
homes.206,207 For syncope or PPS, experience suggests that the chan- .. degree atrioventricular block)
ces of obtaining a video record are higher for PPS than for syncope, .. Patients with bifascicular block and syncope are at higher risk of devel-
which is probably the effect of a high frequency and long duration of .. oping high-degree AV block.213 A prolonged HV interval >_70 ms, or
attacks in PPS. It is rare for the beginning of events to be recorded.206 .. induction of second- or third-degree AV block by pacing or by phar-
Home video records allow complex events such as syncope-induced .. macological stress (ajmaline, procainamide, or disopyramide), identi-
epileptic seizures to be diagnosed.208
.. fies a group at higher risk of developing AV block. By combining the
.. above-mentioned parts of the electrophysiological protocol, a positive
.. EPS yielded a positive predictive value as high as >_80% for the identifi-
Video recording in suspected syncope .. cation of patients who will develop AV block in old studies.214–216
.. This finding has been indirectly confirmed by recent studies that
Recommendations Classa Levelb
.. showed a significant reduction in syncopal recurrences in patients
.. with prolonged HV implanted with a pacemaker compared with a
Home video recordings of spontaneous .. control group of untreated patients with a negative EPS188, or with a
events should be considered. Physicians ..
.. control group who received an empiric pacemaker.217 These results
should encourage patients and their rel- IIa C .. justify an upgrade of the recommendation for EPS-guided therapy (i.e.
atives to obtain home video recordings ..
.. cardiac pacing) in patients with a positive EPS from class IIa to class I.
of spontaneous events.206,208 ..
Adding video recording to tilt testing .. Even if the quality of evidence is moderate, there is strong con-
.. sensus that a positive EPS indicates that the likely mechanism
may be considered in order to increase ..
the reliability of clinical observation of
IIb C .. of syncope is paroxysmal AV block.
.. Conversely, approximately one-third of patients with a negative EPS in
induced events. ..
.. whom an ILR was implanted developed intermittent or permanent AV
.. block on follow-up.187 Thus, EPS has a low negative predictive value.
Class of recommendation. ..
Level of evidence. .. Mortality is high in patients with syncope and BBB. However, neither
.. syncope nor prolonged H-V interval were associated with a higher risk
.. of death, and pacemaker therapy did not decrease this risk.213
4.2.6 Electrophysiological study .. Suspected tachycardia
.. In patients with syncope preceded by a sudden onset of brief palpita-
Indications: In an overview of eight studies, including 625 patients .. tions suggesting SVT or VT, an EPS may be indicated to assess the
with syncope undergoing EPS,209 positive results occurred predomi-
.. exact mechanism, especially when a curative catheter ablation proce-
nantly in patients with structural heart disease. In recent years, the .. dure is considered to be beneficial.
development of powerful non-invasive methods, i.e. prolonged ECG
.. In patients with a previous myocardial infarction and preserved left
monitoring, showing a higher diagnostic value, has decreased the .. ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), induction of sustained mono-
importance of EPS as a diagnostic test. In clinical practice, registry data .. morphic VT is strongly predictive of the cause of syncope,218
show that approximately 3% of patients with unexplained syncope .. whereas the induction of ventricular fibrillation (VF) is considered a
evaluated by cardiologists undergo EPS and even fewer if they are .. non-specific finding.37 The absence of induction of ventricular
evaluated by other specialists.71 Nevertheless, EPS remains useful for .. arrhythmias identifies a group at lower risk of arrhythmic syncope.219
diagnosis in the following specific clinical situations: asymptomatic .. The role of EPS and the use of pharmacological challenge by
sinus bradycardia (suspected sinus arrest causing syncope), bifascicu- .. class I antiarrhythmic drugs in patients with syncope and sus-
lar BBB (impending high-degree AV block), and suspected .. pected Brugada syndrome is controversial. In a recent meta-analy-
tachycardia. .. sis,220 the risk of arrhythmic events was slightly increased in
.. patients with a history of unexplained syncope or a spontaneous
Diagnostic criteria: Asymptomatic sinus bradycardia: sus- .. type 1 pattern, and who had induction of VT or VF with one or
pected sinus arrest causing syncope .. two extra stimuli. However, the absence of induction in such indi-
The pre-test probability of bradycardia-related syncope is relatively .. viduals does not necessarily preclude arrhythmia risk, particularly
high when there is asymptomatic sinus bradycardia (<50 b.p.m.) or . in patients with high-risk features.

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Electrophysiological study

Recommendations Classa Levelb


In patients with syncope and previous myocardial infarction, or other scar-related conditions, EPS is indicated when syn-
cope remains unexplained after non-invasive evaluation.218

In patients with syncope and bifascicular BBB, EPS should be considered when syncope remains unexplained after non-inva-
sive evaluation.188,214–217,221

In patients with syncope and asymptomatic sinus bradycardia, EPS may be considered in a few instances when non-invasive
tests (e.g. ECG monitoring) have failed to show a correlation between syncope and bradycardia.210–212

In patients with syncope preceded by sudden and brief palpitations, EPS may be considered when syncope remains unex-
plained after non-invasive evaluation.

EPS-guided therapy

In patients with unexplained syncope and bifascicular BBB, a pacemaker is indicated in the presence of either a baseline H-V
interval of >_70 ms, second- or third-degree His-Purkinje block during incremental atrial pacing, or with pharmacological I B

In patients with unexplained syncope and previous myocardial infarction, or other scar-related conditions, it is recom-
mended that induction of sustained monomorphic VT is managed according to the current ESC Guidelines for VA.46

In patients without structural heart disease with syncope preceded by sudden and brief palpitations, it is recommended that
the induction of rapid SVT or VT, which reproduce hypotensive or spontaneous symptoms, is managed with appropriate I C
therapy according to the current ESC Guidelines.46,222

In patients with syncope and asymptomatic sinus bradycardia, a pacemaker should be considered if a prolonged corrected
SNRT is present.210–212

Additional advice and clinical perspectives

• In general, whereas a positive EPS predicts the cause of syncope, a negative study is unable to exclude an arrhythmic syncope and further evalua-
tion is warranted.
• The induction of polymorphic VT or VF in patients with ischaemic cardiomyopathy or DCM cannot be considered a diagnostic finding of the
cause of syncope.
• EPS is generally not useful in patients with syncope, normal ECG, no heart disease, and no palpitations.

BBB = bundle branch block; DCM = dilated cardiomyopathy; ECG = electrocardiogram; EPS = electrophysiological study; ESC = European Society of Cardiology; SNRT = sinus
node recovery time; SVT = supraventricular tachycardia; VA = ventricular arrhythmia; VF = ventricular fibrillation; VT = ventricular tachycardia.
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.

4.2.7 Endogenous adenosine and other biomarkers .. and VVS. In parallel, the adenosine/adenosine triphosphate
Established cardiac biomarkers such as troponin and B-type natriu- .. (ATP) provocation test has been performed to demonstrate the
retic peptide have been used to distinguish cardiac from non-cardiac .. utility of adenosine sensitivity and paroxysmal cardioinhibitory
syncope and identify structural heart disease.223–225 .. propensity for the selection of appropriate pacemaker candi-
.. dates.4,227,228 The test requires rapid (<2 s) injection of a 20 mg Adenosine (triphosphate) test and plasma concentration .. bolus of ATP/adenosine during ECG monitoring. The induction of
The purinergic signalling system, including adenosine and its .. AV block with ventricular asystole lasting >6 s, or the induction
receptors, has been proposed to be involved in unexplained .. of AV block lasting >10 s, is considered abnormal. ATP testing
syncope without prodrome.4,226 A low plasma adenosine level is .. was positive in most patients with syncope of unknown origin
associated with paroxysmal AV block or CSS, whereas a high
.. (especially syncope without prodrome and without structural
level is seen in those with a hypotensive/vasodepressive tendency . heart disease4) but not in controls, suggesting that paroxysmal AV

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28 ESC Guidelines

block could be the cause of unexplained syncope. Although car- .. Immunological biomarkers
diac pacing may lead to substantial reduction of syncopal attacks .. Autoantibodies against adrenergic receptors in OH and POTS have
in elderly patients with unexplained syncope and a positive ATP .. been reported, but further studies are needed.232–234
test,229 previous studies showed no correlation between ..
AV block induced by ATP and ECG findings (documented by ILR) .. 4.2.8 Echocardiography
during spontaneous syncope.122,123,227 Thus, the low predictive ..
.. For patients with suspected heart disease, echocardiography serves
value of the test does not support its routine use in selecting ..
patients for cardiac pacing, but rather its positivity suggests that .. to confirm or refute the suspicions in equal proportions and plays an
.. important role in risk stratification.235,236 Echocardiography identifies
it can be used to confirm the suspicion of asystolic syncope ..
by means of prolonged ECG monitoring. The role of endogenous .. the cause of syncope in very few patients when no more tests are
.. needed (i.e. severe aortic stenosis, obstructive cardiac tumours or
adenosine release in triggering a special form of asystolic ..
.. thrombi, pericardial tamponade, or aortic dissection).237–239 In a lit-
syncope (so-called adenosine-sensitive syncope) remains under .. erature review, right and left atrial myxoma presented with syncope
investigation. ..
.. in <20% of cases.240–244
.. Cardiovascular biomarkers ..
Some cardiovascular biomarkers are increased in autonomic dysfunc-
.. Exercise stress echocardiography
.. Upright or semi-supine exercise stress echocardiography to detect
tion underlying syncope, such as elevated copeptin (vasopressin), ..
endothelin-1, and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide in
.. provocable left ventricular outflow tract obstruction should be con-
.. sidered in patients with HCM that complain of exertional or postural
OH,113,230,231 whereas atrial natriuretic peptide may be reduced in ..
POTS.113 At present, the use of cardiovascular biomarkers in the
.. syncope, particularly when it recurs during similar circumstances (e.g.
.. when rushing upstairs or straining). A gradient of >_50 mmHg is usu-
diagnosis of syncope awaits more evidence and verification in inde- ..
.. ally considered to be the threshold at which left ventricular outflow
pendent cohorts. .. tract obstruction becomes haemodynamically important.245–249


Recommendations Classa Levelb


Echocardiography is indicated for diagnosis and risk stratification in patients with suspected structural heart disease.235,236 I B

Two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography during exercise in the standing, sitting, or semi-supine position to detect
provocable left ventricular outflow tract obstruction is indicated in patients with HCM, a history of syncope, and a resting I B
or provoked peak instantaneous left ventricular outflow tract gradient <50 mmHg.245–249

Diagnostic criteria

Aortic stenosis, obstructive cardiac tumours or thrombi, pericardial tamponade, and aortic dissection are the most prob-
able causes of syncope when the ECG shows the typical features of these conditions.237–244

Additional advice and clinical perspectives

• For patients without suspected cardiac disease after history taking, physical examination, and electrocardiography, the ECG does not provide
additional useful information, suggesting that syncope alone is not an indication for echocardiography.
• Computed tomography or MRI should be considered in selected patients presenting with syncope of suspected cardiac structural origin when
echocardiography is not diagnostic.

ECG = echocardiogram; HCM = hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging.

Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.

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4.2.9 Exercise stress testing

Exercise-induced syncope is infrequent, and the literature is lim- Coronary angiography
ited to case reports. Exercise testing should be performed in
patients who have experienced episodes of syncope during or Recommendations Classa Levelb
shortly after exertion. Syncope can occur during or immediately
after exercise. These two situations should be considered sepa-
rately. Indeed, syncope occurring during exercise is likely due to In patients with syncope, the same indica-
cardiac causes (even though some case reports have shown that it tions for coronary angiography should be
might be a manifestation of an exaggerated reflex vasodilatation), considered as in patients without
whereas syncope occurring after exercise is almost invariably due syncope.258
to a reflex mechanism.250–252 Tachycardia-related exercise-
Additional advice and clinical perspectives
induced second- and third-degree AV block has been shown to be
Angiography alone is not diagnostic of the cause of syncope.
located distal to the AV node253 and predicts progression to per-
manent AV block.254,255 A resting ECG frequently shows intraven-
Class of recommendation.
tricular conduction abnormalities,253,254 but cases with a normal b
Level of evidence.
resting ECG have also been described.256,257 There are no data
supporting an indication for exercise testing in a general popula-
tion with syncope. ..
.. 5. Treatment
.. 5.1 General principles of treatment of
Exercise testing .. syncope
.. The general framework of treatment is based on risk stratification
Recommendations Classa Levelb .. and the identification of specific mechanisms when possible (Figure 8).
.. The following three general principles should be considered:
Indications ..
Exercise testing is indicated in patients who
.. • The efficacy of therapy aimed at preventing syncope recurrence
.. is largely determined by the mechanism of syncope rather than
experience syncope during or shortly after I C .. its aetiology. Bradycardia is a frequent mechanism of syncope.
exertion. .. Cardiac pacing is the most powerful therapy for bradycardia but
.. its efficacy is less if hypotension coexists (see Table 9 and
Diagnostic criteria ..
.. Supplementary Data Table 9). The treatment of syncope due to a
Syncope due to second- or third-degree AV .. hypotensive reflex or to OH is more challenging because specific
.. therapies are less effective.
block is confirmed when the AV block
develops during exercise, even without .. • Often, therapy to prevent recurrence differs from that for the
.. underlying disease. The management of patients at high risk of
syncope.253–257 ..
.. SCD requires careful assessment of the individual patient’s risk
Reflex syncope is confirmed when syncope .. (see section 5.5).
.. • Syncopal recurrences often decrease spontaneously after medical
is reproduced immediately after exercise in ..
the presence of severe hypotension.250–252 .. assessment, even in the absence of a specific therapy; in general,
.. syncope recurs in <50% of patients within 1–2 years (see
Additional advice and clinical perspectives
.. Supplementary Data Table 10). The decrease seems to be more
There are no data supporting routine exercise testing in patients .. evident when there is a lack of a clear anatomical substrate for
with syncope.
.. syncope, such as in the case of reflex syncope and unexplained
.. syncope. The reason for this decrease is not known. Several
.. potential clinical, statistical, and psychological explanations have
AV = atrioventricular. .. been provided and all probably play a role (see Supplementary
Class of recommendation. ..
Level of evidence. .. Data Table 10). Whatever the reason, the possibility of spontane-
.. ous improvement has major practical importance for treatment
.. that can be postponed in low-risk conditions. The consequence
.. of the spontaneous decrease is that any therapy for syncope pre-
.. vention appears to be more effective than it actually is, which
4.2.10 Coronary angiography ..
.. makes the results of observational data on therapy questionable
In patients presenting with syncope and obstructive coronary artery .. in the absence of a control group.
disease, percutaneous coronary intervention is not associated with a ..
significant reduction in readmission for syncope.258 Angiography ..
alone is not diagnostic of the cause of syncope. Therefore, cardiac ..
catheterization techniques should be carried out in suspected myo- .. 5.2 Treatment of reflex syncope
cardial ischaemia or infarction with the same indications as for .. Despite its benign course, recurrent and unpredictable reflex syn-
patients without syncope. . cope may be disabling. The cornerstone of management of these

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30 ESC Guidelines

Figure 8 General framework of treatment is based on risk stratification and the identification of specific mechanisms when possible. ARVC =
arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; CAD = coronary artery disease; DCM = dilated cardiomyopathy; ECG = electrocardiographic;
HCM = hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; ICD = implantable cardioverter defibrillator; LQTS = long QT syndrome; SCD = sudden cardiac death.

Table 9 Expected syncope recurrence rates with a permanent pacemaker in different clinical settings (for more
details see Supplementary Data Table 9).

Clinical setting Expected 2-year syncope recurrence rate

with cardiac pacing

Syncope due to established bradycardia and absence of hypotensive mechanism High efficacy (<_5% recurrence rate)

Syncope due to established bradycardia and associated hypotensive mechanism Moderate efficacy (5–25% recurrence rate)

Syncope due to suspected bradycardia and associated hypotensive mechanism Low efficacy (>25% recurrence rate)

patients is non-pharmacological treatment, including education, .. 5.2.1 Education and lifestyle modifications
lifestyle modification, and reassurance regarding the benign nature of .. Education and lifestyle modifications have not been evaluated in
the condition. .. randomized studies, but there is a consensus for implementing them
Additional treatment may be necessary in patients with severe forms, .. as first-line therapy in all cases. These comprise reassurance about
as defined in Web Practical Instructions section 2.3, in particular: when
.. the benign nature of the disease, education regarding awareness and the
very frequent syncope alters quality of life; when recurrent syncope .. possible avoidance of triggers and situations (e.g. dehydration and/or
without, or with a very short, prodrome exposes the patient to a risk of
.. hot crowded environments), and the early recognition of prodromal
trauma; and when syncope occurs during a high-risk activity (e.g. driving, .. symptoms in order to sit or lie down and activate counter-pressure
machine operation, flying, or competitive athletics, etc.). Only 14% of
.. manoeuvres without delay. If possible, triggers should be addressed
the highly selected population with reflex syncope who are referred to .. directly, such as cough suppression in cough syncope, micturition in the
specialized syncope units may need such additional treatment.186 In gen-
.. sitting position, etc. Increased intake of oral fluids is also advised. Salt
eral, no therapy is appropriate for every form of reflex syncope. The .. supplementation at a dose of 120 mmol/day of sodium chloride has
most important discriminant for the choice of therapy is age. A decision .. been proposed.259 In general, >50% of patients with recurrent syncopal
pathway for the selection of a specific therapy according to age, severity .. episodes in the 1 or 2 years before evaluation do not have syncopal
of syncope, and clinical forms is summarized in Figure 9. . recurrences in the following 1 or 2 years and, in those with recurrences,

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ESC Guidelines 31

Figure 9 Schematic practical decision pathway for the first-line management of reflex syncope (based on patient’s history and tests) according to
age, severity of syncope, and clinical forms. Younger patients are those aged <40 years while older patients are >60 years, with an overlap between 40
and 60 years. Severity of reflex syncope is defined in the text. The duration of prodrome is largely subjective and imprecise. A value of <_5 s distinguishes
arrhythmic from reflex syncope49; in patients without structural heart disease, a duration >10 s can distinguish reflex syncope from cardiac syncope.38
In practice, the prodrome is ‘absent or very short’ if it does not allow patients enough time to act, such as to sit or lie down. The heading’ low BP phe-
notype’ identifies patients with chronic low BP values (in general, systolic around 110 mmHg, who have a clear history of orthostatic intolerance and
orthostatic VVS). The group ‘dominant cardioinhibition‘ identifies patients in whom clinical features and results of tests suggest that sudden cardioinhibi-
tion is mainly responsible for syncope. One such clue is lack of prodrome, so patients without prodromes may, after analysis, fall into this category.
 Overlap between subgroups is expected.
 In selected cases, pacing may be used in patients aged <40 years. This Task Force cannot give recommendations due to the lack of
sufficient evidence from studies.
 In selected cases, fludrocortisone may be used in patients aged >60 years. This Task Force cannot give recommendations due to
the lack of sufficient evidence from studies.
 Midodrine can be used at any age even if existing studies were performed in young patients.
 Patients with short or no prodrome should continue investigations to identify the underlying mechanism and guide subsequent
 Sometimes an ILR strategy should also be considered in patients aged <40 years.
BP = blood pressure; ILR = implantable loop recorder; VVS = vasovagal syncope.
Spontaneous or provoked by, sequentially, carotid sinus massage, tilt testing, or ILR.

the burden of syncope decreases by >70% compared with the .. Despite the lack of controlled studies, there is strong consensus
preceding period. The effect of education and reassurance is .. that education and lifestyle modifications have a high impact
probably the most likely reason for the decrease in syncope .. in reducing recurrence of syncope.
(see Supplementary Data Table 10). An example of a patient instruction ..
sheet can be found in the Web Practical Instructions section 9.1: European .. 5.2.2 Discontinuation/reduction of hypotensive therapy
Society of Cardiology information sheet for patients affected by reflex .. Careful avoidance of agents that lower BP, i.e. any antihyperten-
syncope. . sive agents, nitrates, diuretics, neuroleptic antidepressants, or

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32 ESC Guidelines

dopaminergic drugs, is key in the prevention of recurrence of syn- .. There is sufficient evidence from multiple trials that tilt train-
cope. In a small randomized trial260 performed in 58 patients .. ing has little efficacy in reducing recurrence of syncope in
(mean age 74 ± 11 years) affected by vasodepressor reflex syn- .. young patients with long-lasting recognizable prodromal symp-
cope diagnosed by tilt testing or CSM, who were taking on average .. toms. Further research is unlikely to have an important impact
2.5 hypotensive drugs, discontinuation or reduction of the vasoac- .. on our confidence in the estimate.
tive therapy caused a reduction of the rate of the primary com- ..
bined endpoint of syncope, presyncope, and adverse events from ..
50 to 19% (hazard ratio 0.37) compared with a control group who .. 5.2.5 Pharmacological therapy
continued hypotensive therapy during a follow-up of 9 months. In .. Pharmacological therapy may be considered in patients who have
the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial,261 patients at high .. recurrent syncope despite education and lifestyle modifications
cardiovascular risk who were already using antihypertensive drugs .. including training in PCM. Many drugs have been tested in the treat-
targeting a systolic BP of 120 mmHg had an approximately two- .. ment of reflex syncope, for the most part with disappointing results.
fold risk of syncope vs. the control group targeting a systolic BP of .. While results have been satisfactory in uncontrolled trials or short-
140 mmHg. In a short-term randomized trial262 conducted in 32 .. term controlled trials, several long-term placebo-controlled prospec-
patients affected by CSS, withdrawal of vasodilator therapy .. tive trials have not shown a benefit of the active drug over placebo,
reduced the magnitude of the vasodepressor reflex induced by
.. with some exceptions.
CSM. ..
.. Fludrocortisone
There is moderate evidence that discontinuation/reduction of .. Fludrocortisone, by increasing renal sodium reabsorption and
hypotensive therapy targeting a systolic BP of 140 mmHg
.. expanding plasma volume, may counteract the physiological cascade
should be effective in reducing syncopal recurrences in patients .. leading to the orthostatic vasovagal reflex.273 The mechanism of
with hypotensive susceptibility. Further research is likely to .. action can be compared with that of saline infusion, which has also
have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate. .. proved effective in acute tilt test studies.274 The Prevention of
.. Syncope Trial (POST) 2275 enrolled 210 young (median age 30 years)
.. patients with low–normal values of arterial BP and without comor-
5.2.3 Physical counter-pressure manoeuvres ..
Isometric muscle contractions increase cardiac output and arterial BP
.. bidities, and randomized them to receive fludrocortisone (titrated at
.. a dosage of 0.05–0.2 mg once per day) or placebo. The primary end-
during the phase of impending reflex syncope. Three clinical stud- ..
ies119,120,263 and one prospective multicentre randomized trial121
.. point showed only a marginal non-significant reduction in syncope in
.. the fludrocortisone group compared with the placebo group (hazard
assessed the effectiveness of physical counter-pressure manoeuvres ..
(PCM) of the legs or arms and showed that they allowed the patient
.. ratio 0.69, 95% CI 0.46–1.03; P=0.069), which became more signifi-
.. cant when the analysis was restricted to patients who achieved 0.2
to avoid or delay losing consciousness in most cases. In the Physical ..
.. mg/day dose stabilization at 2 weeks. The clinical benefit of fludrocor-
Counterpressure Manoeuvres Trial (PC-Trial),121 223 patients aged ..
.. tisone therapy was modest: at 12 months, 44% of patients in the flu-
38 ± 15 years with recurrent reflex syncope and recognizable pro-
.. drocortisone arm continued to suffer syncope, a rate only slightly
dromal symptoms were randomized to receive standardized conven- .. lower than the 60.5% rate observed in the placebo arm. In the mean-
tional therapy alone or conventional therapy plus training in PCM. ..
.. time, a similar number of patients discontinued fludrocortisone ther-
Actuarial recurrence-free survival was better in the PCM group .. apy owing to side effects, thus equating the benefit/risk ratio.
(log-rank P=0.018), resulting in a relative risk reduction of 39% (95% ..
.. Fludrocortisone should not be used in patients with hypertension or
CI 11–53). No adverse events were reported. A limitation of this .. heart failure. Fludrocortisone was ineffective in a small randomized
treatment is that it cannot be used in patients with short or absent ..
.. double-blind trial in children.276
prodrome and that PCM are less effective in patients older than 60 ..
years.264 An instruction sheet on how to perform PCM can be found ..
.. There is moderate evidence that fludrocortisone may be effec-
in the Web Practical Instructions section 9.2. ..
.. tive in reducing syncopal recurrences in young patients with
.. lownormal values of arterial BP and without comorbidities.
There is moderate evidence that PCM is effective in reducing ..
syncopal recurrences in patients <60 years old with long- .. Further research is likely to have an important impact on our
.. confidence in the estimate of effect.
lasting recognizable prodromal symptoms. ..
.. Alpha-agonists
5.2.4 Tilt training .. As failure to achieve proper vasoconstriction of the peripheral ves-
In highly motivated young patients with recurrent vasovagal symp- .. sels is common in reflex syncope, alpha-agonist vasoconstrictors (eti-
toms triggered by orthostatic stress, the prescription of progressively .. lefrine and midodrine) have been used. Etilefrine has been studied in
prolonged periods of enforced upright posture (so-called tilt training) .. a large randomized placebo-controlled double-blind trial.277 During
has been proposed to reduce syncope recurrence.265 While some .. follow-up, patients treated twice daily with etilefrine 25 mg or pla-
studies suggested modest benefit with outpatient tilt training,266,267 .. cebo showed no difference in the frequency of syncope or the time
most controlled trials reported no significant effect.268–272 .. to recurrence. Midodrine [usually 2.5–10 mg, three times daily (t.i.d)]
Moreover, this treatment is hampered by the low compliance of
.. has proved effective in small studies but none satisfied the criteria of
patients in continuing the training programme for a long period. . a pivotal clinical trial. A recent systematic review of these trials278

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showed that the confidence in estimates was moderate because of .. orthostatic VVS.287 Norepinephrine transport inhibitors (reboxetine
imprecision and publication bias. The most frequent side effects that .. and sibutramine) lead to a selective increase in sympathetic tone dur-
led to discontinuation of midodrine were supine hypertension, pilo- .. ing stress by inhibiting the reuptake of norepinephrine in sympathetic
motor reactions, and urinary problems (urinary retention, hesitancy, .. neuronal synapses. In double-blind, randomized, crossover fashion,
or urgency). The major limitation of midodrine is frequent dosing, .. reboxetine and sibutramine block or attenuate the vasovagal reflex
which limits long-term compliance. Overall, these data suggest that .. during tilt testing.288 In an open-label prospective clinical study in
chronic pharmacological treatment with alpha-agonists alone may be .. seven very symptomatic patients who had not responded to any pre-
of little use in reflex syncope and that long-term treatment cannot be .. vious treatment, sibutramine achieved 94% suppression of syncopal
advised for occasional symptoms. .. episodes at 6 months.289
.. Ganglionic plexus ablation. Radiofrequency ablation of vagal ganglia
There are contrasting results from multiple trials that alpha- .. located close to the sinus node and AV node was reported to abolish
agonists may be effective in reducing syncopal recurrences in .. the vagal efferent output during VVS in some observational studies
patients with the orthostatic form of VVS. Further research is .. and case reports.290,291 However, owing to a weak rationale, small
likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the .. populations, weak documentation of follow-up results, procedural
estimate. .. risks, and lack of control groups, the current evidence is insufficient
.. to confirm the efficacy of vagal ganglia ablation.
.. Beta-blockers ..
Beta-blockers have been presumed to lessen the degree of ventricu-
lar mechanoreceptor activation owing to their negative inotropic .. 5.2.6 Cardiac pacing
effect in reflex syncope. This theory has not been supported by the
.. Permanent pacemaker therapy may be effective if asystole is a domi-
outcome of clinical trials. Beta-blockers failed to be effective in VVS .. nant feature of reflex syncope. Establishing a relationship between
in two randomized double-blind controlled trials.279,280 A rationale .. symptoms and bradycardia should be the goal of the clinical evalua-
for the use of beta-blockers in other forms of neutrally-mediated syn- .. tion of patients with syncope and a normal baseline ECG. The efficacy
cope is lacking. It should be emphasized that beta-blockers may .. of pacing depends on the clinical setting. A comparative table of
enhance bradycardia in CSS. .. results in different settings is reported in the Supplementary Data
.. Table 9. Figure 10 summarizes the recommended indication for
There is sufficient evidence from multiple trials that beta- .. pacing.
blockers are not appropriate in reducing syncopal recurrences. ..
Desirable and undesirable effects are closely balanced. .. Evidence from trials in suspected or certain reflex syncope and
.. electrocardiogram-documented asystole Other drugs .. In two observational studies, cardiac pacing reduced syncope burden
Paroxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, was effective in .. in patients with documented asystolic syncope by 92184 and 83%,200
one placebo-controlled trial, which included highly symptomatic .. but did not prevent all syncopal events. In the randomized
patients from one institution.281 This finding has not been confirmed .. double-blind Third International Study on Syncope of Uncertain
in other studies and has no experimental support. Conversely, .. Etiology (ISSUE)-3 trial,185 77 patients who had documentation, by
human studies with different subtypes of serotonin-receptor antago- .. means of ILR, of syncope with >_3-s asystole or >_6-s asystole without
nists demonstrated a decreased tolerance to tilt.1,282 In a small
.. syncope were randomly assigned to receive either dual-chamber pac-
randomized trial, benzodiazepine was as effective as metoprolol.283 .. ing with rate drop response or sensing only. During follow-up, the 2-
A somatostatin analogue (octreotide)284 was used in a few patients
.. year estimated rate of syncope recurrence was 57% with pacemaker
affected by orthostatic intolerance and its effect cannot be properly .. off and 25% with pacemaker on (log-rank P¼0.039). The risk of
.. recurrence was reduced by 57%. In the ILR subgroup of the multi-
.. centre Syncope Unit Project (SUP) 2 study,292 the estimated rates of Emerging new therapies in specific subgroups
.. syncope recurrence with pacing were 11% at 1 year, 24% at 2 years,
Low-adenosine phenotype. In a series of case reports, theophylline .. and 24% at 3 years, and were significantly lower than the correspond-
appeared effective in patients with recurrent sudden onset (pre)syn- .. ing rates observed in untreated control patients. The above evidence
cope who presented with the common biological characteristic of .. supports a class IIa recommendation
low circulating adenosine levels.285,286 Theophylline is a non-selective ..
adenosine receptor antagonist that is potentially effective when .. There is sufficient evidence that dual-chamber cardiac pacing
adenosine is suspected to be involved in the mechanism of syncope. .. should be considered to reduce recurrence of syncope when
An intra-patient comparison between a period with and a period .. the correlation between symptoms and ECG is established in
without theophylline therapy, with the support of prolonged ECG .. patients 40 years of age with the clinical features of those in
monitoring, showed that symptoms disappeared and the number of .. the ISSUE studies.
prolonged asystolic pauses was impressively reduced from a median ..
of 1.11 per month during 13 months of no treatment to 0 per month .. Evidence from trials in patients with carotid sinus syndrome
during 20 months of theophylline treatment. .. The evidence supporting the benefit of cardiac pacing in patients
Low-norepinephrine phenotype. A mismatch between sympathetic .. affected by cardioinhibitory CSS is limited to a few small controlled
nerve activity and norepinephrine spillover is present in patients with . trials and retrospective observational studies. In a review293 including

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34 ESC Guidelines

Figure 10 Summary of indications for pacing in patients with reflex syncope. CI-CSS = cardioinhibitory carotid sinus syndrome.

12 studies for a total of 601 paced and 305 unpaced patients, the syn-
.. Evidence from trials in patients with tilt-induced vasovagal
copal recurrence rate during follow-up ranged from 0–20% with pac- .. syncope
ing, whereas the recurrence of syncope was always higher in .. Effectiveness of pacing in patients with tilt-induced VVS has been
untreated patients, who showed a rate between 20–60%. In a meta- .. studied in five multicentre RCTs.296–300 When combining the results
analysis of the three studies293 with a control group of untreated .. of these trials, 318 patients were evaluated; syncope recurred in 21%
patients, syncope recurred in 9% of 85 paced patients and in 38% of .. of the paced patients and in 44% of unpaced patients (P < 0.001). A
91 controls (relative risk 0.24, 95% CI 0.12–0.48). In a single-centre .. meta-analysis of all studies suggested a non-significant 17% reduction
registry of 169 consecutive patients treated with pacemakers, the .. in syncope from the double-blind studies, and an 84% reduction in
actuarial estimate of syncopal recurrence was 7% at 1 year, 16% at .. the studies where the control group did not receive a pacemaker.301
3 years, and 20% at 5 years.90 In the CSS subgroup of the multicentre .. In general, pacing was ineffective in trials that enrolled patients with-
SUP 2 study,292 the estimated syncope recurrence rates with pacing .. out an asystolic tilt response.299,300 All of these studies have limita-
were 9% at 1 year, 18% at 2 years, and 20% at 3 years, and were signif- .. tions, and a direct comparison is somewhat difficult because of
icantly lower than the corresponding rates observed in untreated .. important differences in study design, largely focused on patient
controls, which were 21%, 33%, and 43%, respectively. Given the .. selection. Overall, in typical vasovagal populations, pacing seems to
similar outcome of patients with reflex spontaneous asystolic pauses .. have marginal efficacy.
and those with CSS, this Task Force voted to downgrade the recom-
.. The rationale for the efficacy of cardiac pacing is that the cardioin-
mendation for pacing in patients with CSS from class I (as in the 2013 .. hibitory reflex is dominant in some patients, as there is no role for
ESC Pacing Guidelines294) to class IIa.
.. pacing in the preventing vasodilatation and hypotension. In a substudy
.. of the ISSUE-3 trial,302 an asystolic response during tilt testing pre-
Despite the lack of large RCTs, there is sufficient evidence that
.. dicted a similar asystolic form during spontaneous ILR-documented
dual-chamber cardiac pacing should be considered to reduce .. syncope, with a positive predictive value of 86%. In the tilt subgroup
syncopal recurrences in patients affected by dominant cardi-
.. of the SUP 2 study,292 among 38 patients with dominant cardioinhibi-
oinhibitory CSS. .. tory reflex (with a mean asystolic pause of 22 ± 16 s) the estimated
.. rates of syncope recurrence with pacing were 3% at 1 year, 17% at 2
Two variables are well known to hamper the efficacy of pacing ther- .. years, and 23% at 3 years; these figures were significantly lower than
apy in CSS: the mixed forms93,98 (see also Web Practical Instructions .. the corresponding rates observed in untreated controls, and were
section 5) and the association with positivity of tilt testing. Patients .. similar to those observed in patients with CSS or with ECG-
who have positive tilt tests have a three-fold greater probability of .. documented asystole. In a recent multicentre crossover RCT per-
syncope recurrence after dual chamber pacing than those with nega- .. formed in 46 patients aged >40 years, affected by severely recurrent
tive tilt tests293,295; thus, when tilt testing is positive, caution must be .. (>5 episodes during life) cardioinhibitory VVS,303 during 24-month
recommended over pacemaker implantation. .. follow-up, syncope recurred in 4 (9%) patients treated with a dual-

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chamber pacemaker with closed-loop stimulation compared with 21 .. dual-chamber cardiac pacing significantly reduced the 2-year syncope
(46%) patients who had received a sham pacemaker programmed off .. recurrence rate from 69% in the control group to 23% in the active
(P=0.0001). .. group.
Adding video recording to tilt testing, Saal et al.205 recently ..
showed, in patients with asystole, that asystole occurred 3 s .. There is weak evidence that dual-chamber cardiac pacing
before syncope or later in one-third of patients, in whom cardioinhi- .. may be useful in reducing recurrences of syncope in patients
bition was too late to have primarily caused syncope; in the other .. with the clinical features of adenosine-sensitive syncope.
two-thirds of asystolic tilt responses, the cause must have been .. The documentation of possible bradyarrhythmia in sponta-
mainly cardioinhibition or a combination of cardioinhibition and .. neous syncope remains the preferred eligibility criterion for
.. pacing.
The clinical presentation is probably as important as tilt test ..
positivity when selecting patients who can benefit from cardiac
.. Choice of pacing mode
pacing. The SUP 2 study population was characterized by higher .. In CSS, a few small controlled studies304,305 and one registry306
mean age, history of recurrent syncope beginning in middle or
.. showed that dual-chamber pacing is better than the single chamber
older age, and frequent injuries, probably due to presentation .. ventricular mode in counteracting BP fall during CSM and in prevent-
without warning.292 .. ing symptom recurrences. Even if the quality of evidence is weak,
... dual-chamber pacing is widely preferred in clinical practice.
Owing to the contrasting results of the randomized trials, the .. In patients with VVS, dual-chamber pacing was used mostly with
estimated benefit of dual-chamber pacing in cardioinhibitory .. a rate drop response feature that instituted rapid dual-chamber
tilt-positive patients is weak. Divergence of opinion exists .. pacing if the device detected a rapid decrease in HR. A compari-
among experts. Further research is very likely to have an .. son between dual-chamber closed-loop stimulation and conven-
important impact on recommendations. Conversely, there is .. tional dual-chamber pacing has been performed by means of a
strong consensus that pacing cannot be offered to patients .. crossover design in two small studies; these studies showed fewer
with non-cardioinhibitory tilt-positive response, and further .. syncope recurrences with closed-loop stimulation, both in the
tests (e.g. ILR) are warranted to document the mechanism of .. acute setting during repeated tilt testing307 and during 18-month
the spontaneous reflex. .. clinical follow-up.308
.. Evidence from trials in patients with adenosine-sensitive syncope .. Selection of patients for pacing and proposed algorithm
Under this term, classified as a non-classical form of reflex syn- .. The fact that pacing is effective does not mean that it is always neces-
cope in Table 3, different clinical conditions are included, which .. sary. In patients with reflex syncope, cardiac pacing should be the last
have a supposed role of adenosine in the genesis of syncope in .. choice and should only be considered in highly selected patients, i.e.
.. those >_40 years of age (mostly >60 years), affected by severe forms
A new clinical entity, called idiopathic AV block, has recently .. of reflex syncope with frequent recurrences associated with a
been described in patients with a long history of syncope and in
.. high risk of injury, often due to the lack of prodrome.186 While there
whom paroxysmal AV block could be recorded at the time of syn- .. is growing scepticism over the diagnostic accuracy of tilt testing for
cope recurrence.5 These patients had an otherwise normal heart
.. syncope diagnosis, emerging evidence supports the use of tilt testing
and no sign of conduction disease on ECG and EPS; they had very .. for the assessment of reflex hypotensive susceptibility132, which may be
low plasma adenosine levels and a high induction rate of transient
.. considered to identify patients with an associated hypotensive
complete heart block during exogenous injections of adenosine. .. response who would be less likely to respond to permanent cardiac
No syncope recurrence was observed after permanent cardiac .. pacing (see section In a meta-analysis309 of individual patient
pacing over very long periods of follow-up and there was no per- .. data from four studies performed in patients with asystolic reflex
manent AV block. .. syncope documented by an ILR, the estimated 3-year recurrence
Similarly, the entity of ‘low-adenosine syncope’ has recently .. rate of syncope was 2% (95% CI ± 4%) in tilt-negative patients and
been described in patients who have an otherwise unexplained .. 33% (95% CI ± 20%) in tilt-positive patients; a positive tilt test
syncope with sudden onset without prodrome, a normal heart, .. response was the only significant predictor of syncope recurrence
and normal ECG.4 The clinical, laboratory, and biological features .. with a hazard ratio of 4.3. Patients with hypotensive susceptibility
of these patients are similar to those observed in patients .. should need measures directed to counteract hypotensive suscepti-
affected by idiopathic paroxysmal AV block. Unlike in VVS, tilt .. bility in addition to cardiac pacing, e.g. the discontinuation/reduction
testing is usually negative.4,226 No syncope recurrence was .. of hypotensive drugs and the administration of fludrocortisone or
observed after permanent cardiac pacing in 10 patients who had .. midodrine.
ECG documentation of asystolic pause due to sinus arrest or AV .. The algorithm shown in Figure 11 has recently been prospectively
block.286 .. validated in a multicentre pragmatic study, which showed a low
In a small multicentre trial227 performed in 80 highly selected eld-
.. recurrence rate of syncope with pacing of 9% at 1 year and 15% at 2
erly patients with unexplained unpredictable syncope who had a pos- .. years, significantly lower than the 22% and 37%, respectively,
itive response to intravenous injection of a bolus of 20 mg of ATP,
.. observed in unpaced controls.186

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36 ESC Guidelines

Treatment of reflex syncope

Recommendations Classa Levelb

Education and lifestyle modifications

Explanation of the diagnosis, the provision of reassurance, and explanation of the risk of recurrence and the avoidance of
triggers and situations are indicated in all patients. Supplementary Data Table 10

Discontinuation/reduction of hypotensive therapy

Modification or discontinuation of hypotensive drug regimen should be considered in patients with vasodepressor syncope,
if possible.260–262

Physical manoeuvres

Isometric PCM should be considered in patients with prodromes who are <60 years of age.119–121,263,264 IIa B

Tilt training may be considered for the education of young patients.265–272 IIb B

Pharmacological therapy

Fludrocortisone may be considered in young patients with the orthostatic form of VVS, low–normal values of arterial BP,
and the absence of contraindication to the drug.275

Midodrine may be considered in patients with the orthostatic form of VVS.278 IIb B
Beta-adrenergic blocking drugs are not indicated. III A

Cardiac pacing

Cardiac pacing should be considered to reduce syncopal recurrences in patients aged >40 years, with spontaneous docu-
mented symptomatic asystolic pause(s) >3 s or asymptomatic pause(s) >6 s due to sinus arrest, AV block, or the combina- IIa B
tion of the two.184,185,200,292

Cardiac pacing should be considered to reduce syncope recurrence in patients with cardioinhibitory carotid sinus syn-
drome who are >40 years with recurrent frequent unpredictable syncope.90,292,293

Cardiac pacing may be considered to reduce syncope recurrences in patients with tilt-induced asystolic response who are
>40 years with recurrent frequent unpredictable syncope.292,297,298,303

Cardiac pacing may be considered to reduce syncope recurrences in patients with the clinical features of adenosine-sensi-
tive syncope.5,227,286

Cardiac pacing is not indicated in the absence of a documented cardioinhibitory reflex.299,300 III B

Additional advice and clinical perspectives

• In general, no therapy can completely prevent syncope recurrence during long-term follow-up. A decrease of the syncope burden is a reasonable
goal of therapy.
• The fact that pacing may be effective does not mean that it is also always necessary. It must be emphasized that the decision to implant a pace-
maker needs to be made in the clinical context of a benign condition that frequently affects young patients. Thus, cardiac pacing should be limited
to a highly selected small proportion of patients affected by severe reflex syncope. Patients suitable for cardiac pacing are older with a history of
recurrent syncope beginning in middle or older age and with frequent injuries, probably due to presentation without warning. Syncope recur-
rence is still expected to occur despite cardiac pacing in a minority of patients.
• Tilt test response is the strongest predictor of pacemaker efficacy.309 Patients with a negative tilt test response will have a risk of syncope recur-
rence of as low as that observed in patients paced for intrinsic AV block. Further research is very unlikely to change the confidence in the esti-
mate of effect. On the contrary, patients with a positive tilt test response will have a higher risk of recurrence of syncope with a large confidence
range, which makes any estimate of the benefit of pacing uncertain. Further research is warranted.

AV = atrioventricular; BP = blood pressure; PCM = physical counter-pressure manoeuvres; VVS = vasovagal syncope.
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.

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tilt testing?



Figure 11 Decision pathway for cardiac pacing in patients with reflex syncope. CI-CSS = cardioinhibitory carotid sinus syndrome; CSM = carotid
sinus massage; DDD PM = dual-chamber pacemaker; ILR = implantable loop recorder.

5.3 Treatment of orthostatic hypotension .. chloride.310 Rapid ingestion of cool water is reported to be effective in
.. combating orthostatic intolerance and postprandial hypotension.311
and orthostatic intolerance syndromes ..
Current management strategies for OH are summarized in Figure 12. ..
.. 5.3.3 Discontinuation/reduction of vasoactive drugs
5.3.1 Education and lifestyle measures .. Several studies that have evaluated the association of vasoactive
Education regarding the nature of the condition in conjunction with the ..
.. drugs (i.e. any antihypertensive agents, nitrates, diuretics, neuroleptic
lifestyle advice outlined in section 5.2.1 can markedly improve ortho- .. antidepressants, or dopaminergic drugs) with OH and falls
static symptoms, even though the rise in BP is relatively small (10–15 ..
.. have yielded contrasting results.312 However, intensely prescribed
mmHg); raising standing BP to just within the autoregulatory zone can .. antihypertensive therapy can increase the risk of OH. Intensive anti-
make a substantial functional difference. Ambulatory BP recordings may
.. hypertensive treatment can be defined as higher doses of antihyper-
be helpful in identifying abnormal diurnal patterns. These recordings may .. tensive medications, an increased number of antihypertensive
also help identify supine or nocturnal hypertension in treated patients.
.. drugs, or lowering BP to a target <140/90 mmHg. The total
.. number of BP-lowering medications313 or the use of three or more
5.3.2 Adequate hydration and salt intake .. antihypertensive drugs may be a significant predictor of OH.314
The expansion of extracellular volume is an important goal. In the
.. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptors
absence of hypertension, patients should be instructed to have a sufficient .. blockers, and calcium channel blockers are less likely to be associated
salt and water intake, targeting 2–3 L of fluids per day and 10 g of sodium
.. with OH compared with beta-blockers and thiazide diuretics.315–318

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38 ESC Guidelines

Figure 12 Schematic practical guide for the treatment of orthostatic hypotension.

The principal treatment strategy in drug-induced autonomic .. 5.3.8 Fludrocortisone

failure is eliminating the offending agent. The quality of evi- .. Fludrocortisone (0.1–0.3 mg once daily) is a mineralocorticoid that
dence is moderate. Longer-term future RCTs are likely to have
.. stimulates renal sodium retention and expands fluid volume.327 The
an important impact on determining the net risk2benefit ratio .. evidence in favour of fludrocortisone is from two small observational
of the withdrawal of culprit medications.
.. studies (in combination with head-up sleeping) and one double-blind
.. trial in 60 patients; the observational studies showed haemodynamic
.. benefit and, in the trial, treated patients were less symptomatic with
5.3.4 Counter-pressure manoeuvres ..
PCM such as leg crossing and squatting should be encouraged in .. higher BP.322,327,328
patients with warning symptoms who are able to perform them.319 .. The desirable effects of fludrocortisone outweigh the undesirable
.. effects. The quality of evidence is moderate and further research
5.3.5 Abdominal binders and/or support stockings .. is likely to have an important impact on the estimate of benefit.
Gravitational venous pooling in older patients can be treated with
abdominal binders or compression stockings.23,320,321 ..
.. 5.3.9 Additional therapies
5.3.6 Head-up tilt sleeping .. Additional and less frequently used treatments, alone or in combina-
.. tion, include desmopressin in patients with nocturnal polyuria,
Sleeping with the head of the bed elevated (>10 degrees) prevents ..
nocturnal polyuria, maintains a more favourable distribution of body
.. octreotide in postprandial hypotension, erythropoietin in anaemia,
.. pyridostigmine, the use of walking sticks, frequent small meals, and
fluids, and ameliorates nocturnal hypertension.104,322,323 ..
.. the judicious exercise of leg and abdominal muscles, especially swim-
... ming. Their efficacy is less established.104
5.3.7 Midodrine ..
The alpha-agonist midodrine is a useful addition to first-line treatment ..
in patients with chronic autonomic failure. It cannot be regarded as a .. 5.3.10 Emerging new pharmacological therapy in specific
cure, nor is it helpful in all affected patients, but it is very useful in .. subgroups
some. There is no doubt that midodrine increases BP both in the .. Droxidopa, a precursor of norepinephrine, is a centrally and periph-
supine and upright posture, and ameliorates the symptoms of OH. .. erally acting alpha/beta-agonist approved by the US Food and Drug
Midodrine (2.5–10 mg t.i.d) was shown to be effective in three .. Administration for the treatment of symptomatic neurogenic OH.
randomized placebo-controlled trials.324–326 .. Droxidopa has recently been investigated for the treatment of neu-
.. rogenic OH in four short-term RCTs329–332 with a total of 485
The desirable effects of midodrine outweigh the undesirable
.. patients. They showed a modest increase in standing systolic BP and
effects. The quality of evidence is moderate and further research .. the symptom benefit of droxidopa over placebo regarding some
is likely to have an important impact on the estimate of benefit.
.. items of quality of life after 2 weeks of treatment, but its benefit was

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ESC Guidelines 39

.. Sinus node disease
Treatment of orthostatic hypertension .. In general, cardiac pacemaker therapy is indicated and has proved
.. effective in intrinsic sinus node disease when intermittent sinus arrest
Recommendations Classa Levelb .. or sinoatrial block has been demonstrated to account for syncope by
.. means of ECG documentation during spontaneous syncope.334–338
Explanation of the diagnosis, the provision .. A frequent situation is that of patients who have prolonged sinus
of reassurance, and explanation of the risk ..
I C .. pause following the termination of tachycardia in bradycar-
of recurrence and the avoidance of triggers .. dia-tachycardia syndrome due to the abnormally prolonged time
and situations are indicated in all patients. ..
.. needed for the recovery of automaticity by a diseased sinus node.
.. Permanent pacing does not affect survival.
Adequate hydration and salt intake are
I C ..
indicated.310,311 ..
.. When the correlation between symptoms and ECG is estab-
Modification or discontinuation of hypoten-
.. lished, there is general consensus that cardiac pacing is effec-
sive drug regimens should be IIa B .. tive and useful for symptom relief.
.. In the absence of the above situations, despite adequate pacing, syn-
.. cope recurs in approximately 15–28% of patients at 5 years339–341
Isometric PCM should be considered.319 IIa C ..
.. (see Supplementary Data Table 9). This is due to the frequent associa-
Abdominal binders and/or support stockings ..
.. tion of a vasodepressor reflex mechanism with sinus node disease. In
to reduce venous pooling should be IIa B .. patients with sinus node disease and syncope, carotid sinus hypersen-
considered.23,320,321 ..
.. sitivity and a positive response to tilt are present in <_50% of patients.
Head-up tilt sleeping (>10 degrees) to
.. Thus, an increased susceptibility to neurally mediated bradycardia/
increase fluid volume should be IIa C .. hypotension is often the cause of syncope.135,136 A reflex mechanism
.. of syncope fits well with the unpredictable natural history of syncope
.. recurrence. Physicians should be aware that effectiveness of therapy is
Midodrine should be considered if symp-
.. not well documented in such cases. From a practical perspective, car-
toms persist.324–326 ..
.. diac pacing may be a reasonable solution in patients affected by sinus
.. node disease, who have had documentation of an asymptomatic ven-
Fludrocortisone should be considered if
IIa C ..
symptoms persist.322,327,328 .. tricular pause >3 s (with exceptions for young trained persons, during
.. sleep, and medicated patients), when a competitive diagnosis, i.e.
Additional advice and clinical perspectives
.. hypotension, can be ruled out.294 An abnormal SNRT enhances the
• In individuals with established OH and risk factors for falls, .. probability of efficacy of cardiac pacing (see section–212
aggressive BP-lowering treatment should be avoided; their
treatment targets should be revised to a systolic BP value of .. When the correlation between symptoms and ECG is not
140–150 mmHg and medication withdrawal should be .. established, cardiac pacing may be reasonable in patients with
considered. .. intrinsic sinus node disease, syncope, and documentation of
• The BP-lowering agents (angiotensin-converting enzyme .. asymptomatic pause(s).
inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, and calcium channel .. The elimination of drugs that may exacerbate or unmask an underly-
blockers) should be used preferentially, especially among .. ing susceptibility to bradycardia is an important element in preventing
patients at high risk of falls, as diuretics and beta-blockers are .. syncope recurrence. Percutaneous cardiac ablative techniques for
associated with OH and falls and should be avoided in at-risk .. the control of atrial tachyarrhythmia have become of increasing
individuals. ..
.. importance in selected patients with the bradycardia-tachycardia
.. form of sick sinus syndrome, but are infrequently used for the pre-
BP = blood pressure; OH = orthostatic hypertension; PCM = physical counter-
.. vention of syncope.
pressure manoeuvres. ..
Class of recommendation. ..
Level of evidence. .. Atrioventricular conduction system disease
.. Cardiac pacing is the treatment of syncope associated with sympto-
lost after 8 weeks.333 Thus, current evidence is insufficient to confirm
.. matic AV block (Figure 13). Although formal RCTs of pacing in third-
.. or second-degree type 2 AV block have not been performed, some
the efficacy of droxidopa for long-term use. ..
.. observational studies suggest that pacing is highly effective in prevent-
.. ing syncope recurrences when AV block is documented. Langenfeld
5.4 Cardiac arrhythmias as the primary ..
.. et al.341 observed a decline in the rate of syncope from 44 to 3.4%
cause .. over 5-year follow-up in 115 patients paced for AV block; the recur-
5.4.1 Syncope due to intrinsic sinoatrial or .. rence rate was 7% in the subgroup with syncope before pacemaker
atrioventricular conduction system disease
.. implantation. More recently, Sud et al.200 reported no syncope recur-
Current management strategies in patients with syncope due to .. rence, and Aste et al.255 reported a recurrence of 1% at 5 years after
intrinsic cardiac bradycardia are summarized in Figure 13.
.. pacemaker implantation among 73 patients with documented

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40 ESC Guidelines

° °

Figure 13 Summary of indications for pacing in patients with syncope due to intrinsic cardiac bradycardia. AF = atrial fibrillation; asympt. = asymp-
tomatic; AV = atrioventricular; BBB = bundle branch block; ECG = electrocardiogram; EPS = electrophysiological study; HR = heart rate; ILR =
implantable loop recorder; SB = sinus bradycardia; SND = sinus node dysfunction; sympt. = symptomatic.

persistent or intermittent documented AV block (see Supplementary .. Even if the quality of evidence is moderate, there is strong con-
Data Table 9). .. sensus that in patients with bifascicular BBB with a positive EPS
.. or documentation of paroxysmal AV block during prolonged Bundle branch block and unexplained syncope .. ECG monitoring, cardiac pacing is highly effective in preventing
The presence of bifascicular BBB suggests that the cause of syncope .. syncope recurrence. The evidence of efficacy of empirical pac-
may be complete heart block. Nevertheless, less than half of the
.. ing strategy is weak and the estimate of benefit is uncertain.
patients with bifascicular BBB and syncope will have a final diagnosis .. Although syncope is not associated with an increased incidence of sud-
of AV block, a similar percentage will have a final diagnosis of reflex
.. den death in patients with preserved cardiac function, a high incidence
syncope, and, in approximately 15%, the cause will remain unex- .. of total deaths (about one-third sudden) was observed in patients with
plained at the end of a complete workup.342 In addition, among
.. BBB and heart failure, previous myocardial infarction, or low ejection
patients receiving an ILR, approximately half remained free of syn- .. fraction.345–347 Indeed, the high total and sudden mortality seems to be
cope for >2 years after the implantation.187,188,342,343 Conversely,
.. mainly related to underlying structural heart disease and ventricular
implantation of a pacemaker without documentation of AV block .. tachyarrhythmias. In this latter situation, syncope is a risk factor, rather
(empirical pacing) exposed patients to the risk of recurrence of syn- .. than the cause, of death.218 Unfortunately, ventricular programmed
cope in about one-quarter of cases during long-term follow-up and .. stimulation does not seem to identify these patients correctly, and the
was unnecessary in another half.217,344 Thus, only one in four pace- .. finding of inducible ventricular arrhythmia (VA) should therefore be
makers will finally be appropriate. Finally, pacemaker treatment has .. interpreted with caution.345,346 Therefore, an implantable cardioverter
not been proven to have a survival benefit. The above considerations .. defibrillator (ICD) or a cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator is
justify a class IIb indication in the ESC Guidelines on pacing.294 .. indicated in patients with BBB, congestive heart failure, or previous
To overcome the above problems, ESC Guidelines on pacing294— .. myocardial infarction and depressed systolic function for the preven-
in patients with LVEF >35%—recommend a strategy of EPS followed .. tion of SCD, but may be unable to prevent the recurrence of syncope,
by ILR if the EPS findings are unremarkable. With this strategy, a pace- .. which is often due to non-arrhythmic causes such as OH or vasode-
maker was implanted in approximately half of the patients and these .. pressor reflex. The strategy for the management of patients with unex-
patients had syncope recurrence after pacemaker implantation in .. plained syncope and BBB is summarized in Figure 14.
0–7% of cases188,217. This strategy was safe; however, this Task Force ..
recognizes that in the ‘real world’, an empirical pacemaker may be ..
acceptable in selected patients at high risk of traumatic recurrence .. 5.4.2 Syncope due to intrinsic cardiac tachyarrhythmias
(e.g. elderly patients with unpredictable syncopes) and that an individ- .. Current management strategies in patients with syncope due to
ual risk–benefit evaluation is warranted (Figure 14).
.. intrinsic cardiac tachyarrhythmia are summarized in Figure 15.

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Figure 14 Therapeutic algorithm for patients presenting with unexplained syncope and bundle branch block. BBB = bundle branch block; CRT-D
= cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator; EPS = electrophysiological study; ICD = implantable cardioverter defibrillator; ILR = implantable
loop recorder; PM = pacemaker.

Figure 15 Choice of therapy for patients presenting with syncope due to cardiac tachyarrhythmias as the primary cause. AA = antiarrhythmic;
ICD = implantable cardioverter defibrillator; SVT = supraventricular tachycardia; VT = ventricular tachycardia.

.. Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia .. Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia
In patients with paroxysmal AV nodal re-entrant tachycardia, AV re- .. Syncope due to torsade de pointes is not uncommon and is, in its
entrant tachycardia, typical atrial flutter, and ectopic tachycardia .. acquired form, the result of drugs that prolong the QT interval.
associated with syncope, catheter ablation is the first-choice treat- .. Treatment is the immediate discontinuation of the suspected drug.
ment. In these patients, the role of drug therapy is limited to being a .. Catheter ablation or drug therapy is recommended in patients
bridge to ablation or being used when ablation has failed. In patients .. with syncope due to VT in the presence or absence of structural
with syncope associated with atrial fibrillation or atypical left atrial .. heart disease in order to prevent syncope recurrence (Figure 15).
flutter, the decision should be individualized.
.. Detailed guidelines regarding antiarrhythmic drug usage in patients

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42 ESC Guidelines

with VT can be found in the 2015 ESC Guidelines for VA and the pre-
.. patients with syncope and previous myocardial infarction who have
vention of SCD.46 .. VT induced during EPS346 (see section 4.2.6).
An ICD is indicated in patients with syncope and depressed cardiac .. In patients with preserved systolic function, the indication for ICD
function, and VT or VF without correctable cause. Although ICD .. is weaker because trials have not addressed this specific issue.
may not prevent syncope recurrence in these patients,31,348 it is indi- .. However, when VT causes syncope, this Task Force believes that an
cated to reduce the risk of SCD (refer to the 2015 ESC Guidelines .. ICD is warranted if catheter ablation and pharmacological therapy
for VA and the prevention of SCD46). An ICD is also indicated in . have failed or could not be performed (Figure 15).

Treatment of syncope due to cardiac arrhythmias

Recommendations Classa Levelb

Bradycardia (intrinsic)

Cardiac pacing is indicated when there is an established relationship between syncope and symptomatic bradycardia due to:
• Sick sinus syndrome.210–212,334–338 I B
• Intrinsic AV block. I B

Cardiac pacing is indicated in patients with intermittent/paroxysmal intrinsic third- or second-degree AV block (including
AF with slow ventricular conduction), although there is no documentation of a correlation between symptoms and ECGs.

Cardiac pacing should be considered when the relationship between syncope and asymptomatic sinus node dysfunction is
less established.135,136,210–212,339,340

Cardiac pacing is not indicated in patients when there are reversible causes for bradycardia. III C

Bifascicular BBB

Cardiac pacing is indicated in patients with syncope, BBB, and a positive EPS or ILR-documented AV block.188,217 I B

Cardiac pacing may be considered in patients with unexplained syncope and bifascicular BBB.217,255,344 IIb B


Catheter ablation is indicated in patients with syncope due to SVT or VT in order to prevent syncope recurrence.46 I B

An ICD is indicated in patients with syncope due to VT and an ejection fraction <_35%.46 I A
An ICD is indicated in patients with syncope and previous myocardial infarction who have VT induced during EPS. I C

An ICD should be considered in patients with an ejection fraction >35% with recurrent syncope due to VT when catheter
ablation and pharmacological therapy have failed or could not be performed.46

Antiarrhythmic drug therapy, including rate-control drugs, should be considered in patients with syncope due to SVT or VT. IIa C

Additional advice and clinical perspectives

• The major factors predicting the efficacy of pacing in preventing syncope recurrence are an established relationship between symptoms and bra-
dycardia and the absence of associated hypotensive susceptibility (Table 8 and Supplementary Data Table 9). When this relationship is less estab-
lished, or some hypotensive mechanism is present, syncope can recur in a minority of patients.
• Pacing is not indicated in unexplained syncope without evidence of any conduction disturbance.
• Less than half of the patients with bifascicular BBB and syncope have a final diagnosis of cardiac syncope, albeit the probability is different among the types
of BBB. We recommend conducting any useful investigation (e.g. CSM, EPS, or ILR) to provoke/document the mechanism of syncope before deciding to
implant a pacemaker or selecting the correct therapy.
• Elderly patients with bifascicular BBB and unexplained syncope after a reasonable workup might benefit from empirical pacemaker implantation,
especially if syncope is unpredictable (with no or short prodromes) or has occurred in the supine position or during effort.
• When indicated, ICD prevents SCD but it may be unable to prevent syncope due to VT recurrence.31,348 Thus, when syncope is due to VT
(including when the diagnosis is established by the induction of VT during EPS), catheter ablation should be always attempted when feasible in
addition to ICD implantation.

AF = atrial fibrillation; AV = atrioventricular; BBB = bundle branch block; CSM = carotid sinus massage; ECG = electrocardiogram; EPS = electrophysiological study; ICD =
implantable cardioverter defibrillator; ILR = implantable loop recorder; SCD = sudden cardiac death; SVT = supraventricular tachycardia; VT = ventricular tachycardia.
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.

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5.5 Treatment of syncope secondary to .. 5.6.2 Left ventricular systolic dysfunction
.. The benefit of an ICD to reduce the risk of death is established. Thus,
structural cardiac, cardiopulmonary, and ..
.. patients with unexplained syncope who have an established ICD indi-
great vessel disease .. cation per current Guidelines46 must receive an ICD before, and
Cardiac syncope is diagnosed when syncope presents in patients with ..
.. independently of, the evaluation of the mechanism of syncope, even if
severe aortic stenosis, acute myocardial infarction/ischaemia, HCM, .. the mechanism of syncope is unknown or uncertain at the end of a
cardiac masses (atrial myxoma, ball thrombus, etc.), pericardial dis- ..
.. complete workup. While this strategy may help to prolong life,
ease/tamponade, congenital anomalies of the coronary arteries, pros- .. patients often remain at risk of recurrent syncope, implying a need
thetic valve dysfunction, pulmonary embolus, acute aortic dissection, ..
.. for precise identification of the mechanism of syncope and specific
and pulmonary hypertension (see section 4.1.1). Structural cardiac or .. treatment when possible.
cardiopulmonary disease can be present in some patients with syn- ..
.. Few data exist concerning the prevalence and the prognostic impli-
cope, and its incidence increases in older patients. The mere presence .. cations of unexplained syncope in unselected patients with left ven-
of heart disease does not imply that syncope is related to the underly- ..
.. tricular dysfunction or non-ischaemic dilated cardiomyopathy with
ing cardiac disorder. Some of these patients have typical reflex syn- .
cope; in others, such as those with inferior myocardial infarction or
aortic stenosis, the underlying cardiac disease may play a role in trig- Implantable cardioverter defibrillator indications in
gering or potentiating a reflex mechanism, and—finally—the underly- patients with unexplained syncopea and left ventricular
ing cardiac disease may be the substrate for conduction disturbances, systolic dysfunction
supraventricular arrhythmia, or VA that causes syncope.
Recommendations Classb Levelc
Even in the absence of specific trials, there is strong consensus
that with syncope secondary to structural cardiac disease, the ICD therapy is recommended to reduce
goal of treatment is not only to prevent syncopal recurrence, but SCD in patients with symptomatic heart fail-
to treat the underlying disease and decrease the risk of death. ure (NYHA class II–III) and LVEF <_35% after
>_3 months of optimal medical therapy, who
are expected to survive >_1 year with good
5.6 Treatment of unexplained syncope in
functional status.46
patients at high risk of sudden cardiac
death An ICD should be considered in patients
The underlying clinical situation is that of a patient being evaluated for with unexplained syncopea with systolic
ICD implantation because they are affected by syncope(s) supposedly impairment, but without a current indication IIa C
due to transient self-terminating ventricular tachyarrhythmias (fast VT or for ICD, to reduce the risk of sudden
VF), which have not yet been documented because of their short dura- death.27,28,359,360
tion.349 Syncope due to documented VT/VF is outside the scope of this Instead of an ICD, an ILR may be considered
section; please refer to section 5.4.2. General guidance may be sought in in patients with recurrent episodes of unex-
the 2015 ESC Guidelines for VA and the prevention of SCD.46 IIb C
plained syncopea with systolic impairment,
but without a current indication for ICD.
5.6.1 Definition
Additional advice and clinical perspectives
In general, a history of syncope in patients with structural heart
disease or inheritable arrhythmia syndromes is associated with a • The presence of syncope increases mortality regardless of its
cause.348 Thus, syncope is a risk factor for life-threatening
two- to four-fold increased risk of death,348,350–353 but varies
between specific conditions.354–356 Moreover, there have been
very few studies on ICDs in patients with syncope associated with • The decision to implant an ICD or to complete the
investigation (e.g. ILR implantation) in patients with unex-
left ventricular dysfunction,31,348 cardiomyopathy, or inheritable
plained syncope depends on a global clinical evaluation
arrhythmia syndromes.357 In these Guidelines, we complement
of the patient’s conditions, the potential benefit and harm
previous ESC Guidelines for VA and the prevention of SCD46 by
of such therapy, and the presence of other risk factors
providing a precise definition of unexplained syncope, and making
for SCD.
recommendations for its investigation and management in differ-
ent clinical settings.

• For this section, ‘unexplained syncope‘ is defined as syncope that ICD = implantable cardioverter defibrillator; ILR = implantable loop recorder;
does not meet any class I diagnostic criterion defined in the LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction; NYHA = New York Heart Association;
tables of recommendations in section 4. In the presence of clini- SCD = sudden cardiac death.
cal features described in this section, unexplained syncope is con- Unexplained syncope is defined as syncope that does not meet a class I diagnos-
tic criterion defined in the tables of recommendations in section 4. In the pres-
sidered a ‘suspected arrhythmic syncope’. ence of clinical features described in this section, unexplained syncope is
considered a risk factor for ventricular tachyarrhythmias.
When the mechanism of syncope is non-arrhythmic, the manage- b
Class of recommendation.
ment of patients at high risk of SCD is the same as for patients with- Level of evidence.
out syncope.

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44 ESC Guidelines

less severe systolic impairment who do not meet the current indica- .. 5.6.4 Arrhythmogenic right ventricular
tion for ICD.358 Data from observational studies in selected cohorts .. cardiomyopathy
show a high rate of occurrence of ventricular arrhythmias, ICD dis- .. Although limited and diverse, current data suggest that unexplained syn-
charge, and death in patients with a history of unexplained syncope .. cope is a marker of arrhythmic risk in patients with ARVC.46,351,362,363
but, owing to a lack of control groups, are unable to show the benefit
.. The decision to implant an ICD should take into account the other
of an ICD.27,28,359,360 This Task Force believes that an ICD should be .. known risk factors for arrhythmic events46: frequent non-sustained VT,
considered in patients with unexplained syncope with systolic impair-
.. family history of premature sudden death, extensive right ventricular
ment but without a current indication for ICD to reduce the risk of .. disease, marked QRS prolongation, late gadolinium enhancement on
sudden death.
.. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (including left ventricular involve-
.. ment), left ventricular dysfunction, and VT induction during EPS.46
5.6.3 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Unexplained syncope is an independent predictor for SCD and
appropriate ICD discharge. In a systematic review, the average haz- Implantable cardioverter defibrillator indications in
ard ratio of unexplained syncope (irrespective of definition) was 2.68 patients with unexplained syncopea and arrhythmogenic
right ventricular cardiomyopathy
(95% CI 0.97–4.38).361 In the largest multicentre study to date
(>3600 patients with HCM), syncope was an independent predictor
of the composite of SCD and ICD discharge (hazard ratio 2.05, 95% Recommendations Classb Levelc
CI 1.48–2.82).350 A prophylactic ICD is appropriate in individuals ICD implantation may be considered in
with other features indicative of a high risk of SCD that are used to patients with ARVC and a history of unex- IIb C
estimate the 5-year risk of SCD using the HCM Risk-SCD model245; plained syncope.a,46
they include: age, family history of SCD, maximum left ventricular
wall thickness, left atrial diameter, and non-sustained VT. Instead of an ICD, an ILR should be consid-
ered in patients with recurrent episodes of
unexplained syncope who are at low risk of
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator indications in IIa C
SCD, based on a multiparametric analysis
patients with unexplained syncopea and hypertrophic that takes into account the other known
risk factors for SCD.

Recommendations Classb Levelc ARVC = arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; ICD = implantable
cardioverter defibrillator; ILR = implantable loop recorder; SCD = sudden car-
It is recommended that decisions for ICD diac death.
implantation in patients with unexplained Unexplained (or uncertain) syncope is defined any syncope that does not meet
I B class I diagnostic criteria defined in the tables of recommendations in section 4. In
syncopea are made according to the ESC
the presence of clinical features described in this section, unexplained syncope is
HCM Risk-SCD score.d,245 considered a risk factor for ventricular tachyarrhythmias.
Class of recommendation.
Instead of an ICD, an ILR should be consid- c
Level of evidence.
ered in patients with recurrent episodes of
unexplained syncopea who are at low risk of IIa C
SCD, according to the HCM Risk-SCD
score.d,245 5.6.5 Patients with inheritable arrhythmogenic disorders Long QT syndrome
Additional advice and clinical perspectives Syncopal events in long QT syndrome (LQTS) are associated with an
The decision to implant an ICD or to complete the investigation increased risk of subsequent cardiac arrest. The annual rate of SCD in
(e.g. ILR implantation) in patients with unexplained syncope patients with untreated LQTS is around 0.9% overall and 5% for those
depends on a global clinical evaluation of the patient’s condition, with syncope.352,364 Beta-blocker therapy substantially reduces the risk
the potential benefit and harm of such therapy, and the presence of syncope and SCD, but presentation with cardiac arrest and recur-
of other risk factors for SCD. rent syncope during beta-blocker therapy is associated with the same
risk of fatal events as in untreated patients.46 For this reason, ICD treat-
ESC = European Society of Cardiology; HCM = hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; ment should be considered in patients with LQTS and recurrent unex-
ICD = implantable cardioverter defibrillator; ILR = implantable loop recorder;
SCD = sudden cardiac death.
plained syncope despite beta-blocker therapy, especially in cases of
Unexplained syncope is defined as syncope that does not meet the class I diag- good treatment compliance, in the absence of precipitating factors,
nostic criterion defined in the tables of recommendations in section 4. In the and in LQT2 and LQT3 syndromes. Left cardiac sympathetic denerva-
presence of clinical features described in this section, unexplained syncope is con-
sidered a risk factor for ventricular tachyarrhythmias.
tion should also be considered in this situation, particularly in LQT1.46
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence. Brugada syndrome
A web-based calculator of the HCM risk score can be found at: It can also be found in the ESC Pocket
A history of syncope may increase the risk of arrhythmic events up to
Guidelines App found in all app stores. two- to three-fold compared with that in asymptomatic patients. In
the largest registry (1029 patients), the incidence of arrhythmic events

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(sustained VT or VF, appropriate ICD therapy, or sudden death) in .. risk factors for arrhythmic events, including spontaneous type 1 Brugada
patients with Brugada syndrome was 7.7% per year in those with a .. ECG pattern, family history of sudden death, VF inducibility with one or
history of sudden cardiac arrest, 1.9% per year with syncope, and .. two ventricular premature beats during EPS, fractionated QRS, early
0.5% per year in asymptomatic patients.353 However, in a second .. repolarization in the peripheral leads, increased Tpeak– Tend interval, and
study, the rate of appropriate ICD shocks was similar in asymptomatic .. long PR interval.220,367–371 A drug-induced type 1 ECG pattern has a
patients and in those with syncope, a difference possibly explained by .. lower risk of sudden death than a spontaneous type 1 response.
patient selection and a high rate of non-arrhythmic syncope.355

Implantable cardioverter defibrillator indications in

Implantable cardioverter defibrillator indications in patients with unexplained syncopea and Brugada
patients with unexplained syncopea and long QT syndrome
Recommendations Classb Levelc
b c
Recommendations Class Level
ICD implantation should be considered in
ICD implantation in addition to beta-blockers patients with a spontaneous diagnostic
should be considered in LQTS patients who IIa C
IIa B type 1 ECG pattern and a history of
experience unexplained syncope while unexplained syncope.a,46,353,355,365,366
receiving an adequate dose of beta-blockers.46
Instead of an ICD, an ILR should be consid-
Left cardiac sympathetic denervation should ered in patients with recurrent episodes of
be considered in patients with symptomatic unexplained syncopea who are at low risk of
LQTS when: IIa C
SCD, based on a multiparametric analysis
(1) beta-blockers are not effective, not tol- that takes into account the other known
erated, or are contraindicated; IIa C risk factors for SCD.
(2) ICD therapy is contraindicated or
refused; or
ECG = electrocardiogram; ICD = implantable cardioverter defibrillator; ILR =
(3) when patients on beta-blockers with an implantable loop recorder; SCD = sudden cardiac death.
ICD experience multiple shocks.46 Unexplained (or uncertain) syncope is defined as any syncope that does not
meet the class I diagnostic criteria defined in section 4. In the presence of clinical
Instead of an ICD, an ILR should be consid- features described in this section, unexplained syncope is considered a risk factor
for ventricular tachyarrhythmias.
ered in patients with recurrent episodes of b
Class of recommendation.
unexplained syncopea who are at low risk of c
Level of evidence.
SCD based on a multiparametric analysis
that takes into account the other known
risk factors for SCD. Other forms
Additional advice
Due to a lack of studies examining unexplained syncope in other forms
Beta-blockers are recommended in all patients with a clinical diagno-
of inheritable arrhythmic diseases such as catecholaminergic polymor-
sis of LQTS, with the possible exception of those with LQTS3 form.
phic VT, early repolarization syndrome, and short QT syndrome, this
Task Force is unable to give specific recommendations for the investi-
ICD = implantable cardioverter defibrillator; ILR = implantable loop recorder; gation and treatment of unexplained syncope. For further information
LQTS = long QT syndrome; SCD = sudden cardiac death.
Unexplained (or uncertain) syncope is defined as any syncope that does not refer to the 2015 ESC Guidelines for VA and the prevention of SCD.46
meet class I diagnostic criteria defined in the tables of recommendations in sec-
tion 4. In the presence of clinical features described in this section, unexplained
syncope is considered a risk factor for ventricular tachyarrhythmias.
Class of recommendation. 6. Special issues
Level of evidence.
6.1 Syncope in patients with comorbidity
and frailty
On balance, this Task Force believes that it is reasonable to con- The approach to the assessment and management of an older patient
sider an ICD in the case of unexplained syncope. New studies356,365 with syncope is similar to that of other age groups; however, there
published after the 2015 ESC Guidelines for VA and the prevention of are a number of additional features pertinent to age-related comor-
SCD46 showed that non-arrhythmic syncope is frequent in Brugada bidity and frailty that warrant special attention.372–374
syndrome and appears to be more benign; thus, ICD should be
avoided in patients with non-arrhythmic syncope that is established 6.1.1 Comorbidity and polypharmacy
according to the definition reported in this section. ILR is increasingly Comorbidity influences the diagnosis of syncope and management
used in doubtful cases to exclude a VA as the cause of syncope.365,366 decisions.33,375 Older patients frequently have abnormal findings on
The final decision to implant an ICD in patients with Brugada syn- more than one investigation and may have more than one possible
drome and unexplained syncope should also take into account other cause of syncope.372,374,376 Conversely, coincidental findings of

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46 ESC Guidelines

cardiovascular diagnoses such as aortic stenosis or atrial fibrillation377 .. 6.1.3 Cognitive assessment and physical performance tests
may not necessarily be the attributable cause of events.378–380 .. Age-related memory impairment or more established forms of cog-
The prescription of polypharmacy, cardiovascular medications, and .. nitive impairment are frequently associated with poor recall and
psychotropic (neuroleptics and antidepressants) and dopaminergic .. therefore the lack of an accurate history of events. In such circum-
drugs also increases the risk of syncope and falls.381–385 Conversely, .. stances, details of prodromal symptoms, whether or not LOC
the discontinuation or reduction of hypotensive therapy reduces such .. occurred, and symptoms after the event may be unre-
risk.260 Negative dromotropic and chronotropic medications should .. liable.373,389,391–394 Cognitive assessment to inform the accuracy of
be carefully evaluated in older patients presenting with syncope or falls. .. historical data, and general physical assessment to identify comorbid
Focal neurological events can occasionally occur due to hypoten- .. disorders that influence diagnosis and response to treatments (such
sion and syncope, even in patients without significant carotid artery .. as Parkinson’s disease, gait and balance abnormalities, previous
stenosis (so called ‘hypotensive TIA’). Although these neurological .. stroke, and polyneuropathies, etc.), are recommended.
events occur in only 6% of patients with recurrent syncope, their mis- ..
diagnosis is particularly important because they may lead to a lowering .. Despite the lack of large controlled trials and an overall modest
of BP with antihypertensive medications (e.g. if focal neurology is mis- .. quality of studies, there is strong consensus that the assessment
takenly attributed to vascular pathology rather than hypotension), and .. of older patients with syncope or unexplained falls may require
to a further increase of the risk of syncope and neurologic events.386
.. cognitive assessment and physical performance tests in addition
.. to syncope evaluation. Further research is likely to have an
Despite the lack of large controlled trials and an overall mod-
.. important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect.
est quality of studies, there is strong consensus that reduction
or discontinuation of hypotensive drugs and psychotropic drugs
Syncope in patients with comorbidity and frailty
clearly outweighs the undesirable effects (e.g. complications)
of high BP. Further research is likely to have an important
Recommendations Classa Levelb
impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect.
Multifactorial evaluation and intervention is
recommended in older patients because more
6.1.2 Falls than one possible cause for syncope and unex-

Syncopal events may be unwitnessed in over half of older patients plained fall may be present.33,372–374,376–380

meaning that collateral histories may not available, which makes discrim- Cognitive assessment and physical perform-
ination between falls and syncope challenging.387 If unwitnessed falls are ance tests are indicated in older patients with I C
not due to mechanical slips or trips (i.e. are unexplained or non- syncope or unexplained fall.373,389,391–394
accidental), it is likely that the patient experienced a syncopal event and
displayed lack of awareness for LOC (Figure 16).388,389 Management of Modification or discontinuation of possible culprit
falls in such circumstances is the same as that for syncope.191,194,390 medications, particularly hypotensive drugs and
psychotropic drugs, should be considered in older
Despite the lack of controlled trials and an overall modest patients with syncope or unexplained fall.260,381–385
quality of studies, there is strong consensus that the manage- In patients with unexplained fall, the same
ment of unexplained falls should be the same as that for unex- assessment as for unexplained syncope should IIa C
plained syncope. be considered.191,194,387–390

Additional advice and clinical perspectives

• In some frail elderly patients, the rigour of assessment will depend
on compliance with tests and on prognosis. Otherwise, the evalu-
ation of mobile, non-frail, cognitively normal older adults must be
performed as for younger individuals.393,395
• Orthostatic BP measurements, CSM, and tilt testing are well tol-
erated, even in the frail elderly with cognitive impairment.96,396,397
• Not infrequently, patients who present with unexplained falls—
although orthostatic BP measurements, CSM, and tilt testing repro-
duce syncope—may deny TLOC, thus demonstrating amnesia for
• Failure of orthostatic BP to stabilize is present in up to 40% of
community-dwelling people >80 years of age when BP is meas-
ured using phasic BP technology.398 Such failure of systolic BP to
stabilize is a risk factor for subsequent falls and syncope.
• In the absence of a witness account, the differential diagnosis
between falls, epilepsy, TIA, and syncope may be difficult.

Figure 16 Flow diagram for the identification of unexplained

falls. BP = blood pressure; CSM = carotid sinus massage; TIA = transient ischaemic
attack; TLOC = transient loss of consciousness.
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.

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6.2 Syncope in paediatric patients .. • Children with a history suggesting VVS, a normal ECG, and no
6.2.1 Diagnostic evaluation
.. family history of arrhythmia should not undergo further cardiac
.. investigations.
Diagnostic evaluation in paediatric patients is similar to that in adults. ..
... • The cornerstone of therapy for young patients with reflex syn-
Two specific conditions399 occur in early childhood: cope includes education and reassurance.
• Infantile reflex syncopal attacks (also called pallid breath-holding ..
spells or reflex anoxic seizures), elicited by a brief unpleasant ..
stimulus, caused by vagally mediated cardiac inhibition. .. 7. Psychogenic transient loss of
• Cyanotic breath-holding spells, characterized by stopping .. consciousness and its evaluation
breathing during crying, leading to cyanosis and usually ..
TLOC. ..
.. In psychogenic TLOC there is no gross somatic brain dysfunction,
Careful taking of personal and family history and a standard .. but the attacks fulfil the criteria for TLOC (see section 3.1). There
ECG are the most important methods of distinguishing benign .. are two types: PPS and PNES. In PPS movements are absent, so
reflex syncope (also including reflex anoxic seizure or breath- .. PPS resembles syncope or longer-lasting LOC, whereas in PNES
holding spells) from other causes. If the family history is positive, .. impressive limb movements mean the attacks resemble epileptic
genetic causes of electrical disease of the heart should be consid- .. seizures. PPS and PNES differ pathophysiologically from the
ered first. Some children with reflex syncope also have a positive .. TLOC forms that they resemble: in PPS, BP and HR are normal or
family history.400 Tilt testing seems to have high false-negative and .. high rather than low, and the EEG is normal instead of showing
false-positive rates and should be used with caution for the pri- .. the slowing or flattening typical of syncope; in contrast to epileptic
mary identification of reflex syncope. Since tilt protocols com- .. seizures, the EEG in PNES shows no epileptiform brain activity
monly used in adults may lack specificity in teenagers, in one study, .. during an attack.9,116
a shorter tilt test duration of 10 min at 60 or 70 degrees was used .. The frequency of PPS and PNES probably depends on the
and showed a specificity of >85%.401
.. setting. The rate of PPS varies from 1% of patients referred to
In young patients, syncope can rarely be the initial manifestation of .. general syncope clinics94 to 8% of patients referred to specialist
unusual but life-threatening conditions such as LQTS, Kearns–Sayre
.. neurological clinics,116 but PPS is probably insufficiently
syndrome (external ophthalmoplegia and progressive heart block), .. recognized.154
Brugada syndrome, catecholaminergic polymorphic VT,
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, ARVC, HCM, pulmonary arterial .. 7.1 Diagnosis
hypertension, myocarditis, arrhythmia after repaired congenital heart
.. 7.1.1 Historical criteria for attacks
disease, and anomalous origin of a coronary artery. .. The presence of a psychological trauma is not a prerequisite for a
Some aspects of the history can suggest a cardiac origin, and .. diagnosis of conversion. The diagnosis of PPS rests on positive clues
should prompt cardiac evaluation. ..
.. taken from the patient’s history and from documenting normal EEG
.. results, HR, or BP during an attack. History taking in PPS usually
• Family history: premature SCD at age <40 years and/or familial ..
heart disease. .. reveals a combination of the following features116,154,403:
• Known or suspected heart disease. ..
.. (1) In most cases, the duration of PPS is as short as in syncope, but a
• Event triggers: loud noise, fright, and/or extreme emotional ..
stress. .. much longer duration is a useful diagnostic finding: patients may lie
• Syncope during exercise, including swimming.
.. immobile on the floor for 15–30 min.
• Syncope without prodromes, while supine or sleeping, or pre- .. (2) The eyes are usually open in epileptic seizures and syncope but are
ceded by chest pain or palpitations. .. usually closed in psychogenic TLOC.
.. (3) The attack frequency is high, with several attacks occurring over a
6.2.2. Therapy .. week or in a day.
The therapeutic approach is the same as in adults. However, it should .. (4) There is usually no recognisable trigger, and no sweating, pallor, or
be stressed that the effectiveness of pharmacological agents and tilt
.. nausea beforehand.
training for recurrent reflex syncope is undetermined in the absence .. (5) Injury does not exclude PNES or PPS.
of well-designed paediatric trials. Furthermore, even in the presence
.. These features should occur together in most attacks. The pres-
of VVS with prolonged asystole, pacemakers should be avoided due ..
to the relatively transient and benign nature of the syndrome.402
.. ence of another pattern of features suggesting a true syncope type,
.. usually VVS, does not argue against a diagnosis of PPS.
In summary, the key points for the evaluation of syncope in paedi- ..
atrics are as follows:
.. 7.1.2 Documentation of key features during an attack
• Syncope in childhood is common, the majority being of reflex .. The following features are relevant during an attack:
origin, with only a minority having a potentially life-threatening ..
cause. .. • Video recording or clinical observation, including provocation of
• Discriminating benign from serious causes is made primarily by .. an attack during tilt testing. Primary features: sleep-like body posi-
history, physical examination, and ECG results.
.. tion with closed eyes and lack of response to speech or touch, if

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48 ESC Guidelines

tested. Secondary features: subtle signs incompatible with LOC .. 8. Neurological causes and mimics
such as eyelid flicker, eyeball movements, swallowing, intact ..
muscle tone, normal movements absent in true unconsciousness, .. of syncope
and resistance to eye opening. ..
• BP: normal or elevated during TLOC. .. This section discusses neurological disorders causing syncope or
.. resembling it, and tests to be performed in patients with syncope.
• EEG: normal waking eye-closed EEG pattern, i.e. usually with ..
alpha activity, during TLOC. ..
.. 8.1 Clinical conditions
The gold standard for PPS is documenting an attack with a home ..
.. 8.1.1 Autonomic failure
video recorder or with a tilt testing during which BP, HR, and EEG .. Neurological evaluation should be considered in OH due to auto-
are normal.116,204,404 The gold standard for PNES is documenting an
.. nomic failure. Warning signs are early impotence, disturbed micturi-
attack with video-EEG monitoring.204,404 ..
.. tion, hyposmia, rapid eye movement, sleep behaviour
.. disorders,408,409 Parkinsonism, ataxia, cognitive impairment, and sen- Management of psychogenic pseudosyncope ..
Announcing a psychological diagnosis to patients may be considered
.. sory deficits. A multidisciplinary approach may be required in secon-
.. dary autonomic failure and in drug-induced OH, depending on the
difficult, but is necessary for reasons of honesty and as the first step of ..
treatment.404 It should be done by the somatic specialist who diagnoses
.. underlying disease.
PPS.116,404 Important aspects are to assure patients that they are taken ..
.. 8.1.2 Epilepsy and ictal asystole
seriously and that attacks are as involuntary as syncope or an epileptic ..
seizure. Acceptance of the diagnosis by patients may be critical for ther- .. Table 10 provides a number of clues that aid the differentiation of
.. syncope from epileptic seizures.9,50,410,411 Epilepsy and syncope
apy. In one observational study,405 communicating and explaining the ..
diagnosis resulted in an immediate reduction of attack frequency, with .. may evoke one another on rare occasions, resulting in epileptic
.. seizures triggering syncope as well as syncope triggering an epilep-
39% of patients being asymptomatic during a mean follow-up period of ..
4 years. Some advice on how to inform the patient is provided in Web .. tic seizure. The first form concerns ictal asystole. Whereas approx-
.. imately 90% of all epileptic seizures are accompanied by
Practical Instructions section 10: European Society of Cardiology information ..
sheet for patients affected by psychogenic pseudosyncope. .. tachycardia, ictal bradycardia and asystole occur in 0.3–0.5% of
.. seizures.412,413 Bradycardia precedes asystole and AV block may
Cognitive behavioural therapy is the usual treatment of PNES and ..
PPS, if attacks remain present after explanation. One pilot random- .. occur, resembling the ECG pattern of reflex syncope.412,414
.. Epileptic asystole occurs during partial complex seizures, not dur-
ized treatment trial, conducted in PNES,406 showed that psychologi- ..
cal therapy provided more attack reduction than no treatment or .. ing generalized seizures. Epileptic asystole occurs in only a fraction
.. of the seizures of one person, and then occurs after a variable
treatment with sertraline. There are currently no trials on PPS. ..
.. interval of 5–100 s from seizure onset.415,416 If asystole lasts for
.. more than about 8 s, syncope ensues.416 A typical history is for a
.. partial complex seizure to progress as usual for that patient, and
Diagnosis and management of psychogenic .. then the patient suddenly falls flaccidly, with or without brief myo-
pseudosyncope ..
.. clonic jerking.416,417 Ictal bradycardia, asystole, and ictal AV block
.. are likely self-terminating,412 and are due to vagal activation
Recommendations Classa Levelb
.. brought about by the seizure. Cessation of cortical activity due to
Diagnosis .. syncopal cerebral hypoperfusion will end the seizure. Therapy
.. requires anti-epileptic drugs and possibly a pacemaker.418
The recording of spontaneous attacks with ..
.. Ictal asystole is probably not involved in sudden death in epilepsy,
a video by an eyewitness should be consid- IIa C .. as this typically occurs in patients after unwitnessed nocturnal
ered for diagnosis of PPS.116,154 ..
.. generalized tonic-clonic seizures, i.e. another type of epi-
Tilt testing, preferably with concurrent EEG
.. lepsy.414,419 Note that most cases of sudden cardiac arrest in
recording and video monitoring, may be IIb C .. patients with epilepsy are due to cardiovascular disease and not to
considered for diagnosis of PPS.116,403,407
.. ictal asystole.420
.. The second form concerns a syncopal epileptic seizure.
Management .. Hypoxia can trigger epileptic seizures.208,421 Such syncopal epilep-
Doctors who diagnose PPS should present .. tic seizures have been described in infants with reflex syncope
IIa C .. or cyanotic breath-holding spells. A typical syncopal spell
the diagnosis of PPS to the patient.116,404 ..
.. suddenly transforms into prolonged clonic movements that
Cognitive behavioural therapy may be con- .. last for minutes; note that shorter epileptic seizures may remain
sidered in the treatment of PPS if attacks IIb C .. unnoticed.
persist after explanation. ..
.. 8.1.3 Cerebrovascular disorders
EEG = electroencephalogram; PPS = psychogenic pseudosyncope.
Class of recommendation.
.. In general, a TIA concerns a focal neurological deficit without LOC,
.. and syncope the opposite. Subclavian steal refers to the rerouting of
Level of evidence. ..
. blood flow to the arm through the vertebral artery due to proximal

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Table 10 Differentiating syncope from epileptic seizures9,50,410,411

Clinical feature Syncope Epileptic seizures

Useful features

Presence of trigger Very often Rare

Nature of trigger Differs between types: pain, standing, emo- Flashing lights is best known; also range of rare
tions for VVS; specific trigger for situational triggers
syncope; standing for OH

Prodromes Often presyncope (autonomic activation in Epileptic aura: repetitive, specific for each patient.
reflex syncope, light-headedness in OH, palpi- Includes déja vu. Rising sensation in the abdomen
tations in cardiac syncope) (epigastric aura) and/or an unusual unpleasant

Detailed characteristics of • <10, irregular in amplitude, asynchronous, • 20–100, synchronous, symmetrical, hemilateral
myoclonus asymmetrical • The onset mostly coincides with LOC
• Starts after the onset of LOC • Clear long-lasting automatisms as chewing or lip
smacking at the mouth

Tongue bite Rare, tip of tongue Side of tongue (rarely bilateral)

Duration of restoration of 10–30 seconds May be many minutes


Confusion after attack No understanding of situation for <10 seconds Memory deficit, i.e. repeated questions without
in most syncope, full alertness and awareness imprinting for many minutes

Features of limited utility

Incontinence Not uncommon Common

Presence of myoclonus (see below Very often 60%, dependent on accuracy of observation
for nature of myoclonus)

Eyes open during LOC Frequent Nearly always

Fatigue and sleep afterwards Common, particularly in children Very common

Blue face Rare Fairly often

LOC = loss of consciousness; OH = orthostatic hypotension; VVS = vasovagal syncope.

stenosis or occlusion of the subclavian artery. A TIA may occur when .. A TIA of the vertebrobasilar system can cause LOC, but there are
flow through the vertebral artery cannot supply both the arm and .. always focal signs, usually limb weakness, gait and limb ataxia, vertigo,
part of the brain during forceful use of the arm. Steal most often .. diplopia, nystagmus, dysarthria, and oropharyngeal dysfunction.
affects the left side. When detected with ultrasound, steal is asympto- .. Fewer than 1% of patients with vertebrobasilar ischaemia present
matic in 64% of cases.422 A TIA is likely due to steal only when it is .. with a single presenting symptom.425
vertebrobasilar (see below) and associated with exercise of one arm. ..
There are no reliable reports of isolated LOC without focal neuro- ..
logical symptoms and signs in subclavian steal. .. 8.1.4 Migraine
A TIA related to a carotid artery does not usually cause TLOC. An .. Syncope, presumable VVS, and orthostatic intolerance occur more
exception concerns orthostatic TIAs, concerning a combination of
.. often in patients with migraine, who have a higher lifetime prevalence
multiple stenoses of cerebral arteries and OH. This may rarely result .. of syncope and often frequent syncope.426 In migraineurs, syncope
in repetitive, orthostatic, short-lasting, and stereotyped TIAs.423,424
.. and migraine attacks rarely occur simultaneously.

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50 ESC Guidelines

8.1.5 Cataplexy
.. 8.2.3 Neurovascular studies
Cataplexy concerns paresis or paralysis triggered by emotions, usu- .. No studies suggest that carotid Doppler ultrasonography is valuable
ally laughter, but also by a range of other triggers.427 Patients are con- .. in patients with typical syncope.
scious even when considered unconscious by eyewitnesses, and ..
there is no amnesia. Cataplexy is a key feature of narcolepsy; other ..
cardinal symptoms are excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep-onset .. 8.2.4 Blood tests
.. An acute or subacute onset of multidomain autonomic failure sug-
paralysis, and hypnagogic hallucinations. Cataplexy may be mistaken ..
for syncope, but also for PPS: a partial awareness of events may be .. gests a paraneoplastic or autoimmune cause. Screening for specific
.. paraneoplastic antibodies is recommended: the most common para-
present in PPS, and the falls of cataplexy are partly controlled because ..
paralysis need not be immediately complete. .. neoplastic antibodies are anti-Hu, while others are anti-Purkinje cell
.. cytoplasmic autoantibody type 2 and anti-collapsin response media-
.. tor protein 5.431 Seropositivity for any of the above-mentioned anti-
8.1.6 Drop attacks ..
.. bodies may therefore prompt further investigation for occult
The term drop attacks is confusing as it is variably used for
.. malignancy (e.g. whole-body fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission
Menière’s disease, atonic epileptic seizures, and unexplained .. tomography).432
falls.387 A specific condition also labelled drop attacks concerns ..
.. Seropositivity for antiganglionic acetylcholine receptor
middle-aged women (rarely men) who suddenly find themselves .. antibodies is the serological hallmark of autoimmune autonomic
falling.428 They usually remember hitting the floor and can stand ..
. ganglionopathy.433,434
up immediately afterwards.

Neurological evaluation
Neurological tests

Recommendations Classa Levelb

Recommendations Classa Levelb
Neurological evaluation is indicated
Brain MRI is recommended if neurological
when syncope is due to autonomic fail- I C
examination indicates Parkinsonism, ataxia, I C
ure to evaluate the underlying disease.
or cognitive impairment.
Neurological evaluation is indicated in
Screening for paraneoplastic antibodies and
patients in whom TLOC is suspected to I C antiganglionic acetylcholine receptor anti-
be epilepsy.
bodies is recommended in cases of acute or I B
subacute onset of multidomain autonomic
TLOC = transient loss of consciousness. failure.432,433
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
EEG, ultrasound of neck arteries, and com-
puted tomography or magnetic resonance
imaging of the brain are not indicated in
8.2 Neurological tests patients with syncope.178,435–440
A schematic comprehensive figure of neurological tests used for
Additional advice and clinical perspectives
autonomic failure is shown in Figure 17.
Seropositivity for any paraneoplastic antibody or for antigan-
glionic acetylcholine receptor antibodies should prompt further
8.2.1 Electroencephalography investigations for occult malignancy.
The results of interictal EEGs are normal in syncope.410,430 An interic-
tal normal EEG cannot rule out epilepsy and the EEG in epilepsy EEG = electroencephalogram; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging.
Class of recommendation.
must always be interpreted in a clinical context. An EEG is not rec- b
Level of evidence.
ommended when syncope is the most likely cause of TLOC, but it is
when epilepsy is the likely cause or when clinical data are equivocal.
The EEG is also useful to establish PPS, if recorded during a provoked
9. Organizational aspects
8.2.2 Brain computed tomography and magnetic 9.1 Syncope (transient loss of
resonance imaging consciousness) management unit
Computed tomography and MRI in uncomplicated syncope should Since the publication of the 2009 ECS Guidelines, the EHRA Task
be avoided. If neurological examination points out Parkinsonism, Force has published a further position statement on the rationale and
ataxia, or cognitive impairment, MRI is recommended. In cases of requirement for syncope units.63 The position paper offers a prag-
contraindication for MRI, computed tomography is recommended to matic approach to the rationale and requirement for a syncope unit.
exclude brain lesions. It is addressed to physicians and others in administration who are

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Figure 17 Diagnostic work-up of cardiovascular autonomic failure (adapted from Fanciulli et al.429). CNS = central nervous system; CRMP-5 =
collapsin response mediator protein 5; DAT = dopamine active transporter; HbA1c = haemoglobin A1c; HIV = human immunodeficiency virus; 123I-
MIBG = 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; PCA-2 = Purkinje cell cytoplasmic autoantibody type 2; SPECT = single-
photon emission computed tomography; SS-A = Sjogren’s syndrome-associated antigen A; SS-B = Sjogren’s syndrome-associated antigen B.

Table 11 Key components of a syncope unit

• The syncope unit should take the lead in service delivery for syncope, and in education and training of healthcare professionals who encounter syncope.

• The syncope unit should be led by a clinician with specific knowledge of TLOC and additional necessary team members (i.e. clinical nurse special-
ist) depending on the local model of service delivery.

• The syncope unit should provide minimum core treatments for reflex syncope and OH, and treatments or preferential access for cardiac syn-
cope, falls, psychogenic pseudosyncope, and epilepsy.

• Referrals should be directly from family practitioners, EDs, in-hospital and out-hospital services, or self-referral depending on the risk stratifica-
tion of referrals. Fast-track access, with a separate waiting list and scheduled follow-up visits, should be recommended.

• Syncope units should employ quality indicators, process indicators, and desirable outcome targets.

ED = emergency department; OH = orthostatic hypotension; TLOC = transient loss of consciousness.

interested in establishing a syncope unit in their hospital so that they

.. 9.1.1 Definition of a syncope unit
can meet the standards proposed by the ESC, the EHRA, and the .. A syncope unit is a facility featuring a standardized approach to the
Heart Rhythm Society. The following is the context and evidence for
.. diagnosis and management of TLOC and related symptoms, with
recommendations regarding syncope units (Table 11). .. dedicated staff and access to appropriate diagnostics and therapies.

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.. scientific or economic scrutiny, the consensus is that a dedicated

9.1.2 Definition of syncope specialist ..
The syncope specialist is defined as one who has responsibility for .. service (a syncope unit) affords better management of TLOC, from
the comprehensive management of the patient from risk stratification .. risk stratification to diagnosis, therapy, and follow-up, and better edu-
to diagnosis, therapy, and follow-up, through a standardized protocol. .. cation and training of stakeholders. Further research is likely to have
A syncope specialist is a physician who has sufficient knowledge of .. an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect.
historical clues and physical findings to recognize all major forms of ..
TLOC, including mimics, as well as syndromes of orthostatic ..
intolerance. .. 9.1.4 Model of a syncope unit
.. The syncope unit should provide minimum core treatments for
.. reflex syncope and OH, and treatments or preferential access for
9.1.3 Goal of a syncope unit .. cardiac syncope, falls, psychogenic syncope, and epilepsy (Table 12).
Although the benefit of a syncope unit or a syncope specialist in the
.. The tests and assessments available in the syncope unit are detailed
different healthcare systems has not been exposed to rigorous . in Table 13.

Table 12 Structure of the syncope unit

Staffing of a syncope unit is composed of:

(1) One or more physicians of any specialty who are syncope specialists. Owing to the multidisciplinary nature of TLOC management, each syn-
cope unit should identify specific specialists for the syncope unit and for consultancies.
(2) A staff comprising professionals who will advance the care of patients with syncope. These may be physicians, specialized nurses, or others who
bring multidisciplinary skills to the facility, coupled with administrative support. The roles played by members of the team may vary according to
local circumstances and individual skill. Nurses may be expected to take very important roles including initial assessment, follow-up clinic evalua-
tion, selection of investigations (including tilt testing), and implantation/insertion of ECG loop recorders according to predefined protocols and
local regulations (see Table 14).
(3) Given that the syncope unit is integrated within a hospital organization, syncope specialists and staff are not necessarily employed full-time, but
frequently have other duties depending on the volume of activity in the unit.

Facility, protocol, and equipment

(1) A syncope unit will deliver most of its care to outpatients in addition to ED and inpatients.
(2) The syncope unit should follow an internal protocol, which applies to diagnosis and management and is agreed by stakeholders.
(3) An equipped facility must be available.
(4) Essential equipment/tests:
- 12-lead ECG and 3-lead ECG monitoring
- Non-invasive beat-to-beat BP monitor with recording facilities for subsequent analysis
- Tilt-table
- Holter monitors/external loop recorders
- ILRs
- Follow-up of ILRsa
- 24-hour BP monitoring
- Basic autonomic function tests.
(5) Established procedures for:
- Echocardiography
- Stress test
- Neuroimaging tests.
(6) Specialists’ consultancies (cardiology, neurology, internal medicine, geriatric, psychology), when needed.

Patients with syncope will receive their therapy under the care of the syncope unit unless expertise outside that of the unit is required.
Database management
The syncope unit is required to keep medical records that should also include follow-up when appropriate. The database will also offer the possibil-
ity of collaborative research with other syncope units.
BP = blood pressure; ECG = electrocardiogram; ED = emergency department; EPS = electrophysiological study; ILR = implantable loop recorder;
TLOC = transient loss of consciousness.

Implantation of loop recorders may be performed either by syncope unit physicians or by external cardiologists at the request of the syncope unit physicians.

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Table 13 Test and assessments available in a syncope unit

Initial assessment

History and physical evaluation including 3-min orthostatic BP measurementa

12-lead standard ECG
Subsequent tests and assessments (only when indicated)

Blood tests Electrolytes, haemoglobin, troponin, B-type natriuretic peptide, glucose, D-dimer, haemogas anal-
ysis/oxygen saturation

Provocative tests CSM, tilt testing

Monitoring External loop recording, implantable loop recording, ambulatory 1–7 days ECG monitoring,
24–48-hour BP monitoring

Autonomic function tests Standing test, Valsalva manoeuvre, deep-breathing test, cold pressor test, and/or established pro-
cedures for access to other autonomic function tests

Cardiac evaluation Established procedures for access to echocardiogram, stress test, electrophysiological study, cor-
onary angiography

Neurological evaluation Established procedures for access to neurological tests (computed tomography, magnetic reso-
nance imaging, EEG, video-EEG)

Geriatric evaluation Established procedures for access to fall risk assessment (cognitive, gait and balance, visual, envi-
ronmental) and for gait and balance retraining

Psychological or psychiatric evaluation Established procedures for access to psychological or psychiatric consultancy (mental health
problem or psychogenic syncope)

BP = blood pressure; CSM = carotid sinus massage; ECG = electrocardiogram; EEG = electroencephalogram.
Postural orthostatic tachycardia may require longer period of standing.

9.1.5 Access and referrals to a syncope unit .. 9.2 The clinical nurse specialist in the
Referral can be direct from family practitioners, EDs, in-hospital and ..
.. syncope unit
out-hospital services, or self-referral from the patient. Fast-track .. 9.2.1 Definition
access with a separate waiting list and scheduled follow-up visits is ..
.. The syncope unit clinical nurse specialist is defined as an experienced
recommended. In particular, patients at low/intermediate risk admit- .. practitioner who has sufficient knowledge of history features and
ted to the ED should benefit from such fast-track facilities (so-called ..
.. physical findings to recognize all major forms of TLOC, as well as syn-
protected discharge or advanced access with an appointment for .. dromes of orthostatic intolerance. The clinical nurse specialist should
early assessment) to reduce hospitalization rates, directly from the ..
.. work in close collaboration with the syncope specialist. The core
ED or after a short stay in the short observation unit of the ED (see .. competencies of the clinical nurse specialist include a specialized clini-
section 4.1.2). ..
.. cal focus, patient advocacy, education and training, auditing, research,
.. and inter- and intradisciplinary consultations.
9.1.6 Outcomes and quality indicators ..
.. 9.2.2 Role and skills of the clinical nurse specialist
The EHRA Task Force63 has developed the following preliminary ..
quality indicators, based on consensus, as a rough guide for .. The clinical nurse specialist should be skilled in the performance and
.. interpretation of structured history taking, 12-lead ECG and routine
practitioners: ..
.. blood test results, tilt testing, active stand tests, autonomic function
(1) Absolute rate of undiagnosed TLOC should be reduced by 20%; .. tests, ECG monitoring (Holter and/or external loop recorder),
(2) Less than 20% of low-/intermediate-risk TLOC patients should be .. ABPM, ILR monitoring, and subsequent triaging of patients and moni-
admitted from the ED; .. toring responses to therapy. Other skills will depend on the service
(3) The syncope unit should have a 20% reduction in costs relative .. model, e.g. pacemaker interrogation. The clinical nurse specialist may
to usual practice and improved outcomes (i.e. <5% readmissions
.. have responsibility for follow-up clinics for cardiovascular risk factor
for syncope and <20% of paced patients with recurrence at .. management, autonomic function testing and monitoring, manage-
1 year).
.. ment (including education in PCM) of VVS and OH, and follow-up

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Table 14 The role of physicians and staff in performing procedures and tests

Procedure or test Syncope unit Syncope Non-syncope

physician unit staff unit personnel

History taking X

Structured history taking (e.g. application of software technologies and algorithms) X

12-lead ECG X

Blood tests X

Echocardiogram and imaging X


Active standing test X

Tilt testing (X)a X

Basic autonomic function test X

ECG monitoring (Holter, external loop recorder): administration and interpretation X X

ILR X (X)b

Remote monitoring X

Other cardiac tests (stress test, EPS, angiograms) X

Neurological tests (computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, EEG, video-EEG) X

Pacemaker and ICD implantation, catheter ablation X

Patient education, biofeedback training,c and instruction sheet on PCM X X

Final report and clinic note X

Communication with patients, referring physicians, and stakeholders. X X

Follow-up X X

BP = blood pressure; CSM = carotid sinus massage; ECG = electrocardiogram; EEG = electroencephalogram; EPS = electrophysiological study; ICD = implantable cardioverter
defibrillator; ILR = implantable loop recorder; PCM = physical counter-pressure manoeuvres.
Physician need not be in the room, but a physician adequately trained in resuscitation needs to be in the vicinity of the test.
Current practice limited to a few countries.
Biofeedback means that the PCM training session consists of biofeedback training using a continuous BP monitor. Each manoeuvre is demonstrated and explained. The manoeu-
vres are practised under supervision, with immediate feedback of the recordings to gain optimal performance.

of external and internal loop and Holter monitors and ABPM63 .. 10. Key messages
(Table 14). ..
.. The ESC Task Force has selected 19 simple rules to guide the diagno-
The clinical nurse specialist should be key in developing and deliv- ..
ering communication strategies and processes for the syncope unit .. sis and management of syncope patients with TLOC according to the
for all stakeholders—patients and practitioners—and play a pivotal .. 2018 ESC Guidelines on syncope:
role in education and training together with the syncope specialist. ..
.. Diagnosis: initial evaluation
The clinical nurse specialist should be involved in regular auditing and ..
collection of data to inform quality indicators. See the video in Web .. (1) At the initial evaluation answer the following four key questions:
..  Was the event TLOC?
Practical Instructions section 11. ..
..  In cases of TLOC, are they of syncopal or non-syncopal origin?
..  In cases of suspected syncope, is there a clear aetiological diagnosis?
Although the skill mix of a clinical nurse specialist has not been ..
exposed to rigorous scientific or economic scrutiny, the consen- ..  Is there evidence to suggest a high risk of cardiovascular events or
.. death?
sus is that the clinical nurse specialist should have the neces- ..
sary skills to deliver assessment and treatment for syncope and
.. (2) At the evaluation of TLOC in the ED, answer the following three
.. key questions:
TLOC. Further research is required to establish the benefits. ..
..  Is there a serious underlying cause that can be identified?

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ESC Guidelines 55

 If the cause is uncertain, what is the risk of a serious outcome?

.. 16. In patients with OH, select one or more of the following additional
 Should the patient be admitted to hospital? .. specific treatments according to clinical severity:
(3) In all patients, perform a complete history taking, physical examina- ..  Education regarding lifestyle manoeuvres.
tion (including standing BP measurement), and standard ECG. ..  Adequate hydration and salt intake.
(4) Perform immediate ECG monitoring (in bed or telemetry) in high- ..  Discontinuation/reduction of hypotensive therapy.
risk patients when there is a suspicion of arrhythmic syncope. ..  Counter-pressure manoeuvres.
(5) Perform an echocardiogram when there is previous known heart ..  Abdominal binders and/or support stockings.
disease, or data suggestive of structural heart disease or syncope ..  Head-up tilt sleeping.
secondary to cardiovascular cause. ..  Midodrine or fludrocortisone.
(6) Perform CSM in patients >40 years of age with syncope of unknown .. 17. Ensure that all patients with cardiac syncope receive the specific ther-
origin compatible with a reflex mechanism. .. apy of the culprit arrhythmia and/or of the underlying disease.
(7) Perform tilt testing in cases where there is suspicion of syncope due .. 18. Balance the benefits and harm of ICD implantation in patients with
to reflex or an orthostatic cause. .. unexplained syncope at high risk of SCD (e.g. those affected by left
(8) Perform blood tests when clinically indicated, e.g. haematocrit and .. ventricle systolic dysfunction, HCM, ARVC, or inheritable arrhyth-
cell blood count when haemorrhage is suspected, oxygen saturation .. mogenic disorders). In this situation, unexplained syncope is defined as
and blood gas analysis when hypoxic syndromes are suspected, tro-
.. syncope that does not meet any class I diagnostic criterion defined in
ponin when cardiac ischaemia-related syncope is suspected, and D- .. the tables of recommendations of the 2018 ESC Guidelines on syn-
dimer when pulmonary embolism is suspected, etc.
.. cope and is considered a suspected arrhythmic syncope.
.. 19. Re-evaluate the diagnostic process and consider alternative therapies
Diagnosis: subsequent investigations .. if the above rules fail or are not applicable to an individual patient.
9. Perform prolonged ECG monitoring (external or implantable) in .. Bear in mind that Guidelines are only advisory. Even though they are
.. based on the best available scientific evidence, treatment should be
patients with recurrent severe unexplained syncope who have all of ...
the following three features: .. tailored to an individual patient’s need.
 Clinical or ECG features suggesting arrhythmic syncope. ..
 A high probability of recurrence of syncope in a reasonable time. ..
 Who may benefit from a specific therapy if a cause for syncope is
.. 11. Gaps in evidence and areas for
found. .. future research
10. Perform EPS in patients with unexplained syncope and bifascicular
.. Clinicians responsible for managing patients with TLOC must fre-
BBB (impending high-degree AV block) or suspected tachycardia. ..
11. Perform an exercise stress test in patients who experience syncope
.. quently make treatment decisions without adequate evidence or a
.. consensus of expert opinion. The following is a short list of selected,
during or shortly after exertion. ..
12. Consider basic autonomic function tests (Valsalva manoeuvre and
.. common issues that deserve to be addressed in future clinical
.. research.
deep-breathing test) and ABPM for the assessment of autonomic ..
function in patients with suspected neurogenic OH. ..
13. Consider video recording (at home or in hospital) of TLOC sus- .. Diagnosis: the gap between the best
pected to be of non-syncopal nature. .. available scientific evidence and the need
Treatment .. for the dissemination of these concepts
.. into clinical practice
14. To all patients with reflex syncope and OH, explain the diagnosis, .. There is wide variation in the practice of syncope evaluation, and
reassure, explain the risk of recurrence, and give advice on how to ..
.. wide variation in the adoption of recommendations from pub-
avoid triggers and situations. These measures are the cornerstone of .. lished guidelines. The absence of a systematic approach to TLOC
treatment and have a high impact in reducing the recurrence of ..
.. incurs higher health and social care costs, unnecessary hospitaliza-
syncope. .. tions and diagnostic procedures, prolongation of hospital stays,
15. In patients with severe forms of reflex syncope, select one or more of ..
.. lower diagnostic rates, and higher rates of misdiagnoses and symp-
the following additional specific treatments according to the clinical .. tom recurrence.
features: ..
.. Therefore, there is a need for:
 Midodrine or fludrocortisone in young patients with low BP ..
phenotype. .. 1) Large clinical studies that assess the diagnostic yield and compliance of a
 Counter-pressure manoeuvres (including tilt training if needed) in .. guideline-based standardized systematic approach
young patients with prodromes. ..
 ILR-guided management strategy in selected patients without .. Despite the recommendation from the ESC Guidelines on syncope,
or with short prodromes. .. syncope units are not widely established in clinical practice. Barriers to
 Discontinuation/reduction of hypotensive therapy targeting a .. establishing a syncope unit include lack of resources, lack of trained
systolic BP of 140 mmHg in old hypertensive patients.
.. dedicated staff, and complex presentations to multiple settings, necessi-
 Pacemaker implantation in old patients with dominant .. tating involvement from multiple disciplines. The evidence for the use-
cardioinhibitory forms.
.. fulness of syncope units is controversial.

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56 ESC Guidelines

Therefore, there is a need for: .. Therefore, there is strong urgent need for RCTs on the efficacy of:
2) Large clinical studies that test the superiority of management in a dedicated .. 4) Pharmacological therapies targeted to specific subgroups of reflex syncope.
syncope facility vs. conventional management .. 5) Pacemaker therapy targeted to specific subgroups of cardioinhibitory reflex
.. syncope.
.. 6) Pharmacological therapies of OH-mediated syncope.
Diagnosis: the need for new diagnostic ..
.. 7) ICD therapy targeted to specific subgroups of patients with unexplained syn-
tests and devices .. cope at risk of SCD.
BP recording is crucial for the majority of clinical TLOC situations ..
and will yield important information for the treatment of syncope. ..
Unfortunately, current long-term BP (or surrogate) recording sys- ..
tems are not optimal for diagnostic use in the syncope evaluation .. Treatment: the need for new therapies
setting. ..
.. There is a need to move towards personalized medicine. Improving
Therefore, there is a need for: .. our knowledge of the biochemical mechanisms underlying specific
3) Development and validation of new diagnostic multiparametric devices that .. forms of reflex syncope will allow the development of new therapies
.. in such specific settings. For example, a low adenosine phenotype
can record heart rhythm and BP (and possibly other physiological parameters ..
such as cerebral saturation or EEG) at the time of a syncopal event. .. and a low norepinephrine phenotype have been recently identified.
.. Therefore, there is a need for:
Treatment: lack of evidence of efficacy of .. 8) Randomized clinical trials on the efficacy of theophylline (and other xantine
most available therapies .. antagonists) for low adenosine syncope and norepinephrine transport inhibi-
Only a few small RCTs have been conducted on treatment of syncope. .. tors for low epinephrine syncope.
In addition, syncopal recurrences are unpredictable and often decrease .. Syncope is a transient phenomenon. The ideal therapy should be
spontaneously after medical assessment, even in the absence of a specific ..
.. one that is administered only when needed.
therapy. The consequence of the spontaneous decrease is that any ther- .. Therefore, there is a need for:
apy for syncope prevention appears to be more effective than it actually ..
is, making the results of observational data on therapy questionable in .. 9) Randomized clinical trials of on-demand administration of specific therapy
the absence of a control group. No therapy can be effective for all
.. based on specific sensors similar to adrenalin injectors in asthma or nasal
patients. Any therapy should be assessed in homogeneous subgroups. . spray for paroxysmal SVT.

12. ‘What to do’ and ‘what not to do’ messages from the Guidelines

Recommendations Class Level

Diagnostic criteria with initial evaluation

VVS is highly probable if syncope is precipitated by pain, fear, or standing, and is associated with typical progressive pro-
drome (pallor, sweating, and/or nausea).8,13–17

Situational reflex syncope is highly probable if syncope occurs during or immediately after specific triggers listed in Table 3.8,13–17 I C

Syncope due to OH is confirmed when syncope occurs while standing and there is concomitant OH.18–24 I C

Arrhythmic syncope is highly probable when the ECG shows25–39:

• Persistent sinus bradycardia <40 b.p.m. or sinus pauses >3 s in the awake state and in the absence of physical training.
• Mobitz II second- and third-degree AV block.
• Alternating left and right BBB. I C
• VT or rapid paroxysmal SVT.
• Non-sustained episodes of polymorphic VT and long or short QT interval.
• Pacemaker or ICD malfunction with cardiac pauses.

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ESC Guidelines 57

Management of syncope in the ED

It is recommended that patients with low-risk features, likely to have reflex or situational syncope or syncope due to OH,
are discharged from the ED.27,35,36,49–54,58,62,69

It is recommended that patients with high-risk features receive an early intensive prompt evaluation in a syncope unit or in
an ED observation unit (if available), or are hospitalized.26,27,35,36,44–46,50,55–57,59,60,70–76

It is recommended that patients who have neither high- nor low-risk features are observed in the ED or in a syncope unit
instead of being hospitalized.40,63–65,77


CSM is indicated in patients >40 years of age with syncope of unknown origin compatible with a reflex mechanism.92–94 I B

CSS is confirmed if CSM causes bradycardia (asystole) and/or hypotension that reproduces spontaneous symptoms, and
patients have clinical features compatible with a reflex mechanism of syncope.89,90,92,93,98–102

Active standing

Intermittent determination by sphygmomanometer of BP and HR while supine and during active standing for 3 min are indi-
cated at initial syncope evaluation.20,103,104

Syncope due to OH is confirmed when there is a fall in systolic BP from a baseline value >_20 mmHg, diastolic BP >_10
mmHg, or a decrease in systolic BP to <90 mmHg that reproduces spontaneous symptoms.6,20,103,104

ECG monitoring

Immediate in-hospital monitoring (in bed or by telemetry) is indicated in high-risk patients (defined in Table 6). I C

ILR is indicated in an early phase of evaluation in patients with recurrent syncope of uncertain origin, absence of high-risk
criteria (listed in Table 6), and a high likelihood of recurrence within the battery life of the device.175,176,181–184,202, I A
Supplementary Data Table 5

ILR is indicated in high-risk (criteria listed in Table 6) patients in whom a comprehensive evaluation did not demonstrate a
cause of syncope or lead to a specific treatment, and who do not have conventional indications for primary prevention ICD I A
or pacemaker indication. , Supplementary Data Tables 5 and 6

Arrhythmic syncope is confirmed when a correlation between syncope and an arrhythmia (bradyarrhythmia or tachyar-
rhythmia) is detected.172,184–186,188,200


In patients with syncope and previous myocardial infarction or other scar-related conditions, EPS is indicated when syncope
remains unexplained after non-invasive evaluation.218

In patients with unexplained syncope and bifascicular BBB, a pacemaker is indicated in the presence of either a baseline H-V
interval of >_70 ms, second- or third-degree His-Purkinje block during incremental atrial pacing, or with pharmacological I B

In patients with unexplained syncope and previous myocardial infarction or other scar-related conditions, it is recom-
mended that induction of sustained monomorphic VT is managed according to the current ESC Guidelines for VA.46

In patients without structural heart disease with syncope preceded by sudden and brief palpitations, it is recommended that
the induction of rapid SVT or VT, which reproduces hypotensive or spontaneous symptoms, is managed with appropriate I C
therapy according to the current ESC Guidelines.46,222


Echocardiography is indicated for diagnosis and risk stratification in patients with suspected structural heart disease.235,236 I B

Exercise testing

Exercise testing is indicated in patients who experience syncope during or shortly after exertion. I C

Syncope due to second- or third-degree AV block is confirmed when the AV block develops during exercise, even without

Reflex syncope is confirmed when syncope is reproduced immediately after exercise in the presence of severe hypotension.250–252 I C

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58 ESC Guidelines

Treatment of reflex syncope

Explanation of the diagnosis, provision of reassurance, and explanation of the risk of recurrence and the avoidance of trig-
gers and situations are indicated in all patients. Supplementary Data Table 10

Beta-adrenergic blocking drugs are not indicated.279,280 III A

Cardiac pacing is not indicated in the absence of a documented cardioinhibitory reflex. III B

Treatment of OH

Explanation of the diagnosis, provision of reassurance, and explanation of the risk of recurrence and the avoidance of trig-
gers and situations are indicated in all patients.

Adequate hydration and salt intake are indicated.310,311 I C

Treatment of syncope due to cardiac arrhythmias

Cardiac pacing is indicated when there is an established relationship between syncope and symptomatic

Cardiac pacing is indicated in patients with intermittent/paroxysmal intrinsic third- or second-degree AV block (including
AF with slow ventricular conduction), although there is no documentation of a correlation between symptoms and ECG.

Cardiac pacing is not indicated in patients when there are reversible causes for bradycardia. III C

Cardiac pacing is indicated in patients with syncope, BBB, and a positive EPS or ILR-documented AV block.188,217 I B

Catheter ablation is indicated in patients with syncope due to SVT or VT in order to prevent syncope recurrence. I C

An ICD is indicated in patients with syncope due to VT and ejection fraction <_35%.46 I A

An ICD is indicated in patients with syncope and previous myocardial infarction who have VT induced during EPS.218 I C

ICD indications in patients with unexplained syncope and left ventricular systolic dysfunction

ICD therapy is recommended to reduce SCD in patients with symptomatic heart failure (NYHA class II–III) and LVEF
<_35% after >_3 months of optimal medical therapy, who are expected to survive for >_1 year with good functional status.46 I A
systolic dysfunction

Syncope in patients with comorbidity and frailty

A multifactorial evaluation and intervention is recommended in older patients because more than one possible cause for
syncope and unexplained fall may be present.33,372–374,376–380

Neurological evaluation

Neurological evaluation is indicated when syncope is suspected to be epilepsy or due to autonomic failure to evaluate the
underlying disease.

AF = atrial fibrillation; AV = atrioventricular; BBB = bundle branch block; BP = blood pressure; b.p.m. = beats per minute; CSM = carotid sinus massage; CSS = carotid sinus syn-
drome; ECG = electrocardiogram; ED = emergency department; EPS = electrophysiological study; ESC = European Society of Cardiology; HR = heart rate; ICD = implantable
cardioverter defibrillator; ILR = implantable loop recorder; LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction; NYHA = New York Heart Association; OH = orthostatic hypotension;
SCD = sudden cardiac death; SVT = supraventricular tachycardia; VA = ventricular arrhythmia; VT = ventricular tachycardia; VVS = vasovagal syncope.

13. Supplementary Data and Web ..
14. Appendix
Practical Instructions ..
.. ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (CPG): Stephan
.. Windecker (Chairperson) (Switzerland), Victor Aboyans (France),
Supplementary Data with additional Web Tables complementing the ..
full text, and an additional Web Practical Instructions document— .. Stefan Agewall (Norway), Emanuele Barbato (Italy), Héctor Bueno
.. (Spain), Antonio Coca (Spain), Jean-Philippe Collet (France), Ioan
with a glossary containing definitions of syncope and related concepts ..
with tracings, videos, flow charts, and checklists—are available on the .. Mircea Coman (Romania), Veronica Dean (France), Victoria Delgado
.. (The Netherlands), Donna Fitzsimons (UK), Oliver Gaemperli
European Heart Journal website and via the ESC Website at www. .. .. (Switzerland), Gerhard Hindricks (Germany), Bernard Iung
.. (France), Peter Jüni (Canada), Hugo Albert Katus (Germany), Juhani

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ESC Guidelines 59

.. 3. Alboni P, Alboni M. Vasovagal syncope. Heidelberg: Springer; 2015. p3–17.

Knuuti (Finland), Patrizio Lancellotti (Belgium), Christophe ..
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